WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 2.7, 1948 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS JGKSJG Miss Mattie Best iaft during the week in Akron, Ohio, when: she will visit Mrs Dorothy Williams Atkinson. Mrs. Neihe Bryant and daughter. Wilhelmina have returned home rur visiting roa t lives and friends in New York and Newark, N J- J T. Collins, director of the community center, is oallinv? for all persons who are interested in .joining or organizing n commun ity choral club to contact him at the center. This will be a corn muni tv project made up >f ail the chut ces in tne city and pr to be a very fine nroject Then tort the c ttwt triity should suppm t Mr Collins in helping to make this pi •■jocf a success, kart Lock hart, duector „J Choir No. 2 Fir st African Baptist Church, will train and. direct the g: -up. The fir't meeting of th :• group was held at the ce iter Thursday, September 16. Miss Laima Foster, and Horny Watscn. arc helping in making the teenage soc ial at the center cvci v 1 nurseffly night <) -- Between 100 and lf>o person* were present on Thursday evening The city and county scum.:., opened Monday, Septmber 1-5. v - !| enrollment skttlitlv lowc: tam it. -aas last yea:, oct aiiM oi ■ harvesting of the c- >ps andi the poli •- epidemic- Kast-End school of which' Prof. \V. A. Fostbv. principal leads tin- city school lor increase in enrollment, sane - must of the children arc piirnaix atnl dement ar y students Mis Hildah S. Dove wa; honored with a m birthday party at her home by !-- sen. the Bov. I- rede rick ;) Dove, Guests present were Tin Re-' B !■ Rr.k, Mi-scinme.s Sopme Joyner. 1 h.o - itv Baines, Bettic -5 Nixon. th<- Rev. W. A Jlk-S*. Mi.s Bookie Kelley, Mr and Mr- Jami L Jones. Ka'u N>‘!-»r.. l.uella Lew is. Theresa Brvt-i Mary Daniels. Georgia is Wvs Lula M. ( # ley, Robert:: Wdiau- s .V.- .Tame-. S;v - it. i Jam os W<-. :.•!■ The Reverend Mr Dove poured the punch avusted t«v Me:,dam- ■ Lewis. Bryant, and Colev The group m; v. •: .. Iwe y evening. Le : Best of Philadelphia has returned home after vl :smg his mot.m Mrs Flize B--st at 512 Mason Street. CONVOCATION SLATED The Fifty Fourth Annual Conveyution of The United Holy j Church of America, Inc. fSeut.-iern District! wi• -cony, u* at the Bible Training Institute 500 Gurley Street, G. cdsboro. N. t.. September 19-26. Bishop G- J. Branch ami his congregation arc making great plans for* the housing and the entertainment of the eovocalion. ' Between 500 and 1000 delegate- from all pa; is of the e'-unto ' expected to -ittend. Bish G .1 Biam i. DD„ p esident. Bp \V. M Clements, vice presi-kwl. To- cvnv'xntion includes !; ' r ■ Mates of Virginia. North Cm ni .me T - . 1 1 . Alabama: Louisiana , and Tennessee. A great program has been arranged for all session;- - . Th -.w :■* appear on program during tin (’"nyor.stion -a. ons a re: Bi;*:u.»p G J. Branch. Goldsboro. Bishop \V M. Clement =. Richmond, Virginia. The Reverend M W. Morgan, paste-! Fiv.-t African Baptist Church, Goldsboro; Bishrp E. B. L\ Philadelphia: Bishop H H Hair- . ♦ ton, th( Rv\ err-, i Mrs A D M > tin |!< •, >■ mb Tan ( I- -is<-: pnd Dean William Houston, Ji The citizens of Goldsboro and Wave.- county are behind Bishop Branch 100 percent m order to that th* ’• legates and frmnn.i who come to Goldsboro have n happy md pl'-a-snnt stay while in the city All dele-act*- wilt net their mi a.-•• in the dining ru./m of the Goldsboro Tabernacle Church. Scouts from Tioop No. 108 B >y Scouts of America will be on hand to serve the c-anv ,-eatoin. LEGION DELEGATES RETURN Mrs. Aggie M. Forks George E Wilson. Zncharv Holland. Thomas King, and F. A Thornton have returned home f:otn Ashe viite. where they attended the three .lav scssi n of the state cun vention of the American Legi ; • Division Six. Caotain Johrt R. Weslc-, of KunapMU. -late Chap lain T H. Hair.mc of Oxford historian; Attorney .1. S; Bowser ->i » Charlotte. Judge advocate E A Thorn! n wis elected Cam mander of District No. 1 and war appointed to the executive < >m mitten- George F. Wilson was appointed ILstvi.t J athletic officer end Mis. Aggie M. Forbs w.v, elected stale cr-i-msDcnding secroiaiy f the American Legion Auxiliary. The delegation reported that the convention was one of the best in the history of the American i tLegion- The 1949 convent:* will be h.-'d ir. Raleigh. Mr and Mrs. Eddie Whitfield of Route 1, Dudley, announce the birth of a son at 8:36 p.ir- September 14. ;>< the Goldsboro TI >s pital. Mr. and Mrs Thome- IT. Brvant. f: 11 W Pine Street announce the birth of a son at 5:30 p m at the GoVK-born Hospital. The mMh ers and sons are getting along nicely. The Reverend B. L- Rich, pastor of Antioch Baptist Cioirch. was honored by the numDC-i of the chinch with a surprise birthday party Sundae, September 12. *>t which time he was recipient of a purs.- f $94 25 as a .sift from friends and member- Out of town guests wer* the Rcvr rend end Mrs. D, M. Mil's.hell, Mrs- Ev< • "He of Clint -n, T-.e Reverends Mill" and McAllister, M-- and Mrs. Nick Rich. Mi and Mrs. L IT Rich. Airs. Marion Powell. Mrs Georgia E. ITnsic--, Thomas Boykins. Mrs Brewing ton and Miss Mable Powell, .vl f Clinton N orth Carolina- Mrs. Lizzie -Houston of Chicago, Illinois and Mrs Loraine Hooks of Pontiac Michigan. Tbd r.i ,-,.i-ntati-.m ■ ■ tin purse wa • mad- by the Reverend D M Mitchell. The children of the late Mrs Sophia Peacock wi:-h; to thank Mends. white and colored for Rich- words of svmpathi and kind deeds shown follcwine ll™- iiriii'ituiixmu.t. YOU WILL FIND newest' STYLES THE WEEK IN GOLDSBORO By E. A. THORNTON SECOND SECTION new nQROPA vjv/LI/ ijDUlvO The Free mt -nt ]t > *! i .School ■■s- --1 - <•.) it fall nod witrici i*- on Mon day, Kepternbo: 13. wilh a '.■ a.-• - decrease in "nrolln cm fimi- ’ \ rnr Pr< f. J . F 1 ‘rouritie. priuc. pa)., says blot the feels that the - eh-'-:! ,;ttc',d;.i)t( •-■••i 1! !c- up to nor mal 00-. v -u a few wcoii- -iftoi- the nci .-.f the harvest sci-son. Tin faculty and student.-, arc .-.-gjr.--.ii.,: :,i file it- v.-n In i-c."d hr- in. l s Member,. :•! ihe !acuity d tia" Fiecrr,-ot i ltf.tr Schoo! ;uc ns fol low An.-. Wayne li I'.ar-. r-f GMJs'.-oro; Mi LiU'aa L Clterry. Ruleigb: Mr Sima 1- VMi . Sfanionsbur--. Aii-; Mable F. Fine troidsh*-!-..; Miss Cclcstn M WM-Chcac*. Kim ('ey. Mi K-t.as Newborn LaGrango; Mr.- i-l- ; tar.v attire- dec .rated with many y-r\ i** .t. .r> .- Tb -* att* ,iding the 1 veptum vs* ; M: and M-s. F W W:, : kers-. .. New York City. Mr. and Al. Ja- s Kaynoi of Waah i mgton, D. C , imother and sister-in-law of the groom. Mr. and Ms.-.. Jam..-' M William.-- *.f Washing:-.:;, fi c. The Rcvei. nd and Mr,, J W Will Cm -:. Yv-and J■ .* j-n \Y Jr; Mr. F. M :-Singleton of Weld -n. Mis. (h-r. W. M, F, 1, S'.ade. Mis* Helen T. W.-nie, and Mrs Mr.ble Ellis, ot Wilson. North Carolina. |Ms and M • 0 M: Ca: s:-'-. a,' ! i’me,.,ps. M M ! b-isuti-. Mis i Mao D li- hue-., and Up- Reverend L. E. Raspberry of K Ist-an, I Mss. Leas F: Parks, mother of the bride: L. G. Ravnos father of ihe gream: Mi and Mis. Johnn. Thompson, Mr u:-d ;.V! K A .Th rnton, Mr and Mr.-: F. L. La-Kin, M.: and M - E 1. Glenn; Mrs- Jesse Smith, Ms and Mrs. Charles Gunter, Ms and Mrs; Joe N. Hama: -n. Mi and M. -\. I’> Real. M: F’sanc:.- i\*■ i<' . , l.siui.- L: Tiiompson. Me- J-. • \ - Bur.-. \. Mi. and M:.- J. L. Sait:. Mrs: If: C: Strike. Ms. A. M I-'.M- . \L : E: L DubisrH.c. Psof<-ss'-i 11. V. Rs-cvp. VJ . B. K. Cap'. M; M B H miu r, !Mi -. Geneva li. Hamiltan, S J B: , Mrs. K . W S, . M: and M . F W: Hardy, .Mrs. K loti Greta Mi-'uc, M !-. ■): Smith, and M. .leanrue Neivsi-ino. Captain and M:s. Ravn;.: are both graduate': of I.'iHard High ckoo! Mrs Rayne ■ ittt-ia'cd W:ust A..!-a. S'a(e Tcachnv i'*ol iege. w licrc she complotod .* two *<- *: toa-'h*.; •• training course. Stic ;•■'ccivr-fl her B S. Regret frooi N.’inr-i a Ije-iiliitc •.:** her M isle* '•'• leg;<-<- from the Atlanta Umv S* r-n of S'V'i.d Work. At pres, l td she is employed as \ cas* waster m the W 1 Isnti County Depar! - ment of Public Welfare. Captain Raynor > a evadunte a 11.-ward tadversity Washing ton, D- C He ai.as a is. • pit: ■-:* *1 g* .<-iua;*- work a - A-a'a'-aan Univc-r si:v. Wa. Inngton, D. C. lie is sld; .--un th-. Cn ka Sim* Army and a at present rlsti.-ne-i Ni a Yo k C:t> as h: hr.id.- tile onK all NVy 11 Recruiting Gil: c- i *■■ * - 1-n: t - ; *f Bta! * ■;:. Miss Mu nett.-s Wooten, mem be- ■ \ d. ■ a : , *.. ; *,- . m Greenville. North Cctrwma was tie- -■'• ■ s-d -.ok c a YI. ... Wul !iet Mae Tax'd.: on c -p Sto'-'k AT ; ■- - Wmr; sraduat-- of Dillard High ehool and received hi! it Adi-ma iYnm Virginia State Collec. T’< b . ,burg. V*. nm, ! , 1 J: - Mi o Minni- wl CM- .-mu- Wil!-..-,! Ip Nr * i so - r ;n . v., f i v . gm ;!> of Mt. ..rid Mis F. A ..of.. - . 0., , JK , to: ed to Roietsi*' on Tiu sdav 0 : - tit* \ip ,j tv j ,e .. WE OFFER A Foij" UNiFof FIFE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARK INTERESTKD SN ONE SFK A REPRESENTATIVE OR C. Al l. THE DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST., GOLDSBORO C ( SPAULDING, President L. K. W!M.!AMS-Distnct -L B. I'AFT-Assistant Manager SSOO mm DELIVERS A Bendix Washer TO YOUR HOME THIS OFFER GOOD TILL SEPTEMBF-R 20 ( - ■ .. ‘ - !if ■ k lii \ j PAW N - ki'-' /'A 1 ' ", 1 , - gfl j !fj Si li IK "■“a m ■ \> d Ida J .• "'Jr SrANPARS MOOES, pj l,yx* ROY 8. SYKES 8199.95 $219.95 Electric Sales & Service Co. Ltd* 205 East Walnut St. Phone 365 Or See ROY 8. SYKES AT 708 HOLT ST, TIE Hi MPMTMEM'TSTtf FREEMONT Pet Lev J.-ckr-ofiville; Miss Mvrtle I. I -i i Bricks: Viliam D. Wi-k'.er. Durham: Prof J. F Cru eu'iie Minin’ O'ixc. principal. Pi of Ciomolie i> a *.raduaU of Sh;r,v Umveri-lty with the B S degree V'lilu- T. T.iOinpson, has returned h r. - um.; Ids son. Hebert TI ris.i-s mi. " Wa l'ilt;. - .f. H C T. e '.il ia Maye.or P - 's'-.. Air.w-k.i-- f.ci.inu of utviran .Six fr !>:n l.mee’ t 1 North Carolina wilt have 11".',tar meeting on Man ia. ... ' Seplenu'c; 2V. . t 8.00. All me;-'- * r,- in e urge-tl )«> S.e are r.e* a II . Murphy. Go; . e-.rm Pe!:x Mur!- a Jr Nashvi.M: Vt'ntmm F -i-::' UKtrir: Commander K. A. I ho’on. if * P-idsbaio be pm - GOI. D SBOR O, N. C. THE CAROLINIAN sent to .vklrc the group. Ell Montgomery, commander. The family of me late Mrs IVI-n - '"0 Kdmundson who passed >n Th'.ii -day. Heptcmhei ftth v. is! to ackftowlodge with grateful up- P.' -■* ‘. al-* ■- - ihe kind *. Api'v-ssiori.. ol sympattiy. Beginning .September 23 tlio CARCd.INfAN \v:!| be on : dr by onto members of the- senior ciasK at F’-ccnv-id lUg)i S c 1 a>,:■ y.a jf you should fail to act your CAR • »»t«IN!AN, see sonic meinfn':- of If if: aeh i "a- class at Frcciv.ont .i-i i i t Scha-aP and your CAROLINIAN will be brought to you. Pf( i):iv-(l L. rfeva id the US Air Force* has returned >.) I.i.a Ik. a. 'Fla., ,- i pcndit-r, .. t',i ay. furlough n iih his parents. Odcii Cody, miu of Thcmas Co ''as teen disdiarged f-uin irn U S. Marino C-.'irps alt: r compiot iip: liis enlistment. Hr- icrved it - iiinp Lej.-nb'e. Cuba. Pu -i to Ri. o Virgn. lb. i.ds at-d osh<-r j.ia--t, -f d'-o C.iribbC-atfs lie plans to :d . :udit at Uanii-tii:- Ila'i- A aumbe-r of lue tu-ta .June ;;:;ul '.lales If-ti (.ar: 11 r. tin \v*’ck 1-> ■ ; tee ■( ! i-vi ut. H,.. various .-*i6-gc uyhi-ut tic state Mr anc: Mi . MPdou R<-M ,lr :ue ' i.iflcnt s ;:i North P’;,, oliii., Pb,|- Durh.Jm, : Stoju. f.oni Tioops jio. t . no;' 1 '■ 11 at: Olh e: tali K.i : . ; 162. Kiiitcy; and 163. Frccn'im:. vPI spend the -.seek end nr CiKiip Pa- i' -S, b-aao-a ,7 it*. Am- -s l -c- X. fiabd .acoul 1 acecu;atoiip ' xvhl: the .Scout iri.t:■ *r■ r- will t>c 10 a-v.-roof the camnia.: aetiv .1 :c-- ; The rii-pac ;o -a ~. x>.p:;n}/in 1 k- o; ( - ;■:( i"|l of (',; ■)•,,) 1.1 (•: .-I . am V. -day. S,•;,:!< re,tv . ! coded by if M Lucu, aad i. U VV 31 iI • 1 -:i 1•; ..r M*'.;d:h :<• TP- ,Pa,,. tit i-cii !hrn - h Octob-r i;> , 1 time -hr amount j* hope" have been ; aiseti Every e.tiz, >i )a Wa' ni» Johnson, i-aai;.: ..>l. Sampson Counties is ursed to . -a port this worthy pr- . r,,..) ): p Lucu • is chalrm.m of iM-unu CODS nit I GO t fATI! VI. 11l SCHOOL ( • 1 H:.. 1-. a- :. p. ' V V! ft* -a!;, rd! - if-ci[:sI, ■ .jviisU ,\P-.. day. C< ptm.-Sci;p with a -llch’ .car Prr.'iiisc <.f t: <- earl." har\ <-»! • ui,: us the cut- Since Cetera! is ..aeti ir, the : urM d* ait -: :v .: ■ f the t hildrtn and slum at., m ti., high sc no"! -'.is' vc v iaisv ,a a -,v .: : 11. CKIC, U Colton ! K* i<:: 1 :, 1 t. soys that m a w*-*•;< two as won ns p. . ; .; ': c • etao pK-k*-:i I i>. u,*P' a. vv: ) b<’ :u school and Ihi cr.rotl -1 id will back io h-ibiPil Ti’*- lia-iiii,v ..nh. ; : i!,ici-.< .'u ..'.I :' 1 s*.hi'-rbs im • Central TliU* School Di.'Jrict ;,r* verv iu-v now, &maem / It y ‘ V ' • ■; - v . * w:m ' '«■' -■> 'k-m-Hve; adjliMi J iiv ‘wiiduv- j s j•. ot ITS/i!, I. !> . (Hr- ;. ’ :i:du 4 t ;.,i Ml-; VV'UK'L La-km ■‘ x 11; ; r r-ir.’ VYjroa r --Ui, Mitu n S 3 nidi ion- :h , :l io hint i! Hh *: !!■,'. .-erond ’.,id • ' ' 1 C ? J, il-')i 1 E j)'ui int ;j? ui A• ; • L\TcKinr)k\ •k i*'.r!i:;aJ Mi Al-» ! ;;i Whitfield, • 3ciK>ul comjmh *itv ft r*'» v-»ry nrond ! * f iVof It, '*■' "! TV*-/' * : for the vpkv frr.c work they ; done ;^l ;t.'o d">ii;g z,\ CftUru! | Ht&h Sei too! m cojnnv'tini’ v. ■ -"i *" i:V iS v - : 1 : COT'*. SIS* >‘i. | i inf? and }“i i v 4 '‘;t) j4»i* vh'} I*** * ■ K't :v ) hi ! : :.. . i.>.i Fo ■- j j !-a.vkc*i ~H ■ r.isorn Norfii i C .'l - , 1 . Till’ {■■•-]■ ■ , . . from Central T! ir:h ;■> >1 |fj4B ! ■ten for (iun;o |ho pasti ivrek; Mi... Wlihi-hniii.i Yclvortoii. i ■S-aV r ;H'brr (■ ! F;i . lit - j vilio: Ml.- i>,•; Th .. nv.-i*!). Win: - fo-n-SnU-m Si.v • Tivcix-rs Colley, | '.Vil. Salem; Mi s Mum.e Wm boro, I \[ i- Ri'tl-i S w it; on, Si j . Hospital. i,v; Kr-iii : :- ;i. , Si , ! ;>3. lho member:-- n: {hr .-c |.j umicr j the direnion of Mi-.- Th«.-rcw» J j Ware will .mi ;‘ e CABOT,INTAN. j U TO LO \i\ S j Wayne finance To. ; "i»i?!vr i.\ iit borrow i bunts a Ash Sts plum. !1 i D r V Wood For Sole at Jill Times— Fret,-, Pie» < Branch, who K di rrrting the IVdy-foiirth annual ecuvii!\i’ ion of tin t nifed Holy f'/surrh !,i .mcfit » tn:\, which •i ill rii held in Goldsboro during the week ot September l'> 2d. Your Credit Is Good At' J 4^ FURNITURE ••>f 1 7 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO Cl OTjff VO! K i A MU, V ON c i; f, i) i r | KAi) !N ' it; east u mat t Southerland Grill i 01.0 OH INKS AND BEER 2?I WEST I i\i STREET ADDS! f (HI, pi-op lor Trompl Courteous Servlet: FOYE’S BARBER SHOT -105 sorra james sx ODU.EE I OYE. Prop. The Green Parrott 327 SO! TH JAMES ST HOME COOKED I OOP BEER WENT; SODA Mrs. M. S, Priming-ton, M»r Moore's Grocery Ml BH AND SI IT- FREsil COE NTR\ PRODUCTS 505 CREEi II STREET I lu.DERKTi MOORE, Prop KJGKSJ I DU. T WATCH. CLOCK' AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Eastern Carolina Precision Works 117 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO SERVICE DRY CLEANERS j Cor. S. James and Elm Sts. Branch Oitica N. John St. ONE DAY SERVICE We Specialize In Women's Silk Drosses and Whit* Sweater! PHONE 1579-R Goldsboro Merchants And Business Persons Made Shis Page Pos sible. Give Them 1 our Trade. For First Class Service Visit THE SERVICE BARBER SHOP Goldsboro Street Freemount, N. C Willie A. Thompson. Prop, QUALITY BICYCLE SHOP Packard Bicycles, Keys Made Locks Repaired. Motor Bikes and Lawn Mowers Repaired 211 N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 1326 LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Qifico cf Christian Aid Mutual Buvail Ass'n. Inc, Free mount, N C. Phene 3161 J. W. Lee, Prop. THE BLUE FRONT CAFE Home Cocked Food Meals Served at all Hours Cold Drinks, and Ice Cream Goldsboro Street Freemount, N, C. PRICE JEWELER Watch Repair Watch Master Service Watches. Diamonds, Jewelry 102 E. Mulberry St. Phone 1752 J, Goldsboro, N, C. GOLDSBORO COLORED FLORIST Designs, Sprays. Potted Plants Natural Flowers Telephone 2394-W Mrs, A. E. Atkinson. Mgr. 200 B fog den Si LOOK!LOOK! Bry.yjit-Best Post No. 215 American Legion Presents The Gaskin Spiritual Singers And The Southern Stars ot Goldsßcro, N. C, In A Battle of Songs Sunday, Sept. 19th B o. m, DII LARD HIGH SCHOuL AUDITORIUM Goldsboro, N, C. Admission 50c -85 c SUTTON - LEWIS Furni tu r c Com pa n y 174 F. Mulberry St. Reasonable Prices In FURNITURE OF QUALITY THOMPSON'S SITE!: WASH VN D S! I I hi K\ 1(1 I,AT \IU» V :*«.> \ JOHN ST. • ! HS. 35c ITT! M\< HINT Mrs. Pearl Smith. Mgrs. ini! Di s.inors dinners STOP VT Nicky s Soda Shoppe 333 s. .1 WH S ST. \ SPECIAI TY I AERY l»\V Moye's Grocery I ancy -niff Staple Crocrries Ennis ,trnl % i juJablrs 401 SO! MI JAMES ST. PHONE 0134 Chib El Morocco One Mile Out Mount Olivo Higrhway 117 !lom<’ Cooked I'ood »nd Rn r Open Sundays 4 p. rn.-2 a. m. Week Days 7 p. m.-2 a. m Silver Moon Bar NET KINDS OE SOFT DRINKS BEER 2211 VC PINE STREET ALEX SWIFT, Mgr, HIGH GRADE PIANOS AT A BARGAIN NEW & USED Clay’s Piano Exchange •439. Ea.A Eirn St. Goldsboro, N. C. Phono 1408-W YOU WILL GET BEST.VALUES PAGE SEVEN