PAGE TWO ?“• . ... K i Oi N't . Oii:: , :■/> V/FS • Am ir'.'-BAND, ! ■ 1 !. < i!ion«'i s vs ■■ i i-H 1 STREDvVT-”K ANDj ■, «*i REDWI, K. ’OH N! ■i t i j\\ ) i. i. ) v'/IFE, BEA j ■ ; MR El V, 1' I. CARPIEi i . k'. Ai.‘: widow, and MAR'/ 1 :.i,d husband If (a iinv, aria; i hen- vi lamer Hall or! . 'i.i j int.vested in tlie ! .. .. i, l,i:r* matter described, j - ... t.ann- Leir.g unknown, H<-- i ~dcTu: ~ | . tv 1 1 oi.detit 1 :' John JutredwicE . n Bl jt *. u-f St.i tdwicfc; ’. ai . il:.urn;, ,\..cj .■ Vs a; id Mary Hail h i L .iii'i, :i Oily. and tllE • ol i i. h it’ i-’ c has any, and A' v ! i l4 .j• ycisor.s in tin:■ ; - • . . vviuch au- the subject of• > jTucittu.iraj, tboif /Mines • ni« 11 will take ln>? ih..d a j *.i «.ti Cti tilt st*ed a a abov '• h •-) >. j ci: < on.niencea ir* tn.e raupcf ior ! o't t i Woke ‘ .usnty yt ha** ; i,; . to seil certain real estate • t it’ \• t i*.• 11 the above named pt j i-. i - and li. t: above named »v ; Or. ii £:• v- : \t ii ot.h» • reopen den: ~ 1i v id aili t. S 't i' € ufs.K-110 W K bCill £■ 1. .. i: Our i'S Oi £c»Kl 1C3.1 tstaiv, &8 : lEiiii iti common or having an j in k.:>\ in said veal, estate, san.t ve.J j : • :• ne i r:. iis i!oilo w a v- • . a lain tract of land, be-I • a Butler Street as a pond : ■ ’ .1- ... a j..; h of t' i intersection ' ij-iuf. r and Grant Street, xun-j ;-.ce in a westwaid duec ■ i'ci:!; running thence m a v direction ).0a feet to a corner of Lot Ho. 4t: cr.ce eastward 53C feet ne of Lot No 46 to a in- western side of But trow Chester Drive); ;i,'i!i:e in a northward tl.- li.tiler Street (now . i.)ri\c) 105 feet to the- point 1..a and being Lot No. 49 Son Domingo property, and , hat same property deeded .o os Hail In Book SO, page 140, .. o Deeds for Wake County. i , .aid respondents will or notice that they arc ■ .i ;o appear at the office : . ■ t the Superior Court of iVv.nty m the courthouse in North Carolina within after the 13th day of ' . . r . 1948, and answer or . i to the petition in said action the- pet it.-.oners will apply to the ■nr ;ir the relief demanded in :he : .id petition. 15'.. day of August. 1943 VV. G. IdORDECAI, Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County , i I ■ ' AKO*.IN A .. COUNTY HAVING QUALIFIED 13 Ad :icii!?! . u■■ v of the Estatr of the tifcv. :.t vv. Williams deceased, At a • f County, North Cute ...... :h; .. to n' j tis > ail persons s aya -1 the Estate oi ■ a.-'-:l (~ them to t. nod a-. ‘3H Fayetteville -oh, ,i: Carolina, o the 13'. -t.". 1 4 August ’ ■-.'■ i.. *nn! n.vfue -it • e pleaded . -'if "hen recover} All pet , to the Estate wui i jmmed»f:te payment. Vr;i- 13.0 day of August. 1848 Mrs. WiiiiNir.u. i *, linants. Adinii.istr;-. ix ..... 54, 21 25-Scpt 4, 11. 18. »-:Xfc< i fOH NOIRE IN 'flit SI'PEKIOH i OI’RT 1 NTH CAROLINA VvAKE COUNTY NOTIC'F HENRY JEFFRIES VS .tAt.GJK JEFFRIES Till: DEFENDANT. Maggie Jrf ... v : i take notice that an ac e.,tpled a: above has beet ... . in tht Superior Corn ■ ' ... County to obtain an ab iufdivorce on the froundf o ■ years separation as provider fho Statutes ot North Carolina ... 'iff nrul defendant, having liv pr.ratt and apart for rnori ■.. ban two years next proceeding th< in-fitution of this action; and tha u. d defendant will further tab i that she is required to ap I’C-ii rd the Office of the Clerk, o the Superior Court of Wake Coun t*. North Carolina, in -the court house In Raleigh, on the 27th da; i.; s ptembe-r, 1948. or within liven v'.y thereafter and answer o ... ;r to the complairit of said ac ;• the plaintiff will apply t for the relief demand .canplaint. day of August, 1948. AT T FN, Assistant of Superior Court JARNAGE, Attorney opt. 4. 11. 18. MANGER TO THE CROSS 24-HOUR SERVICE 32? EAST CABAKKItS ST. C A. HAYWOOD, Owner CHAVIS HEIGHTS !>V MAY 1. BHUAUII. tl Mr mid Mrs Z M Jones nt 72!! j *v ; I'.uth Blount SI reel spent last week l | end vein ti Km ids in Winston-Salem , Mrs mi; i Watkins or ti lie- j dei! 11-. lace lias ben confined with ; , i/- .. colei t,.it is reported betlei novV. Mis ( Hope and children have , i returned home atier spending :ne' ( . summei in Alabama with relatives ■ | and friends Jivr at 4 Gran (1 j viile Ten-.n i Mrs HeeU-i- i-ei r-ll of -t Chav*-. • A j Wit.v !.;■ btfc'n i.J and confined to 'bed loj four weeks nut hei many S ' inena s are fatp j. to learn That st.e u it. betu-i no . Tire Booker T Washington C‘iub T field 4- i - - ; . .a .. iit tin a.- tin day of; last 'it the home of Mrs John chavi oi East Eden ton Street. I ** ; a repasi »vai .served by the nos-! i h The elm; will meet Sunday at 0 ;1 00 p ro. at the home of Mr and 11 ivii . Josrs.ii Be- kvcith at 1502 Poolt- -' Road All offii’cis and luembe r-'- .uie urged tv. be prtsti.h All .( ... 11i u D*vi.s of 600 Foulh l* nng-mn Sttcet m:- rettined non it-, al;C; viJiUiig reiauvei and friend-. .s, Wmeh. -ru S c Mi': Juliette Ip ■-"s.aduy r f loi2 ; is evv Bel !. V e-uue it .1 J.l.Uei. 7 oi a i.ii. . i Hf.,sp.i,4 lit f.pi, li'' slit: li.t'/ Hoi'tviil Oi 3 il - Cie fen.a.' Pc.:, returned home alter 1: sevis! .4 weeks s.t coniiuetneni .i. ■ Duke Hospdai at Durhain .vi ; (.. hanes Rogers t.r oi I:. IN IHE SUPERIOR COER I ! NORTH i \4BOLINA W Ai-. E COUNTY NOTICE : VALLIE LOFTON , ' li I VS SAMUEL LOFTON . i THE DEFENDANT. Samuel Lot- ’ .•; ton. v.'ill rake notice that an action J entitled as above has been com- ,2 , | nienced in the Superior Court of i i Wake County to obtain an absolute ' jj divorce on the grounds of two i years *eparation as provided in the v ’! Statutes of North Carolina. plain- ’ , iff -nd dot end ant having lived . t paratc and a part lln more than c t two year- next proceeding tin- in- ? . sUiuhon oi the- action and tha! i J' . Maid defttsduiit will . furtiu-i take; i r l notice tnat ne r* required to appeal {•at the Office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Wake County. I North Carolina, in the Ccunhons. * . mur to the complaint -.4 said tn September 1948 or within tvverJy;. days the real’tr and answer in de- I o’- tli*- plaintiff w;il applv !ht* Court for the relief demand ed in said complain’. This 20th day of August. 1948 ! SARA ALLEN, Assistant Cf. j k ci ti.e Superior Court i .1 CARNAGE Attorney Aug M; I 11. i 8 ] INSTATE OF NORTH CAROLINA - : WAKE COUNTY .-;. tlavirig c,uahLed as Lxcoutor ox i tfic- 1 ;ta r e ox Mis Nannie iJunsto.-i c Sail Jf fS V- :...d i,. IV -.4 VVM - * , e ■ ounSy, North Carolina thi: *; io s: r.'-tify ait persons having claim-. r '• against the said estate to exhibit cl i the same to the Undersigned on ox before the 23rd day of August. ii j 5949, oi this notice wili be plead- , : rd bar cl their ivcover. Ail per- Mona indebted to said estate w.ti ; please r.iaK.e inunediaiv payment. Tim the 23rd day of August, 1948 W G MORDEOAI, CleiK of thi Superior Court 'Aug, 23 30 Sept C 13. 20, 27 IN' THE SUPERIOR COIEI i NORTH CAROLINA iIVAKK COUNTY ,N I >TIC E. iJUANITA FOGG JENNINGS VS. f |MACRO H JENNINGS ... ! THE DEFER DAN i' Maceo H. , r; ..) e-nmng:' .vili take notice Eat an , i .iction entitled a.-, above has been 3 „; commenced in the Superior Com ( ; of Wake County, to obtain an ab •d Isolate divorce on the grounds of a ' two y-ars spaiatioa as. provided in I the Slstutes ol North Carolina, re! plaint iff and defendant having liv -led reporave anti apan ior nnre a«. I than two vears next proceeding tin. institution oi this action and that. > raid defendant will fur'he: take riji.otio that h< is required i-. appeal ii-; at the office of the Ci>.:K of Ihe •t- 1 Superior Court of Wake County. iy : North Carolina, in the Courthouse a-jtn Ralegh, on the 18th day ct or!October 1048, oi within twenty e-jdays thereafter and answer or de to j mur to the complaint of said ac d-! tion. or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded i,n said action. This ]4th day of September. 1948 SARA ALI.EN, Assistant Clerk ct Superior Court F. .1. CARNAGE, Attorney iiTiore, Md., spent a week with vlrs !' B. l-'n-eman "t 584 Ea.-.t ..'abi'iTU- Street Miss Elizabeth Schrhoke of 584 | fast Cabarrus Street ha returned | ■j Charlotte where the wili teach ' n the East Side High School lliurr&i i.BioKf- ha- returned Morehouse f oilegr in Atlanta, ieui gia Mi and Mg. Joseph Beckwith | uid family nt tl .Smith Plaza have iiuvt-d tu tneii home on New Hein A. venue Jam. ; Robert Smith of 9 Dodd ( ilica l- visaing relative, in W.i ti- | ngtun, D. > Mis, Mo .‘.'.antlers, ol o Iredell | lerrace ho. gone to New Yon:. i'.iis t' H Morgan ol Soutii j Blount c tieet I; visiting her daugli-1 U! . 4i Wo.shi ' igtOi. D (' Mi- Maude Hturi- and children I 4 24 Lee Sireet have returned j mine after the summer i,n Vitgmia oi. - M ai k f ai.4 daughter, Sadie Mae. t Granville Ten ace ; ibVi. i-.gui nod honw after spend- in. r.f'-.'r-ral do,>with relatives and; helnds in Wilson iirs Elsi.r ivloigan of 903 South | Bii ui.t Stlfi t 1- \ : ltil.c her -r lt-l , s Sr , the. i.. -' i.. v- it i i and ivl t - i Haifcoui <4 \vin.-.tun-hiidei.. i .. ~ v Bark.- of Vi I Siiaw C.'ouit • a r* turned aftes spending tlte ; r.iiiirnei hi WashiguiGii. Li - and ; New York City Mis; Fannie Reid McLean oi . 700 iFayetteville htreet its: u- - turned to the city alter pendin:-'i ih-: .-uinmei in Lew Y >4 k City . &he is now ill ami i to bed at . me: notrs. oi si. . ot.ct IV11;. Butiei .t 822 Ellington Lane Her many ; titUids; r.ti a quick t r^. ei •> rv 1i s i'-ui;. k t tc-nibii i.t J 4 Chavis Way and sister Mrs Cko Parrish -1009, East !. me Ytrei t ate ill u. • tor,iir.e»t to Se Agnes Hospital Thru- many friend' wish them .* very speedy recovery. Mrs. Lonnie Davis of 606 South. Harrington Street bar gone to \V •>': .• • C for a family c muon W E Hunt oi IXS North Slat--- Strt-et ha- bt-ei. isl and confined, to ti.i: home lui seveitd day: Hi many friends wish hurt a Qusce recover ,v vii and Mi s H. Smitn and family cf 12 Fiankltn Tetrace have returned home from Greenvillt t v.*h6i >: uu y at tended ini lunerat of .vie . Smith's mother Mr Mel vena t-uno-..' c 4 4 Cnavu vv i, had several of liei nieces and nephews from Durham and Green;:-, oor.i ter dinner recently ?»lr and Mrs Wall ol 9 Sin'.til Plaza have re tuned home Mur visiting relatives and friends h> Virginia EI R 1 H S Bin:, certificates ioj babie- heir, to the following couple: w< g teg Istr-red in the ofiices oi the Wake . County Health ciepartim-iit tluring the part week Millard C Wi.-e and Mrs Airr.a Jm.i; Wise. Zebu lon. Route 1- Billie Waynne Aupiiri I Ruby Poo it and Mrs A, t;<- :■ j,f n-.. pooie Holly Spring?, Route 1, ,i ,;; who Was iii:t iiUnil-d, August 30. Robert Hay wood and Mrs Han nah Lassiter Haywood, Ncuse, Route l, a d aught ti Peggie Ann, St-pteri.b'-i Moses Dunn and Mrs. Glady: : : avis Dunn Meuse, Route i, a - ui, Carl. September 8 Joseph Echei Gurn,.-re and Mg Sara Forbes Gilmore of Wake Fm - et Route 1. a-. u,. Joseph Hemy, I August 27. Arroiric-ad Jon,, and Mrs Ber ! nice Sander:' Jones, Raleigh, Route a on t redench Lee. Aug 6 Early Jones and Mrs. Lizzie Neal Jone- Raleigh Route 3 a son who v. or not named, August 14 Meiv.n Lucas anti Mrs Marts.) Wii-gins Lucas. Raleigu Route -i .* ■iaugther, Virginia Juli 27. John Beverly Flippin and Hr ! B. Flippin Apex Route i a -on ,viir. was not named, August 11 Hilliard Jones and Mrs Flo- ie Wiggins Jones.. Wake Forest Route i, a dauvthei. Peggy Jean. Septet ,- ; her 7 Charlie Clay and Mr. Annie Sect Clay Apex. Rout, 2 s Tony Michael, August 9 John Henry Brown and Mrs Mo zell Bullock Brown Apex, a daugh ter. Mae Christie, August 20 Robert Edward Odes and Mrs Viola Gnrnes Giles. Route 2, Apex, a sen Louise Wayne. August 22. l b Elbert Welch and Mrs Ladie Bryson Welch Apex Route 2. a son Thorman Louis, August 31 Haywood Vernon Austin and ' Mrs. Harriet Moore Austin. Waite | Forest, a son. Joseph. August 14. Preston Mitchell ard Mu. Mary ' Evans Mitchell 104 St Augutin, s | Avc-nue, a girl. Dequita Lynne, September 1 in St. Agnes Hospital. Ernest James Herring and Mrs. F• ta Cameron Herring. 907 South West Street, a son who was not : named id St. Agnes Hospital, Sep tember 13 Wesley James Harris and Mrs. j Mabel! i 'aiming Harris E-5 Veter- I AnriPY r'hnvi® Wbiiphtc s> cinTt _l_l t b wniiTi i—i r i Complete rrr^| Home tfpZ-Sr l Furnishers ffimljm' We can furnish any room in i your home from tno living room to the kitchen. See as f’JT?*. W, E. COOPER FURNITURE CO i2l ¥.. M&rUr, ill. THE CAROLINIAN • .***•'*•"" —. . •.••• -YyiYlfi -w- .• '• '- m ’ : -*d iC ■ - - : ’ ■ A *i i * fWP PRINCIPALS IN REID-WIL SON RITES —Above are ah own the principal*, in trie Reid Wi! NCC STUDENT WED SN RITES AT GOLDSBORO Mii'-s Velma Dolcris L. Wilsou. ine daugther -..t ;\i.‘ and Mrs Isaac Wilson of Asheville was married :c Milton Curtis Reid. Jr., cf Free - mont. September 6th at St Anth ony * c tn,).. Ckuich i-aiiiri Captain Foley O. F M Fathc Augustiru: (i !■ iW . Fatnei Gordon Kreyt- O F v, of Green ville, y C j.,ei formed the ceu rnony The double ring ceremony was The church war devox a'.ed with white gjadtoii, fern and Cf;i):delat> a holding tapers. Mr? Irene Browntog, organist, and Mi-- Pan?e> Bmitr -. i-.u -u pie.-ented a program of wedding mufii Lrmiediatf-i;. foliowing Hie marriage ce.'einrny the wedding reception war. given at nm home OI the brake. j Soutfi Beaumont .‘-Jreet at t-.ivicti tune only -jpeclai fl ienda >4 the family were preset.* DKATHy & H NS t;AIM : ir,ai ..... }y :■ ~,j Ridaick, -,i -a ho U te.l at i,.home at Ibti.i FTnclei Street os: Sunday of week . ere , ,-rutrv-. u, troin Ms home - . i~ e :... .4 i: r r r with lbe Rev J vV . oit.-ciaiing and followed bV .. .:;, u.r r.t n, tne Hlllcreit Cemete-j y Funeral es ~ot■ Mrs Bessie McNeill Ham.-: of 11;; >V. -i !.22nd Street New York City who dtert on St p, mfcer : 1 in the H:.rlt rn Ho; pit a I were held t'ridtiy of last week at the Fayetteville Street Baptist Church with tin Re j W Jones pastor, otficiatrog a:;4 loliowed Ly" intern;,'- s.t ir. tin- Green -Thompson Cemetery at E!r iiiKatle Final HU- i*. John Millei .4 Parham’: Alley 'who died Friday of last week were conducted at Green Lake hi Scotland County Sunday and fulUj*,v,-d by .uterine:4 :n ttie t liureii eemett iy . Funeial M-i'v.i'i- lot -.1, Emma W Taylor who died .«? her home ,:,t iKi-f rut!. Hay .vood Street on IS t: Liter., br i ii \v .1' i. rtd M uluJ a \ of last week at the St Am bio Epis copal Church witti the Rev George A Fifhei pastor, ofliciating and followed by iiittimein ,the kit Hope Cemet.iy Final rite;, lor Jerrle Jones who . died a. Baltum ri Md. on Sep temfcf-i 1) were conduted at 1002 East Davie Street on Friday of last Week Interment was in Mi Hope Gemote! y. Ftnael rite; for Miss Shirley Cecil Bro.-. in died at her nmne ai H I Pat ham s Alk-> on Tuesday ot ; last week were conducted from the ' Fir • t Baptist Church St mil ay and followed by interment in the Mi Hope Cemetery Funeral service -• sci Waiter E Bell ,4 810 South W, F Street who died on Frida, of last week were held at the Manic, street Chictian Chun li at 12 4:. Sunday with the Re. T. C Hamens, patter, otft -1 elating and followed by interment ,n the Mt hope Cemetery. Ardria Lincoln, September 14 Norse Walter and Mrs. Lillian i Baker Waiter-. 20 West Worth j Street, a son. Earl, August 24. Dial 5567 for: —COAL —FUEL OIL —KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North West son 'nuptials which look place recently in Goldsboro, lie c story on lh»s page). X* c1 io -a mg tg e re ce pt iou •he M and Mrs. Reid left on their honey * moon lor Freemont. to visit M% Reid’s parents and irom there to North College. Dm ham wh e re both re siutient? Trailer ( iiv on the ( vnopus at North <'m • .-!ina College dm mg the winter and college version In the pit:lure are it it to ngnt Mr. and Mrs Mill n Reid, Jr A.3- bert K. Wilson oi Asheville and Frol F L Vv Us on of Atlanta tin** vers try. At lam.-, Ga . brothers ,4 Mrs. Reid. VlAi'I.K TEMPI,K h\ JObiFHIM JTRRFiJ, Regular service• wer* v»**ki at the M a p i lenr p ie C-on gre ga i. io : >ai • ;CluU’tian Church Sunday We \vere i !happy to have our children back m , 1 Sunday School Music lor the : the morning and evening sermons were delivered by ui» Tie\ Lee Ti:e Florai Club gave a spiritual ;, a at the ho m e «,f Mi s Re--*e Dunston on tsoutii ii ay wood btrec« train 6:00 to 8.80 p lu hnlr i vam - , meat was prov ided lay on.- Young People'. Liu mu with L 'Mil* km in a; ter ol cereiiiGnies A1 0:00 the Y\,*.;r.;' Pe-.plr XViO.-v, *,hip Lini o ll a. held won i .vl i.s•• iikei; president., presiding Rven • , ine ?:e » v ices foiio .ved vVe -,vei. happy : have many -Mhi tot ail «-5 vices including ah- busie Gordon of’ C lay ton and the Rev Mrs 2. P. Jenkins n».u fcniira pastor’s wife On Frioay night the Junim l hht'i Board met at the home oi .vi i G Bat ton. Jur> Ft ecu ran Street. The next meeting will ne mid at tlie imme of Mi AdcUe Harm at il7 Idle wild Avenu.-. On M -nday evening, September 20 at 6:00 the ushers v. ill spur; or a yph‘ ituai tea at the heuie ot s.i; 1 ian CCS Merrill on ißcrn Cneet The Woman . Chib mm Monda> l night at. the home of Mrs Jose phine Ten el i at 420 1-2 South Tl •< , v wood St me! Foilu wing ao lutei - esting r'iCetisTg peach*: cookies /\Ri)KN S t ntK.NT Miss IMiMy Uia 108 Vick Street Wit son, who is ciirfrir.ty ittHulintf IbiulfU High ' rhoi.*! tint vvi»o w et»e- tu Uifj i :.i. :tu» ustiiies L'uiirkr it h ji« idi Ui Thr iicii future. Ahr lorn or I' all cide tl ihr dash < ouut l fiMtiim Vfbooi. iisu Dub t>i es ti ri' Like I aim r a lid 04 'i K»t tiiill slii *!. -» i*»t ntl’Vi ».)J ilic lii J Buptisi iTiuieii, VIA MiG A bis i I.icsnsf--: to mury wore issued to jlhf- OOk/V ./O- Couple: diillUj} >.hf p«S;t AOK UCOOI\I.Ut; tl- l OCo-rdi: ot • Mantei tllinglon. \VuKe County t't sm< iai oi diff ij t : vv ad-deli Jettn. j 3 \/'j Roc k Qu-irry :sU>;ct and M;-s Catherine l-inner. Raiotgh September L 3 • James' E Jones. Jv. 6 Legum ; C_cVij. i, Annapt'iif. ivlct. and IMivs ji■ .- I kr V. Bt idee Haie 1 gn. Sept 1 6 . Badger Bar.r • and Msss Lizzie McFadaeri. both of Raleigh. Sep tember 17. CAPITAL CAB CO. | M wnomn. mm wwst, * o / j \ 1)1 Ai ' * i:i7 j^| HOME-COOKED FOODS And wh".: rnea! k) will bsf— seasoned exaniy siyhi end every dish boasting a real home-coeked flavor. B & Ii CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP “Raleigh's Nc-we.l Soda Hbop • TASTY SANDWIC HES • FOUNTAIN SODAS • H E ( REAM • CIGARS CIGARETTES 9 (OSME PIES • PERIODICALS JUUTJri HAYWOOD. Prop. 417 S; WEEK I-;.\ DING SATUKDAV, SVI' IhMlUvi; fj.>, Ut lh PERSONALS Mrs. Alice 15. VVilliums twi daughter, Mai garet, of Ualtintoro. | Md„ have ieturned to Baltimore at- ’ tei jipeodinv 10 weeks in HalelfM ' with relative- am! friends Mi..- Maii'-ie Brooks ol Norfolk, Va.. was in the city lecently visit- I ing reliUives and friends. Mr and iiir Johnny Bay lari and daugther *0 New York are vi* ting relative and friends in Raleigh ■ and Garnet The I'iieuilly Bocial Bavirr- 1 t'lub met ai the home oi lln t..i)a Mop. I kin-, till Mast (.'afarrii- Sfteet ft- ; eently Next n eting wiki be field ; at ttu I tome ot Mrs M. Saunders ; at llu'i Sinithfu:ld Street Mi's lvuidred Payton and ivii and Mrs Charles Nelson of Rma- 1 !o, Now V(ak vt'iv m the city re-' '•truth us IC-ndii.ji the ißltel al at their '.Mint (VL r.r.'trji,i Taylor Harold i uyioi oi Asfieviiie was m tne City recentiy io attend the i . iline, ai cf liis mother. Mrs Emma Taylor WAKE SALVAGE CO. W« isuf tad S*U CmytUiM «l V*lm» FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGER ATOMS TOOLS ~~ MAUIOH 337 3. WUmlnfllon Et. 2 2327 Hunter Brothers lor Quick Services tor FANCY CROCEF iES AND WOO D DIAL 9393 or 3-1998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way" JKG A Lifetime in Flame* Why lake chance* on bunias > ] up s'Ufatime'* effort i» * ; terrifyiny hour wlieci If# w j i eimple and i»*p*>»iv* to iwo* | ) feet yourself sgainat ana? pond j ble miah&p. Your horn® and | family cum he absolutely pro- j tecied Irosis ANY d Jaw ter at j bus a law psmtie* * d«y. We il j show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENTj BANKERS FIRE INS, CO. j DURHAM. Tl. C. 5 Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3-3231 Qfsrrsi/ WHY WORRY! :I nU ABOUT CASH §#*** am SMkMMIBSt USE OUR EASY 'mdMmWlk BUDGET PLAN A Small Down Payment Allow* You To Chaos# From Many Useful Items And You Can Enjoy Them. While Paying On Your Term*. f LIGHT HAULING HEAVY LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS - - PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co, 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. U instead, Mgr, $17.26 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL lXJfi TRADE - IN -SALE Dn Electric Irons Receive from SIOO up on your old iron* j/ow In Sltock • Electric Water Healers, Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Marddo-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 224 £. Mar*lit St Claud T*y*ct Mgr. Rhone 2-3#S6 Williams Electrical Service ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS Dial J-TJUI oi ttr^nifnee :i 'lJ6ii I id.i TKKAI. < OYTKACTOU 1202 E. Martin St. ft. h, WILLIAMS, Liop. MEN'S Vhtrd ShorfS y. .a qualify, dross Oxford rtyie and read* foi wear, in ftU SI,BO pr. USED Army Sho^i Will wpsi' like iron in good condition, rtady to wear all $2.00 pr. Nieitn SuiU AH coigi and materials? t: ktvaordinal y bargain, slight h used, expertly cleaned and pre -ed. blatc si/e, liiit 3'iiA Second choice color. SB.OO <* Sail Men'fe Pant# t■st: d. v i «?■& s’ i v'd pressed «n d fine grade. Suite siv.e., first and second vTiOirfe color. $2 00 at pat? Ma»l cider staiing size, include half df-pcs.i sad pay balance C. Q. D. ivt. NEWMAN 11 Easi 32nd 8t New York I , N. Y. 0 DOVE MUSIC COMPANY ARTHUR DOVE, Pr«p Automatic Phonographs Rented Fo> Special Occssiont iy f .i e.t si 11 e ■..* *.,ii - cnunUaiun basta SELECT its CORIH OCR SPECIALTY Dial 3*2744 1.28 t CAB 38UPS ST.