WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1918 NICK RUSSOS' NEW PLANT IS OPENED HERE ■Nick Buss*’.' opened 1m new ami modem dry , pb fit. ,:t 320 S ,:, uth Blount street W< sms "day night, and t* iend-. and cunt' - 'Tiers gathered in honor the ms 1 ’ who at rived in H -tei....‘ .>7 yi .v > ago with a capital of nniy *lO. Today. Mr Rus ■ • ;■ busi ness which brings* bin-, in ai mind $40,000 onn ta!';. He- w,v plant which he vivtis, >s worth $125,- 000. He owe .• a home oe Kaj■ oov Road. Mr, Russos couldn't speak word of Engir d when Iv <■.■.i. here in 1911, direct from his mi five home, Greece His ITst job was, that of a shoe shine boy. Hr; pay was $5,00 weekly. He went so New York to learn to Hock and clean hats He worked with a partner in Raleigh e the m \ business. Returning heir affei o s he re-entered Hrm. r Hr began his own business in 1936. Good .service. Quick .service, and hard work, that’s the key to his success, Russos said. "I always cleaned every hat as if it s. a- e: own,' tie explained- ‘if yon wo: k hard, give this kind ot service and are friendlv with it, y- u will get the business. The customer will be satisfied and will come back again." Russos now has 20 ■ --Die work ing for him. During the v.-.u, m maintained branch' - at Cam.} Butner and ha.! ■ staff ■■■' :la The branches. however, are dosed com Tier . -ftM say Yarn o. V |[ h’i eoiy for spay, drob hoir to giva paepf* rSf» - ' f,r \ \ tmpreuion that you’re cider ♦ban you realty ts Y' \\ are, but even if yourhai* a<• ;ing prematurely jjgt gray, you can still attract -ew friend* —~wi« t- 1 WIA romance -by giving your hoir rich, natural* [ i X iooWing odor and beauty v-ith Larieuse. look years younger C«br Your Hoir This fesy Way won't rub off or w«sb cut '—."in 'rated by heat S *“■ permits u.fmr,?uis and sty ih hincios . . , ( M,£ Vnewn «nd t •-ed for over '0 y\- U s l ) j- * deafer qive your money back if you're net \ j JO*-*- \ Have an easy, profestloroi *.**»:. •> r'-ut 1 ?, \ 'qQggjpF favorite beauty shop or bjv !.**■■>..j?e dt any ■«—t' \ / roawette deportment or drug- - -rr. » \ \ V \> > \ *♦*****»**«.?■'.* \ s. » * *l » # tff dAsitor r'inns not have Iftrfi-tt•**>«. k*nd £3 pfut 25£ Fo-rf difpetto hOPMlitm - -«»w- HflIR COLORING \ SOOEFROV WFG • 3JIO OUVE Sl.*tT LOUIS 3, fc>a »■ n v «WW g »««. "«WW »***»mmr+*--+m****, r^-mm& aut non | /- ' i proofy > ; \ ' TODAY'. / - ‘ U-— — INSTAtiS ANYWHERE! * , NO HOITINGI Niw / J ~L ofymmmf AUTOMATIC WASHER with fxdusive WATER SAVER OST PROOF THAT IT t #sovet up to 10 Gellons of Water ts lundi Exclusive Water Saver measures water to the six* of the .load Just set the dial! Washes Cieerter, Exclusive per,Ho but thorough j&& washing action drains soiled cater nuny from the clothes . . . not though them. oEnds Weshdoy Work. Washes, triple rinses, damp-dries, cleans itself, shuts off... automatically. Slanting front . . . easy loading. HERB’S HOW YOU GET PROOF Phone us and make arrangements to see a load of your clothes washed dean . , . the Laundromat way. | ipttomtitee f HAYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC COMPANY 133 E HARGETT STREET now and Russos said he isn’t an ticipating opening any branches in other t nvns. JOE LOWS HAKES NIT AT ANNUAL SUKERS SINNER r,V MARK HYMAN’ P! 1 > LA!MiI. i*H! A i AMP) Joe bonis held the rpoliight av the BtSHevuo-Sb it ford hole! Tue.-day night as the hffttior.d Hexing a-- sociation held n : t.'.r-si.urkted din ner jf'. Philadelphia Jw. weni w a smart ruoiiidaebe. but poker-faced as eve* - told (he officials and re ts ir»» i - f hr>! : s had unM I Ci a■: a ■ ' v I - pul ! ; :< ii .ci:M OK on id - .ebiemeu! plans. He said ’LI six months from the day I beat Walcott, yi-all have my ans wer on your desk.' Abe .1, Green, retiring NBA pioMdcnt, introduced l.ouis as .-v good snort. ;> good ArumicHn, and always a good ebizen " Greer, wa-’ • ‘■nccecdcd tn -dfk'c by Fiamen Adat: of Klorjria 'Ais*i mi hand s ;be "Stella At i? 'icMi'.in’’ was Jersey Joe Waicott.! who figb's flu, ocvk'b next week and Lee SaVolfl, another hus-. ky who has his foot m die heavy- ! weight eonienuoe door LeUi.'-' j.- -vmoo.-vM i,..j box CoHiiskei' in an evhibib* i firht ~| Gviffits s tadiuni in ’hingtOn Monday. Ho tour of S >evn Hales Will be gin on Novel). fl. SA\ V 0( SAW IT IS THE C VRO! IN!AN MIAMI NEGROES : ASK TO USE OUT GOLF COURSES ! MIAMI lANJ* s - Represent,'!- 'lves of t-hc Mir mi Negro Goif a.--- j sociation .eked city officials here •fm repulnr playing boms ci day ;a the city golf courses .pun the : | completion of (lie new municipal . ’ course Amos Jeiiki’s said "vVc e" err dial ,i| present b' IT -I 1 - (h. all a.OOil |\ T ay in ■■ * •'i < vli, -dd !be to p'ay poll. H civ.n I sib ties by the edy •■’re ace sure bint in a matter of I months, that number can bo more ; I than tripled We are calling on die edy to supply thc.-e facilities. 3'here nevei have been any fui r g.-o ci!isens of M:mr:i ' fie M-j's .Tonkins, other members ; i She delegation were G. E yhsoves cni.irtn.in: Fred Bacon, bandy Gren. Elvin Barnes-. Ro hert W,.M.iingidn, Bellamy! ud Jack O'Deii iVl»r;iska I , Places First A«‘U ' b ei.K il v • ■ Smub. iho j mim-terbaek tried pass in the I • 'll -ii'd e w.-j ; inter.('p*.-d >,v V I i: ’ ■ ' -f i : 1 -i "i : p, | !,v! I * 1! ’f> r.-V.I _.ii! ;|,ofi .1) v;i I r|s I ioj the first ! ouch down I T:' * a point uv.s rt •nvertod I , mutely seven minuter; of pi. ; \ >; n i• • I Hili-idc led 7 to n. The Tigers ' en I : drove tu Hillside - - is where Best I ; again T mbjed ,nl the w ;ne , ;rnled white dailies joined in th< wild ac : e-aim. She laid d. Incidentally, ronferem.-e w* ■ he'd for the lbs! time in (;•./■ .•••nitli Coniinual sireain of internationally famous participants and M*'legates coming and g.nng had the Virginians’ cyi tlic- week • What happened to the Umt<\l Negro and A! bed Vet-sans of America? Those two reports of Jim Evans (National Defense aide) and I. .-. Gianger (Urban Leayue cxee) on the stale of the armed forces, ■ ■ is; the brethren are concerned, arc not in conflict, all reports ' I-'* the cr>n!.:.i ry nf'-withstanding. One simply implements L .olhrr N- ;*J .-- Jim no: !.,e- are tool - and botii are too clever to pkiy mto thi- iis:*d;- ••!' tli' 1 bo.-l:!e "err:;, 'e:; e- i*; stupidly pushing again.-.; each other. \Yh< a * • h grami mt •»■ ;. * u re. ki that indietment ag.-.m ‘ ll',*' nil ruided. pgvtnr his «'*.)lleagues in Chicago f■ *r put*im* Uu- dh gal hue en Uncle Sam in that veterans SCHOOL, the • war pi ied up on a mess that is going to stink to high heaven, when the wh Jo trutii is L id. Brother, somebody' ir. going to jad, and wc do mean jaii, when tin; FBI gets through with some of their' SMART vets' school operators; The politico - ms are saying don't play Truman cheap, polls or no polls. Odds are :-ts-e liiy pulling up m his faviu- with the stnart , Ma Betlmne feeling much hotte. al this scrib'd tog, and tint !ioid n*>’se you Lmm : -. the collective sighing-with-relief of s< v<-t) mdiion oi thankful sepians, including us. (Chin up, Ms: you’v«• a Ion ;l Way to go yet. Taking us. with you that :s.) Nsimnat:-n far a real gone guy in hss field - Lemuel Fosiet top pci.:-.-.; *is j rxs. of M.o-v'x famous New Yek store, w'na has prove i fiat t :er- a'wav.-, ro in at. the tup so: the thoroughly PI&HPAR Ft), and to hell with the man's color j9 •■)*: ■ I Etch and Full Bod tod 1 _ UH, ’ V £ Red Circle i 43c | orrted Beer {{.ASH ' Vigorous and Winey '"■ Bokar i is. b, s 45c ,1k I yOML STYLE-SANOWICH-REG. PAN j Marvel Bread 1 1-2 n>. i. oa i 18c I CAMPBEI.L’S I Tomato Soup 2 >° t-zo^.cm^lc I JON A FINE FLAVOR I Peas n*- 2 can lOe ANN PAGE Salad Dressing n 35c ANN PAGE PREPARED Spaghetti 2is 3-4 <«. c»n» 25c ANN PAGE Grape Jain 2 39c MILD AMERICAN CHEESE Lb. 55c Apples Fancy Bonum 5 lbs. 37c Grapes Fresh Seedless lb. 10c Sweet Potatoes 2 ' b 15c Potatoes u - s - N °- 1 Whii « 10 ibs. 39c VEAL ROUND STEAK Cutlet* lb. 99c VEAL RIB CHOPS lb. 79c VEAL RUMP ROAST !b. 79c Fresh Ground BEEF tb. 59c ■ 201 F.. HARGETT ST 4lO HILLSBORO ST THE CAROLINIAN BUY A. & P. COFFEE AND SAVE UP TO 12c A POUND Mild and Mellow 8 O’clock 5 lb. Bag 40c •<&%. «&► V e.% A. ,«• If 1 :^%»| :*T JifJ k ' ; ng.ac.i- Ati'A s A.sxorv til .Miss Alnrj Currie, wlt«sc 1 npiKfincnl ,<> Thurman Mc- Neill »l III!) N :iT!av,n street. 'tVil-oii, \\ .t . lUiniiuiecd this week. the riurj i.!..a will lake plan* al .1 <1 n** ■ t c* ’ cni'ii>\ which will he pcrfiu mrfj Sunday ;H the liorsir oh !mil . VET SELLS STAGE RIGHTS TO BOOS | NKW YORK I ANPt - I’l-wni:.- I < T K'l-.v:!)•«>:. i* vw.< .if 1 noiiJict n here. la: i : w co ic Sntit.ll, at ciat V 31. : vent '■ r. a ■ nek favorably as: cl.noted by ro ! vC'err.; ill (.vcr thy nation, if,.; ’honk tel i;: the l.lnr.f of :. love as. ' roi " d SARAH \\l CHAN OSini Ri II TO til’ll in HER PHYSIC! AN , NEW YORK Sarah V»ti.:l'an mortis-, habeer ort-cretl by ;■ -.--v (s*€**>“***] GIVE THEM EXTRA I 1 ENERGY WITH I S „ I limiln-mLViLLtf ! MILK ; 1 $ © C/A /sy\ > la&jf __L_ J %i3s

; H' * , r V , V"* 11 /ii /I «» i i > ;- >,v - i ' » ATT SMITH-MELVIUE j.. all Riff IT’S A FIRST IN BUSINESS! IT WILL BE FIRST IN SERVICE! OPENING Around October Ist AT 127 E. HARGETT ST. YOUR SHOPPE (Raleigh’s First Ladies Store O vncd And Operated By Negroes) INCLUDING N SHOE DEPARTMENT SEWING CENTER READY-TO-WEAR MRS. ANNA CHEEK HAIRSTON FRED D. WILLIAMS ALICE C LUTON Operator of Proprietor; Shoe Department Miss Vaughan veil I resume her Town,” Stumday night, Sept 12. activities truly xr. Octaber when .h 1 marls on . u; .wide coiincrt U'.'.e with Ol.’hnl-. Jerque'! and nis tcilir. rttc mid .hoe nl)M,;.!,d and man.exOi'. rte ,ye Truieiv,v ui race no ~1 ..ct.iu.ued spot i:. Gc.ir.T t o enable 11 ■ 1 /{rout t incline sUn to ’•e«;:in it; . f ■ eyyth for ivy •'o-’i 'nut- with si ll. l { 1 1s -! .vhicit v.’Jil lx- follow cI Ire a hiring of DON’T PAINT UN i’ll. YOU INVESTIGATE WF, OFFER LINSEED OIL PAINT $4.36 SELF PRIMING FLAT $3.25 Special Prices To Contractors GOOD PASTE PAINT $4.00 BRUSHES, Oil.. TURPENTINE S. M. YOUNG I.U! MAR FIN ST. DIAL 7121 j GET WINTER - BUYING I WISE t 1 / s!tjA I S / -Jhk HOT BARGAINS g L" ‘ | I ; ‘ e FOR - J v COLD DAYS I TwY 1 A \ VErtcr’s h ■ e fill' fibswc,’ I IJ' 4> ' . t- ff'Htv n'Otxate ?$. HI "X'ftjJ l HO.tniti. it ail wcathitf. I HP JACKETS 1 o I $14.1 - NE W | i 1 I MENS’ A\T> r.oYS' I PLAID JACKET ’ Ab j $5.05 \ v ' | SWEATERS j $1.79 TO $2.98 j U- ‘ tYo-fo | « | BATTLE JACKET kiln $695 fef : y-«:|U# to, . W....1 «SI S-s --ts. ■'« l mmEMS *a& I o owunr smns y—4 bos E. Martin Street-Raleiigk PAGE FIVE .bookings a» major tiicatcrs tnrouel out the counli y. r.AHi) Os rifANK : ! wish to trank the man;, friend for tltfoir I;incincr; shown file dm in;; ike ilines.- of my mother, Mr; Kinru.t Ttiy'or. decenacd BERTHA TERRY Support li cur Paper!!