COURT ACTS IN VOTE CAS; TO AID TRUMAN The Carolinian f ■ - • 4. • > ‘ ", ; ; . ... .'. '■' ■- N’.:. yL .'.X •' "A’ #■ 16 Pages VOLUME XXVIII LOCAL SUPERMART OPENING PASTOR TO RUN FOR SENATE MAXTON PASTOR IS SLATED TO RUN ON THIRD PARTY TICKET The Rev. William Thomas Brown. Das'tnr of St. George';; Methodist Church in Maxtor, orth Carolina has become the se cond Negro to be nominated for the U. S. Senate by Henry Wal lace's new party it was announ ced this k. „ . , Bov. Maxtort has bee: nomin ated for Senate b\ the Progres sive Part;, of North Carolina Larkin Marshall. Mai on. Ga. ed'i ■ wo;. j,. :v. ills! . • ,t .11 til" race for IT. s Senate from Geor gia bv the Pr<rgre.-*s;v< Party of that state. The Progrer-sive Party also an nounced the candidacy of S. Wal ter Slade. Raleigh civic worker, educator and Bov Scout offim:,!, lor the State Legislature from Wake County. -&A..'' ■ sSßSffS&ci'' ■. ■ • ■'livWc-- ».• . dtrcaKd-Ae itWt iMtil ■ ■%‘Wspt vSlsir COMMENCV.MKNT SPEAKER The Rev. Kemp Plummer Bat tle, North { arotins IE,POE of U preHden . will deliver the com mencement address for the Stark'' Btlirty College at the First ('or gregational Church at tt:Ofl h«re Friday evening, it has been an nounced GA. GGV. PROMISES PROSECUTION OF 2 IN VOTER’S DEATH MEW YORK M. E. Thompson, outgoing Governor of Georgia, has given assurance of his '‘willingness to do every thing I can, as long as it am Chief Executive, to see that those violating the law >cf this state are brought to justice-” The Governor's position was expressed in a letter to Thru good Marshall, NAACP Special Counsel, who had protested the election day slaying of feiah Nixcn, 28-year-old Negro of Ml- Vernon, who had voted in the recent Georgia Democratic primary despite the threats and warnings of white persons. Two white men- brothers. M. A. and Johnnie Johnson were arrested and 1 charged with the murder. It was his understanding. Governor Thompson said in his letter to Mr Marsh ell* that the case was "being pushed vigor ously by the prosecuting authorities in the judicial circuit whore the alleged murder occurred.'" The slaying grew out ot the primary- election in which Governor Thompson was defeated for renomin alien by Herman Ta’urtadce. NORTH CAROLINA ’S LEADING WEEKLY RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2, U.MB ! Native of Alamance ; A native of Alamance County, Mr. Slade ha;- been active in civic affairs and the church for a num ber of years. He organised the Negro High School at Xebulon and has taken an active interest in Hie Boy Scout movement in • •'• art * At present he is organization and extension chairman of Boy Scouts for Wake. County and is an active member and vestry man at. S’, \ntbro-f* Ernstopu. Church. Mr SI a 1c stated that he is bas ing ins entry into the iegisla tvc race upon two real issues which ap a desire to repersont , the common man and to work • Continued on hack page, ROBESON DEMOS PLEDGE FUND TO ELECT TRUMAN FAIRMONT pledges t - sup .port President Truman's cam i paign fo l ' re-election .vito dollars ■ as well as votes were voiced by ! more than 200 citizens of Robe son Countv at a mas; meeting held M-'-ndav n’ght d tG Fair mont High Sct.ioi Th meeting, conducted unde 1 the j auspices >'• the South Robes in Pernorrnts: Club and Tin North Cm-olina Citiwnf. Commit - ; tec fee the Re-election ••! Prc.u dent Truman, was highlighted by sneechoa by .1 F. Lcxsaru’e and R. H Beatty, chan man of the la‘- ter group. In his address Mv. Beatty point ed opt the accomplishments of the Truman Administration and ; urged the fullest possible support . for the President's reelect ion. I Emphasizing the lack of inter cst of the Republican Party in ■ civil legislation and in other measures aimed at the betterment (Continued on back page, $40,0(10 STORE OPENING SET FOR MIDDLE OF WEES Raleigh's citizens were given a prevue of the $40,000 super mar ket soon to be opened by the Wake County Mutual Consumer : ;' at amu meeting and '.-.ten warming’ ru id Fj id ay . night. Duruig the evening nearly a 4 -usar.d persons inspected the store, its fixtures and refrigera tion plant -.- E. L Raifo’-d i mem bet of the co-operative's board of dirocto: - introduced Other office:' .'3 the o r.',;::."Pin.) end key members *f The «* i;c’s personnel. The stipei market, which will embrace meat, produce md gro cery departments, will be under the management of James A. Shepard of Raleigh, with Wilton j Taylor of Durham sewing as as sistant manager. According to Mr. Shepard the store will have between eight and ten additional employees at, the outset and this number will b< increased as needed. The formal opening slate, ongi nally slated for the tier part of this week, has been p> stpqrxd to , the early or middle part, of next wool- because of unexpected do lay in the installation of refri-ge- Hng equipment, Mr Shepard said. Hr further stated that approx imately $23,090 has been exoend- i <~d in the equipping of the store ' • Continued on btzilr page, CARNAGE NAMED TO WAKE COUNTY RED CROSS BOARD S Pa u ! Vecker €h?■ •rm an, i Wafer County Chapter. American , Rmt Cross announces ti'at Atty 1 . Fred •!. Carnage ha., been elected to ■> ■ve as a membei of l".' Board of the Wake County Chap ! ter. Att&mcy Carnage, who main tains law offices in Raleigh, 1 ,- long been active in the civ:.- as. xairs of the communttv, and is » , men’her of the Davie St. Presby terian Church. 14-YEAR-OLD BOY SAVES MAN FROM DEATH BY TRAIN HAHRISRI RC., Fa, i Charles ('ar(«-r, a tt-yrarolri high school pupil, pulled 58- year-old John W Klenzb from the path of a*, oncoming vraln Susl Thursday when tnr man had suffered a head injury a Her having tumbled down the ; railroad enihankmcnt He was semi-cnnsciour, as he lay on the tracks. ji Kiencle, a p.onstraction work er. aitraeled the attention of a. girl as he lay helpless on the approaching' Carter pulled the traefe#. A shifter engine was , man to safety, then ran down the tracks to meet tf>e otitpr.o -- . ..... * 1 i -*>* "To I ~^ n \ 4-'- NEW SCPERVISOR Above is shown Mix> Minnie Ruth Law reuee of Rocky Mwm' whov ap pointment lo the poM of state supervisor of Nhgro elementary schools so North Carolina was an nunced recently by the is'ate Dr Seek High Court Upset Os Youth s Death Sentence WASHINGTON Charging that Samuel T«y?or, b 'prisoned Alaba- Ima youth, had i- - ■ n prc'cnted by lower court, decisions from follow - img normal channels in efforts to ’.-•mire a new trial. NAACP i-n'-.-cr • have filed a pet it ion seeking m s tervention of the United ".tees -Supreme Court tn a special pro i reeding for a review of the lov/et i courts’ finding.. The suit, filed on Septemoo 14. I by Tburgood Marshall, NAAC 1 1 -Special Counsel and Nosh.' El ! more, Montgomery. Alabama, a’. Homey, seeks to establish the right ito have a full hearing in a federal 1 court of the -validity of c--nvict.jn>-.- isecured in violation of the C-v-yi i u l lon . Taylor was convicted '>n the I basis of an allegedly coerced con fession. His attorneys mami iir; that (conviction on . uch a cent, .-n;n is violative of his rights under the ; 4th Amendment ASSAULT CHARGH Taylor who has been under sen tence to death for nearly two years was convicted by an all-white jury ir Mobile in November. 10.16, charged with the rape of a 14-year oid white gin. A confession, which he later repudiated claiming that it was extorted by police beatings, was used to convict him. Three times he was within the shadow of the gallows while NAACP lawyers battled through SINGLE . COPY 10C NUMB ICR 13 partment of Education. The posi tion was made vacant several months- ago h> the death of IVliss Marie Melvcr who had held it for ,hi past 13 years. Story on ■!1 level? '■•{ state and federal • j., ,>n effort to socoto -i new jt-ial. Court after court denied tin' : : yipr ils r.ij refused *.o i.’rarn. the • .'.- i., V r.’O/’ 1 ; 11-:<f Uc Ivlv.anv ir i*liv: la. I mm*.?to stays of. executions 'vcvc: obi a mod , k ’ Tn this latest move to secure jus :ri,;r. t;*» •■ Taylor, 'he lawyers «.--k the United Slate? Supreme Court 'to •once more rtstfiram the funda msn'al role of the ’vrir.e of habeas coi pus ir* the scheme of human lib ,: riy by establishing that a federal .district court may r-ot refuse to make an independent investigation into the merits of a petition with ihe excuse thnl a state court has found the claim of riph's so insub stantial as not to require a hear -1 iii? ” MO. OH KT ORDERS RETURN OF MONEY ST. LOUIS—(ANPi— Busier Sharpe won an award of $568 taken from him by police in a policy raid in a decision by Magistrate W. T. O. Hart last week. Asst. City Counselor F. M. Barnes, however, plans He appeal the case, and has told the police department not to (Continued on back page, :DiSrKSO T CGURT WSRRANTSDDT !lN VOTE DENIALS Echoes jif last spring's primary I registration disputes were heard ! this week as the state’s voters | pfpepared to register for next i month’s general elections and | warrants were issued for regis ; trars who refused to list quali j tied registrars in the ptmaries. At Wilmington it was reported [ that U. S District Court warrant:; ! were waiting to be served, .upon i two Brunswick County registrars I who were among those charged i with refusal to register Negro ap j plicants in ten or more counties 1 throughout the state, j Although Douglas Taylor U. S i Commissioner at Wilmington, re ! fused to name the two officials cited in the warrants nor to das ; close the precincts where they ] are serving or were serving at the Cm of the alleged offenses’ ' several instances of vote denial i v/eu' reported in th county last . spring and court action was threa !toned. Other . ounties in which such | violations were reporter! by the : NAACP at. that time included Nash, Catawba, Bladen; Craven; 1 Camden; Pamlico. Henderson; ; Robeson and Transylvania Although “token registration'' I wa-. granted in some instances, : NAACP otfu ials indicated that score? of incident? had been so flagrant at to necessitate and jus tify court action. • Continued on page <J, Ist Section) U.S. COURT VOIDS INJUNCTION IN FIREMEN'S SUIT WASHINGTON, D. C, ANP)-- A temporary injunction issued by the di-trie* court last spring pre vcr.tlny t ” white Brotherhood of Locomotive Firemen and Engine men from discriminating against Negro firemen in promotion rizijt.b, was ruled mill arid void by the U S, Court' of appeal here lasi week on a legal technicallity. The suit, scheduled lo be heard on its merit this f ill, was brought lo the h.ghet court on n special appeal granted by District Judge Alcxandei Holtzofl. T r appeals court held that the lowei coni? did not have jurisdic tion ovei the case it decided that under the federal court rules the suit should have been filed in Cle f Continued on back page, LOSES $5,000.00 SUIT AGAINST R R FOR RACIAL BIAS LOUISVILLE <ANP> - Thomas Hall of Cincinnati lost out in his: suit for an injunction and $5,000 i damages charging the Louisville and Nashville railroad with racial ! : discrimination in promoting two ; white men Federal court Judge i MacSwinford ruled last Wednesday ; that when the L &• N advanced rc ' turning war veterans in seniority : nl the DeCourcey shops, it was an 'erro r in management." In the testimony, it was shown j that the two men had been advanc ed also over other white employes ! Rail officials contended they gave : this advanced seniority on the be ' lief that if was the right thing to ~.k> under an interpretation of the I selective service act '•lb" promtioiu; were not props t :‘o the exclusion of labor' • •da-;.'' Judge Swmford sai'.i. : m pMjnting yul that tby c was justification m saving racial di ] crinnnali ,n existed prior to iMa vVi, a federal court order was is •' sued against is ” A: foi Hall's petition, the judge refused to issue an injunction 1 be- I cause I can orb stop something not iin practice.' He also denied ‘he ! monetary damage RAINEY REFUSES TO LET STATE SEE RECORDS PHILADELPHIA (ANP) - Five ;cf Ihe city's magistrates were or* Idercd to turn over their court rc ! cords to the Pennsylvania State j troopers this week Included in : ibis group, and one of the two who refused to let the troopers have the j books was Magistrate Joseph H ' Rainey, congressional candidate on the Progressive party ticket, and j president of the local chapter of j the NAACP. Deputy Atty. Gen Laurence H. I Eldridge, who issued liie wavrant which arrested former chief Magis j trate John O’Malley, in philadel ! (Continued on page 3, Ist Section) Maim nMi »l- hhii.,l Miss DorGha Daniels of Reids- ’ Sis j ville, who became the bride of ~t o Therman Kulh of ftairfeli in a .■: eeremon y whith w perfonned thro’ by tin- Iff ‘ Mi l.og:u» of Krislu Uin 1 • i ville on Saturday at the home ! i of the bride. U.S. Justice ; Probe Askt Ga. i lianar | Ur. p 1 1 1 n lb yge' tb '.it I).’ ‘~ ' Klux Kian "(•> in volvee uj the terror campaign against the Progressive Pai ty Georgi ," C‘. B. Baldwin, P. • siy" Pr,|*v !':"• anil in-. Wan-'cy c ■ •' ' ".non vc terday (Septeiyber 2") asked A’ tornev Gf-neral Tom Clark “m lake immediate federal action to iiuit the kidnapping of Progn-: sive Party workers in Georgia " Bai'4't in said that immediate action war. necessary in view oi the tact that the Progrer-sive Party hr.;, only until Oet rc'-c-r 2 rd to flic its petitions for a place on t ; ■ (jt' u gui a tste ba.Uot Btii-riw'i telegraphed Clark .of. ts 2 «• dpi ate group- '■’ . o ; : work-rr.. nr. il.otng petitit-n.-., to put the Progress;ve Party on ‘.or s-tati- iiH'H-ii, had ho< n feidnnppc.’. in two ;-uci • r- o ai% -. At Gun Point One of mx workers was taken at gunpmnt from a Columbus ho tel at midnight. Friday and driv en 30 miles to Hamilton, Ga. On Saturday five others were taken from the home of Jcxsiah W. Gift, York, Pa. publisher in Augu-t : and taken 15 miles to Gravctewr “The campaign to keep our party and its gubernatorial can didate, James L. Barfaoi, from opposing the Democrats and Her man Tglmadge in the Novel bt • elections has now gone from po lice arrests of petition cuxulat Arrests White Man, fen it. Suspended * M \ i ANOOtiA. X enn (AND — A Negro poller ot f ? crr was given a jr» day mix pension because hy arrc- eP : white man for drunkenness lasi v, e> li The local branch v,v !• lii#i ip, NfxTo rirTni:.:. aien’- h-aeue a ki a for .• change in (hr, city’s policy, 'The city rule'-- that a Ne.gro . uifu> ■ ilirti JHit Os s ■ 'it - man The city has seven colored police rr,'n dr’bunche m DEATH THRE\ ISRAEL TER ROE- H HAIFA. Israel (ANP' The cl- t newly appointed United Nafvtn m r '‘ ■% troversy, has been threatened by ■ li ■ 1 ■ reported from reliable source? : ' *'"• The Stern gang ceceniiy «sias‘.i::at- ! dotfe- whose place ws* lakon by f > '• • prevent a second axsemnaticn. tiw ■ .■ 1 • • a heavy Jewish guard around !H b Previously. Bctnadotte h-«d he refused it, Bunehe did not reep •• supplied anywav. Those puards are under direct m-i.'! I prcmici' and defense minister of 5 oH H< provided whether Bunchc wanted u ■ ’ 1 > would be made responsible for any l Hun "• • . - forti, he said, il intended to provide ever>* ■•••’ JO out’ ' ' ' ; “ ' i , > * ■ ' .< * '■ .; • ' •’ ' ';4 f <.' - .Sb. i;„ ,y £&•£ x ■ V?,"'. ’ wh.-’U: p's .Vet 5 ' ways'*: \. - , . ■; ■' 'A*J fN U'n' : *-A " ,L.A /;■ v iVU : x : p'..- 1 .J-'Va* > (*{■•< it-K! ssia *•: ■" * 5'?H 'VST i of fji ■■■ : a ; « ir. v I-,:- MV. ‘ ‘j: !? i'' '< '• f s.X- ' J "■•H > L ijy.'Li : i?tyf >' /.

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