PAGE TWO PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS SPOTTING & JOTTING By the time th : s publication comes off the pn Meadow Bn if Club will be turned over to Negro members exclusively. Much interest and enthusiasm was (seated dating the Tri-Stat its Tournament. The course will serve as .1 much-needed mean., recreation for Negro citizens of Charlotte. {•',! dents of Myers St., and Second Ward High School respec "id" • ' nbe able to travel safely to and from school without .; ~ about the dangerous traffic of McDowell arid Stonewall Sts The new subway or tunnel that is being built will greatly urve the hazardous traffic situation caused by the .Super-Highway. Second Ward put one in the bag Friday, October 1, as she mated Lexington, S. C. High School 13 to (1. t his war Second id's : 1 ;t victory Sc. Li -1 tie highly favored and strong eleven Ridge view High, Hickory, N. C.. here Friday, September 24, 13 13. Johnson C Smith University ninth- h:u 1948 gridiron dcout, tving '■ highly favored Hampton institute eleven by a score of p. 20 Smith did everything from the “T" —and tin. really d; t i. ' th* ;.»(•!•'/ of the game lac mighty Holden Bull, (ex-.-epi the (• - tly fumbles) were real!.) on ll>« ball an i played the ball Out.-randing fm the Bulls was the entire Uam w< a ; mention the very brilliant performance of Fi '-••liman Kirk arc product of Second Ward High Sc!;---I. ai*o dim Richard •••’. other Second Ward High g; adMatc Kvans vored one of the tc Smith, touchdowns. Hd was one of the fades! backs, and field ! univrs in the Piedmont (L’nfx ; t .-nee, and oar. hire;..!;.’ ■gun mu king a iisnip for tomsrli in cjlk-ge . acie ■ JiK.hardr-on. econd rear man ts reaJiy huldiug his own at center. T McDowell, L. Half, product et W*-:t Charlotte High is an ther gioat football player. He pitches the old pigskin as if n a baseball ana always finds hi;, tnai k Me Dowell a iso an ■ ry beautifully Os tici outs landing h player v.-nr ft Wa'-’ungion. quart- r , ,-k- Ragin, fullback; T. Lassitc; naif; G. F ! -»nn.-»gar-. W. M* dir,ugh, R Mob (.'hem. r. half and W. Johnson, r. end The Smith line wa. also very outstanding. br-ih -R fr!. -dy an ffensively. lit the Hampton lineup Peyton, Lew is, l»nv< It, and room. , •: rv outstanding. Sunday thr Prop. on ' • go ••>? th« v. hui-'tc < pprt. .: 1 Newark. N J. Bears mot la te. The Bears had three Negro flay. .*?: Duke Bi n sale at Hotel Alexander, .>22 North McDowell. Moot'.- Place, t>l3 \. .Mr Dowell, fhc Variety- Sand wich Shop, 700 Last Seventh street, Margaret's i.nll, 324 East Vance Street, Warner and Philips Drug 422 East 2nd St . Brooklyn Drug, 12u E. 2nd, Ideal Drug 417 East 2nd, Van Cf.v-'s Drug, 237 South Brevard Gilmore's Soda and Sundries, Beatty's ford Road Reliable Food Store, JUS Forest Street, Sentimental Grill, 1518 Austin Avenue, Stop Inn Lunch 1320 Winnifred Strec, f.dviard Watts Shine Stand, (100 West Hill St, and by news salesmen through the city. THE CAROLINIAN, first P; page North Carolina weekly, so licits your patronage Read THE CAROLINIAN fm news of the state, also na.ional news, .md up to (he miruilc local item? and features. SECOND SECTION VOTES CREDITED FOR NEGRO CAINS IN NEW ORLEANS ; MKW ORLEANS (AN Pi A factual edttonal appearing m daily newspaper ht-ic la. t Tm :-duy ' -Id how the President V (ivii .xgn■- program no*, only violate:-- ttrees' :■- (1 <.= . but ;1 is aimed al hicak n>. down >gi t-ga’ .on in the siudl'i, ' ' added it 1 1 : t n word ni.ttti c:listen o! him Hi. >s voting ; MOV- It he > iinlearnrd. he will la. tool of rotter politics." Not in tin- long hLt a y J tins paper's coir or has i' carried an .-.litoriat, the j-.-.ceepts il which ; were der-i-■n.'d to bring about re f for thin 1 its'- impi overi: lied Negro inhabitants Continuing, the editorial said: 'This, then is what the Ncg»>> .needs in New Orleau.-- better hc-.i - •! mg; bettei education, a iakefuoit :> •• ash a:id a city pa»k Some will j bike t'nie to accomplish Hut thcr: i( no f-'a'-on w!-,y. as ''e -cr >. the' • d>C it '. rs: l--. d ( imiuL i". rest e.miner. picv i a decent beach foi . iv cotoied i I'lilai;. ,! to use ii c t-»lk about Negri: rrhn»-; when wr hav. cl- -m our t>;iu t<> make them cut of barrooms, off tree! corners, ■■it of tenements, then let u? di«- I . Negro < : ir:ic in relation h- Negro opp- 'unities " The following nav the mayoi of the city, dt i.vsseps S Mona . on. like Aboii Ren A (them awoke and ; expressed hinn-eit ; ayiti.e- that .V - ! groev- m Nrw Orleans would shoi>- -1 y have a 2;>fl-acrc tn-ik. clean c.m --t irtabie housuig -met pieii'y c-f wc i .eational facihu-s. •‘Segregati--»n is a cig'niy eciitr:-- . versial subfet;'.," the mayor :.aid. • • out It is not nearlv as important 'as the objective of lifting the stand : rd of living "We arc to or' h.e vuoue> I I : buy the land, abi'o! $200,000. The completed project would coal about 1 - $1,000,000.'' Mayor MniTc-on pointed out Ilia’ 'lO Negro playgronn K are • tread., in operation and live '•witru'i ng pools have 1 >cc,j lanl!. A mu:.: ic. recreation playground kmiwo ; s • Shakespeare park wa: dedicr.ioti Scptc-mhc t tin Ii o. insists •••! lighted stadkiro for ~'hh tic . mcludihg basecatl and football I'r.t - ihties For more than ii years. (f forts to secure this park failed Tht \ Otinr of the Nrgn-. n.o-v wake ■< 1 .v--iblc. EX-SLAVE DIES IN D, C, AT 106 WASHINGTON (A NT’-. ,' in! Faglcn considered 10 be this edv > •dtie'.t g ex-slave died here - last week at the age of 106. Hr- wv.s on liis way to Gailiriger hotpital in an ambulance when he passed Healthy sin!-• the day of his death Eagle:, died of natural brought on by . id are. the -aid Spe»kim of this death, bi housekeeper Mrs Saiah Winy fa Id. n whose home he had lived •-nice 3 raid "He was ill only a few days. ,ud up tirdii then he could walk ;,b- id. the hotrse and bathe and shave ' himself." Well know rif v is rlotiej >f *V.- - a-sassinatio nnf Abrnham f.inco u Fa glen s.nv 12 Republicans inaugu rated finer the Civil War; he m sa nd the Democrat! He used •- I have cm every Rf-p::b)ie..r, 'Prenrk-n! take hu, oath - f ~ff jee except Lincoln." Mrs Wingfield said that he about bis days of slavesy slif -.aid Born on a Maryland farm not far from Wasliington. he came to tht nation'--, capital in lftOS He worked .v: h construction worker and i - piv , Automobile days was coachman for: a hank president. Know as -M; John" in all hi neighbors, he outlived all of his ""kitivf- 1 .. including two children He would have been 307 vears old ( lon Christmas day Hr- always said >■ h!s birthday, -f ct iebrated tw(. • Mrthdays. the Savior's a-.-d ma-.-i : ov n.” He never smoked all his life Tt,e only drink he took in his 'life j was a "little ogrTios” as he used lo : .say, at Christmas time. He gave ] up coffee 60 years ago. Special metal cleaners which require very little rubbing are available for cleaning copper. If - you .prefer salt and vinegar or lemon will do a good job. Sprin- i kle the copper with salt and then ; rub with vinegar or a slice of j lemon. Rinse well and dry with i a soft cloth. I **^***** M * , ****^ BM * < ** MMl * l,l *i—**w i i ii -n —r nTninimriinnunmraiuiniMiii mn Be Sure To Stop At ; THE LUCKY SPOT Whara Good Fmndi Alvrays Meet Good Home Cooked Food Served at all Times | 5107 E. 7th St. Mr. Alonzo Belk. Prop, j -“rr'nr-rrTnMufim-f.MiriiTinnmUT - .mi ri . , , - -mm n ni„>rrm-r —,r -rr~ ti - n 1 n jj n pi ATTF* ! NEW YORK l ANP > Fit.-I hrnty headqu.icte-ra on Governor 1 '• j island is integrating qualified NTc j gro officers and eulirtod men in as i sigrunerit- for which they are qual ified without fanfare it was learn ed here this week ■ Three mm who have job? I hat j arc similar to their civilian quali fications arc Co pi Oeorr- E. Nor fold. Copt Leo Gibbons and Isi Sgt Norwood Boyetn-. Copt Nor- j ford is a public relations officers in ] THE CAROLINIAN li lmctmm... ' =;vl' / ■ jmm mil i ——— iii Re glad you’ve- got. v.-!fl«>i- iu- -'f i j. spaced windows! They can !>•- the : 1 .-auty spot ■}{ h: me. n'ui Driitiw '■ -'hr fi.-st and most ....- J - - . - mod* rn oitiiiot l (.'house V< *-»;• ' * *** ! (i-.n hhnd-t hi one of (>< many r w -hod,- , now available in order to niax’uii?'.- tf>* rdi -'tinclinn. Have- dorr l, up*H Minds s r 1 oni-.-.ide ih«> wmdow fvurru - (Mnl rusting tapes ran )><• v* dto pick up the main < nlor f home of (h> d ape'. ;<•«» l- r-dul in .he bum.-iti ML, simple valance hoard And for the "new look" in r!r-i, • hri*irr them clear i-1 ’ to cover the well. V i-vntcr «■.?•.»-'-( of mirror completes th- unity - f this sophir-ti-ated vvindew scene. If you, home tends toward Lu L, f ojot;ial. keep ymit Venetian h!>‘i/ cntirely a- ross th- window tups 1 lUf'.iJ f th. i-en v.-ilai Am it place > ' he mirror, choe.s,- .->. gU'.nt:i ol f.vnr floral } rinti for the oc-jtlc -,nd , Id-fashioned feeling • Where thn,,- j s ~ trifi- mere wvill -pm on one side «*f the window duo as above, try jockey your drupe.- and Venetian blind tapes in sin h away as t-.- on au- illusion -v i-ven space. Rut ... if you have more ti -• nine it: hes o*T 1-Lnc emphasize the di ..parity! All the newest homes arc hi-ing -huv-n with ,h-.-.peril-, flaring out. Lom wall to-wall, dramatb-ing the- imbalunce an-i highlighting the well-groomed beauty of Veneti in blind '. ABOUT THE TOWN ... Tht C«oltf*‘-n Kc - nKiilf their d?l-uf Tltun-i.lay night, Soptoml'i' > ■L'. a' the Kxiu-L ■■■■ Club. Alfhv'itg’i m:>• -;x munlirs u.d tuuf-i lovely ladle.) gavr a (. wkiuil P.uty that will Hr long 1- ruemoored by the if g-nvb. (Janies wot, ployed, dam 'V>g v. ; onj. ccd and the vet v deli cious repost :> -.1 coin.", in th.o icui ,i-nse ,-f {no expression V .11: sc; be served lo.i-tnia-'i . and ax usual tin large mini or. •.,! p, . ?lt. - r-t scx.n -xd to xj, ,j < :x- 1- i tit. \\ LJ.L E'EN SORi 1) gags i j, i-c Tiu: n-a'-mbcis of Uk- Golden ~ , follow. Mr- FrcL.i . Smith ;■:< ,-1 < tit: Ml,. Vl. a-. >!• i. .n, vict pi or. xl.-nt. Mrs. Kuna p >t jt V\ j • »»(; . vi. ; fv]; - [\l;‘ ] A UuO xr ri’tcl IMi-:, Eldar- Lumpkin t.casur- r: Mis. L,n; M(kr :, Mi--.:, Helen Andcson. and M;-- Rosa '-la--- ' . .-ocial committee. Mc-vi.t Wiik: blt 1.1 Mr.rnlay. Kcpteirbx; 27, tn 'attend How-iti 1 Ini-, .-r-ii;.. Wa'-.r;,'- .. D C Mr,-' Wil-.n;. is the gtancidaught*:-! us M. and M K Z. Wdkin;-. of tilt:.; oty. Rv the wa\ Mr. Wtik'-n.-- a Lung v, t h Mi. l)< an u .doing a wonderful job h< >• n this count- as »tir fir- t Negro Deputy Sheriffs The-.- ah. 1 s :\- as --pecial -‘ 1;. c at 1 six-iav Boor Gaidor Sun :et Pin k, and many other pu-olic gathavigs. Th citi? ns of Char : TT ( . have (lie liighost --ospeet f-x t’i- iw;- fmo oftu-ors Mr?. Annie Louise (Richardson) Alexander is d-.-ing ; g.acl uate at Howard U. iverslty. She is p- • -paring for a M S. Mr?. Aelxandc-i is the eldest rtaugfcrtos t.-f Mr.- Bern ice Martin Kii'*x: ••! S' ji.-ft Iv- XX l-r llr-u A- • ~S ■ [l'rirN -2 f* Thf MfCulb'-ught Twins we;, hoouvrd ii "" s v»- lovely birth dav partv, Friday night. Oct ••her 1. a* tbcu -'bil.-Umod Iv-iv. 131 ' Winona St M?Eh -a k (MeC'ullough! P : . the 1 harming wife of tV ; -,-ei v pupuint D;. M'ace-o Brawn, of NY*'.* He twin, Mi- Ethel Me --sidts m this . ity It -.. ahvnv; a gala when the twin? get t 'gelhc-r on their birth • lav ; anni'. t', 'i. A lovely repast wa? ox-.-c-l and the many guests ’ enjoyed them •■.elves Included among tiic guest? was Wavland (o --,; t also of NYC Little Janus Spence .>• lei ; uteri hr; birthaluv. Wednesday, p. },p ,2ft. a! Ha Iran 1 ox parmt-: 1622 Wiiisnant Ave. Games wn’ i nj-.iyed by hi? guest-, ;,nd -• vf-ry delicious repast y.;o .a:\erL Mu, Katie W. Vance " is 1 -• nor.-d witli a birthday party at her pome. -121 ( ddwell Court. Wednesday night. Soptembm 20. A number of lively gifts were receive- 1 by the guest of honor. The- guests enjoyed the delicious repast and very interesting grimes. Integration Is Adopted As New Ist Army Policy l the army information service; Cant. Gibbons a plan; and training of . j ficer. and Sgt. Boyette, chief clerk in tire plans and training officer. Before the war, Capt. Norford was a newspaper man, and during the war he war. a correspondent for , • Yank, the army weekly His pre sen t job is not to send out news releases to Negro media on Negroes alone, but ‘n send out news of the ‘ ifirst army m general to all kinds j of publications. I j He enK eel the army in 1942. and I received his commission in 1948. He was assigned to the bureau oi" public relations, now the public in fo nurd ion division. He is now sorv ire in his reserve officer statu::. He is u student of Columbia Uni -1 versify. .Recently he ivftisti red at SECOND SECTION CALL, OFF MIXED KY. PICNIC AFTER THREATS OF RIOT ! i I.OUISVII ,I.K - An In levrtcial picnic. dat< i to bo hob! •in t>uawn*« park Salujday undei I ll.r spon;‘ i stop of the Civil Rights | Committee ot Lcu.'.sville -iiid Jet ; UT:O>! I'OUOi.V, Wil.-; pOgtpOSlCci (.Sir .Iy ! week because ot what v»as | termed an “authoritative” report i that. Republican politicians mti iutcd ! to create '■ ioience at the park and I use the incident; for political pur poses in the election. The piano w.*** otiginaHy intc nricci /■: u\c (hat .mixed iroup.- could meet “in peaceful and friendly sash -1 son/' according to a statement issued ti ring “or j/.timed by Republicans." He said, | rim things I’ve t,e. ; d n the la:/ I few days lead me. to tec .ro-tn'h*‘-mr! j that it wo go to Shawnee park, we 11 I ' walking into an oiyanized mns-,..- 1 ere f-s ,; band .if h.; ks to | be just as much the law of Louisville I as cair ordinances “ He said he had | offered to cooperate with the com mittee iu establishing a test case. His plans was that Chief of Police carl Heustis and he would acemn- I pao.V the group to any city park ai.d have them nrre/cd in on orderly ; fashion and parole them until the May of the trial, i ’: addition several attacked a j leltei from Mayor Charie r Farit - j Ifv. wh eii said; “Yen.! are donbtle.s.- ' aware of the fact that your proposal | ba« preeipdated a heated contmvrr* ; sy and this office has received nmn j emus letters displaying active, ho: ! hie entimerds againt the Negro rare it therefore seems to me your ; rd 1- is lie ttiigi:! will hr the | starting point of di orders of a grave i nature which would result in a ;,ei ! ious setback to those of us who so work in j’ fe improved race rela- J liens.” J Ihe committee concluded that it /vow Id be bette, !o postpone* the ’V ■ ■ until aftc; t - N( e n of' j election. •lie New School for a certificate ,n i hub lic relations ; G.bboiv- native of jbn liu Hovoa and tin Philtipir.- s. Al :fa wiry. New York Nation guard. : for 15 years, assists in the activa tion of authorized reserve units m the first arrnv a; va. lids area inch'd* ~ New England, o " York, New Jersey and Dt-la | ware Dining the wai he served |ln Hawaii and hit Philippines Ai .though he war separated from the j army m i!)4([ he returned to active duty in June of this year. Iron'; Goldsboro, N. (.. comes ISgt. Boyette to serve as chief clem in the plans and training section j of the office of the senior state iri .! stnsctor, first army reserve section H-s superior officers have often commended him for h/.s efficiency [jin keeping records. During the ; i war the sergeant, studied at the Uni • I verslty of Florence in Italy. He is • j now studying at City College of ■ i New York fie is an ex-member ;jof the 92nd division. i I He IT is .1 new ; .a and a good jone: Top a casserole of seasoned, mashed squash with a meringue. ; It’s different. Do h\v it and use ; your tunned squash To make the meriiigue. beat two egg whites [with - tie teaspoon sugar,,salt, and p.-PPer to taste and one half tea j spoon niiyed herh seasoning. ; j Sprinkle* with paprika and brown in the ovgn. WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER I), 1948 l ~ __ •“ GjZTT' ' ’ ' j |j< .fc. On The Beam j Jjk|y With Gene ** Wjl »y EUGENE S. POTTS A MJi l| fall is here and seemingly dog days too, When working outside you can't easily Follow thru. Hu work while the. run i ■ shining ir> fiv.* land, A hon night tall oomes tli ; t might not be a helping hand. viet off to a good start and there might not be any sorrow. -V do 1/1 you can today because you haven’t been promised tomorrow. Do dufies end everything wii; bo fine. i Aiw:lv -» reineiTibri that proenstinatinn is the thief of time, limicst.v : tin 1 ost- policy, often it has been said. You can't build v our structure until the foundation is: laid. | Hi- sure you put in the right, kind ~f maU rials at the very outset, i non in late; veai.; vthi 11 iiaw no cause to regief y i F're sis t'i;;■ .tnr! if Hiii'i. v ’.ng ?rf long n^o, i Nt it i 5 wcil worth watching ;.?s you ? find fine may visit you vny often, and you mav seem to ho the best, But if you really wan* to do ymir share, you’ll support the Com munity Chest, Dear Readers: The wlnhev this week is Mrs. Beulah Foster of IfiO W. Palmer St Please teport us 122 1 -2 K. Stu ond St., Suite 100, Saturday, Oc tober !>, h*. Uvi'en 10:30 and 12-30 B: mg a t AROLINIAJf and tell j where you b*v.jgnt seme You will tiier receive valuable prize ! The vvinnct last week was Mrs. Queen Esther Rountree. 614 S Boundary St. College Fund Group Plans Annual Conference On Atlanta Univ. Campus NivW YORK The annual meeting of the board of directors of the United Negro College Fund will be hold October 5 at Atlanta University. Atlanta. Ga., it was announced today bv Dr. F D. Patterson, president of Tut* Institute*. Dr. Patterson is president and W J Trevu. Jr. is executive director of the Fund, wi/.f. nat.i->nal hcadqaartc-rs are at 38 F. 57th Street. New York. Members of the Fund’s board oi directors, attending the Atlan ta meeting Pom N< w York City include Dr Lindslov F Kirniial!. (ormei president of USO: George 11. Burehum of th*.- Chase Nation al Bank Arthur R Brenner of the firm Van Vorsf, Siegel and Kuiitb and Mrs. Chau nee-. L. Waddell, us Riverdale, the Bronx. Other board members who will attend the meeting are C. Arthur Bnici x-ice president of the E. J . Bruce Company, Mem phis, Term , and James E. Stamps, regional director of the Social Security Board, Chicago. Illinois Mr Stamps is president of the National Fed*-ration ut' General Altimo: A ■•• social ions of the mem her colleges of the Fund Th You May Run In, Fall In, Walk In. Just Since You Stop In The “STOP fN LUNCH” WE SERVE PRIVATE PARTIES Mr. James Fealherstone, Prop. Trs Mary WiLiams, Mgr. 3 220 Winifred St. t [ ■ —1 RAY “Flat - Tire” MASON and his 12-PIECE ORCHESTRA Contact Tiie Mason Office 731 Beatty's Ford Road Charlotte, N. G. I iiinimi'nriiniimtipmiiniiiimiiittfi 'inwwiiwtwiiirrwwwmrT-- wwn inn m, ;; “ —"" .... J Headers of the Carolinian Are .Always Welcome at CHARLOTTE’S VETERANS CLUB Mr. Harry Goans, Mgr. 732 E. 7th St. Charlotte. N. C I ; r —=-- -■■■■ - Be Sure F© Stop \t MOOT S NEW PI.,ACE GOOD FOOD, DRINKS OF ALL KINDS. And A Service i 'hat’s Fine Mr. Henry (Moot) M*y, Prop, Cl 3 N. McPoweoll Si. ; - i rc ■ ■Til'll urn l ■—'iiiwnHT" i - fUUTMatfT ‘ *i"T TITI rij .j_ iffy* NORTH CAROLINA’S FIRST 16 PAGE PAPER - REAR IT! pr< sidents of the 4,1 colleges par tie'paling in the Fund will atsu ! b t - uri sent at the meeting, as members of the board. Since 1944, the- United Negro i College Fund has conducted an j nual campaigns m over 56 mato» j cities throughout the country, for : it:, member institutions, of which J Atlanta Universiy is one The 1 money raised by he- Fund is used ( to provide .scholarship aid. more -adequate teaching salaries, -books for school libraries, teaching ; equipment, health programs and .building repair. In selecting alt roasting and bp king utensiis look for mateiia’s .-lurdy enough not to warn when exposed to high nven tempera ture >, Few seams, smooth edges, i and rounded corners all make | cleaning easier. Study the size i and shape of vour oven before buying casseroles utility pans, i muffin tins, rake and pie pans When ver possible select u ten S’ ls which can be used for top range as well as for oven cookery. It Pays To Advertise! I*