sVVEiillv L-INDING SATI'IiDAV, IX’TUUHR 'J, i'JiH PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS "**B* « \ r»» •* fl| YOUR SCRIBE mmMWI By FREDBiCK l ” BURNS A very sad rase can.e to light a few da vs ago, when the city elementary schools opened, a.- .several mothers tried in vain to get their young children, who became U years of age after Oct Ist in school. Alter investigation in two area.-:, we find Shat over 3-1 children will be or have become t> years old after that date. Most of these children are large for their age, and can easily be mistaken for 1 years olds. There is very little we can do to change the law that will permit these children t • enter school during the year after the set date. . £ -l it is almost impossible to enter a new student after a school session has begun. It is very hard fur the parents to keep the child home for a school year It is hard on the child to lose the year. Yet it is harder on o teacher to shut group of pupil* and be forced to admit a lew new ones after 8 or Hi week? These new students fend to disi upt t■’. e ent.-ie las- -iitcc tiicy air several weeks behind the rest of the children, and add an extia load on the teacher. I here is a state iw which says, non < hiid must t. t 8 yeah ut age by Oct. Ist to entfi school that session 1 also learned that several of the mothers became angry at the teachers because they would not break the law and admit then children. Be Are we act-use anyone let us- lace trie tacts. The teacher and pi me,pal are not to blarne they have them jobs to do Th- ‘, .Hu no. tnot*- change the laws than you or 1 curt The laws governing tne senuui* aa* made in our state capitol and are handed down to the State Demi tme-nt ot Public instruc tion, which in turn saw. iro-Luvti--.- . to the city and county So - pettntendertt ot Schoolthey us tu-n give instruction-, to the prin cipal ..if the M-hooi and * m.-urm lions go, on down to the $• The teachct must pc; at< it; t-.w respect with then supm. or they will not have n job ine toiio-.ving season In order to keep th«; record: .straight each child entering seho .-l ter the first time must present a birth ..-t-rnt irate Y-.-,* can pismb tee why the teacher must insist on each parent giving the ex a-1 birthdate of the chiia it must tie dons because it is a state law to say notrm.g ot ft*-*.-;.--,:-..- tm • :.t THLRE IS A REMEDY The only relief at the present or m the near future is the opening of a Kindergarten That, too, has been tried ht-er but liom the information we received c.-e uini; ,lid quilt a t* .v \ a>-eu would imt pay * * keep their children thereloi* tne only Hung to <it> was to close me door. Some weir under the taLe mpression that the Kinder garten was run by the .-.tat*-. How in the world some peuw expect to get something foi nothing is beyond my range of thinking.' There at hundreds of' mothers who must work to .mpport or help to support their chil dren, these parents must leave norm- at an early hoiu tn the inoin ing and return late in the afternoon and sometimes at night They must depend on an older child to cook, bathe, teed and dress the younger child. In several eases the older child must remain home to care for the ,-n< We will be in the stun*; boat next year and every-' a;lie; yea; it we don’t stop to think of uur condition and do something about it. Any improvement foi the Negro must come from the Negj o Mr. Chat he will promise you everything you want and need until he gets what he wants, and then try to make him keep hi* promise. Parents, teachers and .mst plain citizens, what are the chances cl a Kindergarten for Fayetteville NOW? You can get help See vou next week. CAROLINA RESTAURANT WE INVITE YOU TO TRY THE CAROLINA ONE TIME 123 PERSON STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN CHICKEN, STEAKS, BAR B-QUE SERVICE WITH A SMILE -- THANK YOU FRED HARRINGTON, Prop. V POINT GROCERY SOO MURCHISON ROAD V GRADE A MARKET Prosen Food* Garden Fresh Fruits and Vegetables DIAL 2036 Jack's Snack Shop BEST HOT DOGS FOR TEN CENTS IN TOWN \ ” WINES BEER \ 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLIPS Prop, BUY YOUR FARM MACHINERY TRUCKS AND REFRIGERATION AT M & M TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. FAYETTEVILLE PHONE 5111 or 5112 txIOCoMD SItJCTION FftVF TTF VII f F JL jTI X JU JL JL jLj V AJjiJjJb AM QUARTERLY SESSION IS HELD AT ST. HIKE AME The Rev. C. 1... Stephens, presid- • : it.'f- eldet u! the Puy» '.Seville Do- Hut ot the AME connection he!,! =i o fourth and last qaarlely con lei-ence on September 12 and i i at ! \ the St Luke AME Church ot | which the Rev 1. K Pearce is ■ pallor. The pix-itniing Elder pre -..I . • Sunday morning to • very lor;-, a- alien,-e On iVloml.-v ex--:ur die ' pastor and ot fleers me! \v di tfu- : ! i■; esiding ddc-i m a business ! sion. I In- eonlereiici- win- opene d j the presiding elder at s tiiv ! time .ai! ot the church oiy.unv.d ore and ; officials made reports .t theh ~ tivitles tor the quarter. lie total amount raised during ; tin- ouarte, liom ah -,,-t .-r-'-'id to the presiding elder was :,t Miss Susie Daniels n iv 1 poi tel . V! Kit AYS \ LSIT i.o\i)o\ I'u; in LONDON i ANP) Many Air, j cariS attended t.’.e ( oiuuial Service 1 i African Summer coni’eienec recent- •] !y field a- K’-ng's College Cain- ' jb- idge ibe subject of the confer erne was the encouiagetnent of in .dative hi African -v-riety *’• l on : :d tending the meeting veie divided into van..,- Uisxlo, ion group- Some c-r tia u.pi. ... - . > Hideu mass educritk-a. educ .-:hon i i i-u citizenship, tire position of worn *i- incentives in Afr ican -;ociet v. | ’ -b** techniques ,;Jki y » ; .a.-r fiiia-ir! o, I ; anlTitron required A ( iira ij Jout-S. :Vi ! J a taa- r. buy of strife for the colonies, open I, ed the icnftieijce .Speaka.- 1 s n eluded Miss Margery Perham. read t r ip colonial admim-tratmn u\ loid, T): Juliar H;.>..a v. director ren.-rsi ot UNESCO• Dr Mar*,net Read University of i.0n,:.--,, i:. •. I fute ot Educat or,; W ( R. ' iltiifhSf TV *• T i-iboi *if :ij t‘ Hf •' ■ iips and oth^j? Representing the UniuM stabs a t-i'e Di Ruth Si ia is ol the sb. ri*-, -a, l;n«_-i. * <ojij Dr Errir., v R, a ,i -■ he foreign Mission.- confi-r enc, ! * Mficers from an n,i culoniai tern 'orms in Africa, a- Well tin Ui. ; >on ot South Africa. Sonu-ern It ho ;-Sw ia high commi-.iiori ter l ito, i-r ; ', .md the Sudan attended leva- I'! Oil IMA I tasoii Btxjs NEW YORK i.aNPi Di < baric- v*- Pi<iiib*-rloii tj ou . . ion wa. appointeti cl'.aivm.'m ..t '!,v --: liaeon committee ,-f 11 National Medical asaoiiatrnii , Dr C A Almtiei Thi- r. n,11; 1; - -er- ill woi i-. ui ci.i-.-pci atiCii, w ,th , i.e Air,,-, ~.., Mi-duad tion j 1 "!’ clo <a nndt : iiiii!in ,u,d i .i.jl scientific a-.ivanw-n.t-nt j Other member -t the Im .in c,m j nntt.-e are (T Hainiiiun Ki-anci j Norfolk Vj , A N \, ~. p <JUI.S. DOi Hi,\ B E t'i e Wa-h --i'■_»>#>u>!i. D r. rti.-.j A 1. CD i Cii&ij Ann?trer c-.-mmittee lie ■o-V' un n;,ta,na dore.wc. i picked n- Work with t!„. armed ! - e - li: ' -) L i.* .ic*i ~i kjljj! I Mich., rs chairman l>« H h Walker NashvdU ij, Rne it : I-HbLle, i i;:kn tr Ur Hetu i. .OoWF-ns .• i‘ j¥;.i;-Kit jj.Uu .oi \ u ira A McGowen. N,-w York m ,members ut tine group Farmei-s have increased theii . capacity to produce food i t, : highe.- t levels in United State.- history and prospects a.--» that - | tne'- will produce even mnr,- -o ! the tut die. PERci m-kmurTu" ■m Ml K( HI SOY HOAD SPECIALIZING IN PRIED l Hk'Mt.y, KAM’.HIt MES fCE CREAM, t 'Ol ii BEER WHILE kIDING RE CURB SERVICE CURB' SERVICE lake A Labor Day Trip Atlantic Beach- Round Trip sn.oii Bus leaves Percolator Grill jl i A ; -W Tickets on sale there ,f - *' White, Sponsor C&lv. 5 V Roofing:, Extra Heavy 7\ B’, 9\ IT, 12* 10 Gal. Automatic Hot Water Heaters $19.95 $2 ; 8! per sq. Saving on 210 lb* A splialt Shingles Regular $7 50 Value, $4.89 —- REGULAR $2.25 at $1.45 PER ROLL ttTi c ~~ ftEGULAR 42.75 at $1 80 PER ROLL LAB. ROLL ROOFING, REGULAR $3.25 at $2.10 PEk ROLL 90 n?iT«Vnc‘ufuilc « FA IP E REGULAR 43.75 at $2.75 PER. ROLL OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT REGULAR $5.25 at $4.00 PER GAL. MANUFACTURERS ROOFING COMPANY 1019 Person Street At River Bridge FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. PERSONALS Mr,- Hattie Dixon has retuviwd iliume ifter spending hei vucatton lit; Nashville, Term., with hei niere. i Vlrs Li/rie Covington Held. Miss Theresa H. Payiir visited , ivlntive.s and friend-: in Port.-incnitn. Va (Jur.iiy the rummer Mr- Olivia Henry or P; if-: mouth. \’.i atiei rit-d ihr- Huieial ul i her sisitr Mrs Rena I’hiilijr- of Wil.-.n at tuidtd tile funeral of her .unit Yli Annie Aneosta Payot j Mr. and Mrs Jmm McKoy of N*-\v York weiv refer.t guests of Mr and .Mr- Wasliiu; U;n McNu, , I lienver C;cek. Mr end Mrs W. ivhuisfield at ' Biaefieid, W Viigmia. a n ■' Mi and Mi l fix an Me Law m : Rouseidt -Tuckei arm d,<ugliiei land Mi and Mrs. J.nn,- South*•; - Hand oi Greenwich, Coiiii., LesL* i'ucki-i at Balftmoie. .-id 'Hgeu.-i-a Tucker Rowena Tqt-ker. Air Beatrice Parker. Mr; Mallie Hate her and Kensu flamey ol 1 Washingt-in J). C at tended the Jiliiersi of ii -. t. m e I fa a : held ar Flea Hill Metlv.-dis; t •huicn wiir l l ‘ ;:i'A’ i \-011 i huT j.- i; ♦.*ii. - sir and :\ii? W S. Tucker he> im-: ~ad vV-.ale 1 . r -mra ,- - lou. D. C aim -.-' . eral r - nti,- : - and sister-'. Mi- Hen.-ictfa Delaney a f-uweiit N. J itoiounet the cc-tn- UIY rnai i*jgf *-'t udi daLitlt U: i Miidrtc* Sfd• Aithur Tlriits. -•-i; ■>£ Mr and Mrs San- Hari ol Moiitfjo:nerv Al. Tne man's age will take place October 1C at post * hapei .V- , Hoi-.f.-itai N>. Pvt. and Mrs J D 1 himms of ■H-t Aiurchron P.oati announ--,- tin birth of a son Joseph Edwin. ~t otatiou Hu-pitul No r port Brosg Septerfiber 2U. Burn tu P/c. am-. Mrr John 1. Davis a sv-ii, :t Hospital No, 2 Pf Brapg. Sepl/.ueh'f-i 23. The Da. - family lives at Rose Inn Chatham • •Street Born to Ffc and Ain 1 hadeb-us Hendersct: daughter. .ie r.rtiu .Ycptertitii-i 2o yt Stan on ilu-mi ii f; B * Cpl and Mr? Schvnan }i.,tH ais ti.e proiut part-tin a : Robert !■ born Ho-j. :o! \Y ; Sf-ptembei 27. f.t lleitii K Ts n u.let r,i, ol Trontman has been asti-inied to the Niirs (’orps Station N. '■ ;.u--r re-evilisiii,y in Align-; t.i Templeton was formally with the si-teiciii: AdininiMi 3tion and ' I. ; e-d ;u *. >l,-1-!, , A kr t- Hiiily yet imi! i .a • nrly licld at Beaver t'K-ek Mt-t j ; • ctisi i tvirci; ,;f whieh tne Kcv Mr iMavnor is pastor Conducting the irfiiv is 1 lie Rr\ .ii; Mei.itiii-i'i h Tin h, , Mr- Joi -»* ’ K o;. l’li - was .<• the pm of HlS!allin,; a heating sy Urn: An Hie chin, n. The ?nm of Jltri Oh war raised. Sell Your {tobacco in Fayetteville For The Highest Prices j AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE For The Lowest Price AT MARKET FURNITURE COMPANY 40! HAY ST. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. Jojj[» H i 1 isboro St reel <r;i%J\ SERVICE STATION ■ 501 Hillsboro St. \ h SPECIALIZING Its .. . f Jf/ ‘ " C ONOCO PRODUt TS (“Aral &.' i EX PER f W ASHING . \ GREASING SERVICE / *v Pick Up and Delivery Service ‘ uc Glen Gerald and Sons, Props, THi] (JAKUJJNiAN SCHOOL BAR ILLEGAL,; OKLA. PROMISES TO AMEND STATE LAW OKLAHOMA C' v iA.M 1 ) A Ihi *. * judge fed:- • rum I -ul.u ‘ civ la-t W-i.-iini’.sdti,- put thr un i.f Okkil'ujnia j; xi.! 1 y i,f -•n "uiieunstitutionu! net in deny tn.-- -i Ni.r.i ■■ ii<iirn:,siv , .i In r • -i ,-i<* hate it-liools and tolrl the side i amend d.-. st-gri-galiun i.rx i-i-; : mit .ill Nr,:! ;e tu t til’Ol I I'if COVII- I ,u, i -'Vailaid- in separate t-imn, sehn,in e*/tnpiiaiK‘<- with la c -'urt urdei. Guv Roy J Tiirnm - bounced that the slate lav, In i •"•*-* rutuig doer nnt affect m ' 5 -i - • ■.y rati- -n lau n ttuur 111-1 ,v f’he Mate provide: some i wilrre courses, nut no graduate c.oiK in .. segregated Negro .schuei 1 In- ujuifi , otfi-ri-d are nut ,<( MLRO Al l* I.PtMd: pi ns ms p.\im NEW VGh i, iA7vi-’) pi. ao.Jeti. -.- i, . •« ,- . ii;-tt; - . ,-Yiru ; i - Ail Laboi Patty's; candidate f.,r | -u in the 24tn c«-> : ci.---.tii, t iTiifc deserted him pails here on Wcdemday to -u-p. ! pmt f t it* .’lenafor p -d.-ie Dnlk i- j S'; sh- Deiiiorratie Republican! -u.d party’s candidate ml il.e 24th lig.iino. Rup. I' "o Ph ALP- 19-4 >: fanri .a o bea. : c- 1> ! that duTrn't who is runnirig i to; ret-lectiori L i'o-it. Lodt.n polled 24.2" P fi ! v °t- .nu until Wednesday w.c , : leader in hrs District to! the ALP I tu leaving the party, which he j ud use t-.-llriwing ' Cummnms' | ideology-, SiA'ien said he b- | ot-vrd -I aa.-oii v.a.s .tied !■-. ! {Hr* Conirnur.ibt « - » "i > Ouidr-’t c nfot m nw Am.- - . ! Cil} - f.i;n.ejpics with the ideology -a! ! ,h - Loiriir-uni.-,' part;, toii,i,ved! b> the aLP." he ;;.ud and added ! "And 1 si-:,-.! believe 1 would m doing rny dutv a-: a citizen if ! I kept ijnit-t about ih Arci,i dim; A ’ At! l . Q. j Fleanot I iris:, h.-a-t :>f the Elect ton-. 1 i'emu bur* aii sht I f'l.'erv, -.! ! P 1 I dm u.piamtf that p<-t, an. ''••lf t'»-■<:p (Jeiini'ted rf-gl.Met at a ; : hool in 1- :.-:i Harlem without Tin- charges «n> being made thal haud.ed- of first voter- in that secticui >.t Hoi lein. especially Puertj j , iCica.i ui n. oi c. . i :,-i ,:,i w j;r,- j • a.: lait.iig 1 i!r-. u: y lest-. "I U:- tho 1 1;. nj the iSlli t.'ongr, -siOti •:1 D Sri n't hr :* •I 0! ;g'reS : Sl: V j : Muicuhiu.-iU- cattin:*, for hl= p„l --tica U ,fr>. s leoted bv !i<e ruling 1 Plaintiff In the case was G vt - j MoLaurin, a retired prutWsor, who •' ; SOU; :ht to enter the univw My u, -jcomplete work on a doctor'- de |n education because I.,■ ■ tori - j University, the only stair jColli-.-v does not pn.vide the ; cuurM ' 1 University oft'uuih; admit ■: IC,; he had been barred from ad : j mi.-si(j n solely because ot his race. | court's opinion read, "Inso jha as the Oklahoma rtntute ct<-r,y | d» ive admission of the plain | tltf to Ih < J university they an un | constitutional and void The <}.•• ■ tou v.'a:' handed ciod'n b - I J s I Circuit Court Judge A j- M U rra., : i wit!t concurring opinions by Bov.c- ; : Hroaddu.3 and !•: : r .• r Vuu-h! - ; i oh Oklahomans. ” W( ‘ 1 ciraii, at to;- time id Aim ting injunction rebel on tin ‘ diT!p!i,.n that the will foi : j- ■■ the lav, they -a,a i caurin had asked an injunc- ! ; a - u owti tuning the university tiomi dot; i,. ; ; the - . it;- ra, Ja l -otru ~ j jhor, is.w- i~n j.; hint from !!,, : w h.;oi. The ( :. Naprerne iouui Tteiti in si January that Oklahoma, nans: psovaie equal j'aciiitn- Meero and white students out did' not rule on the broader question of the constitutionality of the ■;‘3tiOn IcLWA j Negligence Factor la fternndottc'.s IL .aji : Declaims Ms. Bundle j LAKE SUCCESS )ANi'- A., - ! j port made b> i) r palpi, Unm y, ■ jJ-rtUiC UN mediator in Paledne ! | -.od received both here and ;i par;. Groin Rhodes last week. J Jewish authentic' with ae?h ' A nee in connection with the a;. | “filiation of Swedish Count Koike! 1 K< r.’.adutu | Bundle, reporting, on un.- ir,ei ph-nt which occurred Jerusalem: September 17. -.atu he could not tieip bur conclude that the Israeli authorities had not taken "aric jetuate security pr-e-aut ions' wit.ii : regard to Bernadotte’s n,» : -port declared that Jewisj. leu-. , j ;i p groups” enjoyed fe eedom of i | movement and little nt:up j.j I the September i.'O . ri;nat . ~u .. N O TICE ; MR. E, A. ARMSTRONG IS IN NO WAV CONNECT ED WITH THIS PAPER, He wax f-ditor-lVfanager id the Fayetteville Carolinkn which was discuutinued December IS4?. Your Local Representative is Mr. J. S. Singleton I i I D. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE M)7 HAY STREET Parker Radiator Repair Shop ! GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT FAYETTEVILLE CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD ! !''•" ' ' ' i FLEISHMAN S BIG STORE 108 HAY ST, “One Os Fay* f ievill« , n Finest Stores’’^ i FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CALI HILLSBORO TAXI DIAL 2488 OLEN GERALD, SR., Manager SPARKS CLEANERS FOR BETTER CLEANING Offering' While U-Wait Service . , , One Day Service Expert Alterations 830 Murchison Road DIAL 4668 HURRY BACK ARTHUR’S SEAFOOD GRILL SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS, EAR-B-Q, STEAKS We Serve Regular Meals FAYETTEVILLE'S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE 837 PERSON STREET Phone SECOND SECTION IVM.RO MAM ASST. Sl i'T. 01' MAILS in iiiiTßorr s\ o. DETROIT (ANP) - In Detroit, i : vir-.t‘ of the “unwritten'’ law? ap j plied in the upgrading of Negroc. Mil the post office is being defied, i This city postal department hat a i Negru serving as assistant ■mpnii . teiulent j Tui- ranking postal v •••r !,• 1 Aiicirew S, WiHuiui.y ’.v'.in itasj ! conn- up through the ranks and! served on every shift on all type of jobs lie was appiunted to m -1 present office assistant ''tiperiti-; ! tend- ut ot mail,', August 16, t‘l4B i J i;s iii charge of mailing let - j j ten;, pautis and parcel post ot; the i ; r m to 4.30 p m : io.ft At- ■ . thou. !i h.„ taking over this po.-i : lion causf i a lot of talk, not o l single ermToye walked out because,' ; tie was ■ ;raded The promotion of Wauudles ir. aj tribute to the fair policies of Post : 'master Huston Within the past 20’ ;years several Detroit postal cals had made reputations with , their anti-Negro acts Some of, ! them refused to let a colored ww k •• v even tamps fi orn a win-; ’ dow. : This pi pi re and other effort'-; ; ti> keep the colored workers clown i sir being m. • a thing of the pr»: |bv it. Hud. administration, niKKESA MAKES improv; mats j NF. W YORK (ANP) Among 11 lie iiTiprovc-hic-ii’ woich patrons j! : . ; v ruling in ,e Theresa hotel, i | : New York's on .'Hiding hostelry in I ‘Harlem, arc sh.- -w coffee shoppe, 11 ■ s'H of st.-vei .1 iitw addilinns mil [the SIOO,OOO ex, ?, hi t.-rogratu y: |j ’ aniiounml ! i , On January i the new Skyline | ! rooni whn h is described as the'] Dii s! l-atlrron i large capacity iu l| i■■ i, i wii open The ! Cardinal bar-cocktail lounge is an-j Am: iaw fcatuif with ietyner l ■ toujige seating a longer bin and i ‘■vTiat is declared to be the largest tcJcvislo? IS, ,t ion in ~ Ncv. G,)ik hotei. ■ '.<• rn v, n,.msreme;it trio of th. . i serosa include-.- VVilltsm H. Brown, i resident manager, Howard *_ :»d-;jt- and luisic. housing* airtli j 'Mi! 1 liaiiit Hfiii.-'teTk. jri l '.M 1 : : iU'.vrnp Ms h groups He a; , c.illcd to the UN Security j . < t-uneil to "take urgent mearures { ; to see that Ci’rnibands are con- j . trolled in Palestine.'' PAGE THREE Fayetteville i our 4 ' ilness ilun Brought C) Void lilib Tagir, Patrmiize 'l'liem 'hjer formerly with the intern s' venue burc''iu, and E't-lix Orovt*. manager of the food service department. j WII, I JAMS Service Station HAS Oil. ki'.i RAMSEY STREET | -■ NONE 5451 SL;veus fell Groeerv I 44'.' *ULLSI><»RO SIRKET 'LI.r-SERYICI; St’KriAMZIM.; IN A Cl. GJ: A»)E-A ''TATS PIG -H vegi: : ‘E' EH OAU.V rwt: H FISH. EMEU DrUVRSt • DU. 4C»O sElfTO' .STATION Us RA.MSKV STREET Washhif and Greasing Our Specialty • Pick Up AW Drlivsi'.v Service <- 1 T.l. US .. DIAL a.,. f vDilinrland Street SODA SIKH* "WHERE TOUR PATRONAGE IS ALWAYS APPRECIATED" E. V. WILLIAMS. Prop. Il l l umii * land St. Dial 6642 j lack's Service Station j MEATS AND GROCERIES •<’K HILLSBORO STREET EE DELIVERY SERVICE j I.UAL 5628 Jack Phillips, Prop. | SilVI K (,Kil.L U )ir r ' -ty and Delicious Foe j .* -Served II- t.U PSPIK STREET ' t.I VIN, l»rup. j M-iAM'S ; Good (inh*-i'?es Ami : Shv'.’ i | til MCRCHiSOV ROAD FOR, QUALITY {. LEANING FOL seiTVHF. DIXIE Cl (VMS ?.U I* Pi ’OX STEF FT I FAYETTEVILLE Si MUSIC COMPANY j| V, s ki.J I/F.k PHUNOIiK/U'HS | Vvl KNOW OCR RECORDS" 5213 DIAL 4*ol* I WILLIAM’S ■ j " LUNCHEONETTE SOS fillsboko »t. ' .-.OFT i: ' !»• - SANDWICHES | MACK’S BARKER till OP 317 GILLESPIE 81'. -wmar ihe promise | IS PERFORMED’* | NO'W OPEN i Oft Wi.SINt.SS Baltimore Lunch :I2 v: !\*SLOtV ST. Oprn r - 0 . >f, to 12 P. >L j iiveakl . Lunch Dinner job:, him •>, Prop. : _x=a*. f-Tsranßßi.i!ia .an ara .-ni-mr—l Vi , RICK’S GROt.iF.KIES Uii €I MB«RLANI> ST. AT YOUR SERVIf i PHONE 8387 I iOTO CENTER 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 H'H'R SERVICE ON photo finishing v G.M.PLETK LINE OF Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur on THE Professional &

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