PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE DVER.TISERS Vl ?’ • f ,m % MUSIC IN THE CHURCH vi MM . by a WILLIAM T. GRIMES GRIG Hi OF MUSIC \ _ j S „ document erf human experience recorded m sound nnd judgement, It ha sttaveted along two main roads, the SKi;rwl ■ v-‘ n a t-> feelings of joy, fear and grief in bodily motions acton* ' lnc secular. Bel out he had intelligible speech, pie-historic man " by rhythmic no..*--- His grunts, shouts, hand clapping, rtarryo tv.vnu dt veioped a aoe'Ken language, h«. also m vTu’t.d a crude chant With which he related his adventure in dw hvn . m . m his gods, for health, fair weath: r, fertility of production. Ti: first instruments were of the drum type, next came t:ie . , ivpo and then the lyre (or string) which, marks the higher Huge of development. The drums were the instruments of rehei ,v < vis n] nn"'n« both primitive and early civilizations. In foe •-*>> , v v *h"rcver he’is found; there is shov.n the stages through wmen V„ ; . ■ i rc-ric man must nave p: -sed. In him we find an ;er,lp ;. c,.;f cession or unconscious art instinct or impulse. I :io music is a specific example A primitive- music. His song is a iveo.a c , ”. (.vperif-nce He has ceremonial songs, dream songs, woa thl j in cantnlions, war, hunt, children, legends and n ,jf w ,, av( . to be exact about the oriign of music, we f, v, ; . r; ; .;{ the Creator of all things. All things were made b,'il;n; an d without Hun was not anything made that was made ,j, .. 3 , fj e g a ve us music for a divine purpose and ordaine-.. I',-ii sitbuld have a great place. I- hi., worship service Martin Luther said. “Music is one or. t h< , >s‘ magnified and delightful presents God has given us. Lc Ve accept music as a gift. A most precious gift of Goer, L* f v.-itn reverence. Let us practice it with humility ami di “" ■<-. y ;K)l vi-e may catch and drink of the spirit of iove tv me-a it p, . heSt which is of God and which leads to God. Picky Mount Personals cll > A • : -■ n •’ ! £ oil o g? 115 Or mig. S. C. * . . ; . buck c Aav a T Cullcg. m Greens pi-' vi,tgg.K Brown of Lake City, S. C h b votui’'«"-d 1 :01 r;e afti-r X,- 1 ; •; he ;■ : : st er, Mrs. Luu ?. a Brov ■ u, K. Askew, one of Hr parlor- of Maw Zion r, . -i Churc-h, preached a very in*,.: c sermon recently white v; -u . Mount Zion. Hi ' i was taken from the LLayer: sw.iwk "Our F h r is now ].a ! toring in De troit eh. M r) Mrs .1- Hi IK s a; • on ■ - a;' io i • viMUny in Baiii :r--- a York r,ud Ma ;siH:u-rUa from -,w York City to his home FURRS CAFF x LJXJthJ ViTil I-j r DERN EQUIPMENT COURTEOUS SERVICE Fresh Home Cooked Foods Soft Drinks ~— Beer Fountain Service - Cigars Cigarettes BUSINESS HOURS 6 a. rn, lO p. rn. 209 N. Maine St. Phone 9112 JACK FOBBS, Prop. HrggM Madam Thorn, , J ssl? ar, d Psychic Reader urtl !Jj I >u a singk : lestion, 1 I'! ■ WILL TELL YOU YOUR PAST AS 'MB YOU ALONE KNOW IT, YOUR PRE k 'i *«i SENT AS IT IS, AND YOUR FUTURE | r ,4 ’* && SH AS IT WILL BE: It you are in need >f f; % adviff: on Love, Marriage, Courtship, % '>•' t. r .jMßj Law Suits. Sickness—then don't d- • t Spiral lay coming to see this truly Gifted 'a. MSm y mo^/ MM Medium, if you are having trouble at homo, a failure in business, or if you ■ uist plain down-hearted, YOU CAN be helped! If you are unlucky, held hack by great invisible forces around you—l ■rant. ;• to help you. I guarantee results, not unfulfilled, p ■ ises A word to the wise is sufficient. Call and be convin ced . Reading Daily and Sundays-—9 A. M. to 10 P. M. Readings for White and Colored LUCKY DAYS AND NUMBERS i QCATED IN STUDIO TRAILER. Bus Passes Door LOOK. FOR HAND SIGN Highway 30? 1 Block Past City Limits on S. Church Street Rocky Mount, N, C. SECOND SECTION and friends. Miss Lillian HHI has entered Slate College at Win ton Salem which i,. the Win-ton Sa'om Teach, evs College. She is a member ol Mount Zion Baptist Church, r.ud ~. ........ ,{ -hr was me ar.-iScao. i.-.c^ie ■ Sunday School. Miss Ophelia Dedmnn has ua entered Winston ScHem Ttacnet* College vrlK-re sim will been hci .Of.t- woi:: j Mrs Iseison Johnson is quite u. ; * hi i- home on Lmdsey Street. Dr F. H. A vent i- being treat ed at the St Agnes, Hospital in Ra leigh, for injuries sustained whei his car crashed into a swamp on highway 301 between Pocky Mount and Wilson. His home is on Ft corner of Pennsylvania .Avenue and Virginia Street in Rocky Mount Be is being treated 1 ‘a.-, ma bones none fractures, bruises and lacerations. ROCKY MOUNT tmam OFI-'KRS MfKVKT - Roscoe Wi t lain oppri-J cs a very nice srivier station un the corner of Cast Thomas ami Raleigh Streets. Hi* is owner «»t an establishment where tine sort ice and satisfied customers are 'he rule, son eat, depend on ■ his establishment to iiil your cas, oil. washing and greasing needs for your cars. ST, JAMES CHOIS HEARD ON WCEO RADIO PROGRAMS i Tiie Gospel and Junior Choirs of St Janies corn Pined, were heat'd to a one.- proas ran over WCEC- T .; network Wednesday night. St-p --: Umber 29, and will be- heard eacit Wednesday night over . the same network from 9:00 to 10:00. o'clock ■ Faslern Standard Time. W. Him lard Manley is a 1 the console of the ian! M -Alice B 1 Davis at the piams: and WF-ham T COASI \R.\IV MEN par \EG DENT IL TROOP POMJiiNG LOS AXGF.I ivS fANP) T:.e : "accidental" G-mbing of 34 Negro l betachmem. at Eglin field, Fla., on j Sepicnibcr 17. was looked upon a-. ; ovKi-vMCc of “rank ’ ■ n : the pari t . t white officers of the ba ed in southern tominUePie.-, i.-;- Radio and .'.ire news received ert mm diatcly after tire bomb ing did not give any name- of the wounded and deed until them famines had been notified official ’ ly. Later, it developed that one of the dead men. Cpl. Essex Gra . ham, was a local resident. Hot ! body is expected to bo shipi.'ed to a military burial at Sawtellc. la a; army men discount the i rumored theoiy that the bommrig : was "deliberate'’ or th.e rt-sult of ia 'scaring'' ju.arik. /trrny nvestl gation into tia- tragedy di.-closed ■ hat ;he: p:-ound troops wexe in no ' way to blame, being at location jot the exact time they were sup i posed to be. The bombet. was "out of place,’’ for which a reason has yet to be uncovered. CHI P( H NEWS Trie Forty-Fifth an nual session of J the Original Free W 11 Baptist Mid dle- District Sunday School Con vention convened at the Emanuel : Chapel Fixe Will Baptist Chur -h I September 17, 13, 19 The- Rev J GAY’S HARDWARE 124 S. MAIN ST. P. O. Box 928 -- Phone 180 DEALER IN Paints Hardware Building Material Farm Supplies and Equipment Artists Supplies Guns and Ammunition -- TRY Old Colony Be verages ORANGE CRUSH BOTTLING CO, 201-219 S, WASHINGTON St, THE CAROLINIAN BTWGRIDDERS TRIP RICHMOND m PLAYERS P !■ T . -1 --: 1-ton Hi School f Ri-.k,' .Violin defeated the T.Xag tiie Waikei Hi. n School ;n-iriders of Richmond. Va . by rcon of 2-9 in a game played at Rocky Mount on Friday night. The .score was made as the i - ,t oi a safety scored when Henry Battle- end Clarence Nrval dump ed a VValkei player behind his :nvn goal Fur. Karl Burnett if coach for BTW. ,i. R Lenheart ir assistant coach, KLAN ACTIVITY HURTING SOOTH SAYS DA. PAPER BARTOW, (is ■ ANP) •- The burning ot rr-.-.-i's by the Ku Klux tiov.need m an . mh-Oa; lust week by the Bar K-v. He raid The Herald called the KG- "Georgia's worst enemy axal (ailed the cross burn ing “silly and f.0’ Tin p( uc-i tie f, u-JtrU it-- r.rguiTiCnl on the t vMs of kc-.-pnig civil nghu proposals from being passed, it -aid u; part: “We Ini', e said here before am: wc- repiat - tiling like Fnis burn ing of classes in iroiP of the homes of college presidents such as hap pened m Mi.’idegevilK- the othm day. is 'he most certain way to hasten the passage of the hated civil ri::h!s proposals and to return the people o.! the south to another reconstrnetior. worse than the lasi. "We have said before and we re peal occurrences h!,e thi*, ~ro cr.ysiali2in.r-- sentiment in all other sections of the nation against the south. W’* t-cimoi • ' I :| ], , alone w,> are part of the United State- and knveii't fiiii.-hed paying for the last tune v-o forgot that "ft is a 3'y and futile and is giv ir.g C't ---H. :i big i-.iack eye in the rest of tile nation. It will re-till m no good i"c anybody, but i" most certainly will re. ult in fen iijie F Elliott i (laiiur, ;Womeg/ was dsM-us-ed. The dis • cus.--.ion was op-- m-d by Mi-'s Hilda hard Kan Foiiuwmn wi Mrs ; Annie Mac Band.. Anotlic-i i-itor e.-',;,g leaCire v- as a Bible conducted I,v Mr- . Kcrdiv Miles i arid O. S E-lliott, Officer of the convention were: K B C-s-iiCsia. i-residcet. Mf-ei-f 01:\ --. Fi, a"-- -a Abuse:.' T:.u 10411 cotton k.-a.'i progiani has been anu-nded by the U. S. Department of Agriculture to piovitic- for loans or* farm-stored cotton. LI. i US SOLVE YOUR HOMF.MAKiNO PROBLEMS An able andwillinj c kaff Credit arran gem c n t s Ample stock of home furniahings Prompt delivery service ALL ARE AT YOUR DISPOSAL BE SURE IO VISIT QUINN’S CAROLINA DREAM HOUSE Seven beautiful rooms on our 2nrt floor QUINN FURNITURE CO. No. Main Street Rocky Mount, N. C Privette’s New Super Market FINEST MEATS FRESH VEGETABLES COMPLFTE LINE OF GROCERIES Owned and Operated by H. D. Privette PHONE 840-W 571 RALEIGH ST. Jack Sullivan, Inc. HEATING & PLUMBING ENGINEERING CONTRACTING AND REPAIRING 216 HILL ST. ROCKY MOUNT Phone 2524 N. C. State. Licenses No. 385 PAINTING AND DECORATING SUPPLIES ARTIST SUPPLIES & WALLPAPER The Sherwin-Williams Company 122 S. WASHINGTON STREET Phone 3022 Rocky Mount SFCONT) SECTION PI (t SO A V Above is .» photo of Miss Dolin' M,«c Basts of !)!' l’r>t ; r- Street, daughter ot Mrs. Charity hu.ts Miss Batts is a very active member of the Booker I tS a-ii ington High School, member of the High School (dec ('inti ami Library Club, \va« .i speaker on the Pan ! discussion on World Peace sponsored ls> the Civic Forum last war and is a mem ber ”f St James Bap ist Church and Junior Choir ST. 101 IS WOMEN JOIN MEAT STRIKE FOR EOWED PRICES ST. LOUIS (ANP) The St I.aiii-: Huusewivts league, with ;.- membership of 500 Negro house wives joined in the citvwkic meat |buying mi-ikc las: week. St l,o\ua v.-ami-n Slave answered .he call ol the Si. Louis Consumer federalioti to tiv to bring meat prices down. Merab of ‘to- group ajv refus ing ic> buy mt-ai ;,t inflated prices, and are teV-phoning i.heir friend-; cot io buy either Mrs. Ratty Hall, r-j (a-idera ai Fne lcagttt, su:ti: “Wo so-- putting every effort into this ir "at to bring prices (F-v.ii .o •oat evcjy family can get its jir-t hart of ike n <■ sjo-.s of life, 1: ! SO :'-.any of uur people arc in the ■ lower in. one bracket " Some of the prices being fought lie * { iim-n such costs tin ecots to -i lit a pound f -l iull.r! ■te.'.h 7? to !Vi cents, ;; pound 10. s': I ; -.; rib .'.■asl 79 90 cents for 72-Sn cent a pound for tncd'um f ; loin i .Vi-., th. p. . GO 79 ci i j • r -eaiH-! -,-u- ioaT leg of iamb. 90-98 ■ • a pound for lamb chops i.rib) ; and slto $1.15 a pound for nr After tife first day of the strike, J V- Rteven:-, exc-eutivc- secretary of trn lodlviduri i Retail Grocers 'and Meal Dt-alcis association, -aid; "Our rnembi rcjiorted nos mul :himm cas yi starday arid told me ijio) not i-veii heard shoppers discus-i,og the proposed .strike. We ; wiii kni-s more . -oui the situation ST. JOHNS 4DMITS MJJ’O STI-DEM ANNAPOI !•: Md. iA\l>) - fin* l of tlu- nation -■ uiilCKt col l>‘(;es, Si. Johns, adniittod its fhst Negro Mtudent in it- ;».v> year history, last week flic IH-V) stuiH-nt is Viartin Appcll Dyer, Jr., who was graduated from a BaUimore high school lao. spring. The stu dent body or sit. Johns voted that they favored admission of Negroes retaiitly. Dyer applied after the student body decision. PITTMAN’S ESSO SERVICE l alis Road Church St. TIRES BATTERIES SEAT COVERS PHONE 9171 Social Melver KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS 128 E. THOMAS ST. fiarren s Salt s \»Fnn ( ONI I f HON 1 Ks wild F SALK AM) HIT AIL AGENTS WANTED; AIRO A. TI LFt.RAM NKW sI*API,KS IMii Atlantic Avc. Phone T.M, Yk( FAIN'S SERVK’F STATION SHI S I GAS. OIL WASHING, GREASING SOFT DRINKS GRO< EIUES SERVICE WITH A SMILE G2l E. Thomas St. Phim- 2563 The Fla liters National BANK and TRUST COMPANY The Bank of Personal Service ROCKY MOUNT. N. C. 49 YEARS OF CONTINUOUS SERVICE. TO THIS COMMUNITY Member Federal Deponif Insurance Corporal,on ' Try ENTERPRISE First Everything To Furnish Your Home Complete CASH OH TERMS ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 158 S. WASHINGTON STREET ROCKY MOUNT ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE WILE PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMEMBER EVERY TOWN NEEDS A NEWSPAPER WEEK ENDING SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9. 1948 JAMES M. FOX JEWELER 126 Maiij Street Rocky Mount, N. C, HOUSE MOVING BUSINESS FICKNSFD AM) BONDED 61S Virginas Phone 1682-R Charles E'inutn. O'O'net, operator MAY \M) GORHAM DREG COMPANY 132 TAW BORO STREET THEM KIPTION DRUGGISTS PHONE TOO GRIMES-MORGAN PI.t'MBING AND HEATING TIMKEN OIL B'CKXERS >ll Ave ----- Phone 7J£ ROCK V MOTNT NORGE HOMI APPLIANCES MAYTAG APPLIANCES Coppedge & Campbell 131 SEN SET ATEN 1 E PHONI 266 Hu- Store That Brought Triers Down in Rocky Mount SELF-SERVICE DRESS SHOP 20'J SOT ill MAIN STREET • oxl To Whaley Furniture t o. GAYNOR’S WHITE FRONT MARKET GROT FRIES. MEATS, H I ERE AM SOFT DRINKS 516 GAY STREET R. M. GAYNOR, Prop. MAKE YOUR DOLLAR GO FARTHER AT FALLS ROAD Department Store Compiete S.„ine Os • MEN’S ♦ WOMEN’S AND « C HILDREN’S WEAR You Can Get The BEST VALUES HERE AT ALL TIMES Rocky Mount - To Keep This Page Pa tronize These Advertisers G. C. REID & SON Hardware & Paints 248 Falls Road Rocky Mount The TEX ACO Center 100 N. Church a. Sunset Ave. "VO! R FRIENDLY STATION” OHS GAS LUBRICATION ALL WORK OF ARANTEFD Dial 9 1 50 —I M. Johnson, .Mgr, Yellow front Grocery FRUITS PRODUCE WINES Os All Kind® 202 Falla Rd. 1 elephone 2592 BAWLIE’S CAFI A- SFRVICI. STATION if>7 Atlantic Ave, Phone 995 Sandwiches, Beer, Sodas, Ice Cream, Gas, Oil. Wash, Grease TIRE REPAIRS H. H. WEEKS -FED STOKE 119 Tariioro St Rocky Mount MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF SPED ANI) GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN “When Automobiles Are Built BCICK will Build Them” The Best of Service On All ’Makes of Cars and Trucks ROSE HI ILK CO. Harrington Cash Store Look; Your Favorite Ice Cream, 55c V Pint, Soft Drinks of AH Kiruls, Bakery Goods GiU Cs A TRIAL 1023 S. H \SHI\GTOX ST. IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Our Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST, William Crimes, Prop, ATLANTIC SERVICE STATION Jin r. Thomas St. phone 9183 GAS, OIL. SAILS SERVICE Tire and Mechanical Works PLI MLR ALSTON, Prop, DAVIS RADIO & RECORD SHOP Specializing in Auto Radios. Latest Records Delivery 510 GAY STREET MARCUS DAVIS, Prop Dannie's Beauty Shop Specializing In Ail Phases Os Beaulf' Culture— Phone 1444-M Hazel Haywood. Operator 513 W Thomas si. Rocky ML Mrs. Dannie McClean, Prop. \ei<jhborhiH>d ( enter GROCERIES A MAGAZINES floor Sanding & Painting 700 Penn. Ave. Phone 2386-R J. L. Lassiter, Prop. Save and Borrow with the' Credit Union Chartered by the State of X. C. 208 r Thomas St. phone 289-J OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS Louis Pippin, president Mrs. Nora E. Bailey, Sec.-Treas. DICKIN’S FISH MARKET SEAFOOD AND GROCERIES fish Dressed and Delivered Free 625 W. THOMAS STREET PHONE 1255- WX .RADIO HOSPITAL 127 S. WASHINGTON ST. Everything In Radio Repair* PHONE 2637 WILLIAMS COMMUNITY STORE 814 GOLDLEAF STREET PI,AIN A FANCY GROCERIES FRESH MEATS DAIRY PRODUCTS OF ALL KINDS BATTLE’S CASH GROCER * MEAT MARKET 612 E. THOMAS ST. For Quick Service Call 2776

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