WEEK PVRINO SATURDAY. OCTOBER f< 1918 THESE , ADVERTISERS GHAIMwEH Si \IIO N T Mrs Troy l, Miller of Grain : Station and husband v isiti-.i her sister, Mrs Grover Isslcr oi Warn- \ Chaple Go tint :uiii\ rorpntly, Tito daughter ot Mr John Du..i\ gave birth to .. 9 1 :> (..omni i:.,b boy September 23. Miss Lucille Alston duugihei m Mr and Mrs: (bop. Alston oi hast Shine Sire - t ha icwi.tty i< turned to the city ..for a v.< oi. Automobiles Now In Stock 1348 Chevrolet 4 door Sedan 1948 Chevrolet 2 dTor Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Convertible 134? Chevrolet Convertible 1 Ton Ford Pick up. New 1343 I 1-2 Chev, Pick-up 194 V 3-4 Ton Chev. Pick-up 194? Ford 1-2 Ton Pick-up Many more to choose frt.ni Immediate- delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Required MID-TOWN MOTOR CO. Located N. Queen Si, Opposite Hotel Kinston Open Evening:, Until 9 Also Norfolk. Va. 2400 Gramby St. We Do Hauling of all Kind. Also Wreck Old Buildings AND move them to your destination Also Oe Specialize in Ready Cut Stove Wood. Economy 1 oads, 3 Cc-ds or I i-L Cords SEE EDDIE ALDRIDGE 700 Quinerlv St. Dial 3*o 7 BflS@(g© " IN WORLD WAR TWO sLiUSTfATfC By N&RDATTD By j|&||i ST.CiairT.Boume * PvT. WOOPAI l L.MARSH OF | PITTSBURGH.PA FIRST NEGRO TO j RECEIVE THE AWARD OF THE SILVER I j STAR IN THE EUROPEAN THEATRE. L J j pvt, marsh starts oh on his hazardous mission. ite l i'sSgj^^^^ l * fci,, *&flj|i •••••• L Jilaiikldi' &aiIMW£MvJBA THE SIGHT OF THE U.S. TRUCK GIVES HOPE TO THE PARATROOPERS. IfORCTP TO OHOOSE ANOTHER ROUTE BACK, PVT. MARSH HAD TO j MRS. HIM ATISADS HEALTH INSTFriTE AT JOHNSON (\ SMITH Mrs, S:\lljv Hdl, president ui the Good Health Club, is at'.rmihv. the 79th Institute for the Training •■>{ Tubt.-teuloids and Health Work ms now underway at Johnson C SuLth t./siivf-i- itv in Charlotte. The institute it- being conducted uy the National Tuberculosis A social ion m cooperation with the !; Diver .-tty under the direction cl. Mi r M-dlie C Faison, field reprr :er.tati\e of p; r.gn.rn development for the -tssoeiaf on. Anoiis the principal "-peiikers tor the !.;!;■ will Lt James G Slum prog; am devciouroent service di rector, ..lid Dr, A. P. Yoder, ;up < i intendent of ;he Forsythe County Sanatoi unn in Winston-Salem. Mr.- Hii! - nip be-ins spon.soi - ed by the Lci.*>.t County Tuberci; )om;. A-.-. iei .line Tie Go..d HcGth the pt amotion of bettet health lii'eai:' colored rtMdenis of Kinston. v ,n,,n Rhrmond. P-nlad. D Mr. i ;\!).■ Wiiliam R Bur-: M, Bv m... VI. . a G Tit ; n S ; EWART BROS. SODA SHOP Where Friend Meet and Enjoy it • ('old Drinks, Milk Shakes & Ice (’ream S. Lee St. Aden, N. C. SECOND SEf'TTON KINSTON NATIVE APPEARS WITH bOSREL SINGERS 'I he Jvrmr.i-. fit 1 p>-l Singer.; of New Yuik Cry !,:•! ived jn Kinston 1a..! ' lor a singing ctigu/v --na ic at ihe fir t Baptist Church of i a Grunge which c ~•> one ■■( the a -I’-r* - v;hici. the qian win made jjltirtng a tv- • w.-r-P;h tour of the ( aioliaas. Th< i roup is under the m.uutge mria 0. , Aiai v Mac.. ot Yv T .,.- H-rC.ro. is C The bass ringer for fho quartfUe 1.-. Mrs Biaiunc Ah.odr formerly ot Kinston iha u shi'!' armal tG y v-et e •h-eir-h by the Rev. and Mis Do ( ; a: Bi!- -e ‘ ■: : Ie- and G■ > i :( ., bi-luv of A’!. Woods d On Thursday evening they were the Ch.UiV.T ; vests Ot Miss Eunice Whitfield of ;?t)3 N Res’ St. and on 'Lest! day u.. ht they appeared die Bank (’: u;,. ■: ;vH ur rv. Chinch ;■ Ftdling Creek On fc C. •’•••> Htcy vans; at die Mt Sm-d Holmes.-. Church at KieG-vn E-’n-licr appw-nu!f. os bad taken ‘ • te.n VVahr-rbom, wh< re thee ■> h -uh-Ga;;: t\ m. Ah ;yj a . k -vl.- i. Ml Gen. ye Mannitol; MW HOOKS MiOl i) kh> < muiiiiA yr KINSTON 1 lilii il.'t Mi- i.aura W H: rdy, libiat.. n ' f h e cr.inl-ed 1..i inch of lh, K.v if liu- following I e\v books at tie FOR < HSI ORf V i.ittie Brown Bah'e Dru V... Von C.iti't Pet a Pc.s-.um. FhrrvwmpG XJcillcfsKt la“t riOUs-’f', uiil'lsrl ' ‘ I }.l i ! Oh its G; :: a.s bv( >n ! a 1 ( !■ in <-a c h .if t }; - last four vi-ars. ; PVT. HARSH RECEIVES ORDER TO TRY TO SV-.C V iCOPSP.S- i | .I.® /”»£*■ Jjj | f /s/ j ALTERNATELY MAKING HIS OWN ROAD AND DRIVING CONTI VERY HEAVY FIRE. PVT. MARSH HEAPS FOR HiS OBJECTIVE. iJm f .., wl ji»»|(Mj|iiMßy}i»fe* J^K3ra>-v-4wj.’ /4 [ —; i HE REACHED THE WOUNDED MEN, LOADED THEM IN HIS TRUCK AND STARTED BACK. WHEN SOME OF THE PARATROOPERS EXPRESSED FEAR THAT ME COULDN’T MAKE IT BECAUSE THE WATER WAS TOO DEED PVT. ■". ... ..... j i KINSTON KINSTON NOTES Bi »V t! Hit. si \ '! ■ \ I-' VV ia; t b. i 0480. :a ui. til., t - i . i’d 1 hij’ll Mcanhty n. he- Vi <lii .e.e place. All vei are a'-ir ir to e. aa.- o t Vet en-ais eh no ki attend ~11 meetings, uni rdy fin- VFW n ,ee! ingg. but I .e All, ;e. :. I .1- ll)|, l J ot,t and Out jNAACP w hiell ine- f:; ut Whii.e leuae ■ Fute ial Heme \ NA< !* If fFS At v. meeting on beptunber 13. i ■■■ .Sa.ttouai Bor.rd of dirt-ctors v>■ t■ ,:i t.e; affirm tile i'c'ceinincridadiotJ ot ia., t'ftih annual, rcir.fc'roi'ice that Vac mtniti.i.mt annual membership fee he i:n ed fsuin il XO to $2.00 meui.'d r’p. Ali branches :u>> urged lo begin !l. ■' ivu.id :d ■ ’i e.* lu.jjf i dfink all i,i in -hon'd tie in seriw (•! ''ai'i.hid : in- s » c h as Gniiihi-v ~»r uil'se, ot gatfizations irWarlVb lii tht« •! a-y 1 kr.OW litey are sole cetutuse i belong !o the foOnwing m> C'hon-h. Alason, VFW A.jvie t,: VWGP ■,.:d find them aery importdm'. lio\ I I! (lOi Nt.N .U . ’ S fie nets! n 'he v, :l; nt- ill-id Aimiday e.;, ;.! aitt’t rite L.ceoiid but.... hi October Alt nat roos are -M a lit .I u:u-in Sj.otfovd of da -in.mu. D G .nriounf.es the •rn: ' ■ b. David Je.im " Ct .v-.-r.341.vt. Myers T» •< J'l h )-■ ■ • J', 7{• ... -y ’ " ~ bill- TU , a Mfs. c.’ L. Join. i• i fj'<O r . rvlcflivt/L. t! ■ I, . , . rP/ ,.4 _ On July } tJi .0 t i,41e Vdl rV.‘t■: i more’ doulAe ill*- w , •;• t• ; t * THE CAEOLTNIAM VJALLY UNDER Attornev iloward lo Speaks In Italei . h The progresiv < I 1 ." ■ oi North Carolina wilt pit .n* hte Honor able ( tiavles i> Howard of Des Moines lowa. Sn.nkiy afternoon at 3:0o p. tn. at the Titppei Memorial Baptist Church, Blount and Ca barrus Street:!, .11 a pUb/it Mar- Meeting', it h::-, beet: repoi’tefi. Attorney Ihovaid is rivaking in a number of North Carolina cities including Greensboro High Point, W.nstoii-Sal- m. Wii.Mand Ra leigh ki the interst of current istration drive, to get till North Carolina's potential voter:- on the bonks regardlets of party leaiiiogs. Fit- was keynoter ot the Naline.vl Progressive Patty Convention at Philadelphia in July, and was heard bv millions of listener:? over the Nation and was applauded by mi'.- iiotis for Ids spiel;-did speech !b become a national political figure having served with snti.la-.- tin to all as Temporary Cr. - ir ,n ot the Convention Attorney Howard for many yens wat active and held a high pi n r in Republican Party affair.-. lit-, professional and civic isdovest ;.:t nun y He is publisher os ;< payer in his lamic c.i\\ Des Mein- s .; Shhitter. an Elk and membet us other omtanizal’i.ns t.-r th* v. < - being of lmm.ankir.-d Waltr: H Slade Wake County eandidate for Legislature, will pre side All are welcome St\ \<ll SU\ IT IN Till ( AKOITNI tN Beech’s Soda Shop VI HERE t RJFMtS Mi.t I DRAFT AND BOTTf.FI> BIT it Vt I NFS AND S.VNDNVH TJF > :G6 >0 QUEEN STREET WHEN YOUR RADIO e ® « GIVES YOU TROUBLE •fttt Wi*us ».s 11 ii.i , Jf ' When you can i iesn. s>3ck n«J listen in y comfort because of bn?.ting or siAJ/c DAVIS R A DIO SERVICE 1 |5 i iSfif: DEMOND ST. IN LINCOLN CITY KINSTON McU&chi D<av iZi Pftu. : n. r —* —i , (pay.lu' ;,D^l .■. \ ! F | / ~Y | t \y Oi i I fii‘.-> '-jfcCGNp M \\ t\ il / i s"^'/-'\ /\ .';•-. / y iJ> ( pro?;,two poy v « *'' ' " i/I I I L-£=±_jsSa I pTHAT 'T? '\ F : : Vv-V-;vA,. CINCH - \ p— y. **'■■:'<."- —. X -.\L •'. r- I /' r>S-> : r/-■>*£ " TV t M y ri . aMyTlp' i i#rir '®V •■- J ■ f&cc-kt whiz a what'slfO ii WRONG' WITH MF«? iWA. il j POINCr TE:R£!Bl£ - IK <=CtfxM" ||gr.^; OUT '' 3 4, 1 Ip [pr- ! AA JUST A KMUCKUEBRAIN TAU, ItffMY HEAP _**. i■■:,COOP FOP iA J APART// ~ GaJ j|l SECOND SECTION .VJLDLKMSi ti JH. HOTEL II : BE.ASI.EY STliI I: l « 413 N. I) WIN STREET nitMSlii.M ROOMS Hot And Cold Water I OR BATH Quiet Location FOR SERVICE ITS JOBIE’S PLACE 435 f WASHINGTON ST. CIGARS < IGAKETTE3 SOI I DIUNKS - ERI ITS Good Music Kinston, N. ('. CHAPMAN sF.RVK ! STATION Uashli!);. (ji ciisins', Batteries < barged, Rcm Room. Drinks Smokes Road Service 507 S. Quei n St. Rhone \T\ I \VS LHIIL " 615 H \R VEY S TREE! HOME COOKED Ml Ai S sandwiches, Soil Drinks, i'aniii < i-' ii '. Cigars ties A U is;;s, \ \\. Wiggs, Props ; 111 II VOI R I Will,V I ROM RHODE'S pol lI in \N|l GROCERY M VK.vi I 70S Qi:iN NERI A sT LOUIS RADIO SERVICE S ' ! AST BRIGHT STREET Phone 27 82 G c . rnr ; scmooT^l ■ \ 1 Mav<« i'uo WOM os3 HEUABSErJZY'I ' ♦'twfti.r wu/w3u / /w WHAi '4 WRONtVcI AT ' A> WHAT ARE YOU J V / MUMBhAG TO * FHOW DARE YOU CAY THAT g. ■; —| X 'i ky ta— .JW M. Pays I o Ul\erlise! ! leaker's Funeral Home Souse of Eenoii County .Ylutual Burial Association. Im 41(1 s. 01 I EN ST RHONE '.‘116 I.AHY ATTENDANT (ROOM IIAMI i. At MHO 610 Mitt hell Wooten Dint DAMP WASH ;jui!t.. _ Blanket;- Elat Work Mr. \ Airs William Croons, Prop-. Harl em’s Inn Case Visil Our New Location 326 E. Bright St, Ln Th ;* Meadows Bldg. HOME COOKED MEALS Belk-T ylers THE FAMILY DEPT. STORE Quality Merc!jandi se At Popular Prices KINSTON, N. C, !HE PARADISE GRILL. j At 723 E. Washington Ave. j Carries a variety of Foods j Canned Foods, Milk, Ice Cream. ! All Kinds of Smokes. Banana; ! Mrs. C. Gray, Prop. Phone 4753 SU l liTI MH! | G 4'<>l R SHOES ARE NOT ! B! 1 OMIXG iHI N yoi SIIOIT.fi BE COMING TO \ F T E R \ % \S ''HOE SHIM PARLOR VXD NEWSSTAND '■ • sonh m» i \ ST v,, B’ r « Weeklies. Magazines ! * ' hi Drinks, t usscly, Smokes William R, Burney Rsop I FOR SALE 1934 CHEVROLET BUS . . IN A 1 CONDITION Running Every Day AH Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT— SEE Mr. Jarvis Buck. P. O. Box 95—-Dover. N. C. Kinston Business Men And Women Sponsor This Page - Patronize I hem Support Your Paper!! THE CAROLINIAN VISIT ANCHOR’S INN Where- Friends Meet and Greet Fancy Groceries, Good Beer Always* Good Music P. F. D. 1 , I Mile North of " Kinston Emmet Simmons, Prop. ’'•**»»*«**- iin riwmwmnii n THE HUB * 1 Vv h ere If* ePr lc e Is Always Lower” KINSTON tWKU./ the ee'-s paphm OJ| ANPGHE TOU AAE 'ejHE' a HAP i 0 A [AY HOME AFT Fk i‘v. XYT A •■■•■< isl Tat, iW W:-*tK.TEiCSSSPf mvc i« li^^: 1/ M’ • ■ ■ ,-. YH / H'AA CORJRY;mom / / forgot) WA£ YOUIASON//y"~ 4 \TA lu ,_ . _ / / / C'.■»<( tt ;a,i rfcA ' UCJA '■' ■■ —— - |,u. , ,-n,i nwimiM Mifaffitwr* PAGE FIVE When You An r Out Vot SI-'ORT S Slop By The R. S BILLIARD ROOM 4.12 E. Blount St. B. !'. POLLOCK and SON EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Paint Headquarters 131 SO. QUEEN ST. PHONE 4064 IT’S 0 K to po !m?uJ| K KX : hi onN^f/,^ kVVs MEAN STOKF

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