PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page Our UNCENSORED it was Ip.miiT on Fud...\ VVn.ul ward has had hi;; voter s cor Jt i iVr political r.dlic: !v. the Democrat* la a brief talk, the vG u.n >;iv • lie hopvv Truman will v. in. a;, “hr. i. f»r my people The fight !>plwtvn Pr. Max Yc gait Hr.u the .'.fricai Council of Africa!' nth farm' !■« on ri.d mi Thursday in • suprem- <•<* c here Paul Robeson will now be the undisputed chairman of tls. coun cil, W A H 1i.u.0i.. ■tvri'l a'.'v. md Mrs. Estelle Or; nine, sin official n the Wallace partv, ti-casu: cr The judge gave both side.- Ret; days in which »o sign agraunc-it papers, which when made public will he "the complete stepping • ut of the council s member ship e Yergan," and a cash settlement 1 > no more than SYOno to the former chairman Carport Balei ~od Pauli Murray represented Yergan \\l- n-. Albert Gilbert and Thom . 13 Jones, the newly made member of the count >' * >:<-•* .'ivc i." ,ui. . ■ resented the council Tht m the case was .Tiedice lie.i y <.'«:*-- Greenberg Papers are exp.-ted l<> ' •- filed soon by "C'ol liotiei; -7iii • j 1 against Coltunm-t Dow |v..-: the Washingten Merrv Go Round for his recent articles tollt'-g the cononcl’s “plner trips on ecv ernment expense' froro bee- t ■ Germany end ouk bays. "not trim" to P -■ "'-A charges . . Walter W :;! hi' I' sell A ■that Pool Robeson, Jr ;mri a who* friend that tv mi : recently arc ‘'that way" was denied Fy Junior him self Wincii,-R .-o’ly wi.■ < that Mr Trumnr. "will -yirk to segregated audiences in the south." While on politic:- again, we snmi " *ay that Congressnues V, icon, Dawson admitted here on Friday during a pres> conference dial there is ;< agri-gated unit w i unr in the Democratic bca'lqo;*' .a the Hotel R'F'oio. i were at the conference, which v. r held in Dawson’- office. Tire Dußois" mister from G NAA CP is brintibi ; -■ >< - ■ t fell NAACP fis-rds he The latest group of “biygm'- ' the' will ask for the recall of Duß' Is includes Cart G rpm prenclent “f - SIGNALS If you detect any of the following symptoms, «ee your doctor at once. It may not mean cancer, but if it should, remember that most #■ cases can be cured if treated in time rVBaanasMMBHB -Btaira 1 sanfirm —nv: -asawr- lA.nv *- r *fe that does not heal * particularly about *hr tongue. mouth or Lp* Do not pass it off r? ‘nothing at ail " Go *o the doctor. 2 A painless lump or thicken * ing. especially in id breast, lip, nr tongue Don't wait “to see what happens.” Go to the dot tor. 3 Irregular bleeding or riis * charge from any natural body opening Do no’ w ait for pain- Go to the doctor. 4 Progressive change in the * color or sire, of a wart, mote 1 sfNn coupon for FREE BOOKLET 1! ww? I ',, | j TWAT mis THE FACTS a3 ° ut cancer ■ *«' ’ I AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY i y7" -Ct - F- ••'*< Y-V 4 ■ N Y | || _ s * nd ,r " i,v r,ed! '' ,i - ithr ” T....;' ■:: _...!TL j_ „ j tji Ov»r one or both tori, J toilet! ot a chignon. *THts /srt£AUY 7H£ msr way m Z f fTC,S! ao.-> lcncth to yoormu. UUtLi:;;! (t.e Afro American turn, paper chain. Dr 1 lor.Hi-e Mom Bund oi Linroin U livcrs'ly mid man other editors and edueati-mat depart mental heads. OMEGAS I'I.WMAG A national high school essay contest upon to all senior high school student;, n the -ut>j«-- t, "The Individual Ley to True Dc aux-racy", is bei- conducted in ;on junction with A- ■;if vem< nt Week. Cash prizes totalling *250 • 00 will be awarded to high .--.i-hoel renims for winning essav;.. ,-uu nvittr-d direct;'.- to Dr. Mack I'm prior to ovember 10, IU4B. Prizes are to he awarded or, or about IVivn-het 15 when the _ judging will have been completed. I,\tension Srr\ ice Distributes (lows In Vianiancc (lounl> Twenty eight heifers w< re d. - trii-.ut; d to Hertford County Ne gro farmei s recently a-? another step to improve dairy cattle herds in the county. lot animals purchased Ihrough Melvin I, Johnson, Ne gro county intent hr the State College Extension Service, front the dairy section of Alamance County They were considered the best shipment of heifeis > be delivered in the county since the beginning of the cooperative program in 1943. Included -n the s.oipment w< rc 10 Jersey hnfers. and nine Guorr ,cy.-o Total cost of the cattle was $3,740, with priceranging from •; 522522 to $l4O. Most of the animals . iv oi:;obli registration and • jj of them v'ctv graded and ap praised by A. C. Kunif y. Exti-n --:,j >n dairy specialist at Stale Col lege, J. W, Balh-iiP-ne. enunty agent:; and L. W. James I Ahos- Kie. Route 3. Os particular importance to the future growtli of Pie dairy indus try in the count.v WnS the fact that 14 of the animals were pur chased -t>v farmer:-, who did not own anv dairy cattle. Os the oth . • if, four were plaeed with fann i , who exper tto start small dair u\>, ii\’c were fiiuvhusvdi by farrn * «rs w ho nwn<'d animals of infer ior and five were placed with fann< rs who had stood, herd v Free or! in a delivery *d the an;- rv birthmark. Do not try salves or ointments. Go to the doctor. 5 Persistent indigestion f * riot wait for loss of weight- Go to the dix tor. 6 Persistent hoarseness, one* * plained cough, or difficulty in swallowing. Do not assume that it is due to smoking or some other form of irritation which will clear up Go to (he doctor. 7 Any change in normal bowel ■ habits. Don’t attempt to di agnose yourself. Go so the doctor , SEC* >vr» beotton Low Cost, High Protein Dish - V ,;y >. ww' - JBL %r- - -.T % - 6 s Keeping the family's n. ' 'itiona! rsquirementr up to par is easy and economical when low cost, high protein foods are combined m flavorful main dishes such as Kidney Bean Rabbit. In this attractive, appetising dish there is some protein in the beans, some in the trend, and let? of high duality protein in the cheese—plus the milk mineral? and milk vitamins and food energy >n cheese You ran count on a half pound of cheddai cheese to give you about ns much protein as a whole pound of meat, with a modern?* amount of hone and fat, according to the Hinted States Department . f Agriculture, Office for Food and Feed Conservation And a half pound of cheese provides the suggested 2 ounces of protein for a main <i -h when feeding four. You'll find Kidney Bean Rabbit one of your easiest main dishes . just mal.!- a rabbit of the ingredients, and servo hot on crisp toast. Try it today. Kidney Bean Rabbit 2 tablespoons chopped onion 2 tablespoons catsup ! green poppet. chopped R Dn-poon Worcestershire «aue« 2 tablespoons butter or Sait, popper, cayenne margarine lb, American Pasteurized cups rooked kidney beans Process cheese, sliced t Toast Saute the chopped onion and green peppier in the butter or mar garine m the top of a double Iviler Place over hot wstcr. Add th>- well drained beans, rat s up, Worcestershire sauce, seasonings and eheese. Cook slowly until the cheese melts. Perve hot on • risp toast at the C S. Brown School in Win .ton. Based on .Soptombei 1 i.-im : ‘sons. rji-ndiH-tion of snap Lear; in N'oflh Car-iiina fa; piocf s.-dn,; <- t .-r: I' d at • ,200 tons, or 25 per cent, lower thnn the 194? crop c-f 1,1100 ii.'-ns. (Ttnimercinl hatchenea in, the State produced 1,530,000 chicks during August. WE ARE NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS RALEIGH’S F IRST LADIES’ STORE 1/ C* J OWNED AND OPERATED BY Your Shoppe 10 , r “ Es „ * Y 127 Last Hargett St. Featuring I SHOE 1 DEPARTMENT Women and Children Shoes » DEI- SKA * SK !IL! * lit .OI SKS * (i!,< >Y!-" • SUES * I' A N’T IV • NYLON HOSIERY * II A N DRAGS Ready-To-Wear Sewing Center Notions Piece Good?, Children’s Dent- Our Shoe l-lepartmcnl Features Lester Pmc.nß Originals For Ladies And Roush Riders Shoes f or Boys and Girls. SI,! N<, IIK El. Colors: Brown <C Black i i YOUR SHOPPE ANNA (HI IK HAIRSTON A A MCE C. LUTON. PROPRIETORS FRET) D. WILLIAMS, Operator of Shoe Department 127 East Hargett St. Raleigh, N. C. Happy Khmer New Year. This vear's cotlnn crop, csti •liiatf’d at. 710,000 h.ih.:, will in the k....’<V't the State h pro dueed since If>4t. The Carolina Yam Festival *-v ill he held at Tabor City Otobf • H-10 The Stale'- eommeray! apple i, ,-ie reniiy •- t irnuted at • .-.light |y p,-i|-r than one million bushels. Lovely Dresses l.ovoiy ladies' drosses foi the Fail and Wintot Sea sons , . lovelier than ever yoii’vp seen ... in charm ing; styles, to help you play t-i» weli your feminine role ft um s6‘u to $! d 'ta ‘IT S A FIRST In Business—- It Will Be First In Servir e M CHILDREN’S OXFORD Color: Rrown ' -_l ;■ irS /' Unt>r«id*c), warn in « 1 I f -■ HAIR PRODUCTS h ~ 17 Fast 42nd St. New York 17, N Y I —--r-r T-n til Hi), *.1., » I n-.i < i.i.ih iiu»i»»fi|«-iiiiHiTiirNT |H»I ■i-iinr-m-riTi rnnrr -ffiYi-nr iUTifWMii..nßr.iiniiWim>mii-innvn n i ,Bi-nmi U> n TUB CAROLINIAN YWCA ACTIVITIES Thirty Two ftth grade- Y-Teeils ■ nt Sojournr-i Truth YWCA Saturday u, attend their Annual Kail Setting Up Conference Mrs:. 1 McCoy. Y-Teen Dirc-Hor, presided ovei the conference which opened yi ‘TOO A M, with registra tion and a very in'-T.-sting and in spiring program followed in which .ill of the pir!:- eager!v participated. Leaders to- the conferences were: Mrs h. M. Kelley. Mi : Jeanette i Hick- Mrs, Dori - McAdams Mis- Mac Upon Mrs H V Perrin. and M:s: Marina Splav/o. Wash 'Pi;ton High School teacherr; Mrs ' Nona Lockhart and Mm Marv Cul lers. Crosby-Garfield School teach er-.' Mi-'-.-, Elsie Suit, Executive Di* reefoi or YWCA; Mrs. Jane McCoy Y-Tccn Director for Centra! and Branch: Mis- E P. Boyer, Branch Dirccior: Mrs Mancricft, Supt •of Nurses, Si Agnes Hospital, and ! Miss Josephine Rodrigue.. Physical Therapist. Polio Unit. St Agues l i Hospital. Tile Annual Fall Selling Up Con | fore nee for the 9th 10th. nth and’ ; !2t.h grades will he held Thursday : eight. OiSohci 7 T the YWCA w 1 7:00 P M . There will he an inter- ■ , usting program and -t fine group of i leaders present Wc arc inviting ! ail Y-Teens and interested persons so attend this conference. Mrs. • .lane McCoy will preside The Annual Fall Setting Up Cou- Icrcncc and Hound Table I n the i Commit ice of Management, Com j roitlfo Chairman and CorruniPce members was held at the Branch ; YWCA .Monday night rd 8:00 P M. ’ Mrs Louise F Perrin. Chairman, presided The general theme of the eonft roneo was "Goins F-irwuid Together in Faith and Action, The eleven Committee Chairmen gave report* of tile work and ,ic "viiics of their club or comm I lice planned for the coming year \ general discussion and round table followed the reports Miss Ruth C Wili-on. President of ’he YWCA Board, and Miss Elsie Suit. Execu tive Director, were presented and look an active part in she program The Prize- for the largest attend* i was awarded to the Religion* l Kn a;.--g. Comm'Her Mrs llaniel Smith Jones is Chairman of n-iff’ py I .1 Y \ ; " \ \ I{ p \ Ij \ \ KID PUMP Color: Black. SECOND HECI ?ON_ Committer The Wouvi/r. Activity Sr-wing ' Clay.- will meet Thursday night, j October 7at the "Y" at 7:00 I 1 M | All of the member:-; arc urged to i he in or dr > lo finish then*! article.■ for the Fall Hobby Festival.! The 1 estival which is an annual at- ; (air and will be held al the | YWCA Monday night, November i 1. fceghuiing a* 7:00 T. M Eva •, • ; one ! invited to .sec the exhibit and I purchase artic-les. The Parin: Education Commit • i tec win hold its first Fall Meeting a* the "Y" Mondav at 7:30 P yi. ! All members, friends and inter-': si - j |cd parents arc invited to be pit- • rent Mrs Ado M -farnigan is Chairman -of the group The B and 1 Club will meet each Tuesday night al 7:30 as usual The : Club wishes so congratulate two of ius members: (!) Miss Catherine Young who recently had some of i her poetry published in "Talent of ; America: and •'?> Mu s Marjorie ' Williams who left Tuesday night ' loj Philadelphia. Pa. where she • will compete for the Marian An* ! derson Muine Scholar--hip Vli - i Lain-. Brown i- Chairman of the group The Rcllg'ous Emphasis Commit - | fee will hold its Annual Pali Re ’ igiosjx Insti'uu? a: Ihc YWCA No : wmber sth and fifh al 7:00 P M , Tl. generai f heme is. 'Religion as Stabilizing Farce for Youth " i Leading Religious Ipfidros will pal i! i in the Inst:'life The pub i lie is cm-dinlly hivdcd to attend The Members) :p Committee e-f I LOOK FOR § I' THE BEST 1 1 LOOK FOR ' § I BAMBY I I|t TAKE HOME BAMBY BREAD Jp ”H /PTT TV* ms goodaense to car |% /I I | L. Ml 1 serviced regularly. The wr«e motorist \s®. VI i i ft I if Jf ' make* it a habit to have his car lubrt «»** ~®— *. ■■* A~“®"...e Jm/ cared erery /000 mr/rs, and a complete —' Physical Psam” every SOOO miles. - T akr a look as your Ford's speed er onset er, today. If it’s neariog a "5000” S miruntrirnf ® jP" %' mile reading, bring it "home’' to us for if ililKlMllf. i .# your Ford’s "Physical”-—which ioe'udes \ J! i nnmmm 1 wheel and brake check. and a com. II f TTiVirll r iiinliiiflff Ml P !er<? inspection of the body , ins'de and '•"Si V When you make it a habit to let us Mj check your Ford regularly, you’re sure /Jr .M/ to keep the top performance that’s built /g into your car. It's the right way to (m catch the "little things’' that can develop if 'S MafflOllllillll »• prised how much money you’ll save ,1 tswwßi'»eliali SwM if ihroughout the life of your Ford, with gj regular Ford care. \V jWf Y-»uf Ford D4»f*r <n*iT#* yott to Urt<m tn M*n jW/ F>«ri AH*n Show. Sunday Fvwint*-~N&C »*fwork. l.urtnn »o lor. Fof<{ rMntor. Ffirtey Fl*"»wjr CflS ' Network. Sw yow "fwnjMpe* for Hi** t«ff *Witm Use lam Jwdi bent! .VEEK F.FTMNC- SATURDAY, Ut.TOBEK 9, 1948 i the YWCA will sponsor an "Intro i j liucroj-y Tea" honoring and Wei- ■ ; ''orning all new women to Raleigh 1 jno Sunday, Octobei 2'i at 5:30 to; j 7.t)t< o'clock The special commit ter planning the cvonl are Mrs i Gila Hnrri: , Chairman of Member ship ConimitTc; Mrs Ad die Logan. ; Co-Chairman; Mr- Ernestine Haio ’ iir> and Miss Vivian L. Bur! Sojourner Truth YWCA is pleas ed to announce that the new Sound System has been, installed and is ! avail-able for use in the building N-; th Carolina farmers arc ; producing 290 acres of sweet -po tatoes for seed certification pur posy - this year. European rye production is ten tatively estimated at about 635 'million bu-hels. compared with -495 million in 19-17 and 763 million m !1035*39 CORSAGE TIME IS HERE. . . This is the social season of the year , . . the Time when cor sages cu'ntribute so much to that feeling of being coxnpleetcly "set" for every occasion. We Jree prepared to cater to your cor sage needs. Capable and efficient workers are well versed in the «rt of corsage making. Prompt delivery service is available to colleges and residences. Give us a call today. TURNER’S FLORIST A. J. TURNER. PROP. Located fn The C-ceper Building COR. CABARRUS & BLOOD WORTH STS. ■? TELEPHONE 3-8092 BISHOP PENICK TO SPEAK HERE The Rev Edwin E. Pe nifk, j bishop of North Carolina, wit per * form the rites of laying on of hands J and preach at (he Si Ambrose i Church here at. 8:00 P. M. Sunday, 'it has been announced. He will visit the church for die 1 Holy -Sacrament of Confirmation. Special music will be rendered by the choir and friends of the congre gation arc invited to witness the very beautiful services which will | be held. 1 ; Duplin County turkey grower# ’ are producing only 26.000 birds Hits year, compared with 72,000 in 1946.

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