WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER 9,19 4 c STONE MOUNTAIN By WILLIAM Hi;WHY HUFF For AN?' ? wonder why thc.\ desecrate That mighty hill of ■ tone With their incfct - n;i| hoods of hate Ant) pageantrv M u own 'they mean nobody any good A Sony lot they are; A brave man neves wears a ho u, Not even when at war. PRICE CUT S2O ON GE AM-FM TABLE RADIO Model 356 8 Tubes One of America's Finest AM-FM Table Radios. The AM Sweeps the Country. Gets over 20 stations in the day time. The FM brings in perfectly those sports and other programs you eannot yet on the regular band. Better than many ? 125 floor models. Cut S2O bv General Electric from $89.95 to only $69.95 (Only ■) left:) GENUINE G. E. VACUUM CLEANERS T)L 1 i \K TANK TYPE, with attachments s7l 95 FLOOR 'I’YPE, Attachments Extra $59.95 DF LUXE FLOOR TYPE, arm speed $fi9,95 *DK LUXE FLOOR TYPE. Two Speed $79.95 1 (Top Model in Vacuum Cleaners) WEBSTER CHICAGO WIRE RECORDERS The liirtrnmer.t of a hundred uses. Ministers use it in study their sermons and services. Choristers to train choirs. .Music teachers to train their pupils, etc. Records up to one hour. Plays back aimost instantly. Recording wire re-usable 1000 times. Price $149.50 (100 Discount to Schools for Cash) TERMS ON ALL ITEMS IF DESIRED ALSO REMINGTON RAND TYPEWRITERS CAPITAL TYPEWRITER CO. S. F. Daly. Prop. 1010 E. Hargett St Raleigh, N. C ANN PAGE WEEK Salad Dressing 33c Happy Khmer New Year. , supermarket^! EVAP MILK VVHM'K HOT SE 3 TaU Cans 42c 8 O’Clock Coffee 1 ,b B «* 40c Swift-Jewel 4 tb - Cln - s l- 21 Primes Calif. Dried ILb Bag ] 9*' Dy 21 Washing Powder Lge. Pkg. 34 c lona Peas Fin * FSavor No * 2 Can 10 c F* loUF Sunnyfield S. Rising 10 Lb. Bag c Grapes Fancy Tokay 2 Lbs. 23c Cabbage Crisp Green Lb. Potatoes (J . s. No. t whiu urn,. 41 e Fresh Tender Turnips _ Orccns Mustards Lb. j |Jc Picnics Small Hock less Lb. 55c PlamS Smoked Skinless Half or Whole Bacon Morrell Pride Sliced Lb. FRESH, DRESSED AND DRAWN FRYERS lb, 66c FRESH. DRESSED AND DRAWN HENS lb. 58c Salt Fish and Picked Fish 201 -E. HARGETT ST 4lO HILLSBORO ST Ann Po£C 2 16 <>/. Ob ns Beans with pork 23c Ann Pnge Ketchup i 4 oz. Bot, 20c HF.RSHEY TO MAKE PERSONAL PKOBK OF BIAS l\ DRAFT WASHINGTON (A N F< - Gen. 1 -o.wis B. Hershev has op point', d himself fair employment officer for selective service. By this appointment, the director ha sponsibility of seeing So i>. that taken upon himself the added rc lairn is practiced m selective sci via for the interest and safe*\ of the nation. The; appointment is sn lim with President's executive order es tablishing a federal FEpC which : ay:;, "All Personnel action- tak ns by federal appointing officers shall be based solely on merit and •fitness: and such officers me an thorized and directed to take ap propriate steps to insure that in all such actions there shall he no cliscr'ininati'.n because of race, color, religion or national origin.’’ It was reported that ins true tions have gone'to all elements of the association, down through the local boards, that any com plaints regarding unfairness tin rb r the Seltotive Service act of tO 18 will he brought directly to the attention of Gen. Hei hev who will personally intervene in the case. Nr. Racist Call As a :ranee HvP |h' re will he no calls based on rare, or no quota system used in tills peace time draft, i* was reported that .nv references of race has been deleted from all except the class ification forms. Col. Campbell Johnson, who is in charge of policy making for all minorities including aliens, said "race” was included on the classification forms at his insi h nc. Only ivy knowing what per centage of the deferred personnel were Negroes, declared the colon cl,-would ho be able to tell static. 1 irmly whether state and local board:! were doing a good job an 1 acting properly toward the de ferment of Negroes, especially on the basis of essential occupation-' Menwho are classified as 1-A are now available for service: conscientious objectors are class;- bed in ,-A-O which means they .•re viva liable for non-combat ser vice; n are deferred for occupa tion a. i reasons: i1 • deferred be cause of dependents. IV deferred or exempt specifically by law or unfit for military service and V are over age for liabibtv of mill tarv -ervice. Not Under GI Bill Men who serve in this peace time draft will receive reemploy • meet rights but will not be eeii g’.ble for the GI bill of rights. Generally veterans, ministers, ministerial students and ronscier • ii'.iu objectors are exempt from military service under the law. But .hev must meet the require rants specified in the act to tiv satisfaction of their local board. Also exempt is a sole suj viving : son of a family m which othci ! members were killed in World War II or subsequently died of i service connected wounds, inju ies or disease. The law provides that a high school -Undent may .-oni'iuK ho course until bis graduation or un til he reaches the age of 20, which ever is first. Each state will be told it j sha'-'»’ of men to or raised in each call from the armed twees without regard to rolor. Tli - - maximum penalty sot tin violations o! the selective >rvie<» act is SIO,OOO fir-e and five- yea.* imprisonment, or both. \ Vest i n gh< n i sc QjgliftdfWnat saves $lO gallons * water a load -- --rjzrrr:- j r '"‘ y "" t \ * T * . l®w»dromof I \ 1/ \HI i UlflUK . Jt,t I v \ v Xw m / I K "" I BUFOU PROOF! INSTALLS ANVWHSRIE* ... , PWOf 1» Saves. Water i ,el <.uve Water Saver no SOIfING! , , measures water to size ot the load, Ah you do is NO VIBRATION! , h( . - „tar-% PROOF %. Washes Cleaner. Exclusive, gentle n-ni W niiiiN ||||W> *' ,l,,,fT ' a but thorough action washes cleaner. Soiled water ,ftmnmftte I drains away from clothes, not through them a | PROOF 3. Ends Washday Work. Automatical! • *1 ™ * .«■ mm- 1 * b»- j wa 'he.;, triple rinses, dam {MI rife. Cleans itself, shuts off. Her*'* How Too Get Proof; Pimm? n, ; id make arrangements to have a load of your clothes washed in the baandronw free! HAYES-JACKSON ELECTRIC CO. 133 E. HARGETT STRETI* RALEIGH, N. C. Happy Khmer New Year. SISTKIt TM Vltn: TO APPEAR IIKI’E SLtrr Rosetta Tharpe, « hose renditions of th, spirituals and *os|ie! songs took the on out ofthe churehes ant! ramp men iiiijs mid in.o mam of the bright cst spots in the rnp-rla innirnl 3 cot KT sn UMrS ‘Continued on pag r H. Ist Section l regular course of our drive against. Jim Crow in education," Thurgood Marsh,•••ll. NAACP spe cial counsel, said. “In the Atlan ta decision we won a victor, which establishes the right of Negro teachejs to salaries equ il to those paid white instructors "In Ok!G .o;;, ■lt do eh' ' court failed to order tht univer sitv to admit our client, we ceeded in winning a declaratory judgment which wt believe will enable us to hurdle the barrier of eorn.titutionali! v horetofrn <• raised against us. In the Tx <s case the court rejected our at tempt to test the segregation laws in he highest court of Ihe state. We will, of course, appi •>' this decision.” Jol >ns on' s F ?ry< >. v Wa x J dms on's (Dorna i Johnson's Furniture Polish FOR RENT Johnstm's Floor Polishers KEM - TONE I he Miracle Wall Fun sit Roof Paints arid Cemenls S. M. YOUNG \ ;>0 E. MA R n N .ST. DIAL 7R! THE CAROL.TNI AN world, will appear in Kairißh at Ihr Memorial Auditorium with .Madam Mart,- Knili'l*,, t'atiior mu Mini; slvli- and fl.il*»l|fh's own Sister f l;ir> > All tiirl tiosprl <'horn -0:< Si'i : 1 '11|-1 2:i (hr spec si lh; '■>; judge com I conriiMi.ng o United States Circuit Judge A! Led P. Mu it nil, ami Distrir Judge a Ed go: S. Vaught an. Bower Broaddu,- declared (ha the statutes of Oklahoma whict made it a < !!'(*(' fur Negro are. write students u» attend the aam vch-.-ol >v :•> Uv. t .'.eight togcllu couklt no! bo v sod to deny adm is .;;"n of C. W McLaurin to tie gradu; E- school the University > Oklahoma. Mr McLaurin a retired pmfes :ur oi Langston University. Ok lahcnw. applied for gradual, work leading to a doctor of phil os> pay degree in January of t.hi year. He was denied adiv.issiu solely 'ir.'cause ot bus race, aoi color. Howevoa the court, while de flaring the law. refused to gran .. . .. . I New Shim University t ' Siiaw Ifniversity’s new church was consecrated at special sei vices Wednesday night attended t o Et'otdltv. students, and fi lends The budding. said Ip tie the miv ,ncli pendent chapel stTuetprc on | .».ne ■simikis ol trie Negro liapt;.-' i (ed'n in America, was dedicatee | at .'.ervieCT held during the star.- ' ntev However, the consecration i exercises marked the formal de voting of (he building tn religious activities during a regular school | term. | President Robert P. Daniel, pre sided over tin- consecration rites. 1 Fror to the exercises, remarks were made bv Mrs J. S. f* nrmer. President of the Woman's Mis i sionnry Union of Ihe Bapl'id I an injunction which would com ; pel tne admission of MeLajirm, j leaving the matter up to the State ! pi' Oklahoma. The court retained I iurisdiction of the ease with full i power to act. and provided boat, I‘ eh her party may apply for \n lh',"' relief consistent with I.h e j pleadings in the ease " In a decision handed down at i t.he United Status District Court in Atlanta on Sent. 28. Federal | Judge K Marvin Underw >od tiled that the Atlanta Schn'd Boa id had discriminated again;! I Negro teachers and ordered "■< i readjustment of salaries" within “a reasonable time.” Sf Check its famous features.. k Wm Then look at the price! TIIOIS • KI.HtTKO-RI\S»-; .... | WAS II Kit j » 1 W*y £)• "tro $Qr ~~ ,, * rr “ 1 '" ' Tn " r " 'Mill .***&&“■ | rfrAiisinq $L # j for f»H fabrics MqTfr 1 y # Btqqa? foods «n fuH-capaeHy L-r- ~~—,—, ——- . \ whit* porc«U>n Hib •**+«*- *+. | / -m, A 28.7$ Down I / \| * ”***] m y moicr for a Week I / \ **rrn sorvtcto Ow* Vj.A I Wish clothe? flpuTv-!- and wkitsr f netor ye?rs of UJ faith fat, iwrvice front famMM Thor dependability. \A /I j • U.E. (iOOONCII ■ ■ U'-'-- -: d V ..i. 322 S. SALISBURY ST, I • \' L/ , — ■" lb)) V. / \N, X / i\ X .' ?<rtijenibe? twfwprt a barf jbulh like this ■>. -* the U»l \. >rd in lighting? That* when •on if*! calling your electric n il a 'lignt" bill. Then rit trinity began to lake on wire chores., li learned to cook and ' '« and dean, to wash and iron, prr *<ivr food, entertain the family —in gereral, to make life healthier and hap p.er and easier all around. Lighting became only t> fraction of that job. .*(*«* fames* *la»* It* radio’* «>«ot new dromotic »he*~ THE EIECfAIC VMEATttf . . . CBS, Sunday?, P l*.M. ItT. Happy Khmer New Year. Carolina POWER & LIGHT Company State Convention of Worth Caro * na, and by the Rev, Paul H Johnson, President of the Shaw UniversJtv School of Religion Abimoi As,sodatu>n The service began with an or gan prelude bv Professor Harry f.Jil-Srnythe foJlo'.veri by the call to wr r.ship by Dean V»’ R Siras; ner. Figuring in the service wc-i •" the .Hi .1 R, Manley and the "SATISFACTION ALL-WAYS” We offer you u complete check up on your car or truck - (bet ready for fa!! now. Sir Walter Chevrolet Co, >l.B W. Hargett Street BEHIND THE COURTHOUSE Rev Mo;;e-a N. Delaney. A solo ‘ Bi> Tib; House ' we:; offeree! •by Mis? E'flolii Laws of the Shaw Mum Di-j lartment. president Daniel, in an intro dui.luty sUdeinenl said, "No! only do w< cunseci ate this church, hut w< consecrate our sclvos to the broadening of men ial hoi ir.ons and the deepening of knowledge .that young and old Naturally, you came to depend on electric service for more and more jobs—until now you couldn’t imagine living without electricity! Todav your electric bill is just about the smallest item in your family ex* prior* —yet what else does so much , for so link? Yes, it's still a ’’"light” bill—'it lightens your chores, \otir borne, and the business of balancing your budget! PAGE FIVE I' G.M.A.C Budget Plan Payinenls as low as $5,19 month on Repairs, Painting, Accessories PHONE 3*3831

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