PAGE EIGHT Bl'-il 1 | _ IS /I TA < ()'>'! f.S I’ - \ !><»ve a. re shiiivn coiilt Utils in ihe an- MUiti bicycle <ntfst cinducted h> Omicroit ( i.apter <>l' Ur /ot. t* lii Beta Sororitj *>i' JkaleijiSi. The Kicluil't lor Pie ccntr •. In !il *<<:!it.Sy .1! tin Sojournr*; Truth Brunch YWCA Unit* of flu- contest AlT*' explain* *t 1(1 the yri.Ujj by Vti S !.. Cuch hart, t,.eileie. of the Kales Mi ele.ijiler •Tioiin irom iei. to right arc: Continued From Page One ATI A iIH. II!-;y> Cl) oi Chill du A -it >ViVi.-/ 1 : ; !ai->. the cectiV. • \r.UTM-rA c? A: ■ 8 i»- cm TU-ioi i! 0.-hv;. il , ; ; n. of Southern which vv * acclaims ci in 'n. N Vo; )'■' US sigi i { ; A .• 1 !<5 <’■ •■ ’ j.’i i•: ♦•‘r-idt : n ; : ' I:. . Right. * S. i . (;ov oth e r pi. : , ms./unU thcil* part :*'*.*■'. ami pint i’r*i In:-. Little Interest Shown verged .i i 1; t ! y • rc:, 110 aad lence. vr.k.vb :..rAi;ci a scald ing of f.iur or live* fsegroi.r, eba vti about the weather, the com ing wnriri si ,v*. and other cu. :u WHoV. *' u IK alius Sior _!•' and , r;■ .. • i :,■ *■ , if,]!*. .ring ■ breakup * : :* ■■ meting. Govern or ThLinnond s ulteek ■ .Sldfkdv'r- '' r Tin ml.: eu the -‘Arne; can i Demociau*' ' tract, Lon : 1 with scat" Piled lUpSi;-. .. {l.‘\Y 'id ‘ Yip pc *>:-'. chief ■ I’.nd ConfVie :; t<* f \ u *• which hi: waved in the to him app!au,s<; seemed inoieaP id. At tii .tint' i'U* mi re uus tamed iaat;.ats of :■ asu.d tv enco.unt' red at :,oLU d red:- s Charging that the government end the- nation's political parti*•. iiad ij* on uiKcn. over by and Milmv. ■ . tin . ;-* sad I. .at Hi • Ki.j s t.Jrjcit ena"fmerit • m.e u. Be country Wee.-! t! . V'::\ 5 !' ComiTiuridt irifdeue h.n . An., can business and indict, y. “at .s Assailing P■■ di:.; ft-, mm: civil rights program S-baao trick to place the Pmuiniev on the auction hi e k for few - : rc. ■ to a debate* on his ices ,ns ir.r sUpporLn;.>. .m imids'i GoVei.c Is . , - -e •*••.< ! m the Dixie, ret til! didatet f'si liS life : tie:, tu lie- 1. ' ' .1 LOU'he- s. (, 'is.,.. ; . if'* efluolucil lor. oi .. o.iliit :f:•(;<! it taler w tii oe.d in uti- • parts ol ti.e notion. BtAUi\ unm;*: V.’ho paid tribute to the a,* s .*f the schc .! end to I ; s f;.und«;r and president. Miss Helm Stin f-u Follow ing th- itrintipt. uddr* - a c.ilo was dehvsmi by Miss "Ruth i.meins Miss Starks, before awardinu diplomas i*> ihe, de scribed the growth of lh t .sohon'. from an initial •. ,ad e-if;■■■:.• c’-e-s of elevon to its present si.-.*. She Austing^ficHdls . ; % WJj ■ W t*, ' ’ -i V» '+ <?•. 4 • * " >A$ , 1 ► v •;“•■>» CLUB RESERVE ;• i . ' >' j g slender f Tht Straight Wmskcys in !h,< piof*w )aw S I . ytan v mure uiJ, JjV JJUlivSi W% > I Stain «»%•• Wrist, 86.8 J«»L i Austiiv^NicKoist 5 f.Co ■“ fPC. I ft & •thOOwiY* ■♦(!* ?ipti * cu M*#S «Nift M SW»»' ***# ‘.Sinnii ({< !I Hill. !W.i\uir VY.: stun, Ami Kozrtle Hunt. BeuDis R< ddick, Lucille Janes and Nd'iiiu Jeun Ounn. l . ntestants not shown include Robert Hunt. k Perry Wil liam Haywood a net Theodore fin *. lie. Tin* contest i- slated to *'iitl i:ll Os oiler ; > ,I'itii tin tiliill'i u inch will lie iiehl ut * i<- to < >.i I'lie UI .Scnoiii vas ~-.•.u.-d in tin presentation of the cliplonuis and i.trues by j Mis Aril a Sucks King. I.k iicdictio]i vs.’is delivered by the Hoy E. 0. Lawrence, pastor of the host church. Thi 1 list of graduates follows: ; R. Bsat, Wintfved C. i’.'.i I Jack; oil, Lol'.-c Dll: - : Lydia ik-r.iloU, Sallie M.i Milk Clai'id S Bucmv:. Alice 1,. y r.i ..i:.* .1. Bradley . Willie ; i. Peis, Berta B. Mi Lawrin,; . Chacit’ M. Mitchell. Hattie. L. Done Hazel G. Ki.ionce. Edna E. Wild.*:. Da; sella D Bui lot k, Ella If. Dixie: Catherirn* Dcnip: *'v. Barbara Phamm-i, Laura i'.'i . Mary B Hairi-... Lucy 1). !Hunt, Siiddie M. Chapman. Tul* B Cntic.'d Y.' th* I’ Ml ia : n Lu; die* C: Bom M id: ed B \i; a Fan;a- E. Bottle. Julia Hu: - Mary Jin; .* is George, Matilda \ Husc-v. Noiiic B. Dove, Luca V Wat: o. A i,.a N Spivey. Hub, O. .Vl* ■ v.v . Rosa 1.. Morgan, Odi.c --:: Smitli, Eioraaia Rulftn. LoM.iir- S. Williams.''Bertha D Srnit,.. HeUm 80. a Henrietta ij. each. Alee M. Mo ran. Do- : s. M< t it, Carrie McKay. Sara h: la at. .JovccA Bclancv. Ba:uri* r W a. Baca Ik M; .• ib Dear ‘ ' '.'-a a rfettie \V;,: I', ra .aii s' • Mi v a Susan P kr-wn. M.cfh:; ibc. I McNeil. \l,*rv Lraac Johnnie Bell. Francis Be]!, E!n*.*ra, Boa trice da by Rcliccca M. Mtiigia, \;i |' |l | || 1 Os The Wake Consumers Mutual Association’s (SUPER MARKE T ( Ck.NFR CABARRUS AND BLOOD WORTH STS FRIDAY MORNING, OCT. 8; 10 O’CLOCK • Souvenirs for ail who attend our opening Rado> Broadcast Direct From Floot* of Store, With Description of Store and Cus tomer Interviews at Eieven A. M. over Station WKAL. Rebroadcast at 5 P. M. TO ASSIST WITH YOUR FOOD BUDGET WE HAVE A Complete ‘"Section” of Armour "PANTRY SHELF MEAL™ Armour’s TREET ALL MEAT 12 oz. can dOC Armour’s VIENNA 2 cans for 38c HAM M^ g 1202 - 53 111® Buy Today—SAVE | Reports Improvement In Morale Os 'Troops NEW YORK “Morale amonrj Negro troops in Germany is high although the* situation is complicated by failure* ci the V/ar Department to end segregation." Waller While, NAACP secretary, reports in a communication received here today. Mr. White's report LA lowed a weeks tour of troop installa tions and displaced persons' camps in Heidelfcurg. Frankfurt, Mannheim. Nurnburg, Kissigen, Giessen, Karisiuh- and Berlin, Gontribuiingle/ higer morale is the increased proportion of Negro servicemen now assigned to combat outfits, nearly half of wi—vn are now so assigned. The higher -morale reflected in a reduction i*. the crime rule which, last month. M.. Whi.* reports, was lower than lhat for white troop; and th<: lowest ia the* history oi the occupation. In Berlin, the NAACP official -observed that moot * f the work handling supplies for the air lift into the American, French and British sectors is being u*.m* by Negro troops. . - " ' -\ ' ui:i( \\ i’Kinci; hooks o': J n *ou * ;.u’ti/os 1F.., first, r ::*. : work, “i,:* Bto ! .> An African CTiiolk’ was a Book ~( th* I: i j -* I Ct.•*:-*. H* b.* since written five niori 1 'liook:*.. TL* pun !>**'* wa.- t" s*.ud> tD• *■-**■ ic :i;u! social pn:*! >!(.‘iri:: of I*l,* !.* land* and pi i-.iuoti ;i*tt na il* .nai understanding and b: i *ther Tmm:*i bvtwi'i tnani and the Lnited States The program, Dr Nyaliongo said, will be in three parts: 1. A synopsis of why they made ’. it t**ur 2. }low th.-y were Heated at j the vuro os places they stopped 3. What they saw. NO (SC UTION An iir.portard seetjon ol the Pros- | S : * ecu ** V * i, ■*' * f 11*;. i - !y r*S{Ui .* i.-. iii« appointment of & fair empioyi.-Hint officer m each j Fedf’.-ui *. The ms.jori’.y of; the i*,*have eircuravented th : equos! by aprarintuig tii*.* r or n per on riel directors to the ad ditional post oi ! t :ur e!pj;iyn-enl of-, fiecr As a l-cr.uit of this uctiosi. one 1 of the first things that the new board will be compelled la make •i ruling or, is whether or not these federal agent*:* s arc comply hir*- ;*.:U: the law by getting their personnel ci ;o;*s dual functions and addi tional responsibilities P *: that 'be roves ament offices are. *n elfect, cli'-'obc-yiiig th* < H execu tive’s li.ivcih «.*. i:i: in . . Bpit there v ups*, have* been ;** need for the creat;* n ■■■»' a i. ,r employment ■-*;'- lice" in the federal officer if the di rectors of personnel w* :v faiiiy ad ministering thi appoiniincntfc end promotion <*i i.-ivi) servici; weskers without regard *,* *a* e. cn * d or cl or SPECIAL FEATURES FOP. THE DAY SO UV F. NIRS RADIO BRO ADC ASTS cgpigs Armour’s TRIPE 24 oz. can 51c Armour’s Beef Stew lust Like Name Cooked 20 oz. can 59c V C. LOMlillTliE prom is*•< I earnest and ;.a;r conrid* : : ati *n Fartic-ipating lb-- disi u?sit*n were Rev. (J. Ij (.'uiTies. Grand Mast!*! of Mason.; G. W. Cox Vic*' F'ievident and Agerii'y i) SH'lo* u! tlie ;\i/rii: Carolina M.U ti*ai Life Insuranc*' C .tr.puny. Dr R. P Daniel, Pi * side).l of Shav University Dr. R. A. Bryce Phy sician, Roxboni; L. F. Austin Editor oft he Carolina Times M Retail fflSfy.Vs ..V _ , p* vvß/B" , !p Price r*'" *' * S $1 I pen.a i PmTS Li/; : :# f $3.15 m '% Fifths O S 6 Proof THF STRAiGHI WKiSKtrS INI THIS PRODUCT ARE 4 TEARS OR MORE OLD. 3S STRAIGHT WHISKEY, 63 NEUTRAL SPIRITS, DISTILLED FROM GRAIN. steonsis i »wis nvruo. ne»i». cuwn That Meaty Hash ifioz. 35c IE CAROLINIAN if iiiiam «■ Pe n n Blended ‘ S Whiskey Our Store Carries: Fruits, Garden F'resh Vegeta b! es, Produce, Grade A Meats, F rozen Foods and Seafood. Souvenirs Donated By J T. HOBBY &: SONS. ARMOUR AND COMPANY STRIETMAN BISCUIT COMPANY BELL BAKERIES SOUTHERN BAKING CO. KRAFT COMPANY BROCDEN PRODUCE GENERAL MILLS BALLARD AND BALLARD ROYAL BAKING FLOWERS DONATED BY— LE WIS’ RAIDO CLINIC THE W.H. COOPERS W. B. BUNN AND CO., Zebu lon, N. C. ARMOUR COMPANY ROYAL BAKING CO. TURNER’S FLORIST AND OTHERS < All Flowers From Turner*# Florist) I HnOmn: hV.v. A .1. R yarns, mini ; : .'lev, Char loll.:; Mis,-. Mabel Cow all, President, of 1 cCouStoi eil. President of State Council Homo Demoß.stration Clubs, Clin ton: IP L. Mitchell. Farm Agent, Gatosviie; and others. The conclusions of the meeting ' were that the North Caroline 1 'ommitteo on Negro Affairs be j reactivated. To that end, the fol j iu'.ving temporary officers were i 1,-cted: F. J. Carnage, President, 1 R N. Harris,Secretary. Rev. H. : R. I’ioyd, Treasure.'- The Presi- 1 uei:t was given authority to ap-| point a committee for drafting a j • <!rcl.,ration of policy for the or v-atii/ation and call a state-wide meeting h be held before the - directed u> contact all attendants j first of 3!)45) ONE NEGRO ATTENDS ran Library association. Washing* ton. and Miss Marianne Daniels, ; Pan-American union, both white. 1 . k e -itei ded tlw summer M-i eoj e.ntiei the sponsorship of 1 1: libral v el cue <' css and the Nate depot tmtnt. The school wo? held in Manchester and London. Asia nil the representatives of 21 MEN'S Used Shoes good duality, dress Oxford sty It* anti j oady \<>t wear Ir» all - ; li $ SI.BO pr. USED Army Shoes Will wear like iron, in good condition, ready to wear, all $2.00 pr. Men’s Suits All sizes, color and materials, extraordinary bargain, slight ]y used, expertlv cleaned and pre-si-d. State si/e, first -uui second choice color. SB.OO a Suit Men’s Pants Used, cleaned, pressed and fine grade. State size, first and second choice color. $2.00 a pair Me-1 order stating size, include half deposit and pay balance C. O. D. M. NEWMAN 11 East 32nd St, New Yerk 1 , N. A RAI HIGH, NORTH CAROLINA mil'cm and races at the school i were Mux HLsatiliue, Haiti: Dr. It. j N, Rauganathan, former librarian' of the University of Madras. India;; ; andfh Mrs. Lillie Wang, China. Although the school was pjiniar-j il.v interested in means of cle-1 i veloping the war-ton; arcus of Ibe i ' world, the agenda consisted of the j j usual topics studied it; jhe average 1 library school Dr. be Cornov* i i sky, dean of students, graduate | i library school, Univv: t\ of Chica . go, was trie sol, American on the j ; teaching staff The concensus ot opi> lon of those ; I attending the school was that the ! sessions had been very fruitful in . better human relations. Partici 1 ; cipunts were entertained by the j British Coum d at Internationa! ■ house Manchester; by the M-th- ; 1 Chester Public library staff assooia ; tion, the Library association of j !Gie;u Britain, the minis.'ei of ed ucation; and visited the Interna ' tional Federation of Library , ciations’ meeting,s in London, the British museum and Oxford Uni versity In Manchester, the visit - , or; were housed in Ashbourne hall. ! famous residence hall of the Uni- i versify of Manchester. Let's Go Dancing at the Debutantes Ball November 26th for that “Big? Special Event'’ and other special occa sions you’ll celebrate with HIM! Be a dream danc ing in any one of the gowns from our resplendent Fall collection. Choose daring deeolletage or demure cover up • choose from choice fabrics smart styles, colors that flatter you. / fiP F °>™als V '¥ 0,1 the , , $T ' Mezzanine y J , ¥r-y . * ... " -'-v ' i "by; _/ , .yy or. - \ s ~"- ■ r*\ •% , U N ■■' ■ , V C A- V r /M % $ niff W, i ! (J f: ' \ v • iMkm -a- ' ' v - j i ! jfitp / - \ / :J: ■I ' fmt / V 1 V f w a; \ niftfi / ’ N V s w. i; ft? 0 % jm; t J I I t / ? m P 9 [ f / b I ’ f -W -' / / , ; :%§/ i T SE OUR % CONVENIENT LA Y-A-WAY PLAN In Raleigh It’s igr* —' —' • . ■ FASHIONS INSURANCE BUILDING WEEK UN PINO SATURDAY. OCTOBER 9, 19-18 Take Home a case

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