McCRA\ HITS DIXIECRAT AIM '5. C. Editor Raps Fourth Party Aim At NAACP Meet ORANGEBURG, C. The Dixiecrau and the south's syr. *m |» of dual educational and other fa cilities came in for a blistering at tack this week as Editor John Mc- Cray of Columbia, S. C addressed the S. C. >tote NAACP convention. Speaking at toe meeting which f wj attended by NAACP officials, and members from all par! of tng state Mr McCray labeled the Stale 1 ' Rights Democratic move ment the worst hate campaign ever to disgrace America.” The South Carolina editor, who long l has been an ardent and out - spoken champion of racial rights ana progre.-:- charged that the* movement dedicated to the doc trtr.e of 'i-yep the Negro down.' Denying any wish or desire an the part of Negroes tor “social equality "We do not seek social equality with w h it.- prop,it. We only are working toward getting o«.r ju.-'t share of public erviot- Social * gathering are private affairs and we would resist more bitterly than tlie most rabid anti-civil righters attempts by either the state or Drive Continued For Admission To Oklahoma IJniv. Oklahoma City Following rt-i'usal today of the board of re gents of the University of Okla homa to admit G. W. McLaurin to the graduate school of the uni versity, of Oklahoma to admit G. VV. McLaurin to the graduate school of the University, NAACP lawyers immediately Tied with the three—judge federal court a petition for further relief seeking an order from that court cum r»”i.„ ' , ■ . -J ' 1.. M.-’.a-. jin prior to October 13 which -s the closing date of admissions, This second rejection oaf Mr. MeLaurin’s application on the sole basis of race followed a de cision handed down last week by the special three-judge federal court invalidating the state’s seg regation laws insofar as they pre vented the admission of qualified Nejjro students to courses the state offered only at the Univer sity, The court, however, refused to issue- an injunction compelling admission of the Negro applicant- When Mr. McLaurin applied to day he was informed that no ac tion could be taken to admit him LAW SCHOOL MOVES RAILING FROM NEGRO FAVETTEVILL.E, Ark.— (ANP)- A railing used to separate Jack Sehropshire. Negro student from Little Rock, from white classmate m the University of Arkansas Law school has been removed, accord ing to Dr. Robert A. Lc-flar. dean here la.- 1 week. Rut though the hairier lias been taken away, the segregation policy of the school has not been changed. Sehropshire, a war veteran and reserve officer, was one of two Negroes who entered the school last fall Both attended classes, separate from white students Re cently 12a year-first students had (Continued on page 6, Ist Section) Mission Completed DRAFT STRIKE HEADS OK TRUMAN POLICY; DENY RAPPING ORDER NEW YORK (ANP) The civil disobedience movement qf the Committee Against Jim Crow in Military Service ami training ac complished its mission when the President issued an executive order t baning segregation in the armed services, according to a joint state ment issued here Monday by Grant Reynolds, national '"hair man, arid A. Philip Randolph, trr.ias * urer. The statement was issued to clear up “the considerable confus ion arising in the public mind’’ when the two announced that the movement was n, longer required to block racial segregation In tne draft. The statement explained shat the two officials had publicly stat ed the campaign, would be called Federal governments to dictate who our associates are on a so cial level " Lashing out as the senseless and expensive maintenance ol dual ,-ystems of public services and fa cilities. he cited the j;.ability of the south to pay for such duplica tion and said that the NAACP would fight for equality of facili ties •'Through every court in the hind'' until it is provided The establishment ol a loir fcinpkiyid out Practice:-. CoinrruLMun, one ot the primary targets i i the states’ lighters, was also advocat ed by Mr McCray with a declara ot ns need based upon the "known Put'" that '’Negroes, ore ir.e i. ; ,t hirea and the first fir.c.” Bhming dn- backwardness of the South and * South Carolina upon the domination of selfish and biased leadership with a view tu exploitation, r-c said: '!t tin people .■ *re !>'Tt to 'ht'.r ov.:; thinking, it treed of parc-ai,. re if r-i> political leaders. South Ca rolina would have been farther alorts the road to progrev-r that now.” • • before the next meeting of the {vbrd of regents, in the second week of November. Meanwhile 1 the state’s attorney general, Mac 1 Q. Williamson, interpreted the i court..-, decision as meaning linn the university would either have to admit McLaurin tu dose it. graduate courses in education tu which he is seeking admission. However, Mr. Williamson held; . that the regents could delay de ft.m temporarily pending a .for- ■ ! m'ai decision by the court which' to date has merely handed down i an oral opinion- CONGRESSMAN TO ADDRESS Hi CLUB MEMBERS The Honorable Harold 1). Cooley uI: iT i: i . t 'jJlL,m-S/r:Oi“. ol til 4th North Carolina Congres i .ro i District, will be the guest speaker l at tin. Aakr County Annual Ne-gcn i H C.." Achievement Dry Pro el .:,i :,t tr.e Raich;:: City Auuitci utri V, ■..r.esda.V, O ! '->ci 27. J 0..; \V Goodman, Assistun . D-rt-ctm,! ; State College Extension Service. • win make the introduction The ■program will get underway at; lii:3o o'clock. Harold Cotton 4-H Club member of the Apex 4-H Club will preside! : over the program and Betty Pee bles of the Jeffries Grov 4-H Chib , will act as song Tcadet . The propr.-.m will u gin by sing i mg: This Little 4-H Light of Mint:”; 4-H Pledge led by Ernest Leo Cra- j die. Juniper Level 4-H Club: In vocation, Sarah Moore. Rilev Hill i 4-H Club; Introductory Tb-mark j ; Herman Latta Apex 4-H Crib; I Welcome Address, T. Floyd Adams,; . Wake County .Board Comissioners;; Response, Delols Wilson, New llilt 1 4-H Club; Solo. Mary Alice Hes-1 ‘ter Cary 4-H Club. Mrs. E. H Halt. | j accompanist Four-H Club Summaries of j iContinued on back page) 1 oft if congress passed an anti-seg regation amendment to the draft bill or the President issued an exe cutive order banning segregation. It said the originators of the move ment had not believed “in civil ; disobedience for its own sake, but only ns a drastic last resort." i They disclaimed full responsi ■jbility for the published reports : blasting President Truman's exe cutive order “even after he had i announced that under it he eon -1 jtemplated the eventual abolition of 1 >segregatin arid after Sen. J. How ard McGrath, chiti spokesman for the President, had personally re affirmed to us this Interpretation of i the executive oder.” •; While acknowledging part of the i1 (Continued on page 8, Ist Section! Name tuici Tfi ccon filflt I If P 111 llrJ U (See Story Pape Three) HANDICAPPED WEEK SEEN AS AID TO NEGROES WASHINGTON .AND- Cet | ebratiori ot ' National Employ (he 1 Handicapped week” proclaimed b.- . Prc-ideiit Truman fur the week oi . Oct. 3-.9 was a boon t . Negro ham - | jcopped persons, it was r-taid !hi. : week -inco national attention v. a ! foci: .. d upon their pocal einuloy j meut problem.-;. Ol 28 million handicapped IJ.S : irkers, H million are now located 1 m industry, urie-haif ntillicn arc : .-mplovable but idle, ami an ad jditionai rniiiiori will be re* km;: ■“ u- .i.'h*-., ’Lev ha-.been rri.abi mated is is bt-livc-d that a.-!/« - | pre-portion of this via-;? i! it.:- Lion ol v,orkers are Negrote ai iho.,th government -.lurc.iu.- ..Ism, <hey do not keep file by i■■ ■■ A-b Ci. liv.m t!.P J.ii'.n i : ... < 1 -md color Negrr,,-.. are t-peciaU> :dr advailt-iged in effort.*: U> i -Se -. ne : integrated into mdu.-try when . blind, paral.-y;*.ed >r amputee* ; according la agency heeds assist• .nr, such persons. Vice Adm. Re-.. T Mclntir*' U;T IN. Ret., cksirmen •! the NKPHV i conrnitiee. said this year's history G;f the campaign, arid added Mat 1 employment opportunities for the handicapped are greater no\ titan | ever before. 2 NAMED TO AID IN SURVEY OF B.C. SCHOOL SYSTEM WASHINGTON —; AN D— Dr Charles E. Rochelle, a.-sistaut priri ;cipal ol Lincoln rekvol. Evansville, led . and Dr F.llis Kiiox. protesso. of education, Howard university, . were among the noted educators selected to a.-sist in the SIOO,OOO public school survey now being j conducted in the District of Co : lunthia, it was learned here last Week. The survey authorized by I congress, is being made for the pur ;pos«; of ascertaining objective tad.- on t;,e Wa*hmsHon school .system. Head of the survey leant Is Dr. George D. Strayer, lorntcr dean of the department of school adminis tration, Columbia university. Findings of the survey will not ; only lay out impartial facts of . -.- ■ citing school' conditions but w»U also serve a- a basis of improve i merit fur the system. The study is Ito be mad< on an integrated basis, with the two Negro consultant ; working with white members of i 'Continued on page 8. Ist Section) THEY mm EGGS IN PIIII.LY TOO!! PHll.A.— (ANP) The "ci.y brotherly love” was the seme of an egs throwing incident reeent lv as Magistrate Joseph Rainey, Progressive candidate for con gress, was struck by an egg dur ing a strec. rally. Rainey, who alo heads the lo cal NAACP had to halt his speech to blast the egg iossrr. j "So decent American would thro wthings at a political speak er,” REV. C. C. ADAMS -- Scc j ictary of the Baptist Foreign Mission board, whose organisa - tion is waging a strong battle I In Africa and the Carribbeans i with a self-help program de signed to help the natives lorge ahead- The board has been functioning for 70 years and de pends primarily 'em financial help from American Negroes. •' '■ %it SB*' ' THE CAROLINIAN ■ * -■ - « ~ ' ' ” ~ SINGLE* 16 Pages | NORTH CAROLINA ’S LEADING WEEKLY | COPY |oc VOLUME XX vm RAJJEJGH, NORTH CAIi.OI.iNA WEEK CMUNL A -\TI ’L. I>A > , Ot'TOLER IH.I hi - N( ■>• ‘ > FIGHT ROBESON VOTE” BAN WA LLA CE KE WO TER SPEA KS Happy Khmer New Year. La. Priest Urges FEPC Passage At Labor Confab Monroe, La. (Special) Fair employment practices and an end to job discrimination will form ent ct. the major steps tu bring la bor peace to the South, the Rev. Vincent J. O'Connell, SM.. told n labor management »onierencc here r ecently “'Southern employers and Southern unions must re-examine and revise employment practices now resulting m discrimination,” said th. New Orleans priest. “Both employers and union -'bargaining agents must seek to include, in collective bargaining contracts, provisions for equal pay for equal work and equal Robeson Slated To Speak , Cops \ Break Up Parley SAVANNAH <ANP) - City po ; lice Tuesday forcibly broke up a meeting of Locals 870 and 888 of j the International Union of Mine j Mill and Smelter Workers, CIO. it; the Municipal auditorium, when I union members and thfctv friend lii.fused to seat themselves on a regated bars. Paul Robeson internationally /a j mous singer and actor, had accept : ;d an lnvitaion 48 hours previoui |to appear at the meeting, which was scheduled to deal with prob : leir.s of members of the union now lon strike for a IS cents at: hout : waco increase. l Cty police shoved speakts from 1 the miexophone, cut off the elec ;t) ical current, seized and shoved j other speakers off the stage and ' officers swarmed over the uuditor |mm with nightsticks as the rnect j Ing commenced. | Reid Robinun, IUMMSW intei i national vice president, who hud \ flown in from Chicago to address ; tbu meeting, and was forced from j the stage by uniformed and plain | clothes police as he vainly tried to j address the audience, l declared; opportunity to work. Father O'Connell delivered the principal address at the final ses sion of a conference in which un ion officers, employers and Lou: siana state officials joined to, ex change ideas and viewpoints. Hi. appeared as general chair man of the Cathode Committee of th** South.the organization of Catholic priest and laymen seek ing to awake the South to the Catholic teaching i race, labor, economic and social justice. In regard to FEPC, he declared: "It is no answer to t!u problem to say .that the federal > rn (Continued on page 8 Ist Section) FLAMES TALM UJGE I -A most vivid demons nation was 1 j given the people of this i-tatv* tc ; night as to wltat they can expect : from an administration beaded by ■ Herman Tatmadgc. should he be - elected Georgia governor in No- I vernber What was revealed was ! nothing less than the naked jic-it- I tem of fascism. Our union mem- I bership, Negro and white, hat al } ways met on ar: unseyregaled baris. ilt is only since the victi-i * of Tai i madge in the Democratic pnmarie ; that we have cncour.teied any op position to this policy ’ ! Robinson went on to point ou; ■ ‘hat there is no ordinance or law 1 ; forbidding unsejrregated meetings land nothing was mentioned by cAy i 1 ! officials in advance arrungruu nts j 1 1 made by the union in securing the j ' | auditorium. j “Tonight 1 :; action by the police,’ ; !continued Robinson, “was not only | ; ian attack on American constitu- 1 J | tioiitil rights of free speech and free! 5 j assembly, but mu-1 be considered] 'la part of the evil fruits ol the Taft ' | Hartley pattern of destroying un- I I ions in the United Sta'-.-s. This bru-, | (Continued on page 8, Ist Section) I Washington, D. C. FUNDS FOR THE REPUBLICAN Pres idential campaign, contributed by colored Republicans from Mississippi, are presented by Perry W'. Howard. Republican National Committeeman from Msssisippi, to Herbert Brown ell, Jr., Campaign Manager for the Deway-Warren ticket, and Val Washington, Assistant Cam paign Manager, at national headquarters in WashingScn- The three leaders also confer red on matters related to the campaign in the South. HI! R DIE IN FIRE CANTON Miss.—i A NT*)— Fire, which hrc.k»* out Just before rlawn in a five room house here, deAroyed four lives William Hargraves and West Williams, s>o!h adults, and two children, Willie Thomas, 4, and Albert Thames 2. were those who died in the ilaoies. The mother of the two children, Mrs. Alberta Thames the sole survivor of those in the home, could give no accouni of how the fire started Polios believed it originated front a k*-ron**ene lamp. - *M*r — 1 «*pp»i I • | L. . ... ■ • • v,; NEW FIRST LADY OF LI REPJA The former Miss Antoinette Pad-mere is now- Mrs. William V. S. Tubman, K. G. 8., who cf the President of Liberia. They were married : Sept 3 7 in Monrovia. The bride is ihc granddaughter of the for mer president of LSI ri«, the lata Arthur Barclay ,a«d the daughter ol George Stanley j and Mary Pod more of Mcnro i via. ROBESON COUNTY REBISTRSTION 3ENIIL CHARGED FAIRMONT Officials of the ' South Robeson Political Club this , week prepared for a determined ; effort Saturday in order to get the names of Negro residents of the county on the registration books. Charging that registrars in two • precincts had faded to open the books for registration of vot u'.-: for. next month's general election, • Ocie Howell, chair).urn of the club, sc id that a special meeting of his organization will be held to make plans for an attempt to secure the registrations on Sa turday. A-v rctfng to Mr- Howell at : least seventy-five Negro residents | went to the registration places in j each ot the polls involved on Oc tober 9, which had been designat ' c,.‘. v.'s registration duy. Neither of the places were | open, however. R. Star lord, and the registrar : Precinct 1, could . Tot too located Mr. Lewis, regis i a or rreemet 2, was found at I'Continued on page 3, lr! Section) TEX \$ DEMIST DIES: ES I ATE IS \ ALL ED AT MORE THAN $175,000 LUBBOCK. Tex.— (ANP)— A dent st who to town M> year* ago w ith sl6. I*r. t iarcnc Lyons, 44. died here >ejit. 21 and left an .-state of $175,000 it announced iast week. i>r Lubbock was recently fea tured in a national mafuinr as one of Lubbock’s "big three a niong Negro citizens. He owned a string of 70 rented homes His funeral was held at the New Hope Baptist church, where he was treasurer and a. deacon. He died alter a short 78 day ill ness in I'hatam hospital. ill v. as director of the Negro nursery, vice president of the. Commonwealth club, a Mason and a member of the Knights of Pythias. His survivors are his wife. Mrs. Senteele Lyons, and a cousin, Mrs. Maggie Collins, of Gary Ind. USE OF NEGRO POLICE TERMED SUCCESS BY MIAMI POLICE CHIEF Miami, Fla, M “Th- experiment; ]of using Negro police officers : here has been very successful," ; today declared Police Chief Wal- , j ter E, Headley in his office be- ! i fore a group of.interracial lead-j j erg. “The figures on ctimes of : violence and juvenile delinquen cy prove it,” he continued. ! Miami's Negro police are cele , boating four years of service. Or- ! i ganized in 1944 by former Safe ]t\ Director Dan. A. Rosenlolder j i their numbers have grown from.; 5 to 20. • According to Chief Headley, j ; since Negreos have -been 'on the I I force Miami taxpayers have sav- | jed thousand.* of dollars.- Since j 1944 however, crimes of violence i ! have been cut in half and iuven ; ii’e delinquency reduced by 60 per ■ icent- ! The employment of Negro po* PARTY MEET 8 ' "Henry Wallace. Paul Robeson and Mat.v Price, in their effort to liberate the Negro from social, eco nomic end political slavery said Charles P H ward, "are meetin • lli-.: -an.f? opposition that William Lloyd Garrison, Frederick Dougla and Harriette Tubman met in the.,- deter lined effort to free the Negro from tu ' .lavery." Mr. Howard, the first Negro to deliver a keynote address at a po litic;:', convention, spoke a» a Pro gressive Party Rally at the Tapper Memorial Baptist Church. Sunday in the interest of the Candidacy of S. Walter Slated of the Wake County Legislature and Miss Ma y Price contender for the Governor ship. *-Jn politics, - ' Mr. Howard said ‘you either get sometting and get somewhere or you don’t. In the Re publican Party for the past 50 years we have gotten no where and haven’t '.cn anything. As a prac tical politician 1 have gotten out o; the party aftei thirty year., ser \ ice. ‘ As t«, the Democratic Party, ho declared that the benefits that have come to the Negro in the pas* twenty year.-. h»>\ e come because 'of the personal efforts of the late President Roosevelt at id thru Pres ident Truman could not. ;t he ' u .-mid, do anything f.-r the Negro. ••The Democratic Party is an art tt-Ncsni Party and Mr. Truman’s hand- are tied .n his so-called Civil V? ; >> ts Prog; :-.m. Kvevy Senator bc : lev, the Mason-Disc n Line v against Civil Rights and Mr. Tru ;m,:«n Cannot do anything* in a leg liflative way. The Negroes of Raleigh. Mr. I Howard said, had a fine opportun ity to show their metal by voting f.-r a member of their race for the ; first time since Reconstruction days. He called upon the ycrnng Ne groes to take the responsibility o, leadership and rid themselves and their country of the stigma of "Jr;* 'crow. Segregation and Discrimina tion.' "Second rate citizenship may be good enough for the old Negro hut it isn't for the young," the '.Continued on page- 8. Ist Section) jice was t-h result of the coopera tion of racial and interracial or ganizations. Prominent in the ef fort was the late Cant. James E. Scott whose death a few weeks :;ro all Miami mourned. He- was instrumental in getting the first five men on the citv force Tb«r John Milledgc, A- McDowell and A. Hall. Capt. Scott worked with th men during ‘.he days of selection and training and as a result they always called hint "Father. Ai ether prominent citizen who had a hand in the birth of the Negro force is Dr. I. P Davis in who;.:- office they had their first here-! quarters. After the trial period a y-ur •pent citizen remarked. ‘'These men have put more law or der in the section patrolled bv •Continued on page S, Ist Section)

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