PAGE TWO BIRTHS l cr-rtiheale- for . Lifts born • tl« fuilowii.., tuples were reg* ■ th tfi oificey of (he Wake uniy hcalfft dt'purlfrictii timing ;•■* (ti.'-l ((L't’k -l-i i 'i'lliiriau S: a toil and Mr:.. ■-!. Colvin Staton. 6ii Jair.ak-a > a girl. Patricia Anti, June k> ■'i't'atut: Fi.iva* ' rio:pita! 1 i-ixios Archie M -Cloud and Mrs .loili.t.-U Met. loud 7.72 Fii.Vom in- ■ u't.-ct. a boy, James Archie, oprenriU-r 2b in McCauley . ..lie lioapit'C 'Oci't Nathans.l Allen and Mrs. ii Street Allen • uqua.v Springs, -ail'' !■ a baby gul who iv.i not nied. September 25 ■ ' i. i ill and Mrs Beulah Hunt- ’ i , ill Neuee Route 1. a uaughte: : gima Ann Ortolan, 2. vleivin Cooper and Mrs l.idd ■ nob Cooper Raleigh, Route 1, a ■ b daughter, Doris Ann iviuy L; ; egal Notices : Mt; SUPERIOR COURT IHTH CAROLINA COUNTY NOTICE CHARD I.icCOY > ' IE McCOY : spondent abov- named will j notice that a proceeding as vo entitled has been cemmene iti the Superior Court of Wake' " North Carolina, for an ah- , h;o i.i-vorci* by the plaintiff from ■; defendant and the defendant 1 *! t notice that she r. required ippcLr on or before November 6 ■r -,n the office of the Clerk pf : r.,:r Court cl the .-.aid in Raleigh, North Carolina 1 .. .vcr or demur to the com ' i in the said proceeding n; entitled in the said ecu;- ..tint. j ■ his the 4th day of October, 1948 ; SARA ALLEN, Assistant Ck-rk of the Superior Court r , -ltd West. Attorneys ‘acf. 3 ie 23, 30-Nov. 8. I he superior court 'ORTH CAROLINA AHE COUNTY NOTICE ’ UANITA FOGG JENNINGS VS. "ACEO H JENNINGS THK DEFENDANT. Maced’ H j. inngs will take notice that an \ < ■ hot. entitled as above has beet • u'r.meneed in the Superior Com t • ! CTire County, to obtain an ab- j iutc divorce on the giounds of! • o years sparatlon. a: provided in A Statutes of North Carobtva,.. ouunt'it anct defendant having liv - separate ana ap-tii ror mrr* 8: •>.m tv., years next -.tec-ding tn u-i'iunon >.i this acticq, c ,nU that ‘ ■ '• ■ nU j. ' i fu: -.« take u'.tice that he Is -equ’-.v*.; to appear ‘ ’ht offiCC- Os -.«• C.ift'r. of i:... uyeiior Court ot Wake County, • ::h Cat' lin:>, in the < urthoin-e 1 ILkigh on u:’ 18!h day i.f '.‘toti-r im4B, or wuli>n twenty •i.'.c thereafter «nd answer c.r de ■v.:r to the eontpi. -.. of d ac ■ i.. or the plaWtifi .vi’,l -i ply to ' • • •<urt for (lit. rci.'d d, rnanded a -aid .(Ction c . 14th nay of September 1943 SARA ALLEN, Assistant of Superior Court t • J CARNAGE!. Attorney SALE of LAND Under and by vnture of a juug >•'c..i signed by tiie (. k-rk of tbv -pc. icy r ourt of Wake Count-. in tre matter of Hilda West vs J c-soph I. Stredwick and wile. Tk-nn Stredw.ii k and others .the unaersigned cc.-mmissroners will oi hr fur .saa- at public auction to the highest biduer for cash at the court house dc.i.r of Wake Comity, Ra- Scist: Not th Carolina at 12 o’eirOck no-' i i Monday. N< ve-iiber j .b-io the followiig described real property; i- - - ’ certain tract of land, begin °hig on Butler Street ac a point 2-iQ feet south of the intersection o. Butler and Grant Streets; run hli'g thence in a westward direc tion 2,30 feet: running thence m a southward direction 105 feet to a point, the corner of Lot No 48; running thence eastward 230 feet wv; 'hr hnc of Lot No. 48 to a r Ar on the western side of Butler now Chester Drive); run northward direction with -eel (now Chester Drive) to the point of beginning • sit; Lot No. 49 of the- San Ocmingo property, and being that .-r.rne property deeded to James Hull o Book 90. page 140, Registry of Deeds for Wake County The-; said sale will be for cash nr;d the purchaser will be required to deposit ten per cent as evidence of good faith For furthei information as to the said property appl. to the under signed eomissioners. This the 27th day of September. 3948, ARMSTEAD J MAUPIN WILLIS G. BRIGGS Oct. 2. ft. 36, 23. As f .MIMSTR ATIVE NOT ICE Having qualified as administra tor of the Estate of the late Mr , Mamie L. Fitts, deceased late of Wake County, North Carolina. This it. to notify all persons having i claims against the Estate of said decease to exhibit them to the un dersigned at 318 South Tarpon. Street. Raleigh North Carolina, on oi before the luh day of Septem- . her. 194 ft or this notice will be 1 pleaded in bar of their recovery All perrons indebted to the Estate i will please make immediate pay- j merit. This lJfh day of September, 1948.! GENOA C. FI'TTS, Administrator W. G- MORDECAI, Clerk of! the Superior C urt, pel. 2, ft. *6. 23, 30 -Nov. 6. j i ; James Vance Wade and Mia Mu.'.ella Williams Wilde Wake Rot t Route I a daughter i'.l •: y Kii ■ , zabetli, Seplcmbt-i 24 , Linton John Edwards and Mis | Daisy tSutr-u i Edward::, Apes i ! Route I a -ion, Junit:, (.eroy .-T,. ' ‘ temtw' i !lj ! Rome Jean ila-i ■■, and Ivli-. Pauline S1111!I/ liin ii. Rijuie l, a oaby d.iuvntei, .(t-a-i x.)cet i,-,. ! bes 27, 1848 in luvi- Clinic ai kuquay Spring.: i Julious Ai: ton and Mrs Ethel iPhilUpa Alston Riilin- ;; Aga-S a ; girl Juba Jeaerio, Noveutbci ’ 194/ uj Davit. Clime in Fuqua,, j Springs Deilous Bullock and Mm Hubs But too Bullock, I* t,qna,Y Spriii -.e: a Loiby son, Timothy L.eon. SepU-m --bci 12 in laavis (,'liiiu; (Ipivis News hv via v i tiitC\i»ii: Mi- Will.ion Bis.ok: oi ft Chav ■ Way v.-h; ii;i- been ill and coiilin. o to iiei home loi . .( i.ll days • ~uie ■to be out again Mi- Roto. e... Bciim.-tSe va- din net ..a 1.1 .11: iUriv’ina f'ai'iO.. ,ii *1 i. ravi. Way Sunday Jame l lop, of New York ( 7iv i>s home virlting hit parents Mi -uid Mit viark' i’ oi j GraiiVilie i Terrace The Boi.-r(-■ T Washington Club ’ rrit 1 at ;ln ;■. ~ >ii M. ' Allred j Partin Sunday with Mr- Ella Cros sline as hestps: and John Chavi.- ;Pi.?idenl. pmiding Alter tin i : iness ses-pion du-iiriou:? repni't. sv.-t..- surved. u x* ms * Hag wdi bf- ht-'Ui i - Uie Jiori'i6 oi Mjt. .Loonip 0.-. vt •at t>o6 bOtith HHITiOgtOI? StTGO’, tiiC > to be ct ni i %.•- u« n ceci Is ter. I Lei e .-ill be oti ft ci uc;itio - n 3. i ;quiz coi ikrot s.hursday night at li*e . ! Elks iiome at 619 East Davi ! Street sponsoied by the Capiiai ! ; C.' y Terni-le Lodge No. 310 1,1.,:,y i prizes will Le avv.irded. The public I is invited to attend. William McDaniel of 5 Chavis Way who has been di j>; able tv be out again. Mrs. James Hinton of 12 Smith” Plaza who ha-, been ill fo< -cvc-ral days is out again. Mrs Jo, Kearney of 52! South ; Haywood Stiec-i v.iip ha:: been J! at id confined to her home for sev eral dayr i- reported improving .Vi;-:: NeJhe Small of 802 I. Ha.-:' Street hay returned home after j visumg triends in A-.lieville. i< Miss Margaret Kendall ~f 81 Ci me is Was celdjai'ted he. day recer.Tiy. i Ii Pays Id Advertise! ! ! CORSAGE TIME IS HERE. . . ibis is the social season oi she yea, , . . i/st lime when ccr -1 sages contribute so much lo that feelmy of be my completely "ski" for every occasion. We ►ie prepared to i alei- to your cor sage needs Capable and eiticient workers are well versed in the axr oi coinage making. PtOinpt delivery service a avmiabn tu colleges and residences Give ii: a rail loday. TURNER’S FLORIST A. J TURNER, RROP Located In The Cooper COR. CABARRUS it BLOOD WORTH STS. TELEPHONE 3-8092. mSißyoi 24-HOUR SERVICE 322 EAST CABARRUS ST. C. A HAYWOOD, Owner d, HAIR POMADE Ufsetl by loveiy, populor ‘ women for over 40 years. "T V, ’*•“-2.,*0 Hi You, too. can hove soft, *W rt ‘ Qbriows hair the (IXEIENTO j woy. Oelicatety perfumed foe "'■E,-'lf- r *dded rjlamoor. 1 H , «Cnh*j tXtIINTO leeety Mt JT **• GJwisine and Oil m j fy * dainty 6* fur# g«f originol 'n *6l each to/ bright** T h« con Of*ty 25c, u)i Mug nenu M A R ii i A C V. S License::- to marry were issued to th, iuilowiiig t-i.iijpU-s during the part wt-t-K ucconling to it em'd.- ; iof Hunter Ellington Wok- Cuuatv ; . IrCgLtrai ul deed;. William Thoniits, Mtiiicurc. and Mi s Willi.-. Crum]. New Hill, Or- ; | te'bci 2 i'n-rnian Wai. un, ft',!;. Highland ■ Avetiuf- Pcuiv.i Grove, N .1 . .aid : ; Mr... Anne 1. River-; ii(i Ty» on I Avenue f-ft-iur-- Grove, N ,j , Oct 2. ! | Jo tph iim. id, 1310 Santa Edit | Street and Mi .: Dorks Mellow, l<a- : • lei Mi Oetobei 4 Rii.hard ITioiii;i- mid ivlr-r; Lottie 1 Utlt ,i iro!h of V.a '.lift Roi.;!,- I, (it-. 1 tot-ei ti i l.oifit- Wll. on .1;, and ivli;.:. Myrtle Stuaift, fiotfi (.1 VGririu, i Route ; Oetobei 7 I'hom.ft- ALon .uni Mia.-: Mary Riil iifdtt- both of Ape;-.. Route . ■ Oetobei 8. t th a m fii iii f,i: t« fOPi.R u -i THITRSDa v •30 P. VL- --LiiCiiir- H'.Uil-T i’.l 1 ft- ! V Club ' 7 'JO P i\-1 .’tu.'iior CiUzen.: Club ! 8.00 !• ivi - i > .o. i! . i h > i • i ampaitro Organization t- RIDA V 730 i' l --f’in.-ichle ami Bridge I Club ;• .11. I- M. Wrft'ui;:! He, epUi.-o [ to New i iti/.en-. 9:00 P :\i YMCVv Ah , Health • Club SA'ICRD.iY 2.00 P M -F'. R -dm Brood- e rut 7:00 t .vi, Muv.t-i SUNDAY aOO P M ,M ... ii, ur MONDA7 1L u 0 I‘« OO li :>i 1 .' 1C i1 a i Allimliv r : t ,-.iFayne i F.-. i. , F:".;n --u. r\ Day Cetebratm: 7:30 P M Hi-Y Photn Club I i:3o P. M Baard of Ai igeir.i'uf nm-e-ting BOe p M ... M;r.;-: Cniuii TUESDAY 5 00 !•'» •vi.-- Wu£fch;£toii G ra-Y Club 7:30 Fr i\l. — We. hlugton Tli-Y Club 8:00 n M —American i.eiM.i? Au> ilia re WEDNESDAY 0:00 p i.! ftj; • G:-,-fi, -I Gxa 7' Club 8.30 P ivl. —Yeung Mui - Club DAILY FEATURE. 1 ' Calcic t u, Dormitr-ry Lib* ary. 1.- Put'. Aiusi,.' i;ooir, l ai.'.te I enni-:, h- ■.-. 1 !i - ■ : . ■ '7, • It.- ■•. ■ err. Ccunreuiny Ir.forr.'.jtion if. Su|i|>oi’t \oiir Paper THECAROMMAN - ; Hj’s On Ihe Way— Eifui'' Juretail. "Th** man \v)iu ,iml pays the h!tn\s ,t is eoming I*> IU.G eigii Monday for a om* mj, lit if.iin t datt* a*, the Ka/righ SSi iuO ifjrl AlidithliUti! YWCA NOTES i , ■ i Th- Annual tali Setting tip Conference for 9th, 10th and Urn i grade Y-Teoii.s was held «t the I rWt. A 1 hur.ftlay nfgiit, Oci-.:,. ; 'Dh Uv* r thirty energetic g,,j. pin tjcipated nr the uctivatsi : . program differed a liter ti\.ui t: ; . Bth grade conference in ‘■i.'-: Y-Tec-:i Emphasi:-. Alt' V*. cation; probJc-rng of social ■ ; oern Religion; Health, and p i son a) Relations tvr.v di;x;.s.- - < ..i j '• pa rate ,V-..l:.:: i I i.i:: ft j Mrs. Jane McCov, \ -1'«- < >, I '• do. pr< • uied at :iu-'i irn. i I Leader.-, tar tin euDU-ic .‘ict- 0,-: Mis.. .1 Jr .ilit lit. Hi.; . vl lit i,, : Mattha S-pia. ,\n. Lftn \ear r-iU and ;Vii -. Louis: h ift ,:, teacin. r-: at !:.<■ VVa.-hmgton ; School Mrs No. a fi L.,< kh.u : 1:v:11, j! v. rosbv Gai lie id j School: Albert Sunders, music •:- • r-'-v.-i-;oi rt eh-mentciy . r .h. MiiiV.. ft.! !• ft,-!:, . | hSaw University Miss Safi-. Ft- ei>e*. . tr-aei.-t. s ~n s ; ;cy Miss Blanc in- D< ■.- ; „-i, .. ■ inaith nu'.-ft • ivl. Jan, \l • \ Hen Apt dirert-'o r, t - -it ..! 1 ; Branch. Mis• Elsa- Sir:. ,y, - , ! tivc diiectoi and Mr-.. L. F Boy j f-r. Bran,: !', Execut.- o D ~ • • . i The voung lud.. ; ,r tin- i: ami ; ' * hut* attended a -u,m-- -w F. t Bragg, N C Monday -..gbi i „ tcber li The club y,hold it iiguiar meetiii;'; <*ac!i T a -.d:; . | * von,i ai 7 : J ,tj ~ ali :,, ft.”'- ii fcft - ! ft, - , Laura B, ow n, rho.\h Afarjono Willianis. st-ccrfa; y, T>ie membership Committr,- of . tnc YvA ‘ A will so or;.-. ■ jd ; r -, , troductory F IV. ’ hone ;mg ai, t v.tlconiiiig ai; :u v>. ij).j . iG, ;i< igh on Sundav ( too. . 4, :i:3O 1u 7:00 p.m Spi-aa! mitiee for pianinng th:-. i-\ u-n T I are Mi ■ Gila Hai: is , mail ; ,i j ! he Mem be i ship tN,n. m ,it<i . .Yh Adaie (, Logor:, ciui rmai:, Mi.-: Er.'ii -I iiu H;,tn.':n o.i M ■ Vivian L Bur: • * H. Empi = . i. iiiiiiec ii! hold it Annua! I ~!! Religiuti.s Instituti a! th. YW< A on Novctiibv r fitr. 0 ■ id tj; r } lin K<n*ual i }ic/Tic is Stabilizing Force for Youth. Leading religious leaders .vi:: pa: ti-.ftpati in f 1, ..nstitute \ • are ci,: diaih ijivitr .i iilii-uJ ■.. lid par H: I - .ft 11 in t! . i iiistituti !hi Eublic At fairs Comjmtt .- lieid -tfirst meeting Sundav. (.’»• tobei 3rd and made, their r.ians Hn the year's work Then i.;-;t forum will be held Sunday, O, i tober 17th at 500 p.m. at the I ORIOLES SCORE HIT WITH MRS) RECORD 1 NEW YOftK The ‘‘Or ioli sinning ■: tn: ,tu.uv 4 ;i v I lukeboA’t*;, via lin n r« i.-oi-itn/f <,! it ioo Soon 1 • Know nil Hi, : Natural label, h;,\, liter;,lh jiit thr jackpot with that one diSe. Ail unknown vocal quinh-t ~ low : hoi t weeks ago, Hie Orioh air now rated one of the hotte a ; boy office atti'actioni: in feh< land and have been signed to a book ing loiitraot tv Billv Shavj u the Gale Agency. They teed off an ta.-.Uern tout by a ! work's engagement at the Hoyal Theater m their native Baltiifio.iv r '<t October i, and check into the beautiful Kr n f,t o n Loonyi* Brooklyn, N. Y. for a Umiti ti -•ay* of three nights, ta. lit ~ Fri day, Oetriiijei 8. The Orioles platter of IT; Too Soon to Kik#w, which • lartt-d that ■ soiig on the road to hit ion, h.v . just gone 'over the half-million ! mark ; a sales; and i; <• spectra t. twthieve a total sale of two mil lion copies. th, NAACP is scheduled for SI Louis on November' 10-;! Harley and her /roup of militant youngsters are some) tuny to when they are in convention. Swell ! kids, too Til!-] CAROLINIAN Kah-igIG, <1 .ime ami ju tu tun; tails will have tin- cbatln It, bi-ar lam is hi his iiiicqualli'd nmli tJolts n|' "Hun ,(*,*-' "H,uii i n-.! Bu i. £ >i- "i.i VVJIi. alilt l,i. * If oil'll* 111' -ii: . Piesbyteri&u ('huveh The sub ject for diftcussion •■•ill b* •'lssues ■ in the Carnpalsn Members irotn the DerruH-ratic, Fiepubls-ran .uu- P ogreosive Partks will be pre sent and yvill paiticipati in the l',.rum. E.ery. ne ic invited to at tend this loJum Mis Jeanette Hu its is i'h.hmuni ot th* Public A!inns i oiiunittee The Y V. : Club will hold iD regulfti j i*«-i 'U.-. t\V* ! nt-sd;.* >■. f)ctu! i ; 39th ft! •’ 30 peui. : Members are urged t-.> uttsbid AI.--. Roberta Ugfuner, a 1' > dent ! the Club i;, \V: Ac 11 *.’ It y ’• us! 1H :P. ' !-. , pkftl ~-! I-:: .mm. Ut that :1 : Annual 1.-... Hobbv 1' < ' -. ,v.:.i be held at the YvYV ’A - night Mi override- 1 i, 1948 ut 7'o(j p.m h'-'erym- ' f I • COi Li » aE» ; invited to see :'.* exbul.U and purehasp tin ■>..*Doieft ! : mle ‘lhe hr.* Wing - 'lift-.: W'.'li (111-el ft- lift i..-,,.ft I .iur-u.i', t i ;(j : Me; Vl O i'feUui t-aehlft i :»<-* Y-’ti « YlHlJihiUt .1! utt-ti Moiidht. Oetobei 18 the " 7 .li 7.20 hue- Lvlu .- est t.!l;- eu:li:Ultle*.' U! h-'il t'ft ‘-v e- iv--'. • i.i VI:;:. M.ic- i-. Ligor. i man. l ift- K< iigiou : Empha: :■; Com millet:- ,vil! tv I t :!: re?!i!:>r 1111-I*l - UJ! Tnt-dftv Oelolft Fit:'- a' :!. "7' ft t7Hi I in Ml !,;lh ,11 ; ii . i:<i:- .in- ;i; . d !- • i -ft j.: t M .- I!.-" - t Hrmth June is chae A Lifetime in l lemes i W'hy take chances oa burning ! up a iif'fetirnVs effort la « single j terrifying hour wha.j if* so | simple and intxpeusiv# lo pro it-cl yourself against any possi ble mishap Your home end family cats be absolutely pro tected from ANY disaster at but a few pennies a day. We'li show you how. SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT BANKERS FIRE INS. CO,, j DURHAM. N. C. I hr ' * JS txm Sumy ?;.§m-Mikmi if;--- AMERICAN EXPRESS TRAVELERS CHEQUES If you catty your travel funds in cash, you’re taking a big T r isk - and an unnecessary risk, too. It’s easy to safeguard J your money with American Express Traveler* Cheques— | known and spendable anywhere, and taj». A prompt tehixui I w ill be made, in case of loss or theft. , J No identification is necessary on these cheques except 1 u your signature. No time limit- they're good until used. On ’ sale at this hank, for ouly 75V pet ?10t> imiauaiuu, 40#). ® Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurance Cnrp, i PERSONALS Mrs Cleon Currish <A 100 ft East, i Lai it- Street is reported recuperat ing - from mi operation. She wishes ito expic-.s Ist-r sincere thunks to everyone who n-rfternnered: her j durhir liei iltnes Stewardess Board No 2 of tin. , St Paul AML Churn, ten the iiom, of Mrs Mor> Spruill of i ueker Street receritv Among : tlain pirri .ill ul wi’.Olll wer, i i o.vuliv enterlaii.i *i vere the Her j and Mrs '.f R Duhart Mesdamt’.-: iti;. Allen. pi* Si'Jent 1.. t ii,i Swrn. .mi, ‘secretary. Ada White, treasurer. ! • and Addle Bethea K INSTON PERSON A LS i Mrs. William It, Burney of 221 i E North Si. ivas a week emu vis | itOr tt Mui ft eesboru. George Suggs whose name ap ! peai'ed ill the Fur 1-U e;,; a few | days age war: hot the George 1 ! Suggs employed at the Veterans ! newsstand. Mrs. .'.Annie Degraflnied of 6Li !'• Leiit.iij St. :>: taking her va cation in Nw folk, Vi. with tu-i satei and expect.* to visit lira on and 11 hfc-toio , ?C-fSilfiD son and brother, of Newark N J HIATUS K j | \ER\LS Final rite, toi Jame- Young who : died in A.- bury were conducted at . Seaboard w Monday l lasi week mui followed by iidern'ieii! in the . i'-cal eeiiietny at Seaboard Fuir.; at i ui i", tor Charlie J .Knuckle - W. rtd \V;»i I v<t*u un Williams K!<-< trieat Sen tc'c F U (. THIt At CON TRACiORb dial 2-2781 or (irsuience 3-356 U ELECTRICAL « OVCR ACIOH 1202 E, Martin St. H. E. WILLIAMS, Prop. .AM'— 111 ,ir II IIMHI ■MIUOT TT Ofc•. s-Q-^yl^-■ ~V.-* _ , CAPITAL CAB €XA m mmm tamwx <£*>! ‘J9P j||K| DIAL *137 And wh;.: : meal it will be— seasoned exactly right, end every dish boasting a real. . egS/pkftd ' B & ii CAFE 4U S. BLOUNT ST, - - I «■«—. wwmnu vnnttwnwiurhkii*. i—Msetwi j HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" * I ASI Y SANDWICHES * FOUNTAIN SODAS * ICE CREAM i * CIGARS, CIGARETTES * COSMETIC S * PERIODICALS JULIUS HAYWOOD, Prop. 417 S, Bloodwoith Si. WISER ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER Hi, .lif-1 118,066 NEGROES VOTE IN N. Y, NEW YORK (ANY)—Poli ticians here bait agreed tills wrfk that estimated Nrp« vole in Manhattan was 118,(100 men and women; unit that this »ipt.r>•»- n pi I sf.deu a diup of only 7JVOu a> compared with the vote of (Ml, the Negro vote for the entire *•II.V was actinia ed at I'.OO.Othl pei - Mins, hut none of file laiutuy or lead*.'i . dated to prediet uhut Siartj vioul*! vvin most of these \ote% in die election mutt nioulii. .vvhn d.ect in tit Agnes Hospital. • wire held at the- Raleigh Funeral j Home mi Friday ~d last Week ami , followed by Intei mem in the Na tional Gemote’ y. In case nobody has told u m vr-t. hi* s ivit right • fight r, bogging , down, it No-doe- don’t wits me concern on c to which they a»u iiticd the.-, God only- knows when :t in,* opportunity will ecu,,* , at'a in. WAKE SALVAGE CO. Wm Buy and B*U Kvwrtrtfedap of VaJltt» FURNITURE —* STOVES HKFRfGEH ATOMS TOOLS - RADIOS 13? S, Wilmington St Phone 2-333:; | Hunter Brothers I'or Quick Servk es Fur FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD DIAL 9393 or 3- i 998 AND “Never Worry, We Are On Our Way 5 ' * tl ‘ «oi v .it, a„, „ j. v Mx&txx&LtXHii* i Dial 55C? for; 1 - COAL FUEL OIL - KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. CORRELL, Owner DIAL 5567 307 North West f Finance or Borrow On Your Car 4 through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 WHY WORRY! ABOUT CASH I#** P MMP USE OUR EASY 'mdmSmMm BUDGET PLAN A Small Down Payment A How# You To C'hooae From Many Uses-H Item* And You (’.'an Enjoy lh*ir. While Paying ( Your Form*. TIRE SALES LIGHT HAULING HEAVY | LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT ~ EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S, Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Umstead, Mp. ■. |m . mfTr^ir . rr W | i, • ram •i i ——— ,m mwmuTM.iruf, -trainr i ir -w J17.2S ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION ’ SPECIAL 12.95 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from SI,OO up on your old iron# Now In St lock - Electric Water Heaters, Vacuum Cleaner snd Many Other Hard-to-gei Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES & SERVICE 234 E. Martin St Claud Tayfcr, M«r. Phene 3-3840 : AFIIS AtVD ESTRALIT4 J All ill IN DOPE CASK NEW YORK iAN.p. - Apt as Brookes and his wit*- Estreliu i one ul tljt oolintiy ■> most popul&i ■ ..irnedy teams, were arrested be « last v *'«-,■■. loi alleged possession «./ •‘reefer' cigarette* and swo .32 cal- I tore revolvers. Police nabbed the tanu.n- couple i,i front of the Braddotk Bai 11 > I - V wt re aboiii to 1 *--■ v.* for tiie.ii Bioitx borne insids Mi..,, muikui Cadillac seuan, i.Clice .aid they found .40 reefi i - in the glut • Cl impartment. A pus poiici- void had five cigai - ettc-f m h.t pocket,-, when he was •'-< ttrelied. The guns were discover ed after the tops had escorted Mr. aid ki.- Brooks back to their apartment to search foi more reet ’ ers on he theory that they • ' drug pedulers. In il ; .'iiy court. BiwoHs was held, in hail of SI 000 pending trial ' cpccial ‘ s-ions ETtrellita was held under a fiioo bond and another woman daticer. Ludie Jones, was released in bail of the same amount, 4 I hat speech Big Joe • mad- be*... i the date wide nieeth'H of Nc-gio cei. their friend, il lative.' , etc i in Jackson, Ml-:s will be tori t r* membered Joe i: eked ctri wfieri he told the vet. " v iiii fought toi this t-ountry, too, aod lii vr’i let anybody forge! it.' Complete r7~r~) Home #ri-f/^ l\p** —! hi rushers We an furnish any room in your born* - from the living f room to the ktiv-hen. See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. *• m E, Martin St. I *iim I I MISICCOMPANY I. ARTfITTK nnyf, priin 1 I Automatic Phonographs i, ’■ Rented For Special Occasions I ' I and Itiitalletf or* 'touunbsslplt S BELECT KECOBfiC OLE SFEfTALTf Dial 3-2744 I 128 l CABAKKUS «T,

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