|f y~p" , a|*|y •^•*^**^^ ‘ i' ' :| ~ ~ i DRIVE PLANNERS ~ Plans Coi the Community <'li i drive which opens, next tvnrk are being talked over here by. left U> right. , L 1.. Milier exeeu'ive secretary ut the ('fust and campaign direr tor; E 1. ttaifnrd. ; xeculive secretary of the Blood worth St. -. • •<•■..■ ■' ■ ■ ■■' «sfSf ,:•■ :■,. .-Jfi» *£*■■; :V:gS-'■ Ssf'*•:•-. ... ; ....:».«.' :g ...Ja j •§§£••.• fasT yW yf qiSt 1 «hmmtl t \IT HEADS - Three unit heads in the coming Community < hist drive are shown here dk • losing is la ns tor next week’s, solicitation. Mi- ■ Mae Lifon on the left wifi lave charge of rest- Interracial Marriage Held Legal in State Os Calif. San Francisco. Cal. ~ In Cali fornia it is no longer ii’ega. for white people to marry Negroes or persons of other minority groups. \ 98-year old California law prohib'-ting the marriage of whites with Mongolians, Malay ans qr !iiUiott..W'i was voided here last week by the State Su preme Court as vumrwy ... the First Amendment of the U. S. Constitution. As a result, of the decision, the Los Angel* s county clerk was un voted to iS' lic . const to .u? i to Andrea D. Perez, a white wom an, and Svh-rst' r S Davis. Jr., o Nr; both Catholics. Their cast c-> . ,s guen thiougn Caui.r.- nio omits t-<- them without charges toy Daniel Marshall u Los Angeles lawvov and leader in the Los Amo i s Cathnlie Intoracial Council. The couple declared in their petition, that the Catholic Church did not forbid their marriage and that the California law. through its prohibition oi thru marriage, infringed upon the free i xen-ise of -thgir religion. The court, in its majority cpin (Continued on page 8 Ist Section! FOUNDER'S BAY TO BE OBSERVED AT SHAWL Dr. Dennis Branch, prominent physician of Newport. Tenn. will deliver the annual address at exer cises marking the 83rd anniversary of the founding r»t Shaw Univer ity. The Founder’s Day sm ices will be held Friday morning No vember 19. a’ 1! c/clock and will be dedicated to the memory of the late Dr Henry Martin Topper, who j as a retired Union army veteran! came southward from his home in Massachusetts to work in the inter. esi of education of the freedmer Dr Branch, a native and for a number of years a resident of Ra leigh. is a graduate of Shaw Uni versity from which he holds the A. 13. degree and the B. S in Medi cine. His early schooling was at the Washington graded school and i the Chavis High School in Raleigh. He received the M D. degree from West Tennessee Medical Col lege. Term, in 1934. Since that time Dr. Branch has done post-graduate 4 work in internal medicine obstel tics. surgical diagnosis and in the diagnosis and treatment of cancer. The capable physician treats pat ients of both races The Founder’s Day Speaker tells with pride of his work experiences as a boy and young man in Raleigh. He worked in several shops as a boy and prior to the first ’World (Continued on back page; VH( A and member of the cam paign commilt. :■ which directs tile drive; and IV. M. trm.man, general campaign chairman This year’s < 'cm drive is scheduled to get underway October 25 and run through November .1 The goal is ?! 16,403.88. dejiti-.i unit 12; Mrs. J. \ Rover in tile < til r will handle residen tial !i. and Mrs Nora Loikliart on the r: ‘it is In ad of special gifts unit in charge of clubs and organizations. DR, NANTON GOES TO TEXAS 0. HOUSTON Dr. H 1 FonteUio ; Nanton, who recently joined the fa.. u!ly olf the T* .Stale Driver- Tty at HuiiUun. uas assumed his duties there a head of die Depart ; ment oi ,1 ouriaihcin. i l*i addition to approximately Iwrn : ty years of practical experience in i Die newspaper field. Dr. Nanton | aLo holds the M. A. degree in j Journalism and the Ph D m Jour j nalisnr-Sociology, both of which be received from the School of Jour nalism at lowa State University. Dr. Nan ton's undergraduate degree wa> taken at Wesley.on Uuivci-iiy, : Middiefon, Conn His praciical experience includes serv.ee as editorial writer for the I Daily lowan; a.-, editor of Eves Magazine, in Iowa; as editor of the j San Francisco Reporter; as manag I tog editor of the Carolina Times. | ha Durham. North Carolina; as erii -I°r and publisher of the Carolir.ia : Tribune in Ralc-igh, Nortl Caro j iContinued on page 8. Ist Section) (.fu\st Campaign Rally |lo Be Held Here Friday i * About 12S Community Chest Campaign workers, will hold a pep meeting at the Biocdworfh Street YMCA Friday evening, October 22, at 8:00 p,m- officials have an nounced. Final instructions will be given and campaign materials issued for the drive to begin October 25 and con ’ i tinue thru November 1, A special feature of tb e meeting will, be the presenta tion of Fred Fletcher well i ’known radio announcer. Be ireshmerda will be served. TRUMAN HF p F >— !■ ' '■ •■_ r J t T TJ. f'A JD T T ATT AAT . S : • • , ; •■• •■ •. . • 16 Pages VOL? ME XX VIII UALEIi: 1 > DOLTiT (AI’OIINA WKKK KMUM; NATTKI>A V OCTOBER 2?., HO 8 Nu jfi JAIL RIOTERS ir- iOUTARY THIRD PARTY HITS VOTE BAN SHIFT IREDELL CAMP RIOTERS TO CENTRAL PRISON ! StJtesvilel, N. C. (ANP) -- Be cause ui their taking part in a prison “riot" in which no .tv ; was hurt 12 p: Loners in me all j : Negro prison camp, Camp In- i ; dell, wc-re placed in solitary con- ■ fine merit last week. During the period of trouble the prisoners IK-;d tw'o guards i ■ apt we. A rescue c.. up of 2u | highway patrolmen, the sheriff ; end some deputies were called ; Ito the camp t rescue the guards. . Tiie disturbance was not an at tempted prison break. Supt. C. • W. Knox of the camp said. According to Knox, the trou ble started when one prisoner jumped on another with a knife at the dinner table. An unarmed' guard, Ewrett M.-rro.v, asked; lor the knife. W’iif ■ n the prison.: refused to give it up, the guaidj wrestled with him and took the | .weapon. The prisoners, Knox said, re fused to return to their cells. ; Knox and another guard came to ' the rescue of Morrow and a sr. , c..nd unarmed guard. Hump Ash icy. .Ashley and .Morrow had 'coped from the prisoners, but; ! they kept the two rescuers, Knox | end Guard Watson W. Kerr. Knox said he talked to them and they let him go in a hall ! hour. Latci the 20 outside men. • all armed, came in answer to an alarm front the prison. Facing • these odds, the convicts released i Kerr, and gave themselves up. Thc-v have been takn to Cen tral prison and placed in solitary confinement, according to Warden : Hugh Wilson. Their version of the i incident had not been told. Search of the prisoners rev cal ; I'Ccntinued on page 8, Ist Section; ; PICK GASTONIA FOR BOTH ANNUAL BAPTIST MEET With an anticipated record ut ; tendance, the eightieth first an- 1 ! nual session of the General Bap* j tist State Convention of North ! Carolina, Inc., will be held in the ; ; Friendship Baptist Church, Gas tonia, N. C November 24 it was | announced by the executive sec- ; rotary this week. The three-dav session will tea- j j turd addresses, sermons and pan* !el discussions on ‘The Church • j Teaching and Practicing Christian | Stewardship.’ Among outstanding speakers i scheduled to address the sessions j are: Dr. R. P. Daniel, president |of Shaw University. Dr. W. C. j i Somerville, executive secretary of 'the Lott Carev Foreign Missions j. ! Convention, PSA: the Rev. C E. ! Griffin, pas to; of the First Cal- j 1 vary Baptist Church. Norfolk, ; | Yd.: President P. A. Bishop of I Rich Square; Dean W. R. Strass- i • nor of the Shaw Univt rsity j ; School of .Religion; Dr. W. M. ; ! Warner, Danville, Va., moderator | |of the Cedar Grove Association:; IT. A. Hamme, superintendent of j ! the Oxford Orphanage. Th- Rev W. M. Morgan, pastor j of the First African Baptist I Church. Concord: the Rev. C. W-j Anderson, pastor of Institutional j j-WxntM CHuTh. Greensboro; Wal* i ; st men which is a serious! | thing. A President may dismiss | j the abuse of scoundrels But to j be denoun nd by honest rntn hon | : estly outraged is a test of great- ! i ness that none but the strongest] men survive." Spooking at the State Fair, th- ; i President in pleading for Demo- j I eratic unity inserted that a vote j ! for a third, four or fifth party! ! candidate is the same as a vote j 1 for the RepU'Olnan candidate.” ; i j Prior to the Dedication Kilos, 1 jlhe Country's Chief Executive ; i was. featured m a mammoth pa- i ! rade in “down town" Raleigh, i j Participating .in the gala affair |. , were several army outfits, includ jhi two colored battalions. The! j. ,m ann bugle corps of the; • Charles T. Norwood American j j Lee ion Post were among bands; | playing. i ! I The First t.adv and Margaret, j |dfl.u?)itev of the Trumans, accotn- > 'partied the President on -his visit. 1 SINGLE *| a COPY IOC ajt ( . bflOi. X iO th. fti cLS with which he was gteeted by an estimated 75,000 North Carolin ians. Photo Courtesy oi News and Observer. ORSE TRUMAN TO END VOTE DENIAL IN N. C. COUNTIES Civil l ights arc not being pre served in North Carolina .n the ; current registration, Mary Price, Prog essive Party chairman and • • ,.i. although the belligerents' had . been asked to call a three day -essaiton of fire in order to pei i mit UN action. , Several UN resolutions calling | *'or an end to the fighting hov ; 1 ready been passed by the bad; i tr! what, effective '<•; -conomic actions can be taken igiilnrl the belligerents remain to !, e seen. GCP EMPLOYEE HITS RAGE OEMS, ASSAILS RAINEY , Washington, D. C. Magis : trate Joseph H. Rainey, Progres sive Party Congressional candi | date in Philadelphia, is “more to jbe putted than scorned,” if re ; ports of his recent attempt tc. . si‘dr back over the railing into I the Democrat corral is true, Vnl J. Washington, assistant Repub j lican campaign manage:, said . here today. j "Surprising as it was to learn I that he had joined forces w>, tiie Progressives" said Vvasmu, ton, "at least it was more ur.e.e. standabie than warning to g ' back to the over-grazed, bouki c-r-strewn Democrat pasture." Ort tne whoie, he said, the ! "Philadelphia Story" was confus mg, ‘so far as a few of those i vvno constitute the Negro leader- J ship is concerned.” "1 can understand Rev. Mar shall Shepard beating the bush es for President Truman and the Democrats; he’s on the Federal payroll, and his devoted activity is reasonable.” But, said Washington, it's dif ficult to reconcile Magistrate 'Rainey’s effort to "get back or the Democrat mourner’s bench i with what his illustrious grand father, Congressman Joseph H j Rainey, of South Carolina, stood Cm staled on p„g<* <'■ ist Secia».. NAME CAT BANKER HEAD OF HOWARD TRUSTEE BOAR!) Washington. D. C, Mr. Lori* j mer D. Milton, distinguished bank president, educator, civic | and business leader of Atlanta, Georgia, was unanimously elected j Chairman of the Howard IJniver j sity Board of Trustees at its reg jular monthly meeting, it was an i nounced today by Dr. James M i Nabrit, Jr., Secretary of the Uni- I versify. Mr. Milton, President of the ; Citizens Trust Company in Atlan -1.. will su-cceed Dr. P. B. Youn - J Sr., Publisher of the Norfolk I Journal and Guide, who -eU«rv jas Chairman of the T"ur*' , Board in SenUmbev for reason i of i- msiners and. health, i Tt-jf, o 14 : f’omrrny ■ ; 4he r,nlv bank, owned and nvl - rated by Nerrne« to he ?di lin ih» F-derM Res»-v- Sv4«»; j Resides Hein* r»r«< 'MV Wllffll ic- a es the fne»ith>» of A’br'a •p--n-'»* cihr arid it, l. - o--—* " n»>»- n. „ * t 11.. "* “ r "* n-V' TTfltvurrJty ’ '- ;i