WEEK ENDING PATFRiiaV, OCTOBER 23, HUS i'irgk Timm {Continued from front page) I is not safe so long .i- «nv c •>ai s - lifted applicant!. are devbf.-d Lie right to regis'e; and vote. The -party has a-,- d Hutowto Olive, chav-man of ibn Slate . Beard of Eh vt ions. and Govi ooi- R. Grope ?.) m- -suitsle j th*- ease,- imrneunitelv. .Vie..; Uviee i said, and in addition has vent rorrummieatioiw to the c 'i *ty eU-ftion ofi v i iis advi :oi; them i that m previous c j who have turn J do-vt qualil'k 1. applicants toive been i>; , . mod in Federal (t -urls / S’eneMofial I Fltt/Sae p HjLCO I . Catsup I V ’ :; e I Philcr, _ - "' 1 o.‘it,rev; I f I '"uin.at!, r-, , I v pmd!o j -"i'lsrinx / “ ?f>! -ok. P;, : , . to j I -uh.-i,, ■ ' r ’~ j / r,i "e c,J | pentode ao „-: 1 /’ev.-cr J j TOodem ' M ,’ l unt ' I I n t'i w-uh " " i, r r-dii I j ’"X< ir ‘ora I IS ~"ls » i f||pto *«* § sAsggbgp^ FM . . . noise-reducing radio recepticn . . ,*t .< new low price! Specially designed Philco system for freedom from static Modem plastic cabinet. Model 5-K55 I jl /iii&r *-' fflLVi # T ■ %* -€ ’ .4B r & r STEPHENSON APPLIANCE 00, 22i> £. WILMINGTON ST. RALEIGH, N. C. LAUD NEWCOME FOR ATTEMPT T 8 AVERT TROUBLE BV VI. MOSES NEW YORK (ANP) Railroad an who \vi.•.■.■-ssed the Syracuse- Montreal !,,‘.me in which Syracur ' 1 backstop Dick Wo-- 1 almost pro cipated a ii,:e-rn-t by charging >' .cror*fbe it-') an alleged b ();:1! i:rtri b- a th vu. still disci, the it i-WoM sMiiii ; i the Wild- Art and Music-’i Club we list' 1 • : ivi Arnold P<.:.,.-,, car-.'ittendan'. vvto, summed up like this “iUcnday. September 28 will live long m :ny memory and 1 wish vou could have been o: rand to ' I tell the story in your eh ■■'(■•■ sash- I ion. Never hate I witnessed a ’ ; cm,lei- d-splay of nerve m a groat -• I sr desire to avert trouble than dis played by young' Donald New- : com Ik-. Smell wonder It is after j ; .vatehiiig the incident I am about relate that fans of Montreal lavish the same amount of respect. < .ml affection upon Neweombc • they did upon Jackie Robinson in l blame iiicn.-i!'--r Jewel Kc In-ofcd for iris unti-Ncgro attitude ivhercv*.'! baseball :s played or ois i.’uvsed in minor league circle-; "Treiro ndously ? and vito an I'lsal go-- J centro! New ,-oi.j:ic ni-i.iscd what even the -utr.j-' judged to be high-inside pitch that seemed to get away from him • .-iircnh behind fu-it bast »:•-.! \ had a id pair of bonoculars <-n --abling me to get a close-up of over th‘j . n -k j lace fi ;d C! vri'. Vollric; Syracuse outfield* r noi • .cm bit bv a Newcombe chang up pitch in the ninth i! is my hi - . hot that incident would have lr--.l • u-> ber-iruii-g. Voiimer stood ;<nU : glared New combo despite the uic* that every ,ne in the ballpark i knew ti.o ball that.'struck him -m . i the sh--older was of the fca'iiriy i order Eus rushed to the brink -’f ; "hr- dtig'-ut and megnpl-oned -11.. • ■ | !':.■; bards 5 cr.nlhot-- of a racial ns • i lure. '1 run ' that a n-J; of b■- .-* | prayer-, (excepting Syracuse - w>ll | will i-.rout my contention that iNc i-y;y- I’us never debb r 'i'ab i' ; Frown a hall at am- player. ‘AF u- r tost in g strike at V, e. ‘ | i Newcnrnbe followed witb Iha high • j inside! I told yr.u about- WV.-t wout i down . nd the ball struck lbs hot. Like a maddened bull he rushed toward* the mound and made a fly- j :■ . toN,to y ;,b N, ■■ (s.e-e,; ivb - -n o xcy style, sidestepped. Av.,i »•- a what migiu iiappcn if hr gtap- ; to-led with the hincuts Chief's cab--, j t-s. K-: e ■ :•!;■>! merely awaited : • '-.-'her n:.«.c. oil West's part, in* i local gendarmes and the ampims - 'i.ed pjoyer-;- rushed to the treat. U • sr-o- ir ;! afu y rnnch crnfiuieti, i!.< j game proceeded with no fun’net i i.Ha;: :> despite J-.- - inststancc that • Nrwccmiie in'* tossed out , r throw- I Ing .at his players N» -.vcombe went -n t«> wm t!-.-- ; wme of the little world scries and tt i ea-.ily undes,-tiindabh to me ,! why Montreal fans swour by him • ! . u. speak lor many vvhitrr m-i : roi'-re!.: Syi.icuse fai.-.- who n fiord 1 tor: 1 , r, con on:.: rnajos Jis-gi.c e-r. - J 1 ! f‘ m 'to:nptoh - r and . ‘PUTTY'. SAND LOT MOUND ACE, BURIED IN VA, BY ALVIN tte.m 1: ll "lir.TONLi 'ANP- They i buried In ing Wysc-U Lewis the ; ;thr-r ri.-y Th: brief r, tin- of h.s ! df-a h worst in-.observed bv all .~x cep', old timers v.-ho knew Irvog I j Wyzeil Lewi.- as "one .Armed Fai - ‘ One Armed Fatty” was the unusaal haii of a most unusual baseball battery that functioned tu < Rkt: ,'Tiond‘s sand lots year:; p '!- I.V’S *Ci "''J ’ -r.;: Sait ! Hi-.-mas. a left handed catcher. To gcthci 1 . they made a IkwYi- i!; i! T ‘; ■- and every Richmonder -who eves ; played hall d.nvn on the- “flat, bo 1 v.-ccfi the Shockoc creek end the Seaboard Air Lino railroad track • knew 'Fatty " Hav: n c only oiis- arni was !v. : Handicap t. the hefty yotu.ester He g.itched, lidded his posttio.! land batted just u- any -•t.ner kid ■ j Tins stuff about the ur.c aimed | : fielder going to th:- big leagues u , 'few years ago was poppy-cock to I ! what. Fatty did. | He had :i wicked fa,-! Frail, a good I curve and in those days we called jit a " drop they are "since:;, and "siiders ' now out whatc. i the occasion, ‘"Fatty" was eqn.i! I to it On t j :e mound, he- tied poise j . e'en* with lus natural and unuat- , j ural ahiliUu.-.. Wii-h a finger glove ' : - winging from ids wrist. f..t;., hurled the ball, iFicr; manipulated j the glove back on hi. hand in (ime ; to be ready to field any bail hit ' it': to, iLIWfiUOI. i That was all of 35 years ago ; when “Fatty" was tops and Sam Thomas t.hi-ew runners out. going in I j third with a snap of his left hanc : and since that time, many legends. ; grew up concerning the farnou | battery which always was pressed into service for tight games where ! the side be is was a little heavy j Lew i:- was married and lived ,'uiiei ily it his home town lor the k-. ! exciting years of his life. He J. jaurvived by ■-.•vvi-.u children, bin I hi.-- fame as a tiileher will be down ; a port of Richmond’s rich foil-; I tales. Front whet's of the 3949 Ford, i Mtfttiy and Lincoln cars are • ti! timed under simulated t oad con | clii ion; by a rev automatic mn . I ohiti.r which ha. been installed i.i ' ■ ail .he company, assembly plants. BANUUETS NIXED 8? BUSY. RAISE WILL BARNSTORM JtV EVIL M OKI K 5 M*KH CLEVELAND (ANP? - Out; fg-itter Larry Doliy nl tiio w. i-i --"fiinpio!: Cievelond Ind'tms of Ain rican ioa;ni>- vvl),’. bypa-s ! -'e bamiuet -i-cu;* this winter and i'PtJ at iioi-te win. is family, lit- headed tor i i;. ii.toit in Passaic, N. J., with hi- v ito Ij.,i • /(:< U. Ifi h,->- Lcj-iv “Satclivl" I', 1 . 'i> i -•.-■ -■ iF est- < to join hi tot m r; t fill fni ,i bamsLuniiri,- toi-i Evidently Dob> is I eking at i-as fro rnJaekie hobinson's book of ex i if-nce l ast winter, Jackie, fixesh from a world series, vent 0,.i a round of banquets and public ap pearances all ovoi the country In trying to- piease his public to.- reported to camp overweigilt and in poor condition. L took near ly half of the season for him id reach his lies' condition Dohy is determined not to have ton. happen) to him His hopes to ,»!av ifaskc-tball tills I wiutci. howcvet. to.ivc* P> c;i taboo ed by Manager Lon Bnudrov.u P,-;gc's return u the Indian next -im m "' —vn.-mm s.r «. .mm 111,111 , 10 - vKtr I, RALEIGH’S %P CHILDREN’S SHOP Carrying ( HII.DREN S CLOTHES AND ACCESSORIES-INFANTS to Size 12 | USE OUR LAY-A WAY PLAN j JACK AND JILL CHILDREN’S SHOP 16 E. HARGETT STREET WEEK-END SPECIALS m BRONZE ANTIQUE j fable Lamps L COMPLETK WITH SHADES | ~ $2.90 | tot- ,;> •: vil Ijin;.. to ightori and / Tg;tot * ■ , Si..nit. -. wj hr. *n?.f bases with handsome. Win.,Jr LOVELY -SHARP Crystal Stemware B U TIE RCUPPATT I RN OPEN STOCK 49c each Sparkhn*r vrv--.tal cat to raich the maxtTnuii) of I'ght. An Asset to any tabit. k> NEW SHIPMENT WOMEN'S NEW SHIPMENT WOMEN’S FELT HATS DRESSES Values 1» $1.95 Spun, Rayon Prints $1.39 $3.95 Youi choice of ty< .mat t-rs of Beauty in color and design for . sty 1 ' th* : .u : :1 ;>.f fail such a small price. Sizes 14 cole2o, 38. 4- 46, 52. BASEMENT STORE %^c?/c «*»OiINA-5 tmcrST l |;j ' j Was iiiugtoi! High Trad > j Tops In Fre>shinan Exam GwejtdoJyn Haywood, gruduut'.- j 1 <’f th<s Washington High School j here, scored the highest mirk in j the I-'n -shmen Placement Exam- f I matin h .it Shaw University this! '.yen;, s-.thoo! officials have an-j 1 no urn: rn i j It, tv as also .announced that \ West-.«: Butler won the first prb- j of ■ nd Frances Rogers the se cond prize of rl in the Fire Prc j ventioi i Poster Contest reficntJy / i sponso re-! by the Junior Chamber j j of Cob ,inn-n:<'. i year nr. •to be in the doubt Ail i sta: v .a! ftoi time it i.- whisyer- ; 'od that ids frequent lapses frouL tiainiiv: iii • laying out all tr'ight ( ' d-.u-i-'R* itiv vsdili 1 series and * aher isuch acts may cause his “retire- j intent” from the team j His friend'; hope the nn'noi;-. are' i not true They all prayed that lu -1 would cut out his “Negro lragtn- '! duff, and settle down to do the ! piled iiifi job ton talent say.-; he can jl perform. |* i * —— - ; i Sir.)(»oil lionr PapcrL THE CAP.OTJMTAN N °W VIME TO MAIL OVERSEAS XMAS GIFTS * gnckagos to r At**? ' r ,ld *' !I personnel arid civil -10,1 owpldyea stationed nversens ! ; di ,ir?!d L'e mailed between October *•' anti November 15 to insure p torn'jt delivery abroad, •A' urging early mailing Hu? of the Adjutant General ad _vv. ed that gifts be packed stc/inly • ?l ,lOX wateripls of metal, wood or 'very .strong fiber board. The ad ; dress should be placed directly on | the box or wrapping and not on Stummed labels, which may become moist and lost from the parkm.i:. The weight limit is TO r unds and maximum measurement 100 I inches length and girth combined. Greeting curds sent first - class lthree cents) also should lie mailed witliio the suggested pe> iod. Cards | by air may be posted as late as December 1. * * While Fun; Mot nr Coin paw ox- Peofs t make mor« than a million! cars cm cl truck- in Hitt, the back-' lor of orders slid tot ais a bout, two million NEED GLASSES? % * O.oluH rioar Dalakh. H iTrj>ftMiona! Bid*. 2 a \mit IS better milk •* * 11 [• I//// PINE STATE 1 jgf ~ Vitamin "0" 8 Tjff Homogenized * I For Delivery Dial jlPj .. . • ’ . 'CHESTERFIELD is building another big, smokers who like the \ MILDER cigarette... %' r Wi.: • W U’sMY dgaretfe/' {j. R (TOnCREY TIM I \ ■" . $ J ■ i ‘V/ jpjj/ - ]j | •*• 1 could take you in my h avion n i x iimiiViii ' J/ plane over the big, new factory Chesterfield »’ » building at Durham, N. C. IVB a homy . It «T*****d n? rri// help supply the ever-increasing demand h&gzL * ' I‘‘ for the - WL/)f;A> cigarette. * 9 l ' _ T i T””TT T 1 MAKE ti’ULcfe' THE l&tCIMllc «OARrm. ■ .:/: T :.;> : ■. - : T:.v i/T - .. /; >- : ,A : .A?/|.3v : : vTyy ■ ■ ■ •*.■■.■-Vitiv "• . 'Lu' ts/r. Cti, t l .-;,... .; ~. . : t ; cjr: Mn-t I*. .•tv Cg _ _ _ _ _ _ I Support Your Paper !! TAKE TIME OUT FOR A BIG . * Superior Oil Heaters $37,50 Cabinet Heaters $97,50 Laundry Heaters $11.50 to $22.50 Sheet Iron Heaters $3.50 to $6.50 S. M. YOUNG 130 E. MARTIN ST. DIAL 7121 .. i i. . I I up meo. ,; a | 3,000 p' -.md.! id ',i.uy tin : ~; id I i 00;i pc i!,»> of t/viu j , r I | Cl/our ti&tft . ' <iPerfectly ( )HalJ •? | % . - ;j . Y; '^'2^ THE HALF LI AMOFH, When n Icnath you want, she JESSIE KA.ll Half Glamour fits yoist ta«ic. A* you •-'■ is fastens at the crown of thr head a: liangs naturally down the back. I" can wear it as an upsweep or n styk, you like, fit is 15 to 20 in'iv long ) $ I A-i* • SEND NO M ONEVI • SEND SAMP Lr. O VOl'R n*!R • pay POST 51 DELI V E R Y ■ Jessie K;l BEAUTY PHOIH IT SO? FIFIH AVENUE (SUITE -C DEPT. NEW YORK I'L '

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