PAGE NINE iMTHONi/i: Tlh.sK UIVI KllslißS On The Beam With Gene | l-.f K'cur.K s POTTS ii _ IS * IS Oi 1 s !OJ l< j , J , <( -,j t V , jt | (J t .tJl’, (Otfi Oil to be jii-'L aHO tilt l ' i: a ayHre that :■nmetiiru*.*’. . • : ; \ *:» y i wilj b n *s*- i • ’ loHov. the j hie* you • aa-td-dt ‘ h ’. • u i ;•• .-!* f*i la Os -f V • • i*£\ Bit fTi iu \ ' iuivc happlnt * , - we --V « ' » .;.'T it; O'l ) * V Ul U'?a.l Lib *j._ da> • u;>. hvrV! his A N D GRAN T PR EX IES SET TO FiGI IT USE OF AREA SCHOOL PLAN c-v M*< E A in S \ic,\N A ' i>. L-T j i't; Si ‘ANp. W h t:' i ’ i ■ V ' - ■ t • o it ! Lici I t'vel.v ; •v.i< tin aval 50h0...! cohiA «* .i ' v«. ; hi,: 'A;. «L iit• ot the : ! M•• ••. HTin. Oi Mm pi* M- ; M i•. lor iiiivijii rucVij*!v &*:- <• :• : 1 vonfereivtre. at :■■■•;?•■ *• ; and nlher state ’ ■ ' : .(! ; < .-*... .iU:aa!y ruet fw ■ • ! hirlherina pjai.> lui ; -cti Oi C L • ' ldt ;.'t of Lajigstoii ‘ ■ )t- ok. Jaheiraj and L A 1 ' ' ■ ■ i.L ,:! Aik;:;.-..: Stall«. it ohm that they ■l> '/, p gd It;f log.ouai lU- U VUI a T tt f/liCU Ihl- l‘( t. up- *!.«•! i! ■ t >t,«. i; 1 ' ' ' ; ■ ’bm «’ X|.lfM J t bflifl that -.rocs Should be : • V. hfift- J,!. !K --formulMtU wfitch di | \a w ■ pi' . Tfiat • rill :.r. they t ciH • i i.'- Vi :lii 1 * l l pijUi-. yii.JiJ. .ill- t.* ■' ‘ 1 ill! iv.ip I !j (i rt; tia J ‘■l '' ! <•< a pi’evit u.-. ,{iivt rt.oi S’ I r.Clil i- '••• .1 • ..vl.u-ti . ■. i j :‘>*. i C j «. . \ ! , ! * (' | { .. /, f» d ' ‘ ' ’• 1 I v )': ; 1 (•' ; 1;*, v T ISKI jiT t {l’id - 1 ■ i‘s Ii ii i.t . tioi. j i ni .'tiijb.-'iia '• •'••.<]’ i . . -if. a . . ■•id Uh y •I: !a ;• . •!’. 1 : •«',!. ft ,)■ .ill . i.'ij J l; 'CU (.''.vat: '•liin: i-U < . i!>c I’lL'il ut- f it- icolfu «'il 1 • ’ "i . .1 '• v > ‘ ! a* ■■■!■;■!• n a."! * .Ilf »>» I. cmv ; tiintly i- d iliyt r pattern ■ .«»■•>* - r ni-f J ml TnTHlif ajtilii li Wumi fyfr lOtteiil ■ 111 llll| nj I. < 1 iMiH a BONDING IS OUR BUSINESS Will N IN TROUBLE CALL US AND WE'LL BE THERE ON THE DOUBLE MRS. AUDREY COATES MR. ARGIK LEE BOYTON j PL one 30473 or 44938 V.' i May Run - I all In, Walk in, Jus l Since You Slop In The “STOP EN LUNCH” WE SERVE PRIVATE PARTIES Mr, James Feathers tone, Prop. .tlrs. Mary William*:, Mgr. 1220 V. nn if red St. he Sure To Stop At THE LUCKY SPOT Where Good Friends Always Meet Go ad Home Cooked Food Served at *2} Timet 537 I '7th St. Mr, Alcnxb Balk. Prop. 4 avrwnsenvAtfa ■ *rw • u’otca ,y, wtt'ttatmwwwtfautM tau,.; weaweMr* 9 ffc£M9tfiAMMflßMMNWlSflMflMM n QDflMHfeMMMmvnsik)iWMV i ' r iiiti'i yi .' Kia 1 S-, ;Ni. man lias beta; found that can übthi' . ivlf ,Ju«» a.'.1.1 p;o ;■ i it "l tra.a, iia.- : ijiuill i tie- recuid o( Joe If.- i. i Mae .pvi r a rft ; 1 1lt-ui;i.i brave aiist 1j at-. Aft ideal American u!a. fought toi He. k.U, white and blue iiave you 'ioia a rfood deed tiici.'.- ‘ IU»•• air- inac.v opportunities'' n ;-./r.d sluiii the way. •to yon flunk yon van the ar id test no knidiop. have you pin '■ '-'lot , fi-.i C. ■tra.unity Clu-.'l .1"! 'itiinati will and that t-t-veity nit icken t>oy ' -i be made very happy ' iv'-t.t .'.Tvijl jlij' i! '■"!< \ ill only woik bard and ve V OU. bt fI. 1" on' o-i the pi eau ■ t American Movement' 1 in- Coir.iitimi; y (..’he s'. Ada Johti'ioii. ■>’.!! North viSt 'Tilt •.:.i i : dll'- week is Mi ll Mi- Johiuou will leport at i 22 l -2 Karl Second St ret. Suite IUJ OistoU-i .10 o.'tween 10.30 A. M •u.d 12.30 P M. siit will reeeiv * very valuable tall. Plea.'t britpr CAROLINIAN and tell win it- y.,.., houpht Si me bin ; t-1 -1 Ov (ii '.v, ■ !Vt Tc.. l.’ixon cl 727 Snowball Street. ‘.e> legated 'iiio.jls (.1 tla suutii • • . tif'iecotiy.inical, Uiiju.'t and UU < P, i: tSail li. a*;'.s l leh ; in: : ad ,:.od tliai I*-! - irpn'l ■.i 1 .oiaiirofiji way s.o'titid oit lir-l op.ii'.i' "t t-y.iC ■■ 11 - o j any when rifh.j r-pciily or pm „teh . Ti-iupuiit Marshall, •:. delivered t!»<- addics.- i. u-e We-dnesday afternoon ses . i"ii rptaking on "The Courts and r.'s kuucational Opportuniiit' I.- .Negroes. Mi Marshall find '' whedi had been brought .u no court' - . I'hargmf? t-i]iialily in ed oc.-.:: o% list N AA< 'l and the -- ; -lat;:'. Os each ease Hi : .' id -us metiiods P> wliKn "!!->. " H'ilt-ev could go about c-ijual opportimitie.'. re i j-* n. riy suggestions' i c» 1 1 111 in the meeting by James ivi . Nabrit. .Jr secretary ol Howai'ci Ullive; sity The pie idc-i ts charged the de i- ol". id "J agriculture as being the in. '1 }.!r.ju..ik-e8 of all federal agen ti<" T. i v pointed out tiiat tedeial : loiended . further ugiicul ■- d ri-s-aiC'Ji I;- the SOlllli had been mem wholly to, white schools th. i Keluion ot Negroes I're-Idem J. W Davis of West. ' Vu-f.iiiltt declared that the "attitude ■f ha- dtp.iitment of agriculture ii. 1 armed ’.he in'erers ot eduea in tills countiy . This must topped m interest. -of unity m ' A inerica. Jh: ' "liege pipsidents attendim Ihi ' : euee- V.’trt J p Drake Aliii.antu A and M.. 1. A Davis Arkanstn State H. D. Gregf,, Dc,- Slate W H Gray Jr.. T ‘- : ■ • lit A and M C V Tump. I V,'. ' . *•>:;•!. . j-i U Atwood is- mteky State; h' C Clark. >o ,- in«-rii U.; J T Willirmis. Mary* I'd State W H. Hpcs. Missis* *!*; And M . S 1) Scruggs. Lincoln Mo F D Bhiford. North Gaioiina .it ami T ; G L Harri ■ n. Luiifeatoii; M F Whittaker. 'h Caroli.'i.i Slate; E is Evans. Terms A and M I, H Foster, 1! " na Stair-. J W Davis West , Virginia R E Clement. Atlant.i j l-i and J.anes A. Colston Georgia , State Deai: G W Gore represented SECOND SECTION » Built On a Rock « 'sTrfeslß, . 3ft. .. i.- ' " 5 NATIONAL IfIHLE WEEK OCTOBER Uj-24 i , Spin.rwired by Laymen s National Committee t A atuierhilt Itotil, Nevt Nork tti. N \ ft'-' > “I til way- have raid, and always will say, that the studious ptius«l ot the ied vc-bii)!'' will make better citizens, bettor father* v *,,d hritei husbands.—Thomas Jcrtcraoo. f ' , ABOUT THE TOWN ... . _ ... t Miss Daisy Jones, attractive and versatile daughter of Mi and Mrs. V: ..'for ,h,!',o Sr. ol -412 North Myers Slieet is now inakirig a ran*..- (■a beiseti a.- vocalist witn tr.e Buster Leap Frog i Belli .ett aggi e . .Mon llct iii-t a; p.-aunice v. i'ii tia- out stand; up nuisiral unit was Oetubei h, Roanoke- Virginia. .Vi;J iMe- wa. al Olif time ai ■ llilaU'd Wi’.ii 3l .-|H(. I. 'vidie; : : -. brown Skin Model • She has also 1 bn led VOc.iii'-f at 1 i-.e } am-.a - ! Club Sunday Sunset Park, Cluo , <1 . w nib • ') 1..- Ch.n iotfk Vet* -a: . Gri)l: anti man.: : flier local S}s.b: ! She wa;, .. b...rlei minio-e; and t i ulro tieasurei . 1 fi.v vi.v tiujiuh i J | Si-nai Club b.t "Sia: onslei - j Miss Re-a .Mae Gr.- uwui. ; | Mri. J A Day i ; v .!ur.f.'.v. Ot I her S< at Whiel. i mu- a 't>- .cuilnL j wedding l efi-0.. o\ v. a- liep.i iis - j .-. eddllu was 1*; i' Wi i b;. S ; - : • ! non at flit l.uliie 'll she ■ ; i I I'nuttu r. Mrs Tin.iiia- Good win. S; - ; 2i7 South Brevard Alreet. • l M: and .VP: Tr.. ma- Guodv.-.n. • ; .It . b,other and sister-in-law ; : | the bride, eau.e from Dayton. O ' • to attend the ceivnionu-- The lun'M i VP- Gof.-i'-vm u , r i af-conipli-ihi'd : neert T: - L young couple w’Ut ii.aki: Ha ;i tiome ; ■ , if) Washinglnii. i.b C ' Mr and Mr:- Mali. •: bPcud si New Yi'ik City are visit!! e - : f;ve.-. and tm-iaJ «. : this city. Toe lovely 0.-uple along with Mr and : Mrs Avon Kirkpatrick and Mr. i ' i and iVlis Walter Dial, were airn.'i.. > th". ii any guests at Club Sunday • ..Sunday night, Oclcbe; 24 Miss: F,a; line Jackson . (.utti.tied lie; hi; Ihday celeb] atlon at CiliO i Sunday, O: fohei 24 Dr. H E WIL .ii, ,ffivei.s. ; a.l ■ ill ll.t Little l-l'- Ck AMI. Zion Church au making prepiar..- tion. so: tio Annual C'-nfeieiK Little Rock will iTvt a>. host ... ' this .ea; j, An dual Conic., •.- t the Wistein North ( a. , i-.ii.i n- U-rence Bishop B I.J Si'-se,' .ii presiep- The Souttieastei n Uegiun.-' Xm • - Conf.i truce w;o- lie id Thursu.-v < > ' . loh-ei 21-23 Outstanding, rp ant wen presented during Pa v-a ft-re!ice Many social r ouiisic: : 1 lie.- accorded the delCg.iles and friends while in the Queen City Beta Nu Lambda Chapter ol Al pha Bill Alpha Fraternity met Tue:-- . day night October 2b. at the home j 11 of M 1 Wilson vice- president of ‘ , the chapter r>2b Beatty's Ford ■ Road. You i scribe. • K S Potts: - President i,f the chagtei piesided • Alter a very iriferestinj* business 1 ; session, refreshments were served. ‘ Club Circle S. Charlotte's, nev, • i 1 ! est twhit . riight is really. packinp Die,n in. En ! i-rtaiiini» nl i.s I provided by Mac. McKay, musiral , aygr: g;a!ion cornpi-sed of Danny I Darnels. trumpet; Walt Dailey, piano; Thomas Ham. giutai, Mac, McKay Marimba. CTaicnct Gams.. drum- and Jdm Brooks, vocalist. ’ You) scribe. Eugene S, Potts. . corves Kim- - o on Saturday Mg::';. : | . J holiday:, at this Swank Club | o - era ted by John Shumate arid Mi j | Dudley iboth White- 1 Th. club i ; located o; the Old Concord High i ; way. h mih*- out ol the city 1 The Gala Gay Gulp Female In; : personaiors, tThonutsceiut Klnora, i and Gilda) thrilled the patrons on | opening night. C»ctober 44. The band i along with the Emcee and en'ci ■ I tamers are really making tin- Club I "jump like mad.” . Tennessee A and 1 Sim. and W. ■R. Banks, direcio, ol public rein -1 Hons. Prairie View, was present The enrollment ot the conference, ‘ .including sonic top fliglit govern ■ \ meat officials and interested spec tator.; totaled around 75 people. pu B DT HTTP 1.. rl l. % g a jLhJ* THE CAHOLINIAfc ujlcAdmxX IT- ..tow raaiibi 1 DP's H AULER: I'nui •A) .V Transpovtatior. Corps vessels >+*- signed to displaced persons re set tie ir., T.t projects have carried 23,000 -( l'iiropt-'.i DPs to oe\s homos in Australia, Canada, Brazil, Aigeiittiia and other South Amen- • 1 ran countries. The ships moved \ the refugees during tht comae of 34 voyages. * * » * 89 PERCENT PE V I 1 ! I ’ Sn.-. ► the I’etiai at "fi of Indepen- 1 C . 1 ' C;'. 1' Nate.*'. been ill \C kl'C i.i tui 11 penent of the time 'lL'is r.. a' il e:> \i ytai ? of pcuit to each year of hostVitiea. * 9 * i(OTi HONOR s, HOfli S ?.5■ It than 190 high schools in twenty m:ie states and the lev* dory of Hawaii .have Levi d-. emmled as “honor high schools” by the be go.- 1 nit-iit of the Army. Those eehc'cils, <‘t»ci'i maintaimny a ,nn.:or unit id tlife Reserve Office:a’ liam ing Corps, were reported by the Army urea commar.deis as having* attained exceptionally high stand ards of military tifcinii g and clis- OH'iine. » ■‘Honor high ■.-.'bools' are deter mined by the Army as thi.-e .vi ieh have achieved the greatest susee.-s. in laying The foundation of intelli gent citizenship within thi student while providing him with such basic military training as v.iii he of value to him and to the military service T he c-w t-ecfi'.:< a menibct of the armed ft'.ie. s. V his is the urimary mission of the Jun ior Division, Hfsi . ve- 0:!V . ; Training Corps. » * » ARMY AND EDI < AT ION *he broad educational opportuninVs available to young men about to 300.1? 0(1 . j; ,11J sipodds. OplAO.lO ~ u:.JI rUli -uitp past, --liuij .■.;i.i"j".i ntauosidd »IL|OI,I ,".i ; t; q.i:, U". I. i:ij p.roxi.t > is -tuuy •*«*i: •' ‘; u'!J .M.: ■;> i"is"u.iujianf, Dui\' dqi p»t»;|dmdv-4VU Si JBAI ainjuj a'uu u! si; ue 4V<|tuu.i pis*: *.IOJ Ut KOi|dtins jo q.iHjj auiilMS 10 ;;sß'{ 03nq S!.|i ut pit- i.u spun «p.t0.>4.; ouiquetu -ifiijotu jo uotj ' u 'PV : AHOX.V7I AN l H UHOK * * * -i •Ajojestni eiU|l pun—.V[j.iau.iu.iui qof .ndi|i op e>4 JfUjUJBOJ UUUJ Utilt! iUds'OJil o, ku|u;B« (ttnpe put? t)irue.!,.:!f ,'U, -JtUJSIIi 4H>U Ul -ipßlil t-lej,'" .-q; Si UlStSOjd Kiqt JO 5!3<1K8 IllßjaO'lUli t* V ‘wiß hoi iitoA»jd 4UoU!.ijm 3A!siniju; sp -■, pd,m:!jviv si Xuny blji JO .bui.vooj'. .*pjß K.1.U.-J ;v ‘uo|jß|tickKi UHtjifti.) m ooO'OOl J *'‘l P Mi’-T -to poanfaj iu(w pu.iwl -uioo sb '{duuossaU a.i >; 11 jI iu ootiTlill .lost SJuapiOOß i)oq’" t se.vl .!; y 1 quup -p-’U .:-ft] i ui fasjnuc) snoidumu su I;;; Ac. >4,3»fqris otnapaov ensn oiji Huipnioill puu 'a3a;tu,i jo ,iog>a. 4r-H! -njl jo {oa*! sir qfjnoaqt p.i«M -di- mijKuv.l eaßjrio? Ooi. "“'lt ajoui «-‘3lJ*> 3Tiijn fu l »M1 TiVSfl SB sutuo-pA |j jb,w PH*M jo vuo;|]ttu o; tiwouh ‘ojnjriauj .hr qan'o.upj v!qß|is.iO sa-undaw pu» saitijuaj juuoijn.inpo sqi jo asr. }jnj aoj stiejii aijpada a>|»iM oj sasjnnpuj »Aijaed -tM».id paSranoaua •jjiiiijsuj saaroj paiuay 'y - fj eqi uo aaituuiuoQ sqi jo uvuutvqa puv uiiifivunpj no |p on of) uvauatuy s>uj jo jdaptsa-'id on a •qineijuuug T V *'-‘. tthvait and duughU-; 4 Colm-.ib.. S .C.; M. A 14a wk im llocl.y Mount; Cold. John Smibi Ti".is Deg! . \V.> in D. C Mi- Boner. Fon.': C.'.y; Ml.- h z.ara. Fori..! City Sparky William:-. principal Deep Creek High School. Wane:,bo; R. Rob* : iroii .u-.ii David Dupree i-.u he Bell Si ret' High School, Clinton S C P C Dixon- Advei U.-.iii-. - Mg.- . A(i - . ■•. Ain villi and Blii Yo.:- ■ -L (" ■ o;il;!.nvri High Lineulnl"! Also amom: the ii-lebn':- :g"l a. the Smith H ’i;a coming ' . inn v.iii h B. Mas •( y. tonnei.v ■ I Chariotle new ii.xiding in Ca ve laud. Ohm; Hem y M.ism-v ("iisi * ot I iri Ma.-.-ey aku of Clcvei.-.mi. On io Will) U • mentl. u-d alum ; j jj| ; i j Uit.'DtU a lid ; | o;!: • }•;, i.nn*: tor uui lAm. Ahua .Vlaiti it. didn’t, ci'liip ilijuu,; :. it- - , liti Uijivcu sity won Ua euis.-k ... « t’Oii . J v ; , :c, i'< In :.piL- ul* 11 ■ .mi'll VV; n l Yuan? W;n hiurU>i« pijvt d Hi.* ;:anie; also Kirk . ‘who nuaU ihc tii i Snuitn v.'iiumiov. n) Me U- vv«.H and LiissiUn - Ho H r ;» o'aUTandjng un the Smith iim T. C' lakes un Smill. Satarday Ov tuber 30th, tor her Hnuu t umj Sniiie r.'tdict that Smith will up:it ; .\y : iurarL a-.d ljd j; Gala event for T C. alimmi. an i friend Krani thi corner vva vn. be awaiting the outcome. The C'iipper: * v*. liiu ».i ieanM c-a;>v * . di t .? • a.t , bi r - jack pM Sunday. Oc‘oL*r*i 2-it,, by d*. l'»*nnil.; I i;< 1..-: • La.d i:. ; . * i New Yot I almost unixdn-vaun :.c .iv id 92 n> 0. Aft . ‘at- j- itaa.M-tf ■• ■ : large *),<_ la:;'. >Tar’ou yf-hL'd* Jt ('fit i . ,tk*. ll humh•. d.‘ Tbt- ’ !ijjfie!; . i ..i j- • ’ints. by vi: tun < ; >.al»-iy .-nd 12 Successive (.XL.: i nsm .!! U r 12 UntChdoWU> Tiuv tlrii Jft lit h a- ; tempt at COtjV to •• a ■*. v». as bL-rl. t.:, li.e CL.j 't. ; an .a, - t a; n ;;! d <;) i • U \i 1- i H.• i : former Nv fra L - «i a- Imsh:;., \ . versity v.*j i; «■ lady b*josT the* N. 1 P fN WORLD WAR TWO ' [ WJT L fciUSTRATRD By NAttRATa; 6v P . ST. Clair! Bourne I * * Merchant marine ' ;, DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL) 'rv& ! FRED CARLOS ARCHIBALD SAN h 3 l/l\ | ft FRANCISCOCALIF WIN* MERCHANT "'*(' '^yßTf >■o KARINE SERVICED HIGHEST \Mr. \_\kj j 14: DECORATION On ONE VOYAGE I I lOA!?ED WITH GASOLiNE ] THE SHIP POCKED AT j PORT DARWIN MOSTOF I THE CREW HAP GONE 1 A'.HOftE AND ONLY ARCHIBALD THE I CAPTAIN AND FOUR OTHER OFFICERS AND MEN WERE ABOARD WHEN AiRRAiPERs SWEPT iN TO ATTACK j i L_ L [.: SO SUCCESSFULLY That their ship was the only one of however they succeeded in persuading the authorities to let : them return to the vessel so they could take it out into the i OPEN HARBOR EVERY MORNING AND ANCHOR THUS AVOIDING ~ ...i tut: n* COCK CUUNO ' CKO ". .. SPCONJJ fcftX'TJON ), ,j I VV> .tC)ui r J (- I.' f: Hi n vv. u : \ i; to • J y Niglu, CVloh. , X\?\, Gy j i-y !:;r • .ll • C-ail. ! I the ' •i ■ ■ GO the iii'v , :<: c 0»J •.» W:: : 'i’l.. t. v v\' Hi; 1•ll r 1 vifitT jr.s tik? . .'m- • it- came t.h)"» by j P 'v t.cj 0 To VY.! J'i her ii ills! vlcUh v ti't.iivi Curve* H:>'.h o! Win* both Hip;n SvitooD iSeeon.d \A .. d \ ;.iisd Wp ; • i CiviiilutG. ) pia.Yoti theb ; Karnes p the new U built Hid go O'; | Stadium of this city. AM onerKv. ail efforts and all oye.s i ■)■< f ) . I ■y\ J City 11 ik ; i Sanool Ckar.’irr. Wed j Hi.yithe rV. • u, take place Sal j Tile t kiurouu com mi < as- .s'eereuj by Mr. Robins- of th< CharloUe News is doim. a wonderful job City schools associate supeiin* : tendurt. Dr Is H G ninyf i. IV)i . Peterson ot trie Quartebiick Club. | Mr. 2\ickaiMs ui the school board, j various civic clubs, an.d many other j etrir.-e:- hav*. joined the fa cud j <\ uheol'-O | «;.<• »ai {.:••■ >;.i ;uj« bond j n i.'i.'!'tKfct tor of il'.c Ciub.iic and many oilier diurtr arc ; briny, ufccd to siimulatt mteres>l uf> thir very colorful event Prof. Jus .i.n Town:; of West Char- . Ain Hi'.;: ji iri.t'Kil chairman, di Willie Mae R MeK-isr-tck ticket ; iiciKial. alijo ot W Charlotte lac ulty Ml' Howard Ana t ~cal of Sire mid Ward, ch;.iii o .ill ot pubiK'i'.v, Mi--'- Mattie H;di ,■! o of Sec.■no ■ Ward Higb .boor .Vl’.i; tiuti older antoinod id an eifori to tt r.kc tr.e CVcnt ~i iilU’c rUCCcsr A J. (bito iocal f :.".ur :...o! and : \A : I,: l'n Tn '• Waliim; Si . li.'iril ii< lit i:t. rod youi -X rif.t Ilv o. IdUr, •ro-.. Vi i.v fovoil.irif' and > u in;- of the two .-.chuOJS ProlCipals, ' ' r, I or ..Oil ~ tor: . Wo ... Octcijl-r 20. at second Vhid High ~■•>0!}».!(: ( Ti-cu:: Sofia > Club ;yv< a er-pl dhiii/i: :-jI lb..- CiwViutte VnursT: U was ‘Veil :uU ud> d. T" ■ " WJmtrSku f a t\ JLL* f ’Bp UWI.K Iy N i.) iN *. SA J'UivlfA V, LH 1 ()i»1 -; 1 • iti. iJi fiz+ttiHintM. PftA'tl'S'i'Ae; ' 4 >1 x--y x ::: 11 ] j'M*, n li ill! ffyt Tulin,-a-: Shoud At Hotc and \\ :•u \ ■ :;:} OPEN FOR ENGAGEMENTS RAY '‘Flat - Tire” MASON ami his 12-PtECE ORCHESTRA f. teniae f ! lie Mar-on Off set -731 Beatty’s Ford Road Charlotte, N. C. Headers of the (. fi'ctmiai) Ate Always W, Home at i t IARIT) ! I K’S VKT!Ki> A NS CLUB .Vi r , !Ia ri y 732 1 . 7th St. ' t harlotte, N. C 2i Siol At MOOT’S m:w place GOOD FOOD DRINKS O' AM KINDS, And .3 Service '1 hat's Fme Mr, Henry (Moot) M *y. Prop. 613 N. M I>oweell Si. j MERCHAN T MAkiNER ikf P >. ARiOv ALT,H'GALD OF SAN FRAN ISCQ, SERVED ASA MEMBER OF THE CREW Os A SMALL CARGO VESSEL THAT SPENT Ifi MONTHS IN THE PACIFIC DANGER ZONE SAILING [unescorted and armed ONLY with two machine, guns I" . iTHE SIX MEN MANNED THE TWO MACHINE GUNS TO [on ORDERS FROM THE PORT'S - MILITARY COMMANDER, BUT UNDER ~] iPROTEST ALL SIX MEN WERE BROUGHT ASHORE AFTER THE RAID. ! Map.: imk, Wr 3 pppj [■OR NINE PAYS THEREAFTER j THE Silif'WOULD RETURN TO THE POCK EACH EVENING SO THAT UNLOADING MIGHT BE CARRIED ON UNDER COVER ] OF THE DARKNESS. THUS THE EADIY NEEDED GASOLINE WAV DELIVERED SAFELY FOR HIV PART IN THiS EXPLOIT ARCHIBALD RE CEIVED THE MERCHANT MARINE DISTINGUISHED SERVICE MEDAL, HIGHEST DECORATION IN THE j SERVICE. I NORTH CAROI.JNT’S FIRST Ki PACE PAPER REAM IT! Happy Khmer New Year.