VTESEK ENDING SATURDAY’, OCTOBER 30, BUS PATRONIZE THESE \DVER USERS BITS OI NEWS |W| 9y MAPV su f r->r,riARA U -uid Mr:-- Spurgeon M ,v >» «.«* the proud pm-onl.- es .1 bot.ioai,,.; baby god. They mm '•>! i mod ,»•„ Fort Braes v.■ i♦ 11 the ior> Mrli-mu- Bn. The •ut 1: u !11t ■ t .1.: - • :<v >T: Mi .-i AjToO Moo I .’id - Oi ' 1 *3. was gala iffair. The *■ <'■iv ij gathered -it the hr-mc fit Mr:-. Ko. u': mother at 822 Ciini’oerJ-and Sm where refreshments and a h.j v were served. The bunch < n jo: 1 i d a crowd at ih« Office!. 1 in,- I'or' bi.ijfg. 1 1 Die;,- had I■. waiting Mi Kurd iiy < ivt ' a no. , bo I of presents and hr , in : : til thd.l v <sd e K\ • . vi>, rtv 1 .11 ■ -' • nder-'wl time. og' Jimmie Jon. s h.e i-einn.e i to KgUti Field. Ma ,iftei mg an ernergi m;y fw ■ c j to. h'Utdt with his wife vim doing uie-dv aftci a b r; illm . Mrs J. G. Smith tin: returned hum Washington, D ('. a tie, v, n big her son. A!bi a t Gordon Smith Mi's. Hattie S. We.-t. o< ... , A 1 -nipii at Tiiske.eef J .j* 1 j 1.. , '.it'd bc’i relative; in Fayetteville Mrs IF,an lot! Dobbin: of W.d spent tin; week end wit M: Vann J,. Staten of Cumberland street While to.. .if*r-r-:-..-.; -, bn ini- • me ei -a ; ;■,- f- : 1 Alumni A see pi Sat Lontiii Fan n the * I.ek end of too oJnci . it|; In ;no ■ ■ ( init Orpmi/ni In iGivctlcvilic Faye Mi-. ill.- f.radole,, ,> t «> former . indent, o Shaw fjmvc r:-1 * V hi ami a For;' Kayftliwjjtr mr on Wednesday. f>< aa am |;g suggestion 01 Mr Hcnrv A n,„,-k 1 and organized a Show Club vim Hr. Wat. on Fowlr. 1.-■ pr* .Adept IV: J" (_ i!) m ; ”f f hc new iv f.- .mi .-i i-.i-p,, 1,... nr a i Fop" >motr fetio-' whip o. idea! members it- prim; j-,i;. to lend aiet to Shaw in it - several UU(jt; iieU. Iv.tJlfrt) |r» Jl > he: ~)}}. hi if activities an dfh" financial cf f- rt incident to jin- .-xp;>;: .}.o-. ..1 •he p-wsieai plant 'IV, > .p. ,1, effort, of the group 1- bn .Shaw Homecoming m it,: t resent tit the n-yptin- vr;p in -oid " o ;Wat-.ii' oi-, :,.j, pm. tan, Jane-. Mm- ,ia r; s , YD Henry A IF-- :.. Mi w- - -in- John V\ Packe. Me T. ■ F Turmi, Mrs Hum l.iubfui, Mv- F-lizabeth Edvraici--. Mi:. Selma • Mc'vin, Mr Trni.niia Munh: Officers ch.-mp iiyln-imt I), W atson Foivit r. piT ukni Mi .h'.'hn W Parker, vice pro-ldent; Mrs. Ida C Fow ic-r. secret.iry. and Mi Hern;. A Biuck. trea:- hi C r. )| NOT I C E MR r A ARMSTRONG IS IN NO WAY CONNI'd. ED WITH THIS PAPI R. He «v«« Wito> Mapsigrct of the I avftßviltf C»ic , hr*!?r» which ivf» % ditconlimupif l)«»r rmh.--, J 047. Ymjr I or a? Repre.Twitfitivf >- M». .1, 5 Snmgionn ’nii'gi i ■■ .■ . - V POINT GROCERY 500 MURCHISON ROAD GRADE A MARKET f ro*pn Food* Garden Fresh Fruits and Vrget»blp , s DIAL 203 G 1“ , , , , Jack’s Snack Shop BEST HOT DOGS FOR TEN CENTS iN 1 OWN WINES BEER 213 HILLSBORO STREET JACK PHILLfPS Prop, fill ■ ll|-|—limn T| « I --t-r.-iiui < , BUY YOUR FARM MACHINERY TRUCKS AND | REFRIGERATION AT M & M TRUCK AND TRACTOR CO. FAYETTEVILLE I PHONE 5111 or 5112 mi f.unity it; Richmond. Va Tilt' Kb lid An ill': ;.(• W it) ;c j. ,y: • an an show tinnionstrrition ot inv-'bod:- ,■! ftr# preve'diop .jpri fi . contioi. The demons!raticii .-. ill fra ‘.lit oi -I 'ay,n-ft ~. - [Umt a ’’ echii ir| W" by lor,; of I, r 1 Jrd fiu ot the Aitbijii'. I,u ricjjt. PERSONALS •' I »1" 1 of 1, - Slid:. }! | -bl In ori'y !r. Irani that -In- roll tti'iK-s ,11 -ti !•-. (mine on Hritwcoci A vciiii* Mi .tin ■<' Cogdell ha.-, rplin i . Isl 'hi cil.v ..Pei pending a we. \ ■ 'hr ::ii<:• of r-- oil., , f■ , Man n of 'll. -V"... k C’itv l ’.M and Mr- Jame, K R.iteiifuru celebrated their lift” aruuyer ary .on Tuesday night. October 12. v :’n dinner p,ir;> a! the Nu-srs ft- , , of He-!,itu! 2 Foil Brag-., I'd . nit k \vo?>cion iiiXEs wcre i*. vcjvt ‘ • a.Mfl .t delicious dinner \v;»s sej v : cu winch o a- ei.joyed by all. The follow, in g wero the guest;-, - i\o m.-de the party enjoyabl > lb. Ann An-.-, i.t. Mary p. p, t :- -oi;. i.» H ■/< l Thornton. Ft. Ear ie--a Tayioi, ip. Helen Templctw'. 1!-' Geneva Colju.i r. Cpi. and Mr. Rohe :"i Mome S.-;. I-aac I,aw -..j, ■td Arthia FFe',; Mi; Mild: ed itelane.V, C';.:. James Humph: :e;. !.-t Ft orl. - ?'{ -. lif 1. , }’!:■ .e. . all'.. Beniamin Hyr' Mr and :\1; Fri 'l 1 1 1: - and S-p Oliver Ad.a. ' ;\lr- Ro-a Clark fas juri ic'--i:--. • •d from a vciw pieasant trip in 1 Ohio ' Piero lie VI-bed reo,:. re ihd friends ruimoi M M V\s ?. i. i e sh .: .e I’d tana n. -■■ d I'-. - ,pr evil wen.- tie.- dh:u-;r ;.,a ! , of 1 \lv ,mi ffr Hor--e.- toil.,r! . .pi ::::> I,ilw, t\ :a•• oi .. ~ nih Mis;-;-, f lerothy Flovri. fiaiteet . I’d Iran -a A-. '..r.i IV I hco • : H<V.|-.C< uivi.i-..; V ao.rj V I Hi Gi eCOsl.i a<> M*. Jic.tia of Coiumhii: C-amt-v bar rreriit.lv n i‘i;i id ?.. fa tieinc f- .'lii the Vcl-S.p, a; Cij j it.iPlEi,*. South ( u’oiin-t Ml . P V Sin,v. f, . .n- -, i n.v i" 1 I tbe week rod in Kinr-ten illnr ■ birtl'd -- party m ti.e. aof her lath , birthday -n Oirtohc p.y The w lie. ft lends and s I - She received JO birthday tif;-- and sio 'n c-dn MI; M use ihd ThiKuproip SECOND SECTION FAYETTEVILLE CASWELL COUN'f'Y 111 l\ W .1 lit l>U II K I- o t..i-a filled - ’.I) ... h.it'ie.- 1 well Fi'-nuty ti- ; W !'• - ' •-> ■ ■ .-i . : ■ . I", 'b I : liic hoy- v,-*.v< ' -!■ e ' i i.e. C 1 Pa ■ Ag. ill I. ' 1 mim I {.(• - . |. . A ('ln Rnp . ; 1 - -.’ pat- I lime -> 1 1,;..i I; II > i)' - o'. I a if:.- S' FT f ■ , i's;. a ‘ r, f,.„- n -1, j-’ WuOdl o|( -e C t. ~ y. \ Bit u.'b ii.: "it J B F>, : ;d !• c Si law - :Vi a 1 i>, B: o , I comm:, in Pal. n:o r I \ Mt I i 'I lit V. "ti t: I-. : I 0,0, Scho"!. v •l-.l e , vi||-. Judd f "-I !*TA in. .0 , ~ bon : ne;ni in the ab.-amc .1 if. p;,.- 'lent ’he H,\ J' (, c -nh. Huy,., J'.'i’b . nr.'sided Ain- (ic\. n,- a irami'.e-- -.I fij,! roeetisa; o read and mim 'ma. Mis, 1-, Robin. .011. i-ecrt'hu y an an of the i ’ I :\ ! .u':ain; r-'i,|Ui!|o (iva.- reporl. Slum, -n d j-.,-..,,,, . fotlim: . J Move in be: "I'arenl p, .-rain JaauaiTeaeb".,' Pror;i inn : Foln-il o • "St:.licit' - F>. , .e-are " Mil ti 'Movin’ Pkion- Sum re. tcd picigrrun as ouUmcd i-ccei.- G'j . 1»iC» 'TCCGj’rft i, M" Jones htieliv .poke of ilm mood fir, inh:rent, in i- a.'-.-:-abili: U) be? .'tv voj.iugf'r pa Bun; Chuune 1-eni H. .a- i y X ( . -. I’m I; 1 tod report on our fupkhny; pr.i.-g.Jim i fr 1 Mie effect 11., Ir. ind... «ili hr mayie- ,;, fa- ;. jp. p, 1 NUG* \ili 1H Mil iOHfAK Mt \ll >(.; M. I .onif R Bind |, f ~f -, (j: i-actor ml veterans' atlau s id the An mb 'a Vote .■ n - (fob, i,, aM , will lewd discussion;; on 'Youth eiid Civil Ri.bht:-;" eld "lb mb), trial ion in the Aimed F the tenth annual votitii confer - ' w of the Nat ->nal Ass- mi ton , - l-’eopd to t,o i|o j,| br-e N rep. Hi jd. ,M> Cat ter is etuTfiitlv on it-avr ft bin the AACP, -v’iu-j": he hot.is the position - m r-ta-J epceia! C.V-n;.. i. tleic,;aM ;epro entio'c 2Vt N. A A 1 ib yoiltb oe-ur, a , t s , > ’-AAI r e-bio-o oapiP'S, Oiid nuniljf; of : ge adc.-i.H a: e,;. i -faith and .. ei.ii >•! ;-;a grout):', wilt convene -t the Si. L.ouis i'ontr.i! Papfit-i Church I (bsi ii, - vital current f- ••!■ - and to ionntil.'de a. nlar, o' ;s.-1;n fm V 0»; ‘ ' i In kfcunif with the their-. V fin the TV mm. hod on. th' S' be- -is," _cji o o-s’.lctr.niF'n bv si pm p- ,p , ;ri ;;- m 1 b : fair . Will h' mmoj ad the- bm dav j i iMonal an il in ,m moplmq.s Partii.il a, emohasis wiii he nlaci ri -,n probb m,- as feeling the Ncg. ■> ,n Arici i. a and —H i !lc pail b T<t’> in. : - b-j f;:.p of these !: DA\\H I I BRIi i S Alpha Kappa Alph.-i laid f lab meeting rceofl w i*«• S< a (ioyd aid Brnadn - Ir-M .• • ■•' M e•. dr,,.- '-or B." ■:< Aft - . the erved T.v.m cm era , FMM, . Km _!■’, '.Vi .’r vF • , !•-v f (' Fade.. B-'o%d''..lX t-o-d e-e Thf- ob, i J-' p a V AT Weed ■ r . , . - pa. : i: Mi < deli.i <j e-n Jc-hp of Jr. ■(' v City N J . president f the K--I. et T AVop.e, F,t ag'll:. aip j)j;jjr• i )fif*e r*ytt?pi •n \ov"rn'bcr t, to fv*o r *f f!>.- m •:it..findin;-‘ 'vietieji of pare IIF arid "icinili W. " Jnfil; i!.bf la- . ... 1,,, .I- . -a party n;eer4\v. Th' giir'f.t' ec )Oy i-ri g hih- it- - » : i r ■ shnie: b Konrh.iij loop i ,r 2li. ■■of-:'. ; *- M, h\ C 0... :■ .m .- r:i, PKRt I IA TOR BRII,! tftfi Ml R< 111 SO V ROM) sriit IAIJZ.ING IV Mta id ( Hit HI \. SA\mvif UPS in < REAM. COU) m I K WfiHl RIDING bv < CRB SI R\ u 1 ( l RR SKRVKT hit Fr- V labor Day Trip to Atlantic Beach: Round Trip vi.oo Bus leaves Cmulainr ( a ill at ; ..: to A. \T. I u kfl', on salt there.. J < Wliilc Sponsor _ |r -r-nmn-nn n-rmrT , ,r , - nr rr r - m ~ „ , VMr -, ormr,- .-.-wim Gaiv 5 V Roofing, Extra Heavy 7’, B', 9 , IE, 12’ 10 Gal Automatic Hot Water Heaters sl9 95 $2 61 per sq- Saving on 210 lb. Asphalt Shingles j. Regular $7.50 Value, $4.89 4S 1R HOOFING REGULAR $2.25 at $1.45 PER ROM 55 LB. ROLL ROOFING REGULAR $2.75 at $1 SO PER ROM 65 LB. ROLL ROOFING REGULAR $3.25 at 52.10 PER ROLL 90 LB. MINERAL SURFACE REGULAR $3.75 «{ $2.75 PER ROLL OUTSIDE WHITE PAINT - REGULAR $5.25 at $4.00 PER GAL. MANUFACTURERS ROOFING COMPANY 1019 Person Street At River Bridge "AYETTEVILLE, N. C I-. -i lain. 1 , - -fts f • n*i ft ■ 1i... i. .> T ti- . at tHe ‘a’ - f ' e "d tb- bay ti,.. • ’-c* . 'b.'i.o < uev' iui. I. .f - . . i> - " a re ic-).v( .-Fo F- .< ■ -. i- if; ...lipiT, Ar i •• • 1 nb' - ' o i i-t tic Id <’,.i tub. ■ f r n •.a di -.-l M: mu ir- t need !-.. e«tls 'o m.i.Ue • >ll .'li •! I to aU .-M "111 ..mi mm !• 11f l I m;| , " U 1 ill - ( t.'" h. i'.l 11, 1 1. b I US b. ■. .fill' 1 ~ -?’■< ■ F irents -a in m t ty- 1 - I.d fli. Slat. F"! '■ mo-ofjib; la h bo.ll jri Imn-iair >v, ia. ' I .Oil ; - , P,IMO,' I- .;l-dbif toi. ill ,i I, iff-! b i y oa n ii,l.it ... Ho.ill:- ' W ViOi; % I s (.OiUi' A DELEGATES TO DISTKH r Ml i 1 ,\F .'.f, City, X d Ma\ ) J ■ ... ) , \ 111 b:a.a O b iron.aril mm " Ism thrift' state.-, attending th. anmiiii Sccnud Distnct Cuiiloi oil, -of !bo i' o;, p-, »h: F ; ti rnit.v held here recently (Ot !a her b.:• ili 1/1 iJclofatcs heard unpres:'ivc ad bw. hv Dr, Harry T. Peon Roiitioke. Virginia, grand ha:-i feus; ajii'.l Richai'i K. Fares. Nc York C.ty. grand coun&elo’.. Th. principal speaker f<:o the pu 1 >'«i si -.-iou OelAber 17 was Dr. Ho. cop Brown, < ..nMiltant, ’’ S V>..;oi! j-y -,f Health, WiisJiniu fo.fi,, I > f' I)i i net Ait a mb, ■> vard;. wosr njso presetdod du. ing ’be pnhiif ,-avsinn. svhiuh w.t i .(-hi a* J.'ffo P.-e;,byt.criai ■ dviivh, !'.- ■ (v v Wy at. B. J oil i. mm. Past u Tile hustlie:.:, ml.-. - I -no Acre. ill']. I)., tnlii', 15 at Hi,- Aitbi Aveuu l B;ancli YiMFA Disf-u-t of.ficr-; woe rv-elected a Joli.rw;-: Mist - T Mb..-- di b ; is . '.id i-h V i.bUfur’fsL dent, (.’.hestef Jackson, vice pre'd - 'cut Ma bft Fn gli sh, a-: * 1 a Gi -i-fm !’ Ml. l' .tr £, : 0 i.adlo.o W VV.bllff dll ,of , Pllr ... ! inn;.,l ! T) Ad"'.;' . ? m-.-ta .-f pun!.- i.dalj on Hrm Rob ;d p .-'vo- v. rib.m ic.' if V fir' ;! l a, lM i Kb the M Alb. l sTi For;'. mmml, Fab .- a . Kxtc-mio:) 1. • . ..ill. -i;.)lb ! at State College 1 rhosp,, a jud.-a: fm m Xmfiorbd Foci.;:.-; Hereford Stm> held in I ugton. K;. .. Y. '0 b O . . -;, ■ . JiIVV ' Ol It'll 1 .. vv, r.'. s'd dba potind; of lint m'-T'C o.’iowner! with on ivex. ■f mm - Om, .- i mt. b thUWghwl t'".p C.t Uon Belt FfovovjlJe CountT n .v,i- ha- ; Sell Vour fobacco In bavetleviHc For Lhe Highest Prices ........ AND BUY YOUR FURNITURE For l he Lowest Price AT MARKET FURNITURE COMPANY i 101 HAY ST. FAYETTEVILLE, N. C. . r J " Hillsboro Street fi-M.,. [j SERVICE STATION 601 Hillsboro 6s. j ’ j. SPECIALIZING M I f *')/ C ONOCO PRODU* IS I >. 1 •; X C ■ v ( EXP ER' 1" W A SUING ‘ ■ \ GREASING SERVICE / v ' •. Pick Up anrl Delivery Services * A ‘; ■ W. . U • Oion Gen aid and Gons, Props, ‘ BOTH RAGES JOT IN Y DEDICATION ' I id.' rA Ml - -YMpi - w:.)i«. "isl (.'doled fat.,.mu' from cd( wat "• lit® if no !,. four <|;j,- neJ: iwii v .or 1 .) iJi'ccrctlcg tin' < •- fi’.'Ml 'b cion:: of 1 ia; $l9O 000 ?;yiu ’ -oi". m■ d winmni!:;: pool urill i mi i o-A-■mie YiV't'b" d ..111- !,. I .-.- icccntl; The iint b unit ! ''a. I>ui id wo.' om ■; , , : ■ , 1 a’. ' > ill).' at. Cm i "l $]2.1,000 d.u. till aid i 11l- c- J. ... • - 1.1. F|pi .-.an .! May--, ;.i'< ido. ; f >. ,‘dci'i'i.i.'U'.e f'nilegc. delivering iim " PI UK l; I lb .a.-. 11, IV,|, a ,!(.;) •i tia i , (,„• ;,n i Mm> thainn.tn oi ■i ‘ ' ( i> v i I V \IK ,'\ 'bar: ff'’■ -ter-a. --.l'm 'urticff die key- the ntv. unit ' o E!x ecu live f-c-cre 'am. C W.iiim.i Hawkins. h -mm iiiiiic, ii... new rrub. Han i kin ’ 'The ki'-'vs will be mm-’d ■ 1 1) onkm.:. iibsm u):portu r.i tier, fen Ihe \I: , i Cae'adand We 'ire m I -'- ■ 11U; iMb! the gi. ii . iKel ts o X; bC a : .. 1- .; Y ,VIC. A -,v;! >‘-m cnobi ; n ffi.'llity nt-.j. .a , !., 1 ,"'l in -!o--f'lo|Vi,;.', am -oirlii. yuur.g ' : ! 1— b U-, it (■-.!-, ■ (ii ..pu 11, ■ : ioi..nd :«;ct dob.v." h)n ihe foil; moot; ~-.y ' L.ouis 1.3 - - mm-j 11 a it, Welf-ue fi-elcn, • '-"tl and cci’fii , t "if voiapd Pro- . '! a-; :i , - mpai adbr-i J bi-'c ■ia . i--ir ; Neve;i o hi• fi" f.'i; ui-i'e grjn.t.vei lit'- i-i> ni 'h i:-I>' p (- --' ii m.itcs !••• tbe p, - ' d. ii. 'a.-Kinney man-vp-iti .-if , : b-'Ul'l': "I i:a'f. f"i.' ,lm :>• goo ernu:: I'onlrilHition;-. in the Jmi . : .I'lniiei -I'.ip cauipaigti, llnii> io Hom<‘m;»lv« f , bay. ha.nriiMi.t re nh> iJ»«- idea el lo r mac -., V, ~r vinegar on ’ l hai’d wth -e . 'mi Hnvr- of garhc 1 i " D h-'v i put of red i»cpier.s in . it N’m it vint'gi.r i pailicularlv a.' a,. o .Iv ". iuai :iseel lu 1 ■aiaknig ' 'is -nnaisc or Kreiieii • ri.'eam;: sal-Kis and i l is rtf-liekh;.'. when poured over ' . is l . i of I ni. >,] bref * b.a, -a up,i i .'a Mo amm ,f a i : Df.: • -"' dim. mefor: 'hoy a".’ - bid so piTVCII! nimv tail:-, ' ' - p'mb ,m, ,-. -.eir,'r , <. ,a : - ’ ■ b - in i rr-mnii'.- iral fm i ' d'-'t die b<m: iii’.ag. a; r usuaiiy * ‘ -1 ai-• ' ' - o i hat 'a> i■i \. ,|; m,, r.p - and off ca. iiv. finn •> the lining i ■'n't ma’; a' die -m-'i.mci-Jo; fa.- , i .' f"'' mm "mli _ ifd of a obatcpa! I hat -f f: c mnv.bcc .b nutfiis gni m.v.,. ii iJrt-s UiiK* Ia no p’Hh Ihr iiy;pfnln- . 0 . ' ,‘, y“ ’ } ’ 1 * than the numbei A. i f n«- ir *Be - ... t-.o n cost the ’ # tMTII; NEtkSBOY’S I i I i / -' : - v ' -v<\ ! 37 FREDRICK L ' BURNS A few day.-- aw we hud (he I '"■•■'< l " to listen-in on a convers:-*- tiou < -.,i uin; the S'ate Teach t 1 N?lle<e and the j - ~f eo-op ‘•r.dloo Hji.’wu or! the pari of our citizen = Ac. the conversation grc in intimity, we sat spelJ-booud. V'jt.rjerim >v!urh j.vonp li.rppen.etl '■-> right. 1 might odd here that both group.-.; happen to be ryadu a of tb - school. t* *..*;*-. agreed tTT&f (hr cr.. 1!■ • ..:• : o!■ a wonderful job for : >.- , -t-i'e i!i.. nation in train in* nrnj-.io to* the leaching pro fession. The fi.ime of I-•. . lev tin slate Terchti,. CoJlego is known tr-r-m ■ oaM n, coasi. ano rightfully so bc’eause i~ can boast of g- adu iti ' ii rn nearly evei'y slate along dr v.-K n i .Scabo&i’tl 11 you v. to !\ave i U'.riuv fr,- ,!; s -'o.cl ir.'V- n> arc oil oi vout V: M pe>-,*, pc ,~, .. , . h 'c:ot_ then laden to a eonversati <r • ••r-emnn," your "alma-mater" w COO O;. p, . ; ,i - i height, one belbl seemed t.» prevail, "Thar some of the tearh* ei'. tviinld m.*t. speak to them and would never socially;: wan Ice bt man," They seemed j«-, :i, T *he .me: ago rr..:i*. it the city n*a 20pd enougn tor them " Whether atateii'ifub, :••• '! uc or '■ •! us have \■ •* . but we hove oh: mre» tI ,.V ,-i j.rJ 1> er-. thing \ n ~cnii d ■,,< 1 a you i-:;"m almost count re -itroiir, vhjcli J a rjuit.;- . rnlr is! ‘ lew iv. i -ac a. v iien humhvr- II - ! : r,r , i etl. -, t ;-,r ; .:. <r r rsii-'ii r,,d ;tn- mi-!, cj dett i-j rapacity r-; ■•,-<■ t;., ■. >• = . the corridor-.- W-- nave emu patrons -- .d r.e .I'." at iea--i i ait an hour before- the doom would open that they , or<ico t-'i‘ .3 t>orj; t t , The ]iidSidrv;l of *h«* tv'4U-«g.- j;, e. • i'actic*')! itian, and if there a. •v hit aon to this- problem, ho will •In ,-m ry’bing to hn- pc-wer find * • i. h <..»0 3b 5 ’ <j ir vv 11 *tci.t •s t c ci, oii. j - .’o;i rould nippt with if- nro'ddort the finocif materials They are the ! ' ot ’> whKb hang in the close?. ouih' i ? A ros? in dolliifi; and umes '. iti veeHT the .onif**. hartlv e-tdiceahh*. A finrAiied hem loro-t.-iloiod look or a oniem.td« ” effect. •3, I.MIM ■ a*t .... II ...... ■——... ■—— ’ “ “ - CAROLINA RESTAURANT wf invit:: you to try the Carolina one time 12:i PERSON STREET WE SPECIALIZE IN CHICKEN. STEAKS, BAR-B-QUE SERVICE WITH A SMILE THANK YOU FRED HARRINGTON, Prop. * - 'I ,| IIM —.iminm «n... | ED. FLEISHMAN and BROTHERS FAYETTEVILLE'S LEADING MEN’S STORE 107 HAY STREET Parker Radiator Repair Shop GASOLINE SERVICE STATION AT f \YF;rrEVILLE CITY LIMITS ON MURCHISON ROAD FI FISHMAN’S BIG STORE I IQS HAT ST, "On<> Os Fayetteville’* Finest Stores’” FOR PROMPT RELIABLE SERVICE CALI | HILLSBORO TAXI | DI AL 2458 OLt.N GERALD, SR., Manscjor i _ _ __ __ | SPARKS CLEANERS FOR BETTER CLEANING Offer-ins: Wbilr-U-Wsit Service . . . One Day Service Esoert Alterations 830 Muvi.:!ir>un Road DIAL 4GGS I HURRY BACK ! ARTHUR'S SEAFOOD GRILL i SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOODS, BAR 3-a STEAKS I We Serve Regular Meals FAYETTEVILLE'S ONLY GRADE A COLORED CAFE 537 PERSON STREET PbPtt* j SECOND SECTION crl sumo nf ois teachers and put i - t.'K'ir prs'bk*»;s uerore each other th«t differences of opinion can j a- iied out H ■ "dll’- S of what : ippci, o. the | ■:is -d for the people. Teachers nia. cone and teachers may g*o. j • but. the ..T'iOoi must po on. We need j 1 lhe • '-in: • aim tuc -envoi needs! spi-ni!. The moiale of the j ' 1 ■ i.- tt lide: 1 ' 1 v m v Maybe a! b ’• hur.di-'ii granuati"-’. cheering | a! inr; with the student body could] ■ help a iittln, i; • 1? hoping. J Teh you next week i NO NKI.KOiiS SERVEIkj IN OVIJ AS'V■;STARTS: 17 HOI R STRIKE ! 1 lyiias i \ Nf 1 s 13 cc a us* 11 1 * : D.ijm ■ duvvntmvii YMCA refused ; • - > serve food to three Negroes., i 15 persona held a IV hour sit- j dt on hunger strike there Ifist > 'oni'k- On the outside a picket | hnr ■ c, formed in protest, against' the discrimination. j, Tni Y refused to.-auve a mixed j, g- 'Hi? culled together to htmo) , . rgional director of the NAACP j of tin guests were ! u. S. L). Miiler. general set*-- i ‘ . aid that ii was not YMCA ! v to ..*. rvo unsegregate:).: t: '*onp.s. I ■. 1 u W'iitc of Haurton, ; eg ton al director of the Southwest 5 NAACP. was tire guest of honor. - rdic tjircs hours after thej ' Toe whip worn a who arrangdi lit-- -tv, t,,.icv Krebs, had said ■ ;: M the group won hi remain in ' dining r om '.until .breakfast! ■ci-. ed " Seven >sf trie orngnal gi.-op. *neluding one Negro, re-. Officials of the center talked to ihi u up, and persuaded them to i '■ vv.:- at breakfast t me of the ik x! dav. Picketu carried by both wh lie and co'jii ed perrons read, "The Negro YMCA lends white gv-est* I*o Wiipo YMCA ofurc:. !■) fn-ch Negro rr.csw Wnwh tsChn-'- ftan? Ac the pteketers marched -I.Acy chanted, imcrow must %o." H riheris ; i!‘-r chased them ; ,iiav by turning a water hose, on fncm. Their 1 gns referred to ‘ the rr-renf breakfast tfoi Hem y j. A Wallace at which v, -ne .f ihc l guests were segregated. ''-early seven out ,:>i every ten: tuiTCs 111 he 1., ruled 53 * a tec now • r*:.ve electric powei PAGE = Fayetteville Your Business Men Brought You This Page. Patronize Them - The Ford Mo*, r Company has | constructed a nfil -si the test track lat Dearborn, Mich,, to check pev i formance of Ford. Mercury and j * 1 I.incvin automobiles. Q(n one ride j b .. IV per cent grade, and cn the ■ ■r:i*r a 30 per cent' grade vrhich P,.'£'i.'iai»r.tes famed Filbert : .; '**> - j n San F a-icisco. About lldOuO ! tons of slag were hr/uriled from the I rtouge plant to Wild the h.il. - —— -,‘r YVIIXIAiMB Service Station GAS OIL 613 RAMSAY STREET ] Stevens Cash Grocery I*4o HILLSBORO STREET SELF-SERVICE SPECIALIZING IN ALL GRADE-A MEATS FRESH VEGETABLES ,f DAILY FRESII FISH - i FREE DELIVERY DIAL 1080 |i 1 WILLIAMS SERVICE STATION 613 RAMSEY STREET Washing and Greasing Our Specialt> Pick Up And Delivery Service CALL US DIAL 5451 I Jack s Service Station ' MI NTS \vr» GROCERIES 211 HILLSBORO STREET FREE DELIVERY SERVICE DIAL 5628 Jack Phillips, Prop. SILVER GRILL j Where Tasty and Delicious Foods Are Served 115 GILLESPIE STREET MOSES MELVIN, Prop. ■ Good Groc, ucs And i Meals j ill MURCHISON ROAD FOR QUALITY CLEANING 1 OR SERVICE DIXIE CLEANERS 214 PERSON STREET I AYETTEVILLE Ml sit; COMP\NY I » t KLII/hR PHONOGRAPHS j “WE KNOW OUR records;*’ j 5213 DIAL 4160 WILLIAM’S | LUNCHEONETTE 506 HILLSBORO ST. SOFT DRINKS - SANDWICHES { magics'" 1 BARBER SHOP 117 GILLESPIE ST. “WHERE THE PROMISE IS PERI OBMFn" NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS Baltimore Lunch t it! WINSLOW ST Open Freni 6 A. 51. lo 1* p. M Breakfast Lunch Dinner JOHN KOFTSOS, Prep. ' -e , - ■.■ MB 1 ■ » -■ "Jl. l MY RICK’S GROCERIES Bf*:> (TMRERI.A.VO ST / AT YOUR SERVICE PHONE 638 V 1 ... PHOTO CENTER ; 481 Hay St. PHONE 3777 48 HOUR SERVICE ON PHOTO FINISHING COMPLETE LINE OP Cameras AND Photo Supplies FOR THE Amateur OR THE j Professional

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