12 PATRONIZE THESE AIR ERTLSERS f*** % MUSIC IN TIIE CHURCH • - ; s%i by WILLIAM T, GRIMES Jsßk i ,m»m rwr ~im n —i in~ni-i Tim —r r i LXP.RKSSIQN K xpp'■ i- ■ in ..peaking -ud ntung i;. tiir art ■"'i act o( cnn veying the igV'.'fi'.'amv and impm 1 • | i nm th >U£;'.- . and '• U'*: i>" nv:.'.lit v ■ .-I ytteraruv* Vt v --‘-»I • xptet -w. mu -i be ■ Uigibic. It.; lir.toner ;-!v.u! I irtslant.ly heroine perfectly <iv*"nv <*t •'••*.' thought a.ijl Lion cr.in-f ,fd. In ).':•■ iirrfinr’ our thought:.- and :-d‘ .is t.y iiirn:: of ••word;;, l.h'.ur mooning mu .t lit- under::! oml both l>v th< p<n fornpv .• • 11 i t.nr lnt-ncr. To c.vpiess mis 's thought-; perfcvtl.... adequate v-c'i) -''i'iinmt at - rn or: r;u •- Tins should ho iR-vdi'in-d to an a . -ii extent lirii ox on tv-coOi'.':: not or;v c.tv. in.it , .it i :•• !:■!;■ and a plr-.uu: - Breathing may ho clcvclnpc:• !., a state Win r ‘. .lidcenatiejlly .uv'onph.-hrii. Won is may hr pi - : :•••;{ uiHm • ;t-y arc u -.vLuvri p< ; :Vr!l\ quni.ty and )><•’.' > t may become hah,'.-- t:? -ii :■ *,>-"pcr cxorcrroA and -pro. Urn but. and -1 nrrnortar.t i-f 1 tart . p-isect cxprassion re juice::. constant mental i.-n --fi t- ,i mo rn t:;. immediate subject i:i hand i la pcakmp • - we;i aa ;n ringing thy qunht\ of dm tone- should < j i ep ;m i: ■! t' v.'oids’ It shah i ;■ ■■ ■ >'■ i- t . •,{■'. ■> Mlliii'.y. dr-v. j . ~ iig. ns ni ■ % 'lii'ii' of w- , me I f, t the V ‘id hi pin a• • and it;. :.r mg '!"• . i'.jyf f. : e fir i i'n;f ior tort.iss.mo ,»f t aa.- y lie. strong* ui.t- •••••rent of r-onaed. the pianissimo of terdonaes aid n tvs to: >*. . ’( tie inflection and accent of the tone in wards imply em-r:e]v ;ra\! ■;>!.• •t. the.;<- thin.; ore Interest :ng to i• », People v. - ' i ■ ■■■ ■■ ■ ■ ■ is i. No. h.stcner e.>;> : •. * ..-..-t. i 1 . !.■< : 1 ) r '1..-- .-■< - n 4 .e) and . xpre-y i. !, : ■■' > ns; ; :-\ :oi at) Vij! you :>ii r-‘ o. mih d: (>n«. ■ f th*’ err-.d a- idiraps ie ne-:o: riue d s!:igi ■\y ■■• a! < Tiet'.l o.h' .rile: a oi.lie : :r.i{ il■ ; -j- . le.-lUr-i nd-i-itlous -vbon attempting to gsv. a.-tntie expr«*ss...:: Kniph.-i e ;.y U'lMctmii < 111 S< :;>•(.;} py a ...ligh* pan i lie* Wfrtl • • 'I • d • The no f the last v.-.-v | ,a t:m tom :y i. i f • -'id, ! had • ! an ; m fact. .d<'fioet'-d ! in. speaking a- in singing know your subiect and put. .\n:;r > C'-oeentrated interest into it and into expie.-stng • C'unmi: yece sfei. 1 matter to memory. Produce (-very vowel wd ,■ ■ > ■ * ■' a- nere.-ef i% as p t>Jv. Wat< i vonr p :,nd i-»! <-\- >n ai.d mg wit:: : uuvrit.v. int< digonee. and '-xpro yian WU J & ra-LRI I.WITKn vor TO KAOIO \I ITS HIST ?! ! \ R Till CHOJI! VM» THU • IRC, \V" WEDMOP-W NIGHT 9-Sft LINCOLN PARK ’ PCX KY MOUNT’S FINEST NEGRO DEVELOPMENT* - dC-N ..'’"J d 'l'd :• rear it*, designed . r-D- »• •. : i FI ur.e in a beautiful setting. ; Wh y. 11 find sceoessfitl. friendly i.< :-!d fu’-ind what you've boon seeking -AVi <' e- cue child: irj will have excellent p; ,« .1 , a w n-.ii-.ful Home —you’ll ::t Wise *.;> live to provide veu- >ty and happiness for your family. FHA and GI Loan.- Available*! Wimbcrley & Gregory SEL TIN G A C E NIS --■ 1 1.'l Sunset Avenue Telephone 4 1-42 I Ma a*"' 33' omas j homo, a failure in business, or if y-u I are just plain down-hearted, YOU CAN be helped! It you a I unlucky, iv. '. hack by great invierhle forces around vou—l I yaai.inlec- rn help you. 1 guarastee results, not unfulfilled I promises. A word to the wise is sufficient. Cali and he convin ced, I Reading; Daily and Sunday?—9 A. M. In f(> J’’. M. Readings for White and Colored lucky days and numbers L*m .-ted in Studio Trailer —• Highway 301. One hlnck J I>City Limits S. Church Street. Bus passes the I door. Look for hand sign. Rocky Mount, N. C. SECONT) SECTION >Ic(L\IVS "" SUR Viet* ST AT ION Silt I t <.As. OH.. \\ j GREAMNC >OI T OKINHS j i.iai > SURVK K WITH A NMtl I. | fi2| U. Thomas si I’hnni I ROCKY MOUNT 194 k Champions ot (he i fighv.ay Im |;«il ■ar*Tem|.«e : : eea<e%f S £,.:#» .. ear . : .esiSSfl M t-4mmA tlfc p. . .. ■ : j I ;|%;a : ■■ '■ vr v '•'' htj Chester W. Smith, bfi, of Sant•» Ana. Cshf.. 1 *.».8 champion, truck and full trailer ct.isa the hig;;< t m.-r-th • a m m tdeles, Mho won !m title u ?)c.r.e: Coio.. . .tu. .•. -a ■ bites Thomas K. Henc.am' <:f Detroit, '-5 ■ h.. »vh--< hr.a just h; •>. - champion of the straight truck etas*- in '-Va -h*«p, in both champions drove Reoe WASHINGTON. T>. C. p., -\: n cheering crowd in the U'utional Guard Armory here, Thomas T Rennane, 43, of Detroit, Mich , licfeaied :7 other Ante idled. d. : . *rs to become the IV4S National Trui.k Jc-adeo champion in the straight truck Reu- Tifinc a diiver for Trucking. Jiv of Detroit, drove a Too truck srmind the difficult Uo.c.leo course t>> score 385.62 points out of a possible 400, a new recoid. Second to Hcr-oanc, v- •*is 3r.-j.-s, was J T Monro. * -,!y ) of Hi loxi, Miss., en-i L'-stcr WyaM of Gn’csburg, 111 , w!-o : . 353 m a Reo, was third, idivcrs arc PERSONALS i :.o M. . I , .. Vi • idel ■r' t: m,: y. : .;i v ■ . j nama vfapiTr Cpt • iTi!| : a.n v- ri *•; le.e.: I ' • Et M **».*.P 1 u.AsMiypiO' i BRA < m i.r i \ r ;.-:i IW U .;.-i; v: i •.• : T! e , ,-v, . i:.-. evt-r a ;r, r»r* mht fir •iUldi In: A;t l t‘“ 1 1 itp \f r| f> yrn>r llUlvUti alt i,M i ( ” hd j r I 'lj| • ~f },, 1t,.,; I-,, ;,] ( i i t ni;j: !ii; in 11 . ;„!,[!( i -,j ~.. ' r»5 IV ■ n;t nulh Til I -1": ifj;:: ~}i f .coil's VV|. •IftviiiK'tft to the ' orrt . tv-e raid, amt v ■: .. ; 4 elf I Ifj I o 'hi ■ III: t' r. . .. Ti c city n . M»-. WuP i'ij son ; live a v.'-u .. v.-ting i.iii, thor-e pix-sen’ and pro-.on red iho firat and second chme awnros i,-. ar. .vWil., lie fl< I trie nark of j ‘he troop saying that it was one i of the best oryata/orf - <tmf troi.ns that he had <: .n-tert since coming to Poia. . Mount. Thirty seven mert* had;?,' .• wcie !; erasented It) the tvnop I>> W. C :1 Hear!, ecou! Held i ;::\ ; t:vf ?*., j the Eastern Naith Cnvaii:i;t ifiuivtl. ! Tht court was pto-idi i hvt i... Prof. Bcnjamii, Batlli fonv.er scoot I master foi roar, P>l M :-,o aao|> is I and hi si: beer tar sixteen .vc&r.- ui;- I j der th< leadership of Thomas Stiih I Mr. Stith has done an out stand iris-' I ‘-Job in this Hold snd deserves great [ honor an raueii credit. TIIR OAPvOLINTA.N • given fr< e « :■it •• ■ i r, :w • t : »p - i nu cl for ‘he vcuUv' Scop m:o • di tcrnuncd from wiiitoi and w 1 pcnran».N' tests a: v- ell :-.s ,he : spi . racuiar ,ii i•. it;g • .1' id. i In the it.- • ■ . cm: - trader j cl-. : . Grayo d I - ' C'a ■ "[ Ivir i fington. N. <'■, won with 338.50. i Second was \ * r>~ n Hancock of i Kansas > ny. Mo , who dr- ', a | Re<>, and thud '.as Lloyd P'd;n | of Norwalk. ,thio. The Tru< i: toadec-. <' ir-_ r --i to I promote highway safetv aie.-ing j profen loua! tnji - dr,-. ■ • | held as a fcatitro *'? to i >i! an j nt:i : convent inn • f llio American : Trucking Ass ". :afion , : , | i»1 *r i i »• •. • H ‘ ' n i ?■:! I M i MO\ h r \uv { n\n i , $: 4 s \i jIUI ft- - s:v , .If ;,;.s ■ ‘ • T' 1 ;s -; 1 V> ri. |V k NTI'J IT . iy.' < A f T f\Yi ?' N, :*■O ,V "J ; ’. . .-j p, i |.. v vti U, , r (•. jj-* Tt m!• •i, ] t KYldfJ V m.% CHIMES PRESENTED AT PKF.^RYTFRIAI a I I W VJL c » t .w J >. iji k k iLm f.;,- y v t ;4} • > jVlf , iTrflt**:.' , • i iif i,>.• • '.!}•• i* , l M f \] i(VV j V': 11 j# ■ | K.irlvn Buijch 'i l\inX M 1 » f V; } - As- V w]a r u\.' i>. y ft t} 1 o »)iff W m Mine** \ ',-rry l\. r r was nv, ■ fiurfufi *N*if h vcys- *r tr. (revt? tiir tJif - : - '.Tit ohMiTEp;, ;.;onrr.,j rli^cis . u.n oi' ho- ' 1f» ijnpvovr vour nus :M Mi work serf' <U b«f»nv u*;.»* :sn in 1c i.• 'T ’‘Ui ( v of ii'»i rftfoLnp At l FOB BS CAFE Mode rt Equipment Coartemi* Service FRESH HOME COOKED FOODS SOFT DRINKS BEER [ FOUNTAIN SERVICE ~~ CIGARS CIGARETTES BUSINESS HOURS: 6 a m, lO P m. | 203 N. Maine Sj Phone 3112 JACK FOSBS Prep. CTTONT> SECTION Foutiectl Race Banks Now Operate In Untied Stales \V,\sm'i'\TV.rM,N i A E'v p) - te in .; 11 mi,. 1 1 K'JIC! I oS !. |,H 11 i. i»’ •; to ! ! i i t.vtit>n.;, < *v< ■ :r.'i n i l om ut rii h. v Ni-uroU; '» it :• fi 11fhvA <u n;iri Mo n » of n'ir;li:idit' ty-fSO;. f• yt ,i ?. o i;; i ij\ ) j u,.'nk.. arc now domic ii ‘ i it'. ItjlU- ;:| H( r> .Old ■Ho Ol.:I •!< • :'! ( ’• i! d v. k'd/h sr» mrpt inns of !•'. B iot f>* i* » In/to r»(*( <‘o; |». .| ;d. toll An -n. ; d\ o -I iix'L JfO V ! Or l/Oi-i - I . -t| it' .»* prrp.-itv-d :y : I'mnirr \J . *iq { o:/ o i/t oo\ j .«m -01, i\ T .;;io .iff.'O* !'• flu- -g'mjn'J ;>] V oi t. ookOu , : . ,ih! jt ‘» •: l.fud :>»' «!< : s .lit, h ,d!-on/ i :o f'vcv'd of! Th.fi, ■ >oo td :*• U,oOV,;;i;i; fit r he hij4 hi.<.f tf> C o'*l C\.4..l o*o ! '-o pK'redin. your - iota! r-y; • 5 J ~.• Ai lv -u./h »v« OWirijf ; .d i:: ii!■ '• i f! 1 1 I aIKS ,;ti:.t nO.-d <■! Ill’ - ' » , >Jf u| ! =!’• ! ;V f d } :•0j jI ; on O ... lor Vt at < r jior . iruiiadliU; dbiigat.loSs < ,f plates, pb-j litlra) rttbdivision’?, corjib.uite s’.ocksl • ' I-,.1 I 111 ci-ii: ! i,:rajlh /S. in. ■< -I the MU. !•>*., 1 by •yi All •«•(;!.I ity hc-lfbnv- tm In.-j ■s, . .-.,1 , end • • m'diVed ate;, , tJ f j C 1 i. id lv ‘:i!l( wilt: it In' r " oi S4A7(i.y?.o den > d 3 J.i 1-1 I lO', eenibe, 1 !>},>; 1 'i.- . ; ad (\ i'-coi in ■g- of SH.B3S, wo •ii , teia'ri tr. increase <iiji, t:u l.bc v , "! s:!.R.3ft,3Bi> ■ 17. H percent. It is con- ioicd not, wc.r tf-.;it I! Negro hunks have boon eetcri der -It- "ie •' ('■■■ public i'11...b : .t ' - f >'ic .d e ntnent and of *h«- . -II lie. oil I O'- r.ilinliC, ,IM, i ;,((.< lie: , j,-= da -, up,-ride. Ti L'UI-.ks arc- the Me. • •.! J-‘,iroi.-rs bank wnien sei as a byi'idiv i .• ‘iie state of * .rtb (.’lit-ohna. the edio:. 11l Dm 1-: ! R-.i--.ai! I tie .-omde-s .d \V ,!;c . ,d I>' I rillil .l :-■! (Ml.sflil fund • ’! lie Nail-. ,| am.‘d in t’;c m j'.ri xiin.-lo nun t MXK; fW' Ti,. Ci'.cwii S., :a: bam, i d.-j- for ,he c ll *. of N j Nee: ..'me of Vie;a-n. X I .Ne w Redcv- i:.y .r ,:a and Hot: iiig ..a' lority war !■*. n .ece.ui t •if 'he foiioru? aovcnnvf t. md f la-:.: .Savif.v ■ fund .. aggreg d : a.: i i • ■ ' to S . P. ■ :k . i ii •’! iii.d Uinn I jlii;»n i !ol sei<i «o |»Vi«n \s i Ou tii . ' * \i M l|omr« otHiti** 0 mi Am.;!. . i: . (’- Ji tv tjf f hi-.- rb >»r M ? { 'Tu.' :r: TvM*: T C ' ..uj .»-,£ ji.plf -o shr p.*n,Tf' rc»t'»vO‘ ’ v •>:» St 2 V in in Ihr Powmor* ; . . jv.,,. he. i so].— , r and *h. .r ? n i Smith Stnllv M : NUf 1 IVOC-MM l, . more omi -Mve of New Bcr»s nj. jjj t £ j] j e •»i j j iytj re.rrnx on sf m Me- i’OHP IVr';. r (- V.--IJ !>■• Vm!, .’ -tn-oalem Teo/bei-.* Collect _ ;. ♦.. ft h *=■ -il\ ■ *'P !*: 3 Gy-eiOt mm { the college at all oi the b-'-rne eors!i.c!S. smvomv erf by offlciaTc oi the oluvo.vo . : ,s'• ifi-IH I h'ruf g if on Corm-o.ttt.M 1 ,«r ;t * ».* W m t-ivoolem Te:jchoc CoUegi A!n n ‘ • • *v - Afu ‘ .a. ! \] . Sii.aH; toe iJose of the mooting p ddiemu* <rp;.M-i .rfved end o very k ioiq! d leijowshiD existed dimm » T c*. f" •:: ident. M> . ffm^ o i ’ :e •• O-MW, fhr fy ]J :V'!-:. k THo t < <»p-oruo*v. member, O f .-.- V?1 T/Jj - Knight *nd JVIT Burch ?-b j- BoL s "•] -t Anna Hr w?r i’odrlK Mf»rn*,on Mm Bov W. B Borgu motored to Ha* A i ; -h , # . . iOI.v 1 • -i*. , fT offi ( . j , Tombm meoUn;’. bo held oi n- V 3m Street prAsby!ennn Chun b. E‘‘urKo Jones was the ru<\J i ■ .*'••,» .e ti e- PEMlcKhdpliin t-. o / ('h i rch 1 1 !v : (rRS\IES4IOjJ(;\N »‘f AAIRING AND HIATtNG i'imki n on, i;t RNt sis 211 Allan ic Avc Ptionf 7.'.: ROMO MOUNT Mil . a. I'• ■ui ilf'fiii .ii H i oin I-'! |; iri ■ i I ilniM.i-; SI.Ill- f.an.x r'.’P' 'll,B ;i i: 111;, .>1 Si.,!.l' iTlrt puhlil .A! ,l.!l> r)i- «> n iin-inimt (• r r i:r..non 1 i t> -iikl -V-Mh ;Ii Bii-lk :n.-l T. ■■. i (V'lTiiuny i-iij.cl; d< pM.cit t-1 tla r- iato i.f i.nO’ iM .uni j ;*liill .!S IllmllvlSi !’• SJPKmiI I Ii; t * tit SI9,IHK!. :hn i.li<i;)ted Hank ami T.i if I i i.MlipHnv hid/L m Mil- i'll of Tl • :.<; * ;il,d pol i 15lfH ! ■ u.divi , ; i' • mour' it-. i(i :;i!i.nOo >li •' i I'Oli F,nn k .lliJ 'I ■l) s t C in puny Os V k't;ln ;a la cKposiL ij i!:. 1 i -1; Hr 'l'vr ; ' ink v;r loin iicri'unl hikl the oily of Bids moiid. .itiiooiifin;; T-> S.tl.hiLi Tia- CO iiron : Tn;-.( t 'iimp.-ini ,i ■T'limol'ii y in' !h< (< y,: i as ! 100 f : S government for the fi.ilowjnu eH'eo(.atjs:. i : ;s War l<-.,n. ii' ld luxe an:• a: aMoy in si|fl l tlOO. ‘!hi- Fai'ir>* ;■; Sia'.- rank dcpo'il'i c! S.33,ViT) lor lor vai'ino, pobli. d '-!ir.ili \ i..;-... , Oklahoma; and ti.e JnduMri'ii hank of V.ashiti,:. stigt.ort ami the Tri-,State hank of M>. inphL. arc- depc-iinno of loom at gov (;niim v nt itind;- Durhu; the ye.n of in;:.! t’ >• N i net of banking ina'italjoo,; nvr 1 and operated by Negroes. was f(oan -‘•d i\v fia law fvlaj R R. Wrign; Sr , pas' president and founder of ihe Citizens and Sou : horn (sank and Trust rmripany Tin ;>fs! »p lima) nonvordtop of 'he associaiim; held a Fb.intieipi-ia Sepu ... ;v,-y V-il_ rv.-Ma, State hank as Raima; ! ‘]' v K ir, . will t)<> h.O;.f u> fhc Dlf C ( '! onfjoi;. / Social M cfvcr KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS <2B E THOMAS ST : . .. ; | ifarmfs Sales V»niry * <> M ECTIOM- l;s " HO! F.s M.[ V\f> in r \n, G, fVI S V> yV 5 i IV MKO A 1 ? !.F<;St \M MIV-CM IPS i , MlnoPc V Phnur , ttt M 111 1 Off ii u (.iih:iih;i: i t s i nnir y,\ | lay .mil Gi j,-r- Sts ■ Phone ,!«« IVy ENTERPRISE Fit?l f vetyihifis; l<* i nrrof.lt Yum llum* I ntmplrlc ( ASH OR JT RMS I Nil JR PR LSI’ I URNILURL CO. 158 .3. WASHINGTON SSRIJ i ROCKY MOUNT ATTENTION CITIZENS AND BUSINESS MEN THIS PAGE Wlt.l. PROVE TO BE AN INVAHJABLE ASSET TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND BUSINESS THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMEMBER - EVERY TOWN NEEDS A NEWSPAPER WEEK ENDING mVJ'I : R.D/\Y, OCTOBER 30. 003 m * aTpa Brother lleurv Brown cited i„i hi- fin*' Si xler'iif. iml until injr work with <h* St. fumes this pol « hoij lie i's Ihr Inrmof proM j/irH oi the onianiyatinn, grr;H U-nit v .uxi loy.H mpmhrE ili - I;uTh tntl ttf I indora Brown rt ri < * of the outsiTiitlißii nrM'-rios touchers 4, f this nty. He i . f mCHihcr of St. .fumes Hap list Church and the Mason*/- Coflgf* He «s shown in < h>lijmhns, Ohio, where he sang with the rhoir of his church Their residence is on Raleigh Road, Rocky Mount. \OJU.i \!T*5 1 \N(’i:S ;y? t a<; vrri i \\( ns l *S, hampbcli i;:s si \pt f V\ !M i; Pt ION t "dd MAKE YOUR DOLLAR CO FARTHER AT I ALLS Hi >AI> Lh'partmen? St ore Coitiplclc f.nir Os • MEN’S ! a WOMEN'S V\ ! ‘ * (Min.OVEN":; Wi \i l Vmi * -mi (A t Ihe ULST VALUES to,in; a‘i all '! imcs Rocky Mount * To keep This Page Pa hxmi/e These Adverf i sers MAN VM : » ROhHAM" IHiM, < lIMI’ANV ■ ! M l - <»;• > > M. I I I " Pi;| si IMl* UON 1)1!t (Oil; I S I'tlllM *OO ’ iiiioiT mo\ im, HI NiM SS Ml I NSplt \NO BONHKI) UK, \ irsinas Phone 1682 ft < hub'-; B‘ln>*tn, O.vnrr, operator gtsaiSEiSßgig 1 KY Old (iolotiv l»e\ei ago OR VACK LRI SH BOTH.I NC CO. *ot-2l!» S. WASHINfiTO.V .St \ f K R L 7 R I R G FU R S New Lu» ;v- Repair Fur Storage—-Clcanirtß Remodeling 'lf you don't know furs , . know your furrier” Quality Laundry Building Phone 112 The TKV\<;« Center 100 N. <’hiirch it Sunset Avt% 1 VOLK limiNhl.V STATION'’ on S - GAS —1 rniw NTION Ml WORK GIAnWTMn Dial ’>l :,i; —J. tl IntinSilt! Mer | r\H a sißviri: station >;•>* Alkintie Air. Phone 93k Sandwiches. Beet. Smlas. tre ( rain, Gas. Oil, Was!*. Crease TIRE REPAIRS h7h weeks SKKI* S i OR | •P* Tarlmro Si Rocky Mount MOST ('OMPI.KTE STOCK OF SKFI) AN ft GAR OK X NT I DS l\ TOWN When Bi't rr Automobiles Ate Built M H'K will Build Them" The Best of Seevter On All M ikes of and (nicks ROM R! H k ii). Ilarringfon < ash Store l.onk* V‘>tu I ivorife Be I’l ni \ Putt, Kef! Drink • of AH Ktftd>, Bakery fioods GIVI. PS I TRIM 111.’3 S W ASHINGTON NT IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat YcfursoH To Our Service ( sty Barber Shop 200 r, THOMAS ST William Grimes* Prop, i \ DAVIS RADIO \ til, ORl* SHOP -no!Hiring in Anto Radios i *te * Records lkflvtty sic. i, ay STREET MH( p> OAVJS, Prop DannieS Beaut\ Shop Sprriate/ine In At! phase* Os Bi itib f ulfiire Phone 1444 IVs Ha/el Haywood, Operator ; •1 ! w Thorn,i* St Rocky Mt. i Mrs Dannie Met Iran. Prop. . • \r Cienter GROf I Bit's A NIAGAYINKS i toor Sanding A Painting ?<M) f’cun Avr. - I’hnrtP 2386-R ,! I tasstler. Prop Mice m,| Borrow with She Vtlanlie Credit I nion ('hatiered by (he Slate <»f X T 206 t Thomas Si. phone 2891 OPEN FOR MTV MEMBERS Louis pippin, president Mrs Nora K. Bailey, See. I rest*, C M)I0 HOSPITAL 121 S. WASHINGTON ST. Everything In Radio Repairs PHONE *283? WILLIAMS ~ *, OMMIMTY STORE ::t4 OOLDLKAF STREET PI AIN A FANCY GROCER IKS FRESH MEATS DAIRY pßonrcTs of all kinds BATTLE’S LASH GROCER Sc MEAT MARKET 612 E. THOMAS ST, For Quirk Service Call 2IJS

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