WEEK ENDING SATURDAY, OCTOBER SO, 194:: PATRONIZE TIIKSL ADVLKTISEKS PERSONALS w Dr G VV K<U\ ,u .• .ii 'vU t ! low j i j<» • i!. »j" ■ • |> ■ the "PC>. end ! hopil $( flat'■ y S’rn : vjj' ,n. If* ,:ii that he ( n j( r(i ■: hack, iti meeting old Iricnd'. It" h'i'l Still ‘ uiyht (or '-‘.'nil jvil ot VvcsG’i North fsirnliiM. The Willi’S Cl iti ,t ill,, ( M . "ill appear in Kin'-in>> is November 7ih The choir v.TII >, • t ■■■•■ .1 r formancr* it s and ;in p m the J. H Sam j on S< 1 I e I ■ r r 11 ill Road The Eh’oull is head'ii h; 1 i;< Glenn T Set 1 !es of Cievo < >!o FKt:r.» VOI R l 4MH.V I KO d RHODE’S rot 1. r n\ \ni» <;i:o< i t,•„ M\RKI I “3118 QIINNS Ks V ST Rf'ccli’s S<>d 1 Shop H ilt Iff I RITMfS Ml I I OR AFT \M» Hot 111 It it! 1 C WIN 5 S AND SANIW It 1H S r:« so os t i n sTiirisT STEWART BROS, SOU A SHOP Where l‘ rieiifif. M i ; and I ’ll jos let < 'old ISa ik . Milk Shake.*. -.v It *>. < 'ream S. 5 ee St. Aden, N, < FOR SALE 1934 CHEVROLET BUS IN A 1 CONDITION Running Every Day All Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT -SEE Ml*. Jarvis Buck, P. O. Bo* 95—Dover, N. We Do Hauling of all Kind. Also Wreck Old Buildings AND MOVE THEM TO YOUR DESTINATION Also Or Specialize In Ready ( u* Stove Wood, Economy Toads, 3 ( md- <>»- 1 1-2 Cor? Is SEE EDDIE ALDRIDGE 7()o Omm-Hy St. Dial 3917 aesmUß j ) THE I PEA OF ACHiI-P/ ,P'' UikM^zi f WELL, MY WIFE SAYS THAT 1 THIS BOTTLE ShOULP ONLY l \ COST 6st; YOU CHARGEP } UESTER„ 1 MAPL A MISTAKE ) k .MR JENKINS GAVE US THE / moyf.k imhm;s Mr arm Mr- her ICp thill 1 -1 jr■ ;■ Irf: S:tHTfd.!v 1 iis ~!;■> 've in Wa-.il -t In D ! Newark .11 >* I Orange, N .( Cti(fr .I>•■()!!• in ait I Mis "'I . i il.ciin J- hnsoii of W.ishmei'i'i. D. 1 were lerdlMy in ~Ti. ,1 Mr. •! ohn a;i) is iti" sun of (lie hit,- Re.'. . 1 -rj Mrs G f, .Inhivsnn nf Dovrr. Mr ;md Mi s. William A !i: m. n r nntinue on t ho.- sick lis I, Ml and Ml’.-, .’anas Muck nf ; Dover risf>! 111 cd Is Trenton l.s-t nrday night on basin? ,!;ij r-\- ihick Jr . i- < ;'n icr far • New ( A ROT IN fA N ’Tims iritenV id in (he paper, please contact him, | The new snwrviso: ot the Cra v;■-!i 1 S(ii--ds k]; Annie VI, : Is*m.in 1 visited tar I.tover School | dm in.; the past week i vmui MiM)ii) hoy SENTI-\< II)TO \m FOR SMYIiNt; OF \UN f’HII.ADEi.rUjA (ANM’i CP ah ::i 1 f I.:i a! a7, tin- equivalent nf an : - :i.: 1 < nos - - I|fi i. raven bfc n i lonce last week for the murdri of AI her! !.- -dr -t. .ti.iJy 7. ; till’ court I hid hr had error hur-i from o nn \ir v. os! he found his j mother '-ryim; He asked her tv hat ' •-vas wrong, sir mid Err lie- had j i - .Ici. anti kiekrp hot . Mintz left thr house and ’.vca! ito get a gun he had hkldm He rc* / ALL THIS RUMPUS ") / ‘■ r \ j / OVER TIN rfNTT. ) f vV‘ /[ (. WELL MERE GOES S JyL«| YL tv. (& I p,,IT - Hill, THE 65* Y--6HT I IRL you WHAT J'M GOiNo <s the small one, to do, to keep a gogp custom h- 1 YOU GOT the LARGE slZt L SATi&FIEP, L'lL (31VI it TO YOU y/ FOP Oixt TM IVs .. | w j W'* -I r- WELL, ANYWAY, YOU ) { l GOT API ME BAC K.S | SHOU Lpj , ARE YOU SATISFIED ?)l SAV | PrT=^fiteC?l |J| ( TBga.- ft sf 7r ®. ,r| WFTTto NTal PEA.ru».Ei!5 ~ />.->. Sp ..pfeiß 4^- SECOND SECTION U. S. MILITARY GOVERNOR IN BERLIN HA 1 ;; DIFFICULT BUT INTERESTING JOB A k<> T,.,;r *>t tb< tfcnhli'd Ber ta pilin' 1!o . e ;s 1 '-oii'i.e! J.. r I. Hr v'.ey, a wire liitle (.'av al i y Vi. '■ * officer r-ho hoi dr. vhe ;"so'a Vit ill* this U. S. s-it’cr nf Berlin. The i h'-veS pel - y v. hi-'h n>’- 'ill- A riilM'K'an TM a <I I ;H» 1H the l-vk-atfitcred I'mitu'r fh’i'man vapital is Hie rvodf of Colonel Hr"'- loy’a iriilitioy and tiiriniiuita sin 1 • riot a. Bat it is ('<•!. Howie’, who is t -i!d<* I'm ti •• <!■; ■ t■ v day w.irldntc cut of that 1 i! affects the welfare of m<’>. than a million (Jennaea and nil Amrri can- in the U. S. red or- The fuel, food pud other Hes Brought in hy th” airlift to kero life jr-aiug i - th< i . ' . In Tpy -Ui-Vi m -isr-c ;ui pleaded woo life 11 ■-!(’:ai if l in tic lie I-:’..;;r. K-roaoKh V n pupi! pc. son'ttei . i is, i| s !., r-j, said when k £J> 75* FOE’ 1 is [£"'V T .;• i THf SF OOi.p| ,“v y *' V *>m" i TAB I FTP .<*i \ T 7 saR , . I KNOW !'• m^4 x 4Hi onyvtomf S m MiO> fr\ J* { r upFTYu p }jmk ilb JyJlW\.\ KINSTON avd French zones of the city *r» apportioned among Hie governirtjf ayrncirs of the three Zulu’s in a«> ciirdauec with rigidly determi/nui schedules. It. is aii Important part nf Col. Jfowlev’: job to see that the .sup plies allotted to hir- zone are dis tributed and utilized in a manner to insure maintenance of the zone's economic and politico! iife at as nearly normal levels as conditions will permit. The task of keeping the wheels in an occupied area turning, whether there is enough coal to do it wi!h or not. is not new to the f < inner Philo d clphia advertising ■'.V ri.i'ivc. . After the. fall of Cherbourg in June, Thl-l, ’•!? headed tHo Civil Affairs detachment which entered the city wil.it the occupying forces. His ini mediate fob there was to sec that the city with its wrecked port facilities was put. op its feet as fruicklv as pm-slide, to supply the Army's advance to Pari? and the Rhine, 1 a ter. when Paris was liberated in August, IPM. he took hi a Civil At’ isii unit to that lity ;• ( ! p- JMroird Hie same kind of joi* on a much bigger scale during the ro pu.ipilri of the war in Kiirop°. On July -I. IflJu, hr entered Bdiri with tin- first Aniericnn forces in nr: ire lh,e and set up the military gov ernin' cl for the T". S. sector. Everp-l for brief visits home, he 1. 1 ■ 1-ecn in fieri: ,l (vi r since, serv h— as a sort of vipnflicial mv o» «f tie N.-goyorpr-d area, and a pkiitcvy Mr. Fixit for the crise« Thai have arisen almost daily in noth ‘ln- citv's internal affaiis pr-e our di with the Kossien- * •! Howl, ’ life iu-i i i children are with him in (jennanj ( it tin I’iSTON: n:22‘ TO iiUOtltWD No\ . • '‘ChurkDlon. 1822* .srhrdulrf Juaru: Hen. inde z. Miuirod Jo«m:D . i i 1 Sid id :V 11 Wis fF ! Forty actors nv ir.L.lndcd m tiu SiljljMH 1 \ our PiljM 1 !’ ! r"°~ ’HlPli l "'" “ 'aspi ME M NY INF. IT (.1 NOT i y >u i marge p us® the POMCy UN CENTS TOO /TOf TMIf, OTORf MUCH ’OS’ t HIS [{ TO OVFROHARGr h>o? TO OF K Ms! HIM /,i rOl r- TAP't fTT . ' ’ , rne MUST HAVE A GUILTY CONSCIENCE! ... CHEATING Use All ALONG... 1 1 ILL NEVER PEAL WITH 1 THE CA ROLINIAN FEPC Draws NAACP And WASHINGTON < ANP> Wici !!ho up! umntent ul > let.b-i d fun 1 employ me; if j -rur' it is- 11 immtr -n.p i I'-pi-d might In an ah ...'id (i '-tfji: i m wlpinr. out disci min.-il i' i: in Hit- federal guvn mnoi'.l tin' two; | >rßan ; zal.imts which f-rnght luirrics' ■ , for the r.-.—bli: hrm nt. of such ;i eons- j ; mir-sion are nppnreidly no! i oh' used with the method bv which i Hie hoard wns .set up. or with the; ! admiinslraMve powers given i 1 , Clarence Mitchell N'AAGp in -1 hor v-cmini y. -aid Ids orcani/.a --i lion i- determine* tlij’t tM* I agency ’dmll do a con: t ructiv . jap ,n o I in l ilj a! iug H:- crim ii'-'ihae | | j,- achr.i'*• li. howcv or. that >11:* j ; two . Negro Member.-'. "Mr -fones i —1 ,h r- Mitchell Ip re ■ ho.tv,y „j J,. cun ying (nit 1‘ -Ig! ; . j moot. The civil wi-vier c -inuu —t-»e. . ! ii. ell refiis d to appoini person ■ , ifi urn private Indus!rv and l ; bet;«l J I:)!"- i apan iz,;d ions who 1 i.a-M . exton.-i'. ( experience in IpmdUrut 1 ’ tr.e proUt-tns of employnien' j 'in disrrimiuufibn Fnslead. (' enmi. - ; ; . oners It ar> 0 MiP hell an-i ! I France.-' Perf-no- ha yl.e.i n ’>■ : | apj oi;,t five - f tie- srvru triep’bi ■ j | fl’OP! ace iat -Us of gl>V''ni r V'-i d : j employe-, " ; Thom.- Bii-h-rdsoo. chain:-n oM |nf (he . I’nitcu Public V.’- >k- . - ! CFO. also deeiared if-i! Hie I’t’.V . jis dr-ternva eit that a nr - c meue; jvviii do cm is!.melivr The: j board wilt have in work under ;•* ! tempi *0 clPiuuate ■ iiscru oip.it ion i’i, I bay fed e i’P 1 cov--, umcpt. Im-a'ise | itself, declared Richard .am. T I r. u d wii'i h aeak.-oca be '•lecutive l! w'H be hrmnica ppc-i in •'•lts at tempi, ’ll carry -in its supgr ’• ,ri j tioliji because ;hr order provoh-• -ic.j The board has no powers l<. a j ljur< an ad:sijn:stra!or. If the I- • ■E Tare must be refer') ed lathe P- ~ dent and that is as tar th- r- —1 W/ t>) | yys\ // V, ' 7 i i i %) .-ff, y 4 !/af : tef ‘t'DU i thanl I i>MK V' )-‘Jk ft* rrZ* 1 - rT to <J yj y’ 'rew pe PM'T Mi TO AEOiETi n ! |{ * tJV?' Y '■ * 1 ACCOsS As AM " / |V/ ' THT 1 ' 'TL l/VOuiF H| PSJCH A HELPFUL ANDPOUTE | IhUSBAM? ANDSON, PEAK ■■■)[}j/r j 1 iwwwminw n»»'' * „ - SECOND SECTION Fire Os Union i; a: ■ n r.i f f> >1 v.r "I'i'ic: e " If, iv.f'll! I'VOC'IIUVC I'll. 'I "t ''H I'm: ; ideiit. !i e ! Net roes <•! 1111 1—>'( '■ < ;d i the White Hmii f' mtvi■ .1: 1 r . .-laid coat rhPekeiS. w;.f I or : 0 1 0, ( lif :.it ! n' 1 ... . 1 Ii . i out .to I ~t,iU:iiH'ti! bv Clarence Mitc.iioit jihat "Thcic is not much 01 tie } I'rcord to indicate Hint lh< tr offi- U'inH arc interested in fair cm ! plnyment pche.v Kakn s I uncral Horne iotnr of ! innr County Mutual ! Huio.il V -nctiiiion, Inc. lit; s. t;i i t s ST I'llftM * lid IAIt V VI II Ml V. I Automobiles Now In Stock 1348 Chevrolet 2 door ITcctlino 1:9 !ft Plymouth 5 door Sedan 1348 I’lymr.xith 2 door Sedan ;'HR Ford 2 door Sedan '949 Ford 4 door Sedan 1948 Chov. 1-2 ton Pick up Many more to choose fre.tn TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Ui> to 18 Months to Pay Balance Immediate delivery on any make or model. Nr Trade In Required MID-TOWN MOTOR CO, Located N. Queen St. Opposite Hotel Kinston Open K% oßhw Untit 9 Also N-rs ni k, Va. 2 -1 Qfi Gramby St 1 eaS^'pE: / ,4-St4 ! ii®' Vj3i, 'A WT VDMHA/F ) / ji'iWK’Sl MV SFAX AMNI i fgi® - ® 'll l^lj-r ( %RPON /we. MOM V£A ( * T If <AT HATH.) V I'Ll £F &v k. //*\PEAP.,WITH7irT. V FAGES f ’ f / ®-Im\ I-iSff WILL ONE Os YOU EAGER | t)2 •'■ ' ( HELPERS RXm THE FURNITURE: ■y3%& ft PZ\ v LUCKY ME?./ ■. ... FLEMING BEOS ERVin STATION Gat:, Oil. Fresh Meat. and Gn>r erics. Cold Drinks Ice Cream Dipl 212 k Gr* crier; Deliver* I A y den. N C visit ANCHOR’S INN Where Friend Meet *nd Greet Fancy Groceries. Good Reel Always, Good Music n. F. D, )., I Mile N. rth of Kinston Finnic! Simmons, Prop. I ! HT 1 oelk-1. ylers THE FAMILY DEPT. STOTU (la lily. Merchandise A'. I’onular t’ricn KINSTON N. C. the paradise griij At 729 1 Washington Ave, Carries a variety of Food:;. Canned Foods, Milk, tee Clean- Ail Kinds of Smokes, Banana Mrs. C. Gray. Prop. Phone 4717.4 s\\ nuiMfs: !l Mil »i SffOl S \ltl NO I HI!-OWING lIIIA VO! Knot ff> 151 COMING TO \ f i v: m v s SHOT SHIN! r.Mtl tit; WO NTAVSST.WO O' so I'Tit OF! IN ST Vi ,rn Ws eklies. M ■ ca/im-s t Oriel Drinks, f Smokes William K Murney, I’ r »>p WHEN YOUR RADIO 0 w <p GIVES YOU TROUBLE cmjwi»i e tium »i When yen can't lean barjc arid listen in j comfort because of buzsinq or sl«4>C WT(*\ DAVIS RADIO SERVICE B ri ' isns DFNiOND ST IN LINCOLN CiTY KINSTON Malschi Davis, Pu.p, I*' T "-""" ~— -~r~ /■“* ™---—'y—- .1 Uri.lO, LAI ip A ' / HE LLO, PEAR V I <HOWS fur FAMILY •).„.... I HNE (i HELLO \ I V jp . ... ..- A -— 1 --7 MR Fir-rf7INL> } l» (KM'OVOtiy _ 4 FRLfTYV ' ' L^”' 7 Kiii.sloii 15i8si.ni' ss Men Am! Women Sponsor Hus Fap* - Patronize Them I'R'IOM HAND I ALMIRA t.Stt ui tu ll \\ o«»teu llt ivf DAMP HASH duiits 15!.nit. 1 t- i (at Win k it 1 \ its . Wit hiin * 0,1 -1 I' ( oj.-. modi- i«nf; fit tu HOTEL t! HI VSI IA SYJIEE'I a it:: N DAVIS STREET n RNISIIFD BOOMS Hot And C old Water I'OH ISA I II Quiet Location When You Are Out For SPORTS Stop By The R N. HI! I IARD ROOM 412 1 Blount St, THE HUeT ‘‘Where she Price is Always Lower” KINSTON B. S . POLLOCK and SON EVERYTHING IN HARDWARE Paint l Icadquarters 131 SO. QUEEN ST. PHONE 4064 y ■ j§ /f t M1,., r ajiWWFr ~~ *~ —— ] r:« *'**»*. ■' ififv 'Rr go owlet I s iOT AkC'< MV T MINio j L roß -i% MToh ruFYRf ; /V \ / _ ( m itVF: MB ” ) 13

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