14 PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS FRIENDLY SEVEN OBSERVE SECOND BIRTHDAY HERE '! h- Ciii • Fi ici'dlv Sfvi a i c|i H. .-tf.t-cl H.: m-<.-t>ri amuc, v.'-au.v Thursday Ov.'obu ,11 Ofb 502. jl' >sl C fill' the r :!,.! V.'C i(' (Hub Ita'lliivi ■ and fvt (■<<-- .;f,j,i AUCtwtu•• and Deloi •.. Ftiih » Tin Club va be, utjfntiy rloo-raUfl .villi the Club’s criers. rr-.l and v Refreshments vuivaslud rt i'• ■ui 1.- , punch, all . * , act? in biif''e! : Thu uffirri a and mcn.'la : a: a. Me. dan us Glad vs Gaskin pm:- • dent; Annin In., a. van f >iif:.'. 1F ten Amici nu :. ■ I I Mr,; , t )owuin«. am istnnt sctrelary, Bertha find•iii) treasurt r; Fannie Han I , bin in: - manager -and .'.ba y ;i «ci . vt <! <>- I) FianK... i X, inn. 11 - ‘Mi ned in Bo doe afioi- .'pending a :;(! ri«?leave with bis family. Mi J.itb-.fi K.d •*. . a rnaan , N, .1 • I , help now on an i merge:.- <:y vail for Ihe funeral rvd.; - .1 K- '.|!|Cl . . - I , ~! ! ovit k -a he. v. > a, , nnAiia .ot Saturday moniuu; vailt ir an , Ml . ur.(i MY- RoL-i i 1 lie: ■ \ •»{ Burn Street, anuonuri. •i . id;-:;: ,P a s*>n. Rtibe-r' -m i •ia ■ , Oi.’i via': 1.d:: - si‘ naicii Hdl -O I ; . It'. Vvlr- Huh, Hai u - Y X<w Y. - City, we .- rewci-.t n.-iiws i-> the itcnty- "1 Car:' paulii- M, , . -. Mr.-, itt d; H k Harden, at Cl am Ter, m v i i make ■> ha; p: tamiiv imiiu-w <’!’• Vu ; -it x Md.,f > w \(M K. rcet. u:K visiUv I;:.. m- d .Mi.- iilniniei Miller West streci Air. and Mm. O' ... In A Sim, us Gtce*n iiiie v -ic I'f...et gi.K a! Ciub 102 IIAREOWE NOTES ftf \UtiH SOS VS S KUl\ t OFNI ti i lit SO 51 I’aslor The H< •, yy tv ! : o'- A -i fly d M A. X- i’" : \' 7.2-0 Sr,ii>i,iv. o< it .. y : , tiOad City "■ re so »t:r. c.i • ■ dm Cyvottietl music a! v . n - .1 ' 0 Jufic''i V • 'My *, • S‘ . ,j ■'; C : « 5, !1 : - jrc.fhi «i procn'it’i ( *i »vi*i'? (- • r i hurch Sunri:- ; v , >Yd: x V'lijr pro • ('• < wi •; he ;.-j c.-i: v • ■ , i-i coiHtrT N1 B'Jmh Gr,ru\ ; i;. M, Thuorf n r Fv • U" .■ i, l ton on Friday, OYooct CLUB 102 New Bern's Most Exclusive Night Club New Membership and Anniversary Banquet Oct. 29th 711 Burn St. O. E. Evans, Prop Wood Work Designing Cabinet Melting. Chair Repair General Household Repairing A Specialty WILLIAM J. HARVI-.Y Prop. 1108 Main Si. GET YOUR NEWS IN THE CAROLINIAN ADVERTISE IN THE CAROLINIAN NEWS DEADLINE np| I 1 hursday EACH WEEK IDEAL SHOE SHOP t|l VI.IJ V SHOE REBUILDING >IIT< lIEU .1 KHOI RY. V<»p . m BROAD ST. NEW BERN WOOD’S NEIGHHORLY G ROGER 1 Groceries. Meats, Vegetables, Fruits, Ire 1 Team, Notions j Patent Medicine. Negro News j Dealer. ~ <_ all S2«H Corner Queen and Bryant ( l>. WOODS, Prop —— * Stephen Roberta GROCERY AND FROIR'CE 10!>K BROAD STREET AI L WE ASK IS A TRIAL l NELSON'S blue room 803 QUEEN STREET SOFT BRINKS, CANDY, BLUR j j CIGARETTES SWEET MUSIC ( i i i i SF-CO NT) SECTION SECOND NEGRO SEERS ADMISSION AT OKI * 1 N'omiart, Ok)a. (AND A; 11 W. MeLdi.n in attended -sis lir.-d, class in tin grtKluato acliun! at , the Univt’i sity of Oklahoma hxie Thursday, J, K. Fell.,vvs, (ks.m id' ddni’AMnns aunouiin '.I btat Mrs. Mauch'no Hancock Wi!.m:. !,iu • pp! it rl fur Pi',roll;- nt. Fi li :- :,.aii! the vvonttiri'.'. re • •< rt;: a.a c ip or'it . : ,’.P t:-. \ -a act ip; c ho f;:kun imiuodiatoly, McLauriri, a :etired pioiossm.- Itov.H) ii - fir : day qnitely Vl< --.t a!.mo it- M,-a anterooin ad.ivtri p in.it t!>< :egul'h cii«-2rooht !'-m 31 students ::i odut ation.-il pswlio’• ogv. Thi.-; was in Jim: with the univorpity regent--' order that Ik? i-. admitted <>", a < -gaterl !i ' He t uulti easily . and 'in ... the ;n -t nt to-. Dr. FraJtl- Eleven Vfimilled lo (-ollejie Ot Surgeons Hc’iiittion tANP; Thiv- mem it : - "1 Mr .- u: mod! -daft a! P, ■ bian..; tin- lota! In 18 Xeyr,:.-. ;uj niittod t.i the American OidYm? o!' Suie.eon at its ahtutal ivnv • ■ it id! i-;l ! ■ nju b'■ Or-. !'J :ri Tlu.sr icm-imua this h.mor. m, highest •« surgeon can garti in America, wm-v Or. Rfioert Jackson, chief us staff at Provi- I • cent. Di. ! Bradshaw Higgins ar i Dr. Hi m v {. Welconte. 'Du', bruit the Fata! A 1 8 Negroes ad :riit-* ti t - the; groan si no fuwi;; i ii• J L ih • :■■ ,f P- o\ , lent hospA.ti said. ' haspital is iusih proud of a, • rcci.-.ripi mhmeiiLs of ti)fe<i :iv-r, be:-:; rs ; t:- staff, who me - -mu into this very select group -r-f the nation's .uitstandifig sury. i.-ns. Cat:] H'4s. Cm • .iciai ba; s ot : the Ainerir.ai College of .Surge ons were- held rigidiv against Ns gro rio-rt:e.'.-v despite their uii.ri Onlv Dr. Daoie! ilaie ! ' .niCe 1 fi- -m i hiß to 1934 In 1945 the group bioke down ' 1h( bat !>v admitting Di. 1. u;-: T. Wi lght of N *-•.>• fork.; Sir- e Co ■■ ’,5 fei■ .'.’S haw- i..'cn ■ » u i•- a • “ * K ;ii --i f\ }j y. .",5 niirto".: from Maryland so b< accept'. ; I*ol.l Ot KS\ II i i, Rf ,?KT rif StK'l'l'e. Mi's. Annie Belle S;e, a- wn- j sp.i-.ding a a- a,y, :. K. s j \ V w;-a ah::;; X\\i V VWWWu rmuc'' suiooe am trow n : si VX ■ rox V M* 'Hsuntn.ttl yt.srsliafl. , h«?-{ coim set nl tiir N \Af V in discuss irvg s.-grrgaition in higher •du cation Irfturc .he Cnnfrranrr of I’r-.a’i’ll. nt the Negro I,and Grant College last week, ...ihl the S VAi if is planning t honey ot a ease "You know.' he said. the technique is to admit a. Negro sjuilen and put him oft at! b> himself. WeH. "lie southern 'tote ha. hunt u NR.(MMt.OOO lab oratory for nuclear physios VYi- are going to y;rl a Vcgro to apph for instruction arid si. lurk and waich them build this Negro t Sii.OOO.Ord! la bora tot y so he ran smash his atoms private! vC - _ —■ • -- - Fodie’s Smoke Shop The Gayest Spot In a own 1016 QUEEN ST. Beer - Ciaarettes - Candy DRAFT BEER FODIE HARRIS. Prop. •YOU HAVE TRIED THE REST i NOW TRY THE BEST" j VaiLs Barber Shop j 1032 BROAD STREET | phone 3854. Mrs. R. I ■ Vail, Prop, j - . “j Gardner's Crocerv •'Your Friendly Ncifihberiitiod Store Startle. Fanny Groceries, Son Dirnks. Beef IKU it. St. M. Garner. 'Prop ! „ JL W. Reese GROCERY Groceries arid Meats 10411 BROAD ST. Dial 448'i j : ( IHil'tf.-.,' the ' --. a Mi.ir.ule.-; ear 1 y. .si.m j • -;, t., CCITt 1 )) tiii V t jUA •. N ■ 'V’w: ' • • .a-, ..‘V . -y -s. -s -i. flfi f* ItoJ f*rl I’.itrick < t V E-i i rav.'s H'Hilit ;* riiitji i>) Sj. ,?G' j,D Hi;,*}) NcliooS, 1* .• ’ . ?>., I . kl.f A i iut hi- » k .'i sm (I j:*umn. \\ rick t.r c. i'D-.f : • < • Da\ i*> :•> a?h( In t ii • <-.UuD(i.jfr ;«»«- \!i Ni;;!f in .. ~4 i Ha! pkjns i v‘ \. •! \ iu xi faU. \ Jt- '7 ' .;- -r- T . .■ cC rC Vi . r-f \ §k fef'X=C/i m ■ r- ■'%&?.&- r> • WAY. v. .. ... -■ "X j * >| 'i ? v ; SOli \i j T'unimiMU <il V- iip *YC: \\ D;i \l -- mi iixstnn ivr o> in;: d* v paOnii m anrJ E mdl i\irt-t nr » l.thEo?] i (tiOf fL- A;■ Vtv A>;,’ E.t - i»f fn ; \ .icn*i« 5 IvcdjiTv \m .tflciM. Mr. SV'ms, a foynMT way's i»M*hc tra. ; i. * -fi* ,a UlhHWd \ti' I*• • m ' * <‘o| leg-. \ASV ‘llEllhiny TiicV’ ‘■B\ hit R link ro-ki Da \V T U iVpiiv •;} riii-.-sX ('i ,p 4 v ; * r, c Happy Khmer New Year. BE At It i A1 OR S-, Beaut reigned supreme on the night of September 30, at the Grevstonr Billroom in Detroit at Die Rose Meta House of Roau.y Fashion show which exhibited in a park ed. house, j NEW BERN ani. EfiurcM IkaliCtilial Il '? k t I,X 11 i\ l I4lt ; , \ , -.,« lUudhv. from iig.it to lot: Rose Morgan of Ihr- New York House ot Beauty, -nnl Mrs; rfripio Mur phy. hc.-uS (i! the Detroit !fdus<: nt Beauty, wi h two of the Rose i iicm f* tn it, n'uy .VtuthT • THK CAR,OLT % <I AN • ,-i,L/V'i ( o£,>-v - • -mi --"-'laa] jff r I \\? fd' ci l Mm ' > - J' " C V '.UWt iil f fu ! <a ASL.i.JI ' '■ (.A W- I . k b !gJHM .hto T4C BRUSH • MhANVVihlt, I IN'A, I J f 4. Jfit i/I . :. ;<n ■: 1 1 Ir 3^ i f'ii* k \' ■ ./ ....!: i { iic ■ 1 'X ! ;>• ’ -,w' - T IT MAV SHOCK I vou TO KNOW ; ' A THAT wje are hot , 'W SP;E3 AND THAT !> : 4 WE. - ,aovv nothing* T-Xi C-s • JVC TRAFFIC 'TfT p.'.'rA IN NARCOTICS/^S x -• I'-iftJkf -m. - . -T yea ay, t Xfasw naive ; f W A--V....Y w;rH J VCU ARE,S£NOR/j ID 1 t, 7 -' 'a -a— ■ DOST WATCH A f» (X-002 D MURCER/) ME' HERE * gf] - s.' _ .. .. • < C.ATCU THIS if j ,i y ;I y ,, - -. m, —w T | f§f.f :^Ei Ti A ;>vhT-x-.: a ....? , ' - - T -yd x %r-r- ;*••,« f / , mf/1 s y ft : 1 ;■ ,#i/ Wi f •;c-'Af - - -- Ss£.rCS:c ‘JARCtTA *AN ; "Kg S -' T U -TDKE'f M -;1 W hlf ? r ?• -T 'J l#- J 0 >; ■ V Ao d f „iW,r /wijbjfw d A : ji« {i V." • ' /; j 1 ~ ~«*s . Wm you LIE/ i SAW VOU THREE WITH / Mlip’ VOUR HEADS TOGETHER/ A9 FOR JS m / /NK4PK YOU,TINA- VOUR9 SHALL BE THE fli if fir s\ ,1 £ SLOWEST DEATH ' YOUR YANKEE MVt ’ "a '“ r ‘ 'T " v ' . - - iAf i hot; c£ I Back To School 1 LUGGAGE 53.98 up 1 FIVF DNT f PA WNRROU- RS i 10IN Qwccn St. !:, B. I.A NO, Prop. DOWDY FURNITURE CO i HU HOME FURNISHERS” t G.• At)v»nUt;e of Otir Easy Tern: P«"nienl i ;m-21 Pollock Si. Phono .0.f;9 IT Fj A VC! i l\ 1 TO Advertise SEE CHARLES SPARROW OR JOSEPH EDWARDS REPRESENTATIVES 729 West Street fTRr OK’D «EFTTt ON \ffii MOX’t-.Y --j I.V!-; m Y on J OAN MO'-'I \ O', j j W-'. 'T ,s \v J IfJN'ti oi V\l i i | \i H ? X «N I lt> \ ■••. vMi n utit us ;i.a s S' U i i> r>i,i't t;oi D 1 Ml ‘vtlOVDy slI.Vi’K t o 1 _ , WEEK WTMXC.: A AYCTIT>AY, OCTOBER 3.0, S 9 ig W 7HER£ 15 A HYPODERMIC NiHDLE fl| | INSIOE / YOU Af?E TO EMPTY |T$ 4gS3 pV CONTENTS INTO THE LOVELY NECK li rr) OF- YOUR TRAITOROUS COMPANION f j I I YOU HAVE THREE SECONDS FOR Jk i A THAT CHORE 'MY GUN IS READY. FW . . Support Your Paper ! 1 | IM'E RIGHT fVFE -IW4 BROAD : : TR KICT ! • i 'si XI '> Til! pf '■ tT.'I O I AT' | Mrs. IJcnrM'Ua HOumous, Mgr !__ ' I Houev Bee Saloon S v Thom: 1 ~>( 'I CK. < Oj 1> fDUSKS. ( i«, VItS ISO ci<; -VRETTI'.S • Datifin;. SishOy The Mated Social Smt t Mb»?t H O'tcjv-, prop, I ■> j i, |t i ; i \,, /jc i jirii i’c -<i > i or ? b." I’ .(1 } , Bakers Sea Food AMi I’KOIH (.'I ■U Hit: oj, s: Dial IT WILL ALWAYS PAY YOU TO VISIT Sparrow’s Surprise Shop :,i ' Bi(»yc-ai Lillie Store In Town. Complete Line Os Grotcrifis. • Vog«|»blos Notions - Drugs • Ice Cream * | Tt-M ! r>- Paper and Magaines • Phone 30R5 I Dowdy Furniture Co. ‘ THE HOME FURNISHERS” | Take Advantage of Our Easy Term Payment I ::>!%:■ I Pdfo* H St. Phone 3229 jjdfflK.fflKjf'W' -was, , ,'vv.Ai- PARDON ME aA'T / v< '* PI ROT * E BL * ..A; ij -an idea just STRUCK ME * F'U Let My Boy jop ' Sell The Carolinian For His Vacation Money Kew Bern (jtizens Who Track Witli These Mlverf iscrs Make This Page Possible m 4 ' •< u | I / 4■■ ■ : #: if,* •**.• . . •- # BEAI’TV M TiIOfUVY -- Vlllf ( li7.ihcth Sharpe, an ardent cv f.onent in -hr art of Beau tv Col liliv and i:i>. iwtology, will i-aton hr a Mihject tor front page new'. \ rrrent graduate of the Nation ally I'umous IMoler College. Y V. ( . viHr. Sharpe has received the -t'cnnd highest rating in effici ency and ar (stir ibdity in her in of- • non She is a nuis .•• of Columbia South Caroiina. tint (sis lived in New Vurli most of tier life. whe< < -he completed hro education jo m s < oi vn vkts scoki-; vs i \imi h\s ‘ ■■■■••" ", ; nf C Ft ,1 . i nirdh, !,(>!“ c-Loo I F I \ of P.laeU Swamp mi |i 1 ii-ori his (.".vn fann, bought a inf tohsUTO This ve.-i" his leaf sold !?■ 1 n.."c than, s;it>i.-ico. i community ha.- proved that n farm- j tnahe po-v crops .nr! net ahead .. » it" oneovn ft Loser,- f:, nT ,, nod an !n. I: iionioh' Hr }s : ,'<i ■ fur hi-n ”. v!t Kell!:,-■ rrcfsi! iy p■ r. ;. . i...... i i • • ( . , * j ’ Ji *’‘' ■" ■u: i'' Y’ i y i ! . i.- fa i * i• j i' : g c>; - o i -p th!n-.„- He plan. „ pernv.- i T. t • | , “-n phm.-i tn bni!(i an .jiderjoaL i far vowing house Lw fore raising any i ■i ■. * | n small ir.itfor and cultivator since p c ha.-: been . u! ol service and he j tends bis eniire him, with then'. ! ' ■ ■ : web:! in a!i imp;n'c11 J if• ii"it- in (in' succet'S of many farm-" f KOI, COM) K» KVirr -.STATION M ashing Poli-hing, Greasing « -«r Burn A Ouren »| Dial 7J51 Beer Smokes Candv MLrt Mhitfirid, Sunny Bryan* * LUR KV or Bt \» 108 1 Affiliated with S tub ••«.*>" of tVf> r »r>al Si.. Sew Hern. Sea f ood lemur: X Specially. Dancing Nightly Mi miffed hr euewt and 'nmOiership c.yi-d ,’MW f}«iern SI . Ol AITORT, N. IX j .Mainehi » iburti -. i)w ?k r •lames H Davis, Manager

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