VV luUis I£N DING ;>A I’U UOA V, OA TULiKU .10, 10 I PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS ai *i Mn 'i > i n * > * | n—flfwTrnw^fiiffYwisTmuwociWTiwiriTnnTßi,—ruuw ■ i rii-n- , iT , rr , ' THE WEEK IN GOLDSBORO HHhSpI By E A. THOBNTON e*m «• W. A. Col'- 421 W» ' Kim St ret* t. $ has returned home atn*i visitm;* relatives and friends in Washing ton- D C.\. anti New v-uk C‘i!> t\ lot ge crowd was present on Friday tdf'M October 22 t wito. . Hm joint recital c.iven by Misr (Dot.-,via Kelly oprano and Nial Stilt bar. tone, at Dillard High School jhe pro..rain was sponsored by in* Woman'*- Auxiliary or the St A., draw's Episcopal Church i lie 1948-49 Community Che,.: drive is virufTessin;; .slowly Ml Nannie Thompson, chairman, n ports that bciwevn stiOO and SSO(. has been reported and riilred up to date All citizens and ft tor &.rp urgt?d to cor.tribute t«* thi v(...rth;y cause. I of’ Rev :Vl. W. Mortal), to i, First African Baj 'rr Chunk just completed a two-week r. - viva! service. The R-v Mi Wii.-m ‘ t Norfolk. Va . c ndue’cd the it * vival at whit q time five persons v-cre converted and baptised in tin church Sunday morning Oct 24 OILI.AKD IlKi.i BAND REt TI.'VES HIGH EKAInL The Dillard High School band * under the directi.;..-, of Prof H ti wohn a on was well received and re vived high praise for their won derlul music and performance in the parade and during the Home coming game between the Shaw Beat , and she Mon i; Brnwit vVnl v- rim*.- of Atlanta in Halci; n Sat urday. October 23. The music eorniny from the Dii i. Band madt ti> oite; baiio ptesent sit up aiui take noliee. to: their music and performance: v,e; ieal tine. Congratulation; to Prof. Johnson arid Dillard High School i r then very lint band. Members oT the Goldsboro Chapter of the Shaw Alumni Asociation and ih, i Goldsboro fans were the re in large numbers to see the game Thc Goldsboro fans wc-ie very phased witn the performances of the band ,-■ ■ .v. Jj as the Shaw 8e,,; , J 'he Dillard Tiger,- al'houg mak htg two touch down in me first j. lost to the Atkins High Seoul in Kinston Friday nh.ht. Get 22, by the score of 2G-12. SbsNa-.ossipukeepaedfitisrb i |, LEGION COMPLETES ARMISTICE DAV PLANS At the regia r meeting of Bryant- Best Post No. 235 American Legion ai the Community Center on hues day night, October 19 tin- p o ..;t completed all plans for the Armi; bee Day Celebration November ii. The program committee headed by » District tummaiidn E A Thorn bin, reported the piogram Lu ;i,v day which was received and proved by the Post as follow.. 9 4.i a in. American Lcgim. Parade 31 a. m. Memorial Service. Colored f Community Center. Opening song, '‘America' Scripture Heading invocation b> Chaplain. VV A Cole Preamble In Concej i Solo, Miss Oct a via Kelly 3he Meaning of Annisht e ! .*„ Comrade J B. Rhodes Serm.on The Hev Clarence vloye jap. Comrade tan Dock heart Collection Benediction ARMISTICE DAY LUNCHEON November I,' ik-is 2 p. >l, COLORED COMMUNITY CENTER Programme Opening Song. "My Country Ti; Os Thee ' Invocation In Conceit Pi-amble In Concert Select Reading Mrs. Helen Ta.vlot Solo, Miss Oetavia Keiy Presenting Speaker, E A. lhorn- j ton Address, Captain Juan W Wesley Caminander of J. C. Pace p • * Number 107. Salisbury, N. r ;i nd State Chaplain Music, girl qua; sette. Dillard High directed by Mr: Ti.eima Johnson Remarks and Collection for ike tj>. t ford Orphanage Horne '♦'.htsio Girl* Quartette Luncheon Served Dismiss E. A. THORNTON q.iairmai. presiding, 745 P, M. Football Game Oil- • I' is impossible fey m-Ui Ti peupu to be fair for they think so con-; slantly of themselves, and of their, neighbor, all too seldom and rare. ■ WANTED; NEWSBOYS INSURE WITH I Gresham Insurance Agency 1 I Fire - Automobile « Casually - Insurance 1 1 HANDLEY BUILDING PHONE 2353, 222-f-J I *> - »•****- lard High School Tit cs •. Horne ,» coming game, Sampson Coun ty 'Training School Rains ol j Clinton, Municipal Stadium Ad mi; •■ i. d\ a. -Ct t cket ■ c "" l , jMk fj&ft \ 41 (1 KSSM I NIM If A l W VI. Hieiuliiardt. prmiip.il oi Central High School. K t i-iuti uati vv i1 ii .» it x tiegri-e from ! amt I < oliegc. Green.slmro, and is now ■ nulling toward in-. Alaster*, degree from die same Colh-ge. Pros Riinhuidt has b*«ti leaehing in the Wayne < ounty School System for the past tu or L> years and tor the fra-t eight years at Central High School Hi is a member of the Putnam, amt Masonic Lodgi When lie became priinipal at Ctjntral there were only three leathers, and now i has a f.u ultv of 12 ami It leacheis are under liis, super vision in die <cu tral High School district lilt high seliol department moved in to its new bih’it building on 1 October 19 BOSTON MEDICO LOSES LAWSUIT IN RAIL JIM CROW By Samuel f* Periv. i: Boston ,anp> Ti.r wed. : Dr Jamey R I . Sue ;i t :t sm )du .suit against the Ae. York Hartford, stui New Haven ratl ic;,;j According i., \, ( chaige.-. H. DeSiieur ihe fcket ;»g»-nts if-re in Boston aliejjedl.v refused to : ’ei! tne phy.siran ,> f.ulhviar) ticket oi Deet mber f, 194:1 m Back- E... Taiion t' ■!• Gr-e: .'Oosii N (• hi Ihe e,iu-e oi tin cor, vf-rsat loi ■ Li --he dt... i- •: w, told I j,. ■he New Have 0)|I t ;:;i.'t U e, 'et ugretment with southern uni hads not tu make ..my i ese;at.um.- jfo! Negroes However JosC|,h 1! (Jilhvary i . t in Mi ket department told tin court that he had secured a panor c ; ,r ' <0 N'-'V. York i"i Di in. - .Suet:: and had .staled that el:, ns - ; u ’oi;ld be made to secure resei va- ■ i'On:- horn there to t). Cam lima. The secret agreement with! ‘■'outhern railroads was ada- ’ tnantly denied Rite • t fit- lac! that supieme' . court rulings have dealt explicitly vvitii the question of aegiep'ottu Havet w.ihin recent years, the jury i t turned a judgment against the ■ medico athi a half-hourY delib ’ ei ation. RACE DATA BA WEI) O.N P ASSPORT FORM i Washingto-n Afler pro tesf by Leslie Perry, Wash ingiofl Bureau, NAACP, ihe U. S, Bureau of Immigration and Nafuralizelion has aboi S!>.hed she pracfice of reserv ing the passports designation ‘ American'’ for white citi zens aU-ne while requiring Nespe Americans to designate themselves as "black". Ji'he Bureau had sent out ihe following instructions for forms required of till Ameri cans seeking foreign travel: "Native born citizens of the United Slates of all Caucas ian or while races, departing for permanent residence in a foreign ci'uniry, should be recorded by race as AMERI-. CAN. Other native-born citi zens of ihe United States, viz: African (black, Chinese, Japanese . . should be classed under their respective desig nations " GOIDSBORO South Has Need Os Aid For Its Future NEW VoliK 1 AiNP. do Judge Y WhlU:; WuMh of Cb,u lvslofi S C, deolari.'d h< m: !,: t wc-k ! 1;.. t ill.: s.mlh !<.l Lit- "i(-l idhlie" hi dc-.il wl’.ll It: r;i('l,d •, pr«>l:l*-:ns in i:- own way. bid i ( should In- ;pvrn "ini’v'-ic si-lam. l : Tne jull ". wl wn.-’e id, > tun.. - .• Inch p.V. • Nt Ci:\ I•; the light in vote in lc. CuiMl.iia pnnu.l - if; ilit--, yi ar, vva . adliressni.; ,i . IlillciieOM ill his; notlh! : iven by the New Yu: k ciiapter t tin National Lawyer' guild u Hu- Hitl-'on ■ House. ii. viewed tii reriu- :. n l -)., arv : "of try part oi th-, south."' as being -prelly din; "! be! eve it,'; going lu i:npi ova Ilia: the Munich! i ■ , going In come in bu! 1 dnn’l be lieve that ihe window- are "in. n .be opened voluntarilv ' he ;; iel !: i chief ami nn.-t hi--. ..... arpeli ot the 1,i1.h1l tna’i',ll .... 1 : 1 ■ a :hu’! nl tin- 11 .....:;; vvli:'. .aiul I:t.-j ui'i. he , • . a d The j.robleiii is 1(1 eliange Sir.’ 1 Ll'lilty Ihe -ei: iina : ! Hi,- . ;••';! o! 1 lire yl eat laiaiv t.i .v idle jit-qiie e»f . ila- uth '.1i.,: 'd., t an American eJu. piunied ; Old. --■"oh ii.. I.n la. ~ - I.,"I iva el m Soli ii ( ,ii .il: e. i; :cc >!.,.■ ]7l ii ei l't'uy. lie deeiai'ed. "1 believe tti, 1 !' » Ni .i" i- an Amceii aii iili/.,.n. i i.ieo tiiinj.; ih it Hu rt .. any j lave An:.*rtcan democ.-acy lor |,ai ! • ' . ■ c ' iien " a pal l": -.1 aecoi dii ;; ft.- I ... race oi : eligiiiii.” On li.: di:.-.: se eidiavv lte. i),,ns: again. N* id , )jrlrnai;v voling ho said "Ned oiii- n:i.n in 1 >;,il.i Silt-i has ''iai * d :o -1.•.« 1 ns . Cnam s !hr r.ii'. 11 j*{f r. ■ » 1 \'-u ;t ...m An,. - nan . Fitjy.-n, Ihe H v \ v : v] A j H> public Hit* wno h.av o 1 ’orit'ij \ unicut«?'d wiin ;ii iinVc .‘-HH :t> i>‘i U‘\u i \ Miiii Kt •-« : ■'!ml \ V i nnl [liu.i ;•.{ TH ,! A ; v Jin n. nl'tod il't.-.P lh«' g.,IS4„v nnT.it’ ;by (it’;. Hi -I is • oul ’ (iut itire : c*..-til yvi\ re wt-io OitH-nr lo'n-t-n ! v>", *ti vi i .• - iK’ii ■ a> u favor. ’ OOf a ! it'ht Cit f/i'u: CffOi’f-y ;•} (,!! ; iioeraJ henif-! s a- Hor.. : (A • Ehi Arho:l v.» \ \t-ot ia ‘Tf ' .-’Ha * jdirHtn} -i- \\i\ l J::ir ■•>:./«i M.ll 1 It'-, <■■■ •• :• j I | « V.; J; - (HARMING ST, I>LNT Susie Ann Shea rod. ihe daughter of vjr. and Mrs sheared, i ~ member of the senior elass ui Central high solum! a member oi the Dramatic < Tub the high school chorus, and news reporter for the high school. Her charming personality has won her many i lends throughout the facility and • udent body Her hobbies are music and reading, S Q 1 ?Ht »'* \ "w m ufi?"if a I j oLCON Li 6E(JII U N e'niU NAAi 'p - ;i, - ; w: ■: :• nn lube u* Lu ii excu utive i.’r.'nd 'A.,;. (;dt:.! near him. Tlie jurisT dvflaj'ld I "The u.-.neei m A mu! :im<! oil v • : K :}: u t they -ay. 'Let lie alniit.- .lid . II do )t ei., 1 • ■ r \Vc!l INe-'i. ■..• i'il !...\ i co«< d .!> , South Cm olinn i' s,;t; hiuin ! ?.U 1 • il 1 Tin i 111 back ti ii;. ■ up. ii. • rtildiitued, "G; ! a ti! .-all, yot.i I work, but ;. ... n.u-t i ■■ . aici'dl ct •: vmir im ihocHn A ;*.•! Nii.Vi' who . a l,i t! ; ': .mh i d vs the "Wnoic- i.ivilizatinii tl-. ia is w m y. i s na, king c !■;: lull On the , 'll. " hand, eion'i. ■ uiy mi'u.v We ! -:>vr lit ■" ti cl li lie in.:;.. (it. >]..!< : want to iinj-oive '! iie ru.m'.'on tip to be handled i.ciibv ri.t firmly "My people it.,v. ot>.- out !:mdin: : lull!: the t, M ibb fault I pn • ill d ice They have been i.oi. anil dui-i! cii tii Irvl tfi.lt a Nt;:n, I; un.il: !• ind "I aa i ■...: i i <..,, i.t Ic ■ b< -.Veil Ire.,! J . :r! , l\.-n knicmc bid ,'J a Ue: n f l a veo i n i.t •"lTii.it’.; :• : ill. , .in! 01 a 1% ' %. Wl' I 4 *, i In,HU -ink th; son of VD dm) .\h I> \i If irk . 'JO., last I*iii • * sti't fl, < gtiltH {,m #* 1- u mtfti r <>l ih<** juiiHje t Hi*. il I>i 11 ini 1 11 i\ H SrlHMil. j. H rtlrui <:i f'sf Mli *.u<i lit < him ij .tiul .t si,u i>ll Jit- ui vih Huskt .tt.tli .illtl fltttUfllU It.ill!’ ilf' li. Oiiiii i tut |u*i ‘ iti\A til v 1., \\<>n Hiu! rti.tii’ - Hiriids .irtionfc i!:«- "tuil-.at a| Oiit.mi Hi hulihu* u< t«.ui inj; i flits K h Pay s iit iiKurhH’! ! ! ! H. Y1 iH H IN v <>{ R i \l» | ~fl If you re out to elimh n mountain I*rofri the base to snowy rap. Just to rescue freezing parties, I h;u s a feather in your r,j>; But i earn a bright red feather— Ei r than the rest— & Give > your hometown Comm unity Chi tJ Ul!>. UAUUJJNJAJN ’FORCE STUDES PICKEI OHIO STATE CAPITOL < (ii.IKUi.IUS. th ' AK> i !:■ i liuiidred : uderds cl f h<. \ r: I'lua !. : upp',, led Wdbei loivc i.'nn • i d'. Xenia. st;udcl a inncch on I the d:d" tiouM.- nniuiid he ■ last 1 Wednesday i '''iieMird: ui" ■ ~1 1 l ic name "W.lb'.'force by the • 'nt,-.,supported C01ic..,,, of Ediu.:a- i u!. mu lialiisfiaa-, au i ,ed },y ] i,- * ''• l' 1 '" i Hi!. |;]'C:,idemt. the y.rr ■ ■ yellow-clad stud'ids troop,nd ' 1 ' eapitol builiJlnji. checrlii.i ; '.id*: Style. -liu.ii: ; m spiiilu.ll u»'vi cddvmg /a. udi road: I ley Sm’e C)iu Name • "(j,« i ‘' ’ 11 i'dluiadgoi .m.' He hi r ; ■ •■"" Rain'd Wi11.,-. Torce ' , A " h J'rr i Crow Coll. ■■ ■ . Don't W.ud Cleon::., j., 1 tom chimb ,| "We Waul T ' ‘ ' ,!t A<* ■ '(homa- .1 ■ Fni-t-.-iM.uth and l MdUi.iduvv, ml,kina campmgM n;u'i!,i- i T,,< * " U ' ! ""Jot t:,e 1 1 ■■ " '■« C" bn It i.l; latill'i- !a,d ; H " n( ■ !ho up ’ ' ' ‘*'* VU ' V I'.’/t* j jll'H- ui Hit- •( m I /;i ill)] With r - , , '• : ; cciiit-i i>. •*i n. ! t !n< Hovuruor’s >,,-0 ; • ‘ 1 ’JC! : at tin o; ’ (1 • ir. f •* v U;«u .. j,,|i U j eiJllOciioi’.v ! ' bipt I" hull;. The < ..., ; : ■ ‘ 1,1 b.tntoc- d;i'c,:.c) and ' . ?,u; h'f'abh in They waa* ! I !i '’ ‘■'•oar ■■ i w ~ld (n , n ‘- " "in u aon.i ! ' lU 1 ! CORNELL NAMED TO B. C, HOSPITAI ADVISORY BROI.IP U v (ANt ' ; l>r I'dt Ruon':. hospital an i du-eclm d, i mi and 1 I to ;i:,n instructjou at How ' !:u hicvi-rs-itv. wo/ mum at , t t„ "X* iif 1c i oiimiiltcc , ; i .. . ! C(ni,itn] He! e la t week. i’i,e ;c () . ; I" udfliit o' -vva made in. {)■ "bu L. .1, d• ti >:, d" 0• ■< 1 1 .. .1 : i Ibieation hv ));■ AlVIn T? n, . ( ~, j /■V vupt; iifendt nt -t Gallingt ' Ti' ' p, ; . ' ,j, {||, , ’ 1 a -'■Fs-i'. u f > v -nuy t>>■ 1>! J ; M and Hcw;,id im'dica! Jc;' tl.e 1 *int : ,< t hdiinpe’ b"d'd" : ! I hit! 01;. :ac;,On Hi. *■' •»!»)'.*tti*i is the hudoital suiiern 1 1 hies ftT staff j ", ; e!it,stive* l ach | A i’.. auu.de Ul tne i'mve I' ! ' ! Mn Ici-an, l.n . Cm'iiely u- j " ' * id- i.oi' L- al ili-Mre.- in hid! i aid m PM 1 w, n a depccc of ,*,.„■ ; <*■'“ ;,! Pulilje :k. aI th from that 1 ■h.o!. J U earru* tu Howard u t: •Jilll l«f:i4 Lu l N ivcmbcr, i„ , ms Li i y. >v !i t«» !':*• F. <■«*viij i«n'c | lif-spital post. A .nc.nbur ; .\it- . , Or meg Alpha, the iialional honora.y j.a terrnf.' he is disc a leii-av,- t.'i; Ante* i,-an Public 'Health asocia- : ' Cun, .•'number oi tin- Aniciuau : Schn a: Health a -sociation, Amur-, Jean Ass*.;aation for -Health, Phv ;a al ridutat' m an.) rceivatimi; ' Ariii iu.an Health association, Na t; * 1 ri.i ’ Student Health associa . lion; and the MerHeo-Chirurigical sec :oi the 1 ) st. .ct of Culum- ' 1 ; n JT j . rt'Ki.’ i'H’d and has j !()• • 1 yeai *>id son. > POSTAL BOM HITS RED SMEAR ( HARM S Miami (ANP) Delegates lo ihe 3Stn biennial ronven tio-r, ot she Natic-nal Assoc in sL.n of Letter carriers defeat ed an attempt to eliminate separate branches for Negro and white postmen during a business session here last week. Sponsored by the New Ycrk delegation, the proposal would hrve ordered a const:- futional change to provide tor the elimination of separate branches which have been in effect since 1343, The association >s schedul ed tc act upon another pro 1 LOOK! LOOK! 11 FOR SALE ! ONE 14 ROOM HOTEL i AND 3 DOUBLE CABINS HOT AND COLD RUNNING WATER Comp lel eI y Furnished ATLANTIC BEACH, S. C. For information See I A M. SCOTT, BOX 691 GOLDSBORO, N. C. SCHOOL NEWS « ( V tit VE HIGH S( HOOL !'l• - Faculty Talent Night given i ‘-■v t a members of the faculty in l: > Or-tr.il High School Disttid 'if' night at the school ■■ h ' ne a great success f ■ wii was present to set ■o' e ei.,innate a at which thru* be ’ ' ■ | -UhO and $ 1.>0.00 wa;- 1 realized .fi'i'ii the proceeds of the pi'ugj-an: I’cacher.' who iiiirticiaptcd on the piur iam were. Mr,. M it Smith. • A ft. Thornton, Mrs T ,t, ' War.' Aii... B McGhee, Mrs ft }< iVlhi.-iicJ!, Mis , w Tavlo'r. Mrs. L. C. Snuth. Mi: B. K. Hines, Miss M ti. Gleet, Mrs Q. Slier, Miss M. 11 Ih. '. Mrs E H Glenn, Miss ]■:. ihea.iit. ,M| . A McKinnie. W. L, ' '' J - '■ ii Kins. G, Harris. , •’ ,H * foi.it \v M. Rcinheardt. Miss ■'■■ In i Foxb r directed the group. :\h" h by Ml . n. McGhee. The high ■: huu| department moved in t„ " u!r ,u; '* v fiis-h school building if uay. October Ht They are vet v pioiid and .lad to be in 'l b,, high rmiel department Is vo-v busy 5 !i!W ■■ -’ ■' l K to set. themselves ad tu,'ed the new situation and ' arnuafna-ntr which they are : ‘ ' ing thi' tn:h The new building onieiitnis; that ha • been needed tt s'chool tor some time o<-caur-t 1 n, e * ■A did CuildUions. i j ; h ' t,! ; 'iid as. nt.es, ui the pare,,! : As> Ma.it inn are making ■ s?' ins and beautify the ;i"Hiids mound the new budding. Ihe iujiowmp teacher:- attended Hoim-corning game between : SI) es. ami Morris Brown Satbruav ■ ! A-'ot or 23. in Haii igh Mir A C. : fhon;t,,,i Mi, ; y| £}. Smith Miss ;' A B -h Ail Vehn., Foster. md Mrs Bernice .i. <: ... Coach,., s iho/s- and Foster are vers busy ; '■' ' ! ir ‘h i'a 1 ketb.,ll teams rounded ; ! M.) < ! *i or .i/.j/ed i j) order to to j in <0 • ! 7 iitt lo praoiitv on the : < • lilts who the w cat hi. t orndts OEDLE) SCHOOL Mi (b. . ia Wn>i:, i ui); H t (biitii ■ ordimdoi wa, gae.st .speaker at b'..e! service: Friday, October 22 Hu ui-..)* to the student body from 'he siib.tei'. "Tubtnti losi h in Way no - •niii’y at vvnich time the infnr j'a.bmn give! was gladly received "■i "'loved »>y mi j,,lm liuiden d'tved reastii ot ecremomes. : Meru;. Herring and Mary John : 0!J ! ,M Dfi h'oJdS. ho -sTmo! UiriioaUc Club with • prerent ” 1 lie Light Eternal' at the s’ 'f*- I Hu’h ■ ■ ,<■ 1 in Hamlet ui i Nnvei, Pc; 12 1 las j lay pxomis.es i.> Id- ■ of the hem ui the - a..on j ?i ; t McKeatban and faculty . h‘ : *) I- tiio earent, and fieind: -. bu s-.-ut donations tor the • b'd'P' a of heipme pay :ht- ex- : :"""Se.- inc i.)i swnulic Chib in omib : e ti'tp to ! lumlet ( ' ntriuimj< 'i,.. .have been marie by ■ ■d., .and Mrs. Preston Haicher. , ij.e.id K":a eaav tvt. Jui.pli Wtt dde, ■ !>i t-.-r W'yim, Jamv Sauls. Mr .<nd Air. Samuel Seine, Mr and viz.', Zettie Jobuiron, Jfc-lcn Bank..- , i ■Ar: Nri:, Ji .h’.aon. Annie ft. i'iiomj.j.iti Hilly Brewington, J*eg- Jn-'-tisi . iVliss i' Barm s. Mary I. ,H>lu,run, .Vlidvm San!,;, Fivdsitk; Smith, Robert Thompson. Sylvia Buw.u ij HaCobb, Sarah list eh - ■ !Vla i> Lee and Mari\«re! Wynn. h':s Juan Deiois w.e the week end guest of Ms's. Jems Lofton and frmiiy. Mr and Mrs. James Aid tick. 3; :iti!lOnu«'c tin* birth ni a son. Jarne.-.. Jr, on October i 8 The molhci' and on are getting alutig fine. Href . T H. Johnsoji an ended the homecoming game between Shaw and Morri-- Brown of Atlanta, Gt> . ■ Raleigh on Saturday, October 23 t’VQi. John on reports a very tint rarne and trip piKisvnf t iraini.no The Wave, County' Negro teach ii s met Thursday evening. Onto bet 21. at Fikesvihr Training Se-hnu! the lirst of a series ai Workshop programs. Reading has been selected as the study for a -cries of tout meetings. The first meeting consisted ui a - or reading presented by, >peakeis, Alisa Susie Faucette ot! the Goldsboro school presented at, intcristing ditcussion on primiiry readiey wind; proved very vain aha h ti e Ha.'.'ilciS of the group and sihriUi.dcd many helpful ques <ii.'i)s and idea.-, which were asked . by Hie body, Mz' M. M. Daniels, instructor ol r.. ad mg. Darden High School, Wii ron. save a demonst ration - f an pyanl soon vshich would keep the nalional R.r hold ing conventions in cities which have segregation laws. blitiOND SECTION informal re,acting inventory e th. j i grammar grades Mrs. (uuu.-v. -'a-- Hamilton iustiuctor of K- IF, Plkesvlllc Titunujv ScJ)u-.,l .i. ■ > i,_. .t . out many vita.; and help:ai -■ mi 1 10 be used in ie.ichi 14 s ’ -.i :■ , fcctivcty in the high :wl , ~ ire; The November niceting. ■. !| f, atu.'e dcinonstrtiUoH:-' ol reading sj., t> tie areas Prof. ■!. H Ctitn- ■ - 1 - - deld. presided Prut. 1.,. 1. b. :de,. 'principal oi Vale School r fi’ii'. buy. •he Kifward F Lassiter the .son <1 Mr. .md tvh. Fr.mk La.-ritei eho •. kves ti ar Bagiev, wlioe body ai ! rived from Oversea;; Friday, Oc • i I*’bn 22. at H.imilton Funeral Honu iin Goldsboro, was purled with .. military funeral Sunday. Octobci , ?h. 2:30 }. m a' Hook- Gnv Bap . ei;: Church. 1 : Members of tin. Bryan t-Be.-t- L Post No. 21a American lar.uii. i Goldsboro, -et ved as pallbearer:: Parrolfs Shop Stoic NATIONAL! V KNOW S UUA Sits IOR fill i.N ihit; t v.vm.v Hit; \\ u AI.N i T n't. ‘ i U TUB SUt K J A Mil A ON <: i; i; it i r : h \ si i s' 123 LAST WALNI'T AKTIS FISH & FANCY CiRCK ERY SFORE 614 East Elm Street Phone 2031 J Hev. J, H. Artis, Prop, RF.I LSTAURT i urn it ute 1 ompa n y Quality Furniture, Reasonable Prices 221 ■2B N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C.. Phone 1260 J i I T 0 i, 0A \ S wavue 1 iii. Due i.o. •TIRIVL IN lO KORHtiW fuiifs ,% Ash sts. i'hent- |«M D. A. BATEMAN Jeweler Finest Watch Repairing 102 South James trett Goldsboro, W, C, ELMORE'S RADIO SERVICE Sale*-, and Service Street Floor Burden Building j Goldsboro, H. C, Phene 21 Be- I Soullieriiim! (,rij| i gold mtlNKs AM) BU R 221 WEST I*l NK si KM- |- Aliilli; < OLE, prop. ' ) i-or prompt (.'tturtcuuv Service i FOYE’S BARBER SHOT 405 SOI 1H JAMES ST 01)1.1 1.1. I tIVI l'rop. —~-==rr===rrr | T he Green Parrott ta sot Til JAMES ST HOME COOKED FOOD BEER AUM SODA Air- M. S I'cnninjton. Mgr. j | MooreY Grocery ’At' lit A' AND SELL ERL.-Jl COl \T«> PKOIH GTS 605 GREEXH S'I'KLICT *ld htklt K MOORE I'rnp crtfwTMv. HMV«"•««.< a* «rf«y MM d* <MMU*WM ; FINEST WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Eastern Carolina Precision Works 117 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cor. S. James and Elm Sis. Branch Otlic* N. John S*. ONE DAY SERVICE W«s wptriali.se In Women's Silk Drfcf.srs and While SvtilM'i PHONE 1579-R WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF I LIKE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE 5 DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST., GOLDSBORO " C, C. SPAULDING, Prudent E. R, W.liLl.lAMS^District Manager J, B. TAFT -Assistant Manager 11 —rrwn t~t i r-TTirr —i —i — finrr~mni iunriiiirn n n nnri mum ir ■■ihibihi smi 1 1 lannai HBwnrwiiuanwijiwii'MlWiii 15 Goldsboro Merchants And Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible, Give Them Your t rade, I and the firing squad consisted or ' members from the Air Born Divi sion trial Fort Hingg, Pfc Lti-.-ite) wus killed while in | service Ovtvsem in 1946. L.t >-■ i Ham .iton. tme.tictju, dlireetcd th# set i vices. MHOS GRADE .PIANOS At A Hiily ilii New A t -nl (I VY> HAND » \< HANOI 4fi E.is-. film st fjolilshoru IMIONE lIOM-VV ('o’miuisifr SERVICE STATION GAS AND OIL 1311 N. GRELNITAE ST. i OLD DRINKS AND BILK PHONE *1.17-.I H. I, JACOBS, Prop, Your ( r«-dit lit Good . | A t : | (faXL& 1 | FURNITURE 115-147 East Walnut: St. GOLDSBORO QUA LI 1 Y BICYCLE SHOP Packard Bicycles, Keys Made Locks Repaired, Motor Bikes and Lawn Mowers Repaired 211 N. John Btreet Gold;.boro. N. C. Phone 1326 i EE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Office of Christian Aid Mutual Burail Ass'rs, Inc. FridCinotinl. N- C. Phone 3161 J. W. Lee, Prop, li. ... PH St 1 JEWELER Watch Repair Walch Master Service Welches. Diamonds, Jewelry 502 E. 'Mulberry St. Phone 1252 J. Goldsboro, N. C. SUTTON - LEWIS Furniture Company 124 E, Mulberry St. Reasonable Prices In FO BN ITU RE OF QUALITY ’ liimipsovs SUPER HASH AND sE-Li SERVICE I.ALNDHV DOS N. JOHN ST H LBS. 35c PER MACHINE >!is Pearl Smith Mjrc. >OR DELICIOUS DINNERS I STOP AT Yickv % Sofia Shoppe I 333 s. .1 AMI'S ST. "A SPITTAL'II EVERY DAY ‘ | : “ ‘ - Moye’a Grocery Eaiuy and Staple Groceries Emits and Vegetables 401 SOUTH JAMES ST. PHONE 5134 Silver Moon Bar ALL KINDS or SOFT DRINKS j BEER 223 VV. PINE STREET -U.EX SWIFT, Mgr.

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