FAMOUS HAZEL SCOTT TO APPEAR IN CITY j Nit elite In New York NEW YORK (ANi’} WHO SENT ME those nice e -.-eri jpoiiters telling .0 -,ut 'he recent HAZEL SCOTT .Tuaivuiii; r. the Hnlii;;h auditorium, N. C sptm.iO.o.ii bv SHAW UNIVER SITY? - Also the SISTER RO SE i I’A [ HARPS thioW i ■ ■ during ht southern turn' f tE .-’tat. f.l Neti A; .my ia‘< dear reader, thunk.-: a u.t At the- popular BABY GRAND CAFE. Bill Pot to l is pi <• seal ie 1 the always pleasing CHAKIOTE i'RS, radio md coiict-rt singm : foursome de luxe, and V] BURN SIDE who won a small army *.-f permanent udimirs while menibi i of the ‘'SWEETHEARTS OF RHYTHM" organization. Around the town, when . >r re gular folk meet arid while tin hours away in taverns. 1 estint rants and cabarets the it ride: ground that heats Ml, see: all, .m-i all-too-often tells all , 1 hap py over PHIL WILLIAMS' -net fortune . Phil, a Solin' 1,.- (•’ - te friend, is very well hie d In the great and tin h-rguU.-n to! -, % of Harlomtown where Id'.- off the main beat is; really ormith mg. de you hem me taiking to v 1; Gwendoly n. AT FRANK'S RESTAURANT, where once the v w.s.n.i in "Brownies" to make a otpnni of any sort, . . the CJovelan born Dwight and GrK' la Wt- el <r- . socialite;,. chalt'-d v. :th 1 eporter fur an hum about DU. HI'NCHK u.'ai his ;.-.t t • embattled ISRAEL ttu ' •;- ! d PAUL ROBESON at \Tm;...v. and the N. Y Daily ,\i .. ic - of that lonesome colmi-u i.,v. student sitting all by !m II Cause civil liberties .ere not ' len into decent -tate lav. toi .'I American;- . . The ti e t. m junior still remains . 1 at. ,-t “divide and r’ue" de.•••• v •{•;.- we shout the fau«ts of r the. ‘•DEAR AL .MOSES.' w Theresa Stewart NYC. hi: i Robeson hee-.-rne a me- ie t ; me in yout estimation since the. sjhrm ‘Red' was hung -a 100 > a.i-russ his magnifio-nt should-. : all during the 1 Hein-, \V presidential campaign'.' L*-> y feel as I do that tie is ?:!j an ~ut standing American':' Wiil ci;i 1- i; me a little c>l his .-..-halc.-t u bn-T, ground and m.iriy thank same. ' O' eoui.si I’m; ’ Robe--,,)-, is an elder-statesman N.-grun , everywhere, 1 atvouu'. i,m. great Amei iean desnite tin "i. gos” who hi cat h. i- 1: 1 agamst him that m > me >u to make his position m-n ; - . . Bat that .: pur. :- \, piiobe mi rage v i view .1. Wnar can 1 to c j stated in this c...!uii.n an imi . Since 192 H about Mr. 1;..i• - Graduate of Rutge.-.* 1 uili.-i - .sc. Brunswick, N J., class of mi-a ii won Pin Beta Kappa adini;.-.i .0 was a "Cap ami Skull’ . . member nt the Rote: d«-batin.-. learn: won e\ l :v u< ,'•>!, . . tic honoi hi:; urmu aity ■.-; 1 -j« - he was so great a l-. ot.bal! place, that h.s name, is iml-.e-.: w:tn 1 . Thorpes, Hostons, oi :- phant.x C»:ane. ■, etc ,|j M am Waltei Camp, or dinal. - All America selectj> m ~ n -.a ed him as one of the ,r. t: m- g; t ends. He wax - ■ : -osim ;o. ,0] PRESENTING JOE LIGGINS AND ms HONEY DRIPPERS I Recording Artists Hear His Latest Recordings: ‘ Roll ’Em’', “Spook Holiday”, “Dripper:. Blues”, “Lit tle Willie”, “Darktown Strutters Ball’" and “How Come.” HARVEST BALL MONDAY NOV. 15,1948 I RALEIGH MEMORIAL AUDITORIUM I RALEIGH, N. C. lege encies as a baseball player, all-aroun - atn.(.le.atlii n and penlattbi... -■ basketball anri a - -' a -axing dc-avy-'c, ;ht) prospect since Ray Brim- Rmv.ius ex pert, oil'--rod $30,0u0 Robeson to turn prof-■ * n. 1 ib- .s been i- >»m : d with LL.D arid LL :.y If : and Co luinbiu uii: c:. ; r.t a.- . -'.!l as bis own Rtiigetc •atn-.ei and actor, : o>‘p(-ci<'.lJ\ m tin* iattei Category in Shakes!)- nun role . h;s Dili. ■- In"' remains the theatre’. 1 ' finest; ills rendition of *W <U-r Boy loft trie ci'itii (.-i.-d : -1 few \ -nee., ' like Robr-son's are heard in less : than 100 year span.-. As a 'linguist, one who mastered el- s.e t ■ 1 > :inee leaving the school eirnpns. bj add.-: prestige to the brilli ant milld lie lias developed. Ad mired bv it he ml wiiites gnd lov ed h, most of hit cjuntiymen of ■ - -lo". Paul Robeson, has but 1 ■ ■conquer unstcmmed "whsspe: ; r .rnpaign ; hat i- c.-ntlv ha vc I gr-iwn into housetop-shouts ouittiu punjp Tn olinfs unuln , v SINS AT SAPTIST MEET HESE NOV, 3 J Tin' SLhi\‘. { ' i ; 1 . ».• fai I > C'huii' 'T - I; c f >(t bv H m - GU-Sm vUu . will j bt- ti-iiltmd at U.c w».-»•. o.Kuay JAf veuiber '.Ud t : us the Stale | Com viition 01 Noi 'ii Cu! - ! olhu* li-oHio.’ ..s Fi H-ndnhip ; Cliui eh 111 (.1,1; iv-nla. 10-c-i.ntiy !; e chon iudii (dccti./a t or to 11 amt iii-iiic'.i d tiiirti a.-a menlbois ie!., its ranks to replace .1 Miniiai- imniela lost f-.i thi’ gro;i>> I -t Vea: :;cU;ation Ol'lic- ; < ■lnclude, Jouathae. Bri-wu. t.io-.Klye. N. Y Prtsidenl; I'- - .naiis Alex :s,-iti. Hirk-.-.v vice i.Tesident. Vltuy i "ariei ! 'nikidetp: in. Pa see '..n CiUtl’i'i- Turin 1 Snow till!. e.-surer: .. tl.- - . uoi--.iT 1 N'- vvai.. N\ J ii.isijit - - Managei. New in. mt.oiinclude Evelyn Hick ,S> c'ii hi- tun, Ya l.oLivcm.i h - 1 :. - 11 Si.-: T. - 0 ! i.' as fio»U: iSimin-. N- .vac- N .1 Pauline Rai 1 el; Ho. 1. If.!: S C llub.v E o .-Nl-oskjc Nannie Yoimj- Scot ;land Neck K pie R. Hardi-',;'. N- -,v V s i an n • Walkei, A; s-ede 1,0 N .! (la Mine \YiI , oil C iiilJ.... Mae J Tun-e. fib ; ' . iVimyie White Higt: point Sybil Sn>. uc: . S’-v V'.i k N. S H.'ien Md...-Oil l.ae s Bndj-i ; ! Sivtla- . lisbury. Ner- ip,. - : Conn. Ro. Is,. i;.,,. id , . Mew York. - f -3. - t-tco 1101 h .. .. ~, is- A-'ICC M.: .-an ,\S- VVdK • in-.., Kill.-! Hum:; Ncv, ok N J O- . u Pali-.W K•. •a: s, d!o Em I *•< ilg E. 1 !> i : 1 .eY’a - c Wes . < Jo . ,;!. Peil.o -S AI ! Uijii.u; Va . i! , 1 . >rlil l .l. Aibei-..V! le. Louis Em--osli. Jackson v:i: r ... I i.-i'n-y llaljel' ! ~ C Ci hi :a Ah 1 - IS.-!! N-.H-: ! t a Sidney Ruth Ncwwk. .N J . Rciudvi Colt n. New A !•; N \ Ci 1 l -o.! <'!•'. Biooklyi \ V Si: - uel Salisbury ldiooklvn ,\ \ - lyes;.. w ** l tot: I H.l.tN November Dance Here To Feature Honey Drippers \ v pins chid hi*.- OViPli -dj »Uch vdrippf rY wlr ni ; ! i flllt i .-!! J ilt* Hi;Ui -1 \AU\x buaid •! •. - -' ■' !. 1 < : ; Aihid >i t‘*u: vH M -nci iv ni;.lit. Nu- . itaU* icij pr'Jtptnt-iift \vht*n I'iiE »'t : . • *i| “Tlic .Ht fn ydi r.‘■ •iVc; iiiii.id nuhUDh t.-t. e-viv Jitiw : 1 :I t t<‘l t: 111 S At * i.du t'd U. • ; t rt.Y l.iVt?riu- ft i oiii i.v B:i; HM.d' 1 ridtp-;i.ti iPCUid l*>\\ I : ; ' ll'.-fit thif'iiif t. 1 i Tr.:.lilt-';mod Uir tl 1 lit* lui l!.l •* iit'i’PSSi V* ■ W 6t* K f ’ bcfiuiv. :■ridden S 5 «- It- tarn*- w;»: m> ; .-equeni FAciuhvv iTtMiililiU t -bvi l.iu. iji tiiiifs have piov-dt 2 :■i l l jukf b‘ »>: coiripol il iuil t . Ihe ft. w • I;U;iOU> 'Hi'iit'Vtiripi'C!', UOiqUi 1 .styic ui *lit j Huiit.-ydrijj 1 i>t>; is -a.atlrib'Uted to From •‘W ii I la'Of'u j if bit* pKmu pi.t.vjf.i: alike that biHHsiU lew ar ■ ■ « ' - , t •;{ j! ; .pjii.l m.D D .f." ,i.,.ikt’ Joo hi" iro. arai Li'- uii • 11 • : lO.vJ . -oil “ ! ,‘u* Htdl'e ; S .U. Ue Maud m tlm Land. ’ W! D Sill f-IOSRE SIGNS CONTRAST WITH NEW AGENT “Wild Bill Moure. exeihnfc haivi ...v r.tar. vvho.-'e v.ncmal re •Ti-iii.i, *.i "Boobies'’ evirrenUy 1 h.*d tii.ifj,.-, ?!.i Trials! - played \ isYtf t ' !f. ;‘ f- .!•*>. v.CCQYC* l. L> j'.'o lit Bdlboiixd pMpulaii «y ri.i V" nj • yl l'itev 1 j«* t'xclusivt • '- • <•'.: *l. « 1 \ 1 B.• : | ill bid p o» A -.er.iv. X< S' ii. v. iUt an ex- > v < >• u: 1 ’:c; 1 1 •-• -tio i v'.i 1 1 .• sehevi -11; ;.)et‘ VV '■ ■ii (XeCti- iVe • liK f-s lOe v « ■ A H-f.c. Nt-u 5..; o is Ne^ro 1 t'.is ni o added hund-l. adets Tiny Hi soar . w and Lm- Kw-oli (~ their ia) Kliy v -van, list <>i orchestras and headline at trac-lions which in - i.'iud-. Maiania man .me* i:i- HnaS’ 1 RorVoi>- S'ini;> •I.a i at; Gone.) i lau,a.a : >u and in hand, Betti May mat ha, Swan -T- id- and other "*<»}•*’ ■ business [X :: oualitios t iw \\t n tvs host Willie Mrx.mt -right; plays host an his WHOM (New York) radio show to .1 < Heard and Artie t larV. winner «1 the e-on’est tit hrtjf Heard's w tv Apollo record iiifa Clark ‘ui,untied "OHopa” i Apollo, spelled hack wards; and walked oil' the show with (list !>nze in the huge mail ion test, I tie recording. masters whic h i were purchased tram Heard sea ! tores ,| < wish jazz musicians .hie Newman At Haig. War dell Gray unci an ail star lineups and is teeing released throughout the country by \p»!h. tv i st i nu! orn *H ! ! cTS VI'H-IVS . 4 t HI I S 15 TO 111 nv KOHi Ki • hoc. riihKin t.ITAHI.O ITi'. T.m E'igliu»g i i-jioji: ran “led ijot' to me last hail ! ant) wen a 15-Ki victory over the Aik in Camels' here at Rtehr.ui j * loci'tint te ■tort a well attend-au : : ae vd ,>i 1)00 1 ale., October “,, Tie- Winsion-rsitieii) 'Came!.-:' a resuit a! several fumbles i JZ ■ - IN I*E»SON—“KOWI Os THE Vlß'ft A H AHP”—-‘-MASTER OR THE DSCMS” *f ';=.K, LIONEL SS #**o; AT HAMPTON /. H'f~% K ENTiRTAIMM 08CK. \ l : *fy r ' WITH WINNI BKOVt 1 N — HO lANO BCKTON U rJii■ w Mie '■ H|(y ! TUESDAY KITE RALEIGH ymi n I'teiM Pr *5 RBWTtRIBK -MIT RHH|TOf A*iv. J'Hlp $1.50 i iill~W—n——M—lWr“"~" Ynv Recreation Center, Kinston, Y. €», Mon,, November Ist Rating Hot Records THE JAZZ TRAIL , ' A record, uiit now for s«mi months, that belongs in the col ■ lection of hot fan* is tht Disc 32-incher of STOMPIN' AT THE . SAVOY and BODY AND SOUL by the Charlie Ventura trio with ; sensational drumming by Kru-pa, It-, jazz for listening, with great i \ i|tuo-:it> and change of pace, and was vaxed at a concert. It’s ! said to tell which i.s more fantastic, Ventui,« tenor sax or drums . ! Ventura also leads a gioup of all- dars ttuough two contrasting ■ sides on National, if I HAD YOU, featuring lush meanderinf. on baritone say, and. EUPHOJSA, Jrictiy i>.*p nvitii Jackie and H Krai teaming on the seat vocal and a generous do.,* ..f Bill 11,. n ti ombone Count Basie revives soiui u! h;s old powc ; and. lire, * on tie Victor oT BYE BYK BABY, a last jumping blue wit h Jimmy , Hushing in good vocal form and excellent ten.;, sac and JUST A MINUTE, easy and olid .vith a it-, lit.-red lilt and go-.d ;ni, worh again by tenot and trombone , Sir Charlc.s, who plays economical piano in the Basie v. in. hops on the ivories ..n an Apollo side termed : RHYTHM ITCH It s mainly 88 and La--. Fiipover finds a potent little band handling the exotic and flavorful STRANGE HOUR i with bep overtones SWING OUT. -Jesse- Stone intends to amuse as welt as jump .Hi tells about an alarm clod, on BUNG A LING A LING and . revive •• a:i old folk ta.it on WHO'S ZAT VICTOR , Harry James has the- type ot number made to order for Juan Tizol\*. trombone in the Columbia of AB-Ml'R and Willie Smith does good alto things on this oriental fantasy Hairing is in excellent scoring of the ■ haunting SEPTEMBER SONG played with good beat ad heeling M"ti topnoleh arranging nt-lps flay McKinley get the best > out of an ordimu v tune, WHAT DID I DO, on Victor, paired with i commercial ha Had, THE MORNING GLORY ROAD. Too bad Mc- Kinley doesn't got the chance to display the hand's ability that was shown on Mop :Be G-ne Kru'pa goes fur bop on the Co lumbia of the bouiieiUj IT Si W HATCH A DO WITH WHATCHA DOT but the bettej side is the strong jumping IT'S UP TO YOIJ i with good -nappy solos and torn.l drums. Tin T* x Bena-k,. ver.-.ion ,-n Victoi ~f POINCIANA should ' Oia'.o conrideiable popular appeal The scot.ng is gt od and dy n.Uian well used. On to* rev*-: e .- a slow and soothingly played; version of IHE MAN 1 I.UV E . Herbie Fields comes out leaping j at, the Vic mi ot JOHN JOHN ami keeps jumping in. an oriental I fashion ori tin coupling. IN A PERSIAN MARKET, featuring so- ‘ ;u an i ax l.iy Fields VOCALIZING: Those sensational Ravens do it again on Na- 1 Lanai with a slowly boiling blues, BE ON YOUR MERRY WAY j Cibey get pood backing lor their hot harmony- Plattermate is the, :• di ballad. IT'S TOO SOON TO KNOW, d. iu - is . ibdued vein . 1 Lev Ricliards.;:! imd;: the Apollo pairing by Lotus Russell ave-• hich for his singing talent- He does the torch > YOU GAVE ME ji , EVERYTHING Hid LOVE and then comes back with an urban > -•luce th«- * . ~nd soft DEEP SIX BLUES . . Doris Day sings j ! the Columbia et PRE'fTY BABY and JUST IMAGINE like she | really means it Sin- has an appealing and southing} voice. Hilly Eckstine fans wdl want his National of YOU'RE MY -- ; -1 C: . : L -a .a a, l,- vioriitt-.-. >o ha- usual -L a L, -;,.p ,a,■n Jv v - ■h’ ■ L ament.o COOL BREEZE. *. .. • d in so.-,., fa : shion Thelma Cat penter has bouncing booking t,.- her fine vocal ] 1 m th. Cohunbm >t JUST YOU JUST ME. which hups and the :ii« I ieh> but 2-tili punchy ]’M A FOOT ABOUT SOMEONE. 1 .i; :yai av* ail . ::,:• : , F-■ I kicks you rna.v vvant i amusing oaiient.- > UL'.ai Go.!: ey an Cuiunhiaa. the E:n u.-: WAITING A'i *i HE IHURCH and TAKE EM TO THE DOOR. I.AIIN i K.Mi’O -Don Aifonsu.s band sounds wi - authentic ■ h* ;da>: 'a- ■ ■ a:a -a , -an National, PAPA KNOWS aid DO-- HOi LA 'Mie -m mi h.*- straight Latin rhythm but tin fir.-d ..;*-t ■' ''ola -a -a.-,- -1.0 i-ass. pi t-cjonunatbig LV-.-u Ants,. ..a" mc;- -UU.C si bulb Spanish and English. Fiipover is the kind of n welly ihmc- to th.- haunting PERHAPS PERHAPS, PERHAPS *»n Victor, that get.-i big side- . THE MATADOR, SPIRIT U.-vI.S -Debuting on Vieti.-r, the Wings Ove.- Jordan cnoir ulleis two numbers in its cultivated and somewhat refined My a- 1 lie;. ’ oo UNTIL .1 FOUND THE LORD AN] * HE Li UN - DERSTAND AND SAY WELL DONE, the latter a .-Mu by 01 we I'b-mips-m v.-dh th*> choir as background 'Trie Golden Tom-,, a ; 1 o I J la tilt. Gulden Gatti-rs, oiler two rhythmic sp,; .Lulls -sn Apollo, RIDE WITH THE LORD and MOVE OVER GABRIEL, tin. latter the bettr-i of the two STRICTLY BLUES:—The heavy cats will be playing GET YOUR FAT MAN NOW. sung by Grace Snath on National as the <o..v winds start to blow, it's lively and earthy stuff, hut so is the p; icing, WHAT’S ON THE RAH. FOR THE LIZARD Snub Mosley racks Jazz G.Huin is slow and low down on the Vietoi ot THE DEVIL BLUES the:: ups tempo on VVIIAT A GAL, featuring the A wing piano style made by famous COW Cow Davenpoi t Har monica a iso raies a hand , . Duke Henderson, a blues shouter of tin- old school, has an eyebrow lifting pair on Apollo, S. H. BLUES and H. H BLUES. Gutty and down to earth, Lucky Thompson aids in the good backing. Eddie Wilcox Is The New Leader of Lunceford Band INGRAM HEARING AGAIN POSTPONED NEW YORK (ANPi •- Rex It, warns hearing on a violation of the Mann act was again postponed when called last week before- U, S. Commission, r Cotter October 29 was set for hearings on the pto wedingH loi removing Ingram to Kansas City to answer charges there i: gram's attorney said he was trying to reach a settlement ot a salary dispute- with the Theater guild which dropped him for a leading role in a coming show. NEW YORK The lamed Jim mie Lunceford orchestra will henceforth be under the exclusive direction of Eddie Wilcox, brilliant pianist-arranger and veteran key member of the original "rhythm is our business" aggregation Following the untimeh death of the beloved Jimmie, the band had been under co-leadership of Wil cox and saxophonist Joe Thomas, who has retired from professional life 10 pursue a business career in his home town. With the recently released Co )u mbia record album of Luuce-! tordb- All-Time Hi!,-, and then in Expect Mai or Audience For • Scott Concert Residents of Raleigh and vicinity s' week aii- - xtiibitir;..; mounting s.n. i- st and enthusitc rn -e.-T (tie ■ .ming «i Han-1 Scott- lan jus pianiH and tar of moti m pictures, rudi" and tin- ion - ort .stage. eh-s t> i scliedutcd to pr.-,«- lit !'». ViU ied pi'.' ijinm d ■ : a popular •■.■lections, it-.ft original i-> s- " - p.e compo :tion Wed to -Hay night. No\ t tribe: in Ra leigh Memorial Auditorium The concert is being sponsored by the Shaw University Concert scries Sponsoring committee members heartened by retorts of tremen dously large auoiences at the art* isi’s performances on her current tour as well as by strong advance! ticket .-.ales, expect an overflow at tendance Fewer than 3,000 seats i were allotted the public. Provisions j I al.M> have been made for the Shaw . Hudeni body and faculty. Announcers on local record pro • prams have comiimntiy given Miss Scot; a big send-off and ecra> tl; 1 • opinion of critics that she i- tcr ■ rifle " Music lovers :u c purlieu tar ty intrigued with her technique of ; ’•swinging the calssics" which in volves yiv up- modern : opulai beat to (tie work'-; of the masters e ; iManni disc "Guy-Mug. zoom ing to national popularity the Eddie VViicox-Jlmrnie I.unceford ; crew will commence theis semi-an -nurd, cross country one-nignter i tour m late October, under the 'booking aegis of Gale Agency. Inc. New York. Laird'Sl APPLE BRANDY | # JL $3 70 % Quart $2 30 Liu [[Sip} Pint I IMPORTANT ANNOUNCER: "Now that the children *f* i. n K ii, school again than j* something that veu ought to be. very sure about, 1 mean the -,md of right, they have while aoipg their homework bet me assure you that it is at the u t mart i m po ttkTh-e. you gt>e jost any Kind of light won’t do if w>u want to protect your children’# moat Uiu si poa-'ccsion their eyesight. A study lw.-y that is glaring or that throws harsh ■ v, is too dim, at is wrongly placed wo) i ause eyestrain with (•(•suiting nervooa* nese and ne&daches. It can even cause per manent injury to young eyes. And, of course the children cannot do good work when handi tapped by poor light. "There 1* a quick remedy, however To day the electrical -toie- have in stock Certi fied lamps which the lighting industry has standardized as the best illumination yet de veloped sot leading and othe* close seeing tasks They pr oduce a diffused, shadow less light that is right toi eyes Your school chil dren deserve the best—particularly the test lighting. It is imporant.'' CAROL IMA POWERJt UP HI COM » A *4JJ Lincoln KAI.EIGII, NORTH CAROLINA Sunday-Ml. Oct, 1)1-Nov. 1 Dana Andrews Gene Tierney - IN - “THE IRON CURTAIN" Color Cartoon News of the World Tuesday November 2 Special Election Day Feature “THE SENATOR WAS INDISCREET” (Don't Miss This. It May Affect Your Vote) Plus Extra Musical FRED WARING TREAT Wednesday. Thur„ Nov, 3■ t THREE BIG HITS!! Hit Nc, 1 "BROTHER MARTIN” Starring Spencer Williams and All Star Colored Cast Hit NL. 2 TUBAL CAIN” CARVING “Lord’s Prayer” rid No. 3 “Judgement Book” (Night Riders of Judgement Rock!) Also Last Chapter "The Vigilante/' (Don t Miss This Show) Fiday-Saturday Nov, S-6 DOUBLE FEATURE - JOHN WAYNE “LUCKY TEXAN” And PRESTON FOSTER MELVYN DOUGLAS ‘ txr RACKETEERS” And Chapter i THE PHANTOM RIDER

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