WEEK ENDING SATURDAY OCT OR EH 80, 194.- SAINTS FACE LIVINGSTON HERE SATURDAY Beating The Gun RY ALVIN MORES WILL NATCH PACK HIS SATCHEL ' t JOi: JORDON,.. -T AK L A LOW BOW, FALCONS. MIGHTY-SOCCFR OUT? IT ROBINSON Will MAH' H7 POUNDS N. Y Ol Si tANT! - (if-1- THF KtWJ) BKH.-V. • B ■ n a star pc furmn .-■ careri in every field of ;* *vuj lead in;; up l • our .favnnlc sports. Whispering (Tunpa gn. , osy- *y t‘ tr,<-iutbing:s that < iiiana'.- from unimp', w.-hpblo soui-ee.-;. ran •• *l* lilt* • to a career quicker than anything ! can reads! j think >Vht tnej Laoy ( Satchel? Paige reman:.- .villi >: 'lr\ eland as a pitching c",i. . c’.t r f i!j" starting Ivvii'i*’: " os nml .’.Mti .i upon inmy- 'tan: i i <..1 -si < - hf.ppen on the baseball diarnc",! where rrc'.u.J; are actual 1\ cum piled, and -.i.ai; Inc: rases aiuate.i NOT A WORD FROM "SATOH" Lined up with si a teammate («eiv B« aid* • for a barest tne mg safari of the distant hint* . lands, silence is ail that errrp- nut ni 1 hf> Ohio cita ip] when; nut shortly Paige an'e the first Negra pitcher to toil in the American league and f iconic a nn'itib-’t oi a world s dainp.-> i: am. WANTED REGULAII MOUND DUTY A v 'em A. .ot.'.att JV ■' ry ; bp. . ’aik r. tl.u. man net . ’My one tegret a > 1 *< * ant tin- ID4<> < is an - that m nag*”.' Lou Boudreau di! u --l - v ft n* use mo m*> • often in .* star ting rule. While It :s tin* 1 v.* herd m lu\* 7 a a relief pitcher, I knew all sis 'vh’.ie !.■ 1, > th< on mile md proved u;> my re c ’.'d show . in the i) -, ■. ■ lie (> i•*. t•• :rd e : i. : n m. ia He i'unne ti" "■ in baseball polo- aim of lrqur.-’*; h, intended t.» make to BA Vcook. Cleveland ;>••<• cy. mi ..f baseball ■ finest executive.-* bald Sid eh: 'Next m 1 a.m ga.ng In ..-k t\v< thing.-:. An mcrea.- over rny id ala. and the eh am 1- :•>*• a "t"'g t>»t’- h-'’. • 1 that a regular turn ! can win 20 or 26 mum - in 40 d---into m. v -o-ea’led advanced years. MAYBE YOU MISSED THIS ONE Despite the üball tbun-it:; of Bu id -. Yam ;.: ~;.d Sped Km dev... during the Oet. Hi Yankee -iOV , -.muse V.-.nkiv .'dad- ..... bufehail just -.,n't la ruled c.-ls our agenda light now. ilea- is * lAKRY DOBY si.*rv w turn d ; Bob Cotuidino. wi it. r ter King te.i fure syndicate Hs.it poso.-: eme of :hc t ugg'-d c4u.ovt.tons tm. ! ci--.. op cover and again) derptte- the- handsome iuavou.m ot 10 and white.- wo king tog' the; on tin >»o;. -. and . nor norm -fi •ni •• WERE PICKED ON—PLENTY Two week.* ago tu- BA ("nnsidint* rutich npp< .a« din the N. < O. d-Ai'.er: t; ~»d liundrcds f colored ,ra: tsimm have asked ni- to reprint • : :ra via ieiter. aid jtm-t earner request's. Span* won't permit same mr all of my column " ’ ! u ! d he *. nnsumed oy this worth'- piece yth-d Jackt? Robinsrn and, Doby Mr do It T h*- Hard Way. Twe -o. -.,i it I w ; p- :.i *ut t h > -penit (he* Doby incident whicb ell might aa'.e pirncri ■' * ' Cause Celeb.- ' ■'KuUivo gene;at; n> ■' ?*.:.- ).a Iplayi *■ ■ ’ ■•' e "1 ’ tr.». pioneenpy--d Jackie U •.-••n ---n aa:;j L,.a -y If • -■ . who nm-e >:u monop.ily of bawd.idl comprehend that corns—can knos* no <;•-.»to:- Robison math: it th>- hr *:i - ' They unde: went t’-ibuk.ti os -.on nave never reaeoea print and probHbly vul n<-vc-i adequtarly. the t-'oys set arotino to -wntinu th<-i: mena-e-.* !Utt t: * ■■■ nark, -p stok absorption t>) the cruelly spent en th* in by a few to.of. white ballplayer.-;, .aid tat ■- . tin v h.ivt . nee th -.u-. .- ned- Che path s*-< much easier ;•••• C •• * who v. dl tolluv. INVADERS—-NOT A COLLI AGUE M ~ -a Cl ( an off i ,d '■ • . c .(.*•;. I, a; vf.fiturr of colored men finding upnloyr* t* a {• •••>*' eh; > n' inti' <lrm>-ri them tb, t ;tgh> •>,» . • .1, . ]!., k berg and Joe (Jord-'n vith * cist.- .tackn: Ro- ' - n. t .. ’-rst ‘o tb-x:<k t'-i: . tc.- ,r ! i mii'lr.m ci bye icagu; Kali, ".a- • r r*-<l ,t- ■:■■■< n-.i "f by a rad !.-• ••*-♦ iitr-u« cf it-- .ki-n '• arire,-p*. lb 1 or. inv im-.--, :n in* '-ear'd • id 1 !•". 11 Till u i-.-'Sh-i.g1.1. Hills v. l>|; l,"i ' '(■ ill tiidc hr made as RoKim-on. outs*and:a.g bast -runnee, found hint s< If •.-(.llidiug with olh< players. Th«*n era day Hank (.ri-enhe: ; ■'■-'u with the F: .•'< ■ - i.-hr-d into tbrnby inst. Tne impact ti'-e Ho*v, w :i!.-.h .< accideu i: kn-'rked t.:»« Neg-. -.i eniieg.m ,n! the dirt. OUICK TO APOLOGIZE 'Hank walk'd , ve,- f> fv-oinr -n. in-dp.-j him up 1 -.iked a*, e m , . rixnusiy asi.-.-.d. An \'ui 'nji-t?' Robin.- m glanced at him and : f '.i 1 < ti. lie w - 1 "i- j t'• hump. Sonief'i dy tiad r-.ud sO’irt);, '«.*vh hr kne-.c ii -*, .--..j'. ■ i*. ( : ,*.ier aftc that, ami a a H: p . you; pickefl up and i>< >. u h aid 'Sic prr.na -t !c* D...)g'-: . ,- v *>n PiTCKER. BEAT DOBY UP'!) 1 A.RRY DOP-V an. . 1 , the Indiaiw <■, ri.- in Ju .*. »FT <yri the follow 11 h* d.«v .; Civet land pit; lie . n > icngei with the teat”, pickeo a fig-ht with quiet medeM young man and •• SL.UGtdFD HIM FRF TTV BAD! V i F-c.- ... fs ;;r I>t .}, { , r C'rvtumd p v■ ■ oper.ix blast!><i him in tb. leeker room Th< ithers, by aed. large, ignored him - JOE. GORDON S GREAT STAND “But what ruos-1. i-ave b* - n an mr r. Ji : -J( thing t» him hap pened on hi* fourth day . ;th ‘he t< .>0 , J,>r Oordon. ex Yankee kc y store-- raised h: - vni -. a 1! • !i ke re , rul mad. hiniSclf 1 spe e; h Said (.»••; riat : *T resented nu: newest tc-ammatc a; much as any fcl’ •*; i this : vra, I put th< r.i,.-; -,n him \vi'...-.iit going : t ft '- tivubii ■ 1 gettmu't t.kn >\v dor Ikr- *\ i/n n ,<* and i want I- 1 say this: If anybody on the chib picks on aim or makes thing* tough for him or tries to fight him, well, whoever Lie. anything like that has gut to fight me first.' ‘‘Gordon had t-wo fights in Larry Doby's name aft, that .sp:?<*e:u He became Doby’s biggest booster.• and out of their friendship hav ■ come many good things for the boy. So that when this writer al ludes to- the intangible (if y-nu wild black man's burden, just don't yot laugh, taiOt.hi.s-. don't pooh-poi.-h it off in bookish and eru dite manner, lntcrrfici.il history thru sport;;.- ib* 3 great k-veler, is ■being written right visa - veu noses All you hav, du do is get out and v.-oi k at it a while to get the mil significance in the uv, all picture Little Blues Defeat Rocky Mount By Narrow Margin The undefeated Little Blues u! Ttie onlv touchdown 1 the Washing;on ‘High School hod :: ; : , r:K . t . it t;-.e'lat- in tb.- icnulh ejue:- fh.Kf c:«J] Inst Im id iy F.mhi jp«- -.hr Gittlc Blue had C.j’etYt' in . i;- " i;' » c C r?r»d m advancing th<* ball to ? t ; eu.n minded Bookrr T. R* v.s-0,.,- i v.rd hue Tne ;my ’"‘ n Hii"- ei. *"• -n. Reek.- t , a p, uv was ~ h ne buck ny Tir.imas Mount Washington Hixli a 01; h.s a Thorje d:ivii.« fidlhuck. siias .--core of 6 to 0. j 1 Coach Burnette's Rnt-kv Monet !n Ihe tloi-ing moments of r;v c .] n )., nurplaved the iavored Blues: u.-in*', a pass was completed by too 1 m 0,.. of the t , ame but lacked the visitor.'; on the local s S yard line., „.. r> SCl , llu: „unch B-,t,; Fu .W. Judge Stroud signaled fi teams missed w.vcrul o-oriny oppo: touchdown, -apparently mistaking; , , the 5 for the end zone us i.n,- were standing in the end -/.one. HBWtu.-; j Lithe Blues Quarterback Ob it was later found that the Rock.. ! Wail mis>?d last week's game coi«- Mnimt iv* :,. (rid be,-ti :.-.ci:leu ..n . iilcif.*, btil wa. »;.|i.i>.*!y vcpln. -.<l the :> sis he K-lov'Pd down. . re. Thomas .Terie<v, HILLSIDE WINS OVER HIGHLAND; STILL UNBEATEN ItV sot Till-TIN Pit I "> AHil.lT!' PARK Du; I '.m i i|.- Hi P Vi. ITO I IT;. ■ "V: tn o 1' ■ ; ' ({.«•- .I,* ■ ( 1 A' ('Kb l ' J ’ill ,t 1 ■ • tj Vl(’'■ 1 *: A' 1 ! v(' i 1 IU: I{ l’ h ia.' ;M I -., 1 if V- - ..... M. Lodi. Vy.ai'S CjttliO (.'n,,iru.i ■. to vvr.Ue {inis 111 n .1 !> i.-’. Tl. 1 neconung. I’lnying In-for* an estimated ...000 j-.0-ti -ii crowd. Uir Hvo teams off io fly log stiirts scoring early >ll ; 1 " a.iiu*' anri ci*. iii ; the fan: In- j)>-i ;c> * 1 la ' iu ..■ au» v," a 1 hr a wide .'pro -coi mg affair. Jw Thoii'ivon, Ram fullback, sp.irkr-d a 57 yard Oriva down the field and culiTunah-J it with a one foot .rna- v : ■'a - the Oaaad-' .m a i oariy in Hie irutinl ni'i'ii'd so! 1. wliu: Ha R.ioi Kick ..ft ■ H'-i ni :• ’*■!;■ ■.; i . i lin.'iui'-h 1i •" 1 1 uitti’ \V fin-, JiOii! Hoi n - halfback i ! cut oil !i• - <nvn ligii! *"!c!r and ■ peel acre:, the goal :: 1 • ; r i out The in a ;■, a. of victv-i . ‘ faolished hv Ucih'-r! Coi'M.;-; f"t Hi';', do v. he kicked tin ext:., -*1 ‘ * - '' <■ i iiil- i-:;i touchci a. r H’H id*: thiv.'lciied again i: . c end qunv-it a dr \i- a!) th*- -• a . tn t :> Ram.- , *.* in-.. at th.it I"'i a- !'■ v.iOai.fi n red n Ho.- nv 1 1 -: 1 1 ; >- .aid i i.dod : i-.e JJii)*. *•<• ’•hrci't 1:. tin.' early .-takes <*! the • ’bird t(,i lor Hi;;hi;;*:ci recevi c •:*" ;, *< • iliilsuic fiunbk on the dorm--' -t;.< i*:;l - I '., Ram nuack v..- * ' .p d ■- It ■! recovered Highkoid fmnbii *,. the J 3, A,, ..: m t* o waii.in mroidf;* of t.hr game i a- ‘:ii"' rood: c: a pi-or Ram ..iv-,. Hill'iiii -ed a .ii.-\ \ held from i>!o Ram :-ik. The H*.-r ne ! t '.vci-o ioii.'ii u* I.* field fr in the 19 whic! v, * blntKcd MAT ST. V) IRKIOHs. UIUhTOS Hll.il in <;rii> b\ttli; HN \\ Ail \ W TI ui-.*day iught : a d W* : She.'! 'Va; ; . us .he New B< ri -top; iila a 'truitg and defrrmtn:-*i Wlh* "Oil iiuill Stji.aui 'f WillTli. .; ill. by .1 7-7 lTbi-. t - *l; i - n. . ■ hill the W.*: r.v'i ■ have ben, to Do VVijinhudo!, lor !iio pa , Tl'< io ijU a ;,- ' was marked by *'!*;" *. M r.Oi;.< o. ..;ek.. hv Ha ve.. •.I'll Basic* l.i IS: \ c--. \VtUl:.i*.M Ji.,o; (V'l .Ht ita ii-i;. iso died th* fan -.via. . hr K.ck*'d j"*it tu 20 y.iiii ,iuc to tb,- War, a-: - ; : 2 v.o ! i• , ; . tiic tosig ;•! 11. i 0 ~f I In* : 11., I II t'a'i; .. js j i»s.-*k, Iciig nil • N-. 1). i-e goat ji-vi.-i.oiTt, :*j *. and H C's m.i’ri were aoie i :oi> ijo ;o, NVlint.i;;:; n r« .... . .ay* ..ini ri ;0.-. ; ... or si i. di i! i. -e*o i. V.. k> uOed 0-0. vVllij,.i|-g!'.i)i oidyia;**'d the i." t■* :ic <i i i-, a, .-tU's-eSMve pi ay , Ml. pipe pldc 111 I.jlf it)' inooo .! t i'v .... 1 iii V, t,I .V ( O I|j W . , ,*aU ,1, :<I YV Jij J• t: ;«.*. g no iv : ,i i , I! New 1 Fit. I‘ti'ived I>.*> t*,>J] on die*'r iw -aid i • a'td kr:.-t j.-• ■ ■ -t’-'ii unt I the uoo.rU.-v tudoi: 'hortiy aim im *.f th'- f< still pi.lo-t ft. rn 11;, i ■V. illlv , U,. o.S.J , iMin imU :■, , ; iJfi-nc is; higi ,-iont ;a.d is-fascd io SI, Pin n - . ':n ..*■■' l van din * coi,i,ci.-'i.ti v.II (aor/m with a ji.-.n-s anil Lroup.i vvvm over standing Ly side stepsong and ae taii’ishm oi Tay-iOi. Jone* try Jo. tin- . xir* jnunt wt xooci and M:.,: -i-oi-r -a.v* •.■a v-, lilt' tinai uvnuii's o! tiu.- g., i-:sumi !he Nt v, tier:, cieven threai esiing but the lime cjock ran ~j belt>re any ri.-.mmy could ... doni.. Gatsl;-iriing player* 1 ; Wi!- mnii’ton Murphy f-’aimev. E'-ykn-.-. W. Croroittu.. Hayes, am ne Ouhsiaridfiir fo-’ N ; \i Leri. fi. . Croum, E. Jones. Cr.ictn I Rul sc. D Wcod.-x C S ••»',. (, Hid S. We.-.t and J. Simmoi SHAW WINS 20-8 IN HOMECOMING GRID!RON T’LT The Shaw C -sir-in -a; IVn.s trav • elec! to Wushiriktou 'his -,vceu when the y wifj ir.i->et tin* Ihova.-d Univci-sP:.- Bison;* Saturday r.t 2 ... Brook. S: The •,i al! mark tti-i {.et-ond limi the Bdir.* ti-.ve b- or, guests io 'he Howard eleven mi Hcmecominj! in rcceist in »I-..- :.04i; i.ntO't n '* .e d a.-.* ed out Shi.v. hv .. two ii/u*.-hil,-»wi‘ ir.iiv.in When the two ie..n. * inr-t in Rahuch h.:-i u-, . -iii- Be knocked Bis*.ns from the un defeated by heaps-.g tne Wnthing . mt- elm Co by a score of 2? to 14 Coac h .-'Bi'ctu;*'' Wilsr.'riYi c-Dd • . de-,: who have shown great power in then last two conti are Dop ing i.* cots-,*■ tJiri'Ußh will; thru [ fourth victory of tit*. scAMi.ti, SBS*S&S;>u4SF 7 . ' ' i ir £i ' a' I- * - J ii* ~'-f ' ' --- “ S; « * '■.■■■■ y *•. ■ ''*• ' ■. - y 5 • - ‘ - •- ' • V ’ T ( • .' ’ "H \\V> if I l.i \MV CD'S Oi ! DNIN i .". i!h<* /.rbr., Bella my Stv.iv right hal/a.nt; frion ill; >!■!:'- <).t;: \ . Hi* | -1 er. sic las silts- t *nt!.. I split ;■ :i • . p vas l iken If*, liaitiy- mis one !>! illr sisasn nip, in Ska'.. JO *> vi* 1 ;>r* a-, er si;■ >! ,>, is J.vo.vn 'i o! vei-iiu's s ibirdai .lilrnu* a. ( **i in; arc liar.tec Hll'lesi '• .;*' t i. .trim iPussvi WUis.uos. Stun ii; ami R. MchiniH’. i\l,ii!.> t’sowii. t; LINCOLN U9NS IN »12 UPSET WIN OVER BEARS BAi TJMORK. Md. A bAM-A .i.ij■r s•] o r y.u: c k o f I ’?i •-*o j; • l,\ori i • - ‘ ■ dud ; - tuTUDiy ;J f U'te Mm ; S)r •i.YMi.ii, >v;t . r-L;! > i!r'J \ . they hl'Hiktrd til'- Bears ?ft ping 1 jUi-'!:,d-:. \> Ik: aclt>r j H*•;?**-! s L.-:i v.-re«-;-end, rar- t'Yu 01l j, i < |■) i . L.; , - . .-. , - V ; ~,' ?'j rir,.'*, 1-: ; , \\ . -* ■ : '-.a; j ..1; ri f .1 ] ■ *■ A•• r ' *: • 11 T - ■ / 1 gent's swi :'an ove:* far l. I'Ofii-': c.tif • ■ a \! i* i lUf f IV: ! f * i . » ,*i ~. _ . - U* pa: '.fJer \a m V aed ! v BbMo ('Y-.p:;Y; ] f. OH’ ‘:t \ 1 I«>: ;>/) Yf ~:, frai-de p V .< go’v «l * !t Vireoib • T\mb d yard-s ;?« * pu«.’ • so : 1*:« And JVlonz«Ul h*B»f ■'* « jV'(‘i «i i 57 ■ aid -i t • ’ll. ales . ' *V.I . V'. Y'y.t And M: rsj.a: lunzbied V 4 :tme.s and r. ix\Qv\k'E HOVIK( OMfAG iAW. WITH MMiW srvn. GRLKNKBORO A debyrmiot ; baud f-ghuos* A .gifs will take the iu-:*: Sfltso dav afleria-on v* the Ni.itl) Carotin?: A and T (*.*.»- i<...- pi idrli-i-s rr.ec-t the Morgfir*! S-.iir CoLofir R,-.-.: • .*• th* nn--.uat! ■ l!---niccoroii*i; ce.ss.c ah < ve«t that ' •s. .. f’.-cl to .tit. ;.c a ;*. •* <1 II x. •>•*.' of lO.OitO. • The co,iU.'it v. l. ch i-o_hJi..-his .. . w.-i-k •• ■id of hor.iocpoita •: >c ;viti< <, *eii; br pj.a’.'CO a. .\iif : oiiu) >!.:U' 't-.n. i • r-et ~: ■ j.- pp a-.;fi ■l' M Coacii Wiiiiam Bell. ; -t;,-u . t -tisuppointed tee showing of ire» Ageic; in. their --ownf-Jl la Sltaw I ’-in *.'it,-.- Jar..; Sat’. . ;. y . veil: fs: 'in.bly M.l' ;. up t'U ■in, up ui. the *ll ■n.i.p ii ian! ;vh-> Both i.catp.. wiij hi ruMlinj, t,> . .-to a ' liter Sbc*c iieims r- - i ik'd :n a V'T; h .;t;iTtflsfi‘i last s:ca .u.*a .juo oi the leading conf< . * -a. ci. battles. Oor.c'r Bell ; pjinu.'::; hi- t:;si h'.pc. va rCiu.r.iiiu: i; ' diair: ianshap race or: (he shoukh *f. ! *..' such aiggrcss'ivi- Daci-.;-, .... tVii’.af Kc-i.v. ibO-piau'i.t buck fi'avi Media. V*a ; i.,i>on;,: a l!a- .' -w. a tricky hr *<u. ticid ,-nrii.or f- oin Spt *:■•«• ti-id, Ohio. Altai*' ’Garrison. ;■ iripa: threai Jurunv from C.ov nn. Ohio, and I' H. 'Suai< aa .1 Jackson 210- j pound driving tudn <•: Irotn Allc * town, pa THE C-VfjnLTHIAH BOOM INDIANS’ FARM ROOKIE FOR BIG TIME CLEVI'.'LAND • ANP: On - . ing tn* mck sue) iWtek Aniericai'. * ji ,! 1 110 p'-miiint FciHC—■ • iTn.)St o.t > n’•' .?( ;'bi:d );i :■* t>s- it in ;i tii.: luippn'ii ir.gs tn*. big time circl'd,- . . . that IK.-gli ( IfO I -. ry ail ! ;V.' 1 atd o.ati-1 int'cniatain ic-gardiny that w;j '.v- Ci- vchinu Indians : fri-.'itrc.l Icrguf’) club. Tht ■ .-ei ! . Pucrt ; !\ '» 'ri i'i - !Nf ;■ (■»*'' v; tp \ c ( jjj <fj ) 1 tin ■ ' 5/k CnL-: d thereaxlci’: \nr rrr:>oi'ls XVt . lYOM'jy.].. . . . Irjt ‘ r*Ti-l i S'A C"’ ./! Hit }. Spark I’iuu FRIEND’S FORECAST BORNE OUT BY DOBY ;■*< (l UtMa f' j * . : - ; . i S i • ;■*;-•’ rt I. -J ,I; V awrHh.u! ; stl , i S u W n ’ - - * jlh Yk h-it . i l ! I : ;)4 *.H * {' \{ j,',i' j • 1j f .. «L. > ■ i. 4 C - V ;• • : I ' • ors. }Y«.oy . . j: ;v\ *• rMt>';] MSi?%• •'i h tt*Df?AT : • tin \ T-.h. * ■ • d {'-■ br Ihe * . h -7 DT as i .H‘tk IfriiD <«t Aeyi't , o*istS> Ii! n«.‘CUit(Hiit.'o AI£MPriCDIO j -ty!-, nn : - V ;.i *• iiv .• a* ‘ Key C’nmpr .*:»;• li.t T- -i, v N cunui'C- ! | Ho{ t! OYi . I 'V; f <l Ft l - S *• V Hlf .HH. t,‘. iUj;:! imjwitled oi t ’«-• raH: Dob;. 'd• -•- bkt ly v ouid ; 2(.'. nioriß wph ata t- ■,WM(re»ijv->*'»io/>«v ) a, ■ . mmtearjjumn^-'TWgi-« t. nmiummci;aa—imr»i«—ww»i'ir««»iiiiiWMi*w»im» Annual' HOMECOMING' Ciassic! FOOTBALL : A. and T. AGGIES | VS Morgan State College SATURDAY OCT. 30 Greensboro Stadium Gales Open 12:30 P. M. Kickoff 2 .30 GEN. ADM. $2.00 Tax Included SFUDENTS (With identification ) $1.25 i!i,,r scuulr, whi' i ccimtly - .•: nt .*: .*: . t ,■..•* oi M: it. ix a mat tor <>f rvcoru now •h.it ;k- better than - : >!> i f t:s* . ‘ weeks '■ the C>’iit.;*! loaglll- hiOhOiX. And. it you fhmK that is a h-. - ;:j k biitlci itu; ;iv«*i yvliat o i - j t,about lhi.V‘~- !;i ihr- v-v; pia . -,.{f soil* in v. aich Davti. x/cn the ohampiunvitup, Minos. ;atti . 1 .51 t BF! Kihofoi', th, s;i:nv' seoiP in: i-tanip ui approval *>; i - Dobv —when Lf*rry wa: vi!, -■wit ii thr Nowark Lassie-'- say. : hat : --Minas:* is hotter th;U ~<n\ *-1 ■:; 1 iuMPhian in ti> majo ;... •• i, Ki ■ for .!i,• jm ,-s tea Mi lose, saoied iron: lurt <>aso D.r.r- Mitch, ii. 'i‘*i su'.yaLnut!Mt< utti-s>< nt. Khh-tV; a -*'i :■ ;• I lh.,t '.>P. {lire;* *x'C,-)---on pa-'- ,v fust base -*■ y,- •:: .; ! i t-r .' I - .vni'l' Liki Ril Vai- -:... ■ -:- - si : ring t< is. Vi- i-v<.’-. v iimn ■- regaa!loss '•> . ; ,■]■■■ ■ I-:..' I -., ;1 is : safe I*! ‘o aa' a, - ■h: s >v umi'ing v { ,. v ■X ii! -..pmai t I th, Ciiyv nb.nd Tn • * . . : n : —,, ..... ~ ~ \ . : , Thai as :t.| a - j ~ .!;)•;. -I-/ whets Don \l.*.-:.-.-: riy flic C’evekmd ti d.;xi! \s 1 . ~! till-* 4f; '-v'lrld . a : ; :r_ .. a.,?:: arc, ;j,HI, 1 a.f view, >.*■ h,. *■ ■ti !-■■• rmaa Ha mia- U, thi ,■ ■ •• • . from -. ■ ia- ■ I " a.l Li •. . *!:•: h'.-ii.(Tor -• i f: *■'■ and Itif'i SCCUU i. »-1 svi ip* Hisn.'i'* sli.iiv .\Jfirris Brn-.vn it U \.; S ate ..ip -1 ysi. Id X I ' stall ;, *, v.i t in**r) Q in .'(it, Salens )? Ociawarr »! it- 7 a: :1 - * I l Smith ! " \a state 1 liamptim 0 \\ ill **: ton e Jti i eim '■i.iip 1 K >;>< *dt) i i 'War" ir; i J Hit .fi s' ilfKli s Viasji’ii; *ni tilth. Kairigti ?■ !’. •>!.; : t. .ishinttm) Rocky tMojiSll 0 IFMside. Uurtsnm 7. HijhJ.mil. tiasUit)):, i> > 41H11.1M IX I»Ri l'lt TIONS (OCTOBER IO: sls.n* i 'I. ti n arc" 7 \ f s:,;te :JO. T* mi sub- It sn.ilh 7 Wmslon s.iiirn l> S's Am; St. I.ivinied one ti \;i S !7, I'nion 0 i Delaware St Paul k Malg.U, Slaic 1 *. Hid T. Ii Hampton It. Lincoln 7 St Aug. . Horses To Battle Bears From Salisbury *S.mu. iUpv, OetuhiT TO. il.:»nH.‘- t-ominj! Dav at S Augustine's i Culiv gt'. The out. tun. ii rig event;-. : of t?'.*.’ day it* the u 1 • f sports lans „L course will tho footbab contest b. tvaeen the Saint and Livingstone Collegt, to be played in eh,;*vis Park at 2 p.m„ .m i many uiumni are exp, cted ft li the event. Other ervnts */!' the llanucorr.- me week-end inHudf;' u piano roeital by Leonid Hambro. ot tne faculty -'f the JuUliard Scii'.xd o'. Must-.. New York, in Tavlor Hall. ■ Friday at o p.m. and a. cot'fee i hour at the Nurseis' Horne of St. A.-oy-.. Hwpita! at 9:30 for faeui- ; ty alumrii and friends. Ttu- c.utk- will hr’ preceded by’ the Ho/necoming Day parad:- ; which will leave dhe campus at 12 ii; :>n and piv.eeed to Chav: Park hv the foilsywirtg route: Ta; I,;'-:-*: :s' Hargett. Hargett ' ■ Bicunt. Bmant 1 - S m'h Pe, . 1 Eagles Down Panthers DURHAM Car! Gnlhreclh Mb c; \ \ • U-; : ’ i fallback -cori'd IWo it a . hdn-.*. is - each ' .: (: K- ! I*:I- airs * s'at.uii ■ at! ; 'i.io a,. Hi .-it' <--• *i>t;:- . .i’ : \<u-th ( I jliua C - * . is . - » Vi • Ibu.,;; t ni' • i .-a'. Bill Mui !’.- <••.. AIM'iAA :- ’ Ad \ c • ■ 'printed lit! y .nds la a fifth ’ B i ..ml .1’..,-. Lvncl)(.>r;:cr -ic'd*.d tv *(;•?■ Vl . { j- J. , l-< fvjy, j-.t* * :fm extra point.,. Tr. - \(V '■ a:'Ciata-,V‘i * r:.o :he ic-.’.ri! . ! inH'rccyted ca-sc.- ir.urhci' was n: t:- e-: a iT-cc-i’:-- 1 , f-. ;ra "* ~ id ; he sla:. c- *’. * ‘ a ! !•-..• «,fih aoaUl. i ; V. . ~*. lire . I. Died. Htghiigi-a .-.J the i:c.::;d p.ra.d *.va -be !■■..- of M < ’ ( Y'iU .- J ■ <■;■'.<_■ Tui-rm-- :::.*! ri::.; f peny :Bh-w:, tvhosr tw kept l'nine f«to -a Ti- ■ Vis-pub: a t.';*.*; "A " , s 'til! a lb-i IjV.'H iiort l! *ll'V Wi, - - t V sf.-ocil 0i,.,: tc: r.-u- -,v.: - lie ms femhled in -Tscpi to. l;.k< :. haiHidlf. 11 Vas lit re th;,* fjonnie Starr -'. ru-a ijy, • the*r way tr> ilv. n fn'F? ; 11. y uy < 'th- *v ,1 in the ec-wiy';- 58 Two |-!av- :a!e- Gaihreath • c l e.s -a, tap II an U: a-••• i'v "ne I ■-.*! ii Li - ov*. tiocL-! * iE'(| svh'.' P'.’iii'd >;• • !i f: '• : i )[) L* C"ir! «3ICT I n C : i;U :A; 2. • -• \ Him- M-.G’.rl' aad « o?;v . Ni! -i aft -Mfo plac • . ■•<{ ihe bsG '•<. Gt.T.»n-’ r*m? .;%» ? : -i> !'.'■ t\d f ;f a» tfjis pyt\\i .Toncfi! * * f h* I,IIV to -<• ) V f•" !:• :• ].:< i. , tfj fte.iTP JiJat'.Ctt'K-TG f • *>' ttv- -\ : I ft. a c C 7-f* *il':» | t.jßeberjKuT .it,if V;pu d :*. hi ■: ■ l 1 ft urn the 101 l :u Uw wnn my. ] . - >»ui- i : lh<D fi y tai l l j ■ Tli< , isitin;- Pa- .he* - ■*'.•>■ re at i ’ ies---.ptin,' th-.-ii i-et'-id May u-.-uij 'v.-rimma-i tor Ih, >• eoi-.d ,:nf 1 uhti. Guibri-ani iatrrier sed j-a : BLUES TO MEET H!LLS!OE HIGH 'fee tii;d, I.'-derl ura.sed !. Blur- of Washin.cm*: Hush a ~*-:I! meet HlMsifie Hi:: 1 Sr;; ..! L'urtiam, who lias a.-; undrf. nud c.-u! ci I'a. i* a> rir,' . Lari, fiiui *• y -.ug'd ai 8 Both teams .ire expeete-j bo ic. ! top form for Irds ,vrek's eonU-t.' ; and will play o" even 1- rrus ’ Tiie v. ii; cor.ia long rivalry, ard each eliita will 'hr ..nxi-.’.u . to lick the other The 1..h --: Ur Blues won lari year s g'lime in Durham. i N.C. COLLEGE EAGLES VS J.C. SMITH BULLS SATURDAY NOV. 6 O’KELLY FIELD * 2 P. M. ADMISSION 1.50 PAGE SEVEN Dm mg interim:, .mn bn fs\ .'Oil haiv.:.: Mlohi ,'j i . A l/ti US FINE'S vvtli hi iiuwmid by President Hamid L. Trigs. Selee ted by tli.. i.i'idi. ill- f.-.r this honor was iktly Ann Gm akl, juni tr.-01. Fay .•'ttcville. It r two attendant;-, aiv Jimc hi’n\ . . .wwor, oi Ox , ford, and Siiirii.s' Deane, senior, of Ports it*-, v i!. h, Va. i'ev. MatUv w A Jnner, of the? class nf PH 7 s' V! in gue.-t ;ai e.. hi 1 : at ,;t.if ml i hapei se) ■ ivies':: a! i 1:'’0 ~ir: Sunday. The •• Rev. Mi. d-'.ne i: ehapinm at Vowm ••• Junior ('•-■Urge, Pen j mark. S C The choir will hi Vi,' iei tli; direetiort ' l l Pr >F Then i {lore f Mavn. H miTominn tV-d• s - !tl.-: we mu ■do: t:u suptivii'-p ~i a rya ff • i !; * uci ,.. ;t V • hvadvd b 1 -pi ;•< lOP'li • lAncin::i:.i:v kc<l for I h*i f-oioA 1 1 . :, ih( filial b_T VVi'PO htt : pini'-v if \ar »< fv,-. r-j fr.r an Bn.- pu V-- and uarnot l it i •: ‘.ho -’I. 4 f ■ fir. i ' .v'd s\r;pc. Af'V' tfp'tii! :U Pi.'^’klnD ■ • - ppviiir f ... .f* K- f n-i\iy slip •;.»•■! i irr. fp j. LmebnttCvr kicE U?y iht" eWra |Khn!. In fry • ord^® |||f | * £ £ R (Bt at its * * -f f and Bottled by The NahoeV ’bewifjf IT Co. of Bnliimoi'r io Moryla^d OlßTKllsli;tei> by SIS SCHftFEif & SOI UISTKIBI TOR 221 S lIARRIYOTO.V S'l PHONK 2-1569

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