IV wy m mm m WWfK F f f» m Negro ¥m& M §.# Assure HT Victory pfe:.!i '* • -V . ' y® kM-M'K- V ' . : fP 4 4. K§k **'•*,■. ■ *,, **** Karl Warren, Republican candidate for vice president in • the election, November 2. # GOP Members Place Minister Under Fire For Endorsing Truman Rally New Yu':'!: :ANP) Charged ) ” ith having n sect posit tomi.* m ■■ s fluenec to throttle an endorse* mcnt by the organization a ( Harry S. Truman rally to twt , staged :«! Ha: k*m’s Golden Gala ballroom Oct. 2tiih, R»-v. A. John son, president of the Intt-, denom inational Ministers alliance, was • j the r! !:iU,r ent ic a> o: j *. •■ Repo; ho an members of toe * Rinnce this. \* *-ek. A motion wa.: ( carried hr aye and nay vote in a Viv o’, ioeronig ’ th' a. Ranee " to support aml eneiorse th: up- : of Pi >■ idon; 'I run,. : at j tin: X-o. iT; r.tf.t t.ji!:o ot 'daled | !n. Os!. 2ft. Leading tlio dissent against the endorsement - the Rev. Robert H Thc-mpsoi:, noted evangel,oh : ■who •.•lain.-- that Republican roesvt* bers of the alliance and many others who aie supporting Re publican candidates were net giv *-n a char«:< to express them selves iluiing tin- p;ocess ot 'r< motion. lie j.-. sup-po ted m this i . :'i ’■ eti! iUu v !*' i V Mi! 0: \* RLke ' They ■ riiat since pvfc.yfiiv has been released that the ujlfani has endorsed this rally, if' wjuid appear t, * a- public that, ail mew t,c;s i tin gat action voted thus. "We aunt to make it clear, lie said, the intent and pur pea .-, of tilts organization are m jeopardy t.1.-.i As .nfUifricc in the eommunit v stands indicted be lore‘the eyes -t the public to: this cheap gesture el political 1 Dandili y Tin re a: e win.' -. us in tin alliance who have th< cour *.g< of iMitviction to not mislead ou: taliewer- just for the sake : of cite.ip political )»mp. The main bene of contention I is that each minister has the right | to etidoise ary candidate or po-j litktal faction, but the majority j t t;.e ojgtmizati-an cannot eon* t .sol the politcal albjgnment of all ! the merelw rs According to the .- eerc-t* ,v, the Rev p. J Bailey, j less than half of the total mem* Powell Mum, Harlem Still Expect ed to Back Truman NEW YORK (ANP) Here in Harlem the politlcans were pre parin'; thj.- week for next Tm- 1 day - Truman-Dewey decision ; And Adam Clayton Powell, Jr >( i who until last week end had not! made & ..aigle public appeanmee ns i rehali of in- own rceloef ion. wa. ! the biggest mystery 01 the cam- j Paiges, Few oh E-rvera bchov*- that Gov ' Thomas E Dewey or any of the ! local Republican candidates wilt carry this vast community of 115.- ! 000 Negro vole:;, so natumUy every• j one was guessing r.bom Congress- j mai Powell I’h.n ms;. mind confuting but | those on the scene have gone i through ihi- before and there'- nothing strange about the Demo crats of Tammany hall whin in;’, an election 1. HA i> t'Rs CONTI DIN! So confident :re leaden; like Herbert L Bruce, national directoi of the Truman I'm President Na tional crusade, .thd Deputy Com wissJoncr of Housing and Build-, mp,- J. Raymond Junes, that merry . oi then aides, have started talking about next year’s primary election in which most Democratic party; leaders in Manhattan will ask the voters to elect them again More than 1.000 canvassers, rep resenting ihe Jocai Democratic ma chine. began checking the voters on a person-to-person basis this weak and, ns their reports were returned i bership was present at the voUw on the enrioi -ament moion. A u-smution to repeal th:- t-n derscrntni is being drawn i o presentation at the next me'etm* at the alliance. CONGREGATION SEEKS OUSTER Os GA, MINISTER s.-W.f.VN'tll e. i. ACT- ’J hr {t.isluir el l'hankt-ul Baptist Church is certainty guilty t>i “conduct unbecoming a minis ter oi tin gospel," according to charges (interred hy church of t»< <al» m Judge Stas id s At kinson's superiat- court here last w eek Ih. r.r.s and trustees had tiled -nil against ihe R, v. sl Aiuji i ~ui. seekisig bis ouster Iron! (he jiuipi. on eight char;-is !h«*e ihargCs,: h«iv> drink ing, advocating (he return of lottery and organized gambling, threatening to cut bis wife’s hroat with .* bub her knife making improper proposals to women nmutters "1 the congre gallon, drinking heavily in night t lulls with women, at tempting surreptitious*!’* to have ;he church building deed ed over -ii him. blocking j law lid i lection to have him ousted a-- pastor and threatening to till "lull ot lead" one of the pe titioners The judge ordered Rev An derson to refrain from inter* iet ing vri h the < hureh or ci eas ing any physical disturbance or destroy iug :mj of the church property. A hearing for a pre liminary injunction was held Friday. ,<•> ihc ir respective club-houses, it I wa; fairly clear that so far as Har per,-i is emu-erned. President Tru ! man will get uptown Manhattan's votes. The my.-tery of it. all, it it can be called ih.,l, i* the fact that Tru min 11., yuin.; to reei-'.ve iremendous i: upp<<: 1 cv<n thonen Rep Powell | has not *iif hand t, help | him l-owiil, in- friends say. is siiil | peeved over that incident involv ;i! 'y hi* wife, Ha/el Scott, and Mrs. 1 Truman. Ho ha.- therefore sulked, iso far i.s the President's pod mg j boot': interests are ruiiceiried. but i 'lira - c*‘;, u iil3 It*, uol intent erred | with ii,-. ciu id* In behaif of Trie man. NO DAWSON AIB Brno*-,' .Toni'* und all ol the Har lem Tainiii.iiiv Iciders except C Mot 1 shaver-.. 1:m their ci.-tnpaign ’vilbcu!. in *- okay of Chicago: ConPi-esr.rna:! Hill Dae sen; claiming ih.ii the i.outtt d-cle politiCiil lead er did not know tin- ] ohtical way.-. at Harlem and would do more harm than good, if he injected himself into their program. Their 1 Bruce and Jones) guess 'is that President Truman will re ceive 130.000 of the city's 185,000 Negro vote: and that every Dem ocratic candidate in Harlem will be returnee,' to office with he cxeep tion ol Assemblyman William T Andrew.- who was dr-feated in the Continued on page a, 2nd Section SECOND SECTION The. Carolinian WLF.K ENDING SAPURDAY, (K TOBER MO, 1948 Urge Steps To Block Ku Klux Activity In Ga. NEW FORK <ANP) Warning, C 1 - ! ’ the Ku K!ux K!an i planning[ a new series <>i terroristic activities : t in the south, tT,* M .n-Seclaticin Ac, : v ti .V:i/.i league urged Georgia Gov, i; M K Thompson and the mayors ■ f two c»U>.-. to "take appropriate' C c: luvii liui is in time." .! : v lie..-r,an lalniiidye Movernor nur cjii- of fieeigia. v.-as a!s:< cali- j '■'J on ie-day by the league to pub- '•,, ■ c - i\ pudiate two Kit Kiux Klan y ; 'vi' . i.t», which have been : died , >*•*'•) ,0 i the iiv.iivcij purpose of - ci- bn c;ip; hi?" HecKon?. as ; ,-c-.it , i lo; iiite supii-mar.-y I n. . ■CI :, C K IS!: i!'. !ll: a.’ J , | l il.:.e he-i tc a • 'at biit-tiiiits. c--;r,p)c;e with | 1 '■ ' ’ *t V idj I! ,i I'i, Ov K : bc ' ■-■ • : i ,;:- iVi.M i,t ■-: , ■,.■ i i*,ui / • '-n i>• cCU.br; ' if ague* i- vfs.lt.-tf i r,i It-j-aif said it was .■. m, oasi.- of ii-y/nt- from I to-' >•' • Vs i,Si-!;!s V. th! pc:.. I t:-., c .i she - .•ir! ineeting of .*%t!;.-1- .. K:0 Vi.- j ; he pro-,d (t • ver -.v ’•■it'anti Dragi-n Samuel Gsccu M, n diy night . Rei'.itidiii-: Tain.add** «f his. re i.- o.! disclaimer of Klan member- r t-n.j, over a national radio hook-up. ‘ , t ft*- Anti-Nazi league* .iskcci hint to di.-'avbw the Klan mct-Ungs, which : u .-uuj, “r-ait only btit.f noloricfy 1 .to y.-ur state.' Tahvmdge i: schc-d- 11 ; d 1:1 tukv U i 111.1- a.- gW CTI'iOC lit sl 1 irnoi.ih : !i At I lie sair.i. UiVip. ’::, Anil-Na/.- ! hsi.a-jp sent telegram, to Coe. Al. i K Thompson and to the moyots ’j !■-? Vidalia end Macon, outlining i "’h d, *:,;i ~! ft)- Klan': pro- ' ■", l ’' •' i ■ >, U'f llftVi to * i * .j:;pt ui'iu-ij to discourage lite ‘Hi • :;<U iilgs Tl c Jet'.r. .If "- fii-sted c.f.caliy that town. y-.Mnvt-d ati-.ipi orel.nances toroid- " V . ouiy sue--.- imisKco is-. mbiit s —a ; airt-ndy take • by a t;uml.e« " AFRICAN PRINCE MATLOSE CROWN BT MARRIAGE j LONDON i AN!'! Because r.e. p ! mar-ied a white Knplish girl. .* Hrmco Sere's* Khnma may uol t,<! ji : *-*•'' oi\)wn litid rule :ms people. th<- rs J Lainiiiii-u ato irtbesru.-n in Btcha*, F i atiahaid in Africa u was learned v i fit-.- •- last week -A ntessagt from his homeland .It ; iteir.i'uds t , h* fly home intmed- n ; la'-iy .(*,r '-talks of frave impor- A |fr/.ce Ui rtc-fived a cabli asking .1 j for his return ftor.t hi.- uncle who jy j ac, ing iis . egenf c*i ir*, Imoc oi . j 100.000 people ih nice Khanta, 27 married Rut:, it :Vt illi-nns 2-i „• clerk in London, p 1 He did n -t tell hi.- tribe nf his j u.oe until after the wedding , ; JR- ' the first member of 1 is, tr.i»- *•; -o marry :* white person . - j "i 't..i ,cani to ;,c chits of the’ , Ha.-i:;uikwati)." ii*. said, "and warn | I •• wife to be by my side. 1 ex j; t" <■ Itnal s-tie will rest with ! '•-> people. ‘ I j ' ! gather my 'inch* 31:ci his conn* (‘"•'inf* m.i.y think OiflerenUy of; • • » i s* : : tltal i t.:tVe jit white wife." j !Isvifc who is pretty, comment-! I ed. •My r*ne hop*- i- that I can i it'.:) back to Bamankwato and help i him rule The tact that I would be ■ one >■- bile woman among ioo.bUi) j doesn't worry me." T’:e royal heir, tail and mustach ed. is studying law in London in (, reparation for hi.- rule which is I to come up next year. He fell in j me, with la- wife here, and they! N were wed two weeks ago, l \ - ' iSPEAKERS FROM .{3 PARTIES TO TALK AT FORUM The Rtoodworth Street YMCA! ■vi3l sponsor a Public Affairs For um, Friday. October 2& at 8:00 P.; v M. ot: the- subject "Political Parties! -■ i und Then Platforms” Association , . | official; have announced. Reprcscn- j - j taflves ot the ihrec major parties j • j will compose ;i panel, make open-j ii mp statements: and answer ques t lions Irvin the audience it v,e ! : fated. * Mviobcr.-. of the panel arc Dean I !.' D. Halliburton, St. AugustineV j College Dcmociatic- Party; Car!! - Devane Dept ot History. Shaw Un- j •• j iversiity the Progressive Party,! j and A tty. C. J T»otes, Durham, the! j Republican Party. E I*. Raiford, | ? | "Y" Executive, v,*ili preside. The! II pubic L invited. i Georgia cities. Both Macon and Vidalia ar»» in j the some area as Milled*'.*.- villc. j where the Kian iast month broke! up wth gummed sticker:; and *i 1 fiery cross- the annual meeting ot! Georgia college presidents, even | th< ugh tit** Negro college presider.n were housed and led -epuratei.v fli*.' leagiu s teli'si ams to :he . Georgia officials ami All Talnuulge, ',*.*-; t Sigt’.ou a j P: ■ Jam* \ Shclden, :dm ii list ia t i vt- ehairmnu and Stet«<»n Kennedy league c*.’n- i suitrud and Ju <»-.*•: GBl I\ ibn m* j i * -.1 a-a!,.: PALMER BEGINS 48TK YEAR; UR, MATS SPEAKER SEDALiA ‘AN Pi Paim* r McjiHu-ia) Institute ■i'served it.-- \ IT'D formal on.-i,it*g las' v, e,-.* - H-.'. Benjaiuin A Mays, preside l -'* ! M-.'i-ebouio ; -He...*- g.iv* th* i: address. Jamming every corner of Wei-! let ley awdlforium, guests cam,' 1 '■Mi m-.trby srie-ois sue!: as Hen-. ■ 'b : A. ate! 1 '■ ■: c - mu' 'U: L> L* Ricltar.'kon hospi:,;! \ -iiirsing ■.:*.-1 j *.* ■! as *■ *l! froie, ail ; if the historic school. i s*:- procTam also marked the 4at:ti tear in the field of educati*» ; i tor : ite institute' pres.dent, D-. * 'Siui -i-.i Hav.iiii, Brown She :'s\. a I'd Ti'::*iik yuii 1 ;d*: t J t -v'ding music for the ji.- ug! ;,- . • the Sedslia Singe.*.- -it:, -,vi . Vivian King Bright as gue-t ■ *nd Ruin:- eivt idiiauei :i p /it-* die pro.-ram. about Cl> ruert.- . fs.ii-n the annual duinei t*a *,„ ---ns and friend.- lour axiuiijs to fuiloc. u; .*:* Firs', ere-!: yersem’s lit- S in his' -".i: hand. 'Oik need not m-ilod di, garig to b<- popular." Second, • ii- ot e\* i .:*!.: *■ "Staiidaids ■ * institutions , )r ~thoi individuals may i.)* ti>.: Jtss,y i t*f ■-i c ddcli s t- tiII«JUI4. lit.' t'ciii u1 l iifn ii.Fr'eit .ireamt- and think great thoughL i-ioiti the ■ vi: 1 c 11; c, e*i|, *,,:)*.• uv.rv ;i\uthwhiie i alizu'ioij.- Last, 'in .-pile any physu-oi taudicaps. one e.t.-i achaeve. It is ii‘*t the environment, but the qual t-y ol mind, th*- iritegrttj of .-or,:. tii<l tl--,- determination of \\,l) that • the na.-i. * J a, lut-vcioent." Right now the nations are play-, ng checkers with atomic bombs. 3retetid.itg n be fair while t-ntcr audng qualms. . there is even treater confidence among the un - - tivilized, in the land ol tom toms. | joe Louis Wilt Vote for Dewey Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis greets Gov. Thomas F Dewey just, before the latter left New York City to embark on the last leg of his campaign. The title-holder iMd the governor thal he thought he would he as good a President as lie had been Chiei executive of New York State, hence he would be casting his vole toi tht Republi ♦ tan candidate 00 election u*»y, ifipr fm* - |f I m ft Jh; \--‘ t ft Vt ; <- lltltltv s HUMAN LABOR DIPT. Villi: *( 111 I OR IHVOIK E NKW YORK TAN lb T.'uk: ; M':nt*>n; :• . da;'*>*..•. Ji :.'*art*n*-nt * T l ah' ■ r:.. 11 t. icH : t * a, 11 t. ,1 1,:.11,* la aI ! !.* . - kl.OOi ui ,i\-. ■ *it li* f'li.s girl .; **.•.:,! C - ill.*, Ui Ml.- IRiiei : M'Uitg'.ir .1 ry 'll wife ! In ii -a.-pii: atl'ilt : llit filed til SU ; ;:*:■■ • court is t u eck, M;i, ••-He i 7V-. t,-.i'.t V*■ g:\vit ■ ',.' biii'.ng b: Mh. aciplotit of the cent. Mis, *We sic cti was *iLso given othe: jexpensiv.- wearing apparel, plus ;- 1 ■■*:;*; accounts at mid-t.iwr* 4t-.- '.-[)! st I V; Fthe‘l * :KV 2*--*. In au i-.tiem t , Mr;. M '•ntgotre-r.v = e'ji'ictcs iron) two letter: .-a-nt Duke i wltich show that Miss Westcott I iinel i ivals. In part, rote reads. | -Darling my love fo.* you wi!’ in-. *■. r fait- r 1 don t know da:lin:| I--.! I gist love N II tiweel. d ;- ,a-,. !f v Do v:1 li iit-iv*- tun" Wei!, i 1 that > ne ! as!, you that. ' : .:e;. ■ uy 1- tor but not ; m lave. 1a: going to bed now. T;a Muiitg *n>f: vs Wt-t»- WC.f . * . , . . •j . ! . ; j T ' . ■ ijlrti 2,t*it no ! v<\ tluii four t *•..•*, I ,ii ,1 \t;»% ' v;iic -.nil, Dak' dr-rrt«-I h«*r f... the fifth ' th>H* ‘l ilt Wj jf -*;;.; t_>(| J' ;« JTiintl -1 jrnifti -w S4H :•••; w t*t*k *tirnt-mv . • ■ '7':' - ' . 7 1] V •* •* «*• ?•**-' , - , 1 flEk|sA. X W; iif-.NRY a Wallace: Prog/s-sive* party ( auilitl.dr- tor Pr<-'iib-»it EIGHT OUT OF j TEN VOTERS WILL FAVOR TRUMAN BY GEO ITCH GREGORY’ |! DETROIT (ANE) - The Negro W ! vote n tlie pivotal states nav »>.- 11 sure victor} for fruman ■ j That Negrons throughout the g i north are going to turn in n big vot« ■ | for the first Preside!a to champion . B i civil rights is no longer debatable ft I The only question now is tin? ■ j weight that vote will carry in tie Bitermining the eiechon outcome. ; ■ A few weeks ago Moss, the direc- I B tor of AMP, gave me the roving o : - ' B sigiiimnt ot sampling Negro opin g j ion in the big cities, on the Press j g i dential candidates. Leaving Chita- j Ii go three weeks ago, I have vis.ted | l;St. Paul. Kansa: City. Si. Louis. | I Cincinnati Columbus Pittshuren : i Phiiaaelphiu, New Voik. Cleveland, j - J Cleveland. Indianapolis, and this I • city. Detroit. Everywhere, the. Negro in the streets, the little man j i who appreciates Truman'.- cour-' i oreous stand on civil tights more; : tllan he know- how to express it | ;in words, is pulling with all his | hcarl for HST Curing this jaunt, i hme talked with well over 200 Negro.ir. all j ’ ; waiks n! hie - leaders and labor- j el- Ami I Jiave heard met»• than j “ a rcore express thomselve- on iht j . : presidential ii-tue m ’urnit. Also. ; ‘' I have heard tne heart; applause j jot ’.noilsand for Pro-Truman speak-; • or- I haven't the slightest doubt ! e , th..‘ eight Negro voters out ot 10! . will cast their ballots for President { ~ j Ti liman .. | Now I make no pretense that my j I! poll result; <,re inf alii bio. My sam- | pi was small and my tcchniqu-.- j v j im>-. thodox. but i believe l have •' ; sens ad how the vast majority of J l \ Negroes sec i today j ; In making the study. I didn't j t'feiicvv the pollsters’ usual pattern j of asking the interviewee how he | o 1 would cote if he were casting hh;j ballot now. Instead, I made it wry j mi First, 1 asked the inter-j vb V. ee how to get to John K j f; Sheet or something or the sort i • Ti-eu ) talked with him or her i :a; n t the weather. Finally, I said j r«!her casually. Eve rybody is talk- J ■ n-;\ aiv/ut. tht election .1 I The? into?"vu->v 'W, usually tt'ieo ! i : ask'. Ame how 1 thought it w -aid ! come out My ev-wer was aiwayo- , t i'T. don't know, it looks like a close ; i, j rate?," f i To which nine out of every W re-j - Continued on page 8, 2nd Section i RACE LOAN FIRMS INVITED TO MEET j TO STUDY FUTURE WASI 1T N G TON- --.AN Pi - The 22 national No;: • building and; loan associa’iom-i have hi-en n-1 vited by Eln.-’-r Martin Lancaster, j special advisor on Negro affairs : ft. the .secretary of commerce, to ! ton to attend a confetonce an No send representatives to Washing-! vember 12-33 to discuss plans to form a national organization com- ;■ prised of savings and loan asso-; ciations owned and operated by; i Negroes. , In view of the agitation for , j better housing in this country,;' . Mr. Lancaster expressed his belief that the next session of congress will provide adequate legislation ; for distressed home owners The . difficulties experienced by Ne- • • gvoes with certain white financial l institutions, he pointed out, neces- , I sitatc the formation of a national | body of Negro owned lending in- , {stitutions to control or influence , j national legislative policy, parti- : i cmarly as it relates to the finan jeia! aspects of Negro ownership. Ir, addition to this general pur ; pose there are certain interracial • phases of home finance which | should receive the common re | flection of out institutions sim. 1 lar to the program of the National ! j Negro Bankers association and : ; j the National Negro Insurance as- A isociation, which administers toil I their particular problems. j Th 22 saving and loan.-. ass.ocj- ; j ! ettions operated bv Negroes have j |a total asset of $8,000,000, 11 of j, i these organizations are members , ’Continued on page 6. 2nd Section , PLAY UNITS FOR ’NEGROES SHOW GAIN IN 0. C. WASHINGTON < A.NPT - A re-. ‘ ! port made by the district recreation ' ■ i board here last week to the tils- j 1 j filet commissioner disclosed that] * I the “quantity and quality of the | department’ services to the Negro' ; population of Washington" has j 1 J been advanced with the hiring <>«; ' la director of neighborhood centers i ‘ | fur Neg-. oes. The board was making ! 1 I;m annual report on its activities j > jin which it pointed out that while’ l ■ there are ’'unfortunate inadequa-;' ! cies ' in some areas. Washington!! j operates more recreation units staf-| fed by and programmed for Ne- 1 jg'coes than any other American city, t ! whose recreational .facilities are onll ia segregated basis, 's i lit fl Sg , /■' | I j , .'A" w % --V,, f ; y" : p j G|r,f’ jgj- Thomas F Dewey, Republican candidate for president in the election, November 2, 'ks TJJBO®| ItfHP' B y w. ytnmJmcK IT'S YOUR TURN NOW!! j . . KNOCK, and the Door shall i be opend; seek, and ye shall j find ...” | . Some for the Glories of This i World and some jS:.;h for the Prophet's Pa rad i'c j to come; Take the Cash end lot the Credit | so. i Nl!' heed the rumble of a dr-tan? Drum!!” THE HORSES ARE AI THE j POST i Today, dear frit ml. .$ ymr day j. . . Register October, until 23rd. iTh.cn. VOTE, amt .-pen as tr.anv J doors as you can \.>v 2 ‘ s.«rs. Truman, Dt wey, Wallace ; and Thurmond hat •* ianqlea ait the’T W;Hhs . mad-' : h: ; ; Ises , . . chatted of the Veil thru •which you mav no! *. < . apok i thee. hut. s«gn no saor a u»v jen awhile ferventlv of nv. «*ut j friend, of me and thee I Weigh vour man, ' k h.:- rc cord in the bairmces of vour in- I idled and t ack the halls on each ; who is found want.r.g . • • T:t i when von have made uv> VOIoR : MIND;' let no r.'.an y I ' ! ! jyour chose' 1 -’it .u d I ;T,at privilege w’dch ■ yours a j lone. Reports are that Governor I Dewey is gaining m popular tty las he swings farther west . i has always had an vxcc;.ent re : cord for making the <igr.t kind <T j appointments see •••chut’ to me: Our own President Trun an m j vaded Raleigh lasi week and the ; reception was not. a bit she:t ; | great . . . He did not back town 'on his Civil Rights Plank once m , made it . . . But, I think of those b' yp who'were qualified to drivt i the trolleys in D. C. and the war power that, had no punch. And in sequence, you have Pro - ! gressive Candidate Wallace whose | organization is bombarding the • states with a sharp equality spiel : via leaflets el al • But, n»e thinks of a Vice President who ; was in power and w;q, not at u*i really concerned about those is sues then , .Is this a bargaining corner’!' To barter and resell the lot in a batch.? In fourth position, the- rope: eus s.on Candidate Governor Thur N. C. College to Celebrate Founder’s Day Wednesday DURHAM North Carolina Col lege';- Founder'.-; Dry committee h-r, released tentative plans for the first observance of the anniversary of the birth of t.he late D. Janies Edvard Shepard, founder and first president Os the institution, Wed nesday, November It is planned that this will be the beginning of the annual observance of Found er's Day on Dr Shepard’s birth day. Dr. Modecai W. Johnson, presi dent of Howard University lias b< on invited to be th< maitt speak er at the program which is sched ule-] for B. N Duke Auditorium Wednesday morning at 10:30. Special music will come from the college choii under the direction of Miss Ruth Gillum- and there will be remarks from a represen tative of the board of trustees. Following the auditorium services; a brief ceremony will take place alj Dr. Shepard’s graveside at Beech-, wood cemetery featuring a brief! eulogy by the Rev. Miles Mark! Fisher, pastor of White Rock Bap tist Church in Durham. His grand daughter, Miss Carolyn Smith, | sophomore at -he college is lo place u wreath on the grave. Dr. Shepard succumbed to a brief illness October 6. 1047 after' having guided North Carolina Col lege- in the capacity of president since its founding in 1810. During 1 monel —Suh! We’ll have no truck with a man who speaks of tne Rights of All Men even in the • solid South . . . No suree bob’! ; This groan -new out ot the op pose-.-s of the C ivil Right Platform iust like the Anti-Smith parti-* : sprouted in vesteryears. TVivse last two may break .n t•”. rii t in ap ■ tn, h vtr y to\v spot:, i but,, iike S’ < 3 a list Norman Thom ‘was for year:'.; they will be Ilk • ;s»)! ff'rskv tvea vonr old, brooic ! ,r. front - and aim RAN YES. MOW YOU CAN HELP SPRING 'I-IE, CREAKING DOOR A WEE ! BIT WIDER Take huh? peek: oltmg JOE. ’ still I’.’)?.-' .a i:st:;uia may got out 'Uncle M.ke’s clutches, the : T -urnameni of Champions. Inc. j is bidding some heavy suger . . Sote;; Pnisw. the phenomenal 44 - ,>ar old Champion Cleveland In dian pitcher hopes for three more . ••,.aw in the Majors . . Satc-h prac ticed m obtain his matchless con trol! with a two inch penny Ik,, throw rn >us trial debut only mate : hex . . Out of the 50 balls three or leur were oli the plate . . Buddy Young, ace bail earner, with the Pro New York Yankees m color spread in Sunday News Mediator Bundle doing a big i-b m O ho: way . Go c-rrmr Has lie of Haiti turns dro'n an in vito 1 r o?r? (.*•;'vo rnr»r 1 nurmon J South Carolina . y: o'" c* hr- children - He's here speak ing fur President Truman . . Monsieur J Strum Thurmond, S,mlh Carolina i..-ovevrioi says .’* f did not know Mr. Hast hi, Got ern>..r of ham was eoolred . . Ti-.: t:sh' Lsh: Such cognizance world affairs toi a man run ning tor a presidency of our great n.-ivion . He is the lctemost op punent of racial equality . . A di-dike of that which we do no: knew ici*-*c* oi ignorance. N. C. College EEeaglcs had a ii ’id day with Union Saturday in O'Kellv Field to the tune of 32-n. Car! Galbreath, AI ! --CL\A naif b... ian ! Alii’.’.'it Jut .-core;, tv. tutichriewns • ar; ; Bi.i! Middle! >tn All-CEAA and All-American Cen ter, jumped 58 yards for the oth er tally . . Jerome Turner was the outstanding ountc-r of the Continued on page 8 2nd Section ■ his life!line he saw t.r.e semvu which he began as a religious train Uv, rch- ->! take ;ts place among t ,i 1 nation's top institutions of higher learning with a ; tyical plant j worth $3,000,000. Unde; his leadership North Caro lina College, the first liberal att-r j college lor Ncivt es in this country ! became a member of the Associa tion -X American Colk- **-;>. the A-- • .variation of Colleges and Sfecdn ; darv s-.- i-.--oN, and the American Council on Education, Toe Ccih | CiiTiioo a class A" rating with the : American Medical Association, the I North Carolina Stat-:- Department !of Education and the Southern A" sociaiion of Colleges and Secondary Schools ft is one of four Negri College- in the country approved lby the Association of American | Universities, and the only Negro i College offering the masters degree jin public health education. For many years Dr. Shepard ; served as 'Grand Master of the Fla | ons -if North Carolina and was ac tive in mini'rsous other fraternal ; and business groups. Dr. Shepard’s successor as pres - | dent of North Carolina College is Dr. Alfonso Rider who was ap pointed by the board of trustees January 20 of this year. He wili preside overt he Founder’s Day ser !vices,

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