N.C.G. IN TRIBUTE TO FOUNDS Storv Page Oih\ See. 2 v J JV T 4 " - v y i<\ >:.'. •• •' •!• ' :< : • - ••. *■> k-S.? • *4"' ‘ * Mfr ji« ’it ; ? TTgFffc; SCENIC OF HARGFTT STREET SLAVIMi The above scrn*' shows w heir Mis-. l,»Up Perrj »f Knigh‘d;ilr Roiifr J, ws -. .~h>*i to death Saturday afirraown by »n allegedly idted swUm- According to eyewitness w counts >tisv Perry was walking AGENCY HEAD DENIES COVENANT VERDICTS AFFECT FHA POLICY WArAimr.ro>': Admb» Si* that Inc Fed-';.'! f I-•. .-g Art it: 11 ■ istra• ic->• doet i>:>* p diil-i! racial restrictive U-'.-ensuii . in iunuung project on whirs t- <-. .• tr; wom SragC. . I f.jr j ({■.: ’;-)<.: C..:,. missioner Franklin D. Richard* denied Hi: ■■<'■" • r the Suprenn. Court rcstrictiv? covenant decisioi in any way affect '’— r ; V .<>■■ ■ Hiserted that the FHA lack;. euthoi pvity to r turn !o in.-iwe mo 'v >u tor pet'ate project practicing me discrimination Commissioner Richard ■ Hat' merit v.*as cP-nF in ;■ •’•• to a n que t by the Nat oral 5.. ■"■'.■• e;- for the Advancement >? Colored People that the FHA r-. ■■ ,n irrirc, mortgages for further financing ;■! Levittown a Hick.'. ide. 1 J. —r ctans’ housing project where p-. ■ pectivc tenon• -no feced • ey. agreement up daft g '• >t 1 ••• premise. l , may ' n u ■ d a- i<- copied by any psrs< :• other than membu's of 'he OuHv-'.et: race "i regi to idvise ihtt i find nothing in the N.' ■■!•.;>! Hou&hic Act • > !!• Supreme C'■■•::! De cisions to whicit you refer." wrote Commissioner Rich.'»ds to Thm MAP DEFENSE OF VICTIMS IN 6-OTY LOYALTY PURGE NEW yof'K With ivnor'.- in dicating tin-*.' 'rip rival'v purge oi postal employee;. ha- been extrud ed to at least ix cities, the Na tions! Association for the Advenes • merit of Colored pi pie this week laid plans for participation in the defense of purfc victims in whit h t.he charges are based upon race r color, or upon membership or ac tivity in the NAACP. Meanwhile ('frr?i ■ f -c MttchrO NAACP labor -reictßry pea i -.in g in Cleveland where '-'■■■ men ar* up on charges, denounced he r chambct procedures ■<! die Fedei -i Loyalty Board and c narced 1 5ml the “real bass- for the attack on the accused po.-tal employe; s L~ fight against the vicious practices then fearless and uur«inprorot'ong of racial discrimination in the Peg Office Department-.’’ Urging legal defense and com munity support of the .suspected workers, Mr MilcneJi continued "If these men ire declared guilty , no per so nwho ftphU- for civil lib erty is safe from an attack in the future They must hr cleared and we must comet the condition.- which make If possible for toys* Americans to be held up to publi» scorn by narrow-minded. . maU-t.'rm i bureaucrats who mask as patriot* while prostituting our fundamental freed funs.” The cases of these men, the speaker said, “must be prosecuted if with vigor throuhg every legal ctiannel at our command. We must not be content merely to gain exon eration so" them. We must expo a* . . , those who arc responsible sot this infamous action and demand that the loyally program include adequate safeguards against such indiscriminate and irresponsible charges." , .done ihr street near the pr>»-. .Sisk when -.he first fiter! upon. She then ran nut into the Mi crf iO'l nroutifl a parked ij> uid wa« struck by •> Miron*! hut let benea !i the sign In the a nj.er fe. -eground. Story on this page. r.nort Vo; Pi.iil NYACP :>' ;•) c-'.iiii-.ti, wnit.-h would author me t!i;.. Adminish atjon to refuse to hi mortgage o the ground sug .-.cmted or ";: ul.j impri, the vaSi dity of yon!' -et . of mortgage in siit.'irh.e i.iidev the condition' de scribed." • .ini; ill s .'•••• merd, of pvhe.- .'•. an -'Tia'yr.i if :•■•!.» Suptemc ICotir* decisions declaring racial re - -irictive covenant legally uneu ; forcahlo. Vie Rictiards nuintainea '‘hat ;■ (■• liir.r drri;iion ' .'.-eve > ouccrned wiih f.jevetnmental en ' t L-.-.'-mtiii of .uch covenants and in no wav denied the light, of private individuals 'o exercire ..eich c‘>v onan*:." they do not invalidate re .... .. .. -• '.>.sr.' a'-rdcs-od bv in - * >te parties ”n cnigh ■•".;• iun.la; y v.ri V-ci-rj .pf- t,» tCTTOS. 1 find nolhinp in such decisions.'' coni-i ".tod Mt Rlelnr-l **t- indi cal’ *haf in the absence of .siofulory antlmiiy the Government, or any ’ agency thcrc<tf. is authorized to wi'hd-av.- ijs Tiormol iii'otect.'.m anti bent-fit'- :.e-;r> persons who have executed i'ut do not. seek judicial enforcement of such covenants." NGG BUSINESS MEET TO HEAR E. M. LANCASTER DURHAM Visiting consultant for North Carolina Callege’:- Bus -SR--histitue xiexf week ' ill be Erntner M Lancaster of (he U. S Depa I‘tment of Dommerc W-.'-Mi inri-'in. D. (‘ The institute is sched ul’d for Novcmbei 1.8 through 20, and all .-fissions will be held on the college campus On the final day of the institute. •' business instructors from all col- I leges and lecondery school' in No;- i Carolina h ; -*w been invried to take part in a panel dirpssion. i . and .'lvy will be addressed bv ispen : and women i-epresenting successful Durham businesses. Motion picture films will be shown, cut rent te;:,- , books will be displayed, -nri dem nrfrations v- 11 be given on various ; i office machines According to C T W 'lie. who heads North Carolina College'? de partment of commerce, it is plan ned that this: institute will be held I here annually. : NAACP MUDED IN 1 SLUM CLEARANCE ; | ANTI-BIAS FIGHT i j NEW YORK Expressing grab ■ | ifieation over the defeat in last ■i Tuesday’s election of a $16,000,000 ' i bond issue for a proposed St. Louis i 'Continued on hack tst section! FHA DUCKS BAN [THECAROLINIAN 16 Pages I NO. 13 RALEIGH, NOR I'M CAROLINA WEEK ENDING SATCKOAV, NOVKMBLU 18, 1948 ' VQLt.LME XXVm MADMAN SLAYS 8, WOUNDS 5 ★ *★***★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * ★ ★ ★ * WOMAN SLAIN ON BUSY ST. nii'MiLFS r>\v hFlakkr - I)r fieri' Branch- .'hov, m (iiilstanding physvian «r Nev • port. Tep.n . will dcliirr tin Foundes’s Day addres- *i sbiw s'niverdty Vovembe- 1? I)i Branch -i graduate of Shaw and of the in%*ltu.ion's Leonard >l<d. tc-'l School, way for a long time 1 resident of Raleigh. S' < . of the gj c*ai old P-.pl’C ?p.'* tut ion FOUR RELIGIOUS GROUPS TO BACK ALA. HOSPITAL i BIRMINGHAM VP) - Four! ] Negro religious c<3nomtnsti)in:j' j within the state arc combining then force;- to push the build'uv oi a Negro-owned and operated hospital for the colored people of Alabama, it was disclosed here 1 ,t ) weeir. Led by Bishop 13. G. Sh:< v jof the Methodist Episcopal Church, (he heads of the denominations agreeing to cooperate are Bishop jS L. Greene AME. Dr. D. V .lorr.- , ison. Alabama Stale Baptist Con vention; Bishop J Arthur Ham lett. CME; and Bis'Top J. W. E Bowen. Methodi.-t Episcopal. These and other top church, fra t,erne! and civic leaders plan a statewide meeting during Decern• . bet to make a drive foi fund? to [build a new hospital fn« N'r.u •on *n€ foundation already la>d n the •' •■' <■• .■ n i• 1..;v •■:- gr-. ft--. son ?tion, Bishop Shaw r- j;:c i . doit of the asaonatioti. Prescnl . pD.tis call for a m«.- nieetine "f intcicsfert persons and those --ho have contributed to the effort, . hr. : nltaneously wi»h that of thf stale leaders, in >rdcr that all may par 'oke in making .<nd pro ..ecu ting. the nlan to build, equip «i;d endow 'hr proposed hospital An inert of the Jefferson hos pitals book.. Is now lying taken o . that, h complete rrjXirt of all mon-1 ies collected and e.v,)e»idcd may hr made available to donors and the! 'general pufclie According t<> Up .association's directors, a total of; [ $75,000 has already been contribul [ | eel to the hospital building fund j WALTER WHITE TO ADDRESS CIO MEET POR’D,AND, Ore Walter White, executive secretary of the National Association for 'he Ad vancement of Colored People, wiil i he one of the principal speakers at : the tenth CIO constitutional con vention to do held here, November 122-26 Other nationally-known fig ; .ires who will address the group in j fContinued on hack Ist section' /VOR TH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL Y Returns Show Negro Voters ! Backed Truman fßv the Asson,i.trri Negro Fres-siAi | Negroes throughout the nation i gav enthusiastic backing to Presi den' Truman, mainly because -f ild civil righto program, and on the -.vc of tins support swept into of [fire Negro Democrats ns many Ne gro Republican office holders io: * | out _ ' i Ai the same time there vas •» i far hi?•■:-. percentage of Negro' ballot.- cast for Progressive partv [ candidates than was lhr case among; white voter; This was considered . *•■• tr the result of Henry Wallace's ' ampaign foi equal rights and too personal efforts of him and hrs running mate to buck jim crow in person in the south, as well as the j large number of Negroes running lon Progressive tickets. In Harlem, iur instance there | were 28.903 Negio votes cast- for I Wallace as against. 34.076 for Dew.; 'ey and 108.643 for Truman. Observ i ers opmioned more Negroes did not; jvtrde for the former vice president j because they believed he had little j chance of winning and did not | want to “waste their votes ” [ At the same time, the leadership of the Negro press was being* que; : tinned along with that of white' j newspaper-.. Leading Negro week lies with a lew exceptions, support ; : edDewey as did most of the influ ential white press- yet Truman won. 1 This was interpreted frankly a: raising doubts over whether the | • larger Negro publlcati ns can ac-! • ■ curate! y be said to voice the op in - : • ons of their reader.?, long con. id- • I ered one of the strong points of Negro new; papers. Harlem Goes For Truman At Polls Race Demos Win NEW YORK < ANPi Negro Democrats won every election n New York City last Tuesday Head ed by Rep, Adam Powell, they swept foin members into the dale legir.lalure, completely obliterating' ' the Republican vole. Powell won over Republican dis-: h ie! leader Harold C. Burton 63,000 ito 11.000 by better than 4 to ! i” 1 . the assembly fights, in the nth I : district Colden Brown lost to j Thomas Dickens, Democrat. Bwwn i i’f'lUng 6.815 votes to Dickens' 16- 000 end 3..343 for Cyril Stephens cn , the American Labor party ticket; 1 in the 12th district,, unknown Elijah j Crump won with 26,793 votes tc | • J. 305 for his Republican opponent' 1 Eugene Kemp, and 6,065 for Lyn don Henry. ALP. and 4.827 for. ' Clarence Francis of the Liberal i party; in the 13th district. Harold A Stevens pollen 20,238 votes to defeat his Repubican opponent. Fred Farrar. .Tr., who bad 3,283; votes, and in the i4th district, Hu- j Man E. Jack was given 1*1,133 votes to win over his Republican oppon- j ent„ Israel Davis, who had 2,571 votes. ' Running for the state senate, the j | Rev. Ben Richardson on the ALP' ! ticket had 13.719 voter to Dornor rut! DENIED NUMBERS PAYOFF, GOES ON MURDER SPREE Chester, Pa A 38-year old man who ailegeddly went berserk after Jutting the numbers for 2 days in succession without a pay off biought a reign oi terror vjitb fa payoff of death for eight per sons to -Chesteras Market Street [on Saturday. The slayer, identified by police 1 as Melvin Collins, a native of Ex more, Va took his own life after slaying eight persons and wound ing five others with a .22 calibre rifle which he fired from his oa’ - ricaded second-floor bedroom. Police who reconstructed the : crime said that the man leaned fj m his window, threw out a i dime, and called to a group of : three men asking them to call the ; CODS. When one of the men moved fi >ni the crowd arid leaned over to pick up the dime, Collins fired three shots which riddled the chest of the man who was later identified, as Edward Boyer, 40. Detective Elevy Purnsle.y, a veteran of more than 28 years on the Chester Police force heard the shots and ran out of a near by restaurant and was instant (Continued on page 8. Ist Section* 1 Harold Panken’s 55,874 Harlem stuck with Truman all j the way Figure? follow j Truman Os wry Wallace H'h n 19.373 4.620 3,484 12<h D 34,502 a.613 6.676 j :13th D 24,089 9,05 => 5.492- 14th D 13,172 2.632 6,2 ft 1 : ; 16th D 17,057 7,758 7.900; 103,643 34,076 28,9031 Thus New York continued ;o ! ..end more Negroes to its state leg-1 Mature than any other state and ! turned out a total of 171,622 votes i in a year when registrations did not i ! hit the peak. NC.(I Homecoming Fete j 'Shown In Technicolor DURHAM North Carolina Col lege students had theh first look jat a technicolor film showing the highlights of the October 9 Home looming Day activities last Monday I night, in B. N. Duke Auditorium. The picture was made by W. .1 i Scott of Durham under the direc tion of the NCC department of pub ! licity. THRONGS FLEE AS HARGETT ST, SEES SHOOTING Raleigh A fusilade of shots [ which sent scores nf persons scurrving for cover spelled death , Satuiday for Miss Lottie Perry, . 31. of Knightdale, Route I. who ! died at St. Agnes Hospital sev eral hours after being struck by . two bullets fired by a jilted ad mirer The shooting occurred in the | iOO Block of East Hargett St., the usual Saturday afternoon mecca ; for Hundreds of persons from the suburbs and Wake County’s out lying districts. Held in connection with the crime and charged with first de gree murder is Henry Robinson, 41. ai, -of Knightdale. Route 1. who told police that he had met the .woman on tjie street and shot her because of her refusal to marry him. Used Pisioi According to* eyewitness ac counts of the slaving, Robinson . grabbed at the woman and vvhip [ oed nut a .32-calibre pistol arid 'Continued on page 8, Ist Section) FORMER STUDENT SHAW SPEAKER ON ANNIVERSARY The 83rd anniversary of Shaw University will De celebrated . [ Friday. November 19. when ex-' crciser honoring the memory of its founder will be held The annual Founder's Day ad dress will be delivered by Dr Dennis Branch of the class of 1909. a prominent physician of Newport. Term Memorial services at. the grave of the Founder will begin at 10:30 Friday.morning and will be ; followed by the annual program in Greenleaf AuditoijAum. Shaw University, the oldest Baptist Colli ge for Negroes, was founded in 1865 by Dr Hen ’ Martin Tupper, after hr had bee i Union arniy, honorably discharged front the The institution was named A ter Elijah Shaw, a resident of Wales. Mass., who contributed largely to the erection of its first building. Tribute to these men and !■ others who have figured in the history of the school will be paid at the exercises. VOTERS Si PPORT I.IBKR U WOMAN CLEVELAND * A NF 1 Mr. France P Bolton. Republican con gresswoman from the 22nd Oh o district, was the only member of her party to withstand the Demo cratic landslide here in Cleveland, j Mrs. Bolton, noted for her pbllan-. tiiropy end for her interest in si I fairs affecting colored people, had, the almost solid support of her constituency which is largely Nc gro, They rallied to her despite ine heavy vote the Democrats re- ; ceived. Both newspapers in Cleveland, the Herald and the Call-Post, sup ported Congresman Bolton. She has ; now been elected five straight , times to the house where she holds; several important committee posts | including the chairmanship of the sub-committee on Africa in the for eign relations: committee. I' SINGLE 1A COPY lUC C\f/ : Y V '•Y.h:. MISSIONARY I.' XTR A O RDIN ■ \RY Sam Coles, oi the For eign Mission Conference of North America, who has established an enviable 25-year record for pro viding material as well as' spirit nal nouriehraen. for natives el the Galangue, Vs African com munity w here he and members of lus family have been stationed since 1923 His success in instilling in th; minds of the na.ives the precept of good firming, husbandry pentry, and iron making lias been a major factor behind his abiL also ,o instill the precept;. of ( hristianitv, \Ol TH \CTIO\ \\ WORLD AFFAIRS IS MU KEYAOTE ST LOUIS N auth on i■- ■ Team, Net on the Sidelines.’’ ’<•»!• hr- she rhi'me o' IV tenth rmo - i ■••outh cunferenev of the Nation ! A.--ocJaiicm to: th f - Advarirtmen! n! Colored People, which meets L. , thl- week, N 'vombe* 10-13 Carrying out this theme hi keynote address, Lawrence C He ard. vi re president "1 the n< M'hi.es. in NAACT Y*>uti; Ccum will urge young iwoplo to play an : active part in current, affairs and - - plan for the Uit'on c-i tr i-td irffccting minority groups in ti ; United Gtates The- tv. e* ■. - (Student goverrment oftn-. r at * Drake Univcsliy m Or*. ?<*.-•’»-•. o i member of the ,; *r i* -1-: f :oi' ! council, and associate edite-. o* she Drake Uruvei.••*;/ m ’v-t-onf■. The Symbol 'Vi :i r * l-i,^' ■ 2.V1 :' p! V..VIVt j' 1 ' ; NAACP vouti. councils uv,! v,; chapters and °f qthcr rol'ei.'c i interracial and inter-fai'h ■■* up*- are f.vpr-crd to atfenrl •:» ' four-day r,ei'ie:. of cumrnttee cud ; encmerti'u::-., which ill u- Iml'i rj the st Look ( vi < - tp* ' i Church EXPENSIVE KEAI ! ....... | MIAMI YANP' - The table'-: ivere fumed this ■*" 'vs when th ? | Miami Herald. white daily, r: •, ported the theft of a Negro's luuc > by a white man Di Thomos Carter, white, was convicted for stealing the lunch ••! Joseph Watson. « laborer who si-’. Carter help himself to the J.uieh i which was on the seat of his park j ed cur W»tson re Med the police j The light-fingered doctor sold In; city court that he was hungry .. - he had not eaten for two days. He was sentenced to if> days in jail. W DfW i; U< " » : fr . Y •; ■ , ■' : -Y <? * a :w- }•' !• . .. ■<- *«•#*■ v“ i sin sor* ■ 1 '• <*s | Shi » ■ Y: -i fen Ml 'o ! WliiMi ■!-. t; !• ' ; AITM O. ■ I ■A h v ' :-1 vp : ,Vv. i ]'j *I i [ i ■ ■ ' . ,• 1 .‘ ' i Uoii )li\ : ‘ Vohoo ;Ji k1 • ! i'.. i .i:i -; v, l,: , 1 i ■ j Vi.nle i . •ri . i;;i- rvo ■/ | to ■M' ’ .1 corn | A •.;• ,im ; .v ; , i !:-m . t'o j rank > you ■ -e i one! in kin :< ;cm \ • <r. ' - j : R'K'IlcPP : oh. i ‘ f )•’ • siir - i > c;; - led o 1 i i. ’ ! j a gene ir-fu'n/.'d :ori i" ve; c tin •to‘f 1 \ ’ ' |‘ ’ .'' ' ' 'll,*' ‘ ' | ) 1 rs '«rrrd l ■ hi -- rupnrf f>; j Seen.’Pry m ’V.-- P,i;,Ti.ii /,n I Vet' i .1)1 O' ■ri ;" V fij/obh O: s land went 'in *v Andon hi;. ;kv i tivifie . )ii ?be iSniV J’ i• ;f. : e where i 11..' elunmaferi ,eyr" :• o nreen" fin ’v..": j in-;. of .mo .n. h . I raid | ' j ..IV. era bepfp, PM in rep I ,:h* :1 ■ I'. 1 i .'M UvC level, i i.hmk the ••••.,•/ FEPC i--> UP up in New York n, very sound land f ana in favor f a nationP I ; Ti'i'- f inal "'; lonr. h’story' of irs • te.' e.;- 1 u ■ i ■ : ■ elation v. .■ : 'cited by the vount: nuJumyoo. | (C<’.r,Sntje:j oa.;e r Secshorn l/ftTrp T't T »«f SBfk.’U KPUffR i §>K p\ : ; .RKuuY ft-S TP f‘.h PS StMfsn ll? IP ' : v • * i :: i ‘.P COLtou ISA, C clip, I Sou In Cnuii.r.ians Uc/it advautei'- •<f the ckanc > (o kr or.. om ot tee 'ciinrlaious tcc ci _ic cel r to too souiiion. : ... si. 1 ■ ; ,* vcf.- crl * s chan r .e | :-cl >nir»n ;o; r pro endure is : Tue ■ n merr Ossie ..f duc 'O- yvoo h;: po , iro u car r-.-dtm poi,ua in- Tii? ro- i ' | h-c in rev . 1 ’it ■ ■ ...O' ■ the : ;. Co Ivlin; S I delinquent in proponinji (hen <■', • jev sections of live country largely the oTr.oPl f Ir-r'icnt '.chicii y, . OO’h W iii' O' O. i/V. I ' .VO' ‘ : .C jv.iio 'be :.or chiefly. If a I Nov., j . v; fondy loir o. icy. !ov«; i’O tfi'v iior; is v ?P iHi prison even's! Vsv i .si-.nrclerer. [The iny. o that the '-no.’ lav, .'.iii eov. non nr.oo o ;a South Car ! oiina. ! iN'ftfional f»*:#ok l esk Propra® Aumni::vt4 | in niooo"' i-t :oual !.’• S.' ' Vv*.‘P ! ; Move." ; . ; . i "c J;;. laid B. H?i i .vvy puldir L;bo v : have viuled prog-tams of iotyre [for PI ag:.:. Po M.H ot.o . !?Vo.;rio", i, . O V !.■■■).. so ■ -' v • •.' t n YMi io '■Vi C0r0.,;, n , rep ton Si i rz-pskl-' : i. will tv?k on "!n:.pe Tafoam :tion o« no 3h.tif t y MiVv. of Travni wiih fv i or'anlkS Coididafio ' Thronuhout the woo e*a:--ses iti.i' i, }i r i'i,' . 1.. ' ;. i- vv,: j | odwahded for book Ittikt and music ! r<ppw-i i|jon I th Ptooio', NwenSvCi 20, there : te ; "u iitcry hoisn; cvia at f.'clC'cl'L ‘.O’- (Ivolito in the firth '.■ ; rod and hvird goirle? zuvy. [nihei a! ■■ o'clock for children ;.s tht -'c -v v.. fifth vri o vi; read'. ■ On c i pi .• ■■■ u ?! . v.. ,'. .'o u.uoh : of ifapanete and Mono ; - cm O the !ibi-e. by ; vho'h Ksr |BATO'fFf) P4IGE ducks y mm\ FOR CU-LSTO? l] r.! -jn it, ■ i A l i f‘ i .. |r... y.' -■ ! Bat',';®, iunt’etcur. tigitye M th' W wici Ster'rs wimtina C.lrv?- .land ;y' *inc-up. w.*» rabedulrd «•-. undo;/, sutys«y f'"i 2fS»ll 'ir.v:;-. it •-•••!. dr- Klorsid her !»;;f week bj T?r. I ‘|"l; - rri 'V.tn ’!).» M =i: , c ph.7Si{. ! i*s»i- bat v r;u tl-s <»?*■* ball ac*f,c-« CdniF tr * rlf»se- Fuitje di'sappstrs-d Th? fab" tt-us, rriefD, hcvre'sr, resp ipcsred iatrr :n iho weaf toes! far «xh*b»i*on o-rmstt tie «fj>& the second ms« ?n elude tlic dvr-h- ovtcbro. Beds lad been rc: *“i -/O'i «tl Lakeaids hosbifel lot befh Palej® and S-udiersn. •who w« So he apereted < n i for a. blood eJo* hi his side. Boudwey'tt Bidr. he w*v*>r. ap pa’ently healed by itself.

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