BUS KILLS DR. SARAH BROWN ■BO-YEAR OLD H, U. TRUSTEE DIES Os INJURIES IN D. C. WASHINGTON - Dr Sarah Winifred Brown 80-yea; old retired physician and the first woman member of the Howard University Board of Trustees, died . nroute to Emergency Hospital Friday after being struck by a Capital Transit Company Bus. Dr, Brown, who was o native of Winchester V;i. war a graduate of Miner Teachers College. Cornell University and tin- Howard Uni versity School oi Medicine and had done additional study at tin- Sor bonne in Haris. She practiced medicine in Wash ington i'.-.r a number of years \s extremely active m the health pro gram of the YWCA National Board, and worked for some time wit!;- the United Stater Public Health Service. In 182-1 silt was named to tin Howard University Board el Tim tees, becoming the sir-! woman hold such a pod. Since ;otttisi from the active practice o; medi cine spent much of the past five years in operation <>f a fruit farm at Opecpion, Vo. At the time of her death lie liv ed with her ■Ashi-. Di N F'a.rfjx Brown, a pharm&ci.u. in an apart inert pnildiiiK winch the two .4 them owned on Tliiiteenth Stn-et N. \\ She was a rv.-founder of Nali-.r-..u College Alttmii. Association tin Frcedmeri :. Hospital Nur e : Com • mitic-e. The Lend-a-Hand Club i s Ura%arried Mother and the Alp:.a Kappa Alpha K : -riiy. She wu ■ truct: by the bus, wilier, hurled tier body ad: ‘..no- ot twelve lee t. she crossed the stive; near her homo. William B. Ever- of Greenbclt. Md , driver of the bus was arrest ed on charges of failure to give the Ughi of V'ay to a pedes train and f. iiing to give full attention to the operation of a motor which He was ordered held loi action oi a coroner’s jury and was led. i released in the custody of the Capi tal Transit Company. 1 HONORED FOE RACE RELATIONS ACHIEVEMENTS NEW YORK SPECIAL For ' their outstanding contributions to j t.-.e cause oi interracial justice. Francis Cardinal Spellman, Arch il -l-.op -d N>. .. York, last Sunday w.-nfi rred. tfho coveted James J. award on a Negro and white Caih oiic layman They are Dr. Fredinund 1. Rons Si-ve, former chaiit’.'an ot 11 .* Ne.. Orleans Urban League, and Mrs. Anna McGwy, vice president o! the Cati.i -hi Inlet racial Council ot Riiiladi-tphia. The i-er.-ne marked the sev enth annual presentation ol ,U ---v,ard. whi.-o i. given annually by the Cat imho Interracial Counts; { here to the t--o Catholic laymen “who have load, the most ••utsH-nd inp contributions during the yea; to the cause of interracial justice;' Cardinal Spellman, v. no L a mem fcf-r oi the Council, said in part: \ '.Men we net equal because othv men have chosen to call them «o. ..en are equal because God created them equal We are free men be because God is free and every •-ingle on*.- ol us has been created to God's, image and likeness.” Negro ea-recipient, of the award. Dr, Rourr.eve pointed out In brief address that lire pronouncements of recent popes on social quesiuns ; have been'applied to the American scene by great Catholic prelates “If is encouraging to note the (dear-cut stand of the Holly See through several important encycli cals," he said, “li is also encourag- ■ Ing to note how these have been pu' ; into effect by the notable pro nounce ment; and programs of such' great leaders as Cardinal Spellman. Archbishop Hitter of St. Louis, Archbishop Cushing of Boston and , Archbishop Hummel of New Or- j leans," Mrs. Anna McGarry, the other! recipient of the award, steer ed that; the cause of interracial justice is j “a job for the unorganized millions j of Americano to make America! truly American." Other speakers were Lester E. j Granger, executive secretary of the j National Urban League, and Gui-i chard Parris BIRMINGHAM WOMAN WINS $3,500 FOR INJURY IN BUS FALL S' i I i .... j i BIRMINGHAM (AN Pi |- A local woman was awarded : , S3,SCO damage from the Bir mingham Electric Company here recently for a fail suf fered on a bus January 16. 1947. Ella Jones of Airport Hills won her ease after waiting nearly two years for a court decision. Circuit Judge Leigh M. Clark announced the decision made by the. jury. Counsels repre senting- Ella Jones were Francis j- H»« unj Carlton Kyno, j STADIUM BIIiVE OK DRIVE FOR FUNDS FOR STADIUM GETS UNDERWAY Members of the Shaw Univer sity Alumni Association cat rir-d their appeal for the erection of an all-purpose athletic field and stadium for Raleigh directly to the city’s -•ports public last week m they Iwonm a $200,000 or foi- funds. * The a-ppeal. which wa.- i. L» between halves of the Shaw Uni v< rsity-JohiLson C. Smith f. hall game at Chavis Park Sa day. emphasized the inadr-cmae.v oi j!i,- n;es*-r.t playing fie!.; and : alii J tor popular sul>po! t - ! i ■\, i i ■,: i! :u O a u<- ’.V Among tbo majui drawba. to the pi esent Held were e;b it,- lack ot a grandstand, it- i*v adequate >ng and r* ■ t tOOYl) laciii!a aiid it.- lack c-l a i ,If house oi other accommodation . the use b\ Jlhietf-r ur:ng t!■ .iieiu. In ii < ai,. .-nee : t the Rev. ( C. t.i:i t Aii t'i Noriuik. Va a-. dent of the Shaw Uni vers it \ A; . sue;: ben .... , . ;et kick l's , -eh tvas deliv< j d !-.v D-. R. P. ',) iei, president ~*t tie. school. Following Dr. Daniel’s remark:- handbills were distributed among BULI. F. T I N Shortly before press timt the CAROLINIAN was in formed that she St. Augus tine- Hcrses were preparing to challenge the Shaw Bears ic a posrseaiL'u game lor the Stadium benefit. Case hes oi neither team could be reached for com ment At a meeting easrlv in the season the Bears defeated the Hcrses 12 -0. Considerable improvement Las been shewn by the St. Aug *e&m since that date howev©. the •uidi'-ncf* which inquire-.! , w .‘u thr.; they would be willing !to give a dollar ic. a stadium in m lt-r to Take tin* Ladiv.’ toe., out of th,. mud" apd which would be -an investment in the .om fort of vour wife, mother, gi:! i'l tend or yourself'. Kulicr.vmg d. :■■■■■:,..n >■! tii ■ Hand 1,.*! J J.- wu.- placed ■ til.-- fi« Id and rnchibe; ..f tl: : physics! education depa: tmeni ! -went through the stand:', collect .- mg donations toward thi new project. Tii, fi.r.t contributm was G - i year o3ct Julius G Faulkne; te i tired .Navy veteran who enrolled in Shaw thi.- yew a freshman aftei graduating from Washing ton High School last year. Mr. Faulkner'-.; SSO contribution was followed by many smaller gift. front those attending the ffame. i Alumni Association officials stated that a similat appeal would bo made at the Thanksgiving Day .game between Shaw and North Carolina College and that a con certed community - wide drive will bo organized shortly after ward. Also under discussion and con .side;-.:,1i0n are -plans foi the stag 'me ot a post-season grid game I between the Shaw team and a i yet-undecided opponent for the !'benefit of the stadium Hud. WOMEN ATTEND STATE MISSIONS' SESSION HERE With approximately 500 women j from every section of North Caro lina attending, a special session of the Woman’s Baptist Home and For eign Convention of North Carolina was held at the First Baptist Church here Tuesday. The messengers heard brief ad dresses trm Mrs. Cora Pair Thom as, former mission worker in Lib- j erin, Africa, Miss Minnie C. Lyons. • missionary ol Liberia; Dr. O. S Bui lock, pastor ot the host c-hurcb; Dr. IP. A. Bishop, president of (he Gen eral Baptist State Convention, and ' Mrs. Avanta Games of Winston-; Salem L). Wendell C. Somerville, exe 1 eufive secretary of the Lott Carey i Foreign Mission Convention, USA. ! preached the convention’s sermon, j Reports on the work of the organ ization were given by Mrs. Ellen S. Alston, executive secretary; Mrs. I Vioju McMillan, president, and Mrs. |M. J Brown, retiring field worker. 11.1 1,1. 1.1. H! I.m M. .11 Jiiiimy. 1M.,1 ui 111... 11. i . " ' --V ■ ■ k I' 1;.:,;...". • .... ~...' , v , .: ■■ ~v »->V. The Carolinian ■ 5 , ‘ 16 Pages VOLUME -X XVIII iIAU-.i f.jl, T\ QIC! j j CAROLINA WKi-'.K i-.N i >IN <; SAII’R!>AY. NOViiMHKR 20, 1 948 Nt'c’^O RACE HARMONY NEED CITED Confer On N. C. Family Life Health, Family Life Problems Aired At Confab A two d;;> Slate Conference on the Family was held at the Kde.i S;:<. ; M-.-tht d.s; « h i-ch I.m - ; y and Wed.under •• auspice- of *H) Noith (w. gi'> iJ-Mi- ami' ai '.iii".—- [eader> and conmJ tv.ns t the coni- retire were: Dr. Haloid Tri.uv.. president --1 S' Aiig.istiiie's Co Hep.*; Mrs A i) Jarnigaii, executive secretary N C Conyffs PI A NT. A. P.ti.-, in i’.vietoi-. Shaw 1.-niveivily; inu v D i-i.-ilibu:ion. deai; of Si. A::g\:. tinr’-s College.* 'Hi-- conference, which is fot - I; iJ i'i} tr:!• N;.-(i ■(-<;»a 0” i.!i i■" . ■ on tilt Family v. ’ ic;: was Iveld ,i Washington, I). C iri .Ni&j wn doweled to a.l ~i;..; .i- ~| tin* str.ngths and w.-ukut s-.- .-1 1.m.-i, life in the state and ;h«• uttli/ation '*! c-xirtaig resoui cc. toward in.. :mpi-ovemt'n T . fkitiei d:-'-e;.-,- ams w h i e ; wci-f eomiucir-ii during the sessions revealed an . % ;uv ;l . • s el ii r.ecd • ..-i) t!.i jj.u t da Noiih Cirohna >in::>. .-.en (liner. ( tor renter Alabama Official fired For Failure To Obey Order Birmingham fANP) A lo cal official who refused to obey President Truman’s executive or |dw U9BO for Tail employmem j p. aetices in government agencies ! was discharged by the IT. S. Ttva• | sury department last week, j Mortimer Jordan, who sa id | that tie could not possibly ear; v ; cut the FBPC order, wa- told l ..if his discharge .n a letetr Horn ! Secy, of tho Treasury John W ! Snyder dated Nov. ft and was i iired as of that date, j As a collector of internal re ! venue Jordan had charge of an | office hiring 350 whites and only j . tie Negro. He had said he could i not break the traditions of his | state to end segregation in the j office, nor could he hire any Ne- I antes (because there was not | enough office space to separate the races Secy. Snyder's letter of dis missal was written in answer to a letter by Jordan telling why he could not obey executive order’’ 11980. It read: ‘'Your letter of Sept. 17 ad dressed to the commissioner of j internal revenue has b e e n brought to my attention There in .You express ycur refusal to comply with the executive order No. 9980 of the President of the i United States j ‘‘T construe voui- contumacious j action to be a tender of resigna tion from the position now held • by you and I accept it to became ’effective Nov. 8, 1948. j _ “I have designated Mr. Arthur | Sartnin to be acting collector of internal revenue and directed hirn to assume the duties of this office at the beginning of busi- Continued on jvnge five. Ist Section I NOR TH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEK!. Y v n.mnnnv life participation' close tie: ui si: .p- and deep rclig.et)- IV- elinp*. Dr cussant? on the panels includ ed 1 Pt Has Holder of Chri t Mi Etli' ... .!l- !' Nash a, .. Dr. ( of"!! W Kv.'ii poll, oi ( e! Hill. The final *e----'on of the c-onfer- C:a ■ w*:ir; j Was devoled to the (Leon. "Whitiivr We V » o," included Mr- 'I-...J-: ■ H Hunter, Mrs. Guion .?-> - - ... ! Dr. Hoi.>ld Trigg. The !• . tnur.ary was delivered by Mr Margaret Edwards. Dr Mm n Browi;. consqltant in hi'- ic: tm U. S. Of!ns L;i k «lioo v,..- a special guest co.. ■ -.' I ...! 'oi ine (v-nfet-.-nce An. ..t- the >por. orr of the con tVi-e-ce we:, included the colleges ;of si.ite. the North Carolina C -.•<:•(•:!, of Colored Parents and IY-acheis. Hie Nurti; Carolina Home Ee-'ii' mice A-soeialion. the North r lin , Asm.nation I New to ni-.L 1 iil.(• : * : Anie. .■ a anu itie Nr-.. Farmer.-, of Ame: a-a. ;MAN SHOOTS KIN, TAKES OWN LIFE jIN DRUNKEN RAGE GRAHAM ~ Driven insane as a .{-suit oi drunkenness, a 45 year old mt>>) as Henry Chaplain of Graham shot, and critically wound ed one of ids three daughters am. afterwards took his own life i.i sornv woods near his home tier, early Monday morning. Chaplain who was found dead at daylight, was employed at Lind-! 'vy s saw mill near his residence, j His twelve year oid daughter. I Barbara Jean, was rushed to Ala-1 mam-c Genera! Hospital in Burling-j ton. where her condition was term- ■ .-I serious. Another daughter, j Therone, 14, was shot in the Teg but was released from the hospital j following treatment. Sheriff C. H. Moore reported that i Chaplain had reiurned with his wife to their three-room house ; around 0 o’clock Saturday night as- 1 ter drinking. An argument develop ' ed near midnight at which time his j wife called a neighbor. George i Holmes, to (he house in case iur- i ther trouble occurred. Chaplain i went into a rage later .and left the j house. .VvL >■-' His wife said that he had threat- j ened to kill her earlier in the, eve- j mug, but added that "he had done ! that so often that .! didn’t pay any * attention - to it.” PLEA FOR RADIAL HARMONY MADE BY DR. SEABRGOK FA YKTTE V ILL F. The attain-; '.mem o; interracial hannoriy i ; through community cooperation j | rather than through tin? ecmpuJ-i ; sioir of the law wav advocated last j I week by Dr J. W. Seabrook pr> - • ; ident of Fayetteville State Teach- ' ; erv College, in an address tef-ve; mv niters of the Fayetteville Ki * ■■•a Club. 1 ' hi. Seabrook. who matte 3 plea ' for ".nterrac’d! justice.' ..tressed ibe 'fret, that his remarks reflet led hv ' personal views on the matter and 'declared that the “social equality’ 1 ; issue was frequently regarded among Negroes us ..."cover for ex ploitation’ and a device tor deny . ing them the things to which they ; • arc entitled. "Trie thinking 01 the white m«a about the Negro," he said, too oi ; ten if. obscured by the emotions; | spectacles of strum rentalism or uii terne.*.. On the one hand re is bis posed to be patronizing and indul gent, and not to demand of the cot ■ red people the standard ol behavior i ■ which shcuirt b •’. expected of cit >zer.s On the otht i hand he may oy ! memories of r«eonstructio|| days or : Ili - fear of s. throat to so-called i ' •'white supremacy." “The thinking Negro regards the • ‘white supremacy’ issue as so much ; popp; cock The proportion of Ne groes in the general population Is - • smaller now than in the beginning '| days cf the country The snare ol Negroes in wealth and position is ! even smaller." Tiie educator then declared tha' | (Continued on back Ist sectioni ; : plan cfiTiTsTTr I IN SLAVING OF GFORGIA VOTER i| . j NEW YORK - Although acquit j ted of the slaying oi Isaac Nixon, 28-vear-old Negro veteran who in-! . sifted on voting in the Georgia j Democratic primary, the two white ' I brothers who killed him may yeti face a civil suit, Thurgood Marshall, i ; NAACP special counsel, announced i | here today. M" Marshall and A. T.j Walden of Atlanta. NAACP law-; yers are explornig the possibility 1 of bringing such a sutt in behalf | jof Nixon's widow. Indicted by the Grand Jury of { I Montgomery County, Georgia, M- ] -A. Johnson was freed after a Sup-! i urior Court jury in Mount Vernon j jteturnpd a verdict of not guilty.! j John Johnson, indicted as an ac- j jet-sory to 'he murder, was released j I without trial following acquittal of j I his brother. Nixon was killed a few days at j | ter the state Democratic primary! j-fi September 8 in which he veiled; j despite warnings from whites not I |to do so. He had been active ir j urging other Negroes to vote in the 1 j primary. The Johnson brothers went | Ito his home and killed him in fh>- , ! presence of his wife and children i The Georgia State Conference 1 jff NAACP branches, on request of j jMrs, Nixon, employed W. A. Damp j tor. and attorney of Dublin. Ga., to j ;assist in the prosecution. The N. A j (A C, P. has also been asked to as- j jr-ist in the care- of the family whicn 1 j consists of the widow' and 10 chil- j [dren. the- youngest of which is not \ ! Vet a year old. The family will o° j i removed from Montgomery County | las soon as on available place can I be found for them elsewhere, Mr.! Walden reports. • J Propose Erection Ot 50-Apartment Unit In Raleigh The Southern Negro Citizen:. UiagU' tins week announced pian- f<: ma--.- meeting to be (mid in u.eh - to mobilize popu .a.-- ruppi ! t for j 50-emit hous a g project for Raleigh, Pr.o. to the mass meeting. 'v!n;-:i is scheduled for Sunday, November 21, at 3 p.m. at the \V.Je County Court House, the public- . invited to learn details • ! To- T'L.p: >i,-vi p; jeef I . call in;* at t :i« f League’s iicadquarter.- at tile Home E-kers Hotel Build ing at 122 E. Haryott St both o;tv -.-fficia’s and n.-orr ..v-.'a’ Vi -.ii thefv interrstci *n •f.*» Ln.uk-.rm of the nrejc-ct are cchtduied to be ipres nt at the ma I.:ee; at AV.K-.l L K Jar til., ptiblishei- of the Carclma Timex of Duiham \vill be the ijriiicipal speaker. 'U: is meeting will be followed by an informal meeting at 4 p.m. >e t:u tin-- 1 fJem ot the Home Ecki L Hotel. At 7;30 meiticcrs and 'f iends of the League will Wake Citizens I Urged To Make \ Bond Purchases SUSPENDED FRAT CHAPTER ADMITS NEGRO STUDENT Amhersl, Mass. Despite its s 1 uspens.E'n .by the nation al organization, the Amherst College chapter oi Phi Kap pa .Psi Fraternity plans to initiate a Negro student. The chapter reported yes ttirday (Saturday. Nov. 13) it had been informed of its del mile suspension by National Preudent Howard L, Kamil to of Columbus, Ohio, tor al leged unfraternal conduct.’’ j The local chapier said that Thomas W. Gibbs of Evan Eil.n, 111., already pledged, will be initiated •with 15 ether pledgees on November 23. The communication from the national organization said the suspension action was un airt.t.usly voted by the frater- I nity's 10-man executive coun cil. ATTENTION ..,. | All correspondents and contributors to the CARO- | LINIAN are requested io have all copy intended for publication in the Thanks giving week issue IN THE OFFICE oi the paper not laJ er than 10 o'clock Monday morning, November 22. j SINGLE 1 n COPY I iIC attend services at the Tupper • Memorial Baptist Chrnch where ; the sermon v ill be delivered by ! EljJer H Henry. | Special conferences for .diseus i sion of the details of the project ! wilt b e he id or. Wednesday an d Thursday of this week at the Home Fckers Building. The pub lic tradesmen of the Raleigh area ■ urged to ittend these ses : sions which will' -be held from 6 to 8 p.m. Discussing the aims and pur pose of the Southern Negro Cit izens League, us spokesmen de clared that i* is not a political ■vjanizauor), but one .aimed at ; the moral, social and economic m-: terrnent of the Southern No sh o. T.i-ung housing and emplov ment as two of the tnaiar prob icir.s confronting..the Negro today, thr League has <*mbarki 1 noon :> program aimed at tho mprev .- ment of conditions in ‘hcv two As a part of a national promo -1 lion of U. S. Savings Bonds be .-inning Armistice Day, Hugh G. !. ley, chairman oi the Wake ! County Savings Bonds Committee 1 today urged residents in the coun ty to. put away all the surplus 1 cash they can in E, F and G Bends and to help the committee : ell Bends to their neighbors, •‘This is not a national bond 1 drive such as w<- had last spring in the Security Loan.” Mr. Isley explained: ' but a special cam paign with three aims: to add more payroll savers to the 7,500,- : 000 wage and salarv earners who are now buying bonds regularly 1 through payroll allotments; to get more hank depositors to sign |up on the Bond-a-Month Plan, and to urge fanner.-; to 'build up i their reserves in these safe !bonds” In the rural phase of the cam ! paign, the goal is to reach every 1 possible farm family and urge them to build up their financial i reserves against the future by in vesting as much as possible of | their current crop money m sav | mgs bonds. In this the county savings bond committee will have the help of implement dealers . members of the National Retail Farm Equipment. Association, which is backing the farm bond campaign nationally “The American people are more thrifty than many give them cre dit for,” Mr. Islev commented. ‘•Savings Bond holdings of indi viduals have increased since the Victory Loan until they are now well past $47 billion. 532 billion of this in Series E Bonds. Saved dollars do not compete in the market for scarce goods and help push -prices higher. The Treasury Continued on page five, Ist Section NAMING OF FEED [MEMBER RAPPED IBY MRS, BETHUNE WASHINGTON, D. The ; Manorial Council of Negro Worn j'";. i na lettei to the members of the 'lf Civil 3-.-tvice Commission pro j tested, tin* appointment, of Judge j Annabel! Matthews to the rew-nt’.y [created Fan Employment Practic ~ j Committee and requested hei re moved therefrom. A copy of the I-.tt - j ter was sent to President Harry 3 ! Truman. In a statement made by Mrs Alary McLeod Bethune, iountkr president of the Council, upon hearing of the appointment of jJvui c Mathews to the Commission ■id upon review of her actions in A;-.' - rise of Mrs Mary Church Ter ,rt-d iid the Washington Bianch ri i the Ame rican Association of Uin -1 versify Women. Mrs Bethune said. "At a time when the world is i searching for the basis of human ' j understanding, America cannot aX ! ford to permit one distracting e-c --j men- to upset the democratic course |we are now pursuing I feel that jail appointees to important boards j and agencies should have the spirit ;of justice and fair play to ah n ! rardless of race, creed or color. S Only then can we effect a lastin.t | peace and harmony among all men. • Excerpts follow from a letter I sent to the Civil Service Commis ] sioners. • "The National Council of Nervo i Women prefers to place its seal ! endorsement upon the appointee;'. fIMEZ CHURCH HAS CONFERENCE AT WILLIAMSTON By BOOKER T. MEDFORD Press Representative In the midst of an jur of hap piness and good fellowship, Bi shop H. T. Medford held the .kith se,-.uion of the Albemarle Confer ence- of the AME Zion Chuch, mbe- BM-i. at WiD”.r • Cha | pel AME Zion Church. Williams toii. N, C. The Rev. A. N. Nixon acting oastor and Presiding Elder of the Ericciton District was hos . Bishop i Medford was •associate..! with Bi shop E. B. Watson of the 9th Episcopal District of the A. M. •E. Zion Church, who delivered i toe Misionary sermon on Friday : night. Much to the delight and bene fit of all in attendance. Bishop (Retired) W. W. Matthews of Washington, D. C. ad a host of ; central officers of th a church | were visitors who thrilled the ■ conference with sermons and re 'mark;-. Among, these were Dr. G. F Hall, financial secretary', Dr. : W. A. Blackwell, manager of the Publication House, and The Rev. i C. D. Carson, divisional secretai y j of the American Bible Society. Dr. S. P, Perry, of Durham. 1 X. C, and Dr. B. C. Robes m and Mrs. Robeson of Mother Zion in [New York City participated in ] the various services of the con ference i In the Bishop’s Episcopal Ad ■ dress, he proposed the idea that 1 the work of the Conference i should be done toy consultation ! and not in an autocratic manner 'as some, have been accustomed j to. Among other things the Bi ] shop said: (and was loudly ap plauded) “that the day of dic i tatorship m church and stale is i 1 iv.tr. and that the world and the hurch should move towards the ; recognition of the essential worth of manhood in all the spheres and , areas of life and its activities.” N. €. Parent-Teacher Congress To Convene In Wilmington, Nov, 26 Delegates and representative? 1 from all sections ot North Caro j lina will meet in Wilmington for ! i a twenty-first convention of the I N. C Congress c-t Colored Parent> j and Teachers, to be held Friday and ; Saturday, November 26-27,, at the Wiilisfon High School “Child in His Family and Conv : munil.y” will be the convention j theme. Eminent speakers and par ! ent-teaeher leaders, as well as oth er agencies, . will outline an ef fective start for another year of in creased PTA activity in the 654 lo cal units, representing approxi mately 3-4,000 members. | A special feature again this year i will lie the ‘‘Problem Clinic" held Friday afternoon when local, coun ty-wide and district presidents will discuss current problems and of A: suggestions for further expansion jin the Congress work. A formal -*■ k'ep'ion given by the local PTA | group honoring delegates 9 and ; friends, will follow Friday even mg’s session. ; Also highlighting the- special ac jtitlves will be exhib'ites camp I displays, histories and scrapbook (Continued on Puck Ist section)