.VKI-Jk ENDIMt. oAIUKDAi, NOVEMiiEIi 'M, ltl4« PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS ,|§!| THE WEEK IN J|C GOLDSBORO By E. A. THORNTON Mr, and Mrs. John H Woolf- Miss Mabie Arrington. Miss May Atkinson, ami Mr. T. M. Johnson attended the Capita! Classic foot bail game in Wo hinf'ton. it C„ No vember 6th While there they were the guests of Mr and Mrs. Wilbert Smith, formerly of Goldsboro. Oth ers attending the game were Ken non Broad hurst. Herman Wilson- Hack Lewis, Cleo Holmes, and James Bryant They reported a very line trip. Miss Mary Browne of New Lon don. Conn.. Is the guest of Mr and Mrs. C I. Blau dal 302 South Vir ginia Street Miss Browne is the cousin of !vir Bland The fifth annual Negro D:.ir* Show and Achievement Day pro gram was held at the colored com munity center November lu, with every home demonstration club in the county participating Best Grove H. D. Club won fir-, i prize for having the best bedroom furnishing exhibit. Other prize win ners were Mrs. Pearl Coley. Best Grove H. D Club: Mrs Marine Pate, Wh te Oak H D Club and . Clud Best. Route 3, Goldsboro, won * first prize for huvmg the most outstanding call' at the show A large crowd atmnde d>he prog;, am James W. Butler, executive secre Tory, Goldsboor Chamber of Com merce was the principal speakei Others appearing on !’>«• program were the Rev, M V\ Morgan, par lor, First African Baptist Church, Goldsboro; Miss Edna Brinson, heme agent, Sami>tou County: Mo ■- Victoria Black, home agent Lenoir county: Mrs. N 3 Frederick R 1, Wynn, Negro dairy specialist <i Grensboro; Miss Elizabeth Bright. Wayne County, home agent and ?.i. R. Zachary, farm agent- directed •the program with Mrs May me Grady, presiding ARMISTICE DAY PARADE Bryan-Best Pom No. 215 Amen can Legion the American Legion Auxiliary, and Wayue P ist No u 'American Legio mind the VFW u Organization > white) celebrated one of the most successful Armis tice- Day celebrations in ihe history of the poests, Thuan’ds of people stood on the sidewalks and cheesed the l.egin naires and veterans of World War 1 and II a:- they parade ddown the street headed by the Goldsboro High School band White/ and the Dillard Hi, h School band Immediately following the parade the members of the American Le gion and the American Legion Auxiliary assembled at the cam * r.‘-unify center at i! A. Vi at v , time the ArmiMicc Day .vl-is. •<a 1 Sermon was delivered by the Rev Clarence ,Moye. who spoke on “C >- Safi r sojontf ! W* I’' 1 ’' * r r / ' i' •' s j J , I I I . - " ;■ MF • .... lipei.itin and Peace.’ A solo was j sung by Miss Gold!a Malone i At 2 P. M between 250 and 300 i Legionnaire? and their wives par '■ ticipated in the Aimlstlce Day {Luncheon Captain .1 W. Wesley, I staff chaplain and commander of i the J. C Price Post No. 107. Salts ! bury, was the guest speaker. At I this time Captain stressed, "Unity and Peace. On this 30th Armisocc ; Day Celebration." | Music was supplied by the Dil ! lard High Schol -.iris quartet, di j reeled by Mrs. H, B Johnson | Select reading by Mr- Helen Tay j lor i Between $35.00 and SSO 00 was I taken up at the luncheon for th* ; Oxford Orphanage. E A. Thornton I chairman of the program eotnihii ’ W Wri.iii-s Gecryc F. Wilson, and •t. e. pie -id- d. Po.-i Comtnandei H |E. A Thornton aUfcndned the i meting of the executive committet rof He Athle’ic A- -fi.it ion in Rocky ■Mount on Sunday, Novembet it | They teprted a .u y fine mi'c-iiiv.. ihe American Ltgion All-Star ; Basketball team played their first game o the season m Kinston. U i j( v- Mt> the Veterans All-St.. ■ - |of Kinston Monday night. Novem- j | her 15. The Veteran Ail-Stars ot j Kinston will play the All Stars : Godsbon Monday night Novembet 22, a P M. at the Community Ct-n- : This game is being played so: ' the beneitt of the Community Chet Drive iur which Mis. Nan j jtiie Thompson, and Leroy Clark! tare chairmen. 'LL SOUR.*, GIVE >2TH ASM Ai. DAM t 3he LeSour. Club and then !ff end- celebrated their twelfth . ■ jisuai dance Nuvembc. 13 at : Community Center at which time • jbt tw-.cn 250 and 300 people vt ea ptesent. The auditorium was beau , ufully decorated with, flowers co«-; j red lights and .-.hrubbery giviny• lari outdoor garden effect. Dunne tlu i-rand march. souveturMs of . I Idisn-iptlnn- were give/: to f, end; prefC-tst. Member*: !>e .-mii. all Lull-. . were me.- eu t». jai * blue ,v ni:.;: ■jgwns. Each wore a beautiful pt ,x ; and white c-Oisagc. Mum/.- fur u - |occasion was. furnished by the Tc«*.- Ate Jo?/ Band of Kn Hon ..ius, bet* of the dub ..re Mr 1; anoix ! S. Goodman pm idem- Mi- Gera! date Hudson. Mrs. Ruth Dixon! Hood, Mr- Run Jimman, M. Irene Jackson. Mrs. Chanme Rat o Mis.se*- Retha C MutdocK Nra/tm : Cert is Darden, Jame Sfr*/ud .md Naomi Stilt. TIGERS AVI V t IRS | G AME Alii- a ix f-.iint- losing strea,-:. • -lu Diilaid i'igers came back and -'■)t then first game of the season SO WHEN YOU PICK UP ANY MIND OF A FIREARM EXAMINE IIS CARTRIDGE CNAMHR CAREFULLY *U« THE MUZZLE POINT SO IN A SAFI DIRECTION &m WITHOUT TOUCHING THE TEiGGE* if THI GUN MAS A BOIT ACTION 08 A UVER 08 A PUMP ACTION. WORK IT SSVtSAI TIMES TO UtCT ANT CARTRIDGES THAT MAY 81 IN THS MAGAZINE YOU DO THIS TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND OTHER PERSONS WHO MIGHT BE INJURE!) IF THI GUN WAS ACCIDENT All Y TIRED OPEN AND HAVE OPEN THI ACTION Os ANY GUN YOU PASS TO ANOTHER PERSON. SHOULD YOU BE HANDED A GUN WITH TmE ACTION CLOSED, OPEN IT AT ONCE AND ! oOls INTO THE CHAMBER UNLOAD YOUR GUN &»08t YOU PEACE IT SN TOUS- CAR TO AVOID ACCIDENTAL DISCHARGE ANO COMPLY WITH STATE CAWS WHICH MAKS IT Ji. !.EGAs. TO CAffSY A LOADED GUN IN AN automobile. UNLOAD ©UN BEFORE EN TERING A TINT, CABIN OR ANY RUHRINO WHERE THERE MAT BE PEOPLE YOUR OWN HOUSE OR A HUNTING CAMP. -. * m mm mmt » my mm «f mum * VIEW EXHIBITS One of the ; Exhibits shown on the Wayne County Farm Demonstration Acluevement Day Program held at the Colored Corntminiiy Cen ter. Goldsboro, November !o by the Mount Olive D D. ( iub. Seat | ed in the pit tun ; Mrs. Johnson, president, n anding, Alt * s j,. Lane, and Mrs Maynie Grady of Alt Olive, N < by defeating the- Sami-yon Couhiy Trailing School Mi-sen nf ciin-on n their Hom-.-cominp Gann- Nv.-mber H by tin -ci. i t,.ij i n cij/ai Stadium Aimee ciosvci -if t cheering fan luokv.i ot. ,-uh ling j-r? cn.-sed throng;:, ~/t tin gam jpuiiing foi Dillard to win. L'urii.t Ha nrsi quai t.», ~ , I teams fought to ./ score!/*-.- : , ! In the second quart-. • smne ex i Jj>6rt passing fmrr* H Evftv! !< 1 , ; haidk'n produced ~ t ~^. -j ;j. *t ‘■iown.v but ClinioM fin ;i jiy feo t t;.,- i bali fun-bits Cljiton'.s Vai. thtew • 15 ymd pass !,. H K Paimer A„- : utiit! by Wiio.itiis to. Baldwin ; placed tin- ball on Dillard s 40 Find in c toe ~as-.„;- dn'kl, Van fhett threw .. ,1,,., ~ , 'ht iruddh mti-nat d he I ,-..-.- ■ wi/od. but mfetctpi-a L\ erette who ran it baei, t-_, tn, Omn,,, :id. Green and Jaeksun puk :' dup 20 yard- .m . i in ,. !ijl; : ’ ■end mil respectively Co-Captain Hu Id.- ./, \‘. /-J ; 1 ■>, , ■i ft . / ;pay dm The try i. .= \xu’a «.,--it, - ‘ailed. At I:, 1 1 1 in.-,/ s , A ] DiJlard ij. Cl htoh 0 ihe i.alvc Shinv, :H'a/ke popm-/ irill.itd siudcui, was c- owned Mi-\ Dtlam with ap : propi ialt- i» - ettii/i; c" 1 'rite second hall wfought on eA tJ U terms Chiit-.>. i-./ht May t >., .-) v.-Ub n - suit- Hot / 1,--/,, , ~ ; ; ; *ou o.ii.is vv OUIO io»vt Con j siderable ground by fumbles The jhard charging of -Sl/aUdin Dm am ,anu }> Edwatds caused Cl-ntuti , backs t., i/c : i-; v‘,-m 1,.; ; ; ; , ■itt< : tiiijc Outstanding p’tav,-is jo: 'Ch.-ton vve:.- Vane. Palmer .uul Underwood, Dillard. Sitaddm K.l I wards Durant. Kverett on J, u ,- ..on Officials Rt-iei/ c Millet J, .oti G Sir.! Hi; Umpitt i1,., G College, livlit ,■-•.mail A. „nd T College FseM Jr. -a Hiije: . vV ilisiOli-Salnl, Is:.:'*- !'- // -i e;.- College. WHEN WITH ANOTHER HUNTER KEEP GUN MuZ- ZtE POINTED IN A SAFE OLBECUGN WATCH THAT HE DOESN'T SWING HIS GUN TOWARD YOU WHEN TWO HUNTERS COME TO A FENCE THE ACTIONS SHOULD BE OPENED. ONE MOLDS GUNS WHILE OTHER CLIMBS OVER AND TAKES THEM AS SECOND iOt- LOWS If ALONE CLIMB OVER CARRYING GUN WITH MUZZLE POINTED AWAY, if YOU PREFER PUT GUN THROUGH ON GROUND BEFORE YOU CLIMB OVER WITH ACTION OPEN AND MUZZLE POINTED AWAY FROM YOU, WORKING THROUGH A "SHOW DOWN" OR ACROSS BOULDER COV ERED GROUND HOLD GUN SECURELY IN CROOK OF ARM. KEEP SAFETY DEVICE ON BUT READY TO RELEASE IF GAMS APPEARS WHEN YOUNGSTERS ARE TAUGHT TO SHOOT, THE DANGER OF ACCIDENTS iS GREATLY REDUCED A TRAINED SHOOTER IS USUALLY A SAFE ONE. TEACH 'EM WHILE ThEY ARE YOUNG i *N U SEC I. ION GOLDSBORO jyj| IhtfcaiAi»; iSpSS«3I«S»»* fjk': ; jEHU 41 FAIR MOUNT NEWS R> DOROTHY I I.OVII The Cemetery Chip nf tm- First Lapi i: l Clin ch nf Fan mont spun -oreu ./ progi-arn last Sunday night to iiiis-i- fund- for the betutlifii u tio?: ot the Getrii’!/-: - Tin pro ei am svitil Very SUCCe.-SSfi/i Si-rvi'-es of. the Fils I Baptist <-■>/..'11 were conducted by ttu- Rev. F. kedene in the - lead of ,/ur p.»*.- . ’o-i the R( v J is Melt*'. Mr. lvit h . >:■ one n; the yuiiii: no ii.-ter ot enugrrgation and L held m ugh esteem nmem; H.> mwnbt ••• I- 1 hs v • oiedgi .1 i’ ll - - -!|jp.,rt hi ; flii. f tj ti.e UilHiSfer. sclioed I: i- !// Ot- In-Id at Sli.i-.V Uni v' ~ t > in ■.!:- near iutni •• Ml- • iilidi f-’itt.T. ■:, Huns. I'-vUlo-o v H.-acliei' in Hie P/nelni!-*l Hi- - S< mei spent tin.- vvi /l; ,mi • • i'll nt - etjts who live <):•- Cat to i Sf I(O ; >:ei t- in Fail irtnnt. I Hu- Seni-i, Vocal Gi-'iis of : ht* First Baj/iist Church furnished in i. ,e lor j .ogi.uu given at Ihe '•Hi's/ct: Church ii: r oeteivije on Monday night, November 15th. M. • I.Ui Ms--. !;.- ley ■•! Join. Olivo:- S v ... . pen linn'Mo,,d i> ■ n.o l.i-i -i ,\i: He Hal i 12. i i‘■ a * Sisvet, aftc: -'ic fi -i.e will J-in hi r husband wh.,- y, am,.- in t-'.-dUnioi e Md M. - riieo-iove Blount of M.id sor. SON r-1 who has been on invalid lor ;: ole 'li.o, Fii ye,si- 1* ie ■ o • -h tiO'e!; ts-.o : t-ec-nl at :act; .I ii;,;,--* 1- hi ! ,s line's b» eat. Mrs. Lo -of ,va ; . ,/>. r.c-tsv* membe ot the *' H t Baptist Uhui'cf; :U)d lieqnetujy -u.-i .m.. Sited Hie Choi, veil ft -oi-./.s beautifully -u: . Her mo t rootut out-of-town visitors are hot htfbanii Theo.iore Blout.t ot Rc-iH. u- /iiti;, Va Ihie- sis tors ami ./ uroihei -tn-hiiv. M and Mis Wil -o • Belle of h kviile C’et/fie. N V Ah Ruth (In gory of Ports.- na -Hn. \'a , and Mrs Juanita Won-ey -.j Riickvii!- y .-ntii' N. Y 1:1 i her nephew Ait xande. “ileruA ■■l i'm tsinoiitb. F llnber li /ne nf Wnn.tor. Sal -Ins :.n . Hie foundation of one • f Fa I-p lu-acls of ih.l,- -.; H-. --ford --I caffie ea-' of the Mississippi Hive, , ,c<s/iding fn I 1 Case ot she Stan College Extensile: Se:- Xml' j I mm : fi • #% o PROGRAM I'ARTK H AMs iattn ami home deioonsli alien .iioiifs who (Hriidpatrd in the Fifth Annual Vrjrii Dairy Show and Atit-ie vement Program !,ehl ,n thi Gofmed Coßununity <>n ler. Goldsboro, November 10, fftSk. 1 <-h. to right: Mis.* Vieforia lilac!*, hum-.- aj-rnt Lenoir County; Miss Happy Khmer New Year. "RISING SON' CAST Dud ley t Traded Soho«l, Dramatic Club cast ‘vlin ipprami in thi' play "Hltanjf Son" in Greenville, No- Vrttilier LSth. Hiwltii r.j FraF. Xuacthy Jpunson; L, K; V. 1111', liAKUJUNIAN How Long Do Institutions Live: 3 Well Known N. Y. Minister Warns Os Abuse Os Power BY CHAKI.ES I STEWART Minister, Bethel Will Church New York City Sometime:; great ideas, tlum-his, ■ and principles must be transferred from one institution to another oe-; cause tiie original institution crum bled. In this way new nations art; ; : Lorn. Democracy an ideal, a 1 culture, and a principle of govern- \ : ment will remain to? Ami rican ! u.si only so lorn- a- .America is ti.e 1 soil m vviiich the fries: thoughts. 1 and principle us demoei-aey may ’ grow ami develop into full truc i ture. Wild Ann t-ica eeu-.e- to culti -vale tin- soil in which the seed ot democracy glow*, then ihe Consti tution nt the United Slates be gins to give vMy to the ir,rush of a new ilea and j-rlheipie .1 ,sivr mniciil, the Xlac, Will waver instead of wave a-id ll.t- 'ai- will b. ■ iu.jS! net. from Hu-ir poeiui.- ,a atw -e-ii lor l eOWtil i being .ought, '! lit- yi Si . . fill to teach i il.it ; when cei-tatn evil*, i i-.-ep upon a ! iiauun is institution, forcijM H i mitr be;-ii: a- gnaw- at the si.tu -1 -lructurc and presently the Game i Wori'. vs I! no! Imi-.i '■ .■;-, hi-r H,e civ.- o- I aslii: ten! , svi.j*;: r over Tile ■ s ears i.av ils-o fanglu Hat tile -s ■ men tn: kt a- >* n.oni y, power, and edueanofi telh how ibe man .■f p*-i : ■ Hi- t'. 1 iio. dignity, cul ture and uitv.l* of the in.stituH-.n Srou-d lit- if -, come when </ |a ah cl. nip I.t a • oven.in- nt form .1 ■Ji iiM.ped tm t-.e right ; of the ; people the ideal* and culture of .. i pcupic. and tin- final destiny of the I .-.oveitiiiu-!:! ot ii,.- people, re-volu ; tion .s -e-ek./ii. • place '■• rear its j.ve.nr .-i.ti filing forth a mss' cul ture and thinking. Ihe name, of Ha. --I the art;, aie ro>|.let.iicd with the pt-:- >;.;»! ,ai. l J iee . I’or :ta ■ ~./d r.f ,;e a • a ii'.! Hie i- a i m; - of ;;os rnment a.-.i.t ,/--wpt-. w : . may Uvc Hinn-tHI tl/e Un;.;/nils and all- UtloiVd Lit..-oil. . mm .1 Ia) Bed U‘; roll.-'! -out tti ■•-/ild He yOllght no: !n- own ll M- Moriah svouid '-.peak tier ritual thrills. the eternal Masc* tt'a.- tibiiaioi for all let'll v. on id oitHgloi-jfy Sinai Mom .. . pov.-m and future v/hen misused, took the pi -/px from be-1 matt. :/• ny l ooi), ot Vi : terd: y : e.- aa-- the t':M';.,,s. Atithimys. . Mufsilil'i- aM.I Hitler : OUp'iit not ,ha Hk- p'-epa- mi Ha a lives but ■ -ought to fatten Fm-m-elve: oti t.:a poor tn.‘*si > Icpiili W!.- is J* \js SCHOOL NEWS PIKEVILI.f ItJAIMN'G SCHOOL Prof. J. H Campy, announce*j ‘ jiiii the first . . i up o 3 she l-ike* v i ile l aiiai: , School uaper. “Tho Cam ! hi. :■■■'" ii.i. ~: • 1 i »■<•!, punted .'i- i rn Ll ji! 0 out t.! lhp parents and Iricucts Tins S: the first time .n the history *if fhi sC'h.-ol that a paper 0! this kind been printed It Will be a monthly, published by Ebe St.uioi ( hi :' oi tlit school, j Prof I’arnf.v and member.- ot the ■ii nio, Class need to be corn-rath 1 j Uinubstli Bright home agent, Wayne County; Mrs. viable peat eesou, .Miss Edna Brin son. home ‘ agent. Sampson County, Mi.v» Gladys Simm -ns. K L, Wynn, farm agent and M. R. / rehary. Wayne County farm agent. >IUs Bright and Mr 2*th»ry directed the program. Pemberton, M. Herrins, E. Kor iitgay, L. KovaK j. Loiton, N. Blftunl arid l essie Martin. Thel ni.# Banks is not thews la the ] pic, we. I ! demonArated that He- would ralh-!; (’!’ carry a cross on Calvary (hail i1 , accept money from Caesar, the i j dying ot Peace heard a eenturian j I say ' lie must hav* been the Son 1 ; ! of God." i i In these days, v hen nations and I. institutions . milling on the j I brink cf disaster, hunger, and ol- j : 'on r'rei'dy leaders nip, the Church ; •■■l Jesus Christ should be at Us • wry best to undergrid the thinking j iof the people and give morale and i '•pirit hi . who will live tomor- I row. When people lose confidence ;, nd respect tor leadership, the val- i m e| the dollar drops to a new ; j low And tnat: who refuse-- to . acn i 1 himself for the perpetuation i i the life of his people and the 'deals they chons!- is unworthy t,i his place among the people, Richard Alien doer, not live he i au:e hr- founded the African Ivh :h --■'dis' Kpiscopa; Church H< live.- t'.-catiM- without selfishness, given. ! or pet sonai ambition, he pave meet- 1 me (dace to spiritual ideals, rue I mire-, and their kindred institution.-; • tv here they mA-ht unhampered rear; their young and .give the people i : hap-pinc-ss and the ehureh a sure j foundation When personal humility nnd sac • rti.-ct- wished to find a man to; cherish the rhing? of the Spirit! Amd the food ot the people, they; -eieeted Richard Alien who tinai tv died in honor rathei- than in fit.'kled wealth Setking personal honors to the : sacrifice of tin- "cause ' i s vanity <u vanities’ saith the preacner. Richard Allen will live cternal ’"f he gave a persecuted and poverty stricken people a life to; • hve and an ideal with its culture:; la iollnw counting not the cost to i limseit N<* person ot group glorified | l Richard Allen; time arid history ; 'mine his halo and truth placed h an his immortalised head. Greatj nuh like the Richard Allens, have! been known to live longc-i than the' institutions they founded When ,hr refonnmg spirit of Alien dies, the institution also died. Institutions and governments a;el often destroyed by the evil Fran konsteins they rear on their altars • . °f worship, o tm a Moses righteous: to strike the cancerous golden calf j nt greed and jealousy from the al- j '- ot a people who seek a; "Canaan of manhood and freedom j dated tor this very fine papei Mem- ' Ca rs of the editors staff are Julius j jGramtk&tn editor; Lee Fort, and l Bettic Braswell, associate editor; Mrs <; B. Hamilton, advisor ifie Pikeville Training school 1 1 completed ..rid its operation! heyan October 2, HM2, at which J! mne the faculty consisted of only j eipht members, tour elementary! teachers and four high school! teachers Since that time the facul- ! ‘.y has crown 1< a total of around j liltcen teachers. Under the lead- i . -rsinp of Prof. J. H. Carney, the j .school became an accredited high hooi its the spring of lu-io. and 1:5 ’-ne „f the Jew county schools 'with a veteran's school to offer technical and specialized training U; *he Ex-servicemen of World W: *i B. Great progress has been made in all departments of the j school, and especially in the home I < ronomics and science departments, j Other departments making progress ! Eire the library and the campus j s * o re which was built and painted j by the veteran's trade class. -'Hats i nil " to the staff or “The Campus F.ciio , You are doing a very fine ! job. f hi lH.f V SCHOOL Brut H H. MvKeathan and mem- i her -I the faculty 3 f Dudley} st .ooi wish to thank ait persons! v. i . contributed to the Dudley j Playc-rs The group motored to *.lret uvillc ~n Friday night, Novem- j > 12. and prevented the second in | u -erses of plays, “The Rising Son” • a targe and pleasing audience. -Vlembers oi the cast were; Bessie ■Viar'in N Blount, J Lofton, L. ! Royals. K. Kornegay, M. Marring. ■ W Pern per ton, arid Thelma Bank's, i t'roi T. M. Johnson, director. Additional contributions were ; w-reived from the .following j>er- j -on--. Mr. and Mrs, John Lofton, i iVi and Mrs Herring, Mrs. Daisy Bolice. Mr- Preston Hatcher, Mrs. h-'li Aldriek, Mrs Pern Smith- Mary Aldrich. Mr and Mrs. Roose velt Kir.?' Mrs E Pate, Mrs. Nora Hinder-ton. and Mrs. Lesie Wynn. The school's second month hojioi roll included ti c following. ‘ Bth grade—Marshall Boyette; •Th grade-Richard Carter. Jr,. Federal Lee Kills, Herbert Howell. ; James Sauls, Frederick Smith, Che-- j fer Wynn Roy McKenney, Mablfi ; Thompson. Margaret) Wynn, Sylvia ! Bowden, Ctorit* Butler, Besse ; Cobh, Eugene Croom, Virginia j Crooni, Anece Faison. Sarah Hatch j or, bird Mary Lee. sth grade, Peggy Johnson, Joe E.; Vaught; 4u. grade—Doris Thompson. Eva | Atkinson Edward Simmons, A. K. i Hinderson, John Royals, Joyce j Peeie, Lonnie Pitt,, Essie Ruffin, i yi'XJUND SECTION CONGRESSMAN'S SON IS GUEST AT PARTY WINSTON-SALEM Adam < i Powell. 3,u, son of the Rev. and • Mrs A. Clayton Powell of New Vork City, was entertained ut a j party given by Master Edward i Stepp at the home of W. P. Hairs ton. Friday. November 12th. Games were r<inducted tiv Irma Banks, Lois p. Hairston and Linda j Hill. Refreshments included ice i cream, cake and baskets of mints. | Balloons and miisernakers were Riven as souvenirs. ! Joan Armstrong. Eunice Brewing- j i kin, and William Faison. The following member.-; ut the Dudley Players motored to Hamlet | |and presented ‘The Light F.ter - j Dial;" Thelma Flanagan. Elisha j Greenfield. Marian Wooten. lame.- ! i Faison, Prof T M. Johnson- and I Mrs. Eionise Pate. The Original res of Goldsboro ap- j j peared in pet s.n at the Dudley j School Friday n.-ght Novernbei 12.1 The gioup was sponsored by M, i , Catherina Holloway and Mr- EU'ise J , Pate Neal Stitt is director Support Your Paper -SCOTT’S CAFE j B»st In Barbecued Foods 404 Golley Street Goldsboro, N. C. J. &K. Market | Grocery and Meats 1417 Murchison R«J, Phone 2890 BELL-STAURT Furniture Company Quality Furniture, Reasonable ! Prices 227-28 N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C.., Phone 1760 J rwnm AU 1 0 I. 0 INS | Wayne Finance Lu. "DRIVE IN TO BORROW i James & Asls sts. Phone 1024 i ! —r , , ... . { ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service Street Floor Borden Building Goldsboro, N. C, Phone 218 b : Southerland Liif! COLD DRINKS AND BEER 221 WEST RINK STRUCT ADDIK COLE, Prop. lor Prompt Courteous Service FOYE’S BARBER SHOP 405 SOUTH JAMES ST. ODEI.LE FOYK, Prop. Moore’* Grocery VIE Bl y AND SELL FKFsH COUNTRY PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET FREDERICK -MOORE, Plop FOR FLOWERS THAT ARE OUTSTANDING AND DIFFERENT CALL l , 'Tfiv fc[®p§@l * L luy East Muibvirrv Street, Tel. 2580 WO will have a complete line of Xma* wreath and centerpiece* FINEST WATCH, CLOCK AND JEWELRY REPAIRING Eastern Carolina Precision Work* 117 ORMOND AVENUE GOLDSBORO i,..a**®* -a-erffm* « ■ •■-rer-’-e■^nrttr-r•,!-.n-m-im iwn«n'mfwawmm«wnmmmMHii>niini»ij SERVICE DRY CLEANERS t Cor, S. Jamac and Elm Sis. Branch Office N. John 8L I ONE DAY SERVICE | W* Specie lit* in Women'-; Silk Dresses and. White Sweater* 1 PHONE 1579-H WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE FLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL : - LIFE INSURANCE CO,. \ 301 S. JAMES ST., GOLDSBORO * C, C. SPAULDING, President E, R. WILLIAMS-District Manager J, B. i’AF L-Assistant Manager PAGE SEVEN Golds ii ioro Merchants .Arid Business Persons Ylade Tliis Page Pos sible, Give Them Your Trade. It Pavs To Advertise!! ! t lO'IHF VO I « EAMH.It ON C R E I) S T K A I) I S * IT! EAST WALNUT . ■•.gjra-J£..BBaa» HICK’S LUNCH ROOM Ntw Open For Business Short Orders and Regular Meals, Cold Drinks, Ice Cream 802 N, John Si. Phone 8189 Mrs. Frank Hicks. Prop, j COMMUNITY SERVICE STATION GAS AND OH -I.HI N GREEN LEAK ST j t'Olli DRINKS AND BEER PHONE 947-J !! 1. JACOBS, Prop. ) j Your Credit la Good At (hjouctf^ j FURNITURE 115-117 East Walnut St, GOLDSBORO i j j LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Office of Christian Aid j Mutual Burail Ass'n, Inc, j Fret-mount, N- C. Phene 3161 J. W. Lee. Prop. ! _ __ j SUTTON - LEWIS s Furniture Company 124 E. Mulberry SL FU-asynable Prices In I FURNITURE OF QUALITY i I THOMPSON'S ! SUPER WASH AND • SEEK SERVICE LAUNDRY 901, N. JOHN ST. i 9 LBS. 35c PER MACHINE Mrs. Pearl Smith, Mgr*. ; FOR DELICIOUS DINNERS STOP AT .Nicky's Soda Shoppe :m s. jamf.s st. "A SPKCiAI.IY EVERY DAY' Moye’s Grocery Fancy and staple Groceries Fruits and Vegetables 401 SOI 111 JAMES ST. PHONE SUM - rz-.-i-r: apjt-yry^ Silver Moon Bar ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS BEER «<i VV PINE STREET ALEX SWIFT, Mff.

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