*VE EK ENDING S.ATI/KDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 10IS IN MIATOIUAM In awni try u£ tv ! a!e Hmrinn M ferry who departed tbs lr • Ij\ <• >'ai , i.u.'u if !i home ;a h a vett • vide. n r "Throughout !b> fir e of his absence from us we Inv b* <ti made to .fed a deeper 'i>pjc-• i;,f >on to:' his worth and rovvoi i|; v ti true friend to humanity Ta ■> •..»> he passed on- ho i, till with u;.- and hying ”< our inetnoiw THE PERRY FAMtL'i IF Forest rangers were hosts to more than 'G.FiQ.OOO vtsitov; 1 the i 4 .Southern Nation?' Feu t■, during the HHH ,«*>a.wni The pii.knh- Croatan National Forest in North (. aiotiua ted in. t creation u *• ■ wfth 2,.)30 823, I Glowed by f * 1 ;. 11. tahoocliec !n northern G""-n;ia, it. •tffi,42o !iti(f tiic Nantahala in Nov in Carolina v 4th 87ft,7725. $/»«&. & '*** ■ ~>/icN'-i. v =•- [ \ /% ]/\i / /dm | : 7 t\ cut out m J I \ for flattery / Y { Air S*ep; hltsnq l.ple .da-q, / s os adaptable as a chameleon* j mjmwM/ j§ j j CCGri So O n domp f.qht j » ' f' w i L.A by yovi foot and you* / f W'\ fi II lorhion-wtse oppeotant.e* ‘ ‘j. j \ | i Jjjf Choose d to* o facr; L \I j n i%M « 4 J STORK HOURS 990 Ml OPEN &r..U RAY Wf.'.pNf SHAYS Banquet Sets JUST THE THING TO DRESS UP VOUR Ti!ANKSGIVING DINNFR! /Up * a V E ACH SET ALL WHITE INCLUDING A TABLETIOTiI AND 8 MATCHING NAPKINS $ 1295 $ 1 995 MOSAIC SET CUT WORK SET TabiedoJh 68''x88'' TabH«'ioth 70 *xßo MOSAIC AND DRAWN , Tl . u . wn „, lirrr WORK SET ‘ tv’rt " r ’ Tnblecloth SB"k9o ' C , I abicsloth 68 xB6 EMBROIDERED AND HEM STITCHED SET GRASS HEMMED SET T*blec».*h 66'x8F,-’ Tablecloth 66 x9O ; Tusriv background !or s he lop m Thanksgiving din • • ais( * wake tor perfect Christmas gift* i'o fho proud b omptuakcr. tome in unci ihom lode v and admire the beautiful detail work, LINENS STREET FLOOR ~asc/£ _ iARCfST- Nmileswork (vtiilcl Slates Ingathering ; f v 1 The Hi.’Nro Bi ■ a h o f the Needle ! ; work Gt.nid wbl h.. !d ; inga' <•. in,; on Friday night cm • > a* the Mary Talbm Horny at hi' ,' Kit ‘ Da "if St; f Our hands are sati r I .i■ ■ tnr; our tniiiplc,V mil :■ cleui, -it-'d "i .c.’i ( )'.uf(: frorh th" Jii of ovei Uu'l'..’l ■l-ni < . r 0: [Ur : o'ly flv tf'cirieor.'! ,■ of ‘"'me i■ f ih" be.-l radio race' <\i> can't --oil ?i j thing nv the tinv a v.-ernnti finally "G- Ie id *.•"•• la ncgotisiU- peace 'be in a P ; enemy may have abandoned the: campaiun and b cn:,coneed 'u viii- ' t<T quarter!- elsewhere. ww/w nm, wwwr lowetm'—wiiwMi’tiJW’ig n Program Offered By Sociology Classes Os Washington Hi School L"’• tiv l .lfav' morning the soci- : • I’Jti 'd .i. presented a pvo mi hi !n.c> vat ton of Arne; ican F'luection W' ok on the t.hcni'.' 'StrcngUn nine the .Foundations of Frc-'idr-tu " The discussion was led by tUcmvood .tones, the ohun ; . roan, and followed b" Sarah Coe. Lilly I tow*. II ..b't.iuoe Rouins"n. I Jacqut’lirir .Alien, and LouE? ' Alatfhcv.' The master of ceremonies whs, Carl Smith In conjunctien with Ihe exercise there was a pat.t i ■ j otic ir noted in tin oiav.r ■<ncl Ihe Ame mean (..'reed TTW'-at bv Thomas o’Ne.,it. On Wednesday evening at the • So.ioru’iier Tnuh YWt. A. the C ; wn atid Scepter Club w.is ho: le:,, to the pi sheetivc nicnihets of the honorary society who will j hi ushered into full friembe: ..hu» • a! tie: w.-lall'ifion aervieor m ha pel >n Novcmbet IH. .Among tin in :: ! gi - ; ■ • rt pi ncijxd ■ :; : Nil" C H Melamduii. Mr.- V, K, N< well. Mns. d >3. Bugg. Mi . F It Will in ms an-j ti it f >nl*' J i'. Hick-, Miss .latte" Wail, i'li’ members of the society t n CJJenwood >lon<*._ Pnltinu Horti*n. Doris Mullen. Geraldine Roger.; Latina Homy Virginia Watkin... : \ •is Dumdon. Luit H Avn!! Ha; ;ictt Nunn. Mae Tie im i A,lan,'.. AM'.itt, f• Hi< Wit son F'rorpectivp Member • 'Die pV'isperiiec member." arc Mm V !D . Betty MKa uv. I recce Birdsail. Lc]ia Ruffin. Mai icne Hand;;-,. Yvonne Jeffrie.; I '••ai I Wilson, .lune Thomas, Ross C'lpeJand. F.mma t 'heck, Ma;V" Thci'pc. B'ivkin (.'.'irirell Alec" non Dh’> and James Wallace Tin- I.dcrivv Club in ccleti .i lion •>! N.-*tional Bonk Week H "psnsm 1 1' 1 r a l) r'k e : H'lt.C.d I'h.aJ open to ad r • . Te •« roo"" will im given do the two studenis m.ikicc )!;,■. 1 -‘H He" k *-'r a’ Beg'nnipK noxi week tr ■ is'\vrt and Sc; ptev Ciub will m ' lr a eon! ■ in , : ;i tb of Cm sUi.as e "d- . The. ei rc boy resP'-ri.:•!*'••• foi raising tb' largest an a -uni of money vv;ll h" ert.wJied "Mr. and Me;. Ciu, ,D re: ,HS Scid." ■j'}:,- C’’.'-thing Depa, rni-ad ' , recently i.-een decorated vith cm iams mad*' bv members of the vari *i:s {'lasso*'- in clothing, AI iirescnt the c;a • ■'.> ore " •;:ng on the pi ’blt ut of making I o ma: gift- and toys. Tb,. first if .Oil Eng’ l ;■ "1-1 .- ind'c the Supervision »f M R. H Ti’olc organvmd a club 1 r th ■ purpose of considering the A paths of V egl "■ b and to impk men! and enrich thp studv of Fnßh.'hh The ■■‘heer:, tm r.-e ident, Th -m Del, -iw .v - ! y Leon Goode Aysisianl ;.s< i : ■ fi,)■',•_ A' , t Wallace; Tic.i --: "sire;. Belcslme Rogers Rrrnrt : » - F.thi'i Horton: Prficr/am Cliae - | rnan. Julia Bryant Sick Comnait ■ te-r Chai.rma*!, ~• Gray Sgt.. At A dnli.ip H 'brri ilass rie ifd {be fnllovinff offj- Pl !■ ; I*o.l, ' Gilr Vise ! Fr.-sidopi. Strati (’*•; Secret a'-v. Dims, Robinson As-stan; Sr-ci '. iiarv, Helen Weston: T , - -m-:, : SaaraH .Morg,,.; Rcporims Al i n-.ena Nunn: SgfoAt-Arms. Ff m ' lie C.'tJmon; Sochd Chairman ' Telze Is—: Conslitution Chair man Margaret, Jones The Commercial Club urdcr (hr ;iP'* ' '• -'ll of All 'A ll! elected the fr-llcwiw offitwr.r' Fi c idcnN Mao Th; k - i Ada ", Vic; ,'fejhro Rohm: ,n; occrctarVircinia WatVinrs A -1 ifarit Sc'.'Ti'iai v. EH"' Sandcis-, Ti-c -■ u’ " GJoi in la' s'- , Rena t. f r VicfO! in Dur" top Si"'sb Chairjvan Gloria Fsdrl.- •'’■■o pram Chairman. Catherine Wynn. cial Cl lib arc cant-ent rating an 4 ll"l"-- | n—’ nrr-, Men’s AH Wool FALL SUITS *29'™ Smartest wooff-ns in st«gJp ard double breasted styles. Short ~ I Long—Stout--Regular. ! Complete I.toe of Mms S-r'art GABARDINE TOPCOATS | $2 2 50 up I I Raleigh Oldest Clothiers • Since 1338 GLOB e Exclusive Raleigh Agents 3cr ADAM HATS ; Corner Wilmington arid Exchange Streets Witn the. 'till co-opera! ■ - -cs _ t.a alt tht : " the tiis.t. edi.it ion re iH, s . smn s" the election ot the ''N*. AtaM" hc.'.s beet) ctitpleted. Th" 0;r r; AJlrcicd English Club: Rocr.f 208 he - "TMed th; fol- 1 Fj estdent. Rr lan; 1 Gs - n i Pr's-Hcii! f. 1 Jto n.i Frecn, Sc: ; a ; IFi p* ,! D' V. . A sstar. ; ; Socrciary, Bi Hunt;'.. Trcn sja ■ < Marfa: < I June.'-. Pri: gi’am | ! < d, m:man, Dorothy A lams; Social; ifl’ .iii iiLan. ,(•-> pl>im> Davis, Cl rr ..■filial ‘ n Dhaichiiiu. Moses k ouug, • Sick Chasrman. Erlin- Bes's; De : ecrati: n ('■ inmitf " i'faiisnan, . Sarah Jones. RcpoDcrs Alohonz i : Audi: .on. !'>•;'A• Arms, Jarn: - ■ William : ’Hit .* 1 1 sl* nr *to '-3. Speak G> "< 'EiiEli.ii and Go e! English W.’ll . fspc.d lor Yon." Ti '■ (7)1 i, i " aid!" 1 Ol'i' <" Chib m th. school ha : eic.ti 1 it s council n ieir.be r; a ltd uij f '" s . for I!) is The ,v <■ Chairman, frila HowGl. Ch.-'litnar. Ldlic Vv'atsoP \ mhlhm Mac Thelma Adam : I'i'r ■ V:. , Virginia Walkin'.-. A.- ; t 'i rc! v P:>: (::i.' liorßin Ti i .. .-,‘, Flue .S.mcim , ) !is.p 'Jain. Virginia Gar-.: IV am ‘"ha : l's'en. Fi >e Brovrn. KnthE >' ; : h: rdsnaSocial f ’Mss s.- s Ru o- T .mp cm Viet ■ « Dus -•• ! Crmmunity Service and Hospi • lalitv IfOuis" Mattienv.-, Claudia Aloiraii. Pufilunt v Minsaii l R; !M .r. • R. Sit* A.<- Arms Srr.aii Co.- slarg c'- t tv.- A j lb" !a;::"' fast inert is > " , di. Sppic. mend ;"i entei't-iincd : 1 ! t O di:\l }1 ! );) ( i ant JnlifiNoit lu lurit lo Vrmy Ihtfdi In j.tpdD (< ,f 'Fin ( A . *; <M i ri’u> i ■ which hr -pem yp i-o.vv r)''|r»T N'd'f tJ - , \ , 1, |H. fa ; | I 'ompjip V ?-U}i Inf-iiHr'y. nn - !’ •*’. (■■'?* »*.) ' •fv lOii j) \ M.j< 11 <„tr: f ; wniiatn. B* NEEO GLASSES? 1 * '' Walrigh- w. C The only 3-WAY relief from your BACKACHE t f£- g 0 s’**SwW tamgmßKKS&iK* i nr Y p!i \ \ F.ack plostcrp at" the one product made for 3-way relief of p&jpfut, muscular backache : (Ti The mettir-iUon in John son's MACK PLASTER stirs up eurulauon, bring.:-; Uv. hcairng and warming Wood to the .sore e-pot. Tense muscles relax and vfm pain eases. fT> It straps twitching muscles-—-cuts down those rib; of pain. (3 1 Tire protective 'pad j guards against chilling. It’s al most. like carrying a. beating pad j with you. Tests bv de-tors shof that T.u'.nson BACK PLASTER helps nearly ft out of in sufferer . II '■> mari.e by .lohnson A: Joi known /or fire product • tor i 6> years. At all drug stores. tl * -eilt* ® J v ] \ , / / / ,;4 cw- *osr\\An nil fv , / . . . xc —' / M'.- v"**- • / f » Tc, ;\\ MKHjtir <m tteuvsax ; '■ J — £rr- v SBT. / r “ f #// «Sru T * j "bgJT' j f ~™ ~~L " V fei WfW ‘ # V -4r T ~r iTH rWlt 8 * >//•=. 'ii US ALL V rtf aesr twr j Unbro,tf«e. e«r<m lh« front 1 I Unbroided. warn in « ! LZ —l' U * i4AIR PRODUCTS OKQEfc .„ . „ | AWT LENGTH 7» YOt/fi? mtW. M« d - flflut# *.gR«. „ „ . <« , ... ~.. , ... „ erifiai l TaiTrrrtiri-i''i , aj»Yri , ii —j 1 / fciai »w _LC—iSBaX, THP, CAROUNIAN mas admits mooo IMIIOY <,s; Ml THEI'I ‘cord. N >v, is. li was reports**! ! - i■/ }..»y Police Bi-.'-.d* A Robinson I-?, i i registered as '■ i.mciicw Jo.m- has ar snitted fa'i'i-i't r, ijnst o ccnljiin i" : -i>3o '-OO ji> cfsh and jew- Hrv iron- B: > p i M, (Dad dy) <B*.*>-o's Ciunrh hero. The* import stated ih.*? Jones en- • }■ 'Gi ■" Hf.iso of Pray * v Oc ! n be-? 1 < a. t• 1 i o o k *y * d was revested that a gold w.jfUt and .*• diamond rloc; writ found n; a woodshed in fhi' hack of Jones house m Cii.’rkfte. Jones, who was in Washington, P. C., after Ihe ; ffo.lt. was picked up and car* rii l t<> Chcr’oile fv qu*f.• f'< -:-*nr. Preliminary hearing in the case is expect; :d to get *.;n derwtsy mi Cabarrus <-ouniv Rrco'.'d?? s Court November i 22, ill;. TRIM. TOSmiv V I Dhilfi. VTlf IX OF NT?. S! HOOI. VNM-A |>‘ u: ‘ ai f ! ; : Iv d r } T :i; ■ is' : > Sc 1 i : i ; "dnu. I'ljVl!; r : .i nh::/. V ■:!! , •aJ . ;n 11; ■ • Sc*i*' ■■l Au 0 - ?o. ium. D) H L prevHcnt of SI '• ’ rv n ■ ■ ■ t >ru‘?i.a, u-j'l df'lb'O) the dv.lri <m.~ ; -ii - ; \in: i< w )-s' fin rusft'cd by the r .i'\y oo)’a X ll l-'■{ Sf h oo l nrla Flit - i ) tc n far v Q? c 1 In b. z\ n:i !. h n .». b i i m\. and received ii»s basic (rain : in,; id ?Y. ’ K i." ito de* pc. MM . ,1.1 >! : Mil’s ... i( . . I i 10-I.’. ,■] d shv.r: IT \|.■ i ■ Jimi i r. "M. MM-.-,rr c . r . : fniji ,|m.;i 'ii .tfendvd Mien rm make \ O UUV THE . , - •’ < 191* Ik.. ■ X 1.1-* AT- A “ ... ill. .. M avd High School Baud. !«o faculty this year: Miss Jufjef , Tha is *v Aral ex MKtaisi.i * f ; tfi'.e, wi’d, '..’oirnnei-uol tuaelwr, and j lunch room and ten clasii rocnis ; - - | .aril heviny a lavatory c!o,.is rc - f.'I.ASSfPJBIr All eld ado ■ ! M'SW/U.r ;,M,a VV.AMtJi-l j The Inslallatto of ! n .-■•lectric pcnrnced Cook - honscivwriters autonroU'* i *.ii. l• li)o out- u.inlcd. Kcalth uimle required, j landing ft iloi'o , f • n*ti.<:? in ■ * : ! .u.- arrauerd. Bi*t»n Kmploy- 1 ii os eo'ier* •of tb s iiool mt Bureau Cir. a Barrington Two Usochei s have heeu - added 's’ M • «. WIST TS BO I 8K S CIU) ¥ At the first sign of a cold. ob*.y those simple rules: i Keep warm and «ei as much rest a-, i)--a««tible * 2, Hrsna lots of watr> a;a; fr,*i( icices. 3. Take a CALOTAB. Caloiah;-. or.' a thorouirh d( poiKl.-bli.- lac five, Intestinal, antiseptic am! diuretic. They chv.n out the entire di Rfr'tive tract and Hush yo®r kidneys;-fjdditKp the svstem • C poisonou; toxins. They help nature throw off a coldL .REMEMBER I At the first sign of a cold REST LIQUIDS —-(‘ALOTABS. Follow 1 h< ! directions. /?><*-> '7Aciaii<?o<. I -(sty' i-fictecdko -/a*' /jevjfet f ' iff Ms /a- Ctea-H,/ //& sA?~— ’ A // S I . c? \ K Di-.il 2-3911 7 ? J c/ PAGE THREE Miss V. L. Home Economics 'UtHCIICI - "(Hd at 40,50,60?” - Mart You’re Crazy v< rceer- Thowflftitds Rre tic nvy fct vo. Try .'-•i-rkcfe* up ' win Outro\. com & ut- tvnlo lor * fK u tetilli .K tlue solely to body a lack, of hm '•'i ■ many men i\udi wetneu call “oil. ’ Try Otrne* ron e Tablets for pep, younger feaUnff. ’ l;{# r«ry Uav. Xcw 'net acqUAlnt#<l ' eixu oniv so®. id’ . .4.itW ik,».. u ".vl-fr.o ?n Raliufi’h a Walgreen s \v:A EDkertVy Cut Rate. ~- - - /y Choir and | | -LL. Pulpit Gowns | | - f ! Mailed Free. LOUIS J. LINDNER I 153-CA West 33rd, N, Y- C. 1

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