LDUG.AI uRS f l a ft! IvitLE! ING •BALTO. NAACP RAPS U. OF MD. FOR RACIAL POLICY IN PROTEST BALTIMORE L. tcrs to United Nation-- *h< Baltimore- NAA(:I' 1 ■1;: ■ : ’ ■ I the colU can ;• i Bii_nes| M1!'..., {',! > rciltive .an! iiv 1 an • NAACP. the tptici - iid 1 Trygve I u<. trend vy ■ .■ i • 1 til UN. v!i\s K!n;»ner P ■ r\» ' dinii m."i. UN t •••..! i.-- i•• >•• H : man it! 1 i A V S. renivscoinUv* i.( t*. UN 'md .. g! OUP In iii> letter Brown called, ..,i<.■ > tier; I.'l the ,mt i-N V..',' ' • ■ddtufic •>( ; fir. H. C B.vrd. president : '• ■ • 1 nmvcniiO ;ih ive’l ■> tin i S-Oem i.iv.l •! M.'i. tend, ili' v."-nU' in pari; "Since the UN : ■< c.iut/.dt ■ •it re preset!‘.a I: •• - Iron’ tin in t..’;t nati »n.v ••{ :!..•> «•<>•.' i: i. c < Uni; tin" . ffi; t d. !. .• m-i iculturai or;; ; u» ration w;!! in elude irvit.i colored pc: -an Inn (Li at B: . a- 1 A: r.- i 1 Ethiopia. Mexico d .'net in which men are aiijiri.. "o ability ru’.l;'’!' ina.; ■ color. "The Urhvr. i' f T \ I .a College r.ii A i • r e i • _ eri In a con.r as, :■ f. bai ,11 >• .; ■ from adnns- •• •; except veil,'., in dividuals Par. of that Univcn.-T;. A ; •Cordtrcd make • gif*, a set of chimes to tube local AMT, hutch' true A:).. ■ <-i ■ week- The chime-. were installed -’id the ‘v-i ■ floated throe. *h the or t - the couple s homo ne*rbv T> ypr,UkUrr "■ •' ' cided S 3 present the church with a set of chimes as a gift. They figured their- income, expenditures and ravings and came to t» e conclusion that within 10 years they could save $063,60. the cos* of the chimes. flc* some time. Mrs Johnson ha- been negotiating for the gift. Only one stipulation >-'• made; the chime.- most be heard uotsi.de the church as well inside. She wu. assured they could fee heard for a half mile. One day the chime were first ■'Uiß, the l"Hi ■"> hand*'*! over a sugar sack to the juano • ’T*u «rv tailing )!>•" r 1 • , In it, in change and small bill . w the s«t‘>B.3Q. Thai is r.-T all that the couple intends to g;vr ing lasi week issued a written order making pc: manent i ts pre vious preliminary ruling giving faifi p palion in the South Carolina Democratic pa--v Prior to entering the cam to pic | .-Ml! fin-il -i. .. Mrjs.'l ' • (S'!!!! •■! f"! ' both side:, i-.-H greed on moM - . the points of law involved. Arty. Thurgcod Marbsall. N A A. C. P. legal chief co-rcprescnting w,th Ally. Harold 0. Boulwiro. :b" < plaintiff. David Brown ■< Betiufo-t! County, centered his filial argu ments on the issue of (he voter.-.’ oath. This oath, prior to Tun.•> War inti's preliminary injunct i'm required a pi edge to oppose the FEPC bill and to support r.m„ i ach’rf gatiott Marsh;-11 charged the •• •• aimed directly at excluding N< - grots from voting in Democratic primaries, because “if is a limita tion on the only chance wc tv ve to vote “There is no question that the oath was not. an innocent act. The purpose was not to exclude Nr gross from voting in the pritn&i ics, , but to deuv them an., voice in • ■ lectin? their officer I he onfeten <•• ed. “No self-respect; ng Negro c • t<■, take that, oath." He held that the p-nmaiy vas ft the "only renli.-Hc and rr,o-rnhv, ful" election in the state and that “if the Democratic party claims r can require any oath off ,» voter, then there is no end as to how .ter the Democratic port:-’ ou!d go. Here in South Caroline v.e- have u party which is assuming uiito itself power which even the legislature does no!, have.” Arguing the esse tor the state tCoctinued ou bac£ Ist sscfenj SUNDAY A, M. BLAZE DAMAGES LOCAL OH'3CH favkttevu.lk n*f ,-r: . Kpisvi'-ruil ChH'd) 1* 111' C rn ,-jf yioaCC iUld jß.'iD'j. C’t Sl:xh'!. .’.as ;'I ‘ ..i .•lpproxtifiatcly sl,oof> by a .in •.vilici, luoUi.- il'Ji ill ‘Ue .'' l I'licll.ii i Sunday '.i'K* : ’■* A> < oi’An •; tv Luv C '"i B, e>- L'-.s- iU'C V,- ‘ ; 'I ' f!,.rns’s Cmrn :• ctol TUn": ■ 1 h« -1 i'i" eilific ' •.».•< i;-' ii.i ■< fimi* -,v .-! .".m: i-.e "•* I" ■> yva-iui: mi • i 1 t »(> r ; ". ’ H ». IV't Bf>n.'U-(.{ fr, 1 • venv; id ah.i-m • -ud'): ?*>.•■ Lome . ffti'l’. -fivo fiii'sil'U... bet < ■J-cy v.i'.• !,’<* • 'unti l! i . V tyli'/f**." '• <5 »l O v•- 1 U ( titling Un? ohvngge 1«> ,! i.- (> on' w.ill. the ■ •-i Ihe a!Ue The {OUT".: iv:. l.u-ui'fn ii < ’.i v, i ...ffinah: . ' mended She firemen, for Lima' l1 Leen-;- pa-ti?;.' out the bi.r-’" Thf firemen wt-m railed afler • I rt: (.. ).U! fire ; u! t»y ' a i'Cr-oTis in Hie build mg •••(. : - *ine vei ■ unavailing. 'I he c'mn. h v, ■■ previously ilnir.a.LCd O" firi: D' een.her of lotu ynr MARRIED MEN TO BE ACCEPTED f« ARMY AIR FORCE Married men may now he I copied as Aviation fade's, accoi i • j rug to an announcement in amt to day by M. Sr.;’. M G. Spark', com • tnaitding officer of the Rair.gi, • Army and Ah F -cc Recnutit.i Stete n loceied at JOB West te ti i Street.. Raleigh Tb s change of poiic;. a. bc'-tgii art to give many ynun;; ir.'u ti-i • men an oppm Htnif- t.o - nter ur Mi- Finer i lire from which they ! were formerly excluded. Ms.rr;<\- ' cadets -.vjU be ftHribw fm dnpuii decry benefits, tut’ they will not ; allowed ;>> la ve Ihci.- dependent 'with them finring mcir trairu-i,. ; per od. Qualifications for acceptance ■< • t Aviation Ode; are: age t- • • tween 28 and 28 aaS a half yea:., ! ply-, ;-arally fit, and havy art tern-' two ears at college training ■pas: on r«mr<* ev.aminatj-. u. 1-... •details on the Avisoim- Cadet jot ■ti am may be obtained at the la a ! Army and A:r Fore-' RfcruPuu Station West Martin Street. j ieigh. $2,1)11 Per Hour The average hourly earr.-ugi i void miners app»naches $2.00. The j average weekly pay check i. ; around 577 and many miners car. SIOO and mere. Nfo comparable in •Kt'£c:co is V’M m .yell I . more . . —T’ •' W, %3M|9E 'llllll iI'H'IIH I—II 11 I —IHHF THE CAROLINIAN - - - - - - —, SINGLE 16 »Vtes | NORTH CAROUNA ’S JJ-A/WG WKi-Kl Y ! coi'Y |Q c L'voi UM:ts :XVj it LAI Est HI, NORTH' C-\ LOI .'IN . _ ... I UA'T r l7 Il» A DDI'CD # ! ”\1 1 ri' \II IT? J’\ VOl .ii DAKtunii, i j>u 11 ./a tv ti u ★ ★ ★ * -*r + ★ -fc & A "fc * 7A * 'A' ~k -4? ie A nrinnr"* A TT% ¥7iTP<-7F~ 1, ? > LA \ > r> ¥ ¥~AYF\ A # f pi iy * 9 #l# /V/¥r f .• - - r- # i | ■ -A--"- M' s ‘ / , l e•. V-i: •£:'•> ‘XY # 'A J < ' ■ W' As vv • * •J; .?/ V; .1 'vKl. ' I %' .. , 'i* ’"*■ i ft V' 4 V^SBf =-" i f -• V' >3* « !j m s J- * : ’ 1 " Wm ■ - . • ? ' ' i; > ' -r 5 , Si . V. m" T% V ■ • u. Tk ' : .A .A‘ itt fV;. ' '#£ V' ‘ '•> ’ ■ . .. ' . ' ' ; *'■ *. ■ '' M. ... m,;.; T? -.- : 4 . ~,■. ..."r ■■ ’ - ' J- ■ ' ' T s \ -ft - - . re X : y Mq ' -k ; ’ , ■ ; - ..4 drCMtfi til IC 0 i m m mm. \ 011110 I^TFRES T i- Twenty Fu - \ur . »p; 'tfiah Sttho.h «p Fn-'v . (teilnig evtir niiosi tc< the i-neerri n ' 'ti 1 1 : • mother whose non had been exo *d eitfc:l at Lente/a! Prison. Mr. Lin - e ! kin cteeterixr ,c : “If was vi«t>. him ). i or swri him a inesT-e-icc flprin:; his :rii-nitpa ja p+i&ofx “After he way executed ins mo the t was c-d -rf-tnythihg ynti tvan* ! with it. I don'i: want him. he is " i of no value to me’ ■*'i Citiny tht, as an extreme ex “ | ample of the hick -if tnfere>i. i shewn by n;>ny families of to : diiK-'r, delinqui.-hl yeuutiters, he ! raHed for gM-nror tr n.-rst t:i (( j the wvitasx- of routh ■ n tho port iof thrse elss,si i>, them. : riranehtn.ti: out into the need f.>- .1"! ieero,liivarenosl of tlw: nemte “: of ihi in or' 1' ■ • nr.rt of the ’ <- ••Tool. I • it' , It. l vutf'-ik'-'i yp.-.o fb - (Cotiinrued c*n buck Ist sfcpiioai 1 'TV t. an I 'Win TO e s - V K < 'HI 'Wit It;.- ;>l- f I *l : '• ? ” UiXif, ; "■( t'W f* it ipivfl-xxc were pi; teed -c Jr;, i.th'il'rth vilhf rp'-i > hOl'trth' of' f'j rr-f te-v J*«g. Oli^rv Vte\h OI'.VS lOf- l : i m iU */ VSI* l« J'' ’ ' {(J (m, v fh;y? .Vvfrt'bH ;'ite‘v - . : :S t* '*j r: • C ntm V;; •i o n t- v Kt n t.Cr VV • U'-iKt. . dlnvh.s d! the An".-r lean C -inoil rjr;;.) • *|o . . . ~| ~ : Lait MJj-arka:.', h-'j« joined v.-ilr: e-h ; .vht 4 t ■»«;; ! ■ ■ion •in -• / •. ».»t ■ • • Mi TJm ■ ■ j • ;l ' u- • . t-.r f ' ;a I boh 1 1j rrr nnd ! ' ;• • pi tr'-i-kad OO <:“/ r-t •; J v: v-'• O Vile: 1 v . ■ m ■ *. • n ' Tt.': civuirO itmt 1 -j past ore cl I protest la the appoinJjrnont. of .Vii.-v M/O/Uv. vv-s .ii i< -. e.i j I'lan y B. Miu*hAH, prpMdem i:fh? i : CSC, on November 1, which ! lin part. ‘‘‘fvl?as thews’ effective* , 'ContLnvuxl an back Hi soctßm> ■gmm ■ • -i. . ■•£.». z . ' *W - ■ : ; . Mpr 1 » : i »S gsmm i *' " Xf AS-'-TC l-VmhV'S PHEW ) . time ■ ■■': il' ' / “1 !hf* il m /V-W'l'b.m Vt ‘‘■■vc (r 11"! ,t ’ X S - .on ’■ n ’ * * ’ ’"■< I f’ 'I y.aftervkfH «t Si'Kf <*ir)i v.boul;; in v f*« lh '■ ' v v it ; ■ ■ -j Mu :■•' •<■ ! *'! !■'"'■• '!* auw.-witvu* ■/ >1 •< j wf< • in ‘Vi.- inffriton l?rr<-r.:>.u »• : ■ ! 1 .HEGU-wirio ! A -'.nj-ie.n of fea‘.iir>: v !. devoted to anlsiar-iing phases 'n Ihe tiv ■: "ii pt ©imon-xt Ne.rih CD''' lioisnv it. bsinc ?artrd n th--?. week's --->nia College j ixv coUp'boinritm with W. T ; Strudwick and will to© found j or:, page- of lhi& j ■ Issue, nr ■ ssjn rfrr r, £? BIINO liißi ki ms o^fiiar^TM C*T wi pjt | ffsijn aJ-ie o : /.mij'iw ! : .... ' Off!-Si < ' 1 i Dr. k.' r.'lMjif- F Arc ■d< ni. fJ!»w ; ! I’ruv,.r:4'tv, L- mOr TV/in ;r:d j ii-v. F i£ F. L Ik.;-; ! Ftr:!. ati'-iUinrm of t.»V Cititsrm ! oi sided ;.Vv. 1 T. OhTDVfic. t'k.?utV?v2*-A 1 . o’r.frj «tid ?i(tu ■■-•;•< vmv ] 'tr r ffiit h r i :f ;. h 1 the Liotis Club. Other. who . I n.aci sotike- hiutsfl?/ in- j clr.fi', d Mr;. F i&ja v S. F: I.;- ("‘f.int.v WcdFtft- D'.vu-lrroni. &•■■■.. fir. ;•;• . tine Andoracn »l Miss E-ui.t \ j»c;ry of the State (.’ummissi >o j ter the Blind; and Egbert P'tdf-r. nrmeipai StoM> School f,l White- Biuxd sad Dfeat. » n*r*n vn t q ltyv)£;il fticjy Slr, L^‘ I 4K:U'vt K V 7 t tv* b * r. * r * s. , f 1,« t *««■ .fi a jjt .M { , . ?s-15 L. ! ll ' ■ j ... •' tVaniUM • -- laHH'iV 1- . * s ’' ! •' ■ ’ * K'' ' T ,; ‘ K A- '. : ; r> ••• • ■ ,f?, v , { r) . * . A ;y. • f ) ' t-enira! Baptist To Celebrate Its 701 h An n ive rs ary n Y m;;;;; m. fix p' i |> I i ;;i-. :, .:Uo.r; r>f Ctctrul Bat’ti" 1 • r-'-H B > •'• ini: tWfiiK-, ir? r.-o n.. in a rener Df injures-, j... )■,-;■ ..... ;1 • • a', li'li-' :■. Wdimnctcn and tht; State \X’!fh the rr)fCmt>f-i*:'. tfi urvi ■.. --f ■ «rhich C <3n!.'»..' tv*, cnicynd >*nt in? the :p ;-j.t adroinir-tt ••!'.; A-loptin'; h,. rr...i.i.; ‘•The Church Vv’Ui A Fit.;! t ''v-r.'rpfr' • tvlir. if fur in.c, 1.0 t’ ;, ‘ C ■ ..r ! . .»■ T■’ •’ N.m-.-U, *.h. uhi.’.j'.'h, M.M-h,;: th.' pasi aeven . has ific-Sjsti rh'jr.ci ta many . ;'i.y .iC'-o lit- ; acenhir'br.hsvfcn? .bAsntJ natnd ra epeend m-astgage ;i>ur nittg '’f-rrm?ty.r- wi fV«-uwvy. ;94ti; p.'-mpk’ir rcnufßloiiiip and i-r/. . si ; vj or pm-t-viitn'.. r«aeva tioti . f chpr-ki buikta..; providinr: f xprui-fed fact I; ties for traimnu nedivities.; install vt ion of new piT>r organ; reorganizations of t;ottiT>ueci on pa;.te seven -J Mi 'yiwpinw jn If N Wilmington. ■ i■ '• ' l l historic lore and famed 1 iivy.ca .tot many important i ; ' 11 1 fri n •::. ■ vill bo the host city j " d'i ' !<■)" i >ii\ cn'jon ;ji t! ' • !ii .A• >. ■! latmn of College j end fon;inri,ry Schools which " ! 1 '.■!« 1 't li>- Waii:ton Hi j -■ <:•■> Tv-!, rubor 8 10 : . 5 ‘ ■ t : u;■. ;i i fovic loaders in I ’ ■ 1 ’df ii jvi •, i d ti.eir *:> art f e.;' ''nngrfdujatir.r.-. to local mom '» . • t ! .)«• o'-soei-'d ion. the i.- • i : bom \ iif j {.1.1! cat Km, School St.i --; 1 ’ J >r md and 'ht ' s J who have.' i>< ett inatrumental in '■' Oi:n■ '):• convention for Wcl | niingtep,. Ad r/ 1 ignis trance it. nol. din ’!’■ ' V ■( nine -li t>i.l . fi.'ilfiif rJlVl] I■, 1 ■, i;i o, ; ilvninr Ino cud >t Wn’,',l n !-:o- and :n tin foe' st'- h ihit. k she hat time in the ihi.a :• . : the <:n Ranizufi >n that e jji ui .■■ i iuui n ... .serve d a 6 A ■ *>r B. O'Hara femier To Att'r.rl A t>U' Victim; C debt it K>.l •it ;i t\< ud :. , so: ‘: n■on mg So?!! h - <•: !• A r.nend non,-I meeting will be e n ::;■!>e-i ,>! educator. 1 . Ui'.d load r national end inf .motional tehov.-n. Sp--rrsal mention is made me. m he s i Dr l O’-tiata Lautef. educator and It sj'.io .i-.: w iv> will be the feature ;.p<:al:n- on Wednesday flight, J>. > iTv.hi r 8. in public meeting, audi -Isr i o . Wiihston ft* iu-timil 'Cc-ntincd on back page) * 0 1; i•'U | fl t.- : b. v l- v 2'aw> b> refusing to rs-V i: ‘c: Negroes to vote in the recent ec-iiCral election. The fieeiised are L T Deraid, | dection. board ehairnitm, and M. au.. r.-i ■ to the Rev and Me*-. ■ Th-ij.). DavK c®u Fifth Avenue En..HcndersKWtvlile. The complain! wm tiled or N;>- ver.:bt. 18 bv Tinsley SpiagfOn •• Ehcgr'.-ssiv?- P.. T v ircasurdr. on b.. I *- .half of thr l’i*->gre:-.-sive Party auft the KA 'U f and vis accompHided by sworn affidavits :.»f the Rev and i Mrs IXiv;*. The. Rev Mr Davis, a ministe-x --;.f the Missionary Bspbr.t. tier..■>••.:- '.i-.aljnn. charged that he made three ’ srp -.vie attempts tc regisier. o;\ ■"•■■■ i ''• h. i« and 23. Tht first linu* ;...■ ;v.»s refused hccause he was un , to i.u.swer the question. "Who arrests the sheriff in case he be i Com Mp.i. i? on back isi fecuca) j