I|*y ~. ■ ;J U -||t ’■•' •' ' i ■ •“ • V - • Jaf’ DEJIU VitON S( HUH i t !»■ A Love, is shown the reeeiiM* ■nm*- plolrrt St. .‘-i tthi v. \Ail; Chuvch which will hr dedicated Sure o»m od Acting Swi»« - m:.»« #t N* g><* High School m Vr.rth < arnilna under the State th-pullT"' tit. i G b b iKii Vs i he Id A- ■ l a Ads ;;ncfwent of < ramie ■U. LV -' s: : id mood, Va frcirt ha home in Syinaac, N b Win terhaven, las Fi'-ao •) >. -a [ is? South Hi!: or ? ode i* c P. p ■ at"' passenyr ■ when sbr refuse u to ntc.vc to the rear at the r Quai of the bus driver, local police <»f ticers v., . s , „;;ed f. rein ve tic:' from the hns and p’ a-, '•■■■ nndt:: at rest. Mss. Day's suit for $25,000 damages was tost in a r!i;trii-1 court and vsas carried to the three judge appellate "'•! vs inch (hr, week affirmed di> r court judgment. .Ititig. Ms..' A down the •'■pinion that 'the .ast■ >j-1- ion of a reasonable regulation by an interstate carriei for the seg regation of passenger; does not. violate the Iv.v a-. i.-tui down ;s\ the' Supreme Cl un CRISIS MAGAZINE ASKS SUPPORT OF CIVIL RIGHTS BILLS NEW YORK Enactment of, civil rights and social reform leg-; is/a lion bv th< 81 si C'tigress oe-: pend.-. ;■ v the support of '’nlcrj and organized active citizen:. of races and creeds." The Cm v' maintains edit-' i ially m the De-‘ c ember issue ot • this ••■•"cb The • editorial analyses the results of the i N*:vcin be r elect .I'm “The great danger in the new Congress is that, (he Republicans will join the southern Democr-.i:'' in blocking civil rights and liberal legislation." the NAACP magazine nsserts "The administration must be held to its promises and the vot-; pps trust ’sit up’ with their Con gressman and Senators t<- rue that' Bishop I 11. Hemingvin. Ihr • lidding was recent ly eomplrt bound ovr-v to JohnstoM Couni’ Superior Couri Wednesday on di.uyte.- of .iCrmoted criminal as sault upon a si\ month old colored The man. who is described in his r-mmunltv as mentally deff-:c live, was arre-ted earlier in the. w <\ on a m.prynf filed is M s. I 1 i/i i‘i h Huutrt mother oj the Mrs Hunter bad left the child :n :; < ■ r whjie .-hr helper! a social worker h;-, hr and drrsv Mrs M ih ■ VG- the .•• d ns! herb ridden mother of *hr defendant. Ch-.rCng -indifference" on the she t ook the infant afict the In cident Mrs Hunter then canted is. I- . .;. Dr. friaries W Fu;- M b’li placed urirr arrest liv I; ;■ ■■••■ Sheriff Je-.-cph T B-inirs ■•i!id -‘' 'ii table Freeland Banco ter. V.'; •>- s”e uptrH ~ Hi'! 1 . inti was red aft-.'; a eh ?e f incut 100 U.-ovf irnporl aoL k-crii qu-esl io-ii of tv ■ ihc k in tnnv , !;•' n GECne”:-' Ol *.n* iT-v Cl iCs 11)C I'-riJV* i \e- ,f .- ••trmrvot) law and vi :latc.b ’.ii -.- .- •u• i / ci 1"v \A F j ! fi i (ol no v.-. ■. — w fill! Mart'!-' N M.-rOi!, : .;•! i-j ci vibWf-u! V. rthbiTiiM; 111. : •.!•]•>a f p-e.-ented Mr. Dev deet-'r •- ■' fhert flu* case will be appealed be! the Supreme Court TO ATTEND BEG, SOCIOLOGY MEET Hi, t- ■■ ,r } Dr. .Tu-up: S Him:s e| the Nerlh CniY'ma C' Ucgc eie • i tuient i,"f Socif.logv v. ill be .nnunc the* nation’s leading rdu c- tor> ntfi ndina th- enr ud nv. ingv the Am« rican Socinl igirai S.j-ie' v at the Congress Hotel in C . IfltiTi Decernbi r2B NT Th s r.i a high ranking national professional orgtanzati in of h acti - ng and research sociologist- in . th--' United States. President ni : the group is Dr. E. Franklin Fra /ht of Howard Univejisity. proprarm is enacted Into b,«- The "In southerners must he shr,rn of ' itn.ir committee pnwei The Senate .us: piusf la. changed tn block , fitibusten-: The Crmlt editorial lists a yr,l-.urni in p.j-ogi'fss "f anti-pel! tnx antl-lvnching rud KEP( bills and ■ the I'boliUoii of pegrogatinn in the | turned forces. Mr Truman has j promiswi these things," the editor ial continues, ‘‘but he can’t dji the job alone. He and his liberal party must hav help, and that help must j come from alert and organized ac live f'ihvfnv .ait rim and rrcuds | and colors and walks of life who believe in progressive Ameriean -1 him; ST. MATTHEWS’ j DEDICATION IS i ;SET FOB SUNDAY | I -• ! EitrhUicn months of intensive and , | :lce !■ .ued effort, or ti./ p- 1 nf the iiar.tor and ■ - ngreoul • i of tin I St. M-it.nrvvs' AJVIE f hureh ••'ttt h» j jeirm. xrd. "'i Sunday afteino'.u al j , ! f M vitll .; .i.-uicut l • wt: which vii.. r. ,! i r t. ;.i . I Ih' ■ new chiuvii :li/i - j The nn e'h *’ j ''m ■ bid in.;O'. i' .n • Hi(i •■ ui‘ I" wiii'/ij i I j were t Houcdcicd f-loc l-.-/.\i .the "t‘u tj J Ihi Ihr rhiil work of cot; 'nietion ; j until Pm present, pj'K’r. the Tley || If.. M. Tl.nnps ; .ii. took hold about ; j eighteen months ago Altiu.i'.i.ih tu.iny difficulties v-nte, , •• •e: -f. Hie !.'rv Mr. Chomp- j iron ;■:.!(■{ iheyr were none ivh-f | ever in inspiring the rvi.sr ptatibn j to undeit-ike the building ptogiam j I "There was sincere interest ami ; ; ..ins ic iii .i• i isll thr p.,11 (,i t,hr ; j members to bu Id a chutvh. ‘ hr: J decl’.'.red "and v.w went right b j work •' A! the !;u I of l!;,-. I Oil,In,;; p; • ipr.iiri the pastor >.i,d that thej church had about $2,200 on hand j j An intensive bnildiug fund drive j ! " •;•• ’ a ted and l- a •••; a-d ot rigid : ! m.'nthr: ''nr conr-trg.ilion : used ?»p-! j,. roxima'cly SIO,OOO iContioued mi page 4 Thu Section j -*3r» „ Wx\ > ' ' iffli ' • .■■• -H I; : 'b'a •V! UfKh I . r?« v*' •*’ f>Tr \ ’ ajrn?.;» frc'ztrl'hr ' transfrrrrd to \ hr\tHo, N < bolfls the Mirtiop of rftn^in* mu nt x Motif rhJicr longer {IT \oars 31 St. Joseph AMF Churchi Uurham; than any other minister in this ( onterencf 1 . Tie holds \ ft., s. T H.. atirt f> f», degrees ,ind is « iaem.be* nf the brocra! ( enferenre t»f ilu A All- i hurdu rfrrrrtor of the Bov .Scouts tor the rntire \MI t onne* ion; and acted as dean of. vehool of reli gion of Kiitrel! ( oJiege for years. $849? RAISED IN HOLIDAY DRIVE FOR ORPHANAGE The hnlio.av drive m behalf i £ned Oo ;-'or IS to 'nrovid" . 'port’jn’dy f,.i ‘ u 1 n oos of tin 1 list:iUticai :•> give Thanksgiving nd Cht tst snas est- tn cash to the instil . t: .r. tihelp nii'f't needs in the l.'U tiding fund, Ham me explained All ri'ceint.s trom hi state haw t reditf'd to the buddhig fund sint-f ; the cipr-nirvc of the -inve. C inti iliittior t paling S2.7ntTdi have been ree (ivv-i from Gran . v : U<- County ancl t nuivibor -■■ ('o)r,mitt.'jw'n hav* r -reriorfed. : Others mad< '-ni . -mriieU- report af. iho .meeting on Sunday. No vember 21 at the orphanage. <> • eight ytv.r-old man. listed as AUor Ht id tens senteueed to fhc in the ' _;as ctuur.be r at C rr n'ia) Prison ;>i ‘ci bring eonvicte.l of 'first degree . burglary. Peid is -rliedulec! to die ~) anu-i iy 2h I lb- charged do entering *h« i homo of Mrs .1 T. B;-incs sot ! early ibe icornmg ot SepUn-bc: | Z if»4'! and " u:),e.g Accord i ing to Mts Rhuifs' o'.dijriony 1 Rcjd ~v oke err as tu placed his ! hand on her -boulder She said she ! got out ol bed and that the man i grabbed her wrist- She told the | court ih?i. she screamed and that I man dived out, the window' of hot I bedroom and ■ fled. Officers testified that Reid’s cai ; was found wrecked near the scene 'and that, he was later picked up in i Norfolk. Yh. Reid who did not take the stand I during* the trial, took the verdict j cnlrnly. Tuskegee And Meharry Join In South's Area College Program !S.-\VAN'\* \ 1!, C, i, - The 1--• t < > * • ■ p|;in, pi'Otio.*; e I ;i , |})i' 'ill' - .ll! f THCii.n ri .:t ■ ?infv 'lt .nctiori’; ' a-lit "m..' j■ -1 *■ ■; t; H .•-’.(■ftrof; .itinh, nv.i-. launeficd Alond .y 1 ;< Kp-.-i Ifijr of got ii hr ill yoverrior;, ;,iu! ££"; jizc’iii wodJ on rc • iC i tF \ f : •!’:>*:'• ? rt/hovii % f f vcrc? j established upon a Tgregatrd bin:, The resolution, -ibn'-d at ••i-Mng -.; / ir,‘! ptctin' ■: ti,e edotat' : r t thinking n the subject, endor.-ed ■ the p'innpie ~f >eev "al -cbS)Jt p • '.• jsuie resource-' t; jarovsde and I r 1 I ’’ -■ ■ 1 ‘ ]i ini j; .ten fU-ji thf. K s •;»!' I 1 git ni G-ri | y top j of the pi an* i plans tnr c; t.,h?i-.hment of separaif' for fhp two rocp> The text nf. the roKoifitfion fol • ~ I!.- A--,or;..!(■•;, -7 ; C 'lic-.es at!.-I Seenttdaiy Jich : beWeve.' *,>x voted at its meeting ■ r»i Pr-'.inr V r T’' • ijysi. y- it ? ; ii'c* prinrapal ol ; operjitU'n :vs wore arrested ?■( thou homes ! early ycslcrday morning or. charges |of forcible trasnassing .-i:.rci me); ' Ccns dun,Mgr t<> property, -n ror; ! ir-ctjon v'Mi , t hree moriUis :hr! > f iy) :y ?: * f>r>C?i } •;'•, i •,» * ('H "h ( * • 1,3;.,t -.'f -rh h\ Stnt<* Sc-*n Konnc 11; ’ Shrrbeil anrj. Mrs. Ada B. Jacksori ! «r the freedom «f Mt Rosa Let I ngrain, and foi Chi ,strnas pr stnts >,f toys, food -Oid cloth;ng : for her -child! cn. The appeal ! mad- under t.hr- auspices of the ; Ncero Yruath Builders .Institute. Inc., declared: “We want hell;- so | ring fox Mrs. Rosa Lee Inga am ' land her unhappy little brood Let i I her .feel our sympathy, oui warm- j *h and support from the tmy dent •ha of the hearts. of A mem ' "W>- call u-pon President Tnt ; men .end Gov Taimadge nf Ga 1 • pardon tins ibrnoo Negro metho ! and her {wo teen-ace sons. Let the door? of the Georgia pris . he opened and .Vk Inc im sen* to her halves •where she right- - ; fully belongs," I ! In ,'iddt!*on, the : .pr»ca! a.-.-.on ( | that donation;- be even for H>v. and food <-lathing for Mr; In ; gram family, | “In the name of iusbr? and j ! freemorn, we must -give every j • ounce of devotion to the plinnna 1 I lion of such, hatred and bigotry. j ' which can permit, such a horrible I j injustice where a defenseless, < ; hard-v. pricing, sharecropper He- j I grp mother at 14 children can he )s< ntenced to life imprisonment i along with .he;* two sons foe an *-.;l • r *t i» .i v . a • . ... ’I-•* - j t.i>i he 1 i -uticii»e *lK« ll4. ;■ - "i-iip ,ti!: iup '■ j S',- a.- ; Oil ft IH'i’l I■ • Hip i i. Np "I tIT * * L.C'll-! • rniip:' lit I* vvf.wk jfn; of tbr pi up all er it tip- I;ii j.; !'.id b'.'oti d--i id!, d up"!! In imp with flip (it- taion lor tninipdui!p p'srx-sp ,%■ : nliicli was undertaken to obtain money i<>r the rebuilding of a hr dermis, ' - .* ■ Ip, iu...tatu trcn wltn-h tva-s dc:>.royctl by hre List spring. LAST SITES KFU FOB i. A, BROWN AT HENDERSON I HFNDERSION-- .Tarue-. A R, "•'•■») .1; Ox sou of rresiriitig rider and j Mrs .T A. Bi-mrp Sr. died early ! Mondav ih-.mi:ii" after a bnef 111- ; H.e,- *i .1 iibHec Hosr.""ai Hyndor I A- -,'iui'f • f the !•" 1 t-’r rbivil.' je, U'-nne- a . :r.d North Curolirw ; iCodegC, Dm-hi'i!. N C he wa. ; for-, number of years and until hu •: (i. ,:i ; a rcpii-.'-.cni -fit,- of •'o ' North Carolina Mutual I f'’ In | . varcc C'l'tvi.'if.' ».-oifei>.g >»:• . i Oxford. North Carvhra He war. e irp.uibe’ • t ‘ r - Kappe ' : Alpha P:-> Fraternity ~,,d an n • in,-! • iv-i ~f t.;n V- J} Ziil Nli -tiodr-t l-’gilh. Ii:- was /ear:,or’ to the ioirnc. | Miss M >•!•. H) kins ’ »xford North Carolina. One son. Elan ley. ; .-■ br->lhc:-, John T fTwwn hu f -u' ents. ‘he Rev. ud Mrs. J A ! I.iov. u. Sr., wiviv". » : i, i riteji .'•■re eonducu-d /roil) ! KG. ci T, rnplr AMF 7 1"" 'Meth l .->dist (.mi? eh. Henderson IttCisd.-.v. i i Dccetnber iarn tn g to e ' streets without any mu. e, m .-.pit;:- ot the svrv.ee,. -A an dn ndano ; teach er The- attf-ndaner teaolier. rc in. ipals, aryl tcji:iivrs are : '• P less unles the tourts prosecute to the fullest those cases brougnt 3 . , f n . ; f P was felt that the court of t.< >;, are too sympathetic tow the suppo he no ;- Nc p > and as a result have .'uloweci ... t , j v; . e * ■ commit his or ThAssociation icafts that the i. or any-.-se chc. ts not doing ti-,, Ncm o • favoi or heloing him hv .•.•rreoting flirnsv excuses that children may room the •-Ires Is and meicpsc juvenile dc ; linQucn-cv in the community. The Aswx-iation is demanding prosecution to tne limit arid let t. of tin low in cases t brought before ,t in whi.dh gu:U is ostahlishcd $20,024 MAILED IN XMAS FUND CHECKS BY CREDIT UNION rhecks totaling £20.024.75 were • .-nailed out last Tuesday to worn cn arid children, members of the i Christmas Saving Club of the Etc- . 1 celsior Credit Union of Gaston ('•runty, according to information ; f! icased by National Barber, See- ; ret ary-Treasurer of this institu- • t.ion; cme of the largest and most. ‘..tiee-'-ssfr.l Cooperative institutions ; in the state The Christmas Saving Club do vision was established 5 year . I with Charles Ball as nea 1 r.f the Saving Club. Checks mailed out for the year 1943 to- ; a tied 1.500 and there has been j ■a steady increase each year since. | i ,ass year cheeks totaled $19,405.- 75. Toe .memberships range -from I SJSSe to $3.00 a week. The Highland High School of Gastonia, Professor T. Jeff res. | Principal, has through its thrift | club, and Junior Credit Union —-1 better known as the Highland I rj :I tir i ibeen the Educgtiona.l ' mod Him that has carried the vai- j i-e of systematic saving to every • home in ihp icowpnunity. i See Blory, page 1, Section Section I RARE OPER ATION i IS USED TO SWE j IJ IE OF I.NFWr Winstcn Salem ■ — Ac ope laiion which according ia medical records has only been performed 3S times, was administered recently on a newly born baby here and resulted in saving the life ot the infant. Dr, H Remberf Malloy at tending surgeon at Kate j Bitting Reynolds Hospital pc a formed the operation two and a half hours after the infant had been bom with its intestines on the outside ijf ils body. He reports that the child has progressed steadily since an incision was made in the abdomen and the intestines were placed in nor mal position. ASS AI LT CHARGE IS DROPPED AGAINST JOE LOUS' BROTHER HE 1 ROST lANp! Appar el* ly peace reigns again be tween Lonnie Barrow, S 3, bleth er of Heavyweight Champion Joe Louis, and his estrange «Ife. Jean Barrow, 2S Mrs. Barrow swore out an (C otx 11 ne d on b 3. ck pa g'€) NO TITLES FOB NESBO NAMES MOBILE. AU. 1 A NT 1— The Mobile Press-Ledger, the city's morning, evening and Sunday newspaper, refus ed to honor a request of Negroes lo print the titles ‘Mrs." or Miss' 1 e-sere the .'lines r>i Negro women in its issues, last week. A Negro committee re-cenf -5y j'erined at » mass .sieeling to discuss “the various problems of the Negro in Mobiles report ed the incident; at ibe third mass meet Inga, According to the Rev. C. C. Coleman, ihe papers refused to do so because of a suggested “reading- holiday" for colored subscribers. The netrsptwt management said that it could i take no action because, such % , request s tems-ii to be * thrsat