weekending; atlroay din:, dd im PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS ’ B. T. POLLOCK AN|) so KVTJ*V THING IN' 0\>;; >, paint hi vihj i \i nrs 131 So Queen si plume fflfii Beech’s Soda Shop Win HI HillM>s Ali i I draft and both,i n bm k WINKS AM) s.wnwioil.s * 336 SO QFFFN STUFFX _ THE HUB “Where The Price Is Always Lower” KINSTON SAY FRIENDS! IF YOt'R SHOTS .\ ?11, NOT BECOMING THEN VOX SHOt 1.1) BE COMING TO V i : I !■; HANS SHOE shim: paki.ok AM) NEWS,STAND 332 JSOFTH Qt M'S i,l • 1 Negro Weeklies, Magazim . ( old Drinks, Candy, Smokes William IF Burney, Prop. TO Vlil ”S\W i I Tn THK TAI.’OiIMW FOR SAFE ! IHM CHEVROLET BUS IN A I CONDITION Running E very Day All Equipment Included PRICED RIGHT -SEE j - Mr. Jarvis Ruck, P. O. Box 95—Dover, N. C. We Ho Hauling of all Kind. Also Wreck I Old Buildings j AND MOVE THEM TO YOUR DESTINATION Also Oe Specialize in Ready Cut Stove Wood. Economy Loads, 3 Cords or I 1-2 Cords SEE I EDDIE ALDRIDGE j 700 Quiocrly St. Dial 3917 a BREEZY ' 1w m t M!i jjj fwHERES THE POOR CHiLol L : STUDYING P prv**ms rJ M BEEN IN ALL EVENING 1 EHL* --'-7 • ■' W \ WORKING HARD ON Hl <s «■ f x —■yHWWOBK.fr —"■ dm; mi's two hi in l\ VI 1(1 ( ill I WON •JZARKTII CITY 'AM’' A ; ; ;• .fd.T Fili"'i .inv 1 > '■ u. , !-e ig WO ■ - J; I i : t'(| ) It' if Jli'st y ci'k vvlii 1 "r -• ' ;.|A drive) li.it !'i| : n s drive v ini' |Km I. <■;, ! a group "1 . ■ w 1 :11 pit j. t i ,:e I i liv d- id ,"! •,> , iiioic : )<•: .i • ; Ituwt', d t-.'■■ i ;ju• * d lire H#Un IF we and Ct. it Cole The fi'f-.K; . ,\v es ihc.se injured w:>s token to ! Ihe Athi * 11 ■' ai a i’uspitnl for '-bool-; j dor Injuries. ‘ Tire drivei nl the truck, white 1 ,iuhn FeAcl'C)'. v .i- y.kinfi e; t\ ,:' j Ncc.i.i". (o hifarm to pick cub- ; !■ u,A .v ,11 11 i :" .1 ill , ; ;n..uf es hi driveway, Scivic I J-nvu.s „w;i.Fried in:o Hu* truck turn - : | inp it <>'. cr ; ! No ehnigc.s love been Hind. ' WA.NTED; NEWSBOYS "'' Tr 1 ""■■■""■ ,i,r “-j When You Are Out For SPORTS Stop By The R. S BILLIARD ROOM (112 E. Blount SI. ( KOOM IHM) F\f INDRY 610 Mitchell Woolen Drive DAMP WASH Suilt'. I'.i uikei Mat Work Mr. \ Air . William I room, Props —r- — r~mrn\ -.yyL -y |p| ,_ SECOND EEiITTON URGE TRUMAN TO END PLAYGROUND IIM CROW IN D. G, WASHINGTON wVAJS - >'i lent ')'. ;n. a v a.- i.-.illerl up a ' ' w **ck < i end dLcriminuti n it ! playgrounds in the Disl'M.t if Cc lumbia. A icttei *:f I>y ;u d ir.i.'t in i;uul ion ciutmulce <M hi' Young Progressives of Ami . i reminded the President Mat inaii.y 1 ...f the American peopii wled i'w' : him b'c.ruse 11" !i;s slated pesTon un civil rights. One sec)ion of the letter i cud. ’ here in Inc natt u : capital is os opportunity to fu! !I! i you, }' e-Ci' e'ior, pie-i ■ diem. We therefore, iispi i ’iuT,. ; request I hat you of H r the ..' i d : .'i-rvicr of the office of President I of !hi United St.;:!tu >•,, rj | abolirhin.'* this disgraceful and im idi niorr.'fu' practice in the Dirt i k-i jof Columbia's recreation facilities. The Idler, which was written A, Edmund Majchryzk po Med out l specifically the sit nation of the :R- sedate playground in Northern 1 Washington shat, is in a |)i u f i. n: on ‘a. \ ' '’j.;an 11 ■n; ; lOstrictcd In Negroes A pinup of young people, irndua an:; several Negroes, were denied ■admittance to tar Roscdalc play- Miound last summer when they :\vi''g't out for a -won in the pool I Upon protest, they were informed (V file piayr'i'-'und d i rector ihu • r grogaiion is (ho p"hev of the rits ' tri-'i recrcatim The g. ouj, then requested hearings on : Imai'd's policy but was repeated ■hood ihis request by Harry A Vi r, chnirmaii . f ihe district * '•creation board Support Muir Paprt 1 I f1) VOl’R FAMII.V FROM RHODE’S I’Ol FTRV AM) r.ROI CHS MAKKIJ 708 Ql IVNI.KI \ ST i THE PARADISE GRILL At 77.3 E. Washington Avc. Carries a variety of Food-.. Canned Foods, Milk, Ice Cream. All Kinds of Smokes. Bananas Mrs. C. Gray, Prop, Phone i 753 /dOZh^ui 1 ' A ) 05OP2RY&UT'I ONT) ( ( >oo—m *»••■- j ~ yv ~ !y — n T* T T "%T T” 1 Tfc. T JL ssMb A 1 $1 i/ •„ i j*®* ■■"! f f -if; • Tfi M U •*-'*■ .-iihbi-ph ’ ' -*-■ .MMIt ' ■"*. *rj**tm*.. S ■ - t IN NM.VS PAH AUK Vl.nve is Wiitistnn Industrial m hoot s li.md 1 which f.) i ticip.itcd in (!u Chris m,is parade stager) Mbinila' CliflJ). 2, DN S VS .. ri.v’tiKs <.( i limn f - I 1 : PETERSBURG. Vn iANP> A ; fire which gutted tiie inter-or ui 'ti io i:oir. if Me. and Mr.- VViilk McGee .ore parly iaat week, n . ; the life of their two-year-old ’’daughter. It -leji Ann McGee. The (bird's ; n'ly was loimd in an up i I 'hair bed room by firemen aide. , the blaze had been extinguished. If believed 1 i five brok( on l ;■ : when poi bntyie A Move buniinp ,in die room dev', i ipod . leak Tiic had been pin to i>cd by no: '' 1 mother, who had c, gone' next u or Toe fa!her w.e at w-ui k , , Wi'.iiam Butler and .taeon Jack i son, ro"irters. were asi or-p in the hou e. Jackson, ,i-.vakee.cd by the . .'lie!! es smoke, saw ’h-' rapidly ■■'(■reading fs.onic- and leaped on! ■i the ..oeoiiil fie. , v.indovr ii-' 1 • . :•••.•■ mdcci )!)<’ ;ii;)i'i'.i. Bn tier, sleep • ing i)i a chad in the firs’. IS or..- liv 'd* eh tic v, in sw ;no;v [h r, An the buiMing as e I'im Hod a* : s;.A’‘.' VISIT ANCHOR’S INN Where Friends Meet and Gteei Fancy' Groceries, Good Beer Always, Good Music IF F. D 1 . .! Milo North of Kinslon Fmmct Simmorg', Prop, | jnet-vw THE CAROLJ'HI \ ’ r jiiglit by the Wilmnishm Mel i'll,tills VssiKi.iUiui tin' ■ mil. m hit high.stepping lirm'i tn.ijin ■ eites le.uling )| e;iuityii .1 mt .i- 1,1 ' " : v kl* V §j| jjfr $ c L : ; f. V •• A if «If ||^. P gT mil A| 1 ; 1 yjL .'I ' •-'•»ff ; > •■ "■ i 1 ;gl I I'' A * ' . .■' v Mi ■•'•'■ "5 !•••• . >: A", Phot,.. ■’V '!'"•* Vi ‘-h r :; t' :,i • • il'ijH'.v: -• nI in H/f , h'-eu- nf decoration. : • r:( ' r 17 Wi;!i’ !’ !1 fry.' ■ .'in-! : • i -nf I p'litpr In \r v ’ : ," ■■' ;<) for ■■:.< G-i-sic simi-hedy of the furnishings ami U* accent the Eiun.-iv mood. ! I WISH ICOU LP GO\ , ' WHV •% \TO SLEEP AN' NOT j (IHT£RH/U} '<*¥s f j WAKE UP Til- TWO j 1 WHERE'* ffIUP. J ImL ~ Jp* i month') AFTER/ \ cmsrms { * _ r rtvsmrn. f-iAvi 4* Mhk fLCSSFt, NOW, PO WeTtm AFRAIP SO/ \HAV£ room, pr- ' ETHEL CAIl r P THE &ROWtfs JYE ETT R PAY ANPMEMI iONEI> Fan'/WAV, LESTER, i pontT'nW of you' WANT YOU TD6IVE At/ -4’ TO FIFL THAT ANYTHING THIS /EAR.. ft WAY...HON. J i./'-’^." l r it spur,! /*//// NEEP SOME CA&tf FROM YOU TOMORROW* j ! FOR'THE KPS PRESENT^..Ti.FN THERE'S THE CHRISTMAS | I CAPPS. THREE HUNPREP Os THEM, THREE CENTS STAMPS, C ■ , J :!.', l -!: j ; !hr loir “I tn.uih, •■Ji.iU*;!;; llliK I) ippL*i»N<*. W\. ANP WE CANY LEAVE OUT THE JQRPANS THE ONeJI f RE/WEMBER THAT 3£AUTtfI(L PURPLE WF. NEVER. USE ? ' . . ■? ‘ o ; / A.U A<X C ■ / / At { CERTAIN LI AV NEW COAT AN - SUIT ij ! WILL BE ENOUGH EXPENSE. -"M OPPEREP THEM LAST WEEK A- I v y KNOW ■ / /wGjfclj TYOND SECTION MiIVER SHOOTS WOMAN Oft R( s MIAMI. !•::<. AND* A |.\r - rLjyv h » •>*. )!• in p h / 1 l I.KMING BROS, SERVICE STATION Gas, Oil, Fresh Meats and Groceries, Cold Drinks Ice Cream Dial 212-8 Groceries Delivered Aye!on. N C. . . STEWART BROS. SODA SHOP Win a r l’i tends Meet ;it <1 Unioy I-.-- ('old Drink.-- Milk Shakes A lee (/ream jj S. Tee St. Aden, IS. C ! - J. Baker's 1 Mineral Home dome of l.fiioir I’nunlv Mutual ! Burial Association, Inc. in; s. qi ki'.n sr . rHWNi: :>H6 I ,-\I»V ATTENDANT Belk-Tyiers THE FAMILY DEPT. STORE Qualit y Merchandise At Popular Prices KINSTON, N. C. 1 S ,™~~ ™~„<—,—, ,——-— 8 J iMßwi-MiKHliiiiwawi«a«»— I—iwwimi* mi" Wt niriWftß WHEN YOUR RADIO & w GIVES YOU TROUBLE tw wkjm « wni i| When you can't lean back and listen in £jM j comfort because of buzting or static /m "" take rr to DAVIS R ADIO SERVICE I Jj J 1 li.ee UEMOND ST, ’ IN LINCOLN C«TY. KINSTON Malachi Davis. Prop, iiriwwn UTrr~»'-nTrtiimr«nr»nr«|ii«irir-rrrfnT—rrit-iiTf'Hiro-unriiTrnjirnnr- nn-iinr rinaiß iwnnr <m, iii»rii'iiwr>Tiraiwmiia»«»iMWK»iwUTnviii»nrjiiii riwngnimniiin «nTiliMiil»rilHlw on RS W£ WON'T BE THE u*/7v ONEsS FOH, I'VE GOT plenty V well, thenTl OF SPIRIT, IT'S JUS' JB WE'LL JUST 1 k I'M LOW ON HAVE TO CUT f BUT WE WON'T HAVE TO W ) j FOR mix, 'TIL NEXT yEAR-^g^ Kinston Business Men Avici Women Sponsor ? liis Lap- - Ealronize Them vtoni ItNISTIi ,M: HOTEL U ’ Hf \M I v ,V: HI I; j A . •iz v PAMS IK* IT H I NISIH-.lt ROOMS Hot And Cold Water 1 OR HATH Quiet Location Automobiles Now In Stock 134 ft Chevrolet 2 door ITertlino 1318 P.yn, 'Ulh -1 door Sedan 1 '348 Plymouth 2 door Sedan 1948 Ford 2 door Sedan '949 Ford 4 door Sedan 1948 Chov. 1-2 ton Pick up Many more to choose from TERMS: 1-3 DOWN Up to 18 Months to Pay Balance Immediate delivery on any make or model. No Trade In Required MID TOWN MOTOR CO. Located N. Queen St. Opposite Hotel Kinston Open Evenings Until 9 Also Norfolk, Vs. 2409 Gramby St PAGE FIVE

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