WEEK KM'h ■ ;Vv! ITDAi , !)!..('. i > |;i|n PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS % rißirT—itirtnmnw *" **.*»**MmiMm, - ■ * **** |gg|| THE WEEK IN *Je|* GOLDSBORO ; » V E. A. TH bRHTOH t ( -•Pride of !•. . -*: Ledge N• •. 2 b unci Sunjbeam Temple L >dgc K-. •147 IP.POE of W, G- . ■'■> !... ♦their annua! • • ee ; . ce. Antioch Buj ■. ' of Pine arid \ pi-inia S'. t. S:m day. Deer mm . 12. a ! :$ o r Tiu. memorial M.*rni m war. preaehoc by the Rev > B. Sim.-m nr mo tor ol St. James AM L Zmr Church Other member.-' on i program included: -010. Mi ;: e A: line Braswell; a marks h\ M - Geraldine Had.- n : vi •• M ■■■'■’ Scott. Music war furn:-’h d b\ th Elks Gospel Choir. Duet Dane-: ters, Gav and Arts/. A her crowd attended the pr-gp am no Aion/.'t RIIUO, pit Mm . Prolcvso) H. V (}?■•..,:i attenci ed the meeting 1 the Srutir m # Association ol College- aid S; condary School.- in Wliniinrion Thursday. Dect-mbei tith. Mr. Brown, reports -• very fine meet ing;. Leo Darden. <4 Boston. Mv a former Goldsboro boy and tlv brother of Mir. H. R M.-Kt atic n died in B. .-'ton Dec; ; i. : bod. is to arCre m GoM i : during th • earl;, • a; t of •he v< ; k Funeral avraugvinenL no or. e. plete. Scout Executive Visits Goldsborr Hairy Hav -hert, ~ps;st; a :• the director of Se >uting rrrv;o p with header-farters in Menphh Term, spent December ea Tuscorora Council w-.eking with R. L. Wolf. Sc* vit Ext-utb >• 1 A. P. Cox. field Scout <-x* ut. • Mr. Ilaysheif. a iev . ppp- ~ .. lor a week's Sc .utmost* t ba r training' course to bo - oadaet t in Gold?bore rod i'u. ;. * oimcil. April 5, : . -a. i’> H ! < tails are being el puate staff p tppm-re Stcul masters and the HOW u! ■■ en dnoting these emu s. -. Tire -. an til is especially tori .man ? ■ have she assistance m Mi Hav - native of Wms'cn-Sal in it 1 *>itl’eOO* H ' ! cvkv i- i tlv: Scout movement. He revved on — ' - - - T«£ FCLiCE SECURE APROftATJO* CARD 'frj* t j| ISSUED-.TO YOUK& WBOKNER WHO fU W&4 nWi '-.v M« SEINS- HEIO AT HEADQUARTER/ NOW- j % SfW C-. %W<s| THSOUSW-THC OF WE >. , II f &$ *f‘ 7PL'' ' .- C WM - LEADERS OF THE DOPE aANS- IS < V fl M V. %% INFORMED OF TOM'S CAPTURE// ME CAUS || /g »ij/0& -" -s^WK IN ONE OF H«5 VACB'“ ACOCKY MIDSET/ §| /| WE USUAL WAV, WORK TlE# SAMPSON/-STROLLEJ?,! i USUAL WAY,T BONNY SUIT,AND ALL/j kRATTLER?V NOW 9ET R!D OP ■fcrTrT' »'**KTHAT STOfrlE AND 1 B this ihsttad/J ■ ikgr-; A-' f' 7 ~t. VMj& ■ .-Ji T mSfI fIP A CASE Ri&HT HOW OVER ON THE IT THANK ■r WEST SIDE ON WHICH YOU BOTH CAN BE. SiR/ I HELPFUL- BECAUSE OF YOUR PREVIOUS WORK _/*“8P m ~m E, WITH THE. YOUTH CF THAT SECTION m HAVING- '' , I S W A CALL PUT THROUGH TO THE WEST SIDE mtf&f W 1 1 jf&?m ■ PRECINCT now/ mold on a SECOND/'' ffffiff* -C ■% It f E* •■ ■ ■ BY AL L A\EA N SEND JIM AND HIS ..M FRIEND OVER AT EJ ONCE// THANKS 74 "n „ lf k WR- KUNE/ -. LASs*. .-. ■-. \ I ,i I ffifflSMyfiftftY v ~- , v V J ~• , V V'\ j ;i thr Winston Salem (wiuneil and .i exOCUi iVe. 1..; CliltPP ! ire m.e it at and ini’ work, and was later pc ., ifcted t... ri.vt on the national i Bey -See,-at stall in health and e .ed :» H- seires is: s! ■ j couneds tie - .ugdeii: tin Eastern btetion i'l the nation. Mr Hay n shot t. was guest c.f Mr and Mts , E. A. "i d rat a at 611) Deyr:eux . .'-> t' e, -T :vi:i,i i: I the cit v The- L’.ttie Theatre Inc: o! a Gold bee- -will pre-amt. its third annual Christmas P rg< ant. Sun - , day. ilt.a'i riibcr 19, at a p.m. ... in tim D.ha:>.i High .Gehooi and. d : toTium, u.ndf r the direction ni Mi: s Ho,-;. Gray. The pag.'.m'. P: in : tat ip! The Null'/- ■ ity in Li. n r Ha im e Mm a wdi u| be t'urn.'died b.\ th. 1 )riginai; Ch .ru; ardor tin direct; >rt id r! N e.. 1 Stitt. Members si i( east include - Eloise M, Larkm Kvcbvn Lane, f Elizabeth .\to< re. .Viooti.v Keve-y J: hni'iie D Vl urtleton, WiJhT'.<- Sti'i, Malta If- e Best, P p.p ra. Stash. Get. i L'a W • sp, John W. Chavis Ibmva Bass 11.pn '!■ : A.-kna' D. Pa:Us. Francis Larkin. Ma.rv L SmAi. (herge \V:' ' h.upi.m. A. T)i: rstun. .\. B. Rex’. Far) Glenn, Acldir- (I. Thornien end George Wilson, The public is urged to see this ~i pageant. The program will start i' p: sn.j tiy at p nr. Admission >- .1 Lee. E. A. Thornton is president Ltgicn Post Meets M - • . T "... pp :f R ' ■ i• A-. 215 fTK-pir: s Lcgu.n on Tucsdav night -v : Thornti ups t’a. tin. Lie- Post and. tne AiVa-rteau Legion Auxiiim '• went on . reed t..> make an g£- - ; fort lei see that every needy oid ■ person m the city lx- made to feci happy by receiving a.urn. '• thms so Christmas. Each mem • : t?er is askc-1 to bring in some needy old persan's name and ad : dre-v ' u dvr th*» f-ommitt! n mav ; e.■ i •',,.: i ’ ■ ■ p. -.-r; .■ :i- |T- AHD DON'T j|| 8 f FOR&ET TO *g&t /', k SHAVED MP-- 4 X%k §, _ jgyi^p*^:*b pl'TA&i NE YOUR RUNN!N&*Jf \WE'LL KNOW | Jr INTO CAPTAIN MORRISON <4BL OLD MAN." IF ITM I ... $0 J'M AFTER ALL THESE YEAR*, TSP ADVENTURE YDU'I.L lif 1 AND SPARKY , JIM// --WONDER WHAT'S Vlf BE IN ON '1 W.TH MF." IWf | tSeir L vvav M d hwjSjT ' ?^? i | FRIEND, S CAPT U*? *| I (I lw J L f*r\7 T\ Qls f^ p fC . e. ppp s ’* . %v , \ ~v. . ' yfa'iy •••.-••. fsf ■ /TAAip.pA ■ rv'- ■— ;• •:•••• , s : " '..s£■ ■<■■■■■ ••••'' .dr, t&VkwlgVwW.WvtiJi'wi&ivWwwa..-,v; C.v.V'.‘Sv'T.-x< w -pt-.'. x- V .•c-x". •- -<y A.: ■ Members of tha Ai’ Star bas kclball team spon.--..red by Bryant-Best Post No. 215 American Legion Goldsboro shown above won 5 games out of S games played this scaAe.r. Left to right first row. Far’ Fennell. Willis Best Jr. Nyrn pbeuj Durham William Best, Coccy Best. Second row. Coach George E. Wilt on. Alonza But C'dvc gif!--.. 'J he day biA' p i Chiururui- fhr mi-mbcis -d tv i-wrmiiuef- v. ; 1! vi.-iit thi :.i pc. .on :ivi !-,•;' and take p.'icKagcs of fruit, grocct ics and utlii.-r needed Ldng.-: M Ti ber-r of the- c..-mm it tee arc M;/.. A M Fill;.--. ?\! ff< ! u Tavl;v. Frank Rowdoa. Ji pn.i K. A, Thornton. Tin: Ho:-’ vv.'i.pj ,v. nd vln in mtidialely to (hi; Oxtnrl (.Vplrmi , id. at Oxford, N. C At it apc rai co l meeting .t Thornten’.; Ca:dn.. TuenLi.v night Decen. vr 14. Th.• swimming pool commit tee with George FI. Wilson, chair man. is making eve; y effort pos sible to suggest other available sites tor the proopseri colored .I'.vjmmg pool. One mi.. be n offered in !,V. ,G. .1 Brumm, P-ii'l ofhe: sites hi nt- eonri‘d LYOi} oy th c coiTUiiittC' ■ .E. - y cit i/t-n in Cxohlt&or) is us kod V rnf■ t vv x th t:;«;• < xecu tlv e cjrnnill tec on Mondav December 20 at 7:45 ai which time t : n cojrnr.-ittct; will petition the citv of Goldnboro asking thsfn to is sue a bond for F1.3ii.000 to build two swimming r: pi; one Hr" white an-i one for iWw"-; Thv •'.i d O.N I t oiM.'i if Cs ler, Joseph Rouse Johnny Lane. J. ieh Best and E. A. Thornton, manager Ray Moore was absent when the picture Vfp- mad o. Any cue desiring 1c arrange a game cr games with tne All-Stars H asked t% write to E, A. Thornton, be king agent, fi 19 Devemtx St Golds boro or phone 387 -M. N. 'P'c Cd p G ildsi.v .\. < 1!’ You Wan! u .Swinuniug i’-.nl 1’ <:. Negro.• . Met t ii: at t.;c City I Hall Mr.nday night December 20, 7;45 pan. Bi vant-Boat l-’.-.-t No. 215 Ami;-; lean Legion Swimming P.p! if ;:j::1 1 1 • E M. Hu: prove . lx A T-jK-.rntim. tl E V/ilson. ■ u ‘ pppi. i. V\ W: d. Com .v i! ■ Age C.- ;inr. To pic . in - home Mon the \ arious cal leges for the Christmas holidays, s'v Teen Ayers tie uv.hout uv. city ere making great plans so: parties and dance.-, during the holiday:-'. Oil Tuesday night. De •'ei'ein.: 27. the annua! Colld.fjc- Prom will be held at Thornton’s Casino from to 12 p.m. All i ; 1 e : a. e u; c: it' l tr> a.. t le: jd. A p.vked ievi'-i piv, til, Ami:: IC.P : won .-'Gi-Si a i'l- Ci.sc t Fit.-J [ fact tiarnc (.1 the season Monday ■ night. Decenibec 6. at the com - .tin; v center to the 82nd Abr ’ll*.*. bp.-kvPab uvm vb Fm 1. Bragg hv thi seiix of -in !o 41 m ~n ever time game At the lied. 30 29, With Hr ■ minute.s !- V. FAN WHILE, JI Art AND SPARKY ARE, ! I | AT THIS MOMENT. IN THE OFFICES OF i j j THE U' S' BUREAU OF NARCOTICS// i I W ••• VES, STEEL! - YOU AND VOUR C | B FRIEND HAVE A SPIEHFUD IDEA/J ! V UNOFFICIAL CIVILIAN AID Sl'C-H AS f, I YOU OFFER. IS.-NVOUS? CASE, Vl i 1 QUITE DESiRAiiLE.' FURTHERMORE--^ f KLINE SPEAKiNSr/T JIM STEELF/B OK.HELLO,CAPTAIN J i WAS SPEAKINfrI MORRISON// SAY' 4 OF HIM JUST m !...' ■’ ! If 1C UAityLINIAN RALLROAD PROFRESS 'To : Vi ‘.mSTHA Hi ENGINE in 576 V so mijhtv locomotives of /.:•'>•/.,. 'STAGE-COACH" 1 r O'G to M’-fc; Llioned Streamliner.- .., ■' h"' J-.il " - . n. -I, ~ ; - filLi . Hi, .ITUCJ I. 1o i/i i.? a vast nefi\o of SVd Puikcad development in j At erica i-j on epic of * WViNi'tCN! <K iy bTAi ts i-yf '' ‘V.' 1 ';.. .'* ’ . ;. s I ■ c --/-•cl; ■■ . ‘ - ~' L •- - - ' ’ »- v' -j PM} dvV. :• 'pH; .a i ; SIT bl.M' isS:BIS tCi'lO.N fiiiO! i* , CH H.’AC 1 0 i A .inti la- ■ A H-.-kW., ! 7 vuil -old .iijel.l at li.i y : I'nivoi-Mty <■! 'bhc,,ga was eiccUp J, -.l.aii-niam <3 ih. Ulu.-.x- Wirc-j) -n J-jKev.or: el' stodvp ,| j ■. • n k ! acii.iii u e .liter-, rice here i. 1. . S Abr. Div. 45 All-Stan; 41. High --carer:, so: th„ AH Stars. Wiiic • Boat 14 paints and Ray Moore. i 10 p* jints Th. Dillard High School lev .» Seho,i t KLinsUir: by the e ■■ • gill:; Dilia.rd 18. Atkin High 15. Boy,; AtKia liigii 20 Dillnrej 1 ; Oti‘n,aL-p es, Wiicun and L Si tit ■ rrioiis. \i. ht': garni:, G. Harris Th American Legion District - No. 4 basketball League will ’ open on January 17. Ail posi .' ttaii-c planning to partiiipnte in c C ; ! L, Wbison. l.ilT Sicughiet' .! Street. GoidsWof& N C. ,->t ..m • ... \y , I ~. ; , ,■ 1) , ■;> p.m. -a! She America."; Leer n Ciun Last Nash Street in Wilson. At this .time G. K. Wilson will b- m “nvenhons Thcif Serve You t ~ s Z " ~ ~ 7*7 ' ' —kfjs^'“'t : . i j’V.uL aorge ~Gt ib ~ , *. >^%.7 ; received first of his 361 PATENTS/ H. c . ,7m 1866... Sow troin-wreci/- INVENTEO CAR REPLACER/ YfisSm AIR-BRAKE INVENTION - v )a>£?m |S§jjsL on first actual test-stopped speeding troin-SNiiD DRaYMAHS Uf£ of crossing: 1872... PATENTED AUTOMATIC AIR BRAKE/ DEVELOPED INTERLOCKING SMTCHfS- Kif W. ||' RAILWAY SiG\Ai.S - STEAM TURBINES . WljaV, HARNESSED FORCES OF NATURAL GAS AND ELECTRICITY FOR WIDESPREAD rSE . . \S*wA’lf FOUNDED MANY NEW INDUSTRIES . # ji \ IMPROVED LIVING STANDARDS ~. JyBS/ '\ CRcAJW BETTER JOBS / | Cif Plat&rjnaL Patent CuuaojL - .' m-J1 ... 4?* / -■ Little Brother r -■- - «■■ . 7 ?^ f ' ; iV. '-'U KI Thai tiny tractor licing displayed by Virtrmia Vermeson, Detroit F » scale p!a;-tic mod. 1 f its big brother, the Ford Traitor. More than 1,000 of the modelr arc daily rolling from u miniature production line in Detroit. First used by dealers to point out the feature?, of the : product when the real thing was unavailable due to shortages the ‘‘•viy .. ur.- |M (iMidl J«m y. * Uiusy HiOUtl m.i P.l/I CtCiUV)JiJ£ Is Olg business, not. orily iti trtt<*ti>rs but in ciUtomi/biL-s llitd otlicr juthlucl’s. The model Ford tractor follows f.'.ithfully the Vermillion red and j f rest gray cob t scheme of' the big tractor; the body ;•■ of |.la<»V7 I the axles of steel, the tires of real rubber. ' ' ' &*»*■•* '' 1- ttHm-r nm-r-M'M mi ■ •- '«• ~ • •'-jvssv •>'.»■.' . J; MAIN U ti or \ 'c-MLROAD INVENTIONS f • wirirußULAk noma ifKomnvE jf •/G 11 . TELEGRAPH .. SLEEPING Cl/? ii j LOCK SIGNALS.. AUTOMATIC COUPLER ji CLOSED TRACK CIRCUIT | AUTOMATIC AIR BRAKE I % REFRIGERATOR CAR ..VESTIBULE CAR k \ AUTOMATIC STONER... CAB SIGNALS [ I OSCILLATING HEADLIGHT S ' I DIESELS.. ELECTRICS ... TURBINES I S RAIL FLAW DETECTOR CAR J ,1 CENT RAUL SO TRAFFIC ' I.J l . f I P/ii’f wteu b v -»*. ’* ’ v.c'hmN/Hr. v. M y - • Tiiiv(on Udn Itc?*H'iis in I. a. I'or l)*sf iuirit* y WJT'H THE EIGHTH AH'MY IN OSAKA. .iupciii Sge Ear! Wirt lay. Cibvii) Whitley •>( Ch: • ier C . he- lot: ibi-Mip n,.v 1 t-.< 2}'i' Infauli y. wciiii new, ,p.- ■:. pi c i - (.’: ;r,|. (;' fu 1 1 re'mv! pi m Upited States f. ; dischaiye. ) PPiOd „-,(iii.u I<M2 i Pc’.ved ' p.rii .iiMiicr aiudenl ol the- Willi;.;., C .opei School. Christmas Paiumnl < Staged Rv Student’' Os as. josfj)lis‘ High Sum; .i'- epli’. Hub: School .Nrrw. Be: r St,ltd,.y pm D-.-ccmij-cr 52. Tp p p ■ p.; . ret eedins tic.- c irl'n of Ciirßl \v..-. .rt.ayod pioled uv Bp e.M'piv i:-:.-ruble. BtiiWi-etr arch . e,c the high t f 1 . I Vi) M ; y .V,;■ ■ Eibel Siii'iuoiti: Sph-.i JosCjgt D xwi Siriirni-iis Ai.-cei Gabrir 1. cb Mr: ; Barfield: Elizabeth. Miss picie btf rwhidrll; Wise Men, V, Pace (J: v. Be 'card Groen v.iitl Lip e:cd Sri; Hi I Snopherd.-. Loun SIX ONI) SECTION Wu- Kgs 1500,000 EMPLOYEES DEPEND DIRECTLY ON £ U 5. RAILROADS FOR 1 1 LIVELIHOOD* millions more indirectly ! PRESENT ANNUAL RAILROAD PAYROLL SS,OOO,OO -0/ 4 '"""I Li I- 1 g'ft fe-1 I mNWsJmIDAMBRi 'fit/ , Jones, Jwii.vs Patrick, Kn: I Patrick; ; j Angt-b GwCj.idclla Ward ii rb'.’be i Rayford, Rebecca l.nuis. Kl.c;im>r j j J;.a mond Rnxuhc Miller: InnkcCfj- | ifir Loon 111 ■! i: r»i ■. The Revel end (a-;a!u Ryan. (' p.. 1 the pal! ■ I• . the narrator descnbuis', each! scene f<m the appropriate Gospel i Text. Bcfuie t, . final tableau K,.th- \ .1 lit: : Pi idler. O P }., :. v (.! j ■ ' Po.in! Josephs Chun h addressed! -‘T—TTmiwYTii-ini-unnm -tr-nni-m—nmfstiMrm-i ~n-*ir— nn-riiii , i 3 nr-Ti---nt --irnim«r ■ The Green Parrott Case Hsme Cooked Feed Beer, Wine, Cold Drinks 327 S. James Street Mrs M. S. Pennington, Mgr. Moor’s Grocery We Buy and Sell Fresh Country Products SOS Creech St. Phone 2575-J Fredrick Moor. Mgr. 1 i IW' H. Griffin and Son j t’Qj t PTrt'r r«?r 47 Phenes 47 J j Goldsboro N. C, Sutton and Grady’s Lunch Room Cold Drinks, Beer. Short Orders, Weekly Boarders 409 South -unes Street Hillary Woolen Mgr. Geld: bon.’. N C. : BELL-STAURT Furniture Company Quality Furniture, Reasonable j Prices 227-28 N. John Street Goldsboro, N. C., Phone 1760-Jf ! ELMORE’S RADIO SERVICE Sales and Service Street Floor Borden Building Goldsboro, N. C. Phone 2188 ! <»*• Prompt Courteous- Servlet FOYE’S BANKER SHOP 405 SOI TH J AMt S ST. ODEI i t: FOVI Prop. wyff TiiwiW'ifaiiafaji laiMiiwj^aßaßsaaaMßWMMMWMCTMrMßinr Moore's Grocery WE BEY AND SEI.L FRESH I COENTRY PRODUCTS 505 CREECH STREET t KEDERICK MOORE, Prop. SERVICE DRY CLEANERS Cor. S, James and Elm Sts.. Branch Office N John St. ONE DAY SERVICE We Specialize in Women's Silk Dresses and White Sweater* PHONE 1579-R WE OFFER A FULL LINE OF LIFE INSURANCE PLANS IF YOU ARE INTERESTED IN ONE SEE A REPRESENTATIVE OR CALL THE DISTRICT OFFICE NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE CO. 301 S. JAMES ST., GOLDSBORO C. C. SPAULDING, President E. R. WILLI A MS-District Manager J, B. TAFT-Assistant Manager PAGE SEVEN (? oid,sboro Merchants And Business Persons Made This Page Pos sible, Give Them Your Trade. On the Job ; ,! \V CINCINNATI General Jona than M. Wain weight, hero of Bataan and Comgidor, is devot ing hi* time and energy to the eaur.e of the disabled veteran. Na tional Commander of the IJisabled American Veterans, General Wain* wight is shev u at work at his dc k in Ic-.V National Head quur if- 1 ' scon s CAFE Best In Barbecued Foods 404 Golley Street Goldsboro, N. C. MILK’S LUNCH ROOM j New Open For Business Short Orders and Regular j Meals, Cold Drinks. Ice Cream , 302 N. John St. Phone 9183 , Mrs. Frank Hicks, Prop. | coiiMi nTFy :< It VR i S 3 V I ION GAS AND OH. IT N CKKKNI ! At S's. i 01.0 DRINKS \NI) Kt tit ) PHONE 547-. I H. 1 JACOBS. Prop. | Your Credit Is Good : At FURNITURE 115-117 East Walnut St. GOLDSBORO .tfrtMMUCM'RnsiMMMaMaMiiKw'mmwn’so in ii in nimn in r< in lmrriTinir'mmiMWiiiiiiiini j LEE’S FUNERAL HOME Home Office of Christian Aid Mutual Burail Ass'n, Inc. Free mount. N- C, Phene 3101 J. W. Lee. Prop. "~mmws(Yvs ST PER WASH AND St L> - SERVICE I.At:NDRY 905 X. JOHN ST. SI I.BS. :;5e Put MACHINE Mrs. Pearl Smith. Mgrs. ion iir.uciors dinners ! STOP AT \ic*k\ s Sofia Shoppe 333 S. .1A MI'S ST “A SPI < I AMY 1 VERY DAY’ Moye’s Grocery i aney and Staple Groceries Emits and Vegetables 401 SOLTI* JAMES ST. PHONE 9134 Sliver Moon Bar ALL KINDS OF SOFT DRINKS BEER 239 \\ PINE STREET ALEX SWII-T, Mgr.

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