PAGE EIGHT Continued From Page 1 CIVIL SERVICE rr.iiii.vtasiioi! Branch No 4. 900 I>. Lombardy Sticot. Ririiionn-i. v-.. until Dfrcinh: -r 2d. Tin- position pays between an! .‘'alary <>i $3,397 to s4.l4ft C Firm' Marches On Bel no outcry, and no complain »»g. C!‘■({.{) keep the., rage'd shack Os raga in Take this riffle, keen an .m ;v.> 'Cause f can remember Her ver’" yoke Swinging for tin white folk:- Heard hot"! boy- rani and are -- They aind nobody's Slav* They'ri- just flippi: ■: Bowing and prayTo; tor more lips: 1.-j-ik ai 'em jumping k:" - ning! lvvf:e quarreling and L.-s Pin. . , f,r white !• - ii:" DEBATE RACES man's hip he:: t aspiratmi'. inr.v <>■: n alizc d 'Phut '•(lay liigii!. the .-M-t.ernl Minbiy unanimously approved a r'.jivf'ij iUn > deeTcirin ‘ Ukt' lA'.'DOC'.cte ian at: intended destroy in v, i,oft 'i u. pari naiiona! t.-ibica). ecivi' tinder irU-ma'i o;.d lav aiu't .. 1 ;et ting. Pie WJO to ■ • "i. o uonal court to >ii pers"O’- aectisso td violations. The itiuraii.e of the convention <•-u!d be invoked j .eh it; ~t lynching Ncproes )» ttie southern stater. Sup; i.-h or. enough, the Soviet Utiion, voted f-.-i rcnocide aiireoi'iie-nl. mi ; H tiseu t.o reeugii she n. Ist oi a into. • i ‘.ill: -iial li'iijO'C It; C'y ilt'i.'UilS -. t* • cured f the ertnr- 'P t v o.-. n't ion lie.', boon ••.(•dirt d of eeia'-cUif the poop]*' of L.lhutiuia. Erinm.i and via. Aci - - rainy t.. lilt- - -at < —ci..! c : aOiiS charged \. ,‘h ■'■.i.-a aie -Yd: be tried by i ciorai cocoa to i.> a- may have jurisdiction with respect to those contract'.no parses which shall accept its jurisdiction In ordei to gam cm iccyi? of internal.on;.! jurisdiction, the l S contingent '.v;- ins’cec! to abandon : denim'id that exu-i m.nauon ot | iOliiie,:i) 11 -•: . v dean ai ' aide The Soviet coloration .■ i>-. rcseh-Ui lives ni Latte American Slave Labor lleucinu c f 0 Be Hr,ld In New )oi k NFW YORK -\VDi..> ‘;. -av on torevd kibe.* lyyybrri the •v-rr!cl .villa- he'd to N’t . Yak ill Felo uao :i. aao .®i: of oiifstamiiii; American ei ikons. if Don ..Id Harrington,' National League. The .arawyi.a of inquiry was c-rga;;i?.i d at a u.cel::;:; • ; oduea iiM's. lawyers, laboi leaders and Huntt-i College on LVomimov :;nr caMeh a ■ \V. .), o -■■■ Tin (an, rV:i,v-; ; ;iiv -ce re tat > --hip of Dt. HanT G. Ross apo b- be ilCid :r: February HERO A veteran who i-• partially par alyzed—a paraplegic has more ! than hi-* h?m- of obstacles to over-1 come in order to retrain ever, a limited Use of hand:, arms or * - V A Btkt Komn leg:. But Bert Kopperl. 31 year o1 <i World Win II ve t e ran of Sher m a n Oaks, Califi i j.ia, has over come most ->f these ohsta (tics, and is to day one of the nation's few wheel -chair j-r-.fc sional photographers. And be<;au: <- of hi- oulstamiing i achievement, Kopperl ha.« been ~ lected if the ‘ Hert. of the Month" by the !>,.-aided America). Yct-j i rams. The selection i.s part of am,. } tioria! program to honor each j month a seriously disabled vet- 1 eran who has successfully re ha-! bilitated himself. Kopperl built H successful career j in Hollywood where photojri.-.phi. i competition is keen, in less ihatn two years after being discharged: from a veterans, althoujrh j lat. d totally disabled, he has be come one of the film colony’s best ! known portrait photographers. ««. Spencer Tracy, Cary Grant, Rita • 1 "irw.iwoi-'-VW,: I I 111 I l||ll I lll—Ml Uli'UHl W W PWIH WW I I * ''') ' ' \ - SOS* 1 , : c=p- / x / J■' r r ( * -y/y FREr BOOKIE | o' I „ _ \ I ««•♦» * he i’ r tffX-ii £fff, 4(fl) SwSnfEK \ . n „ L ;”; / ro frr ed *"••• ,h " iro "' I f^^.— Trn fc!ri——V hair products I 40.7 /,-**>//VoW J LTT':L c :T ;, „ J r/ F««t 42nd St New Yerk 17. N.V. I —r ui'iniri—ll ■■■■■ Til maiaiwan I' ir ■ii*»#™»-r«w* .»»—wr-* vm,t>tXK4*m..m.VJm-rv mi . r,*jn .>r.«vw« JT--JW . Tii,-,, Tu .1- -.-.(if j—y r ‘II- r-j •it.-irr>*--r-t ■— - hUHWwnonMIM * ’ 4 '.< 1 * While here in stricken l’alestuie ■ Dr. Fin rede has be'-p provided with ; one i'i the iaai\ a>-,! ana: (is l [,;ia;vidc-d a cliplunial bieveral .je r - ;■ , !.,, ;il armored car jammed wi'.it; csvihon and military p- lice are .■<•- ; mponying i «t all tit ■■ i filiation on iin resulbv of ib' ; con-1 l: rence.. no boded that mere would j jbe revealed in his report to the! UN Seenritj Council. He Rid say igo t the Arabs have tacitly ac -1 ccpted the ext ten. ••! the state lot Israel. I "A more ~.suri;w tnico will; ; ci:ri(.: •!>;■ said, "whoa si;:*'-- i't '-.p- Oherlin Knad % on I h N«m Sl.ihmHti hi Japan i WITH iHF id !HTH ARMY !N ; ■: ! ■ - ' ■ ‘ t ;h’. ; ;n<3 L.- itn'ClUHiU- Acq.ii \ri<) Ini rruc-ujah hb\ . HirsJ qualilc. .qiiDc, will idd 'Rv j, )0 vvi‘l: the Anc.vs OccuphA nnl • p -:?r< ■. 1 his leisure ;he b;n s.-ccess >r. Uiealur:?, dubs. - j a U‘ COVU yVc ii ;iC thC Branch Street Youth Stationed in \okohania WITH Till; EIGHTH AliYi 1 IN YOKOHAMA. Japan- Pfe I.ewe Her:;- s o Miv. DoroUiet. i.K-d --.y ... .}./ r . , ... j>•..., \vh:G :■• : tw . ;.vr ■ . a!'i -a hK.-tioi:-. -n <:rii!.u. i s: ::i ei'-u m Y .kohoillf:. Jiipa’.i s t'r U;,i- , ‘Ye Ant . * ' 43 i ' ;u rive-:: in job the.intf m 1940 ir ■ S; Hav-vorih, Ida l.upino, r. ,• ,1 qV.idc Man Ladd Humphre;. ii > ! Part, Gregory Peck ami Glaik j Gable are - atinfieii customer*.. | i•’ the war Kopp.i! was ji.-l | another I Angel.-S photographer i He do ed his l.m-mc.-s and enlisted j m the Army in 1942 as a private * !M ' Army didn't capita!:-.:.• on hi* j ovponei-.-f- hut made him an anti j tivci aft art li'cryman u«signed t.. i the I luck of bat tie in the South j Ta. die Koppc l went up fast in i.k, weari c the bar* ■-!' a (Y.p I i>n l.uroii in the f’hilipnirs in i Lm,. r.f vv;j> ,vtiicki*ii with infitn -1 '<>■ p.iralysi.,. The next, two years ' ••ere spent in hospitals and K >p mi! returned home sene paralyzed j nmi r-onfined to a wheel-chair. But Kopperl Made ~(> his mind ; that, somehow, he would learn to ; develop new photographic leeh ! nirpj. s, despite his disability. He I i -iind encouragement from his I buddies who were members es the i liivmmgh.'.rn Hospital Chapter, j Di-.-abled American Veterans. f day, ith a gadget, holding hs camera rigidly to the wheel’ . hair, leaving both hands free to take pictures, and with about one ’tiiid ni-i'nt.'il imivemerit .ri hi ■ arm Bert Kopperl has a full day’s • chedule of business. 1-le wheels himself m aid out of Hollywood tar's 'homes and even found time to take a 25,0110 mile cruMc around the v.-..|-!d on a freighter. Guardsmen Eligible Eoi Appointment Fo I . S. Afiiitar\ \eademv W i -hington !.\NP; ErdLGoi men t.-l th-- Notional .gu-'i'U :nc cliS'iblf for 2-5 appointment.. ■ ; the United States Military aca demy a West Point .'or the aca demic year beginning July i. 19411. Ma.j. Gen Kenneth F Cia trior, chief of thy Nati.’nal Guard Suc( ■ ■•.uididat-,'' w;;i b - the 2f tot) inert wb" *vii.i com i..; ;i- f---ri: t!••< ■ ■ it- s tie- lb- V I SO TINY... SO INEXPENSIVE I I m , n L i visP»l ii in illtiHi S «J ui ■! # f u ’t 11 JvJ 1i j i l%}y 1G ■ ife^SB umH me. I f ,v . ■ : | K Y-Y.e-Ye- sY'4w ■ 1 . ; I I * ' | I . I - A 1 j.l '*" * ip I r y 3 § I I ■ 4C ra »| I -'v : ;s^R§ I 1 I TABLE MODEL - AUTOMATIC J tIOWO C|Si I COMPARE the features » CLOVfR-LEAF PUSH BUVTON controls 1 the changer when the h'J is down r • OSMIUM-TIPPED RESILIENT NEEDLE ;C " m CHANGES 10 and 12 INCH RECORDS | || : l| r I • COMPACT-DURABLE-BEAUIIFUU l |jj j I % TmT"CS j COMPARE the price ; $7 view i. "Hi H I I USE OUR DEFERRED PAYMENT i PLAN. SOME MODELS AS LOW AS $17.95 FOR SI.OO DOWN AND ... $ 1.00 WEEKLY j YOUR CREDIT IS GOOD AT n —rn Tirr . , ruiuiiMWii imij-nnnTumnr •riniVin-nii——ir •***—> K • Tire Sales & Service Co. Plenty of Parking Space | 401 HILLSBORO ST. PHONE 7571 I. UOT | National guaro compctiton. lm j Wc.-.: Point vacancies ■• ill be .i.- ’ f portioned unvut* the y-totes ac |cov..iing in Jht stae-c I’niiste-:! ’ isiren-gib, and will bo chosen thro \ j mnrpc-fit i v y - vainin.-T.iii,: :hnviJa ill .scope to the I'oguJar Wost ' Point entrance tc st: , , !t: it ir, ,-ns oi tl'ic Un: led Stain-' r- ■ :w• ■■ . tl'i; o r ID arid 22. will; i (-xyel’eptt charattU'i and at teas Y ■ a :iigh Kchooi education or it ' cci'.:. : aalcixt. Tney u:\- ■ etiuin d u> 1 ._i I - >■'nils ted nu n v. :tti oiH' . 1 > f .>(?rvif( in . uni' o* th. N’.i --• oft.ii Guard. Mr-n inG-rcstad la] 1 t.'iTi'leliiii; for - 1 ; Wr a ' TflF CAROLINIAN BABE-MS GKOIT I)EYf AM)S BETTES? W.m) SCHOOLS .\ T i Al\ r [ A <l\ N P i ’Vh v Ati u n ■Y (L. "rsi 1 .. mcil ft"' HfTtCv Pii!;»- T’DiS i;' 1 WlJek \H k Hlr] udoH ihat Uu’ v\\ y i.v uro of educi'di i* nd it if UHinoy or. tlio impi'Ovß* Hidnl ol schools for Nchiidren. h .* ] O l ior v iied b y Mr.s K. 1,, 1 bf* qii'fiii :'• d 'YooiTiced thi? re-void or;! :-i. • A '. , :o*i of 26 per cent ■ .'A H ill ~ ; /;• 43 \ !•!' 0 ! T ){■*.:■ 1 )Ui l j 11. i j (>tli };:,Tt UP* ij(V) ihe bollil i.-. UU ,20 i OlH’ ima 'been a Uolerl for improvement ’>! | -chords loi whitm, but the bunrii had auth. rizeci expenditure!'- oi Sv,- ■30,3,40’) foi Ihc-m projects On (ho Lit.iior hand, oho noted the funds for Nf’.M'o school projects were t educed troir. . planned 33- ; Cu3.-lo() ii» 53.883. .373. Boas us in ill-in,in,: !■',,■ impi.-vm ment in e«>>• n .;<! ;-cn.. Os , r,• I he I ;dismal Cor.chi si, in there plants, (of 13,(00 olf’i :er,’,:i; ( >-•;(.-hih ; rln n }j)Bso attend sehnoj in dou • tii’ or lioplo vhil't- t ■ i:■ i; 1 y tv.- ■ : 'itroo iioi,i I ■ i ihe ,-■< hods do not ever: m , -■/, i• ■ : i.omin ■ 1 i v.’uler or I'n.s'i lotie, !'-■:• sfu ■l UVh ih.-e iv. It.’ivv,‘Jed. ’lll ■ „ ioi ns ih i :, n,i tiir . nhoiiis. i r;e Hu ::f emicniifi (In some t t * J!’>'SE II MlT< I’KI-1, *gk. it um! in , ■ .hin., V. I ' - :i% ! a ' r! ' v ‘ v - fn - ■: S m ' , . - ■ M ■• <r* v »- *W .. '• . _ .. . ' V ..'sV :’ • • -•iC- mmU _ jiitjtiirr ■ tW - arTaf - t , , ~, . r -- r -. kt i I.£im #.V t-iKMh iKsHK—% mr\ swi.n tors fwswoLA! * I !’n >? ■ I 1 ii.Vrx hhh;'' |l I I Aim-i •-.; ■- '•’!* - , -n: ■ -S’ ■ ■,-»';!: . ’lift 0 . ,V! •*' NO HU:Z CGI A AT Ah\ MiCtt .. .. I*l.. ~ V V IK y \v • ..•■• .•* ?'&■•<'■ - 1 ‘ | ' ' Rural Telephone Added Since the War" » su\s Mr. If . J, /*«<•<». of Alomunct• f.outttv. \orth i.uroUnu Markin;.’ this significant milestone readied on December l6lb, Mr. W. .1 Pace said, “I’m mighty proud to be the owner ol the millionth telephone and happy that 999 • 999 other rural (amdies have received tele pitoncs since tile war. In the 1;tI! of 1945 the Hell System launched the biggest rural construction program in its history, and set the first postwar goal telepiuHU’ ve/woe for a mil lion iiwii' rural families within live years. Today these telephone.- arc in scr>tee. To get them in. Bel! System iolks heat *• SOUTHERN BEIL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY Ir.eorpuratatl I mTl&l—r.~- " • • ..... - T-, -mlr- WEEK KNT.'IKf; sATTTRDAY, IS, KMH Duim Man .INow Frmk i Driver In Sm<iai. Japan: WITH THK KIGIITH M4MV IN ! ; SENDAI, Huzt’i Dims ; • ion oi' Dunri. N i- serving us o, 11 ruck driver wit”, the r.itii Ord inance Ammunition Company, n 1 | unit at inched to IX Corps Head jqi.o.rif ond located ir, Ctump \ j l.coper .m tin’ oulskirts <>t Sendai j He entered the A; my >i: Atiyusi i 1-1 i!)42 compieled busk’ ; rain jmg oi Fort Bcivolr, Virghiin. and I soili’O for Jupun on Decemhe! 1. i the oath Ontnifilie .hinr- i’-itiou • C’- r* j.uiii} lu* joi ■*i ? h the ' tM) OF 110LV hAM) 1 VR IS FORECAST in I \ MEDIATOR IHr ' > ANP.» ■ ChatUnu With it - pii- ’it. a pre.-s co'jference in !!.;,„ :■- ?•;• V |)r Kulph .1 BtincbC prcdii’i. a tli;v. li’u- end of >!.e Jew* isl: ~i’!i Ar. b a ■me.’.. ,s, in Pal 0 AHhet. made no positive staU-mcnh on the situation lie did ,y ii ; : , v(‘ Wm: ”U rest possi- Tk • •”.<•'in,.: I.' ill d Natu.r.s rned iut • r re - ir . returned tv the truce roMm- after conferences in Tel Av. , v:h Kinr. and !,.:■ r I ’iVirii Prime Minister fry id to.' ’-(hi’icri arid in Re both . ih, 5. is.Hi . -idem Chaim every prewar record, three limes over and have been adding rural telephones at the rate <>i over 1,000 every working day. I aeh job meant individual planning: many called for pioneer think tog. Almost everywhere -wiiehboards were added, in most places new construction was neces sary. And tin. pole lines built would wrap i around the world nearly three times. i rom coast to coast the Bell System is continuing to connect telephones in rural , are:.: jtirl as fast as possible. The work goes right on!

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