PAGE TWO YWCA ACTIVITIES ><>r, Commit -; • -'.iku nio.d.i’ly busi-, r Christ wum V W A Mopfl.’iv niftl 1 . . • ■ . .!*• ' . curated witii ■ - - ■. : Christ a ■ i candle E\oryoivc t.'iKCt-, • .. f the yens >n l>v {' • id.' ”<■ |-::|Tics . ■. f . j-ik , ,\J ■ -tai tu.gun, the ! ;< .ii member' . ' >■:< cund;- :-> am: At (. linst- : >1 ; r .■ I ... ' po •' y " •«!* : T vv . la i g;ely ;< tetifi- ! . A-. .'.i •):, nip at'. U' (hjir-i . -i -iu ’ '.ill- i is oo : o' Ciub ,V..le:tded I >i i.oml ri 33tli ,: liitiass tvv n- ; Hi Ki.Vi A :• M Hoyw'tn ■'Hi- -C- wore ! o • i Brr.vrt ir. prCf i : tnci I Club iC i>;t«i Y-Tecri. i -i! nr /list cljmUu I I the YWCA IP o'.(.nil on Thursday :o 7 T.,. Mw ■i • ■ • who •> fm tin ' ■■■ I'enin ..tta-n mi’l ’ * i ': ,'i. < 'tiutiin- morel it - . ilfi; Business was du .0,0.;., wine eh.i-ri > c. •..•rritmt of Man - • .. ".n'.n'mg (' nuriit •. •: • illrled f.i oin; a YWCA. f'iease vou •■ . .ii the Dimes of yoiu j -■::o:i;?ot the hall-as t<" .i. .i* os eaj l.v as p ■ • ■ ). i • yon;- bu!!< at an.' r; ;■ ■O'■v. ; U V Tooti p:• >,lnrV,y i iiiuiue i.inlt! aft. r vhv it lays. Alt Y-Teers are ■ i i'rt your r.i V ,11 (■'-•. of nv.iP'"- t.l your ad •■’ 1 1 e ii ■ ; iocs' >■(!!• ’eu; aa many votes . ■ ■ 0 "'. HI T( • - Shell rc.iiliti ..-eiiciyl ■ ' i *Y on Fa i l ? at H :nv .0 the YWCA; ; . ■. non. i !l; at f> I’ . o Ch: -omos Greens ‘ : ms Cnrlstmas carats oil i.t the cnmmii - ' o ivosyni Mt - Sara », • : o Co: is.f ;|i- B P. \T. Members ; ’.vill hold tis •: *' ~ rij v -■ § h y f/trco of the Wuk -- -• LVt ri-»‘rrV •i .a •' ; •■ ■ : . i\2 .'].ni nf: ■ o A! r< i) VVyi H(A: }f \ w - :; <:'.cuu!oii. a baby gal.-: % o- o V ja ; f ; t , n•« ber 4 . • \ ES • « fb.vli'fl, Wake Cmxv.-1 ■ .' id Migs Crrn ‘ D<T 4 • •• I *.a. . ; tt Baje:sir. • • Eleanor h- ' .V Ih.-lTnCi C : Holly S; m i:. •• .b-H <;a+’ :: -■ r ., nfeo oi i -• •' 1.. . . zli <v » V% . J • * i/ibi Kasi au obivS Clayiae Cuici:in>. ; • ’ - 'V ‘M \ . 7 *'•••. J;.. Marriavilk., r- • i • r* "■»' i<c M* • i ■< 2. Jj:?ccnibe.r h ! b 7 2 Wcnocj) , . . . . i•t .; .i R, j s V> • (■:] i [)/'( J 4. ts.-11 Notices -v, “>:»x NOTICE ' H i o»-d as Executrix of ‘ O’- "i A • .* W \Vi lute <h Carolina, llus ss • ; ■ y A. | < rtiun.’ bavinu claims J niifi deceased i, i : ' s-'n to Be. undersigned Is ' 27. T 949. (if v.ii] bo pleaded in bar .. ■ • v o'. All pcrM.ii-t in r i.o o- i i, ss.d i*;ia:t* vill please u ' . \ "a iore payment to roe. I;sii da--- us f»4S. ' AAvJrSTINF H. WRIGHT. • ■„ ■ r i'.i•.<•< Avenue Executrix of , tor fate of 3esse W. VVtight. . ' r .'it. 27 Acc 4- 11 18. 25 ’ AC' ~n<\ N. *i It J -iUilified Ilxecutrix I isf At., c id John Pe’ih. t.ue of ■’ V, ci v i; J.. to tiotily ai) f, ii. r . • : claims, against fh(V • f • .id deceased t>? exhibit-; :» i:•••• • dm umlcislgned on or; - pc cere *>o: ;:y tu.pi or thiA j' - ■ be pleaded tn hut uJ ■ jr , i 're' .i All ftersons indent- • vc s j es’-tte wifi please make . ’!■’! diu’o paytTter.i to me. i'll ; e -'lay ri Dee. 184&, AB MATTIE FELTH. ;o•, v. *.y■-.* F-tvoet. Elxeetr trtx of 4he estate >f j«.hn: Feh.h. r-£"A 18, 25-p|, i.,' f ,5, 22. 1948. | ,I'. li, , iVC'dat t;M Y nil Tit'’; - , d,iv id ;hi. f tci'.t ntbei" 21 h< bb i P M. AU mombnis ate ui'i(Cd ! < (ircsvird. Miss bd.tdtt Browt is vii'vss uient. 1 The YWCA i-. opt'-; dai’o for rco• i'cri'.ian. ic.i. and play It will u cliis-. | .”iwvtvff. on tin.- 23th, 26th. and 27til of Dei.’cuibct' for tf'C. iioli . FiV. Shamb«:rjjcr Non »\(ill «Uh Arm\ hi Japan Wri'Fi TiU EIGHTH ARMY IN , AFNIJAI .1 o ... Plf ,imu'i k Shambeigr-r. I iticoir S'.. Greens born. N. (.' i- in"--' se-Tlid. v.itn -- tteadquartet'.x IX Corps unit ii 1 m. at so tied as a'.v ; -o iicentai'i with the s.‘ih C>rt}n;me( .dri’inunutuii: (’■> inoated i :, i uUlcirt.-. , f uncial on Northern : H:.-!-s!;ii Islarti PA. Soanibi't ter entyeii the \j:ny in 'May, t-iViLy and rrii’ood .i, liaslc Uainiiift .o Atiiy.dr---: . Proviti! Grohuds'. Maryland fit -ailed for overseas duty m Japan. N \ - .'u! i-i ii 1 i'i M-.d i>»- • .(i tn various outn .iii c amirstini- , ■.-ii unit priv- t ' hi-- presen* t.Oli’ai. .it. | cn-vvis ni Heins It V M\> t KROAIHF Mrs Gi d; Drake of i bimt-us, . G.i. i- home visiting I’cr mother .Mis. Essie Chandler of 12 Chavis :W >y Mrs Drake is the fm met : Miss Marion Chandic*,'. Capital City Tvnipic No. 310 held . i ;.- a- is. e'.ing DooeitTovr 7 j (’tficiTs elect,,-ci inc)uded the f-d- i i.iwitig: Daughter Ruler. Mv’.vuu, Pcidl; \';i'e Dtiitgihei l- ilor F ,-, ■ v June . Assistant Daughter E-ii- , , Annie Johnson. Chaplain. Laura M-'ore: ('•i't.risler. Lultt Has.-. Duor ktepei i., ,ir Nhi.n-.n. Gatek(-cp* . er. Re s 0 \V. Mare; Escort. Ms e! F M,ie;-.i-::. Chatnnar: of Trustees. '■ ] i i .ith>- J iDeputy Manwc • Hicks Mrs Elf e J..e‘: n of K Chr,t-! I run Termce im proving after in'-', .. confined to her apartment .‘or I.i 'h- f., Rut It ! ui ' j Sini'ii ; dde :> be i-id .1 '-a. -dter a brief i!incss. Mi ■ ltd Mrs. Harold Buff,do ot X( '.\ Ji sa y wet e, in i.■ l i'y In.; Sunday. < Mg. .Tum: - Curie.,- ■ ) J 703 Lin- - ; . < vie. IP . e has peeit iit -.mi <; . . vd to tier hotrn- (or sexerai days.; I f- pi i.gresslve Council ~f F.tks • cut tin r regtilar rnccde.:- M ■-.e i >.y ate! - !c. led the i -v a; - . : Lev..; I);.,milter •?>,..-e. I ..-a D ; l ... .a VI a i J holer rfiai’ciiy Mr s •v, 1 -A-. i ■ it: Da,igMet Ruler. Aiutie j <-’'-* : Ae I. -v.s; Paurhu-.' , id ..-n. j ■ -a ' '. 1- Data r Fi sas! S.s s-tai-y. Era Roberaorv; I 1 '■y;t! Dr -a.atci Keen dii.K See tv- ] ■ A: !K Ua Brawn: L v.ii Drear,- I :tCi Trca; urcr, Mrrv E Phillips; ] Ley. 1 DiUkhtc-r Event '. E’i.a.ll.eih I AjUphter Orc-anst. Priscilla Ha k- I -."a pu'y, Alisree Hnk- I rftSA NEWS I St HUM 1.1 or At TIVITIES DU i Ul-.H! Hi :>3 i THURSDAY. DEC. id si p. M -Lucille Hurtict G-. -Y cinb ; 7"" ; ' P M Jsaior (’it./ Club 700 p ;,1 .. Hid ' Srhcol Aiinual Ss,lf Me. ting FRIDAY. Dee 17 ■ T M --Piiutchtc arid Bridge n P M-- VMCA Men ’rcrshii. AleoY-iii ' SATURT-.AY DEC Jg •a i s P M -C'ij.pled Children's ' I .-. i ir , ■ " - I'' ■ Club -a l i i- ■ .;: ■■■ ill-., l" .fit.'NTJ AY. DEC. ;;t ■D K- ; • \ ! > i e. .. . t ■ C'-i , j ei C'j.ri- 1 ' vbe MONDAY. DEC IT A’<>o \- ot. - VitiU-U-i i d All.a.tu e , 5:4*1 P. M Gra-Y Phot.', Chib • :a(J ! .i.—Houi ,i ,n" I'm uia semen’, -Vice* 7 l • it r “3" P M - JL-V Ph- 1 - Club ‘ P M Minist.tri,.’ Union. TUESDAY. DEC 2: ■■ tn' f M HtM: School Rand i t I i P M.- '■ ■ .. Men’s Gian . WEDNESDAY. DEC 22 , '• E- M ih G. ! G.-r,- . V Club '] Ho. P. M. Hi-Y Club Parly j hi A i lIS & FI M I!US I Ti’.a! rtre f,„- Mrs. Mary Pelii , v 1: • died hc-i h.ane at 406 ■t a.,’- S'-v in Street on December, 1 were c(>.-:duv!ed f 'tn the Martin .'•.•reet P..ipti.-t Church on Monday, Decet-mer «. and followed by la -1 • - n the sit Hope Ct'ni, i.sra . I - '"tier. service for Wesley P, ~ ’ A <‘' died on Sunday „i la,i vc ' k was V.t Id at the Liberty 1 Vt-ur,.-.;.<ville Sunday end . "'Rowed h> Huennent m the I 4’h u t.? h Ojj n ote ty. Fin,,! rites tor Mrs;. Nellie Wat ;w>n who filed at her homy &l 4(ip Sjaitbfir-ld S'l-aei „ a Wtsinerday of j i, s- week were con('acted ir-.-tn’ I.G j : Msinle-v Street Chrisrian Church • -i-unaay and lollot-mi by interment : the Ml. Hope Cemetery. ‘SPIIL-proOl (Tp : F rom Notion ,i Patent Council : come-, news that "npiU-pi-0.-i " ■ u|/ he..-, beer; dove;aped for air ’ ■ W*tV«2 and other modes of 1 1 xm- ! ! F-Titelion. It bag ctu no , ! which car, be dosed oyer its: ; m; uth, leaving l just enough open- i 1 ins for di, s mum <rm mm mwm \ii:i is mi FiWI/riMK 1 ‘Mo ! Ah-, B-.dru-i" W. ■;. ,i G : Bragg Ft. •r i it ’ t .*■ ih ■hii'.'.m' Siit’.varf? ' ,i.- r. ui a Yin c iurvh w, ■■■ : Docetohvr J \ .!■!g. G ! ... i . 'a . . i'... . ■ ju'csUHitg, -a. sfiy-b-e t'lf j* • - al • V'S. i-1-s Ir v. f-.e : ill ''ri-' • f t;.v b*. .e • i** t • ' t Inn: -G'd Burn:. Jr d : Bit: His Works Go On. ’ %i'.-'i the '..tisines-'.s tid ! !n: vot i.,\, a- ! i oii.-octCd ,n.| aI: i 1 : i---i ’s’vv 'i .. donri-an, lee t 1 -ut -y tvv,■ of h,: >-a Mt ■ \ K .lone;-, and Mi: , 11 H G M' '('.!■ th . vve ft In ir iid ’ a ai, i>t is,' l.i-r', belay jr.i ty. R I h of the.- n. •it',l -i ; : tv- .- -! a ic-ve-y birthday cake <ti-d rn-itt.v bn-cp, iji ~;(a rj, I . . j.,-.., j,jj \' nr. rentciTil.--. rod Tlv- :v. , ! ,)-;■•■ ■ I vr • !C g- te ;1 a Mrs Ncilj,. Smith ,if-: Ml M.,e;|e Rtddi'k. Al'.’i •- J 3. it'-! at;d |- ~' fit,a >ll'vyni. •hr ■'" U . -i, o' iiwt ■ Jororuv .it the rcett'-ar tana (IllilTFK HI All is AIMED BY MUSAS A' iittr E Ores, pi ir- a . .;! , f !h<> H r t-t-.u C a:n!v Tiai; r.r S,h(. i ~r Dunr, wo. (dented president ~f tite '.Ca Si. . C '-.inti -r i-f i *hl Pe'..;, Sigma Fraternity ~t ;> ~. iHO ;■rgard.ggi-:-ii. Dt'centber !■. Other officer!, elected wen Adv il w!a .I; Ci I, ; . |.):ar. . V ive • .-. Wet.t; Otis J.„ Idai:•.•?{• m R. ie h icruiatt : K. 1., Halford. i:. •'-A'! secret. -'. A7- !' J. - mice, lb,lr i .!,. t . -a . • \ (' J- Cne.fe-'. Dm hei;i pnrttßniia'tni ,ar a'ii t:r Rev 'I 1 Sherrill. I?., •eig.’l. • I;;,; gab: Feilovrir.: ihe -nt f-tme I' en« Hall A! o Atnr. ; - -, ,r' nive. l: ini!! .!(’(! )[■■■ t'vj'.n; -; , ‘ -A ' G.e- .- D, \ . ' ;,.a. ~ -d.-'i nt-- i H.-,„ .tyi PERSONALS :i -d | iCI tJiiiKnifijr-M.K \l ■ ■.f •••■ George Her«d<*;\so?» 2] Husitvi Stive!, has } VMir»?cvt ?« h\ i i,-> N ! '■ Y< ; w At. i- iiCii 1 ' J*''- :»;*,}• • i\- K i••• . '•••' • f Mrs. KWw .m-.,,--- ?0a ‘w A e: > , ,* • -. .nnynimrmiifmiMii— n« | m ■■■ if. -rrn MntJu . j t'OivJAGE TIME IS HERE. . j Ihts is the social season cf she year .. . the time when cer- { | sages ccminbulc so much to Jhai feeling of be mg c-'r-iplefei/ | j t-et iar every occasion. Ww j«ie prepared tc cafex to your - | I sage needs. Capable and efficient workers arc w-U vs-wed in » j «is ert of c orsage making. Prompt delivery service" i- av -dh’-ic i I }o colleges and residences. Give us a call fndav | TURNER’S FLORIST I A. J. TURNER, PROP. totaled In The Cooper Building I COIL CABABRUS « BLOOD WORTH STS. | TELEPHONE 3-6092 1 «r—w- —T--I —rrtii-rnufiiHiTi 11.1 ■w.irriT - i , . 18f|Nicodemua ©aids i j|fe "~ : ;v- : i ... ••?; j? jwjlßabbi, w© know thou : ; ~’._*V Tjjjy’lj Bjart a teacher from mis >,’_ . ; *?fc ~~i# ft lip God. Jesus answered: j 00?'* ' V|||4&, M- ! I| «| Except on® be bom §g ,'. p *| again, he cannot see ift ‘" .®SS|» yij j Jp j%.'f3W:j ! ; o*j& 7~ '■ C~’ : J it ] THE RALEIGH F UNERAL HOME : 24-HOUR SERVICE j 3;?:! rXST CABARRUS ST. €. A. HAYWOOft, Owner j ON YOUR I (jOOK x mas wSJtif SHOPPING | (Ac Our £V/sy Budget Plan I .\ small down payment allows you to rhooßn i'nrrn many useful and practical Xmns gi ft’, —"•and you can •■ having the yit'ts I 1 .«'/!•! ( hof<-e w/uh' paymg for them on our easy pay plan ; and or: j our own terms. MOTOROLA RADIOS. WATCHES <Si APPLIANCES S' ZaSkfr Tire Sales | i AND SERVICE COMPANY 1 I 401 Hillsboro St. Phone 7571 ij THE ("AKOLINTAN MONEY SHOWER 11 ELD FOR SHAW NURSERY . Th. Sjahv w Po.ii .l id Ci " :->h V t. i 'V ~i School hcl.l ir-r, ' D, >i„. ‘ -t Sunji-f v , o !), i.tjjj, ci, •'I mi ’So in 1 o'i luck ~t Inc 1 ■ i 1 ’ 1 - lain mb ni vavlt >. r HINTS TO THE HOMEMAKERS I ’ 1 ' • i•:! v :a : r-;t ~li h< imm,. . i - 11 l -at thC t,' llfi. . t It, C ' * 1 Urt , a it;, « - M[.(! ,1 ~ hint'd P<, i Ur'! iO i . Bti p,w , ~f i|,,. nation'.< •w< M*';i (hry ov.*n SO p» r tvnt '-f iho .•'or:- it' ; 11U*u l .‘*V vh:i vOi t»s ..i\ ! > • - MRTIk;-' f i' v f ititfU- .tHt! ■a'.-' if J.'.a 1-,-tit 1,1 .ill iI - -n, - ■ : hc bityj)!;: for !hr- t. in,* ;tt',l t, ( n t ■y. •*’ -1 I re, ii\ id,untie-' the uth l'f ircr.:. Yv tp, that inucr. . ii-f 7 I Ihet! fin atertc tn ijity way ut: ttoMher ft's tt|i j • liu ■ 1 .•('vUitiuiaU' - >v " -■ ■ :d j • i the;v ' '< • D'i ' 1 ' ‘•: t liKibtlUy ,'huy 1 '• ; *';• 5 * U'.fi, mom y s i ‘ftuHy • ch sticks u> \<m.* ’run T’Lc- f ..ip|it'iy-: m . < {;■{'. Itu-Utiy vvin’ii irotuiu*- euvuuru i i><;Ciy v.’ovoi materials, and it's •• sc Ui ?hf' fact th.i? Hicrcv a,''? viiouyp liriria). to absorb the* Unarch \ cry Ora- /lon-abmivv cleaner ov s •:<■ uoo -uui woi>\ rui'jburi i iyi-;'y r \ o• i !\c v.<* v. ii! • ( DU »•■*« . 1 0 sUlj ('ll j * \ i; h;-r. • • U’dil’U; v. tii utruch -Ut-km;* on \\i:- ii-Oii iT-vaiar coUi-t* pai inon’ >. . nv\y be due to ?ho hi hat the : water was r, , • id ■ •• • • i'. ‘into On • th/ i brie will eo. k when j- <■'ones iti caiiav't with the hew • ;i»e .*; 'it and men ye..] off \'u v - •• 1 *, iUi’.i ,o vno i Ob siio** • -I f ,vl ’> ■- *0 • V l ]T, T; ‘ t■ J J"; } If '.'(HI v -i"- ! -a i :•.. :1 <;;',:•!!■!.o id ■ v u.!d UiCd or uos't.n'chcd cothcy. 1* • iss Unp<Vi;}nl U) sprinkle :th< ‘ • ' l-h w .• -i to fl bolsl'- fcatu ll’- a Cl> Dfrtia; liv<- I •i•■ • t v. i iit dolU.i bit I a c • :• ".bulcd t; It tend.- of t-iio mil:- i .’• . bool l "' nrd .idv.i;., —. •». M t .c r •>!(•(', '] he tire ih; ; ; \, ai vw fur*'.- iw'l by M r.,. I , : !*( ; • n . I)(i W a-' ri,’- (.-■:. •.(•ri -bj Mi - S. t'• rry IVI; S, Ifob'Tt ih-! Vbut-m a dcruot!.-!’. i v v vi tal nu. ,a.-r\ .-r.lmo. , - I '-- ■H ii of (-,>:., -tuc W!’ a ( u.viir ■ Ciiii.-truas c.iml kiirif; I", the htti,- g: tri 1 i'T ll : child!'- '1 d)'., :t>'d I>V Mrs. ATid l l,- Giav. 3'-ru anrl a -ar ictv of ia...k: -:- wi.• >. t v:d front ;i tt !ul: (foe ral.-d : ' the (■'!' !: tm.; liiotil wit:! la. irU’t’Uias as a ectuoi rjirc". ' f,■ !• v.; t. Mi•;« Ji-anncili' Hicks .and I'd;. Hattie Edmund on tea ". by Mtu- : M.irv Liifon. St-. nf assistants, v. ito tyrcparcJ tj-.r r- fro-'iunar.t.-. ii;i iud-’d Wttncia Pccrv. t■] ■!.-. ,1 1 ,ni 1 ; . if-' Sir:: A ,!-.., j ; Mr!-: , i Hi:- S;. --;, cird. who uihvt- rtatcd t■ jin ~ : a-' .', i-CSll. -n.'l' • f I : jetKis. :da{,"-!. t: . • t -. . fa. ‘ tDo d-’-ii had IC. r)i. •’ . >: V ! Iflit who were not ;>rent to mat! them c■ :tf i ihuLonn !., , !!;■- Nut wr; l. Sum s\nmnils !*o>>il)lf i min’ SS \<‘{ It !.,- n,»t ain-;,;. s pi).—ibie tor tin Sent.’at} Y.i>itit;.i rtion to p-iy i!U'ini)tlv benefits based - i the wage ; ( curd ■ decea - ii n ifiv-.-r If an inwii't'd v., rker ie.ivcs -in -a . vtv• qi!, -a !-,>r tnutilt:!} bc' .cfi:;, a Uaru’-st..!a death pay - ate.;' u'-ry mud the widow or widower, r if . ith<-, <>f U;cse fe quullfkid. v ;.who paid With one exception, the up:'. h. i fort!;«. lurnji-.-utf: death merd must fe filed vitt’.ia tv\ r > y:.«(.u: of »he date of death. The one : Xeeuti- n di:;'. when i!K V.a ai' ■.u a". . .-'d ,'u! - cl- t-.<- United diairs after Dree a a ; rj. |.9u and m. (ore 1 Ar 30. 19-JE Tl'.e odor;.■’i<m a i.v • period in this ibe : . hier. xot burnd • \} > -n $ v: e i I ye; mils rciftipiurcmcui ot Uir per- «‘-luii. u> enr.iicd b:«.:*:ud upon •'-e payment < t. the c-ot of reburhd. "f ~ -'i i vict ruau : body m this v-.’His-; > f»von *>u,R'b .reburied tukus l mij.rc: thni* iv » yonrs 'iflev iho so vM'Uior.V dc.ith c*broad. V•; fi-rthcY u.fonnunou t'-.‘?n:crn % ri Had •,. ii t M ~ „ •• - * » ’-l OF SI.T. \R IN( Rf.ASF.S - > S i It! TK t *t;j Jtill ((.i .;>? Id cent liaw tujle:- of -t— —* rrnrmwnnnuwjll j. --n - i um i mnm w imTjmtii'HiWWMO-H'rf"" - ?ZOO f Used Record Dept. 25c E.-u-h 5 for $ l- 03 I \ \ |\Cf ( I I »» | nsi t so\c.. 15 ... King Coir '( k> t-.Jc •i* i-KV xvos, rs/uu . Bi .Johnny >l<usfr H’r l NEW RECORD DF.PT. DURHAM MUSIC CO. of tx.M nan .:07 South Wilminston St jj (With W a !■; Salc.-Salvag* Co. FOR MUSIC MACHINES PHONE 8381 6 I : mpUlyJi I '> ahead to a | (; •<&..*} CHRISTMAS I& & J*i» IN '49 | ! I! | ! ; JOIN OUR NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB MOW )) )) CHOOSE ONE Os THESE CUSSES i) 1 \ P*f**i« Wrokljr . Kocwve in SO Weeks j |[W If | Mechanics & Farmers Bank : DURH AM-RALEIGH j Member Fdnral insurance C«tp, - * OMEGA FRfIT TO - CONVENE IN OHIO f ,I'MTU S, O; r "!ie 15 !v■ , •: !.'l!' • ».■’ iavt’ >'i 're i 1 ;1 1-■ ■ i psi ) I ';\ Fi\j'c i iii'.v w. r■.- ! j li.’vp i'.. M'lfiur • Bra-; ; !;:•( ■■ of line i:s! L'isrrin-.iiutlf'n t t M.d .i' i■■ 11 fm -i bhvi On' • (, i r i O'.. H _ I r. !“'■)! -i lloauih'-. V.i , -he (liau«:l ! v -hi M.le MV;' let. tour dn cne : 1 i ‘ " ! f ■ n. . ■ ■■. • ••rve.ii: d it;-.' r> ' 1 R-'.iiiji V. T.ho< •••«■ 'ljnti.e'i .!"aU',’ns ; ■ '' Actio ’ - rif’diolar !,, P.,L,-si Inc; , 1 ii; ' >■;;<> in'.-". : t« },n ;h: * , [!)';)\ ;h . ;l, , ill. i!u‘ public:' iimv fvlirduU’d 'or Tuesday 1 ,a■ i:ii' ,U inr Snilnh Hy.ds' Church. ' I'm: nchivo vviii ; 1 1 --o cim'.ax i ' iP. r >! >!■•: ill . 'li; .i! ;. Nit * ■ i lluiud Siun.-l Acn,.>; program. • iv\ hicb 1 hFt'U’h I* •; {uf> r-yy.. *•’ j •'•loucni to :■ j>ithe .‘.ocio-i:ro- ■- \nnuc cc»r>cU lions >-[ ujdFrpnvilu;.'-1 < ; jcd people i ! i. i toUand r: 1 and a I nr- - v j: - ■■•iM I's I ht h : •A- and rr.riT'VjCr ■>? I '■ ■' i: .r I’n ai on' uii 'in .; 1 - jest. turi'iOiU .if rv:;) I'vcr in i till- hi' i.liA (if ilK’ fraterniiy. Ap-j ( For a Satisfyiny Snack 1 Eat A t : mtm / PETE and MIKE [ Cor. Cabarrus & Dawson Sts. CAPITAL CAB CXX M-wmm not. DIAL 0137 - And whc* r. meal it will foe seasoned exactly right, and every dish boasting a real home-cooked flavor. B & IS CAFE 411 S. BLOUNT ST. ~— ■ '— HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP "Raleigh's Newest Soda Shop" • TASTY SANDWICHES • FOUNTAIN SODAS » ICE CREAM • CIGARS, CIGARETTES • COSMETICS • PERIOD 1C AI S JULIUS HAYWOOD. Prop. 417 S. Bloodworth Si. WEEK. ENDING SATURDAY. DEC. 18. 1948 nu'Kut observes HOMECOMING l)iA 4 December 12 v«» 9 observed ns tj.oirr:•coming ck y at the Moniin.-f j St a If .i 1 isi. Chi i'll <ii which the ii'. Samuel yipcncer is pastor.. ! TioJ'i'ji-ni Co Vi Vos die prineipn! . re- her oi t.h..- m< i r...- H-ivtce. At ;j j •i. (lx.' •j • uii’C" nut" :r\ ■ •non w-its prt.utf’ by Dr. u \ N.sth.'inw'l Rn!-:i ; .h. The los.uti: ser mon a I 0 i> ■ wfis .iv' ert '... . !he Th'-v \y ; uiitn i ji[. ... ~as' •t ■' trie N* tv I: i: ■ <. nu.’eh rt Ci.-.j'ii u itor.s ;u>> cs)"' ' 11. ft !.-. in i" hand . I lie ofronni!’ .-1 5..-jon. ’Vi.' r.cpuiar );> iee club .»£ the I'r.-iU’j-mty'r. Ab.i..i Chuptcr ul W.'l.vhi!/:.', !) )‘). C lVill !ii; inilsk fur the nubile prni'ram. Tlic hu ,int’.:-c.-;: .' n:-' ivni in: bold ni ihe sale Office Buildhi , ! t.t.t.i -Sitiic Sticelt v, :‘ii iv; • isl ration ;U tlui Bluv ’liionglt’ V. V.’.i C A mm F.n-i Lung StrcO. ior shop \\n iioiui A:; ur.ilv etupld,. - Mi:', ,( threc-wuy arc iw fH on fuli'ittid Iwo hidi.:nafv.)ii: : ettymon ;, The ttnif is adaptabh f-r welding large pi)n: ami plate and for use in small home w ork-'hop.:, wfieee V can no plugged inlo*a ■laud.o'd electric eit ri'il. Be rv—A ] BudUjet ~ 315 FAYETTEVILLE St. WAKE bALVAGE CO. Wa Buy 4»d Ssß Evwrythiiis of Valet.*, FURNITURE STOVES REFRIGERATORS TOOLS ~ RADIOS 337 S. Wilmington Si. Phone 2-2327 Hunter Brothers For Quick Services For FANCY GROCERIES AND WOOD DiA! 9393 or 34998 AND “Nrvn Won v. Wo At e { On Our Way” t Dial 5587 for: COAL FUELOIL KEROSENE CORRELL COAL & OIL CO. JOE S. COR RE! L, Owner DIM SS67 307 North West Finance or Borrow On Your Car | through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E. Davie Street Phone 3 3231 light HAULING HEAVY | LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dki 9478 - 9212 Ed. Uimtead, Mgr. — —— —— —— $17.25 ELECTRIC HEATER and FAN COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 TRADE ~ IN - SALE 9n Electric Irons Receive Irom SI.OO up cm your old iron# Now In Sttock - Electric Water Heaters. Vacuum Cleaners, and. Magy Olher Hard-io-get Item Taylor Radio and Electrical Co* SALES St SERVICE 'm E. Martin St. Claud Taykx. Mgr. Phone 2-39Sfi BOX OrKNEK BLADE A DJI .>TS TO THIC K N ESS i Opening card board boxes ia art ; c.-.-iv. ,t:iM i-afei |m!j wills a newly palcnlv:l tlcvice. aeeoi'ding t o Na tjtiiri! Patere Oum-ii. The <’t;et>er pen'.'lai'lt;:. exacliy unde)' ilic niiter Miver t'-ijckncsi;. Shns piolecliiu' the nil.’). 1 .: o: the 2t;< blade iiaid* • '.iis h‘. .. uiy . d.i'a-lecf o avi ; ti• ..- insuring a it ~ii ,u! • 'd • of (he carton >. RKCO R D S 25c EACH 5 for SI.OO V jS: Fer Guaranteed Radio Repair RADIO HOSPITAL 405 E. Martin Street Paulcc Radio Service "For Ij-i!- ting Repairs" 40'! GLI NUDOIt tVf'KIT Dial 3-3123 | We }"•,'< up ir<d deliver •,« aivw. >-~ti "-I'nmrMni nrtinnrinarmnnii i u (iompicte r"T"A * Home j Furiusher \i fe-iir.'-"’ j We can any room in your home from the living room to the kilrhen. See us first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CQ. j 121 E. Martin 31. wi.ti—imii, .Jiii—ii» I A Lifetime in Flames Why tak* chances on feuming up a lifetime's effort in s single terrifying hour whe a it'* *o simple and inexpensive io pro tact yourself egaimi aay post! bio mishap. Your homo and family can be afosoluiely pro tecied iroro ANY disaster «i [ but a few permits- a day. Well jj show you hovr j SEE YOUR LOCAL AGENT j ! BANKERS FIRE INS. CO. DOVE I MUSK COMPANY | AS; bin: DOVE, Prep. Automatic Phonographs 1 Rctde Voi Special Get asions I and In billed on VommiMlon I Sf i F.i T Rl.rosoi ft ftl'R !-m IA! TT Dial 3-2714 I r I'ABABKI S ST.

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