WEEK ENDING SATb UI)A \ j DEC. I*, 1948 Support "lour Paper i . ratttfuuwj(>v«racs«MawawKifidiMu. ■■-r:< rr \ - j \ V say V \ new, rich, natural ’Qfgy Ifir ( / ■■ V \ looking color \ >’ l I )// ' (black, brown, f, .-;•/ j | / blonde) start us- ITT 1 tag Godcfroy s Laneuse Harr Coloring J NOW...acts quickly -goes on evenly. ' 1 « easily—won’t rub O j Os'cr ash out un- Hav* BetautHully Colond i | affected by heat —permits permanents and Natural looking Huh 1 / stylish hairdos... known and used lor fv s«ii s>-a sham(C-0 J } 45 years, "tour w*U *ive your * . A^.,; , / »: it you’re: uot IUO ' sati.si.itTi. i COOEFROY’S j HAIR coloring ) Caution: Use only ax directed on lobe! & l! reas i*«*T tars tmiMsi i‘UMY-i-SL m*4 Jt.25, piss TV Ftiffti lit I fiiiscl It .. . Stfefrit? M{£. Ct&nuf, &I 8 Sifts Strut, St. l««s -3.. Mtiuwrl. / j | j*, OUT GOES EVERY i j RADIO AND SMALL » ; APPLIANCE i I i At Ridiculously Low Prices! BUY NOW for CHRISTMAS i ... at BIG SAVINGS! ; TOYS BED LAMPS HEAVY DUTY WAGONS FLOOR LAMPS $9.90 STOVES | 62 Pc. DINNER SET ] Only $2.99 j Take Advantage of These Wonderful Bargains During Your Final Christmas Shopping Days W&E SALES SALVAGE CO. I 307 S. WILMINGTON ST. DIAL 3-1982 | HITS JACKPOT JOBLESS DAD AIDS STORK AS WIFE GI VES BIRTH TO TRIPLETS By Oaac Jones WAY.':- . M'eli.—(AMP - - FT:' I ;,()• t,y about the old lady h;> i;v* i a shoe had so many ,•] , •: -.it • didn’t krto'.v what ■■■ (,ij, c,,uid : itiy ibe applied to tl , <; v : . viark-s and Eii/abeL' |,!.,[> bee in a trailer none' . t . A For as a pre-Ghr .-:irn:e pro sen 1 ,ioi Charles Logon, the wile pre sented him will; trip jets, one bi ! and two idrls. Tut-sday nii?ht. The sad part about the blessed events coming into the Logan's home is tiie fact that Pa Logan is unemjjlnyed. Aside front tin: they r ave Fair other children, th.- ' vr.ungt-sl is 11 months old. Pa Loion. delivered the three ; babies all on his own, placed them in a basket, and took them v» Used Cars 1949 Kaiser 1948 Kaiser, Radio & Healer 1947 Kaiser, Radio 1348 Olds. Sedanelte S“' Radio fk Heater 1941 Ftrd. 2 Door Sedan Radio 8r Heater 1947 Frazer Manhattan Radio & Heater ROBERT VERNON, INC. KAISER - FRAZER Sales Services Dial 3-6481 ,hy e ir !■ > tin Be ver Meimevil tl tH , pita! in n'-arny Yp- .mt: Midi. . It v\ms ;PtiT visiting ii.-iir.s v.hen 'the yci-Tig t'other at. jved, bu ! b:avt ly v. alked up to M--' Doio th-v Mi.;:i «ie salt •■ ■ and I said: i *I vv .tie• a in; r. etfu] rd babies i here-—will .you J -ok after them?' Miss Heath took a look at the ’ babies and assured Lokun that Vu-y naiuld be taken rare of. Then Li u'.m a titi :i man, retina: ;ed mane to his othci family, li ; jep.i t; mother and nalmv ate ,|o un' well. ' SM PRESENT AS TEACHERS MEET ST MARY PORTS BY \V. VV. SiTtt tUVU K With over f>oo in atiendanee tie. Piedmont District es the Noiiri' C:a tin a Teachers Association had . vi'tv s ! icc>:sstuJ meeting m Ox ta.rd .North Cornima at the Mary; f'-an- r llis n .Sciuiol. p: ineipul Rev. ■ 3 tie reewini' >rr’’n>)V\ v.-ere he.ni '- d as iulloi : : F. mai -. Tr-aeher. - !dns K I. Barrett; Gramm;-! Gram ; Tivani.-rs Mr s U E. Wadded. ; Math, .aid Sc. Te.-d-cr-, • Mr. ('. Gi'ifim: Sutiail Studies TeDche.- ■ L— Ad -. Ida T- - . 3’h- mi-.:-; Home E.e. Ti-ae’s : a- an; ■ . Made; j. ,; u j . y Caiiere Feats.or. • M; G F Dean Mum Teachers Mr. K R Hnb ! bard; \ - As Air. Lewis; Prin cipals and Si iam vi ay ; - vt-■ ■si !H. C. Gi.re and il K. Grigys ! Mrs. B. B Co;,-:; Esmhsh and’ !•'? eiicb Teachers Mrs M-. - • G. I.citKlen Oi EH ERS 1 i IT i 1 D Officers elected for the vein were; President, Mrs. Beatriei B : C(.a - : vice preside lit, C. F: Dean -ei . ta; y. Mis-s Ida TF e m : taut secretary, Miss MytuMme Gave : ire; surer. Air. J M .School- Executive < ■!!!!,i - !;e< : T j Parker L K. Spenser. .1 E livers Knunating Conmutn- 1 : C. A : Parris H K G; :r ; , Airs 1... B ■ Yai.u-;., i . !;. icest and N L Dm S lard HI \( U I'KOjl.t I Tie il.rMlU'kr Props-! -rlb-m in- Ur .- i'.iv" given t.-> the tear-tie ion the Nsr-rth Carolina n-acb near * | WilinSn.; ton h- the cm. mil c-.-m- FOLLOW THE CROWD TO gog®rp 2Of* S. Wilmington Street cvw/. j Mys iff// Jff/Mail * /few i •. it's /Htfdßifl/ \ FOB BETTER WASHINGS; If you want to find out how much easier washday can * be - you should own this really modern Controia s Speed Washer. It is economical to buy . , . Only Barton can offer these exclusive features ! (m& ★THREE SPEED WASHING . , . | / Now you can select the proper jj speed for every fabric fast, . ; medium or slow. "'''*** ★THREE SPEED WRINGING . .. j,Y no more worries about wringing heavy or bulky material . . . Set the speed where you want it. I L . * WATER DEFLECTOR TUB .. . mmtm- Sends 1800 extra water currents !? •; y* per minute surging through the clothes . . . Faster washing with I less wear on the clothes, f P% ★DOUBLE DUTY AGITATOR... i. I . ! A removable bowl fits over the iy j I'j agitator. . Gently washes small \ dainty pieces while heavier | ss ’ clothes are being washed m. W& large tub. See This Outstanding * | Washer in Action Today. (O&HveHtent Thudded ‘Paqm€Kt& STEPHENSON APPLIANCE 00, 22S S. WilminptGß St Rsibigh, N. C- PAIR UNDER BOND OH WHITE LIOUOH CHARGE IN WAKE I. i;/o llouici;, of Route 4, .Zebu !;m, and John V\' Young, (.4 Houle 2, Wake i- 1 rest, wore urn sled Monday L vVrko County ABC oi licorr. on a charge of povseK-.ton •1 non-tax paid whiskey. The tv.-n men are free under S2OO tend and are svhedulfcd to get .’. heai jg. m Zelmliju Her- rdei s paign. Any aiiminirtraiive unit which wishes to amui a cottage or I house: t'U- their private um e. the project are tree to do s • Kate teache; has an intcre.-t In the clieck up Vance County reported UW js-r cent of it. quota a-.'.i S(*J s.-’pio-s u>-:! Gona tv T. noting School reported 100 per s-A! -. F B. Virr'icoy is Snp ervd'.oi of Vance Connty, and N. L Dillard, prim-ipai of CUTS The Cssv.ed Sci'.ooi i;ai- a was 5340.00. MnWtUMAUUMMI'' Men’s All Wool V/s: -- [ S FALL SUITS »29=° "i 1 Smarlesi woolens in single and double breasted styles. Short - Long—Stout- Regular. Complete Line of Men’s Smart GABARDINE TOPCOATS | s 22 soup Raleigh's Oldest Clothiers — Since 1898 GLOBE Exclusive Raleigh Agents ter ADAM HATS Corner Wilmington and Exchange Streets THE CAROLINIAN PAIR ARRESTED IN LOCKER ROBBER! V.ii'iriv R. Brown, 21 ami Jiles ’ AlMi'K. 2«i. oi 20;v Obisli.'i lßsiti, wi :t' y, i etited Menduv for nIH ,! \ lil if); ini" Rio iotket "I ' .1 fcHbi.y :it the JRiß'ir h Hotel win , • tor.iJii: a full dn>uh ;>nci uii ' overcoat. Both t’v hoh:; 1 l.tld m ; till: local j'lil il: , vd of yfiOi) oiin.i Cloßiillf,' VaUHiJ .0 ,i l I' H?!- ; man Stsrlin;." ot h ■ . o St ; Courl ia; Janiiai v 2. '/i u'cns !.'h:ir;."od : :i! tlu. j y * ■■ -.incl ine 11,. l ruilon.-; '.f 0 hu-kc./ in LI idol iuv I 1 . V J.-.ilOU in im; p who t 0!' Vol.'ii, WSitaf T© IS© For A Cold A.l Uv: rift • of l coil.!. Volt •sllOiild Citii .. IOV: V:i(;plo rule:,: 'l, K-r|) w ;na ar.ll get. :c. much tct.t ,l ; IXJK-iDle. 2. Drink l*y.i of v-u-r ami fruit jtuce-:. .2 lake a CALOTaB. Caiotabk arc t thorc.ee h cier -nd ab-te laxative, iiit.e:!!m;i jiijti- rue aie'i .uurotic. "'hey clean out. vein or.ur< inter tm&l tract and flurii your kicineyp, thereby ridding your Ktv.tcn ut poisonous toxins. They hexp nature throw off a colei, Remember! At the first -e mi of a bad i ■ ■ i i ~ .. < 'ALO VARS. IPopke r !1 ,v; label directions. [The only 3-WAY relief from your BACKACHE H IN' CDT V - Buck plasters are tho one product maiic lor .■ -w.,y jcm l oi pa.jita: jiiuscular bockaciH: tl> The medication in Jolnm ron v.. BACK PLASTKIi stir op eircuhition. brings the i» dim-, and warming' blood X>■ > the -oi, ■ Tense muscles i> a ml t:..- jraiufCises. t 2) It • !r;;jv twitching muscles cuts do-vn those jails of pain. <:*> die: protective pad guards u».'Uin.st cliiHint' J*el most like carrying a heating pad \ wish you. Tests by duel or- show ill aI, Johnson's HACK F! .ASTEH helps iiearH U out of 10 sufferers. If. made by Johnson A Johnson known for fine products for til '.'cars. At all drug stores ' riIRfsTMAS SPECIAL Nationally I'am ou s HORSMAN Pretty Brown Skin DOLLS We lL’\fl7 i * ,' . ...,,. Vm" .. i.••-5".-* -i .'w.-m. ‘ h-.A..a A.. Wurlitzei Organ Ply’. < •<. Daily Bv ?>'Ds elyn Wdscn ■ j A Personalized Gift for Men and Women j Ar>, INITIALED | \ A;£ y SCARFS y/ri 7 //i t r DO, /!' ' ip hr***n£i xs**- < A Very Special Gift. Value lu-au!ii'ul > hito rayon scarfs in buth men's and v^o’ f ! '■ '< ■■PPe i " ' R-d with black felt in i! >aS fan, s( .■'kiivdy biixu'iitiin* f’cl . . smnitncHh and taste. H« e s just ihu ] kii‘ for thy .. tile person on . ‘-\n ii.-: . . a aift V-; '■■lil in 1 for ■’ ;t personal yrit, Pearl's ar 1 ac >Mg o uii your cl u?v 'or .is. SrttrG ?■■ "<•<. { Floor Moil Orel rs Include ■ frW Tax and P ' Pc. ' •.. 1 V (A’j■, i■■ r-i fi- K . AA - lA. •< -■■■ i‘ • >■ ■■jHttm-*- ■**£ mss ewer. &mmmmmmmmm:jjt I GIVE SOME- , 8 THING FOR MtititS. WSⅈ 1?“' I THE WHOI Es» W 1 \ ■ wr sfc*;; u h 1; t« fi&sjss/ FAMILY ' | Vvfestiii^llOl? SC gp/t** ygl n:m 1 NmjUfts ioiJv'tog 1 :V, This ne-. Westinghouse i arn-w Tea. er has been j| / Wm-r siroaraimed for eye-appe®.] :; : sturdil : > for lor.gj i I ;fi |fi trouble-free se-vice IF* beautifully h.'JHited in-a high , ! '■'■ ip* JkL| luster, tarnifr.proof throne, and will ; Jd dignity to %“S2£flfc yOUt ‘*' r;est tsb ' e appointments,. __ »d V I Five Appliances m One . * t f* 1 i ■ - :, kLi ladies, this new ctinghouse <#? ■/ ' Automatic banawich Grill is really ‘versatile. ijf'h | 1c 11; as - , fru’S, grills, warms a. 1 bakes ii v*“"‘ jf /*«&% * V,a..files. <'W,slile grids, optional accessories) !i 'l/ AJalf ,;