WEEK FNTiINC SATURDAY, ITT i.». HHR Jeffries Jewelry llfr/' JW if/ *' * ■*'" Util jS«* I! -E i fi .i S »d* i ,4ph • • j /S& ,/f ■ /./, f/r A W A ,yA ?/£ //0/A M 0 N 0 [(/ ' t %cT y for mv A?*/ I /*+ * ' ’W-’ u »'v - -\. 'j/ ('■ «i fitT:«od i r % -\ / \ ,w *<-'^•fefc<-pir, Jl J rH/5 CHKhIMAS Official Railroad Watch Inapt '•* .;■ O," Si-.Mu.i.ii o # Southern • Mi.u'i'oJk So it)r. i I iT For The Ladies fm • SUITS , * SKIRTS //4 # COATS //' P-if/ • SWEATERS / h * BLOUSES ||| * ACCESSORIES Smm f 1 ‘ or The Man if II- r # MEN’S SUITS I! !I |\ • TOPCOATS if I 1I 5 * HATS & /O |I f I __SHIRTS _ , 77 —' TV"" j UoN’T US* CASH 1 USE OUR CREDIT j i j You can add to yous w.tnir«bf thia Cbrislma: with our beautiful selection of clothes for men and women! Buy now and pay as you war, 0. K. Clothing Co. 113 East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. J* A"'''"**, j '' I J OPEN EVENINGS ’TIL 9:60 P.M. EVERY $f Ti .-DAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY ft UNTIL CHRISTMAS | BLACKWOOD S STORES I • RALEIGH ||i 404 Hillsboro Street # FAYETTEVILLE •HENDERSON m LUMBERTON SI3 Hay St 414 S. Garnett Si. * iOS E. Second St. • BURLINGTON' * WASHINGTON ® KINSTON 163 S. Main St. 218 W. Main St, 108 W. Gordon St. H ★ For Best Gift Selections ... SHOP MOW! ■ 4>t Use Our Convenient Lay-A-Way Plan I For High Quality Merchandise at Popular Prices *,, #' REMEMBER! " J H J||y|% tel &€K WOOD'S I #f§t# STORES |g "'serving NORTH CAROLINA SINCE -Mi (Jiristmas Urogram I To Be Held Monday At Fuqiiav Springs FUQUAV SPRINGS - iVfrs D.! A. ITiomp.voii, principal of the Pii .quay s High School on mtunced th;.-» tv col, that th.- lev? . '!< ” usd Christmiss pi rat (, ld oo :\!cadu; sthjht. be . orG-cr' ■y. / ? *e>. SSv, vA . Sr- V j ' \T „ G-C'O ' V GIFTS feSSfSJ I PAD ftii M hlTllT k r C )K ■-4 I V/IY ! ! I V J I THE fef* 8 * B **, HOME McfawCa Rficlio-Phonogroph ■S\ f 1 V\ |f£ dH / | i * ‘ i / **■*■>**<*• I f A ' v ! («iv<; a gift this Christmas that will ou ch an ee any liome. A Radio or i cs loyoly etalar chest will t?laddott aiw j'arnily’s , htctrl. t ome in today. NOWELL FURNITURE CO. wiywy _ n h ~ u^^^ fc.W. . W' , do. ,:l I r. !!i. tin aucillerhun. | Sever,-. 1 plays as v«• ii te pro !grwn of Chruirras music will be [enured. The public is invited to | attend. •Durham Man To Allend Economies Assn. Meet Dt 1 a HAM ,M e.-.- i :ir. th.* an -1 nu.d n ins; of • aeri ->i Ec :- '■ c/'erfecily YflatckeA ; the HALF CLAMOUR, When «i i« :f! tejtth you want, the JESSIE KARE i : ll.iif i,!ni,ir y..ii r taste. A>. you me, ' it fastens fit the etnwn of the head and ! ... h*my> natunJiy tj>.en the fiat k. You j ; : :M tan wear it as an or any ■ if? »L’v you like, til is 1;>to 20 iiwlies ' Oy; teg). ..,$10.90 # SEND NO MO IS E¥ ) # SEN I> SAMP t. E O F YO V H HATH I PAY POS 1' MAN (> N j DEI. I V E R Y ! *« - # | Jessie Kare BJEAUT¥ PBOSmS | ;j SO? FIFTH AVENUE (SUITE 90S) DEW. c NEW YORK. 17. «. ?. THE CATOI.TKr.AN iM.'inic. A, ..wen,Mot; in Cl<-\vlwu.i ; Ohio, December 27-30, wiii be j Sari W. Phillips, professor of cco-1 comics end business education at j ; North Cai olina College litis organisation of which pm. iesso: Phillips is member, is | j made up of ptoft-ssors of economic? mid businessmen interested in csr -1 reiit ec'/umic problems. i cere will be addresses i d ; round table discus, ions ten cn around current trends in bnsut ' " N. C. College pi-fosse,-!' is <•> • 1 ■" : r (t si tak par!, in apt i , ■ j . ■ bn uni discussions. RECIO.Y-VL SCHOOL PLAN DISCI SSION siT KOI! VMC \ MEET : Raiio M. ?xe <-utiv(> .. : C ro > "f the Bloodw I'tli Street ■ N aICA litis week announced I hatj ■ h uplass ilai! m'ioindly itinivo; | i 0'.... reporter, will dr-eu-.-; the I ■ s ' tiOiei I Reu.m:.l plan for Hww idiicalioii" at iru' membership! mcetfpg s-cheduiod for Friday. l.)c-j •ober 17 at 7 lb A j .'•h. Midi's cli seussi:.■ i of the plan j " ib he by it’d upon his observation?; si ■ his cover ave oJ the • &" '’ ‘ V '!• r, G (JV Ot • nO( ‘o!} [OI'OJ I'<? j v.; held last w<-c k end .cut ! Monday in Sevar.ruili, G;: •A q'wjCotioj'i and jneve period • * will follow the ieefuro. 011) ei• i ea tureu ihi e e\ e*i i ng ■ will include movies u fooiba*!. * ; vvr? stling and ccmics; billiard ex hibitions end. refreshments. A Winter motorists should have!; fewer repair bills in the future.! ILsearch .shows that a pinch el so- i Jm Uiehron-,added to salt fm ! lev .sin-els ill proven I :! j o cm- ; H.LMOi'/ i.ii b*.»d'il i'litO; l Bra tjoley y s Gif b b *S</ C/Vv.'./.i 'A/r/// /Art/ ir7 & a . //J'Wfr/y ~ , yet Waterproof too! « • r w , & fnctff/ex % $J Cifc' mow, >:>u tan fiiv-e bo'-\? A woi'vu n».;vv's shm end ?*■. ■to ter proof and du-'tp; 'cs vveti.. But * ■/*;! 1 . r wkh feotutei of« net a ti t: wfocte sitiy, b>« WyUr? j, ah-gvnjafocf, Joe • i.Sgr.eS Jo IhCf txetai!*'? t‘*-' ’ vR" f>c.x cOi'tiVfvMt&fi that lOuftter<act s, shock. VYrUteft fcwufan’nje **>’•< tvt ' y v»v.v h tUffitrpe @/t£ 17 JEWEtS 17 .if.wtlS Sfoinlew steel . , . 57.50 Stainless steel ..... 65. 14K Gold ..... 160. 14K Gold ...... 035. Pi .cci i ‘.■euf: Fee <4l Tax v .• >TL tu 6 ' ""/ rce jwA*** (Os . , / 1 $ \ n*^OT^ TI -- i ' 2 \ ' >!H f vtjiutiu- l.ivotv » . \ I / * toese nest I .pins Pcu e;i a sjiar- Lv cleverly j.lue.-;! diamonds. Ami is, — —- oml ' an Limn has tii* aina/.ing IlnmlW Msin- v-.- 'v .-prua ’ that , limir.iifc-af wan h repair/ilue ~A • >a »‘ r f> ’>r ,4-ho,’ f M if h naiot „, y ar w-/ ' ■ » r ..,,Wrf. a. , Wll/ l « ( A 5 7150 J7J.50 rJ i ... • , l a 'V' Use Our Lay “Away Plan | ' |TOl* (.LUSINEI IST TO HE GUEST SOLOIST | ON SI HOOI. PROtiRAM Naihaniei C "nationally- j , i.: i ..j ’■ ’ -11 ;vi'Uß!{ C'i.J'i; i'l be i ' : ; ..3 is'ie--: -u,!0i:.l 0:1 Tutsdio 1 ' • .r.b,. M it i -vnen lli?i ( yV “;ni an . Hivd Bvi'i ,u\ n:i:.'.| d! . jO' to." i doe ■t, a.idi-' I t!: ii j: >i : Chi'UUn"a;; r- , .t- ■ .. ; .f s ;c,u . ' j A•" I •» 7:. Mr Gatiiii i) v direct or of m J-i.lt it •'*l ... ." i i ■ \ in ■ s"■ e•• I '■ ■ ae aecl a: , of '. . - •• li- CM... • .met ech ou‘P:,;;J '1 tis-tr- i o'.inoji.! sioiovwki. ' dm .'.e ".. Boh-, K 1 .me j I fans. Kindk-r, ; I The Washinp.lon Hipl* Scb»ol i f Baud, no or a. 45-i iiece cuncm .a; i grouts i son iii msde. • ;v» ri; met ill ii of j Loon Th >inp:r n. direefuj i.-i aiaivu- , j oven Ia! muaie i>; the Raicigh public I : '- ,cnooiS - , t J. C. i.ei i m?t<•> oi -. anize: and | former diri-otor a! me uaufj rrill | ipix-iar as frumpi-i solois: with aI, .moral aim-up aid ensojuble in .< / I special rendition of White Christ- > Tue Chora! Soioei y, di. netr*rl by! Mi'.a K. M'a"'.'iii Kelly a,,-; listed i j ‘hree Chi-i?irnas pi; <o; • im; n i :'-;'o-i,a. i a;ices Sn add.il ion to that scheduled ; for Tuesday niuhv WedovMiay I ),;eeiub-.-i V>. ti.e - yioai; appealed < n <!u: > iuo <•{ p.-e ! g: am a;, S) aw f fair o; ..jl v i P.. ■ ' day. .the mngem ". U! w.r m mWC fjagh fVforai .n High Sc: no! ch.ipeG re -a;ion. \ Ollier perfornmnees will re t-,-i at die .-chonl Tumda.i, Decern- C, ber :he- ciiur.ii socie 1 .'- ' id give - ib- jiumud C!i)istinaa pi-'-Tam with V the Was;.Dp.dm li. h i.. • ~i the I Gvipc! Don-; i Hi;fi a. a •, S : 235 Fayetteville Street FUQUAY SPBIKGS CSEBiT 8»8i« SHOWS GROWTH Olv.vi. CliJ.iit .' I Fu, j 1 ;. 1 y S;.-iiiUa N-'jri)' Omnlnei w.iv org . ’.. mi a;ay • '!. jo‘lll . : • h ji. . -,- : 1 *•’ 1 - ’’•J of ’ tie,, fir. .-i.. . •<,:.. h i*i, . .;,iv. if? .1110 ..a- ‘-t,-a During d,,' s-i.y ie mdjs -!jc-v ! ;i\ . in;ide 30 li-:im tctjd.h ■. upward ‘I,OOO Tie ii,.! 'vitm mm' a-im !j( '."e- 11 1, 1 (.a , pi-;- j, ■.i.. C-ms.—b' :.)n of and ic.i.er ~i .'wci lings puj-eL.-ising firm land, pi.ying hosidtal and irctlie-d mbs, cud noyim- of inert A::.'- K-Hn-njis living in die vicinity : Fl.Kiii.ly Spnn'.m are «>)i‘jibfc In bee.-me memixvj. of this P.-u-jk-iT ■ old Veb-.eae Cool! .‘me (fiob:! U 0 ion. officers ar • ,■ f.-,)10v.-: Geo. T. • ;.', pj-ciddent; El mo Thorne, vice pi-esi.-it-u’. Kb! ia.m Brown, eccrwarv aad \V > I Kvar,.-. ■. . - L) ivlif C.a: la,ii a, Botnie Bui b N'adh.'-ri B" -u said i> <-. .Hayes. Supc-ivisojy Corrm-.ii.teo !.. T. Brown. L. A! Bm.,m . ~.i ; ln:-U t :;!!<;•' * i * till vlVll * t K. O. Kdiseadoii,.; t ■ . . p, D Braid of Director- . - Is Ua, ~7,-j j ...,' b ts are Bestl l vhm's iirectimf ; WITH YSfeR ’ROUND MEANING v / . - 1 ■ l r.e-.'.e: CWmir i tjjt.i i-.*r Key . , a, of five i luscious colors, $3.50 ujj Registrar s*. at ;S .£ j ■wfc. A* W- v4r -i» v»4 sA A. 4V ( M > & J p -v» .- •"-' ’ % '’" «i* Vvl.- i.w wi. ■:7‘K' ''’’j \ ‘ '"' ; W w % '■] „ s , i v -d-4 ■ ~ ~,. .-ern . at mae- ......a.m b; ? Registrar. 5.00 up "r / * V As odvert/se-d in OUCO Make her supremely happy 1 with the traditional symbol o • ol thc en 4 gen i v>PjSp JI G l “' u ‘ rt K>Aftrcd Keepsake T I a m Owe RING Diamond Ring. Identify Keeps;.K.c- by the name m ‘be: ri.jg, and the words // fi t "guaranteed registered per */(/ss■ sSMUM.tof/ m- ' *' cn> ... as t- " A illustrated. We invite you //V # tu VU; a v «»ur Keepsake col f■' fi /*/? .. . and c.ur font. f-v t'A-'t. - j leu lint c-i jewelry items. idlli Kil-pSAK.t: i*fcALi.it MANOR HOUSE IS [LEADING AMONG [CHICAGO HOTS S s| ‘ 'ill too 1 K;.ecji-' 1 - The lux -11 oa-i.-i ' Mano: Hr • 1 v “ <i- I .iilui at 4ti: Place net I '- Itn I" :w- I Cine;-. A o‘S great •'j , '-t’ 1 has «\ .5 ai claimeti nr. the m.-st modem h-astciry 1 >•;.» ; -uty ■' - i s o'tfe- in colored patron.- T: r Man- 1 He .-, officially 1 ’b‘ ! e ■ ir-i j,i.p ,io on Fridas , A 1 must 20b:. hmos t field in ha ' tel itUßnetion s :n dlls cit .*. It xs 1 : ; 'b'-’ ei];;.}. l d u- ti. irti rucjnroun -! Gat ion tens.am-:, m .,,' cni JVI , t a j» lie straight baths a, d .hovers wdn icutomotjc fans therein; my -Hi s Vnuuiodvae y-.d, ... ~v , 7aid ' arid oeba , a nn viro a- ‘ntv. fo-.,r ! ; hours a: day. -'bun -: H a- : eornpletei', own yu 1 ' pended ;>•■ toa,"cd and - dm d:;ms ~,-.a 1 a Clifford ■ is' * 1! a‘ms■ to •:f 1 mbelter hou.-- -, bid to the race. Tin property on > 1 which this fhirt.y-iooiri hotel .-amis, pai.ai a, owned by Mr. Davis dire: • I !, a o. : •i \ BAM SHFs l\im;i- STION { ~ ‘ u (unit may tr**'f -.'b JK'iird expivsnon, “Sick a:: .1 -; -a*-Pi v Yorker p f, i'efet'SOJi i mu dev'eloped .ii; -imligepiior)- >1" J ""'' cunsi 1 a ~f fns-ly di:- - s.;-:! a-'a-eoa! -m,-. 1 such products - ; 1 i.!>- it'idi mas v—wtahJc "uh' Ii is -aid t t eliminate gasirk . ms ui'i-maadie digestive tram. •' T:v nas:-a;,,.- i s m peemiiy : tfited III'- j, ; : . I.’ . r , , ' . j,,. , nv . . .. , . : "ie . ut its u a- jhuman?,. \ iiui Paper! ! ! 7 ™Day j Watch Repair ! Service PAGE SIX

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