PAGE SEVEN Lincoln (Mo.) U. Cogers Battle White Teams Custic Revives Memories Os Sidat-Singh, Tossing Ace Os Syracuse Univ. NEW YORK - (ANP) Syr.v •* ruse university is singing the ‘ praises of another Mushy colored football player—a man who 1 .ss- ; ©s the pigskin around il: -1 os an other fame.! Syracuse nlavor o! color did a few veers hat k Me- n •ing the r.. t-ond instance. Wilms-th Sidat-Singh oik! in tin- lust B< t hie Oustii. sophomore, .:. In. . dissatisfied •,.;•{ > i -".it. t who.-.' ... : at . lilt story. Oil; sloiy i . m. .: •■ j DR. J. B. MARTIN CLEARS QUERY ON BASEBALL CHICAGO ;AND Nog ü base-jab is to ,nu w.ii produce a gn atcr. ;i. aner and 1 improved game n ,\t \ ... J). ,! ■ B. Martin, provider.! ‘ y.- X. 1 American learn.- •< i a:, interview b. t v - :. D- M :. . -, -....; X, j baseball :ia-.- not . n hurt, bu iii. - ed pi., ve sail' :n. C .- agm. , and that it :. .. it Hie.;, j.:l ] c . bus iness "Since N. r iaiso'Cii; ha.- be- i conit-* ti vkimin cunt i. i.» *< , I J ':t .tppo-r;' ; ■ :.,n ,-u- I i ruier the ..l, :mpr< ~s;u-0 Wo would like 1. ,;L * : -, . - -1, ■ of tilt- ' thing-) v, h h hy. ' - ..d I about e*U : . ;. "You ha\ e be a t .•!<; to it -n.* 1 players* --I :-i. b - > rob) th major haagues - in., j Xo-c-: * uaseLa i (an !i - -. .. leave so-a ba.-a-:... and colh n i" - -• • • -t U; 1):'.;:. : o-- >: 1 i : 1 prog, ..;0. SM -.. ing b-f Vg; i. md : ;.!;-. :.: - ; tilt NAL : - ;a - ... "Wu i■ - 1. i.--- : jievt. that wu a. i-oali a X ill-it ' ■busbies.-:, i am : t... - , : a,: < it is a million ties:; busim- Cur owners; wilt pron e' . t then- intent st ! • putt .ig :m.- it tin- things that are ikh -ssary. and s thev tan d-. :t ■ * A e*s. we ii.iv. stud good a *ni bad v nr.- • -. . > .any . b-usiness >.. a .. t.. 0 r a -ic- V rush players sot the majors. .v.- ! are now str >m.- -. . .■ ;ai!v .m anciaih H si< ad ot g. mg - - ■.. . > ... rapidly going forward. Dr Martin also paid tribute U> the ft, ns »vb.t t gut-; '•We never iorget '• to , give credit where if die I this case r.; tur fans ti-t : a-- ai support, iiit-v ruiv.' giv, :: u-. j that support in tin? ;>:n t. m i know the\ will >o m th-.- Hi- , ture." AustinoNir.hols tv •• • - ' ‘ v . -l' • : 1 . ■ ;■ '.- CLUB RESERVE 1 ■•c ' t —. BLENDED mi WHISKEY ' pf $2.101 p5S5| p™ l ; 1 “ h i i Mai i ifilßff i 1 t»« Sliaifhl WhltVcri in thk product t 1 . r*at> 91 Biori, rid- I£2- JtT2j«{jaj Wiiiltw. 69% | | Stain tiwlrel Spi: is, Sfc.S peel. i i I 6C0.1P5 lrvr, .; when Bn;u 11 -Hand to - Ail- American end was: slapping 'em down for dear old Cornel! cud S:ngh a. tossing 'em for ‘ ..I angt- t.,f Syiaa-.i.-e. Came th ■ Cm nt-il-Swacns game end Cornell, favored to win, did tiu unusual grabbed a de li at <,.r of x . • -ail becaus • i die cann to-a of Sidat-Singh s Before Singh went into the ar . a a i... l lici>inmi in Wash ington, D C lie toid fiii story hinit-.i'lf An..! :i a good one. Tie.- nig.h: bt !or»- the big game, a fraternity tram from New York •. b- .t ... . v;.-. *:-ii upstate an lin it. .d riiugii .in j Holland into the QCs. Next das- bio! .‘leriiood w.e for, .tteii am! i-h-i... rivalry was übsiituieii. Cur'.it ii was leading i.-ntil t :,.- i or-11 quart.' rhad; called > . :r late;ul --ii a fane.',' a lav deep ,a hi- mo o tel rit« This lateral was intercepted by Sv-neuae ar d thev retained pos session of the hall. Called noon to 1 -ward m-" ; . Sing') says kept tor- ing them cut he never .saw one completed in that las* funous five minutes COACH PRAISES TEAM FOR FLA, BOWL VICTORY By Albert Anderson RICHMOND \ • -ANY :>t at Virgin..'; . »:!! talir :n;.; a brut Virginia Vu.oni stunn . -. ; „'Ot. it vide a liver Florid t A. .eid vl. in the Orar Hi.. . . I ia ivl::,mj Dec. 5 C :;.ci; Sain Taylor ‘la--. ?, -thing at u. .. se to: has squad. He eall < d th:-: victory the team's best ;mi ■ea te.-.t y arn.- : th,- yr.-a.:'. ( taiirnt ritinm on 1!.! game iri .- hi h he tea-!' rolled up 403 vds on the gif.und tive. a team favor -. -! t , win in 14 to 21 point-. Tay lor "It •.- as tne brA gome t:>•. t.-ns played this v<-ar. They a;e a tire! end ,'ij.ppv buneli of buys. 1 ,ii unti l sorry the football sea.sun is Although Union had a dismal streak oi m.iurie.s during .vhicii it i...-.t :.Ve straight games: includ ing t.-'c. bowl game, the team won s;x lost live gan-es this sea son Beside* tile bowl win over the S nthem intercollegiate Ath ietic league, Union also has a win o r West Virginia Stale, the Cl AA champs. Team captain. Don Ross, also had a few words too say . •MY. ,\ er. really hotter than the .veathei down there. AH the boys played so well it's hard f-> .-.1it,,-, ait any. but iony Lhavar rio. tile freshman halfback, looks Iko t-amcr Earl Young was do ing a i’:>angup job .starting the plays. We were hot." Although talk goes ..n about the game, the players, themselves, concentrating on their cla.s.-'- • om studies now PIR \TE BASivETKEHI'i BEAT V| UDI AMI STATE CACERS Hampton, Va. Behind 42-24 at halftime against Maryland State here last jveek, Hampton Institute's baskeball quintet de cided not to let the footballc-i's' comeback age inst Wiiberforce outdo them. The Pirate five piled up 28 points in the next 12 min utes while the visitors were mak ing 4, and finally won, 66-60 Two days' later, against the white Langley Field team at the fivers' court on December 9. the Pirates were in form again to grab a 52-42 decision, in an in terracial double header which also savr NACA team defeat an all- Negro Fort Fastis group. 45-22. Howard Allen. 27-year old re turned veteran, shared scoring •honors -for Hampton in the come- Hack" against Maryland State with Gus IT ninburg who though a junior like Alien, is onlv 18 years old They each scored 17 curi ously enotmh. less than two ot •he lnse v «, Henry McClain and Bn.Rit'd Mews, were able to get wi<h 18 ’npiere. John (Curly) Wilson, a home town student who i« cantain rfnr the runnrimchine confrr . nc. season, showed hr. i« round ing into form uespite having play- BILL CORBIN WINS HAMPTON'S ANNUAL TROPHY TLirirpt.-n. V<j. C 1 ! Cm Inn, 237 - pound fLimnbm In.d.ti'tr ta.ivlf. and caikai-i-eio.. r the v. -nun oi the .-i all . O' ■ [JU 1 :'.'.OJj 'S P'Kjit'Ai i” TUr vaiuabht p!o.ver tropliy so lil-T’ it has been, .mnoui.. ■ 1 Co: .In, who lives in Bucki -e lu-non, thu-t* miles iron: ’' ■ Col lege, ,is a formes' captain of a ihampionship team a* nearby Pile -ox Sriiool. Prest'rC-tion of the trophy was made Tuesday evening. December 7. at vie an nual football banquet, bv Acting President Along > G. Moron A- mint the qualifications set up by trie donor, a Hampton I rust c,. an j a UTSE-ClO oiTa-isl. arc tcativ.vork and cooperation skill and knowledge f the game, cnduranc,. a n d conditioning. Icadorship, scholars'hip. ;• n :l sportsmanship A five-n-an com j mittt.-e chain'd bv Melvin Tiivlor. : Hampton staff mom hi. r aiv! Lu:-'i sttii athlete, nuide lb- vc'cc i lion. Other ieaniM-x of the I'.unquPt wetv- the orescntolion of 2'* k-t --ts- and line! statement; from Fred Christian, the 194 k captain Corbin Cn.ii a < ii. Wiliia:. 1 . Ik lector of AtlHetitM C.uAc. Moi yan Griffin ati-j t!:de, , 1 Smith; and several \ isitors an-.l staff members. Twenty -nine men wf, award ,l 1448 ICt . Oi these, the tcl lowing, will be lost to the team next vea: tivrough giaduatton. or : omp’etion •!’ f.iuc ol football' llal'RaJk (Bill' L. .ve'.l. Halfback , (C„)'KV) Payt(>n, Fullback and Captain (Bil ; .> Christian. Tack!- Tom Kiah, End (Rut) Lewis, and Tackle Charles Stafford. BENNY BABERS BEAT MARINES The Kenny Five Eastern Semi pro uasketbali champ.- continued to roll on undefeated Saturday, December 11. 1948 as they :oC u vt-r th Camp Leji-une Marine five 72 44 They were sparked by (Big Ed I Taipt-r who tallied 17 points. Don i-, .d. w .io -s rati d a- the b*; t l, i ac'i'\i-'tbaii jk t.s-pfK/t to <:ver fohk cut A Fh:!«delphia followed with 16 and Harris with 11 was next d iiuc-on with 15 led tin- Marine jiyn The ei'otvcJ was tnrillf ti tirtio al ter time hy Horace Burton'-' clowning, hut were di.sappomted a •.•cause fleet-footed (Jock Broai-i --i( ) w t;s i'n■■ i as eiit *ct«v•.• u.s us’«a*♦ because of a slick floor. The un cann\ b;dl ii.uialing of Mtwri;:. Davi.s. Elliot und Anderson was rdiTuxst intcrci-ting and Ropm's sen-ati -mil shoooting and abdity to control the be;,ml. Lvtol Hick crcon a recent acquisition ol the Rt-nny Five played a bang-up defensive game. "ddrnn tyMMth whW uK.M’T, The last five minutes featured comical and skillful passing and hail handling • Kentucky Lee," (Sweetwater) Morris a”d (Chick' Elliott who scored 7.8, and 8 points respectively gave the fans double their money's worth. The club which is undefeated during the current season and had only one set-back last season are , set on. retaining the Eastern Se mi-Pro championship which they won season. Thev are inter ested in playing all schools, clubs .- nd professiunai teams while in N; rth Carolina. Ail teams wish ing games can do so by wt Ring Mr. Nelson H. Harris. .Jr., North Carolina bo i king agent at 717 Sc. Blount Street. Ruietgh, North C’a : rolina or call 3-1639, Raleigh, N. C. AND >i’RATTLERS FINISH TOI GH (;rid season (By Bernard Strangel Tallahassee The Florida A. ..mi 7vL Ci'.lk-ge Rattler:- ended 1 their tough 1948 grid season suff -1 ering the loss of onlv two games 1 of ten played, neither being a I conference tilt, and for the fifth consecutive year they walked away with -the Southern Intercol ’■ legiatp Athletic Conference title. Their losses were received from in.-, mighty claws of the Southern University Jaguars, who gained the National grid title -and the Virginia Union Panthers, a migh ty CIAA team who was the Rat -1 tiers' opponents in the Annual Orange Blossom Classics Both 1 losses were heartily contested i battles. j During the season the men of ' .Orange and Green tangled with : such noteworthy tcrum as Shaw : University. Xavier University. , Kentucky State University and 1 Institute and came out ' in xht"- h'gh end r-f the score. Thev • i also won decisive victories over Alabama S + atc and Click CoJ • lege. The T?•••♦tiers for the sea son. scored 235 points to the.ii op •fed football by leading the P' • - rate scoring in the Fid ' warn. "’Th 12 rt.U n - c P»ecl of -1 the losers, scored 13. Hampton - 'usad IS met), i * \■ k | - - I f r i NEW CAPTAIN James; A. , Joyner, e junior of Raleigh, has j been named captain •,♦! the Shaw University football squad i for 1949. Joyner. Bears' defen sive right end. a ISO pound six trsule u' the h-'tUdde mth fhtrr footer, succeeds Everett Latli rr.ore, a senior from Plainfield N. J, whom the locals will Jche this year by the graduation Aggie Coach Seeking Additional National Gridiron Prestige t Gi , i i,- 1:. N. C (' at'! William i B:.' I Bcii wili !.,• .; i his first appearance in ihv Vtd can Bowl at Birmingham. Ala .- New Year's Day when his V.rlh Carolina A atirl T (.kbit p- A . gies meet K nttukv Stan grid s tiers in or'.t t-.f t-Ve n.ajf.'i bu”. ! j ; eve fils of tFe ma- n f,..i N.-gia collegiate tcurn.s ; But. pnsi-ntmt: Yi:< ii-iim for niajor <-vcnt e! th;.: type net altnge tiler now to the b '111! Or t State Univ. :..stv . t.. . . p, - s formed alone with Wes Ft ic . ■ Flu I! 'iroir;. ,m,l ,-• ~ ■ stars a! The Columbus, Ohio in ■ stitution. Since starting hi.- coach-ing ca reer as an assistant a! Ht.v.a l , Univt i'.sitv in 1432, (.' >ach H- I has gained a national r-.piitatcn i • with his alert grid teams He ‘ ; : • : i-vcr the coaenng datif. a: litt! • Cktf’in College at Orangeburg S 3 C. in 1934 end tw-. -nis sounds domirntt'd :;ir.- Souta Atlantic Con ft once i From C’afiin. Coach IF - m." j ed down to Florida A. and M a ‘College at Taiiahasst- -. F:;>: :c;a where he coached from 1936 thru , 1943. During that thru bis P an. . 'von three Southern Ir.UoveUegi• s etc Athletic Cunfert no - champ i onships and three mythii.-a! nr - , t' Negro eoHegicite ■ • r.viis Turn. aft---, entering lit, ~rna d Frank McCray Named Captain Os Lincoln Univ. ! McCray, Lino, n Univer sity’s rugged lint man. ; , the over whelming choir*, of his team i mates for Captain of the 1943 : grid inm team. The football | team, which wound uo me of r - most rucccssful seasons in record years agumst ll ovanl University on Thanksgiving Day elected McCrav m a post seas. ■. nu.-cting several days ago. The team air . ' voted an Ail Opponents Team to. ! H’e 1948 season. The choice of McCray p.-,julai on stud off the .field, was hailed i by the coach in, g staff, Facult; r i ; and the student bodv, 1 A product of Westingh use o Hijjh Softool in Pittsburgh where - !he wos an outstanding backfield - ! man. McCray has played two i | brilliant seasons at guard for Lin :t t oln. having been converted by d ,-former Coach Rivero and devtl- I oped by Coach Chester R. Stack s j house. He is especially noted for i ; his grueling defensive play, brak v j ing throng)) opponents' walls on • l several occasions in almost eve: y i j game during the past reason, t j Twice during the year he nr;- v ; formed the phenomenal feat ot 'poncr.ts 122 This is truly impres ‘ jsionable. 1 Head Coach A..S, Gaither, can . truly be proud of his 1343 Rattler ■i . squad and his record of having f a championship team for the five n l veara that he has served as coach i is hand to beat MIL (JAiiOLINIAN route. The new captian ic the first local lad lo be accorded ihis henor in 26 years. Willie Stew art, All American center, repre sented ihe capital city last in 1922. Jcynsr will be playing his last season next year. He is the i.n of Mrs. Effie Joyner of 717 S. Saunders Street, .. . ■ - Coach Bt-il Tuskegee \> in- . . ki vV.i.iia'A ; gatncii I nati.tua: larm- with a brilliant ' itct. ;i that 1 .-ini-- one detimt , in b up ts. Twice his teams per- | lari'-..- ci-owt.L at Wa; D. C.. tthcio his : v - .. U!-.vk.s J.-. :• at •:( M-jrg an ■ St-.-ti . 2 to k. in 1944. and Nor to : ■ State. 14 t,. li. in 1945 XV hawks also defeated a j . 's '- Lt N aval (I;.ai*ds IT: Ai • x \ k ; 4 to ~ 1 it.- * ■ -■ ■ ■■:• ,-■ •hi naval team i .oi sd llnva \i Ito 7. The A. an.! T mentor winding; : p .hr: thi; I t a.-a.n as hi ad coucit j and alhleiic directo* fi*r the Ag will be privsenting ;* strong L-inbmaiioT'i * • th. Vulcan Bowl ; conte.-.t. ( . that list.- only two • sen:er.- . n the entire squad with , aeusliy one lasi yea:’ man on the • - g team. In. Aeg as wean j ul) i,,- ; '"ii on let Colored Intercollegiate j Athletii Asu Cation in third • y-.o- c-at oi West V:;g:riia State . no Howard, and gained national 1 jam* with such outstanding stars ms Jo- Wii'iarns. giant tackiv ; iron l Wmston-Srdern. N. C.. and! Ath a Csisiy.m i ••.a’ fr. ;n Cant- n. Ohio, whs) scored jn v gam,- with one t-xct.ption ftn the 1948 .season. < rushing ihrougr; the opposition w-i taking ;> would-be quaner j back handoif. A sophomore ma- ’ y.tring in Phvsictif Education, the • 185 pound guard is also a goood ! ruident. McCray was elected to I the Ail Opponents Team of Steu benville College (Ohio), one of' Lincoln’s interracial opponents,! and is expected to capture hon ors in the t_ IAA. The Ail Opponents Team se- I iected by th Lions is as follows: ; End-r Thompson of Howard and j Lewis of Hampton; Tackles Leonard of Bergen College and I Stevenson of- Delaware State: ! Guards: Gragwav of Morgan and Gcodcill of Hampton; Center: Gai- . ther of Wins? -n-Salem. OR: Ross ; of Howard: Halfbacks. Payton of; Hampton and Green of Howard, Fullback: Rooks of Morgan. Second Team Ends: Snaiih o.f Lock Haven • I and Ross of Union: Tackles: Mick j of Steubenville and Wallace of ; Winston-Salem: Guards: Jordan ! iof Howard and Nelson of Mor- j ran: Center: Kelson of Morgan; j QR: Kulak of Lock Haven. Half- i backs- UMliams of Hampton and Dillard c.f Hampton; Fullback - ; Davis of Winston-Salem. Carpet Comfort Cusbionlok, e! r.e\v floor covering. A sponge-rub- j by backim: binds the tufts of the! i carpet, and does away with the j need sci a fell, underpad. INTERRACIAL CAGE GAMES ON LINCOLN MENU Jeff* > ,;on City. Mo 1 1 kt ing with the racial r.'tni ~- p.• presently sweeping the country, Lincoln university (Mo through its scheduling of athletic t vent•• is leading its bit to dispelling interracial barriers. J’hi Var.Tf. basketball team has akvadv m - gaged in four games v irh white coilege teams for each -f which this was the initial experience of this type. The first two t these t antes is believed to have keen the first -basketball games played between v hit. .md Negro ee’- leges in lowa. Other gam - have been playc.i between mixed .-hoti’s -but thc-v were - hei.lul- * as exhibition games, while th- .se with Lincoln were regularl>- .sche duled games and played on a home and home basis. "William Penn college of Osea loo.-a. Li. is th, - - 1 1 1 -• oiinoneot BLACKWOOD’S ="™'= BEAUTIFUL MUSICAL ft K N 0 C K.E,R m f y Oiit yntiicf # • r v q cha /tiling \ y— i * r * , lef intt*Q<! o( , j ''j ' knocking, itch: met ; • thin dtcorctiv* ch/fn* * wfi i nudm iff dco* \ * fa , % |il V.W* NON ~ ELECTRICAL MUSICAL KNOCKER INSTEAD OF KNOCKING “ft Chimes” $0.50 401 HILLSBORO ST, L— RAL-El GH s Rll Ki, HO, 24 and 2<> Bovs and Girls 29. 95 - 42.50 SEE Gut) and Holster Sets Single and Double 1.98 10.95 Guns Shotguns and Rifles All Gauges Wagons ■ ■ ■ 1.95 up (Small, med,, large) Electric Trains 12.95 & 19.95 TOYS and GAMES COME IN AND SEE THEM ALL > HILL’S, Inc. 105 S Wilmington St. HILL TAYLOR CO. Phone ©172 Raleigh4os N. Mangum St. Durham WKEIv KNUiN(..i iriATUKDAY, ULC. 18, 1948 Jr. Gridders To Meet ! iiakdgh’s football inns will get a chai-cc to si e ‘be Levi Jackson baddy Young.-- ->f t< iioriow tt:i i.-.n Sale, d: •• ti h ; junior . t-radc gridde:s eng..go m intcrscc ■. ~ii I'.fi. ;>i ft..- F.asl -Wesl Bow) at Chav if. Park i with the Lincoln varsity team on - la-: 11. It is the predation h Vv'i.lbarn Exuiti ti. r Lim . i-i will play mans more in ter a. mi gam -s m the future, m ; c-U ling games with Missouri j schoob,. J Commenting on th. treatment re. a.-. by the team on the |wu (day trip into 1- va. Coaeei Exum j said. We wt rc troate.l * xcep ! tionallv nice, but there \va no | chance for us to believe that it was done especially for us. It seemed that it was their normal way of treating guests," The cov erage given the game by the lowa press was of a high quality. Lincoln won its opener with William Penn college on Decern ■her 2 bv a score of 43-33. losing the next two games to Central College. Pella, la., and Eastern i Illinois State college at Charles ton HI 49 Harley-Davidson Motorcycles 61 O.H.V. 74 O.H.V. 125 Single Immediate Delivery In Raleigh Store PISTOLS Os All Caliber i The game, which i light ,ti he 1 mlled the Midget b ■ #Le called at 2 p. m, and w• find tl ; budding t utball playe r.-- ,n • iivi< i east of Chavis Heights pitted i | against those living in r . . Par i end point wv- 1. | The proceed.- from tht game ,vl ' |be used toward out:: 'ins torn 'team- u hich it I- ■ >v. my form I 4it nucleus nf :> ".inti - tooths.;! I league whiei will nicy i.>: ilacl.. - > Reheduled p.iiru's tr s,. ... iso:. j The gam.: is unde; (lit. 1 spo .sot. h p iof the "doy i! 25" dull w hm.ded l;y Ji ’ius Havv. - h T»e. • | dosius Mis hell i:- chain;;.,i, ol the | Committee on arruntrem-ti*.-- for the ; affair Uniforms and equipment rive i been provided for the tv • teat y. i earlier games and practice ses ! sions by Washington High School, : Shaw University and S' Atigus ; tine’s College The East Team is coached by i Jesse Clement and Roland Miles of i St. Augustine's College, while the gladiators from the west have been coached by Way kind Harden and Hubert Poole. 50,000 lit ar I!»l», son In 0| x*ll Vir (’.oncerl KINTGSTON .'ai;,aii .1 .ANS 1-atii Roocs-.m, international rjng or-actor captu.ed an alt time at ' tendance record of ,>O,OOO persons ; who turned out a; tin Kingston Race Courrv' to > r the ~t, ;., . od baritone in an open aii con cert here- Met night So huge the crow d ; i I■, * : tators, the building collapsed, fata 1- ly wounding on.- person and ire j 1 jump; 25. Support Your Paper ! ! 'B eer3t ®*7W/ ti'iseHfii m BOHEMIAN JM ' , BEER |Hjj| if^hi Ert-wfed onfi Settled by The National Sfstvvifiy Co., of Baltimore in Maryland SIG SCHAFER & SON TRICYCLES f ,, ■ ■ m 1 | ' Colson Velo Kirif? Pal 8.95 « SEE Colson, Rollfast Tricycles with ■ > Wheel Chain Drive 34.95 Shells : Os All Gauges Skates .* • 2.95 up Scooters 1.98 up Sleds 7.95 up (Small, medi, large)

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