WF.EK ENDINGJVATTRD AY, jvrr, 18, 194? .“I could smell smoke, but -ill l could think of was that 1 had to hep singing.' Act:css Doroiuy Sartsoff. re tiro in et hah ntler Stage floodlight CXpiuuod I Where You Receive j I The Profits Your | Patronage Creates I » J +*sl b±'\ Wc Am Plea serf To !nlrmli«m To The Cofl <- 1 <* \V Dr hikers Os Raleigh Ami Vu-inHy Y Co-Op Coffee I X, j Red Label-Blue Labe! I Green Label I Ihe Vnv Best (.oiler Money l in Buy . < „u.*i I >1 anteecl To Please You Completely | CO-OP COFFEE I specifications 03* you may purchase it already irrounil in vac- I mini packed tins. Try a pound of this wonderful coffee t;oda\ I and prove for yourself just how good coffee can b« . WEEK-END SPECIALS' GROCERIES Garden Peas 10. No. can —a can Floor 54c Pillsbury’s Best—s lb?- Sugar S9c Granulated 10 lb;. Grade A-- Covprbloom Eggs 75v elo?: Margarine 39* Good l uck lb. Corn 19c Shoe Peg No, 2 Can Hunt’s Yellow (.bog Peaches 41 e Halves or Sliced No. 2 1-2 Can I THIS IS YOUR STORE VISIT IT OFTEN! I % r*« a n * • i ? 5 vor A Practical % j Christmas g|f. \ 1 give shares in the WAKE I I CONSUMERS MUTUAL ASS’N ? *> % y A Profit-Sharing Super Market k J A GIFT FOR THE FUTURE f. ? « * -® I'hcro is no better in ft than o n e # S. biat will |--as! ciividends. WLe ikg* C" t * then its tor ihe kiddies education, & z? !» .v y or to the wife, mother, father, broth- ■» y y ' v e)\ sister, in fact any member of the * > * 1 .... '*■ sr ; C- Lmi'iy or friend, shares in the Walm $£ Consumers Mutual Association will .V L j» , . >■ last, thruuthe rears, gramme* in v '«£ t ' y: f s* value and lasting in memorable an- & tv • • <* ... 'ft Sr. v:j precmtion. ."V •$? I SO BE FUTURE-WISE IN YOUR % 1 GIFTS THIS CHRISTMAS ■ 1 n —— & 1 IT’S THE BEST XMAS CHEER f i GIVE A WAKE SHARE 1 *V ££• 5J ™““ _ «J fc- JJ ON SALE AT |WAKE CONSUMERS MUTUAL ASSOCIATIONS S[ t& 35 CORNER CABARRUS AND BLOOD WORTH STS. m 'sS s- <6t & ■ In :-;nte «.f millions killed if tr<, !( .1 inmled there are 200 million • more people than before the wai : began" Harry A. JBulUs. pie*i -1 deni General Mi!:.. PRODUCE f !a. Sweet Juicy Oranges 39c 2 do/, Tangerines 39c Fiavo*Sealed 2 doz. Fancy Red 2 lbs. Apples 19 c. Garden Fresh 2 lbs. Turnip Greens 19c Toxns Yellow 3 lbs. Onions 17c Fancy Selected Sweet Potatoes 29c 5 lbs. PlaMie miiifii, so i housewives >a - ho want tu project the it hands '■ Ihiaftectcd by gn.\r;' acid. . or .-!utn ■:. the flexible .mitts wilt fit an ei’h, ■ hand and allow eomptcsfi ! freed on: n| ,;c: j. • n MEATS In run grade A meat mar 1 Ket Pi ime Western Grade ■ A Steaks i’-Bcnio Steak Sb. 89c Sirloin Steak lb, 89c C hue k Roast lb, 69c I All Perk Sausage lb. 43c 1 Picnic Hams Ib. 49c Premium Franks lb. 49c CASWELL COUNTY ! it ——x I , m W. \V STK t' OVVH.'K VI i I.TtOE \ ESTER* i The Peparlmenl of Music. Ctas ft .vi.'U >■mi v D ining School wit l I r.ic.-tid on Deunibe: rah. the I Ij.p :i. Juntor mid Sfc'i.u' Ciice II Club: .n n !)!••« ram of (.'hr. -anas I Vc.i|v.' . .ogiiih. i based l,r toe bihlia! version oi Iho I i Irtli of Chrßi John B. Deimam I >yi!l conduct the V;.. «1 and lilt I v V | .Morgan wili ijuiluet tltc Choral |S I 'lr,t' \V W St. 'o !, f Iht rie- I va. t'v nt of i int’.ua:’."s w ill act as I : i ~ ratal'. N L Dillard principal. 9 will act r> - irm .-tor i c< icmany I stow w. \*r victim on> Betlv J.o'c Hade. to .iatiu!lle‘r of j tViiv and "a a Pen''-' Si ad it of M >:it- Sunv'tSave; and icier ,>i Helen . Si. ;..e wh.. died last month as n ro of hum.- received ci the Hr | died Wo ini day m arnsnß «i> a re sult of bum.- received m the Bit'. :.!<>v*e-bl?ist in October. Funeral ser« vi's, were held at Yancey vibe Method: -i Clicrrh Saturday rn < t \m t> I M;". Lip:-e<-mbct. an siidcn* I -.1 :urch waiker, .m<l warm friend S as at! the chiJdten of hei 1 mined - S iate v inminity. v.w. hur-cd Iron: | '.>,c • " Church Wcdne-day. Do ■, cemhcr 11. The pastor was the I Hoy W M. Warner I The lev Win Warner .'•poke .r I :,.v VarifeyviUe Baptist Church I Spurlai. ilis .-.ennon received a ■ ”a';n welcome as usual from the I congrTf’atmil I Mas Fid iid ye WHJlarrt' and I J: 'no, Ko: -er were 'ved in 1>,»:.v;!!•.- I Vaa., this week They are bath al imni , ,* CCTS I I! INCH CU H The French Department had its ■ ’ist club meeting last wrick and : o "Ni’tic Cercios D Amis was • orn Requiring that all nirmbe;"- m nr. na in an a \ crape of ”B" r move » >• 1 selecting as its thema; A Better Under-irindin.. <>£ Out I Rcuo.rmshni with the French I Speak:n« i’ yi tin- World.'' I {boosing ihe slogan,. "Perfect m ■ I r itPractice," "Not re t ferric •i' began its pioneer carepv ai Casweii Officers were elected and a program outlined for the ye a Oil leers eiocied we:a. Presi de r GLu'ia Siviinn: -nn ? res.- den! Maude Baynes: • ec. clary. Vir.r.e Adams: assistant .-ecretary. a'. William-on; treasurer. Annie Fiorance: chmmian. f.r<eem nv:tei.:. Effie Waike,; i-ep-.o ter. 2c!' . Slade, sponsor. W W. KBud- I wick [ f Nfil fSH I'Ll ft l Fhe English Department rlrev. I l! i■ ns charter this ,\.-ek unit picri: • I to ciedic'Me its resources io the iipg; ehen:io v ■ of those boys and who it J'O murdei'lii: I;;e: Ruigs Kng ■ daily. Their piedg, to treat the English liif.guasm as ti.e true medium nf expression for • i! ;iK' gets and vocations: unci io speak the rtU’Cst Eugfish wo kn-'v at all limes at home and abroad.' 1 All members must have an average n "B' Officers elected were .-ideiJ!. MeUir- C.ur.r.: .dee pros- ;<">C!’ l . Roscof Allen: spotv- » w \V Su.idw’ck. <;.VSIVH.| f'Ol’N'TV lltl.H tl\S llf 'TV IIV 1 OV HONOR ROf S . Tifty-tive nuyi*lv grace the honor . scroll this !>en-.(t at CC.TS. f-n ty ’ "X M f r end nine boys. (Vicr: ; .Swarm, sen:, r lends the list with ; "Vc while Jean Richmond. '■' Vr.', S!,j-.i; -:: 1.1 Rtv-.'Ot. A'kl] • H'»n closely for top honors v.ith ; four A i-iK'i). Those placing vviih an average oi tugher are as foliovv.- s '-" ; . Ijo.vs: Harvey Chain'!- ! I lor, Lorenz: i Hill, Emmet! Ica. ; ; Dazci Woods; gilds. Marian Adams, Hidtin M D'p'gs. Annie M F!or- N- i: F Gunn Gloria Svw.: Knzabeib Vaneev F.lsir Browr.. 1 'l'"' T*t. tp'.svvn, Genov a K na ; ; her. Ldiic s*.-idler. Minerva Fhad -fuiiioi i. 0,. t;. ~r Alien: Auk- Mar,'. Hedrick Mary lee h. ilcia ■'. I'. .' j B:..'r. t,.■;d■ . B pynes Ztdnia Slade. Evelyn Wil .Jtjjma -r.. and Male V- re ; Sophoirn _ Boys: ’ Charles t'laoV'ceU. David .Stephens.: gnT ■ • i'.*r ruJi.,r \• • i. Mni-iir He; . 1 l‘> lap rw■". 1 :ilK' F- Me Mr Guire ih- 'i: . i Price .lean Rich mond. Delhi Simpson Mai- Rena To!:,'-!.. AquiUa Walk ms Celestor Bad get f. Mary Bvrd, Eicell Grave.--.. AU'O. f Lipaeoir. br Joan Price. An fit AND lilt,if Ml 100 i (WiII,ARD, N C.) During the early fall iVirnri i Schtool Community last our of ill, 1 ; 1 slauHoh supporters in the -i a •I of llley Hollingsworth. Fiir a number of years he was; . ibe treasurer lit- also worked or' ill', planning (•.•mmjtiec. He »«■ . anxious tor til-' pTA do help aaay ‘ : oui the seiiouj proura.n, Mr. Ho:-, i : iings worth was truly it great per • 1 sonuiity , He was hilcrestod in 1,,-- wvl! , bein-g of lus e mmunify. He e add ■be c-.iinted upi.'ii to aid in any ; . woe by eoinirmlee project. Tlie : PTA has found it hard to replace - hire. ! : On Deeernbci' 20 a r the regular ; , PTA nice uni-, ivi'ixs Maggie Hol lingsworth 3rd grade teacher, is • sf-ciisoring a Chritstmas program ! 1 a net Cla a tmas tree At a previous' 1 rrn"*f*ri-rij> 'Ha PT V r?rr*yv ; the narat's of those with whom they Kid exchange gifts. They arc looking forward to a lovely evening. «'ho Bland School organized a . student Council recently, and it is ; j working quite effectively The siu dent patrol is a main pari of it i The following students serve the . i Council a;: officers: Raymon Honord. . -.f ttyo Safety Committee. Harold West.' Chairman cf the Hoaith Commit tee Lucie' Paige secretary: Ro ber:, Be ait President: Mr.-. Maa Fennell and ivi n-a C !•, FiirmeH,; : sponsors. i THE CAKOLTNT.AN _ nic Rogers. Mary Stephen:-' Doro thy Totten, Annie Wiliiar ■ ••on. j Nannie Bnlehor. F n> , ■ •, Graves,j Katie l ,uv t’urnlv lj'll* . Pinch back. Pa-iiliK. Wo )(L. Fr 1 l nil - boys.: Cleat us Lee, ' Nee' Lester; /•! Is- Cl d’ie Ai i>.i A,>if. Chambers. Bernier (Laves. TViaha'lie LUIBIOVr NOTES «v noKornv fi ovd I i'.c ,li>v nv'r ' ;C!'• O s til S< • . cii ’■ .lilt HigT- Schon both 1 < ■ Si tm ,! I-id VnieuiiiS - '..vfi-c hit, i l.v nnk; l ;i:n:\t ,nd elaborately r '< ai i t> rv i ! cist ;■ c - .rial spon h; M’ a , M i-‘ t, peter son who proved to b** most . cicivi as heist and hostess ’Ur. Pederson is tin.' principal of he Hi eh School here and tcacir i as well as pupils hole! him m high esteem. I he. tf.'iic was given at than . >n.v.\ s place, located about one siic on Uveas | of Fairmont on the • irrecn Road. *" * pee sen! '.vice as foli-v . . Ah', Kva Place. Mrs. 1 . A. Mitchell A'rc Mlld.vd Grier. Mis Ethel ; Cunningham, Mrs. Mattie B. Hag- Ml dikl Mrs. Lucius Pittman, Vfr ai'd Mrs John Moore. Mr ami •Mrs. Harr . I. tp • • Mr and Mi s. Richard Km-ri. .Mr. and Mrs P. p .Sna>\' ' anti Mis. it ibert Aeion Ui-. and Mrs, Joseph Arnetts-. .Mis.-cs Dorothy Floyd. Georgia Bl0(,k s. Mentis .Tonkins. Hazel K«>x "a’ith, i. B. Srtoddy. Curie! ta Thompsan, Briget Pit .. q ''■ess C imp he!!, K’n ’V oten, j K Bre-'S. \j F Alien ; is: jj j. Her, s.igan. Miss Frtvi-i Fan lit aid F'h,.-. Gerald attended ;u C a. a: ; j C. St rite Football game in Greens- CO-ED CLEANERS ONE DAY SERVICE Quality • CLEANING * PRESSING • REPAIRING I, A DIES CLEANING ! I A SPECIALTY _ i CALL 36417 FOR I PICKUP AND DELIV ERY SERVICE 9HO S. Wilmington 3t Larger Dividend Declared We Wish To ANNOUNCE At a regulai Foard »> 1 o motor;. meeting of the First Fodpry 1 Savings and J .oau Association of Raleigh Thursday, December o, FHS ' A larger Dividend of was declared and ord« rod paid ior Hie lasi hall of tl:o year of 1948 to our Savings customers. : . §3l First Federal Savings & Loan Association of Raleigh ms | / “Sponsors of Home Ownership” i Corner Hargett and Salisbury Streets ! i 1 , Remember We Pay 2£ r ) on Savings AH Account? Insured Up to $5,000.00 y I aMWWtniISIAMWI »»»i“ iuin»««n— r.«—.»«««<» ■.■.Mm.fWMIMH' II II —r r !«■■■■«■» ■J«XM-nv,u *“• limn on Saiiu'dii'i. December Bret Mis: Faulk is the daughter of Mr ami Mrs, D. D Faulk and Mi j Geralds r the son f Mr and Mr Hrsca (heralds. M:s, Faulk and Mr Gerald are students at the Rosen -! wnlr! High School Ti oop No. 128 of the Bey Scouts !: : " SS- ffl I \r. !s>■. ••• ••• \ * 1 ■. ■ / ■■■■ f* *• kf\ i 11 k. . s ir,.!.. .. iv .. A HAYES HENRY i. What became of the Real Property deeded to the Colored Industrial As<rna lion, Inc? 2. Did vou have anything to do with the Reorganisation of the Colored Indus trial Association, Inc. 3. What was the final disposition of this Real Property f i. We are anxious to know if it was true that you did take $50,000 from a tVo minent minister in Raleigh—and others ■ It for any reason you find you cannot answer these questions satisfactorily to the Public and tc. those that lost their money in the Colored industrial Association, Inc. ; in our opinion you wii! not be able to get the support of those you are trying to help. I have decided to frankly meet this challenge and tell all that I know about the New Organization. I feel that it would be better in this announcement not to cad. any names. As to the first question, 1 am going to ask in this announcement that those who took over the Colored industrial Association Personal and Real Property to come j forward in this meeting and bring the books and files, which S am sure they did not destroy or in any way misplace. As to the second question 1 can frankly say now that S have never attended but one cf the meetings; this was after it had been reorganized. As to the feurtfi question 1 consider th for more than twenty years to sec what finally had been done about the disposition of*the property, ! have no disposition to create any unfavorable impression about to is matter whatever. 1 am sure those that hold the legal transaction of this matter will certainly avail themselves of the op portunity to come to this meeting to say and prove if the transaction is legal. As tethe fourth question I consider this a very serious matter. I have been aware for seme time that this outstanding minist e *‘ was under the impression that I was managing the affairs of the Colored Industrial Association when he put hs» money in the organization. 1 am making, investigation to find out if any of this money was paid before I resigned as President of this organization. The public a-- well as members of the- the former organization are urged to at- j tend this meeting that they might he aid to see what took place and how the peo ple lost their money. i Signed. HAYES HENRY i m :in,;ovec.t « program in the school ; Gyiruiii.-iuni • n Sunday rigid. Ic- i ' rembev fp!':. Music was supplied by i i 11.. True Believe!-- Quartet of ! uuris-huiT; Aerial) Powell is Hie i Scoutmaster of this group. .Support Your Paper! ! ! In im.-v t! >, stolen, your c;n» will ;!'ii!) into a bleaUug lost rhe'j)i ! through ,i newly palenU:-! dyvks. Not in operation during i tire, the invention is .iitrollcd by Ti pendulum-acttea -witch j which closes the alarm mt mt sod . cause* (lie horn to trumpet ilr=- j ci,rs f-f* • *l,O, w* IJ>T»Y»> •V'tf' '-»S,IM». |-n~|iwnw-lii—IBTVICI r ««yf NOTICE Oh M F F T I M f: ITA I--4 JU4 A 1 I “ VJ JAN. 5, 1.949 122 E HARGETT ST j HOME ECKERS BLDG. 8:00 p. tn. Ail the former Stockholder*, of the Col- f ored Industrial Association, Inc, are ask ed to attend this meeting. The purpose of this meeting is to straighten out some misunderstanding about the Industrial Association and it’s business affairs. I have been challenged by the Colored Ci . tizens of Raleigh, N. C. to answer the following questions: PAGE EIGHT

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