"& GREETINGS -In this, ihe sea stti H* *jft of “Peace on Earth Goodwill Tow- ard Men ’, your newspaper. THE CARO £9 LINIAN, extends to its many readers "gjf Sind friends its best wishes for a holi vv 'S& day devoid, cf the petty annoyances, ills S* and rancors of the times as well as for vx? the strength of mind and body to meet .vT, and solvr the problems of ihe ctming year. mmomft&m'MMimwmMm EXWA DITION REFUSED IN ‘A SSA UL T COLUMBI Ohio A yivir • '1 ! County farmer who claim •- (ii.il he was forced t It’< his valuable North Carolina farm m order to 'ooip'' threatened ,rnob violence, wo granted a( hoist L'mimr ary sanctuary this week when <Jhio State of!lends •'<• fused to permit his extradition. The farmer. lia ('ostein, i • being n -ld at l.orain. Ohio pending the outcome of tlie extradipon I.tattle Find The Newborn Babe And Slay Him (An unfold story of the nativity) By HARRY LEVETTE For ANP Ho there, thou black man. whither did, they go? ' The Roman captain shouted. With clanking swards and shields before Lem. the Cyrenian's hduse. the thundering troop roared to a halt. Lem s group of dark-skinned children sat on j the stoop •‘We've ridden this rugged road: from Bethlehem seeking a man, his wife and baby child hern n !cw nights agf and bailee] as King of Jews. By Herod we will be reviled unless we find and slay Him 4 ' -old Lem smiled and; silently breathed a preyer: 'Please Lord forgive This lie that I must tell" ''Oh sire, turn right and fake that pass through the mountains, and there thou const o'er take them. They passed at first light," The horses and D.ldiers rumbled away, soon out of sight. Headlong they swept entering the narrow gap then an open meadow but then they deemed rot that they had slushed into quicksand until 100 late. Then men and seed, ail screaming, sank to their ’M of death. Old Lem sighed his thanks. C»od, ih>s Thou wrought. ’ And down the road that led to Egypt land Joseph, his <f-.nk<v, led wh’lel Mary rode She clasped in her arms the Const oi ild who was * give Ihe world a blessed hope a reverent > ode el life, and seme «" >.• eternal abode. > Carnegie Grants ! For 9 From NCC - DURHAM • - Jean A ’ M ante: «f North Carolina «.*' - cd here 1■ >’ «• ek th >» ; ■ -nit -w --aid from the Carm sic F< undatibn for the Advancement of Teaching have been approved for nine North Carolina Collette pr C.-w Ail of these teachers have begun r(. e-.mi projects Dr. Joseph S Hime.- f 1 ;e <ic • partment of soeiol"a.v is In ginning s study tailed “Sore F.-. ■• •• • ;n M.ite Selection Amom, Y.-ung Peo ple;" Benjamin F Hudson, pi >- lessor of French, is using his subject "Dttf' mmin.' the !>••••••. t For Disparity u. the LcvCi >. f FIVE-HOUR MANHUNT FOLLOWS HOAX BY 2 TEEN-AGE D. C. GIRLS Washington < ANP> - One the largest manhunt;- in Pinmv Georges county ;n ye ms called off here last week when two 12-year-old white guls aci rnittd to police that their tale of being raped by a colored man search and attendant ingSHRU was a fabrication. The five hour search and attendant investiga tion drew FBI agents. Maryland State troopers, detectives and uniformed policemen of the coun ty and its towns into the case At least 65 policemen man'’ in cruising cars, were engaged directly in the hunt for the‘myth ical criminal, while officers in the Disti iet. neighboring counties and states were aimed n watch for the man. All the time, the two girls vw receiving examinations an-t treat ment for hysteria at the Lelan.i KKK PARADES, BURNS CROSS NEAR SUFFOLK SUFFOLK. Va (ANP) Aroused by the growing de mands for equality by Ne groes here, the Ku Klux Klan stirred up its venom Cnee more last week as close to 1 Ofl hooded persons pa rad near here end burned a 15 foot cross at midnight, Gov. William M. Tuck tele graphed Col, C W, Wocdsctn, superintendent of the Virgin ia state police, to investigate the cross burning to see whether any laws had been broken. ■‘The activities of the Klan idrgani/ation are offensive to the sensibilities of the law abiding citisens of Virgrna bo said. "We ll net.allow any of our people of any race to b« subjected to terivmt or innlirmdaPcn in any form by the Kian os any other torganixaticn whose main strength and fores is based on terror/’ Kim airtmty is believed so MERRY CHRISTMAS .At hieveme/it ■ . • A- -‘ MvD.n . f ..jli',;, , , ■ C. Ib-ndy. of bh.to •.... , .j..,j_. crjupi) ,I<■(u.-jjm • jj.,! ft-. brr , ]*i . 11. .- ' , t t •. . 1 .. / , -t ' :•• • J \ r tin;/ NV .lodes m o,:< kens of i Durham C'-iinty " The study v.-i n it is being begun ■■ by PivU . C. A Join-.- of ?; c ■ "The Infill; ; ■■ f *Slaves B- uglr from lirr Empire ■■( Swig *: hav wiifc Spec. .i Reference to choir - Injection of African idea!, into >J. 11. McLendon. direr! r of mh f (CohUivied oil back lit sect ion < Memo ’ H ’-.mt i!. f'its.-jIJy ibev admitted that no oni had totie'h ed them and that htc-v had rip ped ’heir uv-'n cicfmng : ndt cate maltreatment. According to police, fiie !•.>.. girts had concocted the story to ••coyer up” their absence with out percussion from a northcM t Washington church home tor chil dren. Richard Clift, white, found the . e : rls crying in ■■ muci bank near ; Queens Cha|x.‘l Road in the Col lege Heights F'D'-Pes area Wtwm ■he stop-p(d his car to see what >v. as wrong, th girls sobbed out a talc about being attacked hy Co;need man. They said thus’ : hough.t Clift would take them : hack to the home, but instead, the man rushed them to the hos pital and then not if :<'d the pa. : hce. be stirring in this vicinity be j cause of the prominent civic activity of Negroes in this Among the Negro accom plishments arc the election i area during the past year f Oliver W, Hill fco the Rich mond City council, the elec to the board of supervisors iion of Wiliism A. Lawrence 1 of Nance mond ctcunty, the t naming of a Negro deputy sheriff in Nansomond county and the appointment of Dr. I S H. Penn as a member of ; the school board in Roanoke. It is believed that the Kian ' has also objected to the es forts t! the NAACP in scour ir.g equal sclt.ol facilities for i Virginia children of both races. Police -eporSed the cross j burning on the night of Dec -10. State Trooper J. L. Col ; tins said he found a charred ! cross the next morning near i .Here. . ... _ which is Itcitig waged bet we on \'n,fh f\*iivl«ua a n tl Ohio Sturt' officials. Accused late last summer of an af!.emjvlod < rim in a I assault upon Miss Be i vie LuiL'ht'T, an ehdstecu yeat old while girl of llonderson Comity, <' e-J"it Hod tiic date when Ihe fhrents of mol> vitdofv-e tic,nloju-d. Although no indictment had bow* re! unit'd agitin him. (Vision was picked up- in Loraitt on August 7, but AREA FIGHT IN COURTS REGIONAL PLAN IS SCORED BY NFOfIO LEADERS Adopt of i S c: Rea ion;*: S'- I ',- Plan. aniio’.it ■.'; ■!! ■ a ■•voek toller,vine the nui tine of South *•• n State off icials and educator.:, ■■ i lows •( cilit: 4 ‘*■ • ■ Ih ■ •■V :■>< a, t‘g. N'AAtT m: ,!i fit d Nee: 4 '.; students to apply f ,4 > , admi.fiun to (<4lege and <: . ;k!u dc schools within thou • t,*o ■ Thuistood Marsha la .• u * ■- * I . nuns. 1 for th* NAACP. dc* la • u ; hat the :* a: J v:\e; s■* ec.llcge prosiam pvnpo. hy the I a-oul :• : a Rc'ti*Ti.d ( vans :! i violntion of Supreme t. oi.u-t nym- ; < ite.- handed down ,n Du fPiktc I and Sipuel *;vc . 4 -We maintain, he d* •! m< •■that tiie plan to :• ip e- .oie:; : students from on* state to an other i i !;;adn:itr i■; . m / I violation *! the I S 'ku„cn-’ | ' Pi 4, h 'Try • . j A: ■'arena; ■■ •• «• o; *n . • i fii-d f. lored voufil -g. .iniW f medical i chools in their respe> - 4 tivr states rather than submit to 1 this unlawful pian T •*• NA ACP ift*;nw 4 s a.- f meni was in keeping with the vie,'..-: expressed by the lioard of • I : cc! .■ f 4 • A A ! ■ weeks aeo in the adoot:»n o! a i (’solution ’.v i i sc-sred lb- :• o i - as 4 false c; nomy coni rived ! * j make the t üblic !> Sieve !i: -t • ec.jalitv is attainable within the , I ••separate but equal !.•••■ it;c. 1 anil the futility of plaring of th 'right.-, of'Negroes in the hands -d the .southern the rco*>!u j lion continued ■■■• state cii.u . ‘•Equality is .I'tainabie ~nlv thru : unre.-ncted access to identical fa ‘ cilitiirs. The NAACP took the lead in condemning ice program <>v ng the ‘‘plan cud not meet tlr f requirements of the supreme k court decision that rae’t state of- J ‘ •rT equal educational opportuni t!*;• > regard-less of race.” To NAACP M ! , public in New York last Wcdnes . day. declared tiiat the program 1 involves ‘‘false- economy con i *riv. -J to nwk" D’w no.!-’., ~*■- ■ licve that quaiit’’ is nttaitiahh' • i within the framework of segre gation, and it is a device to <ir cumvent the elver intent, of u prem.e court, decisions Inequaii- j ; dies of cducatcuial opportunt'.’ j tire nicvitahic ip n segregated t system.” v An •rpiios:?.*.' •.-•;•-w win taken In a host of .southern cdueato .•. v-'iio hold */i2t the plan is not what Negroes want or deserve . .but that it is an improvement {over existing conditions. : (Continued on back Ist section) (A. < 01 il i RKVERSES COM It TIO\ OF MAN IN ft! I ill. SHOOTiM; ATI NVi \ AND \ N*‘ cr*< eomirtfd t<v i Inner court to si'. u> ten years for shoot iiiß * wltiti.’. man found himself H free man last week w hen 'he fieorpia Courl of Appeal' lure rcversfrl (lie d‘eision .lea' PinV'ton ‘it <ila.vo'U { »urif> ms vtndicatcvl of ■ liarges ulien thi higher court derided that fre shot Kay St* e»c. a Warren ( ounty farmer in' self rteft-nss. The appelate c'nut said he hail ■ riuh: to shoot ’• irr | defense of himself and his saw ! ilv ' Aixtorrtlns to the court. Rccsr noshed the rountj One to Pinki ton's home seeking re v vrri£e." following an alfcrralion lift wren Reese's two sons and I lie \c|»ro. Reese, was quoted as sayink he "would liave been OHJ" not to liave carried a I tmin, ; ■ . The Carolinian X . .- e ... 5 - >L vr k i&MM .* ' - uhdiMm-i i. m,:....., * ~...? ■ •: ■ —___ 24 Pa ges j NOR 777 CAROUNA ’5 LEA DING WEEKL Y ( copy lOc VOLUME XXVUt RALEIGH. XOKTH CAROLINA WEEK KNIHNC. SA f H KDAV, Dlvf T>. 1018 NO. CITY BEGINS YULE FESTIVITY 558.860 Pm NAME CHOUGH IN N. Y. COURTS plague i Ni. ; !' Church for the : .vt gcvf-'fai yc-r-n :, p:>. .1 up \V;\s .VitiiTU'/i as cic I oni;.<n t in iwo suits fntn I Ing $58,503 in the- h. -,v York courts In the major action the New York law firm •■•; Snitmy md Snitoy. .••.might and obl.imod « tension of •• •. rmt of atforh -.•"•ni. tor $45,000 -wliii h thr* church owes the firm in legal tees In the .of '.,no ■ the fir > Charkr Taylor of Corona. L. J. rougnj (r> collect $9,50”.70 'in $ he charges that the chuiro ov/es him for his service to i k .NV .v V!; rk col \fo ren c< ■ uv. 15 <1 voi id & minisior froin Jutvl jh44 to N■> \ cm' iD r. 1048 Based uuon. its desire to coiled, fees which it •charges are due it Io 1 • se t "Vie<• s rendered huriot; j‘rock tol'lncr B i.-.h•: p i)av id 11, Sims. IIF ADS COM 1< .1 ASSOn* nation of t oUr ccK arv! Second. ary Schools Mr Ncgrors, headed by S. !. Dimnn, hwd ic. I.SIb on mini convention in Wilmington. N. sh, last week. Owblaudilii as U.-f* supervisor of Negro high schools, Vlr, Diimiin brought the association for I.lir first time to a tecondary Institution for an an nual roe ois tiff, (AMP) um. role:.:q.'d by n I udod !'<>njm iv. to tie* t m l!" a rv>'nco of cii a rye:: py;n;>:d lino 4 1 nitnediali• !\ i'oilowititf Id ; roiou ••(; Si" wus .'igailt I'loi'.cf] ifp by a fbi.yahoj.fii (hutniy deputy sherifi mi*l IfiFiMu) over to Deputy Sheri!! Nani Rhode.' ••!’ !I<• nrl 4 snnt ilie, IV ('. who put him aboar<l a hr;;in to- briny him back ' r > No. tii ('arolitiH v. ahouf; ti>« formality <l! ex! adition. - • • vifcl > j jp 30 !! * ij •m jt . *i tl 9 m ’ 1 £ v ...A* rZ&J J- •••&• o .***a*to ■x* «igj i ~. 4 . k 4 .'*sE<; 'f 'V -y.T T ; v iC. ■: '■'S’lf'jP’Sffi iF¥. ; r/fe.^PS f 44 * f' ' " ■ ” ’• - JSpI! -v WISE SN IIOSPITAL Gmiihfield Folowing » liccring before a i try which decided that he was incapa blr- of kJ. wing right from wrong. Paul Wise 2$ year eld white farmer charged will assault on a 6-month old infant, war, sent to the NEGROES GREATEST VICTIMS OF HIRING BIAS, REPORT SHOWS Ti'i,r. \ ■:i■» \< , I'. OS ! Ili'.H'f; ft ijiu rfl«ri ini :n ,a! ion Ifum any other nuiiPckv , o.lT.lift Hu Nf’W -li'.l.i-hi'i j cornm:■ i‘‘v under !' :i r : i;i |r >■)».-*) ot ; I educofion revealed in tl . Hurd ;an ruul i'op.'i'i I'n-* week. Alt bins Kb null)! Jins been tlon< , : since t >.f aidi-dlrCrin'.UiaUna la w.; ;. : pill, It:'-* f • Lf' ' t ! 'if " ! years ago . (ill nr •< achievement:. i !cai> ! mode, ihe report elided. : ! In ii„ offc-ri.s-. So improve inter racial ;a lation:, in Mew Jersey t.hr 1 . commission plans: to study ih<? prac*! j Wees of private hospitals ill ihe :sc-} eoptnnce of pnijcnts and the itiv- j iriM of employes. The committee has also asked i ' the lerisi-tbire to .set to ij m!l ra |very serious net • t cli.-wvirnir.cliort” | j m admittance policies of piivuir i business schools. ]• V, \SEI) ON < < •f-.ot? Act.-. "dine to sin repaid v-iuri j ; covered the pest three years I'm: j i greatest number ot com plan :• ! came on Ihe basis of rare and cot- • j or. Most of these come on the quo.- I 'Won ■■ i ' employment md in tltfi State Hospital ior (hr Insane lasi week. Wise was charged with as r.auJfing the infant daughter cf Mr and Mrs. Willie Hun ter while Mrs. Hunter was in ■ho Wise h-. me near Smith field caring for Wise's aged &r»d ill mother. , ri’iaiuifr-'.'tn! v. 'industry i | Koch eat a large t■ urn I .*ei of j cnrrip'.'iinis have been made l'ip ; 'ay yc.'i.: !;>,'! lire year before ••net , iii ihe first, yeci.r. This inc.r-easc, ihr report pointed out was not bocimr-t • of more discrimination in die; stab: but bec;ui;:'.! "more people • arc becoming acquainted v-'ith the provisions of the law," Or the complaints during the: i v-t three years MO we;e n < ployments, 38 on diseriminatiOO dismissals: rcveii on refusal to work vrlth; 12 on upgrading oi downgrading: 13 on refusal to re fer to jobs; two on discriminatory! advertising; seven on diserimina •' tory working eondifinus. and two! on efiisal of union membership Os there cas-’s, 29V complaints j -vert: based c*n race and coloi; •cu:ht .m cteed, and one on national j origin. < 7 s ysiin ATION Cl:;:slued .recording to employ !<- mg group-. 374 cases were against t manufacturing industries; 23 iHi ! ity and transporation firms, 47 j < 'Cbnt.ima.-ri on buck page) .« t'eston's attorney-, however, secured a w ri t of !'■';e; corpus and had him taken off the train at Cm "oiiUiU. I pon hr* return to Cleveland he was set .free h .fudge < ha -h M-"Nainee of the Court, of Common Pleas, I’• pi: tie fa•.:( that still no indictment had been I ■! >fj against him, he was picked up again a few weeks (Continued on back page) IN YULE MUSIC ALE .Above are shown members of the Senior Choir <f the Davte Street Pretbylrian Church, who will be presented in the Davie Street Presbyterian Church, who will be presented in a Christmas musical® at the church on Thursday night at Rom The choir is under the direc tion of D. H. Keck C E Light tier is its president. The Rev. C. Andie Kearns is pastor f>l the church i2eyr. mim RECEIVES HELP IN PROW AGE Ms it* pKib. Tc si!!- &c.me proof br?r> Lhflt Jerry Edmond'‘•On knows what he's talking about when he says that he will be 124 years old on Christmas clay. Eldon Roark, c 4 iumoisi for the Press - Scimitar, first quoted the aged. Negro about Fus years and -mid he saw no reason to doubt it. Some pc: pie -wrote they didn't believe it. Recently Roark received a Setter that gives evidence from 75. year-old H. T. Grills of West Point. Miss, Grills stales that Edmond son was an old man when he was a smell boy. 'T was born in 1373,” Grills wrote. The NaHonal Commit fee oti Seg regation in the Nation': vopitui i-* distributing a 90 page booklet eh titled, ‘Fegregatlori in Washing ton. ” .'i damning Indk'tncnt of dem crw'y a- no .astray at home. Use shame of America. RALEIGH OROOPS START YULETIDE ,JTH PROGRAMS Heralded by school and church programs and lighted by glowing Christinas trees and windows, th . : Christmas spirit moved this wee! 4 . > from the crowded streets of i ; downtown Raleigh and into the 1 : residential areas of the city. * | Altnou-gh lighted garlands of I | Christmas green continued to ! j festoon the packed streets of the | i shopping district, the week saw ! ; the emphasis shift from th city's t ! stores to its homes, chuiehe. an ! j schools. T!:o round of Christmas f 4-- , grams in the city’s schools b> ; gan Sunda> afternoon, as the iun - :oj- musicians el the elementaly 1 gradey. were presented in then | first concert, an afternoon or > „’am of Christmas music Magen rt the Blood worth Street YMCA j The young itiusicians, whose. ; .ygr averages eleven years and iv,i st r. f whom have had their in i struments for three months or >,. ss drew the enthusiastic »o --: plan so of an audience of teacn ;, , . nt-. irid friend • once they 'Continued on back Ist :-ectic-r,> JA.MTOR PLACED ON PROBATION IN THEFT TROD BANk GRFKNSBORO. N. C 'ANP» - F'.ch'-a of hr- j..x»c! icputatton. a u uK v,niter who itole Sti.5CH) fro;.- t)- ; p hank aud had returned near a ail of it h.’fovo being caught >■.■• iv'-n fine of S&4O and h prob.,- 'icma-v sentence of three years m : tjrc U. -S. Di.Tnct court here Car*, i week. The Janitot Rwnaine . Albea, : W as •)!-•'.' placed under a suspend • cd sen l cnee of a ’.car and a day at the federal reformatory in Fetes -biirr, Va He worked at the High ' Pom! Savings and Trust company of High Po nt Albea origtnslly took the money June 13 and 14 from a cash box a clerk had left out by mistake He | was picked up by the FBI afte* :hc had passed one of th* missing I bills to a doctor in High Point. 4 When caught h; quickly admitted he had taken the money . However, in the meantime Albea ..'had returned all the money to the bank except sß3s he had usset to pay hi Us. He repaid the other mom . Icy by taking out all his savings ejand also getting" a loan of SSOO on home.

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