PAGE FOUR PATRONIZE THESE ADVERTISERS l - ***% MUSIC IN THE CHURCH ! -4 * IA-a*?- , | by | WILLIAM T. GRIMES ; .ViN(.IN Ci rou UilUfKIA’ ij is bcif:g siiid about tho i, r,' % *o/T;uri for udulEs ir» l/uiny . ccs dm .n .• !;'••• t.’m :--tnv e ».- Sea »? „ 11 . .Vw <;ro sponsoring pro&ruiTVi. i > ■ cAurcho;--, schools ru:ct corn using both grown ups and : w : it is lonvcniem «.>• • u h ba n :>uhl about the of ’children's voiced.- Some vvi/uvs h .vo v ritien in , T \:• i.:-r train - nt; foe duldivn •shei - vUo not ;i» iavorable \ . Ma> 1 say that I agree he writers who air in favor Anih,i the ohildron in the ci-orrem of the church, h v ;v.; *ns c:• rly wit u klioie; yar lie , Aro ’.'.here \vc have a little * devote to mtiric es .*h for • t-;ty A : the: uOiiod of v . . »■ • i ••>( v v"hi \ { i i,|v* lime rhythm. • the;, ic sure to help teem y hove r». the eU - V; uod de VV: 1 Op) Vl cut h. I ;: k. • ;: r • see her i; se of the d of the child's life, hoy o earlv periods of O'.- ;; y, f' -- ‘0: • u•: o. v to tr. : fc■- 1 w *o his V r(f 0(] =; Pj'o ( r \f) oon !;•- i■, [ { lecoi pjht)- £?. .H-<1 srTwions shonid be g:v --0;: • : ’ : practu-e and when r .■■■ ci'-'-.:i:lmfn!s of !he church. S ■-..- Sunday School, as ' ■ •■ Urol Ur... r m-an'aOra, in : 0 r. .s'.■ : ■ t Jra-pirCd asri inter ■ : •c 1 a ;k. Tiie child is rt :k;\ times to play - if be I.- taught and is K’t iv t! :nk more seriously r. for the dc-velop ' iA.c.j the church as a whole, over their talent may allow lo tty they should be p-W c i.idod. _ While we as adults virif.' fji.e musical programs «' ff this Christmas season lei s -courage the. youny ones ‘o part in title songs of Christ i TTER YOUR HOME ... \ BETTER YOUR LIVING .. : 8 WITH FINE FURNITURE I REASONABLY PRICED FROM THE Rocky Mount Furniture Co. | Main and Hill Phone 11 ff I wirririrwiirini imi m nr" i ni • m mm imiiiiw 11 - 'ssn—inni'L.. Madam Thomas I Palmist and Psychic Reader 1 i- PAST ’as I t •mm YOU ALONE KNOW IT, YOUR PRE- | •V JSI SENT AS IT IS, AND YOl , FUTURE | , M a© isijlt AS IT WILL BE 1 If you ar- n need of R 4 '-v*' y advice on Love. Marriage Courtship, Ji&'jF/Jfimm Linv . Suits, or Sickness—tl;.- , don't d> -so • ■ ia>' in coming lo see this t: ilv Gifted 8 ivrtM VW/ Sdffii Medium If you are havi: trouble at | | homo, a failure iu busines:- or if you g ~i * plain vn-hearL r), YOU CAN be helped’. If you are gj Ay, held book by great invisible forces around you—l R £ aloe to • olp you. I guarantee results, not unfulfilled 8 .. Av, ; to the wise is sufficient. Call and be convin- S | easing Daily and Sundays—9 A. M, to JOP. M. I j *| Reading* for White and Colored ii LUCKY DAYS AND NUMBERS ' Located in Studio Trailer Highway 301. One block 1 | pass City Limits S. Church Street. Bus passes the f door. Look for hand sign. Rocky Mount, N. C. £ SECOND SECTION 1 f.--. too. Tcadi them the Clun.-irna.' >: Carols, l;ywand othet soucs dr . too OitiC'. lrpcly in-'> .! tlte M.-irit of Christmas and rcm'.un i ! interested tit the service et the . wiiy-ch Make I'cc/n feci that Iht.v l!nr« a part of the Sunday School dand general church program Keep jtneir ndnds Idled '.vilh activities . • ,>- -.>, V. be love for tiieir ,: rcl'. ;; vv, - i'k, arid above all. lead i' them in Christian c-tideavovs that i ' help In i'wM charattfor. e.-- -•ilivate a good pi.y-teal bed; as vrc'l grout metu.d deveiopment. The music program of the church yean help in many instances : ' - [ bring about these needed adjust • ;mend. 6‘Year Old »o\ In liighv.a\ Era-h •! ROCKY MOUKT. Dcr. 17 ■ Littie Go. \v:if.trt Davis. .i» ■ I Iyc vy * old Lkiv ...i noi.r ivOvky Moms t, i j;iio cl- 1:;te yc- terd;;y ni ir.jurie su - . : . dued n a ifiylrtvny accident. -1 Coroner M. F. Ouilev of nUJivIUc .*; that J: in cs Aik \. Sk *nn c r, E4-yoa r * ! : d ; white t textile worker of Hack.'. • ; "loi.nt had bctei Vs . dved of binme :• *in connection wi Fn the Parody. I Highway Patrolman L. H. Baker fyvvid his investigath ♦, showed tiiat .::y child had gotten ovt of a car u ! /»n W'~*' r r.rr p crh‘ , 'fll •</! y f>p \ TSIC V 'f \r»> U• ■ Hlu.'ililo O I -. S-s-h.AL^ I I John Ivoi v. cy du dis y we< '; l.orri in. Ecigecnrni.s County uri He was the father of Mr.-:. Alice i j Funeral services were held r-;t . St. James Baptist Church - n Src wsrday. December 18 The Rev. V,. .: L. Mason delivered the sermon. The s 1 body was prepared by the So:: e? 11 Ftrherai Home, W. H. Hunter, mt v i | cr; w. Howard v .yac , : I ; nIcUX: il’itOl'llil'.'i l- U.’Ok y,i:K:V | the Unity Cemetery. f j t j It can be done: New York Ci.y ■ firemen broadcast an appeal ;e 1 ■ residents to be extra careful after 'he- j.;-,'dyzing i>lizzard cf Decerr s her 26 last year because city streets • were so clogged fire engines cc-uld n't get through. The coal > f the - week showed the number of fir-: - - ; had dropped i - half that for the •.: same week, preceding year. After . ;Ju* emergency was over, people relaxed, fire losses went up Farmers' cash receipts from '■ market;in:s during 1948 will tv:. 1 ) j slightly larger than last year, ac -; cording to present estimates. ifpil Tjf W* *W J JSTIL Jsu JL A Mm w f% 1 1 i 4 1 sggt M&Sm, ■ ■ ■■ . -o ■ ‘7aS i iW!% . s * i * : % - -Nty : .7 - 'imT' A' ' Mi'’ ->: -■ % ‘V. yv . ■- V / .y,, ; 8 , ' ; / < ". - m.'-;i <7. .d-' - . VxD v ; , ! > . . .. ...... 1 rW'W mW.' :. y,;.. -y* _ . y W’-- - | ,' ’ V— i j * y w> ’ ** f r \;,i>s SOJIOKI J. Y Hr. 17Bn?I .7 h’p • K, muh.Undjr.g ing .'l’.iC.ct m author ;:nd u vtwrer wiii hr .«••• < ; . .i!;.».• r >t the X.itionai i’i.i Delta Kappa So i.»;-itv s . 7th aw an ersitry con rUV<* on lii'tvffibit .1 in Newark, \ f. -- u- proHo-iO! i>i C' I • . f'-rlc 1 U'VCs'- -.»■Dr. v ty. si * i -,-. nmvK'd i tv-si.- 1 > ■ u> D:.- .inii,: education;:! ! i-mi. .. the Na - lioiial to.iu( ..liij;. v i trn.—?"•• •. :i ■f.'S'iamm i>! 'cßni-l ;u!ini:its> , bailors. AVI I. S. Mi <l \i\kl DEilOaUt \ \M)RK SPEAKER \\ UEVS Atlanta Ga. Althot:c})i ihe idea of c- mmunisjr. is spreading rapidly throughout Europe ii can be defeated by a belter idea for a less profitable- democracy then ve ha-'e lcday. Kurf D, Singer, Austrian Czech aulho’ di lor. and authority on foreign cHairs, told a Speiman Col iege audience last week. The comm..lism ide j , iie* said, is thriving in European countries burs use there millions who fci-Geve tr-?ie m mere recurily in a non-capi lals-tic ey£t?;n. The billmns American is uoitig to spc-n:.i to bring about a abroad won’i wc.k until we make it work right here ■ he tne, he stated, IjJtAOMY W I ...TODAY . DlSTIM.jnsiIKl) Rorc GRADU ATES: !j;a>. Army commis sions as seem d lic.iit r,finis Isave bec-n given >.«K dis::it:yuis.he<! mili tary srradwaies . ••-. ,i fm-o; aioong .i'; l '. ROTC • ndenhs of 86 !>f the j-.rttionV: colleges and universities v. ho v.-vre graduated la-.i Jane as *1; • ; i*iKul«ht*d miluru y eraduates. T' -'=(■■ former ROTC students an: "iiglble for .selection for appoint ment in tie lle'.-ui.'ir Army upon application, provided they are phy sically fiusiificd. Those remaining dislinginrhed mildary graduates, among the 460. who ha v not yet applk'd fi.w or accepted the tender of a Regular Service commission may do so at. an;-,' time not later j than fits months after graduation. *♦ ♦ ♦ U. S. SCIENTISTS VISIT JAPAN: A reientific mission, to Ja i pan, composed of live distinguished American sei'eniists y. elec led by the National Academy of Sc unices, is scheduled to arrive in Tokyo late CD month. It is 'r.eaded by Dr. IN.-fkiv W. Rronk, president-elect of Johns Ho;>l. iris University. The mission is expected to, review progress made by Japanese scien tists cm development of democratic national oranizaticAis for scientific activity. * * * OHIO'S AIR GUARD COM PLETE: Ohio as completed or ganization of its Air National Guard. Major Genera) Kenneth F. Cramer, Chief, National Guard Bu reau, has announced. “The Air National Guard now is completely organised ir, 37 States, Hawaii, Puerto Rico arid the Dis u iet of Columbia,” General Cramer said, "With some 2,100 planes, and 30,000 officers and airmen training rc.rirhuly in 441 Federally recog nized unite, the Air National Guard today constitutes a major segment of our aetia! defense,” * ■ * * ■■ r ■ i THE CAROLINIAN ! f (ii H INI) roi )Ni l\( , rtIAMI'S I . • t>-.» \V. I’vlcrs, );.iti;)nul type anting champion, ■with .iuvci it. • m hi-. vcuttii'ul typing m.i-'.i l -i <,ai . Ind ami : : iiu.ii .to: i' in '>i < lif. ago. : • >.•■ '(■ at li could t\ nc J.,0 Wl.-i ds ;. inimifc. vji peters says she ! . iiior-- nuDir.i! .liuiit-. (lean any - one lii h.. inn Pis long i .11 n i r , pip. 1 O til j,(till,;,i - IVinaid, aim )■; iO. si.utetl tip 1 uv.Y l;i t Ju!, .Did in fuiit (limitJr hr-': i linrdied r e* 16 word- .i min j ( ntc. -AMR S lIOLAS ! iC I R A I i.NDI 1 i s iWhl.Vh Tl HEMS AT SHAM .* * - - . • Show Uni-1 :.-;tv v,-Gi <:■ -n- .•’•-ntiy h;gh j .Vt ; \v».*re cited for out ;iunciin> ;v' } i-. iorship recentiv >.y j A inha Kupp,, Mu National Honor j' S- ■■ : tTv. :i.>. including Gju:. and foui xvrno. e. ■'•''•■its in.iavtvd >)Vf: thr- (O ■i ■ ■■ ■ ;:■ • ii■; . nto tin ; Sr,,- t ,v chapt •: !E vJ. 17’. of t::r- School j vl Rt:!j ;■ ton !’:■ xident. T>. y '• u• jt with :\!; Kobcrt.s and c-:.-'vf A,d : -d-i :vn-mb! ,s f> bring • »h«- :niter onroJltncnt to 2i, '. i•... ,; :.t f. !d.-.:ory :.! tin i'D'tiintiun Mcm.iers con* I t:!.v:fV::•. Ii o’U i,.:!. vour ai v. Mis?. ; Yvorii..,. Pruntv, S; c.r, .- v, A: ii Burnette. He Inn Harrison. Gladv: PUivce. and Inez C gdell.. n.i R.-v. .John Manipv. J,..;in U.ioDun. ;:th! Gatn: :o Turner. Nmv liiiTiiberv .rui-uio the- f<»l -. :o run:, r:-: Misses Ancie B; . . TMoni tA In. Libe: in: U r, B' .k-v. Roi:.; D jnvilk : M.ibo - JlevruJ.ts, C Held: and Ledonia • Smith Rockinaham. The juniors. . ro, tJnKt Junes, o;ik City; ■ Ramona Hammond. Philadelphia, ! orkk/x. jV arid ' ChurKs Lyons. ; Bet.icl. Garland Wiggins, Nash-: v.'Bt St. F.hno Pugh. Norfolk, 1 Vo.' Jonathan Brown. Brooklyn, i V or, : !,<•• - ■ Hall, Steel ton. i>. . Why c ¥hkshbo\A By RiU £’ U I -u> ♦ » ' f—. '■ “f ’otumanissn was born in poverty, raised in need, fed on lines and ;i>: i.ed ill ..ecrcci- \t 5 WONDER IT'S BIK H A MESS::” -- ivmv-m-n —ir-i-mirm-mm -nMatwHnrmrTMmnriTin* nmmmwwiiiwiiiniiKiiiWrmwii Minium in m in.»i» i n .■min wmni-M-"** LINCOLN PARK “ROCKY MOUNT’S FINEST NEGRO DEVELOPMENT” | j —Where you’ll find smartly designed, well-constructed ... in a beautiful setting. Whore you'll find successful, friendly neighbors who’ve found what you’ve been seeking. —Where your children will have excellent playmates— a wonderful Home. —Where you’ll be wise to live to provide security and happiness for your family. FRA and GI Loans Available!! Wimberley & Gregory SELLING AGENTS ~™ 123 Sunset Avenue Telephone 41-42 | 23 HI STUDENTS MAKE WHO'S WHO IN !J,S, COLLEGES WASHINGTON. 1). C - j ty-lhrce •; ulc ;ix at Howard Ui*'- vrrrily will be listed in the 1948- ’ }!> edition of ‘ \Vh •' Who An Student;? in American University and Colleges" ;i ", a-, revealed : - duv by How:.: tl University of- • fici.als ; ‘From the standpoint of both ..-(!.-'iarsiiip and extr :-currici:iar activities. Ihe voting men end; ’ ' II -t- ■ Ge.l :.; I-..-: bee. ~ t the most outstanding students a;, the University. - a Uoiver: •;> offi-’ cial st;PC(.I. Ti e ‘Who's Who” beck v.n.Gi ci'ntains bt-vraphie.. -f onl.-.tand-; ing students in universities ami 1 college., throughout the country t.-t ’ sent to import bnssef eien nd or.’aiii/.uions w an aid in tin ! bietm “it of ioilf ■ r: .id :ate- • industry. Tl;r- ■•■tuuents h.-i- red are: Williarn if. Bethel < ■, New Ymk. .V. Y . t i need H. Sh.eeJc of Hen fax N C : Ardafay D.e, , . Ranch.:. Fa.. IvlorgumU-. A Dodson • 1 Pitts-! • j. Fa. Gloria M. I.dmuiat' \V . gb;:. D Thomas I>. Greer, e-t l'oug.hl eejisic N Y. 1 Erne:,:ine M Hal:■•-ton. of Akr«i> Ohi't; /U-.hard U H:i! ct .1.-uiiaic. fl W ) Wiilt . 11; j i liop j .<:• y ! ( hieaeo. 111 E-kel K. Ifutt on. Omaha Neb Z-:»chari:d, Jeiminga \ • : N- .'l'-'li y'a hlfirnit K. Kvite ■ f YV :e bin etc::, D. r Glady- M Keys or ivtroii. Mieii , If.-nt v ■ Kindlon: of Lithuanta; Wllbam ■ Mam- -, cf Vat St. i• .G. 11l Me: Ihu ! . Pit t i f Si A lav --.v -. Gr» r- i "I I If. \v J . Ward, ii .1 Roye :. New York. N Y.; Andrea M. 3j i;:'k> of Ha:: f -d Conn.; Jean mo 1 S---.- f W -a:.D. C , Viola S. SpoGwo d of' VAvdliu;;: D C ; Norma K. Whitby, of Detroit, | Mich.; Naida Wifti.m-.s <.-t Wash ! !)■- :on. D C . and Cecil T. VYir.t .of |J . lie ;. li. W. i l-.cb yiur Ifeward University C ■ i >ot'• d a q;: a • 'iit.-t.uam. ■ : . ! v iji'i may u-i- lit!u; 11 i i i.: ”W :a V. an. S 1 au' ill ire tiu-n nonnu ited by hue vsihh,- . : ■-' i..t i.. . .; ; . 1 ■. : (- iir.ills ce ja. SOiJ. • P .:. ;(i c. 1 11: =ns a: the basis of their eentri!••.!- o to i.iio iii:'vc;o- tv .., v. ' !e iß< tb schnia-:j, A •••vtra-currtciiiai ■*• ’.u.a'ie- -; ; v t:> c< ; i a The final selects.-:, . ! n < .... i nicjv made by a joint taculty • tud;’!it cmumiUee. The foilowing ■hudeins. warn vvre oioyinally noio;- '- b...Uui f"r -Win s Who - ’ but were .nr-luded In the final svlecui.n, r ; -re j-,.. ardet! nunorable nientior.: :ice D Bean, of Gary, 1n.!.; Rob-i . t E. B, <.v;ii, ct New York. A Y.; ionelle Burr, of Washington. D. C . Thomas K. Clifford, oi Wasi;- ; higton. D C: Henry Edmunds, of Raleigh. N C; R.,i.crta Fit?.:'e:\du of Montclair N. J.: Tncmas J flapg. of Memphn Tee.:.- Clar •nee i. Howard, of Washington, Ij. .(' Louis S. Fa;gt. of Bro-; l;lyi., N. \ .; John W. Russel!, Jr., oi Wash* ; iMf’.to:.'. D. C: Frank A. Sc .at, of !'v“vkb:. N. V,; Nathomel A • Tyh.-;- cf Gaffney, S. C Blae.Gi ■ Vccel:-. *-•: Wcslbcyton, D C and •\ -eWii-.on <-t i;. i.x. N. The ro? posted ,;o;d for tfi-jy milk pt duction r n farms is 320 billion i ■ .. cds, an inert;.m‘ of about 3 per ; cent over 1948 estimated produc j tic ti Achievement of the g .-al will ' rcqui!'(- a fuither production :n --j crease -ver tee record of more than 1 5 000 pound.- per cow , expected :•> i be reached in 1948 despite the short supply of e.'i'n w hie!: was avail able from thi UH7 crop Lib-.-ra.l feed : applies for the first part of !943 are already assured by the jlarge 1948 crop. A nev; folder on freezing chick lens for home use has been publish ! eel by the U S Department of Ag {ricuhure. SECOND SECTION Rocky Mount Personals CDIO'vC': 'Us Dr.r.n e M 'Ctain, Mrs H* 1 : Hi,yw . mi :.(.•■?, Alesha , a i to thirl,.un Monday ’ > ■if mr Air:- •. Beaut , .'i :pncc. The t: p was vpj v inter \ ! .. . i I Toe Rocky Maun! Merchants As- ( j sseiatjon is sponsoring a Ckn.-tmus i , Cr.rol Sim-mg Festival in vafi"i;s : | : V'.-;nr ~f'the ;:’i* , i Christ mas .season for both white; ( ; and colored. The colored festival 1 , took place on Doubly:: Block Wed- , 1 .'osday night, December 15 a! 7:30. i during which arnc choirs from the i , f .'tiowing Negro churches j.nsrtici- : ir dPd: The Senior. Junior, and J I Gospel Choirs of Little Hope Bap- jl lii-i Church, The Rev. r y. Fos‘.o-\ f ; pastor; Mount Pisgnh Presbyteuaii ; Church. Senior Choir ami Junior • Civ ir. The Rev. J. W. B, melt, pa- 1 ; toi The AMF. Church of l.ittle 1 , Raieiph, Senior Ckeir, The Rev ' Mr. Subber pastel. Tin; St. John, Mcthodin Choir, The Rev F. I i ’■■uwie pastor. Mount Zion Bapt . j Church, Seni-T ami Jim r Choir.-. : i iui Rev. R V\. Unde: wood jiastui: ..nd Sv James. Baptist Church, Scu r - Junior and G .-.pci Choirs. The ' : Rev. W. L. Mason, paato;. Nervii'u I'rive white, ouir.lnnding ■ • : musician and orgaiiif.t, lcpresenU'd ! ■ : 'no Merchants’ Association and m- ••’ I vited William T. Grime.- to con duct the . iiipi-i and How ; ;:i!'d Manley to acemupa:; v ire' 1 Jjian ' IVUiuy hstCno •: both v/lsiU ■ . and colored, were pis- mi, Tin- S' Augustine’;: College < ; :al Club of Raleigh under im i.R-, ■ r Oct lon of T. Curtis Mayo, presented j 1 vei y high via-- eonornd. F Chi.kJ n-„!; music in the Booker T. Wash-; inn-ton Hie'; ai.riltot him i Sunday. December 111 During* intermivnu-i:, D . Harold: :L. Trigg, president of die College.; :i. i ddresse dt he uudi cn c 6 ua:\ io <5 hi s : : subject “A Christmas Thought The program was sponsored by I i the Holy Hope Episcopal Church. This program was in every re- ; - spect one of dignity, class and eul-j lure. The chc<ir presented a beaut!-! ■fa! rendition of work-; ft -am Han-1 ; tier's Messiah, the- greatest Oratorio ! ;' Vi.-; written. Be autiful reive!: on? | Dyv other great i enipuaera -.m, also! : rD'fA-' H 7 At B*oo o'clock Sunday the Sen- I . uttUEcr sin) Gospel C'iu irs .j ; St. James combined and present -; vd the Christinas Canta*a. “The' King Cometh" hy R. yj stulta Special a- ,: s were ai: * hy hRv Dorothy Hunter v• • ■'Vive July. Mro. J... y. Brown oh . -K. R. Battle, Manley Horne Joseph Bullock and Rn-hard Hmmv a . i ue«utiful trio w.sung by .Misses iiarmie G. Battle Jo an Mji-*--,;; ■'••d Mrs Dorothy ' Hunter. ! Composing the male quartet were■ i k.-'RHenry Battle, J.i.-c,. Bul : o ; fK, Rir.'go d Herne and Bonju- ■ 1 Try ENTERPRISE First | | Everything To Furnish Your Home Complete CASH OR TERMS ENTERPRISE FURNITURE CO. 15S S. WASHINGTON STREET ROCKY MOUNT ATTENTION I CITIZENS AND BUSINESSMEN THIS PAGE WILL PROVE TO BE AN INVALUABLE ASSET ■ TO YOUR COMMUNITY AND ; BUSINESS THIS IS YOUR PAPER THIS IS YOUR SPECIAL PAGE STIMULATE ADVERTISING PATRONIZE YOUR ADVERTISERS REMEMBER EVERY TOWN NEEDS A | NEWSPAPER WEEK ENDING, SATURDAY. DEE. ?,H, 10 run Bait if . j ! Ti e accompanipfi; v" >e Mt o . !'. Davis .it pitt-'io. W. | Uua a Manley a; Oreo wilu.i Wiiliar/t T. Grimes conduct in.a jChrisfiruts service., at the, tno-’v ; Baptist Church will in ciude ■ i-v-or-se pry vor ni’ ( ting, a ■ !: : wi;; j i :>if senior and juni<r 1 c! oir- ' : oviding the niu- ic. and a Chrisms':-, tree and proersm which! will be on --sited by the Sundav: School Sunday night. The renter nr junior choir and i me paulur are heard over Radio! Etali<n 1 YvC’FG )ll -.1 U-niiiiltb: | Lroadcr..a of songs ana .sermou cacti j fir-i Sur.dtiv n.ortiiitv 111 the m-'-ntit ; .’li-. Ds-w-v Al Joyner and Mr- j Ada Willi,'inw have returne<l t ; -. : Fitiladclpiiiti. Pa, where they at-.! tended the weddinu c.f Miss j! Whitehead of vsir city Lout- has been recent!* ! called in jury service in the current | version of the Nash County Super-1 h r Court. He ir active in civic and j religious at* brs and a member and J superintendent of the Church I School ' i {..e Kbene/er Baptist! Ctu; ci!, pi ■ ddortt us tlie Atlantic i Credit Union and o'fl'icial ot it:-;* j R'-C-'.y iVlouni Division of Kie Boy Scouts - f America, FASHION OF-WfIK | STATUESQUE Dolly Use, Ebony j Ciiib showairl, pcses in a sheath- Eke taffeta cocktail dress with a plunging neckline. Completely I feminine, the dress features a burst of fuf.'ness just below the knee and a dash of giitter In the slim t. Sold in homes only by representative* cf Fasnico j Frocks, Cmotiinat!. Rocky Mount * To Keep This Page Pa tronize These Advertisers i * ■ Use of radioactive isotope tracers ns a new research loot is enabling plant scientists to lean’, new fact about, the process? 1 by which plahts grow. Harreii’s Sales Agency CONFECTIONERS WHOI I S VI i: and retail AGENTS WANTED: AFRO & , TELEGRAM NEWSPAPERS 21.1 Atlantic Ave, Phone 751! i COAL Ft I f OIL I DM GillRll)(»K 1 ML COMP AM Gay and Grace Sts. Phone 366 Social Melver KING OF THE BOOT BLACKS 128 E. THOMAS ST. CITIZEN'S GROCERY COMPANY, Inc, FRESH VEGETABLES MEATS - DRINKS Complete Line ot Groceries 8H Gay St. Rocky Mount COLON jXj. BUS LINES 1 4 DAILY SCHEDULES To 1 L-ouisburg, Wake Forest and Durham Phone 1802 ■ “ra&wcecS * : INVITEs YOU ro RADIO AT ITS BEST If F V R •THE CHOIR AND TIER ORGAN"’ WEDNESDAY NIGHT 9-5 0 HOI SK MmlNfT i l!f mM SS i LICENSED AND BONDED 615 Virginas - Phone H582-R i (diaries Ivinnm, O.vm-i, operator , ~ i -■ irimi —-rTri-i-.-unvi yirnir- -rr—-v imxin I RY i Old (!olonv Beverages OHANGE CKESII | BOTTLING CO. j 201-213 S WASHINGTON St j Ihe 11 .\ A( () Center 100 N Church 4 Sunset Ave, "VOIR IRIFNDI.Y STATION OILS GAS LUBRICATION j ALL WORK GUARANTEED I Dial 0156 —-J. M, Johnson, Mgr. jj H. H. WEEK'S j SEED STORE I tl9 Tarlioro Si. Rocky Mount | mos t compi err. stock o» SEED AND GARDEN NEEDS IN TOWN I i ==============:-." -i== | “When Better Automobiles Are Built BUICK will Build Them” The Best of Service On All Makes of Cars and Trucks ROSE Bl Ids. ( 0. j ——^ IT PAYS TO LOOK WELL Treat Yourself To Gur Service City Barber Shop 200 E. THOMAS ST. William Grimes, Prop. 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