PAGE TWO BIRTHS : tli i'cvtlficoieri for bi.bif'St bo> U . id-..H-ic.’i couples were re«- ■ V 'J !-)r ofices of (he Wak* ■ Ut'p.utrnent during; 'M i;: v T.'.’YRi.l’ .ti jf J ■WfS, Mill',’ fj \ 1,.., nddresx listed, i' ;;r•. BoNni Lean. N 'VemliC, . . S; A«',)!•. • Hospital. 'ii: : !.; Shir.'e'- Sr.. Mrs. ;« Sar i,-,-, SLwL-y. ? John.tru i :i; i'll, o!'- I vi.-:. N 1 ■■ J!> S' A.H spttnl »v, .t W,| t.- Ol' .Ulri M- > Th< i ; j i.-i.-v w.'d»-c-n Srmtltf■ - .. ■ Siml; November ■ -( A H-.i.-l'it'il, .i,.-,.. t . p-i ; 1.-l Mrs v. .! i-. i upelnsul. J'.'Ol' S ;;i ’an Street. a SA, ‘.' h- V.)'. ! !( . j. N ovciobcr 26 in S>. . t nier* A i»*.“< - r.i js>enb»i «. .«na : \ i,. ; \\l ;,' w' 11 M'■•>> U bIU , >■ -. ill. V< ! !:!.(■ A .l- I- : :■■■! -8 ir. St A;- ... T’H ( > :i)vl Mi-r .-. . Trier- 1009 1-.' Kas*. Lane i'ii Marian No - S‘. A)M>*.’s 11 -:-p:tai . and .vir- Her. • I' : a well SO! Idle-.viid r- ■ . . L'ii l r.'.v,-Urielvr, Ifn-e. "• it, S' .Arne- H- Ivan Grf’dam Old M- B ! I Gonrlv r. IRlli-ifi - a: ; daughter. Fi nni'CN - --' • • r.ev in y-t. .vj-ts •- , . .. !■: |I Mrs NiM’ri ■ BM-.v,. /.ebulnn. Route 1. a-1 V\ ei-ini* Bake - N'l-vemb*:-: 30 • S 1 A: ;•< Hospital V : • ttfi.'.v -uni Mr. Mary 1 Jen, v. N« use. Ib.-uU- 2. i .... Lydia. !)-c.mbfr 3, in A' i r,: Hospital. Brur.s.-n and Mr, ■ -re 1. ranee Brim uu Hi Uov lams Ft.o.i-Uhtnu. .» /hr;, i i.i.-ii December -t it; Si. i !{•'..|a: hold '! --■• -11..-1 A’ - r - r.m A! ■ re. VS! i-W.idi.i ea -ai. M-lvir, Leroy. Dm -a Si A-.•lies Hospria; - ; •• ■ eel M>" Annie 1- . - 1 -a j Irik-wild Am i,ne a. D- -V A. or . 1 ltd l-.ll(j Ml ' 3ri< spitii) . ;> a;. Mrs lA -:rr ' j;al Notices In> sin KIOR C on? t ■ \M F, COU N'TV strut i r- r :.r-d B - bar ■ l- <!:-.;l aers; Rl.lih C* i.ich Ailvi • • . !('-■. I "I Ala I'lFt-S p p , r f.-:i (j .. v,hi;-.- Mo:or.d wife, . i a. Salic IVitjf (■ r an.i 'vii<\ A let ha •; .. • i): ML B PeHiford and a 1- a C P. o.fe-i i Allen F •SI - N : fl-n ;■ l,ta Gale i. la-i - Rr ; t CL.-C- -\nn:e Lro ivpilV’Td; la .vino Del-nan). ••••- Hi-M'fo.d. William J'-.-Uif-rd d a ; dm hf-ws o' R - -.- , L M. ‘‘S' ttA ’ f 00<. 1 > • p | \j) A NTS The responder Is shove p juried ! - i e no;ice L- ■; a proceeding e- :litif-d -a- i n'cn e )iro ’ ■ ■’:■■ ■ v.-ior C sort of I•- Co-.- '.. No.-ih Can Mina f.v a . o! quieting title to real le. - -- i e plaintiffs and the - s. Vlunvi Tiisner. S.d.iae 'La ■ i , :if.- Pettit *rd and 'A. Ah)!. ; i Pe'difor j Allen B <- 8.. ■ If ill -- . l.UViikl > --ea X • . L.-c Giiics tirui hup ‘ --ad t* - (.aka and any other i'< ’■ :-i: i d'-'i-M in the said 1 i! L.ho n -’ice that they ■ : or byf-ti-r 1 i'v la -; : d'.w y 1949 to appear m e 1 the Clerk o : ' the Sl -of Wake County m - " X >-t < ' 1 • -.1 and an .. O' ■::•,] th< .-.apt COiD - ■ • s /-iMi-f-fcimg wj’.i 1.-c 1 e -led hr bar of the right of the > : ''fond its a: :-,y of tlwin or any r L ( )1,,, 1 may Save any ' 'SC r,--: ■ . 'a.,- raid proceeding ->t - '■ -1 ei-rty :ac i ein described rs VL! . 0 f Olaeiitn nr they will 1 • ■ ■ f ■ " ; r! forsvpr b;«>--.c.'L 1 ! l.nnHff: alle -'ed that they ■ < . I. i! in t,i ra <! propc. t> and frc-i- from the ilainis ' ■ -to o’hcv poreon or i-t r,"a and re o.pceiaily the defendant,, in r.rocfodinti TLI ‘dr- :;?nd d,i\ -u Dee, 194;.; P II WILSON Cif k Superior Court i xn I'TRIX NOTICE Havi-i.- qui-Ld-od as Executrix of t-E.-rlide ,- f Jesse V> Wright, lute fCia i;'h, North Carolina, this ir !, i r- : Ify sill pei sons having claim? a."--;:--: Hu- ysiati- of said dweased exhibu then) to lho undersigned Oa -a- 'Ol too D- ember 27, 1949, «>: *»sK in.'-ive v.-iil be pleaded in bai 1 1 • *'ir recovery. All person in* •■•'••I-' I to said ostap will please • k-. so aa-diale payn-tnt to me Th;- - ,Ah day of Nov. 1948 HRS L.RNESTiNF, H WRIGHT, ?B2 H'ecisa-e Avenue, Exc-cutrix of the e. late oi .Jos.»e W W ? right. La V. 27-Dcr. 4. 11. 18, 25. KXECCTRIX NOTICE Havmi; qualified as Executrix of the Estate of John Folth. late of Wake County, this is: to notify all person., having claims against the estate of suid deceased to exhibit thee to !;;e undersigned on 01 E-: so - fie ernLx.'i- 13, 1949, :»i this poti-r-y v.dl be pleaded in bar. of theif ra.-.;very. All persons indebt ed to said estate will please make im me ,j, ie pay me ot i - me. This the 13th day of Dec.. 1548. MRS. MATTIE FELTR. 990 N. Wefft Street. Ex ecu (fix of the estate of John Felt) Pec 18, 25-J&H, 1, fi, 15, 22, 1049, tine Moore Upchurch. 740 Smitb * i .obi Street. <Eiu-.*hti-t ftwen : dolyn. December fl iu L 1 1 i >spi!al. Pv pvc iltiin-'-ii arvi' LI ■ Gl; - OK, I )l|l,vac. t'llli E.l V S'-i.- Street, a "P. Eoreiv/.u. De. i ioof, . in N! ,-V-,ues Hr. niiol. Garn'tt Grr.n Will.-: 1 --: ,-ivj ■ llat.e Wan -a- Will' „Jii •- I Cl-,.!,., p.- . iiovembt r 3, James ilVnr-> c ! ~ , K i yt - ) i-ie Mar'-il ( ■ L ! --.v HIP I: ■ llf, [ , (bur ' ll(.i. 1 .itlfi ■ !'■ • be. i i'mbi-i 12 .1,1 : i,vl M, i,.’ilte i’i live 1 w - Route i-L M.u- Apr. NL-vcmbei 3. Wi.-l:-. Marlin Pel 1 y HP.I At: '•!.aGrci-n P<-ii v A-n-x, R • < --on, J...-PIC- Allen. Novi r-,L r 'i 10 i arintcr Jimri ami Mrs Rul.v P'ii!r -Irnt-L Apex Tin u 2. .Mil Riil -- France- N veenbe.- A J.ame.i .lunitir Burn-i - an Owl• 1 ~ar Wf'ch H. nett Aoi-n. K 3 a giil. Patricia D'-'.n 1 -. N-iv. 1:% M\nmCA 7 s' Livcm.! ■ ra.ea- <vrr j. -va ‘ I.- t! i in: couple.- -tUf in;; t-e.r pas* iveel: accvrdir'g to rerords el - Hunt-' Elba: '-an. Wake C aunty cgi.ri <; of deeds 1.-innlo Mack Richai ri,-on. til Rip'- 1 i -ad Site- • ,;,J '.!l a 1 Ran Me Kia. Rulcig!:, Doe. lilber il Hi : L Wi'.ker.avp. A)-: x. ,w ,uP i i ( i La: I;. Kcp-ey, A • . uic L DfMiiirrr i! Kerop Briiß-v and Mr ?, LI.-• • C---ik • f G,o i.- r. R iiriv I l)ovo:nbor 13. M--üby She--' and Mr- Neva Lee iloi./Ki’,’. liotl) of Cary R-a a, December Li. Robert \ ie mi . 1 vl- Mary classic D-.-dd. RaMJph, P we December C> •I r,a .- Hi-1) in I l <ii..e a. -I ill i Duns-toe- Street Dunum, and Mi.., A-Idle TH.dh M. - HR' -.o R - - I. Decttiibei 111 n.-v id P v :-- ;nid Mi- 1- 1i,.!'.- - , U ike Fui 1. r-t Irie - !■- - mbfr pi A.i 1■ e Day .niri VL-- N lona 11.. rls. i’-otli of Zebuloi. Deccivibi-r 17 CR.ney D Cain Car- R i.n- ; v.d Mas Gussie D Hoi ion He-,- ■a-:. R’eeen'.iie! ; v Ervin L Ceoke and Mi- C T l-'aa , .’■ . • • ucr ik. -Lie.'ic- E Kvni'-. C. \\. ud Mr, IL:/ Ann M -iy-.n Gxl<". R ' '-ernbe; 18 Wt idman Diiikt I<> He h'iituml On ? Hpiin !)i\on Pro^rum BROOKLYN. X V -AND- T- ■ Amcrit-ai: Ywt n --i ■ie - - ■ riiic d iCGi- ri - f Dear. Dixon str.eduled in ii-tun-i t< > tli-a 1 P--««>klyn Avndere. - t Mu :v v*. its second voin ..- i,- o •'.- ,><-• - j r* of the e ■- o Sato -v" ..ip an 1)1 •ren-l.ic- iP A e i- p", ograifi v. ill i e i-h- |-.orfo j tin -• of "F.ibirs of unr Time; | 'he Ohmic Vv'fi-l"'. .- D.m -a j , ''•'») assisted the on'., ; ' T'O!.: - K't --f foil! .) -- ,' h - ~n rovie by .R>roes '! hu -r„ r a-.L ■ ' 1- Timsii. Freda M'diei Mr rijvon gav-- p. fi- rt , r' ; i the 1948 4,9 scam:: ,r - - - r.-iee.n in Xovcndioi i Aiso to be I,card in this pro/*j-nm j I -’■ ill be in he'l-hI ivork- bv Bee 1 • oven. Liad and 1;: , !ih v- Iv*ii-i'-v A further feature c-f t| ifternov-n " ill be the performance <■' i he S; : i-'-yo ('a.; ncc;., R,r ■ ■y ’ll Solo by Kurt S l-icrier. L 'kiis! will be El anc J-.-ne,. yn ' >ixoe vv'l nso cad the audience i-: - f-k sing, and oil; dev-ae i piT- . of t!:e program to -i tlisciissioi music with iHustrations nv ;L . chi • ’! I iaiue Jones studied on 1..r ] Duke ElJiftglen ■ cholan-s' a 1 .till- j ard and is ameo, the few w-.-m- ! aii spccifilirtna in lypam. The <- -ucert ~ held unde: i.c iSia'-t of the BrovkiV’ JrsiiUile ■-! Arts and Science 4h\ FREED OS BOND j i\ 1,111,1-. \SSAI 1.1 I l ‘ L Charged with axsnult with a ' deadly weapon Phil Griffis. 42 -f fit>B C'rnnon Street, vva, : clt.,,- ed i ’- ■ «Aty j.u! unde, a SSOO bo-> j arly Satu'doy The defendant is rti.u vd wt: shoot iug James Johns fv-mr-riv a f 'river for Acme Cab Homnany. ,< ith a rifle or Octoßci 23 k Two other local men were nut , on Rond SiAurdny on chi.i ges of They are Daniel Speaks. 4i. of id S<r«.mrtch Aliev who pcii' • a s.yi , bond ami James Giver-s. 23 of fin.; . ■ S ’Utb Wiimiiiaion Street vb-> ■>.>:■■■ ! --‘d SM)O bond. Funeral Kites 1 Held Here Saturda\ i _ Funeral service,- for CL'-or,. I Gray. 58. carpenter of 417 Can'--a <iStrct. *-vhi- -tied Wednfaday. Dec,: 1• la were held Saturday fifternop', 1; at, 2 o'clock at St. Ambrose Eno ? i copal Church. The rites were con filleted by the- Re-.- a a Fisher, i j rector. Burial service,- we v n--, ,j in Ml. Hope Cemetery. ! i Surviv ng arc his wife. Mrs. S;R - 1 lie Gray; two daughters. Mrs Cur* ? | lotta DaiTvv of PhJadfTiJhia, and j fJisx Ifp-ttrtCv- Gray of f>a 11iij,i,i-t --j Mi’ri. two grand daughters. - j Total agricultural exports for the i ! year are expected to reach 8 4 bu llion dollars as compared wRh 3.9 J i, billivSti fa 28X47. v ... - ... 1 . Pr; Jillliillliiilllli'spi J i I iA* A: r aM Ok:; ... . . .... . ...t . . ■ ■ ■- YWCA ACTIVITIES no-;i rrvf.s yo -.?r 'ißf Us v*v !; y uu \n;S' iv • m ■ ■ i - •• •■■■ '• *i • 'iKre fluring \'Mil. 'V'n.ttC . x' UU! !i.(lg,-. n-vd VHUt iVh On f-'T* ,r ikc iuvi- i\ . t-hJi'-i:-t in <.ommi ! nil v. O;. •- . ;*:(!• i- ii . -T «i -•• \r At'D.indrifscr. i/0 j r,i. t - v- iii) AC* \\V.i' ■ - 4.1A t‘2 ill : >■ ,;ii‘ ♦ • *:* i- SO< i- 1 ■ ‘ t',fi c 1 f * ’ t.'. ' • ! • .- 1 • ' L i 'j' \\ t ' lif a\K-> to \ i 1 i s ; ’! ;3i a:-:' !:• t - -‘ * ' . .. - . , r< >icsa<;k Ti'MK is liK-Ri;.. , I* ais is thv social season oi year ~ . the l>mo when cci ; t &*' : -K-s conrnbulo ro mi’ch to th~t iorhuq ci \ no c r -:xip\-<t^.iy I FAC i.)x every occasion. Wo prepared to cciicr \o coo sage needs. Capable and <diw . t workers are well versed tbu art of corsage making. Prom Pi delivr-i y wi vice ! to roiieges and residences. Give us a call <oday. TT I?? IVICI? 5 C v I7| n '? I«T A i,# Jf,. lL*t (vr .S.\ id./ M. | A. J. TURNER E ’OP 1 In The Cr i ■ Bu-Ui m-» • • C A.B A RBIIS & fL.dODWCRTii ;V! L, TELEPHONE 3-3092 ifi I f ... *al d 5 mow thou ißpf' T--' : xer from cp.'tf "oL ' M nswfttedi , £' 1| b® bom !|Y ■ U j of G ' fK 10,3i * 3 ';|^#|AtA»:| I TK RALEISH FUNERAL ROME 24-HOUR SERVICE j } '-’T <'AIE\KBt-S ST. C. A. HATIVOOn. Ownnf ON YOUR I i M A S I SHOPPING Use Our Easy Budget Plan ,3 H I \ small rhm r. payment allow* you to c hoose I fVo.m man;, useful an,; inm-tseal yii'U I •-■and you mm enjoy ha\ in,a- ivxm the gdls I ot your choice while* pa.vjn jr for thorn 011 our L ‘■•‘ipay plan; and on your awn term?. MOTOROLA RADIOS, WATCHES & APPLIANCES I 3rw*f» *1 r 4ftd&b* * ire aies I I AND SERViCE COMPANY | I 401 Hillsboro Sc, Phot*** 7571 I THE! r A KOLINIAN c-ftON * OR II \< ‘IRKS ; N.;v; l-’.A-uRy n:, mow , in H-- Hi .- ta f VKtit. sjnc; C iV. I.U t .: V " (.’ h f j'~ i»l.. 1 f» t: i ■ , | i : . , H i • »>!.})( < J Ipi . . W U*C *• V'il) '!/« .’ ; C !nrji!U:r nift ni \ne 'V ’ n- •. Sat • TilV V> : A: Ti V C'c - ))‘ £ ’ h.'t- p.iH*-: s"t 5 "t i ••C‘d: •'« cot'] B. t: r.ta.- . *’ ; j'.t'• h i\ r<i Yi■ ’• I criviUt'ti* sot i r ?•' ! •* | VWCA kUohht-, 'Vhey pbrn in h>.vo » Ha* v; biru-.!;- u a- :J , * 1 " usr By ( h: n-m Tit is *4niU,a . ' ll ; l V:;- i\\ . AT • . . ' ;. \i\ in' ; « 1 } ‘;; >\i f l ! l)l-;\nis & R \i,s » ' | . I I SI JB-’r.l !!S;'i 1 IA|ApA 1 1.1 iii'iS llf \Y I j Phone 4 3*1982 fbiJs& I U-e-J Record Dept. 25c r*ch 5 for $1 on FAX IVfi t i:f 1) »Hi < HRIsTIM \S -i >N <, 1 • Ktng ( eli- I 'in t>:u- MI.KtA AM As. BABY o tmny Mi-iore k’v NEW RECORD DEPT. S DURHAM MUSIC- CO. Ol RGrs.H I :;ii7 Knwth Wilniingt-'in St | AX Ith W & R Sub - .salvage ta. j FOR MUSIC MACHINES I PHONE 8381 C( u (j y '|! ||||| 1^ 1 rWmK^ AHEAD 70 A I i( M MP? ••'\Y MERRY !i I - CHRISTMAS | | Sn&sl m". j }} JOIN OUR NEW CHRISTMAS CLUB NOW }1 )) CKOOSC ONE Os THESE CLASSES )) I^,? JjjljM/tth Weekly Receive--ifi £0 Woflfe* (l * JOO 50.0 ft if \\ j / pj/yy m 1» SCO o? \\ I j J 52:: . as I \\ ■»l«ll.l l>fc, tell ■ 1. 11 , 1 ,MW--... ... .mmmJ \\ Mechanics & Farmers Bank DURHAM-RALEIGH Member Federal Deposit Insurtnof Cofp. - ’ t V i: i i I!U >U SSI Ml 8.•. i in; l ■. .in t'uHfgc < uortl. . i I HIOH i !»}»:>.•• >.! 4.f V.i l> VOh'i'S i [1" Ml • Vtl! S- M ' i)> : Lit) !II.Li.V. I' !-ii> T 1 'lil. !!l I. c hi ,! At, Si- ! II!.:;. ,l!: . >1 > r.i f -'lit*. i lit. !io- :,i ( 1 • iI *, ill V.r -, i I 's j 1 *"v »in|iNon. 0i ..H1!-' llf I luv (if Musi*-, 'll'. M ; ' " Hi ’-(It I if. I *!, I»I- : • I Uuir raprr! ! ! | l -»r n Lai >5 5 inv Snack Eat A ‘ \ HCIIioS ! 1 S - s oin PETE ami MIK.F. ] Cor. Cabarrus fc: .Dawson Sts. * | CAPITAL CAM CO. »Bo9i »vicr I 137 OMMVRW*.. - ■•-»>-»»»■«*&»**--., -tfHMMMWMM rw-www****-# ! Jr*!,, home cooked foods And whr.t meal ii will be— *r4:-;oned uxaci’ty right, and every d«sb b-na&lmg a real home cooked Davor i> & St CAFE 41.1 S. BLOUNT ST. HAYWOOD’S SODA SHOP ‘ Raleigh's Newest Soda • Shop" » TAS T N SAN DW ® FOUNTAIN SODAS t * ICE CREAM # CIG \RS, f u; ARP I u s # <:osMJ ; :n*"s # PI RIODIt APS | JULIUS Hh ’? WOOD- P; >p„ I 417 S. Blood worth Si. mix ‘<;r: virm ; avq <lij. 'r>NKi.\ T gav YMCA NEWS SCHEDULE OF ACTIVITIES Thursday, Decc;nber 23 5:30 p.m. Lucille Huui-.-r G:a '\ Ci u b 00 fun, .Junior Cituous Club fi.OO p.m. Wachovia Bank Km ivoc.-.s Bmimu t Friday, December 24 oSOi' r*>! VMC.'A Mi !: - IJr.iltb baturtliiy. December 25 L. •. XMI,.. To 7;00 p.iu. Feature Movie,;. 3’k ;r t K( i Cuff'd icr. Educational ■ r r ili r>!tA i-';'in. SKind ay, December 26 4: DO 'i.m. Mu,<ic Hour Monday, December 27 •ottO jj.m Dunbar H-wkil Ciuli Tuesdpy, December 28 0:00 ; n \-V ishingiG; : V f..’ino 7:31) p.m. vV;.;-h;r.sum Hi Y Liu3 ;,:30 p.m . Town Hail Mooting <1 tho Air Wednesday December 7*) h:'.M pin. C!'Oyuy,CiiV.fii'i;i S; :m;m (. Is,i A Ci ui • Everyday: C.itvbTia Snackbar. Dormi'tory. Library, l.fion Mu- Room. Rr'Cl ■: : s .tinn Room. Room . U'St; v. SnoiVi.'!:. i.’imsiroi;Tiy of Local Civic. Si ".'cc and lift (Liiv, and o:pani?af:on' I Alb lie Si,: :! aohi r. Wi&e ■ Buif 4H* BidJLf&t 315 FAYETTEVILLE SJ. WAKE Salvage co. W® Buy »nd Sell Everything of Value FURNITURE STOVES REFRIG ERATCKS TOOLS ~ RADIOS 337 S, Wilmington Bs. Phone 2-2327 | • „> .wqmMllMKWft."-.'*-"—..- ’-- r - HWHW-'I- emtKNW- "■mm*- ♦ Hunter Brothers For Quick Services For 1 FA NC Y GROCER IES AND WOOD DIAi 9393 or 3-1998 AND ' ’N. a i Worry Wr A,<«' 1 On Our Way" Dial 556? for*. j - COM. - FUELOIL - KEROSENE | CORRELL j COAL & OIL CO. JOF. S, COHRF! L. Owner DIM. 5567 307 Nruth West Finance or Borrow On Your Car through the DILLON MOTOR FINANCE CO. 122 E, Davie Street Phone 3 3231 LIGHT HAULING HEAVY j LOCAL and LONG DISTANCE COURTEOUS PROMPT EFFICIENT CALL UMSTEAD Transfer Co. 502 S. Dawson St. Dial 9478 - 9212 Ed. Umste&d, Mgr. |«ir~-»nr o .'rim-iii.imiiupnx »ni i.nnini>n»yffmrTnvtmm : T-‘ $17,25 ELECTRIC HEATER and F? N COMBINATION SPECIAL 12 95 TRADE - IN - SALE On Electric Irons Receive from $5.00 up on your old iron» Now In Sttock - Electric Water Heaters.. Vacuum Cleaners and Many Other Kard-io-get Items Taylor Radio and Electrical Co. SALES ft SERVICE 224 S, Martin St. Claud Teylir*, Mgr. Phene 1 3950 PERSONALS Nitv; Man ,2 of LitUcian ,M C. if.ic licyod to CJ.ovHand, O. with Rob a.l VF 1 to spend Chn»tmas wim Mr. May son % laolher, living. Mis* Hnrri;- and Mi'. Ma.vson, but!' '4B graduates n{ St. Augustine'- College, an noun,rod tneir engagement l.'i'-i a c>rlnu. At she is teach ing m OJmtun. N. C and Ir i - enrolled in Divinity School m Ohio. R E COR D S 25c EACH S for SI.OO feISBHB# For Guaranteed Radio Repair RADIO HOSPITAL 305 1 Martin Street | , Paulec Radio Service ! “For Lar’i y; Retmirs'’ | 406 CM NWOOIi WIN t K j Dial 3-3123 We I :ek up and Deliver j < HHiiplole CTT^) Home j Furnisher* yr.-.-.Lw | We can furn.w. any room in ■ I your home from the living | room to the- kit/hen. See up ! first. W. E. COOPER FURNITURE CO. I HI E. Martin Si. ! ~rr'imT ii null i iiiwi iin ■irn njiiminiMr A Lifetime in Flame* Why take chances on burning j up a lifetime's effort in a tingle | ierrifying hour whet it'» «o ‘ simple and itwxpeiisiv* 2o pro i tect yourself against any pos*i- ! ble mishap. Your home and ! family can b» absolutely pro- j leered from ANY disaster ai • | bui a few pennie- a day, W®‘U i s show you how . | SEE YOUR LOC \L AGENT | BANKERS FIR-: INS, CO. I DURHAM N. C. ... DOVE m siccmiPAM’ I ARTHUR DOVE. Prop. Automatit Piionoiiraph^ L. •-!■ • I'm .:! Oct - ions and in?-: Vlled on Commipjuon l -: 'S dt-i.rcT Rirovo# Ot'R >i rriA? tt Dial 3-2714 a fa I U-sHAHitt'S ST. 4 * ,j-»y aSSiSsiiaMlsSl

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