WEEK h-NLUN* i, S.VH : K,L>A V, DEt HT!* The :!>! Joseph !’• I nu>:i;v. U» ■ ' oi eitc; ii :4 et:;-,i! • e t'hi. V’u; at Electlif. -i' I n ';. : t: ■ I!. : ;V< The nu-i-.-r';-cm it i.f,’(...iiS'. -y o n I:vo-coJcued" ;: : ■). ' j* ’ bop in thr ■. e>. ,v< ■' If Ju ,df.‘ V. 1,1 . .MV' , j tiering dtai-io r -ii- : I ;.. - tic like he h;' 1 ? 1c w- i. •• •' . cases in , c: . r . bU‘ to fir., , . j f : v d.-.v (Yoe, ,7. are for v ■ . f) Choir and 1, « Pulpit Gowns; A.“' and Caps at ! ' Prices to Meet -SLjsff* I Your Pocket j Price List * Mailed Free. LOUIS J. LINDNER 153-CA West 33rd, N. Y- C. 1 | .NEED GLASSES? wwroiiiii 1 m rH Roieiqh. N.C. j Call For 24 Hour j j Reservation S «-c * Comfortable | j * Friendly ' Inviting //AAN Or \ VHPUSF^ 4635 SOUTH PARKWAY \ CHICAGO 15. CLIFF DAVIS, Prop. Livingston 3 9312 Livingston 8 9840 - Q/o urHAIR a [ )}lalchecl # 5-00 ,-gS,'Jp- tj---.. MOP «or **** Jf ■■£& Cl. ESTER ’ THF HALF Cl VMOT IL W r ;> length you want, die jF-SIK k.\RE )U1( Clamour fits y»i:i ta-n*. A- . u it fa»!*‘n? as the si, f i*<- tv ad and tiaiif;* naturally ,luv»ii thr turf. Ini can wear it as an e;.■«,■,{> < any Mtk you like, ill is 1, to 20 u.<h.-> lung *. SIO.OO # SEND NO MON E Y I # SEND S A MFIE OF Y OUR HA I K § FAY PC ST MAN ON delive n y j * ... * Jessie Kare BKJSAUTY PRODI CTS SO? FIFTH AVENUE < SUITE 405', KEPT. C NEW YORK 17, K Y ■HlMiMMiilHMWiH'l'Tnmmn TT'--ri r irt~ r inm u iit r ir-iri 1 irrf ■—im--ii —riiin ir -im i AMR ASS A DOR Thursday and Friday! LARRY PARKS MARGUERITE CHAPMAN “THE GALLANT BLADE” l>k Action Color | Starts Christmas Day DENNIS MORGAN ' IN "ONE SUNDAY AFTERNOON” Color hv Technicolor We Wish For All Our Friends An* Patrons A Merry Christmas Who Collected Rent? CHI HUNTS OWNER OF 8 STORY FI RETRAP l IOUSING 750 PERSONS Chicago (ANPI ••• Pursuing if ~l’cwrd intention of eraiik* in j down on slum ! momen ts Mat endungor lives and h-aim the c’M h»s launched an extensive search tor the owner of an e yhi-story tone mt n1 bu tiding. occupied by 750 per.-.ons. which has been tv.iciemnc-.l . ■ a tire trap Owner \A th.i building, put up in ISflO, )'• unknown, us cording to Building Ctmmis hare last week. The south side dwelling has only one stairway, and Christiansen said that at least 500 4 f the oec 11 mails would be unable to escape in ease , ,;a' " ' # V\At t l ' t’t!) TDI Vi - (.'-‘Oi'M . ! fink '•.< al iai'. ant. has 11 !-rj ■ vtictKi a.f picoiiiinl oi • h« 1. i’ruii:\vif k t aunty ;;t .. „<1 . t the - \ACP. He i> ,;•(> m;dr> übi ;y< at Fayottiville Self U:• t'allege. The prridem declares that •he Brunsw sek ('i.onty -Branch '.u- h.nt a vi'} • sui . esst’at ivnr ir iu'< . .np . 1/inp; ;<Si <n’ iivs objn Uvi'“. All die . iiuii ayscy-snient ■ h.ut- -■ 1:; ijahl to national ol iii e. in the in .ill titi!»■ local van *s i,.t 1 e helped u 1 die «t'-so 1 i.'-licn. lie- - 'lav ■ r: iiiiM.it.ie 1 lane>‘ t , tiegii} the V <:■ u Year. Plan i .st e iip'-n matle I'ai the Vciv Year to aaguaint < \ ?ry cam* niiinitv ti, the C0,,0i, with th woik of t!if a.vsixdation. ! ; u V:; Menial olfir e .uli !>e'ii alt ti'aneltt-s {», 11 1 .1, ,i Ui :!««• pay let *>t nil ti.e I ’ruriii, • ! t,e ay v .' i.Ui.Mi bein'vvi method will ’».• .1 gem! start in ; ; :e dr!-, •doi; of ititorm iig more pcoi.ie ii the pto'irarn ~t lhi• ■ .^'oeiatt 1M ii Ideal fer Christmas Mi-r’s Rayon ROBES <£ "I 1 ftp vp* i |L I m Men’s Ail Wool SUITS $2750 up ■ Men’s TOPCOATS $1750 up | Raleigh s Oldest Clothiers— Since 1898 GLOBE [ Exclusive Raleigh Agents Scr ADAM HATS Corner Wilmington and Exchange Streets Ct rious fi • I’li. building tic. ~: it .arci'f.ng. the &l«tii* way i'.'OU'l bo . used, exit ..n.- . sf. itrd - ti electric •firing rc:r--\- • d. AL;> b- i- 3 s .igh.l is A tty. Fred A. Smith, enr .. f three icr Jot'-’; i.l -1 i'.u.m tenement in ht . • >■ .boihcud Sni.’.h tailed t q-poar in c: .... ? ■ answc '.-harge; oi 1•. 1;h n« iHrio v'. SARLUU health '’hi 1 tue violations in the building -vrdet' via? do elated not fit tor huinrm be »:gs to live in. HO i:i joint owner ct the pr:.p<~ iv -"eh : Dan Gemes, reputed south fide p- toy br s.». ond h»» , bedyguard unJ. rvnt vselector. Wilbert McNeil. BliOOkl i \ Fit h iiOIMU ii fill i ; : 111,\lii Si, ’.: i!!. j ' H. FW v - ; F< : ; i\ \\ Li -!! j i\’, Ol 1 Y l•• : - j f‘o* » :>•<) H. y jj. f ON'.'ifO ) iv. r -iirlivoUyi in - .• : civic MiOWUi.-hT ’• . • : •• '\c ; > • . ;• ce in bt • i • J- * er, H ;hv; for . i • j * ;Jribi. .' •. YWCA bou:<* t • . ttC;'?. Ov'll I'htOl \i * . iJi ilk v ■ f . r i ; " r.i >■ ■:*■■ ■■■ .-y, : ?Mr. < ’ f y '- 5 ■ % “Ay - </.;.■ V'. ■ i* &. '■■’■■ .sli I .**• •• *<S, '• • !i % ■■’'••'■ ■'.■■ ■• - j *- , : v#, - ■ -h - , r ; i ' \V •- ‘ r FOR— it i /' / T</ / y !*a/vv - '■■'■ i L it*’- ’ -1. ■. j . •' . : ;^» j •.. ■ i \ "J& \ y " • ':?omsk i i S' : •*. V . ■ j i fksf-L-j ' - wfeV ■ j- :S.s|ft. V- ■V' . -«*T >i- ’ ••' A' • i ' x - 4’* /• •• • ?:>•"•• >' ?,*? m*;r&MS£lK .A- - - ■’ .;‘-X-;XAv^f £fl? / >! A. -fe*x;- fc. Adhgb % J, VM> : ■ •- ~ fe ■ *vMflilr ' ' ' ■ 9 / «*,-:•* ?■- : ,ofe v ii. i>..if I-jvorii ft !-:•;cw; HERE S tfu pern <:? Action to our holiday bofftitobry. Whenever gue.?.. drop ;t.\ -: «ive a briii' rn r.g bowl of creamy-rich Smith - I Melville Egg Nog. It's delicious just as if comer ft cm the bolfls or to rr.;x in your favorite recipes. Smith-Melville Egg Ncg it. made from tne finest ingfe<3 : e t. t ' —ts-' n <• r*d county smooth. So vet- you the lime and trouble of beating eggs and whipping m am. Keep a f apply on I'tand all through the hchdayi— it's deiicious and econom- r~ i«:<ii toi ever vc< • a .ton- { C JV : l ii ; 2-035! I I / Mm Daimy I SMITH-MELVILE DAIRY f ; rr ': ’o.-;' ,A i ' ' .. '7' f i. i A ' I^TA' 15 i* v - k>. >.'V-si-.'iV >•* LiSj k.X ';' 'yi>X 1 »-M .‘SI'S i>H. MOK't'ON' ii a Ar».. -■». sect!••.;!ry i ~ hi rlflutf. was p; ,H- I ; i At ‘ !-> ««uuat 4„ 1,.,-, in (>-. m! ~1 v - - hfid it !u. I.’-; i-c \ i'll', 1 1'ct-ntL M ‘ ■ in- >. ~ \ .. , < !it' iut ■ !»«'. r.i t.i'i:. . i .1 Vho• f. vi-tl .IS , ii-,::. :> a. ii irsptosi ■ i.r 1 hi * ivii -.H i t>;Kik . f ■ ‘-in , M tav pif-«i(!«<n• Pi- i- an *m -11 >: ~ i: 11, 1 -. : .•!■ i*u- uplifting • a 1,1., jj - \N IM B U L L I TIN i fix Ilf -M 'L : Pi.ulMm dVyfu'Mru rd. vay.i t'tat so {: 1.. * }-;i,p!;'--.|M .It turki'S i..,. LhmTi It, a til'd tvp j 1..v ver ut Central Eweri •oh in .Sl.'-ti.in ;:,i :u w-.:i Raieifth . ■, '.it! , ■ 1 : , T-, THE CAROLINIAN , work. It costs only a f«nv daUar'i 1 hut will last a lift-time ix >,v,vi: ' job. However, a x\viv< LbhcL ■.! ; .... seems bt st suit";! to th, i proper care. QUKSTItXN What is nicanl b> ‘•i.'criitu !' ' cutt.'r, seed? ANSW KU- C-Ttiticatiou if. I North La; 4 . t;:. if. , set-d im pi 'vv- plan ■■ ••• -1 by State ml at 1 ii.'.'i un.l. 1 the .Mi114.1".' il .1 ;•..! Hi- It P. Muon'. : di i i tar tiH' Gr<‘p i iiioruvenien* Ats'.n iafion. On Mu .-tie Sian !, •■; lit 1 ?..... as- i.- a the p"o ; '.i> ’.oil. of . ly.nnnai.'y piua inK f .'■ a. an i ■ •.- seed po , ~ e u. }■ i t f.iko ' . I !(>:•• . ..01 tyo <; " e , ! 1 " i .. ny .-; ii ' : S' ' d • ■ iMspeclt -i pm ; t ; . '•• an., fur mu;4>nnil v . : ..!a • si'S'd (Il JV: i.U'! !. '-' 11 \' ? ' ■ a: ' v y. Jt !u:v-. art ;;:.'. i:i Via! (be time f -ginnine to pr ••at nix,n" .and heatirey. Gt rn,:n;.u; a : ’ ns* b ( - ao pc e.-nt or above, in-, purchaser o' c.-, -lin’d so'y*. ; ■■■ i'i ;vt. a ivvei s euar:n!' •- : '.. ith t ath bav, of sv. J pui cha -. w i, i : • ’i’i'.is feature." s.n -• !>. Moor ', i i.v •;-■'!• rr ‘.rn d.; ;. n w :' ■ i '.- ii pur, h:tr.i!i;i a;I . f ~jiii - tionibie origin. ' Support Your Paper I ! f 3 jobs fast to\ / relieve that | ( backache/ \ S Vi n r nU'l I \ - \ -, . Y bv4.(. i» i» cKc ill Ihe plaster st warming blotKl to the sore sp”' 'j’f iist- n.ua. i. s max and il. - P-o'- i-ast-s. '2 : It straps twitchin-.- mus ,a- , u;, tiuwn those o at iiyiii. (3 • The protective puci ~rc!s against chilling. 'I.-.; bv doctors show that t, 1 BACK PLASTER ht i; ■ ■ ntTU-ly"a” out ol 10 Eullerers. IV:, . ; joni known f»di iiin sur»siC«jl product.' ior a vcNrß. At ali druE t:loru/- Hey Kids! KING SIZE _ fAsl\ BUBBLE SHOOTER /fJ.K sp! cia: ori ■ /S3&M 79^ I NA^i^fw * v 'P* hL i '• • H" ’ - : t n Sun- ~ .vL 'i; !( ■■>•..! t*. Shook'.": V;,ii can blow n>. of ka: /<- C \ of n- &*■ swrfs ■.iit . . .••• .•!.• -Hi ot the tj’.f-i 1;: r \ o&\ \ ' ' 1 : w A U. D -ji ■ c ’'•>>" i*uttt ••;>■,. L'iU-i. ’’ Bo bio oop 1-. ’noo \ G/ ' A ' """ '' ' n bul.-bPs. of iiMDriii.' ~ , Sear liquid . . 110 gvcw \ or iTii'- ; . rl■'! 2 j >IJ: ' No \ " I . :io;o rn ~s -itb -s: * ORDLk M.'- o ' r OW! , mouth bubblebiuwi-: n. Hants <•! kt)i "' • * ! i"i- .0,1 ntkih:•■.,• 11 :oo> HUDSON BULK COMPANY, '-an obtained \>r only 26c E- TEL A . N. C. \ 1 • 1 me f.'iw I'oi’o.ving .oe- j SET INCLUDES SHOOTER AND > A Bubble h , •'».-» a: >'■ - <' i■, ,'j. nlas t'- •. t 16 1 BOTTLE OF SOAP PACKAGED ;p, mtaon., hlc , ~wh ..et ■ ami octal Liquid Kvfi”- at Hie : IN BEAUTIF UL CONTAINER . p u». 1, k L ' ... . Blir . . ADDITIONAL LARGE BOTTLES M mber T *1 r v.o OF SPECIAL LIQUID SOAP 15k. , Bubbie Shf t -. j Liquid 'a«>r T i .... • i Total { f/) #/ Kam<e : • , .. ■Z ts-HjO sb*“t : ; i City .. ..... j “Eastern Carolines Largest Store* * - \ ,•- , i : PARENTS REMINDED ,1 TO DEMAND SAM.'I Y ’) IS ( lIII.DREN'S TOYS New Christmas toys can -be Tun > tls to Y'lUin:-. children with I ■ fingers. the National Board:- i Flro UudiM writers wan.-.; Christ-!' <i ‘-opi.m . Bo .nit' they arc , Tin- ■ uoritits advise tali-, i.. ■ • cuecin’, care in choc.-ing etoc >iy t,” . i -y.- i inferior (.’onstriio- \ • -.tii . . .•'•ere burns or start - 1 • i>i Christina- trees and 1 . air. sjii.e Uviior.itiom I - uet)--. .-b aid u'suoet electric, toys (.'ecu children receive ai Chiist- - it)as j.nd .‘-u’iiu-viv? their play With j any eu-ctnc ,-aai. TllC children may 1 .art : evert* shock irom touching a j ’■ndinli/r t,vr "siaiirai" .cliUo ; h:-ncl?ifis- vhicti iv ioy.s He, v mv yctifrai voles for r.al'e : i I I U- tin Unuerv/nua's Lai.-iu 'ta ies liit*. markers <vn vice- i i:. Don't buy toys using akvikbi, < Used. Cars 1 i 1948 Kaiser 1948 Kaiser, Radio & Heater 1947 Kaiser,, Radio 1948 Olds. Sedanelte "6" Radio & Heater 134 i Ftrd, 2 Door Sedan Radio Sc Heater 1947 F,aster Manhattan I Radio & Heater ROBERT | VERNON, INC. ! KAISER ■ KHAKi.it Sales Services Dial 3-6481 ! ,op -ea <y/ woots ' I L- -m A ’ ' t £ keep *n I y our refrl, orator! I § . , '&► j 1, t \[j | - ****** Enjoy Delicious P- ; 7? sgtr <v,„ ice (keam kerosene, or ir They are hazardous i>, j : ' niie hands, 3. I). - -,ee e 1 Die main.-; around base T the* Christians tree 4 lb r-nls . :i-.ujld •.* • ,i*.,d un plug >: leviri*. 1 c.-s Sit- ‘vet*, rath er l'i;n lot u.'drai do r.. Pi:.;, 17 itn el- -n ; . ...• ,in.uld be , stspo: \-i .ii At the* f-.M y i A * oi ... •v"i ,-bfiy 20 isiftiple rules; t. Keep war At *r • ~et »s much r* ■■<■;». as possible. 2. D>lnk lot <. . ' n r air] t . 1 juices. •'*. Take a ( ALOTAE. f V v>i.;,Hh are ai: rh >.in, cative, u vsSfftfit '' i (ivi :t: '< dhire: m i I.cy y - c-Uv the -.nur ? dl l'-. (■ tract and .. h \v; v ,n :i;; ; ivPhi. system • T -c-.)i!Otis tc-dns. Tuny Idp ..re liiyy/ olf a cOitL >’ OMKMRER : ' il» fir -. .\m a LIQl’.• AL(.’d * F' .': ...'...dm.*- ’k»r,?. ■*- m—hi 1111 in 11 inminn nminiwiiiiwimm n i r r_ . »-. • -.■.•f-irv.- t»nca>---'jiiranrs I FOLLOW THE CRuWD 1 TO ; ' I 205 S. Wiis'iD'grb.*. Street I .. tiif/t jif’/j. >■ 0A D- J i : * swMwuuvm m-w »-.aiiKtWS. ' o v f-.w aaaw. «?•*■**«*'• PAGE THREE mMiv; u£*a»m ■ ns- tmaiiiMMiiMMMM'iHMaMK FURNITURE f SE OND HAND i 'hi and Baki. fc'asy Terms Radio Hospital 405 E. Merlin Street \ <- lOß«<iW.i ■ •', >WWMIWWIMWIIHIi* «wnwi'

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