I £y MMWWWICK - ifr-rr-irri ynn--—itiT-firi—»MHl ■ -• ' * -**^£ HOW FAR IS IT TO LFTHLIiHEM.’ How far is it to BetMrhem" far; Shall wc find the stable room Lit by a • far' fan we ace (he i.lttlc Cl a Id, Is He within'’ If we lift the wooden latch May we go in? Yes. dear brothet and REMEMBER JUIJAS . . . KNOCK AND Till HOOK SHALL BE OPENED; SEEK AND . . . As we enter this season fraught with spirit of eternal brotherhood there comes a feeling r serene contentment os the time draw nearer and nearer, f • those of tender year and sudden joys still remains the Ml rb.onio u of the joyful season, for Mama and Papa who slave and pav that inner glow which springs f; in, the soul ful love of giving and the esthetic of -orifice Suit'led And ni-mkind rcacher clutches for period of time a! the elusive phantom of Peace. ” Breathes into his wretched sou! again the rcfieshin;: trough's of the Eternal stream and look;; through the tint ed heavenlv flow of he aurora of things to come and with hope in his heart and j*w in bis .-"ul arises. ‘ Peace on Earth, Goodwill T iward All Men. A WORD TO IU \ u oil -Ul \ u. S. A December 21. K>n; North Pole. Somewhere At H Dear Said 1 want to thank you for your u; r sent last year of two "fwont leeph. ’ And Santa this time I warn to ■ >k you for a few things for some "big" boys an tig iris. - . Pu--lec*J» Santa, bring that An nex for St. Joseph AMK Cb'-n.-h that they've waited so long l> see. And a companionable .cholai fm D; M. AT. Pbhci -■■ he 'viU have to pondet alone. - Give the , 1A49 NCC "Eagle. ’ the field ins spirit of th< re lads of the thir S. C. NEGROES READY TO GO “FINAL MILE” IN BALLOT FIGHT COLUMBIA S C Dec 13 Negroes in the ilale Louth Car- ~ olina arc ■ prepared to pn the final , I mile" in their f o full mem j bership right:.; m the State Demo- i cratic party, one of their leader; ; announced today James M. II in ion, president of i i the state chaplet of the. National 1 1 Association for the Advancement j1 if Colored People, expressed thi, feeling in ■ feller *•> cn.tinnan W P Baskin of the State Executive j Committee. The commit lee and county par- j ) ty chairman are scheduled to meet i’* this week to discus a f ederal de- j c cision that the party cannot deny :' Negroes full participation in party s affa'rs, nor rerjuire any primary j c voters’ iath other than the one! presi i j bed for general election.- H nton wrote Baskin thal Ne- j. groes intended ‘to assume our fuil .. share of the responsibilities, finan- ; j rial and otherwise, as well as enjoy j the privileges that go with our memberships in the party. ‘We reel'd lilat. all future no tion, legal or otherwise, that seeks to keep qualified Ncm ncs out of “ the party he dropped “Please understand. however. - r be added, “should you elect to take, i further local action, Negroes will he fully prepared to go the final ~ mile:' ! f DRIVER HELD ON \ LIQUOR CHARGE : IN FATAL CRASH j ELIZABETH CITY. Dee 19 1 Kenneth Jordan. 30, of Norfolk, Va., died early toaay in a hospital i 1 here of injuries received when he was struck by a car late yesterday j f on (he tVinfalMlcnford Road. Thomas Farm, 31. a companion also of Norfolk, had his mangled ; r leg emulated just below the knee j v as the result of injuries he sustain- 1 r ccl. a State Highway Patrolmen iden* j n titled the driver of Hit car widen ji: struck *he two men as they tried j to pull their csr from a ditch as ! Jackson Costen of Route 3. Herl- ! ford. j e Shortly after the accident and j n before Jordan died, the patrolmen j v charged Costen with driving under • r th< Influence of liquor The rie-j r tendant is now in the Perquimans ' s County j.ail j i SECOND SECTION lies. A s’-'-ekiugfut of new activ Alumni for ".fin!*'' Johnson. Mor ;w,m. Boykins f r those struggle | college lads. One big portion " G'Jdlmess to the great financial u: •! stitutions of our communities h Uv.von t n(' ; jiov v t)r. T ail those stiffO) in;- at this time | some sorrow, pain or grb'f. a bit • • the butter of life *-o savour tbei i dregs of de; p;u;. For P 11 .lervay basketed "f .'o-d riisiri'ni*; t : agents and ONE go d supervisor ' For the disease burdened childrei of today and tomorrow-—more met lor medicine w : th cents of tan t» : lieed their cries. To Shaw University a dvr an Stadium. Return Couch Hu mat Riddick's winning rabbit f. ot he had :>! HHS For rresident A Eider a bit of color let accom pany bis depth of reasoning Foi iS. T Jann-.~ -nut WWS two heir: For J B ilibncm arid M B. Mr Nor if CUTS a “dream band. T !ail (he luight .sod aspiring lads ,uu .Ms ;f r who want the sciences ,nid the hr arts of those who are sad; soul ~~ The Open Door. . Foi ; Dear Caswell County its overdue i new school Most - f oil San! See that Si little sunshine is sprinkled inti the hearts of tohse who arc sad; Si bit of humility to the haughty: justice to the downtrodden: hope to the despaa-ing; faith to the scep tical; reality in the fruitless dream er; >od sight I" those eyes cm Mind to tht ajvle:-s GIFT Hopefully yours, wh vr n<> voi want? 1 Kg-sv :-s!) you 'yuyt ; . to be able to ao into a decent- place to ' g a o •: < -C. bvh hiy all - • you are hungry. You'd like to find a decent hotel when traveling sim ply because you are tired, and want some rest. You'd like hi have equal employment and pay be cause you ncoH roouev just Dkc every.me else, RIGHT.’ JOY TO THE WORLD We near trie belling t wings ove. Bethlehem and i light that is not es the sun or the stars shines (Continued on back page) PUB WRINGS ON SLAVE LABOR FOR FEBRUARY NEW YORK < WDLs - He a; mgs on forced labor throughout the world will be Feld in New York in February by a commission T outstanding American citizens, \t was announced today by Re'-. Don aid Harrington. National Chairman of the Worker Deform League The commission if inquiry was organized at a meeting of educa tors, lawyer-.-., labor leaden, and ether concerned individuals at Hunter College on December 3rd. called by the Workers Defense League, initiators of the inquiry Dr. Harry D. Gidconsc. President :-f Brooklyn College was ricr-ori chairman of the commission which includes Frank p. Graham, pres ident of The University of North Carolina. George. N Shuster, pres irient of Hunter College. Mal.ibc-v Woll, 3rd Vice President of the Amercisn Federation of Labor.: Emil Marry, Score*ry-Trcusurer ot ibe Uni led Automobile Workers, of; Amcrica-CIO A Phillip Randolpn.' President of hV Brotherhood of, Sleeping Car Porters-AFI.. John; Green President. Industrial Union j of Murine and Shipbuilding Work er; of America CIO, and Kthel Epstein, member of President Tru-! man's Civil Rights C-minission. Other members of the commission . are; Morris !, Cooke George S ' Counts, Max Delson, John F. Fin erty. Francis Heisler Sidney Hook. Frank McCullough Arthur Schles- j siuger, Jr. Max Sherover, and Norman Thomas The comn-i -o under ihr rcr 1 retarysbip of Dr Ralph G. Ross; w)il ssemble (he testin'r- ->f ex- j pen •-•Rr-esaeii and vicJms from ’ alj p»ris of the world. This; teeti- j mon.v will oe presented a* public j hearing t*>« be held in February. i Careless smokers cause one-third all V. S. fires. The danger is especially great during the Chris! mas holiday season because of the wide use of flammable decorations and costumes. Smokers should be extra careful during the Yuletide season, and never tors away burn -1n•; cign,retres or ’nnh-hes, 1 i**" . < " "< ' I I U' Sa . \ : r' Jy3Bw 1 j - ** "U a ; F l'| S | ■, . . I j n j j ' " ■ '■ ■ jjs 'L ■ v ,jpR i to a *' ; 'y* i ,g.:'# s*oootu~*»- ...'.j .n ie; MODERN PORTIA Atty ( b •/.ninth Davis Pittman who b - joined her father. AUy. Charles la Davis, in establishing the law firm of Davis and Pittman, one of tie few such combinations known. Married and the nxitlui ROAD SENTENCES GIVEN PAIR IN DIGIT RACKET VIOLATIONS W. 11 Rrvant es fin,; Fc\-et>,-ville Su re;, and Willie GiSehr -' of %v.‘ C'aniK-n Nc-ccf rr.-:rg'"d vdh C'iC , illegal i i.-.-Tsi-m-i es g.-mbling de rice: - number.-, tkkei •. and i eprratiojj of a lottery, were riven scntones Kridav. fV'.-i'r. y; m 'yCiiv Court here. r n -a. ■ the ■g ca c.-: of a "numbers racket" hero, was sentenced tn 12 montbr on the roads and f nod §2.000. with Sup ' eri'ir Court appeal bond set. at 1 $2,000, Tin- second man Willie Gti ehrish was sentenced H. six montii'- on the : ads. His .--ppeaj iraai ... : fixed a* $300.00 1! 'vus reported by Capi. R t, .Goodwin in his testimony that h <■ ; had information iiiai. Bryant ' i.ead of ■ numbers racket sere and financed by some white man." He ..aid liint police found hvo Lockages of numbers ticket.'-' or a settee in on upstairs hall at Dry jam's residence, The detective testified that G.u chns! s residence wa, the -, ,j. turn-in point" io; the -u;n.r„- : ■ and money bet on then-, accord;“g t<- hi> information, and t.u i went from "there direct!-, i . tiw Wlrn officers c n* to r ; : '-;.,..-1 piuce, Cant. Ooodiv-n conkv-.u i they found "a batch of numbd s slips on In per-, n, and in j . woodshed.’ F!c said that, H,c shiv •'indicated fhM uiuc. f y utei ; ■ i , numbers" were' working for him Gap!- Goodwin further reported j that police iiad infortnativii i,':,d j "one other number racket" . 1 - ! a ting here in addition to the one • Brian! allegedly was. heading. RICHMOND CLERICS I RLF ABOLITION OF SEGREGATION IN VA. RICHMOND. Va -ANP resoluti- n calling for work to end ' segregation gas paved here 1-. ; week bv the Baptist Minister"' cmi-! ference of Richmond. L) a letter signed by ’he Rev Y M. Kemp, president of the joca! : ! T "P. addressed io Blsliop John! S- Stamm, president of the Fcdc: al Council of Churches (he r;., ■ . ! mond mblisters pledged themselves : . f ’-’ vi’pport the anti segregation c ' ; solutions recently adopted by the I , council. The Richmond letter read. \ It is most gratifying ; , note that this the Jargest protest ant group in Americ;>. ( epre.-.entiii:* I’S.otin.onO ! (members, has pledged itself to the < carrying out of the uneseapahle ' ueden able and inexcu.-;able oblica . tion of the Christian church thr : elimination of segregation in the churches and in ancicty "We firmly believe’ that in (i.e adoption of these resolutions ivc' : churches represented in the Fc-; Council of Churches <f Chiisti in America arc sincerely st-riviiia ; to live up to the church's l i..;i c.ig. big. and to giv» meaning to our : peacemenf.s and practicality to the j ideOis of our Christian beliefs. We wholeheartedly endorse the, i -istire report and ‘:-ive you ,',>n ■ pledge that we shall tit or local j itics work under God for the | • realization c-f these principles in] jour churches and in our octet,v. ' Liberties Guarantee Is Sought For l abor New York (ANP) A ‘‘eivi! ; liberties Guarantee" for union ] ] j members v'us advocated by Paul i 1 j -R Hays, labor arbitrator and pro '; Lessors of law at Columbia un - versitv. - of a small iluughter. Mi-. Pitt man studied at (ht* University of Nebraska and ('r. ig.hton Cnivcr sitv law .-<• e-oof where ‘be grad nated with honor* Mr Davis has practiced •<««•< * -tully in Omaha for many >cars j VNTt JONES TO HEAD COOK 001 ILL BAR ASSN. CHICAGO < ANP) - Atty Siu- I j ney A. J.-ues, ,b was elected tilt : i: 1 1;i pcesidfni it.- of f.onk Conn ,ty B.n ;.:cnciulion. during it;; <:m --■ inn-at mc-etiiug here ia,-t •• ecu June. uc< es ; ex; . tiring presi<lent. Mel* -a; .Vi. W ki . ... the organi7.nl.inn v Inch rcruTsnnts approxim.-ueSy ■ 100 Negi'o iawvcir. and a few from • (tiio loi.jal groutis in the city. Also ejected were Attyjc Jatncc ' D Cros.-oi:. CiicrU::- F. I,;mC, :wri : T.'sepl'i J. Snowden. ,lr. first, sec i ; end and third vice ptesidents, re ecti-el.-., Lucia T Tbomus, aen ;• ii smei-ary; Tt.n»dore F Craw 1 H- k;-. iif-.i -'*• i Carl T Rabin ; sou, (ifct amt;, ■: 0 Jamc:, A : Greece. i :r "i era- n.: C - .erl ! i ()!(■ bawd of <> ire .-to, were ;\itv , Jewel S- Rogers, Bind 'ry f' Cyrus. William H Huff, T; ;e.- B Cash•». C Francis Mlrad ford. Nelson M Willi;.. F.edrick T : Bead* :; and Earl B Dickerson. At:c. the a,the fI«V pxes . idee.’ played host to the member : at a l <;.tcjlid in Morris Eat Shop. «fudge Wendell E, Green j served as master of ceremonies for the occasion. 't .rrluMoughs Kites Held \I St. VlalilKOA j Funeral S*!vices for Mrs. Came : Hit’!on y.,rborougb. of 1511 East ; Jones Ttseet. vh-i died Friday nDi'' at ;;;< Agnes Hospital, were ■ Reid Tuesday afternoon at St. : Matthews Citurch. Suv.ving are her husband James Rvyall Y’arhtirough; a daugnirt. Mary I'.li/.abcth. her mother, Mrs ! Mary Hint n; two sisters. Mrs. An : nic Gordon and Mrs. Rosa Worth. SPEKDIM,, LKASH BRING slit FINE j W H Alston of 3(03 CouU? Biot':,- :st(eei wr f-.;ied s){» .and j com , Saturday m City Court on a i crarge ot pt odiug The charge ‘--.va. i u)tide after a collision oetween a , cat lie va - driving and another opera ted by G. H. Ball of tfil i A,vc: tL St reef. Bail vas also charged •-* r.ll * peediug. but va- acquited It »a,. • ■•'O-d t,y Office, j j\ Hop).' *n - • (oaf Inc accidi’iU occurred as lixe '■’ ' Os Pc. r ■r; So :a Sto • (.- .aid that both vehicle - ■ k deled nboii 25 feet before the inv ; j p.ic* (" Hie center - f the intersec- 11 ion. Ball, it uas said, was on a ; Ihrouph •-!reel and had "the right 1 tk.~ -is ..s'''' j.«; , SMowtNft .STYLIt f * j «i!M « o ttugnon. r ~-~ S*— , f -~ fiflu | forehead. I 'JS/tl’l?** . "y iOtT WdTM EACH I « rws -s R£AU .y THE BEST WAT TO ocr 9JS tt ? f !0 ,t Unt»aided worn if. a 1 -J </ v " • HAIR PROMTS .1...-~.'.‘-LI-*_l.. ..a?®. H -TP.. YO( 'K Mm . I —-———■ ' Lv.cLJ,—"...J. 1 17 East 42nd Si. New York 17, N. Y. 12-YEAR OLD I P.O! CHAINED TO BED MOTHER JAILED sill.l i]) , i,y.. ik Tin ittotlx-r »>f a I- i in -<*kl (hij jn being’ charged by Sheriff HrgU A. Lilian null fbal.iiui: be; son to .1 bed m Jus home Red MeDaniel, trit-inl f.i> i er, was attracted In 11 • . . screams, and found tin’ youth l.abati Luthers, ch.tincri un dor a cut it his rum) }>> hi' near heir McUaiiid was r.itiiii, for tlw boy until win iiu antlioi itlc entered the c.n.t. He raid he heard the screams Ihursdny d ternooii and discoveied Labun hungr) and in terror under Un bed. The hoj aid lie had been, in chain- at lea:,* a day and v - fed only In. ui and wat.-e (!■- reported, (hat hi had In-en chaitn'd there before, WJIIOIMSTS VSklil KIR VIORi (Hi Id 11l s FOR Mt,R<) HOCKS RUCK Hri.i FALLS, t’a ANT" -- M'” • chin for Nee: ye • verr i requested by Dr. Ear! hi Brown executive -I \ ,ry. IC-me Mt>-.n«.:,;. and Church externd:-.:, last, week He r]-." be " HI :ii . . i . Bear i of y\\ ■ ,-v .mi Churci Lx ton :o,t of the Me) ..nd, ! *.'!.«.- Or. Bi l'i rfdided lo (he e , eii: ”A number »f racial et**t;»• have ory-mi :,ui i.ir.ti ~! y >u. - - fiat ioii.. iwi: . ;<■ ini io . . meetin>; place. A Jong range pr,> grain of buikhii g need . churches and r-’U'.soc.agi ’ sej-.-e couc h>?is rt.{j. tinue '' ill Mi ll Mil l l td <;roi i> t;m:s h u ON IMOILRWt K s.l y, vV ? (j i\ }\ tj\ j"*v f - > j • drams fe di- i nr- (Pv-Ut f‘ ,].!• f Wig M, J, t- rji-.on ’"'CCU ugs F- l W’.-r-i; The f.dtiv, l' Ii - titled “Candy Store," was written by Eli Can Un it revolves around Mr. and Mrs familiar neighbors* »<*ri conlrui ■u 31*v s*,j n j |3> nn wi-<> ...a- . 'Diced to sol) on an?i-Semitm am 1 i-NeeVO n.’dn ’ ; r r< . n m J ri ’ , store which has hoert .'■■■ > n,- most. «f the trade Then- actum in break W jolcnro ~ii ; i»- HMMM jgpT% I I £ ' w n S I . '■A WMM 1 W:- .M;S ipix. I !• •> A • £ >' : ?-""^.v v ■:,.■■ ■"•/ •:■: ,■.;' ; ii sKtcn iiosrn m si m i MEMBERS Seated above are five former medical school le.tett ers who recently .joined (hr tuil ,!me medical luff a< the VA bos lb J?' . t ’ . i i. : W ' # : ’ # j > ■ ... ' ’ U' ; ■ • • J ' -> ‘■‘Hitvirjg' an \i iy nunfr »« ,i vital rl «*f insit'rini: fI * c I?r,.*lUi ihi* ((mmitmilv s<ji which ynn livf.sav Os Jt iimiF i-i-i-r-,, abo Vi t i Inf j (t\ vhc ij.ulb>los»y (i < p.srfivrfu .*t Hie VtlcnfF, hov. pHaJ in f’:t "«r M .| f’d i?.< litlt ccJiffMfi this wvk ' '» NT) FLA. A AND M TO GET 3 MILLION ANNUAL BUDGET TAL! NHNCSEL c..- L- !',i:-:l;i!: ve :■ . r-n f M.OOC cdu si.urof vim.ii -vd . “ome from sfcib fen.iv accordiiq jin an ,ou; ri n<'prr.cyj i.-.y Wilium ; H f.itay, Jr )' v.‘ i,f the ! J ]ou, The buda: pi r enled !>;. 11 residero f.i, io- mntty ’ hyp pry f.rp.l iu----a' y,< nod ns i: H.-onliimn - S a-..-- \\ o.'l t i :, • ;; V i‘--; •; •»- ' S. '- : * ! On Ft V » '-5 •?iH y rrtc. t ».i fev Lhj. • i r,tj •v- :-l f't r,f 1C IdMiVe ;n>^r ; jpriation:: ff : (tom .state iu.net :• on tach f.tuden! I ii.il. To .kepee. Ala. I est lr> rtsM t)vs tt award Kenney, inrtnrr t rsidcnf, frerdmaitV hnsjfutal. Washington, O. < , and ( T Odom, tenner profssor of medi SOUTH’S POWER ! SEEN UNBROKEN ! IN CONGRESS | vva:;hi:-.cto'j ian fm cm .. | yd- the '■!- : ; rnititc, -n. soul ti ns ienmn-- -I'll i• b PrC-iKU.a-t Ti' l | 'ly to \ ; (d- Jjixjc -. an: llsel u : i:,- yardy; will hold their anine old v, b,, o;a' in,- jus -o: sires s' that i'd;, •: l r '.! r-s f l !' Demon ,'itlU j ' ■-a d 'the pud. K-.d - ;• m* o', that the: . ; a is. sand cni'd.-u! -f the I-.; -yd-- irn-.i- .nation si:i •en:.;.rity syvtein will .. s, -. s eormr.ar.d over t \ vr-.' niipmdnnt senate . . i ll '--. -- an;.! over sever.,i house in tij r a, noet, siuiliwrners who 1 h.ivc rns'u \aud tut-.' office elec :i. ■ . .id. • «-ice!ion, includini! six over Tn i-er.rs nirl. will head rnonp.-. d.-a- a- "- . tl-.'-iv pr> pordnu tn die jnaii aib po]M,i,itior. ’ ; Cs >s-s;de;stn; the rest of the nation ! . ii;..- ia-i.il 1 > i virtual monopoly ] i >n senate chainTtanships The mid-; ; wi.-.-t, da- mmiicas? and the west! .a-.- s v. di net have a sing!? corn-| mitiee ch.airmaii m the senate It a-acras, c-on: ideviivg the cx-' ; ;cidr -! lineup ill til-- new congress, : ; that 'hr iH«t congress will be dis- • a: - •’ far as na-rso. mev he (yait i’i --rri. ' Cue smith will ho i ; in the saddle once more. MIXED GROUP RUNS DEPARTMENT STORE AS HARLEM VENTURE NFW YORK FAN!.') ■ A-> mt usual f-roircd a department sta-ic! opc;t'.'d by Negroes and wUlttss, j is the newest business venture in - HariCin these days. j At> -'-sal i - ? 1.5-I,ir $1,500,000 , ■' , •- s‘rd in this stove by ! i" M>?;:i'o;a; and 12 white vcaiU iv* u-iiaut.- When the store finally • Auii'i faup: voa < ■ of which B 3 pm: ceni -.■;)! he colored. i pi mt ; ... if j, -- mbdet ■a. .>.('• Os 1,000 s-iiiurc F..\ '• are the :ev>*lvm'» type II the pi over successful, Br. M.’nro.er Samuel L. Feldman plans : ' > .rn similar st• o;> in six --‘her, ,'.i:a’., with large Negro cotnmuni -1 Boilu>' > flic oiigitud idea tur • ibis f -'ornar- said. “K- an; effor*. t'o brc-H.k down jim-crov/ in i 1 ; O- i -y " Ij-.a tau sriua lisca been brewins m hi: : - hc’aci tor die past tui:: years. if a (be Icgsii adviser el i!:- Pattcrion. N J.. NAACP and also! . '-''av. of tire Tm'-a'i Shop chain, ■ trie, yi. s. (>n mi amt. for 35 years prof* ssoi of pathology. J A. Bone for ’5 years professor of pltar macolog' and A <«. Yancey, former teartter of surgery, all at —». “MISS HO.MF.COMING'* -- Pap ular Miss -lenie Vera Carr. ,i junior at Ja< kson < allege .lack, son, Miss is shown receiving flowers from President Jacob L. Redd is at half-time in the game between Jackson and Hillard Cniversity. \chofus Fetes, a jun ior. looks rn. Hlltard won 34-0. (AN Pi in J 1 ; Ucaa.iM; and Hoboken Feldman’s dream began So tnatet ialize about «■) vpnr ago, he said, .v. fiCi- Benjamin Dworkin of West* ; Chester county became interested 'i), file plan. Dworkin is now presi !dent of the new venture and the p ittetp.il financial backer. He cn ooure.ged five other:: lo join him and invest :u the store. T'-■ • group of six formed a cor* poi';>( mu which bom*ht tjie build ■o. ■.: •i r g die . 1 The n. ■of ■ the 'ore on) the florist shop, lot ’•'d o mi w. i.2sth Street L <»n y agency for the project is o Negiu firm. Universal As sociates. Feldman .said it had been j directed to give preference to Ne ■ - partners, but so far only I ui have been financially quali • fted. White investors leasing space i -ive been told that they will lose )j)i'!s after their two tu - three leaser, rue up if Negroes wish, to take take over their space. Negro operated concessions in ;lbe store arc- the IJorish shop ; bc.-.utv talon, shoe repair and xvatch ; repair departments. Mt’hany. Standing 21 fir*. T. 1 Tildoo hospital chi , and G r. Branch', head o( jI! pr'fcv siona! services. (ANl’i

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