TRUMAN ELECTION TOPPED ’4B NEWS By JOE SHEPHARD To head it.- : selection of the top-ranking n ' - sturics <'! D’-IS, a year marked hy major tfains in th>- hr i oi politics, the c >urts and race relations, the ' Aid.' LI XIAN picks the election ol Pvo.sidmit firirnki!. the MO EMPLOYMENT - BOOT MAILS m ON SEGREGATION - , Kansas City . ANPi - rs»-li '■'..l' 1 (ho Mi [)■, i.sii.'i) oi I', ployim-nt S.-nu in ; t capital. Jeffers n City, wants maintain jin.', row wti.p in K. sas Ciiy !ms spread ihrougli tr t ur«-a bf can -i m i • . ti'Cnnaii’c spin ' Mil ; (’niplui ri Coming fr< rn tbn i.i:. of M chad i (..■■{ . ■ •••-!*■> ,• i dau- Dnc IT !!..• IcMvr ci':in be an impartial question,.su its vvordir,!-, indicaK ;k,V. inc- ■' vision favors scgi’c. ! ,ation “i 1 c 3c ter roads: "Mr. Employer Kansas Ciy nr: “Sc ; ;f { . *'i: • coii'n ed mi a , v. . .’ i crnployos ■ 'a'-i. . ■ Kansas Cits rvcr 1C ven ago. Tim policy a: ;• .a m with the community piarfisv hr ■.)•, * i, !' aid- :; .! : :< i .. ■■ <- ti !) ).: - I : c i‘>! ■ >■.:); i* sl i an "x; oi, . ; Vi<- < ■ > and worker a • "I-, order ,i i .. .. r be c Ij:e pm ... . . fi\6 that yon canplrG- .in- qi.l<- tjcjii.taii >■ to lav. and irUnr: 'o i in '.‘re ej i\ elope p s’ vided on i betcre Dv-c. Ji. 1949. This caiiva-' f en.aio'm (an '.Continued ■. i, buck ji;iys Eisenhower Asked To • Ban Fraternity Bias At Columbia University RAP AMA LEVY TO FIGHT HEALTH INSURANCE BILL Xt w York tANPj -t- The leviiip of $25 oi;Ch on xtr nit lYtocrs t» ;ai3t* j $3,000-000 fuxk! firo’ : health insurance le&iDat ion, by ii: * termed a “vi :;*?ion oi i>s own cii«MlUit!«»n and possibly the cor,-; •tiUdion pf hi United St;-.:- by the board of directors 'i the; Phy ricians forum licre last week. j T. 1 ., i l'C-c' • ?•:. ;..(.-(i '■ « AAIA • ai.Lln;: in com;.e! 1::;g member t > finance a fiylii ago joM a ''.specific piece of ion amoumts iu> "irmg ihe whip a. ; holds over t:-. :d# «l American, doctors who iavm that legislation "F'-r ma st pt.y.-it urns at. ta - : pendent upon their membership in ; the AMA Jot hospital runnectio ■ ..ud they can be impeded, in tnany • mhers v. .-..v, in their practice of i medicine if they lose tneir AMA { numccrship,” tits board said. This j ;• <'M!Cciaiiy (mo (j| ly eg rocs in j tat- "North who have men. m-. v. iji AMA Ht \TS KI'KOI AKV RAT. BUT FACES I.llf bKNTFNCT. Biiminglh.rn. - ANP)— Though j Andrew Lovcret. 45. was acquit-; ted lasi week cn ciiaic.cs .a bur glary and grand larcencv by a cir- ' cuii t■■t ■l l jury he may serve a! life sentence in prison. Fit is a 1 roiee rwrt pr.-on when h». • erving a life tiuence. NAACP Asks Un To Decline Md. Bid To Locate FA AO To locate an agency of the Unit ed Nation;, i;i such an environment, \Tr. White's letter continued ‘•would be to expose non-white -representatives of tile UN to hu miliation and embarrassment. Moreover, it would be to negate * the principles for which ‘be Unit ed Nations stands as expressed in the recently adopted Declaration of Human Rights and in other- jf lidal documents. "in view of these considerations, the Board of Directors of our Asso ciation has adopted a resolution strongly urging tlrat you. on be half of the Unit'd Nations, decline the invitation of the University of Maryland, or ibat of any other in rtitution or organization suniJarly situated. Our Baltimore branch has already requested such action. The National Office re-affirms the re q.ue&t of our local branch.' IT fk 4 nn Y> H. 1 npi }T% C* HTTI T A C % i / 4f, F;j B J I { II S,.dF '1 /f| •«v ; r '" ’ 'ffpk I H| I J, ii Im 1 r "■‘••r / vii $ ul J t 02“ j;3| J §4l 'llfk I: » Igl 1 » i NAACP RETAINS COUNSEL TO AID ; IN LYNCH CASE CORDELE G.i W W T-ursen e of Dubln.. Gii.. sdi.ciior gener.d u s the Dublin Circuit, has been i i.-meci !.• the Nntrnnl Acsuciaa '■ ■ t->: tile Advancement of Colm. d -pie It a. i t ,n Lite rroesi i■ . " ,4 die nifii held responsible for tin N’ovem'i/' r 20 Tot mbs County high* : way lynching of Ruben. Mallard, if •• •• amunmeocs this week by the f cii: i.u s. Conference N \. A C P I».inches Wilhi-n; I. Howell and Roderick >• . L C 5 j J;; ij. churned with the rnm dor ot'ard. will lie tried :.t a ■i >;>i'ciai cmut term • n January ii *e Tic- • '.vo men wr re Indicted before l! ' .: special T 'diitbs County grand u mry on Decc-mher 11, following O’ ■' ‘joc-av i v ai i :•' '.'.in',, . 4 * c u. *:.:/• Them «»t si; ving - jy band. At ,i «• <' i-t ' , {he C •. . t «’> Ch>.ih-K:iv.\* d a a ( : !V rjiMmhes rtwAutiom o;?i --•* 4 :leri;r>.ing Lhc- knauv i state Jaw u- enforcement officers to appreJten.d a. and convict, those guilty of ivi-.'b '■■■ , If specifically called upon (Contined -n back uape) New v !•;• .... jp :i letter v_> Pifsident Dv.'i ;h: D Eisenhower es • (.'ntnoi!:.ia University, members of tbe Columbia chapter of the Nu tt A: - i I- , the , ...c! inco: of Colored People th.s eek U c..:,f diar frtsif-criities "Columbia v. Ah her widely tn -11-1 n'iti;"i:o. d and in;Pi der.'ji'.uiMati'uml 'Judti'ilt inn uf.* Unit ;■ morally and civilly sidigai id: Chun asserted that the sur pension of th- Am ires si College chaptci of the Phi Kajipu Psi fra- Ocnii', t-era.esc f that ch..ui< decision to pledge a Negr . student •' fn ced all colleges and um • In exan mt and eitlici ct.'iTirm or fieriv . their loyalty u the ceneept -f demociatic fret- N t inc • i H‘«■ • :>:g ;»y f r atimissi-n to C.o iumbin should be denied admis sion to university Paternities or .my o' "cr n n-denominalional clubs tecausv i.t hi.- nationality race, o: re lit.-sous convictions." c- iitir.ucd Mr. Cam. nri-ing :!;•.•! the utuvC.'- sitv administration "insist on me inclu.-i rn ol aiti-discriminalorv clause m the charuter of vjtch fr ; tensity recognized by Columbia " In the absence of Gen. Enser.- hi'.wer, .Mr. Cain’s letter was sn :'vered by University Provost Al bert C. Jacobs, who expressed as r.LrcTiCC thi-t “the JlbCiti] (rudi- i t ten.* of Columbia and of the i.a- • (Continued on page four; ■ NEW YORK Trygvie Lie, sec-: ! retary general of the United Na- j jtions. was today urged to decline* i the invasion of the University of I ! Maryland to establish headquar- j j ters for the UN Food and Agricul* j j tural Organization on the Univer-; | rity campus i In a letter to Mr Lie, Walter j [White, secretary of the National j l Association for lire Advancement of: Colored People, called attention to; j the color discriminations establish- 1 Jed by law and custom in Maryland. | i "Not only does the university ex- J 1 dude Negro students from ail ot j [its department* except the College J iof Law, but the State of Maryland j j imposes Jim Crow r< gul .lions m J ! inti as late travel and customs of I J the commonwealth exclude Nc-J ! free.- front restaurants, hotels', | ! porks and theatre;, frequented by] i oUcefr persons." ■ , i"f • i: 1;..- in < j-ii.ri etivp Aoveoanfs uisi oo i uicatoiu uid on arc h and I ,'wl.ed inn-t fiCadi in i I ''.i: : I ! ) 1 '1 - ' l ;l!A] 1 (\ (l \ 'll tit - , ill I . i ■ ■ '! i . - the • >ul .'f a ltd i n.e. ;ie' ■: :; ;• 1 !" the vo.’tr are (’rosidetif ii a rry S. Tntf'dan, Dr. Rat pit J. - . •■N" D r " ... r | 1 x T T'l # v A Ti T T "XT T A *\ f 7' THE CAROLINIAN '..’•' . ■ ' : . ■■ ,- 1 . rr ... n - r —mn —r ,~, -,, , - „ rT -r hi r miir.-i , r .„.. n . rf --- r----,-n- lw . n „ , „.- ril j F 16 Pages j NORTH CAROLINA'S LEADING WEEKLY | ' COPY ' 10c VOLDME ,XXV 11] RALEIGH, NORTH CAROLINA WiiElv KNI >ING SAIL I iDAV, .] X EAUV T~ThTh X {>. 2 f 2943 rrxCtYVrd by •j two iynchiG *, one \A * wiiiic* i; nd one of Negro according lo the Ac. : i. 1 report, jelea-cd Kri-du> , tne Department of Record:- ond Ih ( n-p Tuskoyee institute. T‘. ' Hvi> ri< urly detmcd lynch | in' i \\nsv .! Wnnam B- Turner, . 2C'Vear*okf whiti lorm fen am i . o Ko'nert .ilifila'iti, 37-yc: • aid ;m ; * icicti itupply r.-.lcsn::jn as well ar a third kixliii " whici* the < ■. .. .ed in ihe > :aie of Georgia. i ip ** >i at ni ve ease was tac c.f I-.aii Nixon, 2«-year uid i '; t_ieorg;a s OeiTtocrotJC primary after having been warned In the lynchi;;;.' of Turner one : person was sentenced to deaTi | and tlirce to life ini orison men*. The text - f the report, signed by j Iji . F. D I’S 'lc: o;, follows; j ‘Cunmuied on back jst st-efi. n) | ALA. LAW (JU ICERS JAILED IN BEATING 01" mm: NEGRO MEN MOBILE. Ala. .ANPi Clarke' 1 County Sheriff! Anpus fFU and ;c. dy, Willie R■ > Ha; re:!. .- • • vrerii.;; ching. ; violating the; civil light., of n..., Negroes in fed- i !era! court, turned in a plea T In-, j.ocen: thriuikh their a Homey here • ii.?£ week The t,,i> were indicted by a fed-, if raj grand jury las? month cut r> j j charge iT “iliegM assault, beatings : " v.V:i)tpi;igs. and olher cruel tnal : rew and physical abuse". • again.-f their nine victims. Trii.l J ; date .has been for iat.e next ■ DENIED LAVi GOIRSE, \SkS EXEMPTION FROM BAR EXAMS MOBILE Ala. ANP) Be cause he was not allowed to attend the University of Ala- / lama School of law, a Negro Harvard graduate asked that he he admitted to the state bar j without taking the Alabama liar examination last v <•( k. This request was made bv Charles F. Anderson oi Bir mingham in Iris application for the bar. He based his reason- ! in.£' on the fact that graduates of the University of Alabama law school do not have to pass t i Uie tests. Since tie was not permitted I to attend the university law l school Anderson contended j that his degree from Harvard should be recognized and the tests should be waived in bis Infantile Paralysis, .iai.iuuy 14-31: (left to rightj: Ur-du! li. Davis. Vice-Pre ident, .\e:;n. Newspaper Publishers Association Kansu City, Mo.; Mrs. Toki -chalk Johnson. Women’s Rage! J ditor, i ittshiirgh < ourier New-paper, Pittsburgh. P. : 1J». Herba.i Marshall, President-Elect. No- ; t,on E A.edival Association, Washington, L). P.; (irv. Jler.rine Simpkins Km:ive, President-Elect, XVomanX * Auxiii.iry to the National Medical A- suciiition. Laurel. Miss.; ~..d hi. Harry Ptun. Gruiid Jiisiteus, i t/iaega I s: Phi 1 raicrnity. • ® * ry I np Dixie bolon i o Introduce Bill To Move Negroes BIRMINGHAM. Ala. ■ >r:r ’.at' south similar ;to a plan advocated by a local at ! lorney Jo'eyh I>. Miuicl. will be * iuiroouce to th'O : oiiaH*. Sen. Rico | ard B Hu: sell ol Georgia :aid in a | li-tiey last week. According to Budd, Sen. Russell's , aid, Leemun Andersen, sent him a letter approving his plan for the federal government to subsidize Negroes who wished to leave the ; south for another area where they I may have more opportunities. Under the Mudd plur.. Ne/,t 'os ! would “voluntarily" leave the southern state;-: to areas with tv m \ paratively few colored people arid [be replaced by immigrant:-; from * Europe. The federal government j would help the migrants financlui -1 ly until they had settled down. In hi* letter for the senator. An ti ersen wrote; •• A>; you fnay kn:>w, the senator ha:- prepared n bill de .signed to help Lou undcrpnvilege.i c*f both races by assisting them in relocating where they will have I more desirable living standards j and job opportunities, with the i general purpose of equalizing the j distribution ot Negroes tbrougoul l tiie nation. j "It proposes, also, to move white I people who desire if in an effort Ito maintain a fail balance of popu | !at.Ln'. j Others seemingly interested In * the Budd scheme are Sen. Kennein | vlcKeller of Tennessee and Gov j lien T. Lanct’y ol Arkansas. ■COLD CAI SES DEATH !OF CHARLOTTE MVS CHARLOTTE Cold wos the i cause of at least one death in ! Charlotte, police reported, A Nc* Lro man identified as Ben Burke, i .‘>s, was froze.: to death in a field jott Cemetery Street it was report * fed. Lui' ! . I.'N 'Mocliufcor to Palestine; Mry. Eicanoi D. l;on.;."veit fm? her work on the I X cliArtvr. and Thut-, y I '■ ‘;i -lifill, raokit);.- coutisol for ihr Na tional A •'■ u; Elliot! I'ui Ihe Advance;: f-m of t blolN- 1 Jh.'Oiilo. SPIES WORRYINB KLP.N OFFICIALS I WASHINGTON 'ANTT The 5Cu Klux Klan is. having spy tr u | ale. it was rev* a led here in Drew -' Pearson's syndicated column,; i ■ Washington Merry- G o -Round." j ■! DM week. In its program for the elimina-; | ‘-ion of such things as civil rights | i oi*.' Klan has learned ifun. :t has | spies within it- group. They a:e, - revt'.iiii;:; the group’s secrets 10; Isdeii people as I’irev, P* arson and , | the new spa pert.. j In it;-, recent, nirt-tnig in Macon a | reporter from a colored newspaper; • !was thrown out. A mini: part of; jGo.nd Dragon Green s talk was itliat of getting rid of "Drew Pear- ' i | _ _ „ , I Green also told klansmen to con- I stilt kb.vern officers- before taking ! iaction. He said they could call him, | ;ii any nour of the night if “things > • I need to be straightened out." He also fumed at- "s.rue sorry. • ilovv down scoundrel” who hung a ' • kiansman in effigy. A full search ] ’ i for the owner of the robe used m;' jthis effigy vra., promised if it is 1 ‘ ' necessary to call in ail robes to; I check for the rn issing one. i, Speai;in; s of Methodist ministers; ! who recently condemned Chiefs i Ellis of the county police for let-! 1 I iiisg the Klart parade December 4.; ! a klan rnunher said; • "They are so called preachers! I who ire trying to condemn every- j j thing except Me thodis ts.” NO NEGRO ON NEW YORK SLUM AGENCY ( | NEW YORK—fANP)— In nem-X j in-.", his five-man shun clearance j; • committiee, Mayi.-r CiDwyer emit- j c jied apyointing a Negro tnemi-er. | ! Although .he Negro sections of,* jXC:w York are chiefly slum areas.U ! standards, no member vms ss-|« signed. —. ARK: UAGRESSMAN RAPS OPPONENTS TO REGIONAL PLAN WASHINGTON « ANP'i Us.tb it . vbligations to give the N■ - ;V ! vq; ■;., rdtiWlitOJ) Rep. iI. |Of 'Arl-'.L:: - denounced the NAACP :(• slahd i -i.risl southern re i :i■ ii vij;i rxi'!- tost week. He called the NAACP’s actlvi- j i ties' against regional schools ;'a: ! disservice to member:, of the Ke-j I pro rare in the couth.' 1 •*:Fjoin o, aeration. I# ; with leading Negro educators.” he i added. "1 am convinced that theyj 'are supporting the principles of; the regional system. ‘•lt wijiii be tragic and unwise i fi- Negro organizations to with* ; fold support from the plan sole-j lv on the basis that it will eon-| tinue the present social patterns j of Hie region. "Through this system the south- j Prn suites are making a consci entious and rincej c effort to bring! tt c level ui higher education for i Not’roes to that of white people "We of the south have recog- • ni/.c-c! that we are obligated to: pic-vide equal educational ojjj •••.•?•* tunities to the Negro and it is on- | !y through cooperative action such j i this that we can realize our; worthy objectives. Continuing in a similar vein the ; Ai konsas soli-n used another old, faithful argument that southern i .••tsites alone cannot provide equalj instruction, but working tngetberf they can. TWO ARE SHOT IN ! WINSTON-SALEM ! DURING HOLIDAY | WINSTON-SALEM. Dec 27 -- i Tv. e men are in critical condition i in hospitals here today as a re roll of bullet wounds. Robert Grover, of Winston-Salem l was . hoi in the back Three timer, j by an unknown gunman on u j downtown street, police reported Leroy Davis, alto of Winston, was wounded when ills wife Mrs. j Alice Davis fired on him in a, quarrel. Investigating officers re-. ported she admitted the shooting. Fhc •;io ;t important, sdoi-y .'f tiif; year was thi oJec- I’’•>n ui E •aicr I\l i.--ot'!’i ha'biri'dhf.KtT i*> .suc:;<:-*d him- F* if ns Ei' utk'iif .*v thp I 'nithG State., clt■ • i?o di-Sshnitui) H! i : hi.-. '. it pH! ty and !; . Ml .i:rh s.i;:>p, *i’t m .. .d (fiontimiPii oil hack |,:iy ,• j LOCAL NURSES |: WILL MARK 52N0.' COMMENCEMENT;: I!.■ Si Ab: (•" if., n.tal 5<;;,....'.; ~! ! ■Nu'Sirig will graduaie a class of 2Z ; 1 ' :tttrse:< at its Fi it v-Second com-' 1 1 : . , . ! 1 •n* reement cxerch.e.; v. r.;c;; ai. s»-h'.\:uled to be hc-id on Friday eve- ! 1 iin at 8 p M in tile auditoriutn ’• i. T.c l.ucille Hunter School, Among the commcnccm,. .it week . j which will pi ece-du Fn- j r < day in. Tit’s finals are included bac- ' ‘ ..•alaureate service day w.Tch will , be. •: oserved un Sunday January , ■ !''d at 7•30 A -i : ■ which Una' the i;;.;!<■.; vv; be if. red hoi; !j . communion by the Rev. Lloyd ' , i Aie.cinder, chaplain t s». Angus- | i m.e. Co! Ice c. i The baccalnureat. tern:on will :.)(■ delivered Pie ftev. ~ir. Alex- : : • under at T I*. M in the St. Angus- j; ; a - College Chapel ii Class night will oe observed * n ’'• Monday. January J. and will br d hhi.'Avcd by the junior-senior prom,; ion Tuesday at 8 P. M 1 i: i .vet- ti"i; ■• !• {);.• V (d‘ :j l j wilt be lie Id in the l.virg*. of the . S' Agl" • hot pi Ne'-'C; I'.e.alf .f' ikevmg the eoinrac-iwomont ex- | 1 ere:aes. ' ’ Dr. Harold T.. Trigg will preside i 4 ! over ihe commencement exercises.!' The commencement addre. - wi11. ,! • ■ delivt red by the" Rev. John S. |, Dillon O P •,. 1',:.,. ■ po at or •Si Monica’s CaihoUe cimreh. Cithers who wilt appear on the ‘commencement program include: j T. Curtis Mayo, head of the music . J ; department at St. Augustine’s;; Miss Mentis Thomas, the Nurses'l Clio--- Club. Mrs. Elm a Rose Man-;! ! rieife and Miss Evelyn Patterson.! I The list of graduates follows. i CLASS Os f !< t K> R’ se Mi-rie Samuel;, president; j 1 1 Kathryn Mane Gainer, vice presi ! dent; Vera Marie Covington, see-I : roiaiy, Lillian Lo*iise Jones, trea - 1 urer: Vcrdelle Frendessu Olive,' ; business manager CRADUATING CLASS !Corona Bailey. Si. Augustine, Fla W;;!.., Raymond Beebe, Tar Heel ! . a;..'. Velma BentUy Mn.ini. Fla i i.Contined on back page) SEVEN OUT WHITE j ER VTIN ROW OVER ! NEGRO INDI CTION SWAKTHMORE, Pa. (ANP) Seven members of the ! Swarthmore College chapter of PJii Kappa Psi fraternity, re signert from ilie Greek-letter organization here last week in pretest against the- national i council's decision to suspend , neighboring Amherst Colleg*. chapter for initiating a Negro pledgee. Thomas IV Gibbs of Evanston, 111. In. a tetter to the campus newspaper the seven said they could not “ju.'tUiiably belong to any fraternal organization • that chose its members *>n the 1 basis of race and religious creed, rather than on merit.’ Included among those resigning i was the. chapter's president, Ht-inz Valplri, of Washington, ! X). c. ] NEW 11 £ l-AK-gl .Jll HARRY S.'TRUMAN MAN OF THE YEAR—Presi dent Harry S. Truman, v\ hose election in the face of dissen tion within liis own party and despite the opposition .'roused i", Jits unflagging support of his civ A'g*.l• ( program jirovided cue of the major ltpsehs in Amer ican political history and the biggest, news story of 1948. SUPREME COURT TO REVUE ALA. CON VI01! 0 N WaslungJon Repeated effou • by :. A NCP attorney.- t- obtain ivview of the fuse >■; Samuel Tny lui. Noyouth convicted of it-.., white woman, resulted UGs week in the qrantin;' of a writ of ;, ttorixfi by the United States Su preme Court, v;t■ i. c, to review ci;,i';is ii;at TayF-'f v ..... d-oGG u p-ocess of law by Al.i'cama cour’s Chru-oing !: ■.((. Tnylor was beot ei. bv police and coerced into con ..-■ :!::«• h*. a oi-M ':- ;-ld white girl in the small A2a bama town of Prichard two years tiif NAAC-P appealed Tay lor's conviction first to the state Su;.:ro> v .e Court and then to the U S. Supreme Court, ;;r,d later u;..,t .; writ of habeas corpus in th.,.- U S. ::ct C.-art. These np i a;: were all Ueiuod. bi.; a re ] s ieve ■ Tavlor’s execution ordered last '.July by U. S S.;.'.rein,- Court Justice NVG y Rui ]e .j ;ri rerponsf Jo an .’ippc.T bv 'Fratik Reeves NAACP attor ney in Wasi ting ton. A second petition bv tlie NAACP ,'X, •• licj; Vh.e Supi..‘me Court to review •he validity of a lunvie tion obtained through use of a confession extorted by violence fear in violation of the Four t,.cntii Amendment .• r. eranted on Dee-ember S 3. Tat- ease will be ar gued cal ly in 1949. FLORIDA REPORT LAUDS NAACP BALLOT FIOHT S(. Petersburg, Fla. i re (I! t tuv tiie important part played by Negro voters in the rect nt election was given to ;,'ie National Association lor ltic- Advancement of Colored People and its “militant fight” to secure for Negroes in the South the right to vote, in this year's annual r; | ;rt of the Florida State Conference of NAACP branches. (Harry T. Moore, evrcutvi' secretary of the Florida State Conference, noted in the re post the effectiveness of the Negro vote throughout the country in the 1948 election and stated that the Negro vote in Florida provided the balance of power responsible for the election of Governor Fuller Warren. "Had it not been f#r Ihe NAACP's nhliUnt fight against the so-called white primaries declared Mr, Moore. “Negroes would have had no voice in se lecting Hie next governor of our state. If the NAACP had done no more than this, it would be worthy of the sup port of cevry Negro in Flori da."’ Mr, Moore also stated in his report that 'the political unTty of Negro voters in Florida this year was another factor in toe political success of this group of voters.