TRUMAN SCORES ONSTA TE OF UNION By JOE SHEPHARD Backed IV. j- the Cwl time by the ex nr-. 1 sett mandai of the people amt a friendly t '.men r .T'i a-• iciont, Harry S. Truman stood LeiCro the dir: {'-m*,.-•••< \V-‘<.l.*:es(la> and delivered one t lie ntnr hard-i. ;t tdi)> and ■ i o) SI,OOO GIFT IS CONTRIBUTED TO N, C, ORPHAN® OXFORD .1-■ 4 Ti.v < vi■ <• Colored Ori'l' i :,j;i i); H i’i . . l"i a sill Os SI,OOO M'V.s.iv ;iir re ment of the boy . dormitory. ■ was burned i.sst ye;n r n th. (’hantabh' , ; o: I’' -o Mills, i: wa.-. ; -.moimml v • ek. in a letter to Supi. T A Humi.n-: of the Orphan Ch.niis F M< y err. ass stat.t vn:v president •■! Bin • llngton Mills. stated then ‘•■.very one who know,, year work Tie inoruicusly impivr-d :-ii ’ • work which is heir,:; d-W --a- sincerely pleased with the p portunity to iiave some simll pa: t in your ropi'is- arid wish J'or yon the best oi success in y b.i fund- GAINS OF TEAS CITED ATANUTAL CITIZENS' MEE T -The year 1949 i.: ave, j'.t’eat vhidieni’e ..,na pt .no-.. . v ib.- one of great achievement Thu exteiv.F'st; of civil bidits 1 all stated Hm-man L. Taylc:-. W tornrv. in his ados ins before The Rak-itth Citizens’ Comhiite-o in annual . ■•. a. n at the Bioedvvortli Street V.MCA S: n " ", "America must become th" mot al :■ aee; the -vo: id are; veil need n-:> a s-ir-l ar. Communism or any other h .e , .. tans that have no Pi r ' in : country oi' . aerr r tag '•: e ;;p( :uk;s. Leonidas Frazier, t hr.irman of the siib-cc.:r<u me.- -n F- ; reported -at - >r.V pro?;, os;; «.; fart: in . ' Board of Ed a u, r. to ytvuiv in th.e cart' ; Bite for a r.eve N'-. ' ■> high serai.n The rt r.-f th. T ■- >"■ wu ire f . *1 city eutbomier are nov y, , mitted to the fair policy oj a > pointing the oft ice--v ' : vaeancios occur < r - tut* -- ■- : lOorititjt.d an I jack, j- : " MANSLAUSHTES COUNT LODGED IN FATA 1 , MASH V.h; liio; A-.k ' h Middlesex. r- oeir y rrai SI,OOO boi a iteve charge wUSh man slaughter in Viic ini,.l- <■- Greer VVdlif rd, 55, k KV-W'.h Coronet I. M. Cheek report.- lowing an invc-mgaUcn that A.* * - life rd v, as itln. l ; i uisi -a. early Wendey enn.ry when r.< ear his son wa drivirut will a truck operated > ' A-'. . • ou the P- s Adam: w:. la. ■ - t un-, of -if. 1 head, amts atTd -‘V is reporied to i-e in T- si - c- t • iUt!'-n at Sarr. Ayr-: He. .-tal. is' under SI.OOO bond. Williford's :-,n sttffered clic>t in juries. and sustained skin abra- EiOSIS. Following police tiiveMiyat i s of the crash U was found that the truck had wen d i.eros- the road ,a. ji, Adams applied brakes. Examination of the vehicle re vealed that the entin brakir-.g nn chanism had been removed fn ro the tight from wheel. Skid marks shewed that the truck skidded for 50 feel across the road Mr. Wiiliford is Vieiicved ?■;. i • died instantly from a broken reck. Beth v.h.cles were Total wrecks, Death Vehicle For Two Negroes „ i '' ‘' ' '' i ' DEATH BEATS THE .VEVV above car w’lich overturned on also riding in the car were w-r- YEAR Frank Lawrence and the afternoon of New Year's Eve iously injured. .loiiimy Warren St New York on a tong- curve near Rocky PHOTO—Courtesy, of News and City died in the wreckage id the Mount. Two other men who were Observer. 4PASSPOLICE _ 111 ;■ ■■ f ' ''' ; • ■ \Q Pages | NORTH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKLY j VoLU"k 1E XXV I'll RALE IC ii, XORTII CAROU NA _ WEEK _ENDI NO SA'i i.'Rh.XN .-I AM ARY s, HMD _ N - 27 MiiD iQ Dai ircn M%IB I%# DDiL^CU *■***★*★ ★*★★★★★ *★'*★** * ST. AUG. INAUGURATION SET POSSIBLE INCREASE, SEEN IN NUMBER OF NEGRO POLICEMEN Vi jury in '"-7~T~umh7r<,i' Xpu -ks on the Ra ■ , ... ..vjed m |>o :••. *»• iir\ Lb : week when il* 7; le:ii niO t7 ' 'four N‘ V V' ptf■ • d the Os • ihMimi-r r-xapiiniit-ioii.'. given on August .">l. j . . |)\ \ (‘i• ; ; ; ■ O') J,F}| \ ■ vo 'iu. whOi? Huiiovvt-y ;>• d i • ( ; . M-de .- pud •• dr; :t-intent l ; u ?; U; last xuiv.mer Officer? Win- ; lev- and Baker although carried : *■:.'■ plainclothes. Following numer ous requests ■ t c.i./on> ; roups toi .W.... o anifi nned poK-emeu to pu trid the r.v.u disorderly ureas ot the city .the ivu were issued uni forms. Spokesmen fur thu citir.ens groups then contactt d Raleigh ol> and pclice ofticial< to inquire whether • the change to u»if -mis ii-dicat-ed ■ «ny demotion for the two Negro policemen. At that time they were told by City Manager Huy s. u, n that toe vit i e did not involve any loss in status, rank ov sneerne Lp'istie stare of the union;, in modern polUica p h if-lory, v Lushi itk out at thoo' who had pr*-tJieteci the c.oJlapKi v of th- American system of fret.- fmlerpvi.-e and its ability • ' ■ contimie to maintain the highest living itat.dard in , BISHOP F, PENIKt T 5 tertw RITE 1 V V* Ut % has \J '* 1 *iJ v &e* 8! ST fllffi t% & is 4 s < iIT of D Harold L. Tt :,s ■ j 5,... (,i St _ . s'.Coi eU to take on the 31st i niverr-aty of the opening of We Halt at :< v> ;vl The exercises will include ah n •.■aw-. cu-. OS the aiinivt-r a);, the Rt. Rev M. Gw fj'o Henry. D. D. liihiu of the Diocese of Western North Carolina (Protestant Episco pal), briny The pr-ncipal guest speaker for the combined event--. President Trice will deliver the ir.iu,'-.address and the Ri. Rev Ed win A Pc nick, D. 1) president •>f the board of trustees of the col* ' .-u- and b.. liesj> el North Carolina, will preside Dc A. Elder, president of North : Carolina College, and Dr. L. S. /:.r! president .of Ilvbor Scolia j-Ccll so. will bring greeting's fro.n She cotie.-.-,. ■ and universities. A farce number of educational insli : tation.s lx--inning with Harvard, fra olde-i ... ih•, country, have oj . die .ted that they will be repvf >Confined on back page) Jm 5 - v : < o-i urrmt xfc two protu ai-su writers, Langston Hughes, Fit and Anus Bontcmpts, right. Tt airifil up recently and cn-edited apt K-try umnology eonUiutng Mia its ci H7 poets. The new bonk is railcil • t'he Poetry of the Nr Sudden Illness Is Fata! To Wife Os Local Pastor Mrs. Mary Julia Lawrence, the wife of the Rev. E. C. Lawrence, pastor of the First Congregational Church ot Raleigh, died sudden! iy at l ;•!5 fuesda v while «.-nr<>nte to S;. Agnes H<»spita! after hat iug bet n stricken ii! at h■ ‘r home at 7->S Manley St. The deceased was 55 years of age and was the former Miss. Mary •I. Blown of Jennifer. Ah. She was graduate of Talrtdc-ga College and lived in Birmingham. Ain., for a number of yoai s c. here she was very active in work with the Ant mean Tied Cross A resident of Raleigh for the past seventeen years, -lie has serv ed as president of the Pauline Woman's Missionary Union of the Fust. Con: rep, Church, trea surer of the Sunday School and a member of the adult Bible class. • She is survived by ivi hus band, two daughters, Mrs. Martoji, HmMs of Nov. York City and Mb. Cecelia Goodnnn of Philadelphia: cne grata:..on, William Lawrence Gcodrum. four brothers- Jolui, Wil li. nt, Eugene and Albert of Talla riej.::, and Minnoapah;. Minn, and one sister, M;-i. Pauline McCarroli of Talladega. Tiic couple's daughters, and sons* in-lew arrived in Raleigh on VVed it'.relay eve:ling Funeral arrange mei.-U hud not been completed up t. press time. Bill Vccck, president of the Cleveland Indians, will lx- the featured speaker at the annual dinner of the Chicago Urban lea gue, to be held Feb 17. the wo.-Id, the Chief Executive nonetheless scored many of the ills which eum-ntiy beset the American scene. Coupled with his expressed hope for cooperation bt-lwe<-n government, business, labor and industry was a demand for 1-•C.dation aimed at the improvement of Rr»”. Its ffr>l section is devoted lo the works of Negro poets. •be second an dthird parts take up t!i!> works of Caribbean poets and .voile poets who have writ ten about Negroes respivtivdy. i AMp ÜBIETY Will MARK ’•I IRION ANDERSON'S COVERT IN RALEIGH A diversified program, ranging l from (hf tranquil sweetness in ■ heron t in music by Brahms through the ryjrc r-.-bust melodies of Eng- Mish folk music and concluding ■ with the haunting minor - key •strains of Negro spirituals will be ; offered Raleigh music levers when , Marian Anderson appears at the Raleigh Memorial Auditorium on Thursday, January 13. Tickets arc on sale at Stephen* s ai's Music C rnpany tit 121 Kay* ' etteviUe Street and at Hamlin •. Drug Store, ,t JIS Fast Hargett ! Street. j Miss Anderson will be nccoro pani'. dbv Franz Rapp the pm no 1 The program follow*.: I When t Am La d In Earth, j Henry Purcell; 1 attempt From .'t. Sicklier..- To Fly, Ileury Parcelt; Softly Walt, Yr Southern ■ i Breezce. J;m ■ s Hook Bright Pir.oe bus. .James H«' >k. II - Sliuj i“ SiTIIV, Sill Cl c. ■ </.;aritinco.d on hack l:.t section) SINGLE COPY iUC MOB GATHERS AT ASHEBGRO AFTER FARMER !$ SLAIN 1 AFHEBORO, NT. C ~ Mob vio ! fence wnich n.i. ht have placed j North Carolina ;v A:><• top of. tne ! nation'.*; roll of h fam> for I when a par!ially ma kwl mob of ! la: : .• ■ l 0.. and intended mob ; Ri.r n suspect in tfio robbery' I Iho body of Cam, ,appyi c-r.tly | the vie! ini ci a shotgun bio si iro:n , home i.i Biown was linked with the ; cams through statements of Cains ; friends and relatives that the live ; stock dealer hod bad an appoint - ■ ment wit.-: ©own to discuss a live fore hi; cl is appear ame j When arrested. according to Shei if * 1 Ben Morgan, Brown had a bloody handkerchief and about ' SIOO in his possession and admitted ; beau- involved m Cain's death. Also arrested for questioning in ti.c ease were '.Vlas vin Staley and Wade Brady who lived near Brown's home Staley, according to Sheriff Morgan, told of st cing Cain and Brown together near the Holly ' Springs Church. Realizing the danger stemming irons me fc< lay which the killing .reused. Sheriff Morgan ; said that he im media lely took Brown i.o anotlir-r jail to prevent trouble. l<pon reaching the jail, the mob i demanded to see Brown and milled ; about up on being told that he had ■ been taken elsewhere Leaders of the mob talked with Sheriff Morgan and Jailer W. P. Lassiter and the latter finally agreed to admit about 20 of them ; it the rest would remain outside. fCotifined on back page* NEW TEAR'S EVE CRASH KILLS 2 AT ROCKY MOUNT Rocky Mount ln a highway j accident near here, on New Year Eve two men, both Negroes, wer j • idlied and two others were injured j seriously li v. reported by Patrolman i • W ,i. Farriso that t.he accident oc- j .erred when the ear in whtch they ; • were riding overturned on a ; curve. The victims were listed as Frank j i Lawrence and Johnny Warn u. Ear! Ctitchhi and . brother. Wil* • liam Tbc-ma* Cutchln, were injur- j ! ed. All of the men wore native-:., jof the Rocky Mount section, but j f had been residing irecently in > Brooklyn, N, Y. : the lot of the individual American citizen. Lacking the fire and oratorical ability u> t-avuv his i I'.oaimw wiii'd; way a par; of r LuozevC; w.,:ld ;<u, • Air Trmnan ex hi tiled the- aunie di.-a-i l and is. ghlior ,* ;"•:*** V ' ~ ; < ;55 *•" T M I.KAVI.S FOR ÜBIRIA lb, ult-ii; iu,;nb I, Jackson t’ollege Jackson, Th is shown above us Sir boarded , plane for the Republic of Liberia. 100 Much Gossip ; PROBE BEAT INC OF ! MAN AND WIFE BY NEGRO “KLANSMEN” :.yi . G < [A: p— iK.h> «» atid Ida Lot Killy tcnaift i iitners end par< .tig of five children, reported Sheriff W, L. McCarr hero last z’oo'i h:t four person:: who lolled ’hcmselvrs lacrnbei nl fit" t ::1c.,0d Xu Klart ' cU v .-Led and boat lhcm witfi vii lir butTs on yi.r.o; 'o i coun fry read lecenity. In assault warrants swor/i cut againsi the Negro Klux ers, the Kellys named Carl Brown, his tisfr.r in-law Lol ly Mae Brown- and two oih ■£JTS, According ’ .- the :;tcr-/ th-.- victims told. Ike Browns luv-e. then, to a deserted country Toad where several robed b it imheoded Negrr-es pretended S. held us up. The robes rc ifmblsd those worn by the KKK and cne cf the party said they belonged to Ihv col c. -d Xa Klux. The Krllys charged th-y were forced from the auic mobile and beaten by the •'colored Kluxers" The attack occurred one night alter a Here was burned in the yard cf the Kellys' home. Bill Farmer, on whoso land the Kellys live said ho un derstood the couple had b? en blamed for gossip about the Browns. DETROITERS BLAST J UDGE’S ATT ITU D = : : IN BOYS SLAYING «Y A. I lOSTI R DETROIT <AN Pi According to ''old-timers." never in the hi - ' t iy of Detroit have- Negroes fx ip’tss't'd so much ldignation as they I have toward the recent freeing o: j pctrr.lman bout? Mob is by Record - ! er‘s Judge Arthur E Gordon and the Judge's nmvan anted attack ; upon the NAACP. i Mrlais had been charged with ' Involuntary manslaughter in the | shooting of a 15-year-old Negro i ’ad, L-on Mosley, who was flecm;y from tin? officer in a Dai car. Meiais and patrolman John Bo land had chased Mosley fur a tn ’e ! as a traffic violator without know ledge the car was stolen. The car had crashed into n tree ayrt accord j in;, to witnesses, the officers had ! beat the youth. It :Y stated that he j shcif in the back, However, the j coroner’s jury branded Die- shoe . • : ;ng as unnecessary. Cll i?.<ovu arc not so much disturb ied .vcr Trie Judge’s de-vision, dc j daring that he* was ‘’within Ist.: I rights,” but they resent strongi.v ! his Statements in rendering Inc : ctreisic'i'i. j He was reported by the daily j pres:, as. ‘-lauding the patrolman,” J ying to him, "you should i.o coni i mended as an alert police officer.’’ • Melais was immediately rcstur* He has been co-umr-.-Uinvil by 1!:.- Pin Tpv x(- ).,< , • * *• i to ;.iudy the p■ ■ •.siT■;btu■ ■ c, 1 dr . ; Tbpltijt an cuT'i Hvt- pro ,r.i*n of rural ■ flu- r!|. n h;-r ti •. -in.. ‘ ■ l J.ii nTt'TSU i U .. .hti \i J i'l 11 $3 r.‘ ia S sV C Sl : cc noi ill ; G‘Oti it V E'li.U ' ' L . ft 'i C . iilaCt A. ' ii f.;7 : ; tTipJCd So Ih • K I . ti; ’."ii in Ifd'T," di L by Coir.mi slum r E. F. • Toy. who’ has been the target of . ricLcm ic v--:.- appointed, . , with back pay of $2.02!, ’ miunisi aup tu tors who are * ring to 1 ! ;- u .jn the creditable wor, of the : i NAACP oarc to do a good -..ed for ;. nee in their pink Jo. ... they i would raise money to r • ’ace the • i u ll.. 'ftgoiic stolcr* by Motley. Hundreds c>£ lobcr-minded citi ■' \ zena, many of thorn numbers of the I YAACP it i'at. in 1 i,■ .s:r: .id for WHITE MAN JAILED - IN' CHRISTMAS EYE SLAYING- OF NEGRO FRANKFORT, Ky. tANP) -• . Ray; mir! D I. rnum, ■; white man, war. amitc-d and jailed here fact week r e the Obr.vtraas eve murder cf 4-1- .vv.ur-old Tom • Milier. a Nog to. Tasman wan drinkin,-. and one of • | his suns a. ! -oc! Miitcr who lived nearby, to aeip pur! ins fa then. ■ Mill- r w..s : but a i » sl-PP-U to tContined. oh back page)

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