Scholarship planned as Memorial To Dr. She pard v BV w. wT STRUDW(CK T DI KHAM —At a 1 moo; :-jr a«*ld at • irth Cnrulina 'College here, Saturday, th> gr<> ip of into d ; e'uoits from all pa:is of the oao *>-;\. muu'-.nn us en dorsement to the format;-"ii <>: .. • i uVa] ( iamunu com HCKM * ORIVF. HEAD Harold 1- fit - <.pr, »r creta ry - treasurer and gen * sal manager ol the Sunder .Mo.or C ompany, who lias been selected t» serve us general chair man of tli" Raleigh-Wake < ounty 1!14!) American ited Cross drive 1 . THE REV,PHELPS WILL BE ANNUAL Y MEET SPEAKER RALEIGH third mal meeting •: i w lUiKKiwurih Street VMCA *.v!i 1i < held KrU - at turn i> \I. and v. 11 ft ;U: ;'<• „ sddi c . by the Rev. G .VI. Phelps. past-.* i St. Maftiu\vs Me" jot Chin ch. I j Gr.-Onsbon. ■■oic.'r.i h> ’ • c Mi. e have announced The Rev Mr. Phelps will be pre mSited i-v D>. M. I. W ■ - v. *'■ i1 • 1: ; iOM r» .iT.iK'-'i: li (iUi’.rt. C. A. Me... - word, chairman Y the IL- ■; ■■■( ' vi!l prosier Otjeaturo • of Lt_ program will include the annual report it; K. L. Radons exceaLvo sevreery and the election ■ six new mem ber;, to the board 1 1 managed, m. Lzi.i remark.: v. ill he i-j.jc ... A .Mr. tin, rep: ••-1 r n 1 »t r* -. ton tv.:.!. - atjng fommitß-e; .) I. Sfredv tr. the Emblem Club anti vs '.ford 'l. Tuvlnr. the dormitory nu: . ci ;b. The jr.vor ata-n will v'f .* d by Dr. O. S EiiUirn . . u ' First Bar.'ist Church tut the ; . diet,!on l.v Rev. L. M Thompson *P: th. SI M:.'h , VV r < '.’lUt Til Special >TU. ic to tin i • ’.. s in-en jii’i a* i. y! THE MORAL IS: WORK - !T PAYS WAT.LACK. - A former Shuv. University “v student ha.- d' tie well here. j; has been pond ed out. In sac t ho has done so veil the kv.-t high school for Negroes vas tunned in his honor. He Prot. C. W. Dobbin. 1 . who ft red 1 invites . Raiet it hots;, wnile , ;tending Shaw, and who ' worked as- bus-bov and general handyman in Ral*. igh homo while ' attending the University. K. -..V Prof. Do bins, a slight, soft-' ■,.okf . is jtrinefpal of the reivol ;.■(.:<• named in his honor. 1 IR>I ( AKE T:.e, : !a re perhap? the first in tit. state to be headed | by the rn;n for whom it is named. The ■ -choc) v.ts named for Mr Dobbins a few -tears after he came here to teach some twenty years' ZigO, The : 1 r.t school to be named fur principal is the one that wa '-eecr,- iy eonstructed U 1 -tmti-. .**-" th, J. S Hayswood Sch"'-1. which Prof J. S. Hay - wood is’ principal-emeritus. LAST RUES FOR MRS. M.L HARRIS Funeral services will be held Thursday aft, snoun at 3 p. m the: S'. Mnttiit w AME Civnah iA V. FE V> 111' APUi :>. 10 4:* NO, XXXI MORE LAURELS FOR SCOTT' - j 4 PTS GROUP CITES 88V. SCOTT FOB MINORITY VIEWS .: j C '■ i ~ iii ; Shi ill V d.i 0.11! Ui C( -A .f (J. ioreci Parents raid Tr-if hors o>:r*rc.d deea appiXiiL •• i],R, if - tu do- .GO-. sLg d Ldv-n Cy GuVC: i; LV \X. KCIT HWU Tit the receive WLiMon -Salom rriftun.g when he eoTKd U>v a iYan;< lacing of the . ot‘ N'.-rth CaroPn/dL .?:• iuiOr.ity thi, gl , up on state boards and F. Fort,' 1 * . pTc-uct;.. '?f *'• •’ or a ■ ti c a s ? {a:-; • ■ aohi n g \>ro ura it. a $ sage, i v ;i iedior : n to us that you * have u- !•>•■= the faith a d that nuit-arity this aUlv . i hi i;a . 1 • i‘a‘ 1 .• ’ 1 v ' ;1 ‘ ' 1 u i ”‘ SCV .. I '■ c-. aay.j « f hi.* - i • vidian* to ure.-r : color. We ptay nd nop- that you wa . roonnoeu v e n.W ft Thi- Sr.die, Widow Os Lynch Victim | To Make Tour Os Nation ' Nl’W YORK - Mo Amy Me la; d. widow of the Gcuryia lynch victim P.ebcii M«Uard will make an extensive t er of Iho country under the auspices of the NAACP to tell j-Jersonally the tra-.- e sniry • t her husband's murder and of to farce made of justice in the t .;.! of liol.i rt Howell, one - I lu- men accused of the crime. Beginnir.:/ Iter tout es NAACP branches '.'ith an appc j arnrtcc in V. . shine.tott on February (i. Mrs Iv*: i1 • -el v!I visit runt-ber r 's cities lu iho New Yurk-N- Jer.-i ■- asen b: re pci:us to Baltimore or. Feb. if. She will continue in March ,n,d AjU't] through cities m Ne-v. T.n r ,- :. id the slid west and otlvu sei.- ti'-ns us the country JoreiMi Gold wasse.r. Cleveland busii.i-s.-man who went t:> Georgia .-ss >t Airs. :V|;d!;,).d and -o wit Business League Hears J. A. Jackson The “ballet: business and brains’’ ; war.- cited as the three B- around '. which the future of the Negro in America may be established in an i address delibered before the Pro-; > : .Missive Business League Monday | night at. a call meeting at Turner s• ■ !io:i The speaker. James A. Jackson, I'ubkc relations representative of j the Standard Oil Co., cougratniat- , A;d 8e,,;. uo mcmetrs upon the in creasing participation i nthe bst.-’i |n; Tic oft he city by its colored ! resoCfus. j Uedarnp; that, he had noticed ’an jifnjwoveu attitude' on the part of the city’s colored population Unv j artl business, ti c speaker stressed j > the; tu-f.-rt for businev [ niittfo to consider the ivuui\ su- ;c tioii;-, *1 it • o oet: submit eel Ur to rm-nionoiikiiiy, \o; >:i < ■ii’o-ina U.oU iege’s foundei* had i'; i.a-esident. The meet in it was ope.’Md tvilh inveeutum by the Ker c-end Mih-< Aiari< FUfcer. W h :t .• K«a-k Bap List v REGISTERING AT < MTTOE McmlH-r- of a (It-legatien rep rt !.. ini; the N. ('. state Con fi'iriitc of NAACP Itjandii’s arc di'.iiut - rtmtn the \ r.itcu ' • hock in flic ,-'ov.-rnot's Office in tin state ( apits : shortly folic .r ing .1 i •The NAACP has bean foremost j tinfill the runpu and indiV^iduals ■. r*,(xj» ’ip’ .j; 1 the fart*' of Georgia !«• uuiia-' ..s i; applied in tLie Mai*:* la: d c;ise. where two of the jurors t. .-tc.h'u-d out ol the juiy box to t.-s- ; ' tuy as to the t: tod character es the defendant and to declare that they j would not. telic-ve the testimony n • . the siair- man's widow, even though • site testified under oath. The de- j t fendr.i.t ll wc-H'r speedy :w.'.,isuil . . cited 1-. the NAACP a- a demon- * rtration of tite need iot leileral , legislation against lynching and ( . ■; a -..r.tphic example of ine bla'aut | rue. a l disc rim it uu. mi and mjm-tice t which • til! exist in i:nv enforce* 1 f nient in Gem-yia and othet south- j cni strt tul. comparable to chambers of corn- ■ ' me re". Rotary anti 1 .) ns Clubs am. . imi’ar groups. Mi Jackson cited the existence of in >:•<• than 11,00 such groups coo-. trolled by white busmessmen which enable their members to get to-' getber an dexchange the “know i how", ideas f-r mutual benefit and j other dividends from such organ-1 I ’.nation. He also ov’sed the study of up- | to-date businor.? methods !hrough ; : sumrrtption to trade periodicals, j 1 business magarJnes and similar I publcatiott* Breaking down the population; 11i gurer for Rak-igh Mr. Jackson j I showed that the 18.000 Negroes ini ; Continued on page 8, This Section i cimfercnt-c with Governor Kirr Sr, i last Wednesday. Shown front lift to r>rht arc: tl-c Rev. Samuel Johnson, Saiis -1 bury, chairman of the youth - :.iin:lli: Kelly M Alexander, t liarlo. c -tan- pi esident; Mrs. RED TRIAL NOW IN 3110 WEEK, JUDGE HALTS JURY RUIZ ST U 1 OORKKSPONI)HN’<’I M w York The trial of the “nation's top eleven communists" ior alleged conspiracy "t - - throw the government by force and violence" dragged into its third wee k. marked by increasingly fre quent tilts between defense coun sel and presiding Justice H. R. Me dina, Tito chief source of friction be tween Justice MSwlinn and the ;■<- U: ncys for the communist leaders who include two Negroes, Benja min Davis. Jr.. New York City Councilman, and Harry Wins ion. has beer, the effort of the defense ■a show exclusion of Negroes and poor people from New York s ■ Has Ribbon’’ jury panel, i: S. government attorneys, ’now over, have contended that such ex clusion would have to be total .u ardor to lend basis to the claims of the defense. Durov A. WUkerson. sociologist. Continued on page n This Section Is l{ True Vliat They Say About Dixie? ? ? (TIK’ACO Accoding to Kb any Magazine, more Negro workingmen are employed in higher paying jobs today than ■ ver before anti that includes he wartime boom. While the magazine lists a 50a.- (iftO drop in Dixie population, it points out the fact that there arc more colored men and women working on skilled jobs now than ever before. Louisville. Ky- t<’d the list of High-paying jobs wi h some Negro foremen in industrial plants making upward to Sioo per week. oil tn .:H Doan .!. T. Tayl.ou ope-bed thi* the' discussioiiH v ui: li" . ibt wst b.n tli at the iv should be a phyaica! c-.ynho! mi t * - i'erib oi a . tatUv.- and a itarpetiuil one in the* form ibin the past W’ o • k. T: - si.ffcst per-ally handed down in the five arrests v.ts that oi W. H Bryant, 90S Fayetteville St re. t. who was sentenced t-t two years on the r at-d a r;ne of $2,000 and costs of court. Anesu-d xvit 1 1 EH-yant on Jan uary 24 wa- Irv.n G. Riddick of ’L l New Bern Avenue who was rent, need to s.x months on the roads. Bryant, m ; Fio was convicted on charges of the same offense on Deuemboi 17, wits st n 4 ic*nc: - d iut time to one yi'ti on the roads and fined $2 000 arid cost::. At the iirni ol his soc.iu.d arrest Mrs.M.M.Bethune Quits D.C Parley Washington, D. if Mrs. Mary l McLeod Bethurte. President of the National Council of Negro Women j today announced her withdrawal ~s a ;-:p-: nsor of tire Legislative As -1 rcmbly and Rally scheduled to be Kiel here Friday .11 and 12 Mr--. Bethune -t.i she decided to withr.-w her ‘ponsot ship after a j “e-arc-ful review-” of the sponsors | list revv.-ded the r imes of a num ! i.’e-r nf perrons * who have allowed ; themselves m their names to be ; - .eicß-l wit ; icGvili. and or ;i- in. ,l i..ns v :, !i \v:< *■ •* mc^Boof : and purpos, ) >-o vmablc tn j agree.” i Sl;i-■ silted that *..hi l slie cote sc-nted to serve a: a sponsor, it was 8J SOLON WOULD MOVE 1,5110,000 NEGRO FAMILIES Y; 'anp:on (ANP) Sen. Hus-i *' sell of Georgia uPYued u g>oniic ■ j §500,900,000 swutp plan of Southovn j ' \j t ; r. f or ;;t!rthui'ii v Litf 1 -. to ?m) '■ UU'.rmm'pvobbm, last .v-ek. tn | .: bn) to c nurufK i'U v::UcT fCU VtC mOVO* , i tn< nt of 1500,000 faniil os 'of rue north and u ufnft of a Lke ! ; r-urfu-er of ohih-s from the norta ! - To finance the program n its : 1 ifnst year, the Kenatcr nsked tor ; i ! $.MK).000.000, to he increased to o ci hon doHf'-n each of The next ! ( ve&rs. B* this hr «. xpevi-r ii 1 ' 1 * rorram Lo I'OiYKui. *< <. : * fore the donate. soi l HERN PATTERN "The majority of the people in i rocial ordoi bare..- or. .-cj.iu yation. Thr v c m-vUn ih .* i,> •■»"* iitor ° rc'i** z..\ • i n ol both raci '* ami tnoy arc . i "arKiitcrabi v opposcci t»'* n su> i! '.uni. * ; To halt* n ;:n. .rierence" ( Rur>e]l'a bill calls for n vountary j racial rtlueat •*i c'oo*.ivf.ion to • tn aw up U;.v i) i .'iv.iit_ *ii» piOgitU,, , “to ana aua.uv ' Negreea , and \\ ilitcas who waaiod to ui.ove. Huces would move to slates where l Continued on u.wa g TUi: Sect in ;he was under $2,000 lx>nd pending ;,p|.,s,l f his case to Superior Court Appeal bond in the second case has been sir at $3,000. Riddick was arrested in a Capi tal (.:;,h at the corner of Martin and Haywood Street, according to : Letectivi Copt. R. E. Goodwin, and wa-. found with about six dn !ars in cash anCr numbers tickets , on the seat and in the glove com partment. VVncn arrested Riddick said that • 'he was taking the tickets tu Bry an. who had said that he wished to use the formers home “for a lit • tie business.” Viien police reached Riddick ■ huui- they !-uud Bryant in the a<-: i us burning some number:-: ticket. n a stove. i T: other three mtinbers vio lators who were sentenced in City I j (Continued on back Ist section; | . in m that the meeting ; .-i being held under the auspice-: j f ihe Improved Benevolent and! 1 . Protective Order of Elks ot the j 1 : World. However, the official Cat! ; • to the asembly and rally had It’d j her to believe otherwiseT she said. - In a letter to Dr. J Finley W.i- ; ) son. Grand Exalted Ruler of the j . Elk;;, vviio is heading up 'he 2-day j rn: etißy. Mrs. Bethune flatly rt - tused to allow her name or that , * of hei organization to be used in | i conjunction with "Those who hiivc | - chosen methods •* symbol of his ;.n-eatm\s.s. But greatness in its true sonst is no? in wood or stone; the true yreat jioss. of the mail 1 i*-s in the fart that: he aroused in the (Oml ilniori t.n page eight, this section) — c#~ i ? ■ % i '' 5 '% ;'A \ s ! j? k 1 - - . .. bU-vU-a .HTML Mi i;./3Pw,' ; J&m' MR. JACKSON ADDRESS BUSINESS 1J AG! » —.xbovc are shown James V. J.ukson and Wencltil t‘. Alston of the public relations depart- ; tneii of the. Standaru Oi} Go.. SUIT IS FILED BY KIN OF MOB VICTIM COLUMBIA, S C. - The ■ t'b-e --tivcu.ess f "liability laws' enact-: d by sever-ti snuthcin rpsics to t head off federal ant:-lynch legisla- 1 tion will be tested in the South Carolina courts a; a vis-vtl* at o sui* filed by Mrs. Te-fio Earle. [ mother of Willie Earle, who v. .«■ lynched by a S, C. mob tn 1<’.47 M: s Eerie *!'\-kc-! and G cnville u for ss,t>oo eucu. all ring that they are iiabie under stare Law for damage:; ,:-f »,:■? f. 1 1 juki §2,000 lo tin* lamny .a £.‘X'i\ Larle \;a- arrested ;n F^aruary a whitv i ixicab ciri-rev *-{ Gruenvilie. While iva.. :v ir.u; trial he vu, > taken from th a Pi eke a* Couu \\ :ail by -a mob beLuvo.-i io nave , taaicab diuvmu -.J* the Viciniiy Hiss beaten arid bullet ooay V-. a•- found utter acrr.r.a ton i ary who \vc -r- arrest*.d and brought j I rift j iui' th ■ ■ 'ii 1 . • d k;. the; ■ : Legislative Program Is Advocated By N.C, Group lu.K'igh Satuuday ioi .i mot-par iOftll I vi'piv n i_jr. ihUil i\ t ■ v, (/ •. i * 1 They hammered out a pr prani calUng on G -vc;-,.ir K> • Seutt mid the North Car,hi:,:: Cane .1 A-- I ]v ia-, 1 PL, ; aliri.-.p unemployrrem camper..- .tion, \>v- ■ feeling the rights *'-f ter., nt fatm iis. promoting civil liLicrtie:; ;n education aint other field;, jirc vul>g state bonuses for veterans, and impruvim. life v.r-iiarc of la- Tiio till day raWii a C niinuatious committee t-Unrgcd with the duty of draft!t-g ievlsla tinr! and Ot-gtinizisti; "s: . “ r->oi- ' communty action throughout ‘ha state to see lhai ..i-'l ;> it ‘peo*. pic's log-lation" is cartied out. Speakers through; nt the dr;.- WOMAN DROPS CASE A GAINST TRANSIT CO. > NORFOLK, V.< >ANPi -- Mrs. i Lucinda Goodman, a school teach-! jrr. dropped her SIO,OOO damage ; .-,111 against, the Vir-.iriia Trans.t i Company in court of law and' ! i haricot y hr.-re rccf-ntlx, in which : rhe; liad charged the bus lined wit.ii , : "wrongful and malicious" prose-j I cuiion. No reason was given tot Retirementjfoo Costly | Wants To Go To Work Although retirement is a goal toward which many workers strive- throughout their productive yc-ei's. i is one whch Syl wester Ivey 76-year (did. city employes has reached but doesn't like. Mr. Ivey, who has been employed by the city as a laborer for the past quarter century, was one of the first o be retired under Raleighs newly -adopted pension system During his employment, he says, he has missed only one night s work and has had only' six day's’ vacation during 1 the 25 years. While now unable So do heavy work he siad that he had i “always done everything I was asked to do Appearing before the City Council on Tuesday, Mr. Ivey asked that some acti'Jn be taken, toward putting him back to work since he has to help support a paralysed sister and keep up loan payment.': on his home at 303 S, State Street. City manager Roy S. Braden admitted that retirement ri Marshall anti Franklin •A , •' the A’AAOP legal staff, i eh "t that inasmuch as a a . a :.1 ;. r-k F.; rid jail by force, his death no -tin." a lynch::;;.; under the : ire: the en.nties hence . aft- ’table. r h!r- -.b.a'n.f was hstad by / i. ■ t [ V !;,■!! j 1; j) J 047 , v.b,:a. '‘dependence on mak :d: v iOi political forces that i run the etate will not bring any , i;| , • . ; ,t. I.hC’SC PC: pie ' SHARECROPPERS Kt\ plants emphasized share * : < : pee: see: 1 a is- or Tobacco leaf -i da* farm tenants need lo ■ e i c.ti.'icts from landlords. Dele ten:;tits and share i j < ,e eel So,,s; title to their ■ • it ' . ah.- in: the open ’ markd Tti coniorenee also endorsed the -o keen farm cooperative* tax exempt. Kt -a • demands. centered ■e ; ee 1 -:; . oporJ -of widespread un- V ph yn-o: g .oft tVOI’k v/eck* e,- d flip’ s • tores, were high-lighted by a 10-poin! unemployment com •. f .-• lir.ucci on back Ist section) ,the withdrawal of the suit. 1 'The (.are had its beginning last >it> id . hen Mrs G-s-sdriiai- -'. as .a .( isi a charge of failing to naive hi the rear of u bus on which die wit.- rkiing with 12 children junder her ear-. Site contended ;n ; police court that she could not ! (Continued on back Ist section)