HASTIE SEES BRIGHT FUTURE ON N. C. VISIT Predicting the- end of A me:icy'; double .standard citizenship. Gove -nor William 11. llastie described ■he South as ihe center of lihej'itii.sni" in the Linited States duviitK ■» \ isit to North Oirolin.t v. hici' involved two rpeakniy engagements connected with > ‘“T ' Iff ■ ; r. j. vAßnagj COUNCIL ELECTS ATTY. CARNAGE TOSCHOOI BOARD F. J. C.image, Raleigh attorney, church::!,:" a>. i :<• 1( : rejected t> tTVc />x ■•--r t r r on the school board bv a • motis vole of 'he C'HU-cil its meeting 7r,< ii> Trie ipr •>!!•, : :( it; •• a. ' i received by member J r rth. racial group.. is the fir-: uc'i h. Hie hi tory of the city. . t cord.r.c i» local of fie,si Attorney Carnage was recom mended for die P 1 s* by Mf.yoi I‘. D. Snipes. The nc tppmt *• i: succeed Mrs. W H Ay rock term expb c - - Mm. »' has informed Mayo: Snip: inability f so: • v '< other :cr The appointtm ! '• vh:<' >- . * urged by Nee:-; r:n^.i;: ber of years, marks ";e ;d such post held i>\ a color'- . in North Carol.■ i The Rev HerW'v , mem bet f the W,r.:-!e;...Sal. * Board of ,\ ■ . . of that city', see-.->l : ,ni suit of membership on th. :• trier manic boards school commiitee D; d .'.-m-m It shark J f ( - at( Collorc- a member f *-,. School Board told a recent meeting <-f the United Ch 1: ty-'r "As a rnembe of »h< Raleigh School Beard, 1 covUdno that justice needy to be done b = t g a fine, upstanding S .; cit ?.i i d Raleigh on the i.cno'l tv.vrrl. Tie • ty-three pc;cent ■-f the chiMm; in the city are Negr-'C ■•r can'* , dodge I hi. issue This sent'mem was ‘(. iioed l>y Mayor Snipes V = Tu-- day appointment with a ieciur.-dion that tile beard member felt that there should he X*■.-ru irioniiir; f among the group. Describing Mi C , , , m; , n who "has the re.-pec* • -d confi dence of boil •.<•'>*." flu Mayw expressed confidence that he u-'ui.: make "a rr>' si suceesuul bo«,id member " (Continued nit page eight! 31 ENROLL AS CREDIT UNION IS ORGANIZEE HERE RALEIGH A group of citizens from Raleiyh and icinity me* al the Tuppcr Me ion;.!' Baptist Church Monday night. February 14. and as a icsutt of th dr del bet aliens a nev C: ?dit Union. •>> '•Cooperative Sav g and Loan stitiilioi!' lea: bi n. Clifton Sills and Dr Nelson H. Harris of Shaw University cn hear- j ing of plans to organize i Cf'dit! tin ion. subscribed and p. . j ,t --, shares in advanc-. of the meeting. ’ thereby becotnin . ihe first inves tors In the new Cooperative Sav ing and Loan A social ion. More than 1 oijo was subscribed in the initial * -cling. D R. Gra bam. state sui itcndent of credit unions will del er the State Char ci to the grout at the Blood*,vorth Street. YMCA n ihe evening of February 22. \ .ich will end the period of receiving Charte mem bers; which date will mark !h>- of ficial birth of he new organiza tion. Charter run >r lire- -y is tod follow*: Therincc Holden, B W Lane. (. *■ V. King. v*. Dunstoiv; W. r * Davenport. Clifton S 11s, Solomon Rev 1a Mrs. M. R. Lyor Ed Evans, W. W Hurdle. O. I, Hairston. A. J. Turner. Je& Shepard, Willie Chav s * D. H. Keck, Herman Starling, M. D. Haywood. Mrs. E. B. Cheek, H fj. Smith, Mrs. Julia Novels, Mrs. Marjorie Leach, Ernest Green, Reverend C. C Jones. Robert Powell Zack Ellis. L. H. Roberts. Reverend Paul H. Johnson; Dr. Q. S. Bullock, E. L. Raiford, Mr. Cagle, Reverend G. E Cheek, and Dr. Nelson H Harris,’ THE 1 6 Pa g es \ GLUME XXVIII CITY "Tk: *■ SiORO CriVllAf FM WWW ★ ★★★★★ ★ > 4 * -V ★ ★ ★ ★ LOCAL VETERAN IS SUICIDE CITIZENS GROOP RAPS D.C. REPORT ON SEGREGATION WASHINGTON < AND- Tlir report published in Do .•, • \ Qi -minifire »n Segregation in nation's capital was given a &ov>d w r-rking ovur I'frrc last wr»?k by the v.-hitr Federation of CiU/.c- Main isiuc di p]oa'i ;, :.T tb r * f-d --e-'ailon 'f'a - thf* roirimttter’s rbargus : that ion is maro -stringenl hen* th?m ii was a half cenury av v o. j of cl v.-UviJrlaTG ! I'-. ,:- cv pursued by community loudens. ■1 s '*oi trl is \iy jn e . In the first of three reports prr - p.'-'d by -* -special cummifee <-f uiv** ■ tun % of Negro rondition<. 4 Con tin-.red * n pago yjx > PREDICT NEW V, I. GOVERNOR By \DOLrH GKRfhVU ST THOMAS. V. I. |ANT.i - Although n« nnp hrr<- oppose - Gov. William H. Hastie, many person-, are pre-dieting h pew governor for the Virgin Islands. T h rv believe that Go* Hastie is in I>ni- Cor ,y. promotion he. cause of *hr u-ork in support of President Truman in ot>. litical campaign i,ij fail It *s helirveh by many beet that the governor is in line for > federal judge post Two men suggested as p«s sible governors if Gov. Hastie leaves are James A. Bough, a native and chief of Caribbean (Continued on back Ist scctim-D DAWSON RECEIVES LIBERTIES AWARD Chicago (ANPi - Rep WiHluio i L Daw:-:on and Cun!; C i :• two v.-ciT eilC‘l f'.’i their cf f-i-! . to in. kc civil right;; ;.i major ; r-oljiicvil i---ire in the recent dee lion FLA. GOV. PRAISED FOR KLAN DENUNCIATION ORLANDO, Fl*. The outs.p*k*n 'onLin' ■ o ->f ■- % Kiux Klan fay Gevsrnor Fuller Wav* . ~s ■ w,,\. ha ion this week by the Orlando br« h of the No tionv A-ssematnon lor the Advancement of Colored People as evidence *>• ••> the governor is "‘a champion of democracy and cf fho tights r.f Negro citizens,"’ Praising Gov. Warren for his posifion on the Klan. the Oranio. Florida branch passed a resolution "highly com mending Gov, Fuller Warren for his prompt, forthright and fearless statement” denouncing the Klan following »ts recent parade in Tallahassee. The NAACP resolution also congratu latcd the governor “'and through him the law enforcement of ficers ’who acted swiftly to arrest several parading Kiansmen ' NcjfO L.isi'jA Weeii .bservanci*. I'!■ .Li st Nerth f |i*i a )>),, 11 ,:nee of fhi Virgi’.t Island Lnv.-t no?* vgl.s Ip Roe* v M<»unt on Turstlay nigh* tv hero he w.-.s i.ntroclU'> - d I- '< ;*>v ■nior 'V Ken - Scot!* ;>2 the pi'ineippl .••peal:*'*- oi •-< prog.''am hy NOR TH CAROL INA ’S LEADING WEEKL Y RALEIGI. )RTB GAROLI ■ 1S TIL ' ■ -*• 4- 'I WO GOVI'KNORS NM» S ''l WOI? (invt’uioi \V:Ur»m II H;r lie of lor \ I mG , (,*> *iit *• i \V |\c rr >: •»< i .Tjwj vj p t n } SP^'s 5 . SR A! mmiMl Rif 1 (’T'f)N t.overr.or llastif is -lim:i with Or. .fovph Hines of N’s * larul! ~ <'. < . Spaulding and Ativ H" nan i Taylor of l: *!•'«»;t. hurt League Hears Dr. Johns i R. Bcmiit ‘ UiK ~v > tm ->-•' ur • Ihiwp in ;hy JO»V»rH> U »js *g?i • Avni O - i NCOH. ftilttrynj «.**-.- fjfn ff.4M.tr )v i rict'f th#' st;?rf of a reception t’ ivfn T hiifscljiy in r?>#>r • f:r »f tumor ;/t Hir MrT f HU| tf*r) 4 l uh i * UmTi.ih'i by tfip Ihirh.im IVr -.* f'hih. ' - to cur.ee ■ and self-"expect '• ■ c Negro u< America. S|V - ;i! ,1 mmPC! :: * held .tt i:< War tin Street Baptist. Church i by Ihe Progressive Business League. | Hi. Jo fins told an audience of ap ;, .;;nv t t .‘#no person. tlial the , breaking of •'menial ...... , ics 1 siarocdtiiTg that, wo ~v ou’v ■ i{>i- 1 nr: .-Jve ■ ” ! The r.pcakcr lashed -urt at the | "supine •i' , .'Ci)!dm , F" of constant | humiliation attendant upon “enter t ing back floors and standing in cubbyhole:-, to pur-base food nr i othei commodities. “As long as we permit them to (Continued on page six's the Uui Is y .i - f v e T''onint at, lhft Booker T. VVash inglon !! • 11. !i LePool. T! ■ l. ! M ' | (•:>•!.n:-t •h• > pn kud the aviditt."iuni, haii f la.-'.:; - a!' th«> i. tkor T, Wit hington ! 11 gh Li hi'r.i In ;,)•.! f,<,\ ■ dor Scot pledge his full cojpeia- „r ,;m •jh m -»rfr? «t fn< T A -■ • r ' ! ••••! G- i : I'ct iv V Tivic f '.runt Is t n Th ft Oo\ f rno r s fK'n 1 IS r'l n csda y r on n Uoir <»( (hr rity ami on thr n f.upp’is of \<:ri] i < :trolim 0.1-o o If/;r «hf?c l*r sxcii U>r sTm SEEK HEARING IN ALABAMA RAPE CASE WASH: 'Vi ON Th- National Association for the Ad- VRneemen.t oi ' olorod Poopie is preparing Jo file a petition .(or rehearing the Sernuel Taylor case before the United Stats Su , f-i'n ■ jurt after this week i) per cut.am decision, which el* UrmecJ by t 4 vote District sod Circuit Court decisions con riding the AJaK-ima Negro youth of :hr rape of a white woman, .rusiide Hugo BJaek disqualified bun soil and did not hear i argument on thr case or parteipaie in the decrinon After appeals were denied by Alabama courts, the NAACP ' petitioned th? Supreme Court for p writ of certiorari on grounds that Taylor was dnied due process. NAACP attorneys charged that Taylor was hasten by police and coerced into confessing ' the crime with which he was charged. SINGLE .j /v COPY 1 NO. XXXII? HUBERT L. AUSTIN DIES IN SI AGNES OF PISTOL WOUND I'i ;ni service;-; h'H'e T?ffu ten- i ■ inU\ -Ay >rt f{ p m, Friday for j : ! /\ » LI7 TNiV- ■-'• ’d ; jErncM.ii;c Ciark w-« to Ha ; dL I :. . iHuc-'TL for n.• i- • • ’han. ?t week ; ! Hu- m Lanr, Mrv. Annie Currie : |of 701) East M'ar’in S'kreC whew j !• i'inVG'r''"i and ch# h\i'l Kpen I j making eftc ids to gei hi m into a ! Mrs- Clark told THE CAROTIN IAN Thai her brother just re- j Cnr ; icd 1 ron■ th*- r!c.v. J • *.' ■ and that | nr; mnfhrr had left Ihe he*use s o > ■ C:o:r party -hi dant. who v,i aiT.J (v ontmuta on page eight) 2 YOUTHS HELD IN TAXI MURDER GREENVILLE— fwo cousin;,. 18 and jf» arc in State Prison at Raleigh awaiting trial for v, h;a ha: been described as "one of (he most brutal slay mu- in the memory of TIP County residents The two youths. I s.ora Urn it-i ami Bennie Daniel are charged with and have alleged ly confessed to the brutal ‘stomping'' and robbery of William O’Neal, white Pitt County taxi driver whose brok ! en body was found on a coun | try road between Greenville and Grimesland. fCcntinucd on vajc e.giJtj BROADCAST WILL PAT TRIBUTE TO DR. SPAULDING lln life of President f ft. Spaulding ot the North Caro lina. Mutual Life Insurance to., wilt b< portrayed in storj and ong on the weekly broadcast ot th* Wings Over .lordan * hoir heard - aeh Sunday noon or ci the tintm>i B'roadcasting >S> < m Th- Mutual outlet for Raleigh * ' Station WK AL, lhr broad cast is .scheduled for 1? noon, Sunday. February 20. f icm in t! o maintenance of good f cations between tbo races of tins section over the loud speakers used for the occasion. State and city dignitaries on the platform inelud (Continued on page 8; first section) SENATE COMMITTEE ' OK’S CLOTURE BILL WASHINGTON (ANPi A cloture rule designed to cat oft debate bv a two-third vote of the ...enate was approved .10 to 3 by the Sena to Mules committee last Wednesday. This, anti filibuster measure which is expected to be reported to the sen ate floor next week, will probably •. ive the way tor the passage at civil rights legislation- The majority vote clot ire rule was defeated in the com mittee by a vote ct 11 lo ?. ine oruy two persons favoring it were Sens. Francis J. Myers (D , Pa ) end Irvin M Ives (R.. N. Y.) The two-thirds vote cloture bill approved by the committee of the rule? committee and Senator Kenneth S Wherry (R-, Neb.), was co sponsored by Senator Carl Hayden (D., Am} chairman The Southern blcc has threatened to filibuster aayinst the cloture bill when it is brought to the floor for vote, while the proponents of the Morse-Myers bill have suggested that they would off a "majority amencmen. ' xo tho Hayden-Wherry bill when it comes up. Mrs. T.W. Johnson Is Sued For Slander WA y. HINGTON A s.>o-000 suit ! : -lander was filed again ft Mia Tl)v:r..:.i:iia \V. Joliii-.ion. U. S. Etn- ' ploytrtc-r.t Service aide, this wren, i Dr ,I> . eph L, Johnson, clean of| t Howard University School >f ] Medicine and forme; head of the j ’ Washington chapter of the South ern C. n: rsne- For Human We! Ac - ruin,' u the complaint filed, J hnson. Mi.- Johnson! ' legislative- representative j . i'm .VatioiKil non-Partisar ] Cwmc;' of the AKA Sorority, ao- ! 1 cured him *-f being a * number one J ; Coir ov mist,” Dr. Johnson, who is al.so chair- j p'. :. J the Piogressive Pi.iiv in D. C. iJi'.a'.cd out that ho Jr an cm g io. - .- . f F< ’eraiiy-s rpporvd How- j Federal Post for Anna Hedgeman WASHINGTON ■ Anne j \t :d Hedgeman ’ n; - * ' 1 hi F. --1 special hj -".‘am to Feri-1 era: Security Administrate! Oscar Ev. •* at .t -alary of $8,500 per j < year. Former director 1 the National; i Council for a Permanent FEPC- ; Mrs. Hodgeman also formerly i A -ight at Hi:si College in Holly ■ as, Maworked with tht : YWCA movement for ten years.! ..iiic spent f ur year:- with uic L'i. - , York Emergency Relief Bureau. She returned to YWCA work in ; 3938 a:, executive secretarv of the ! A -hi nd Place YMCA in Brooklyn j | which position she held until she ! 1 became regional representative of j ’the national -fftce if Civilian De-' ; lense i Later she came to Washington, D. ( . ns director of the National j Council for a Permanent FEPC - where .he directed ori'anzational. Leaders Behind Red Cross Drive WASHINGTON. D. V - Tribute to the American Red Cross is be ling paid by national leaders as ! plans bike shape for the $80,000,000 Fund Campaign starting March 1. General Dwight D. Eisenhower, president of Columbia University; Mr--. ,T L. Blatr Bulk, pn sident of tiie General Federation of Wom en's Clubs; Mr?. Mary McLeod B< thune, founder-president. National Council of Negro Woiaeis; F D Fuller. -.l*. president of Tuskepee I*-, tit me. Mrs. Elea, tor Roosevelt, and numerous others have express ed their personal reasons toi sup porting ihe Red Crcs- < ampuigi:, which •■•II be *-pcby Pusident H .1.- S. Truman on an NBC t-raod east from Chicago Monday night., NAACP Is Providing For Ingrams Says Kin NEW YORK Mrs, Gene - jßushin. daughter of Mrs. Rosa Lee i ingrain, Georgia widow imprison- • I c-d. v:>‘ ihe r-i-H-rtefCn e stayicn of i :whit: neighbor, ‘ffirrns in - 'sworn affidavit released today that j :hf and Mrs. In nr •••ir dependent: j t luidrnn are being "adequately pro- j | vide : fo.v" by the National Asr> ; j ciation for the Advancement of I j Colored People. j The statement was released as- i ; ter Mrs RufSln’s arrival here to- ! duy for discussion with NAACP officials about the legal Defense of her imprisoned mother and two brothers and care Jot the remain- j mg eight minor children .from i whom she is guardian. Mrs Rutin left New York immediately for f biladelphia to pick up her broth -1 err, Charles and James, who, had (I'd University, has taken an oath to uphold and support the Consti tution of the United States. The medical school dean charged • that Mrs. Johnson, during the fight i for election of officers of the Wash ington Branch NAACP, declared: | “Dr. Johnson is a number one ' Communist He went all out for Wallace and followed the Com i munist hue. I have all the proof I | need, except seeing his card." Dr. Johnson had entered the | campaign in opposition to the Rev. | Stephen GiH Spotft wood as presi dent f -ae D. C NAACP Branch, i D. John-, or- uho is represented ;by Attoriv.y Belford V. Lawson. c Mrs. Johnsoi's . i :: i-i-; d caused people to (Continued on page eight) : iund-raising aui ottier act.vide.- of erg _ which -v: mod L ti-.e securing of esr-H'uuvn: , permanent FEPC legislation. During the recent Pres, entlal ; campaign she was an ardent work in- feu the election of President ! Truman, working with the fund ! raising committee headed by Rep resentative W iUam L. Dawson. She has also served on the na : ional board of the United Council of Church Women, the sub-Com : . r e \f Pubiu Afiajrs of the N.»- ! tional YWCA the Group Work See j lion of the New York City Welfare ! Council and the Board of Ch id i Study Association of America. In her new post her work will j not be guided bv racial lines. She ! will be assigned and expected to i perform the same types of duties ;a» Mr. Ewing's other assisants. | She is married to Mcrrit A. i Hedgeman. a radio and concert a rust. February 29. Calling on the “womf; ihood of j America to respond to the oppor tunity the campaign offc.s to ali public-spirited cit-zens." Mrs. Be ithunc adds her "unreserved en dorsement to the Red Cross, a t great humanitarian organization . which stands ever ready to meet, and satisfy every emergency which ! taafore.ccn circumstares may pre ; sent. ’ Dr PuLerson says. 'The year after-yea: service of the Ameri* jean Red Cross to the nation’s peo ple in war and in peace; m fnod and famine; to individuals, to families ,nd to groups, has become a part of the rich tradition of fa.tr play and mutual help jtilaess in our Continued on page seven been brought north by the Interna tional v.orkers’ Order and from 1 whom she has not heard in a month. Disturbed fcv charges that the fan*Ji was being neglected and j that Charles and James were beg ; giric on the streets of northern cities. Mrs. Rushin sought tc make clear the assistance being received from the NAACP by swearing to an affidavit exerts 1 ed in Atlanta on February 3 before C. E. Hanley, notary rmblic. The NAACP assumed the lege’ defense of Mrs. Ingram and the two teen-age. sons convicted with her and has undertaken the care of the family during the emergen cy. Through public subscription the sum of $45,262.73 h«* been raised for these purposes.