BROTHERS FACE INCOME TAX FRAUD CHAOSES WILMINGTON -Jlcrbci l 13. ..... Wlllian. i . Si i' ... . 'lit W ■ mlngton mot fichn: wore plnccd under $5,000 bond c.'oii lor ip;H;tr •moo before a itrior.i! court 10 Jup.i- on chafyes of 0, -i<>r■ o! ovf $30,000 in Pedernl > ; . i.ixc,- The two i,.> others, v. etn ,»• diclrx-l !\T<’. >i:.y ~t T; »hh . T n v live mv tJvin.:; failure to VCport total in tie . 1 On- m r period f. »i 1 !)■»■,: t ; is to. Cluli'm of ... ' ■.) •■ : ‘S I ’.} come ol $23472.7'i -.Tile .in';t;\ $06,1 HR .4 :> vlO lot. .si i t Hf’i • ben Sla v. ho scciii d tu: m gov ernmc n> fi ti e . e-wn si:. 647 Hi in bat k taxO'. Hi tf'.liie' 11 -I i!H ! mg rep tied .: :S;T.;i:'l ;M Cm . period during which he eei.ed $60,644.46 Th : 1 hnt lie w. ■ SM (i'.Ci V; niij :i:ii taxes "Tie ;i;'i v.’htt n ■ ,(!•-; ■ n as opera tint? ore of H- mo.-i ts'i'ous imdi'i t.»kt’>:; bn; . in the state office in l.umiv 1 t 1 :e: ninv, i,. Wt'.ltevi:! .Till k seniviile. Burp:. \v. \T ..lon St Paul. Garlatut at "I V»'.-.!i tee Thes ■' t eril); . o.opli ■. ri , Chapci .nei funeral home .. Wil mington ivhuTi is generally accep ted ... ■ tie ot die *>;<•:! t ■■ da' ■ and attract i\ e North Ca.. ' n. if convicted they face st.ixiii. penalties , $1(1,000 Tine;; or rive pears imp., mment i i- Hi .1: each c . tit Loyalty Check Is Hit 1 In U.S. Workers' Suit O'S HOLD ANNUAL MEMORIAL RITES AT SHAW CHURCH The I->t t lota and \> ■ Chapter On. ga P • i >; tornMv . • " eri t:.,. Arir. Charles Young Merm :. ' im . Sunday. March 13 at Sh .v. I.Jr. \crsitv Church. The Rev. P. H. Johrwmn, past • Os Martin Street Baptist Cm;., and a member of Omega. ■■ ;■ guest, speaket for tiic Speaking on the topic "Bu,. i ing New W mid”. The Revere a i Mr. .Tohnson challenged hi m'i it nee ... cxcnipliV, tho.-e id. .• m disnl.t.vod in the character of C< i f'liar'Cs Young, w.n • i: one d many noble por-en who di-.pia vr-.-i the ideals ncce.v-ary so. bin Wit.. nr.*' world 0.-clcr. Special music for the oct-am >n was pimuded by the Omega Hr NOltiWi of Delta Psi Ciiapt*-; I. E. Thompson actcd as <.:gani r and director of the ca.* nvblc. Dr. Nelson II Harr "ovu >f lota lota Chapter . poke on I t half of g lies'*. from other chapters. The observance ended with a rendi lion of the Omega N ,t:..n,;i a Ml organ with chirm-.- Child Born To Ten-Year Old Wilmington, Ite! V seven pound - five ounce daughter was horn Sunday i« a ien-year old girl att he Wilmington Memorial Hospital m mjv an nonneed this v >'rk offhials of tho institution. White refusing to <lt • lose the name oi Ihe young moth er, hospital authorities revealed tha: shod been brought to the rertional institution loi wav er! iona I institution io wayw ad ward girls. Ho t h the mother and baby were reported as 'doing well" The mother is the youngest ever reported in the I ruled Stales ueeording to medical au thorilie*. The younges; on rre ord was a fivc-and-onr half SKI DATE FOR START OF RED CROSS DRIVE Active solicitation in the 1943 Fund Campaign of the Wake Coa ty Red Cross Chapter will start on March 28, it was announced Tue.- day night. The announcement was made .a a "organizational meeting" held a the Carolina Hotel and attended by officials of the Wake County Red Cross Chaper. campaign f 1- sonnel and "colonels and caplin.-' of the drive. Harold L. Pitsm is General Chairman of the campaign ;,nd Mrs W. Kerr Scott, wit. of Governor Scott is Honorary dr man. The i. ( >49 quota for Die Chapter is $47,183.1)0. Chairman Pitser announced that colonels ox the various division-' would be: Special Gifu; George Y. Ragsdale; Large Firms Bin W. Haigh: Small Firms -- re.nmy Tomilson; State Departments Henry Bridges; Residential Mrs. Betsy Seymour, County Govern ment J. Milton Mango in; City i Government Roy Braden; Fed eral Departments; Lee J. Craven; ; State College W M. Murray; i Continued on page 8. this- section l ' ifr ; 1 wmm w -: ?:t ■ >| H g f /€ MR | Knt-» Hi iii ,f, It lordan, IS irren < iMintj ri\ i<- uni ilurch - P’atlrr who " e. l>i>t ir.l lut’-day i a* Iti 'lgi'way iog his tH'alll | at Hie jgt vs 7'*. Ihr Itincral srr vtia-s wf t coiiductod h\ t!iv Rev. !. M. Illirchettc t Story on ttiis | page i P.IVS Kill, Sit,M il ! .mi,, t. ■ t• 11 ANT. Hen* - V S', tcker of Indiana no j March ft « House Bill f!42 v.t.ihl • .« hi!- eg- eg il.i ti t,i li IJ • •...• pi;;.! ii. .d . by The i.'tii be the st tvi of the fdl (• t :n. By s. • ternhn ;■ ..f j «}.»it ‘iie-t grade •• , I v iB ! ♦ * * # • ‘ ■ \ ■ 1 ■ ■ : ’ • ; " yfw-olfl S'U 1 vy 1 Art) a | t *t it \\ hci ,jy;-ivo birth to > *>n tbni a <a* arf'nn srrtioti. jlrri j Tig 1 ton >|riTiori*l Hospi lx l authoriiirs rlo/Jinrii to vcOotprr Sun#t4 < s huih was normal or th<* rrsoli <»i a i M S3rf’ari operation. N. C. legislature Approves School Compact Carolina's participation in the higri jlv controversial regional school, pact tin vmk •(- the House pie .VM .Si nab Bili 204 which give, bg; • lative app, nyai to the :"■ join ling with othey mt thorn state;, if; : , the setl ng up of r< rtonal ado t ate school;'. The regional school plan, which : whs drafted following a series oi i conferences Liven .Southern Gov ernors and schoo .• fficials is t-inv d ■ at the joint fin-mcmg by the slaty ' nvo’vrd of graduate • - which j i wnrld he oj n to student S>u i tno variou Although 'wo. Keg;o -.chooS.- Me-!, ha, r;, .Vh. iical S; bool and Tu- : k;' kee in-ntutc, ha-.c ; ig.nlfa ; i.-c. ; wiiiingn ;s to participate ih> plan, the majority of Kcgi I .- ; j eats; arid lend, is have voiced their . opposition Such opposition has been bared ; primarily upon the bn.of that the advocate., of Hie regional school ,; ! plan were less interested in pro* ' ! vision of odcqv.sle and equal renoM • facilities than in the getting ;around" of 11. S Supreme Court;, ■ruiings which demand equality otV i educational facilities for residents • •of the states regardless of race. Many educators admit the sound- Tiers of the regional plan from an ’ i . economic standpoint in that auchh | joint financing would permit con- j | struetkm and operation of school- ji j for students of states which could i. \ not bear the cost alone, i Their opposition has been based J primarily upon the contention that', I 'Constmut'd on back Ist seetloni ji GOP-DIXIE ALLIANCE WINS WASHING! ION f Tho “I’lihniy \‘ - tiaitce”, of llepubltctm.s ami Soulhern Deni" ci'at.s whose i'ililupsh ring’ and political ira chinttf.ion;;. ha\; spelled the doom ui progn i\ f * or social Irpisl.i! ion for I hi- p.i-i :hrr. I H — SINGLF. , ~ 16 Pages NOR TH CAROLINA’S LEADING WEEKL Y I cop y 10c VOLU.MK XXVIII RAU-:i(;ii. KORTH CAROLINA WKIOK KNJMNG HATDRDAY', .MARCH Id, CCS '■ X..XXVII “k "k lie Xfi >f, if. Jf, if. ’ff -fa —ft SUPREME COURT STOOYSNG FOUR JIMGROW SUITS V AS J UNGTCN - Tin; dm k-.' of !■. • ■ , !_• r. lie a dj. t -*.i aOs ..dip )'V.y, 1 ol -r-tft. >: cl nbig ••.tv iii which he : night a ap'e r■ • lie •>( id • >■■■ 200 EXPECTED FOR YMCA CONFERENCE Wfi vIIKGTON The huh An -1T,:,; " C A'MCA Okie: B•> Con frveneo 'v !1 be held a! th • V. iJj i - to: Utah School. Wimu.u'fon Apr;! ,v 'I 10 and wii! r offiv.aby web- ■wd by The Horn rah;,- K 1.,. White Mayor of Wilmington it has been announced by F L. Rail' id of Raleigh, director of the 1949 cor:: More than 200 delegate •; repre senting If.-V and Gra-Y of schools tl'jv.iighoot tin- slate are expected, to attend. I shw.pyl speaker.- inebide H. M. i Roland, sup.■; ip;rjr nt. oi Wil mington ei>; .*c 1 •I - r ff Mr- Donald principal ~ F•• ..udy Schools and members of Wilmington Executive Counci, H. Carl Moul trie, Manager of the HiUcrosf. Hous ing P. ujeet and the Rev K if Bowling. Pastor, St. Stephen- A. M. E. Church. The conference theme is “Achiev ing First. Cks;>: Citizenship*’ and outstandin;* leaders nave b'.cn chosen to serve as discussion, lead ers. These leaders include: Thomas C. Jervaj. editor. Wilmington Journal; Atty. Roboit ft, Bono.. member Federal Bar Association; Walter F. Bess, executive directed J«hn ff. 81 i-aw. Boys Club. Book-' vr T Washington. principal Willi.- 1 My.: CE THREE bid!" DIE i\ NKW HERN EIRE a i s:r.\ m i, t, ti Direr girls find ,it Oriental in I’imlii'.i < onnl,\ yesterday whi n thr,- were trapped by flaws v.birh destroyed their two-story bomr i vi< tuns' pare fils M; Mr. VSfilnai S ' h'-r, rv-aji vd dvr w dli anot-hci f., nub v hirh was living in the hows! I hr of tbr fjrr i-, stjil iioklfowi* the hoii' r , niri pb'tfK dr: d 4hr ■b tlnr aif Thrift) a irr io fioroih) I hrisiiii.i it .*ri lA'inoir t mi< - |i. (on Prifj)p’ - s.-itool; Rev. R. frvm:; ! ;Tf ,• r.i | i ! Cb„ ■ . n.d in-'rar";;, Si'av sJm vci at*- G N Normnn. ;■})' ■ ■ in., ml! ;("• • S < i-: >■ ,'•!<* Srcu: ti.y CornmiyKiri.'ier and W. 0 ' Bay ii 1 Div ,‘i- i! e 1 < ).-i-■.>pot. • Training !’r,<graiT:. Will,' ton 11,. b School. Me into : ■ oi ln> evova tva - i Qifif'r Bo;. C \>i»» j-pji i’t i(. hid H T J. iuivir, M.-icbn D-'.i.iel,, !.h W. Olvi-llvv a: Raleigh; Mis F. P> La'iinord. F. ,! Ko'-ersi K. H -.-'ie of wiiriingion; G T. Cre, ■; Charlra For-,,., /.chiilo.i; V }]., '\is. r r , ,fl" i, a M ; y, ' * ,: te ; csl . A Clrnnon, liarvf j- *lo f > AVuiston-Salem v; . a :• 'Woo’ca, Shciby If. C Gore. Bufltngtcin, G. T. Hyman. ! (Continued on page 8, this section) * J. B. Jordan, N. C. Civic Leader, Buried at 79 SPECIAL TO THE CAROLINIAN ■Ridgeway Funeral rites of' J. h. .Jordan .;i-'verity~nine year old ! itiCud.ri.ous. civic, and religiou'- • .'‘leafier of 'KirltKiway. North Corn I I i eiimbilied appnn Ihls wee!.; to kid I I - l i>i! l l> of 'Miaetniriil of l‘r, ddmi; Triiman’s ri\il riifht - proifi'a-nn i’be defoa-i <*! I lie p ,- ocivil l ipliis foreen v is i iinreili il ruesda.v a I tee a I !-d iy fails Op| VS < OOKIE— (fan I. »» h. , atfigh t.lrl Scout i • m llins; the first hr.*. ol < ■■okirs J« thf <«irl S< outs an m;.si i ; si - '■rile Pj NN I it’-n, ~»;»! dI Cv- > if ,j>> <, irfu id Sc bool. T'His \-h vookj, v sji , |w*«n is timed «Hh the ob.i*» vance of the 37 th birthday ot itil I M Oiilin;; in thf I'niif'i States A Hitler teatwrf of the birthday n iiti III! n t« 111 be tb*’ holdii'K of fits -u ole mass mftting Sun -11. v. t.t 7V) at the I irst Bar! t ( hureh The 11 * i prsike? tt tl! tu- \T r :- f 'iiinti's t )>*, (sffiitl' t tljri rttii oj ■'.') ;rn I .til ymns in Sat aiinah < SfUW ORDER PRISON CHAPTER MARKSITHTEAS ii! on < b.ipin So j of (hr Bi (ithr i ho'id of OiKiit Anili ■ rb'cri - tl is fourth .utnivcrviy ;it t’ruti,<l i‘i:",ii htir Sunit.i\ with on address In the mg km im. I'dgar VVombli’. venerable t.-<t official and long a by leader in I jiiscimml eluireh as ; ,m-. who organized the ohaji ler 'iom imong Negro prison er'' m I I’,, paid tribute to the RToyj; "(or tlie -verv fine wort. fhr i hapter is thrii mg and now has lift member:., ii n , r on the se' ond Sunday of i-ai h rwjith, i- formally ehartined a*, a unit of the mitionrl organiza tion. anil pays its dues just as any other chapter. Cina, was held at 'the Ridge way : !Baptist Chuidt last Tuesday at- ; : I' • noon. I * Continued nn page 3, (his flection l frs.L dorinir wliich Ihe Soi.itlter.nefs, aided by Kr jiiihliraiis, bad blocked Sen ale lejeislalivo action for ! 1 days, Tim filibuster was precipitated by an at t ( Mint iiuti-d on pa ye eiyht. i'iist .cctmu) I IN,! HOi MON FOR li. C. (ONIMiSsIONKR M ASWVfrTON A VP i < tiarles H. Houston, Washing ton lawyer recently elected vice president of the X;;u:;rs:,-! l awyer guild. was »ndor*u d 5 i t’.rrk hy the \AAfP for apt ointment as district <ommis sioncr. Houston's pr. ’io ed appoint rr s«5 t n . r r pt> ( ' f'rriJD * c L i >)H* r r J ■ Un Km 5f 11 '**. hO' c 1f rm nm\ on "Vs .*y *7 ! W. BRYANT GUILTY, SENTENCE UPHELD ■ V. ; i v , f tr-: 1 ticket'; ,(| ,'j Irb'tl r- ir,d:y,f‘fj - hofuM Juri:;. ( L. Wllbnm- orb T.; i , - TVy.'v.t, vhii reside • : >i ftftft F-ayt-' fii," -iiic i>! wo--' iient'-rivut ti> tw " ; in id one h.-ill ; (on the r). ,cf,;; and ;;m d. i ,1 .<• ti c ni.vmum und' r.b" ■ oiTenf t' 11 .H-* bud appi led from n City | Court sentence. According to Detective Captain | i' <„i , : , in. Brynnt >he i • ; "o f being head - fiic nurTi-' I. i ; t;:( r;; in R '> igh in ' ity '■ wirt. ti'i.'il on aim-i ilac charge, Godwin icatified that; ; oil' e iiacl 'rformaMon Hint Flry- ] .int wfc: ••head of a number:- rackc.l. here and was financed by soma j white rnr if’ in its operation. HL .titomey,*. v/. H Yaroorougii.! Jr. of Raleigh, anti jliil Yarborougis' •J Louis, immediately noted on ap- j p-ul to the State Gupmne Court | uid bond was lixeei at i-j.OOO. Bry-' nnt'; bond signed by Charles Smith, Raleigh real estate man. It: the latest trial, tiic cereme t.iiereci no witnesses which began Thursday and v.a- concluded Fri-1 day, "Organized crime is the very best : of organized defiance of the law: 1 COMPLETE PLANS FOB 2-Dfl v NAACP IMCTITinr urnr INollIU•<r ntnfc Spingarn Medal Awarded Bundle NEW YORK -- Dr Ralph ,T~ Bun A hs», acting IJnittd Nations vit; in the Middle F .--•. k?-,s be. •; arded the 34th Spingarn Meri-st : was announced here today L" NatAs ocistion for tb- Advancement of Colored TV-. ■FidWilliam told Bryant tha! (C m'ii -iC’d n;i fiage 8, thiu .sectioni (01 in USES MW i'MME TO Bl iU) \ ll\\K ACCOI M mm i \maoro March Hi An M earn yWl'I under a efnirl rntenre was gl- • in Robert I it Holman, today bv Jutige Allen (I'vyn. Tin- judge sentenced the 29- ycar-fiid man. convicted of ille gal jorsev.inn <m whishey, to ii> months hi jail, imposed a StitOli fine on i;un and tiicn suspended both. Snoc-quently, he directed that the St>(K) line become an an poj ranee bond Holman must pay cadi week for live ycars. '! lien, ii hr lives up to the court stipulations t" remain gainfully occupied suwj remain out «f trouble, the S(*o(t will he turned back to Holman. r ’• i ’ OMEGA SPEAKS R _ The Rev. 11 Johnson, pastor of the Alar tin St. IVptist Church and nicm •< . f he Omega I’M Phi Era - , , rfl i! v. 'alio was the principal i’ at annual ( 01, Charles ! iouni Memorial Day services j «• i)-.ic.'ted» Sunday a! (!:•■ shatv I'nivetMty church under Ihe aus pices of !h; lota lota and licit a. PM Chapt-rs of the fratrnify. (Story on this p a ire t T > SPEAK 111 It I Waiter • Whip-. national cvocutivte secre tary ,-f the National Association ter (he \dvanc went of Coli>-o;l People u iu» will be the p-ir i pal speaker at mass mcotinsr Sunday at ,1 pm. at the Meiiv.H ■ tiiilitorium winch «ill cl wav tot hMfd.iv Southeastern Regional Leadership and Training P.•dilute to ho conducted hv the. N'A VCP in Raleigh on Saturday an 1 Mrmdaj. March and ( Hi RHIWO.VfE’S TO HEAR \DDRESS \\\ R \ LEIGH EDITOR Nf . - sen Obs t V :■( HbiJC.r pic ‘ in- Bunche is cited “for his i.icelc ■; contribution to the settle >',r,t i f nr ed to fuel, in the M;d c.'o E:tf’. <: d ni cndurixg pat: nee i-.dt! . couisuio and stiOessnes n .Wainiiv that goal.* as well as sos his ’work as d.rvev’r cf the n-udivision of -t!-.• United ; IN ti t ions. Till' r.ietf.d. established in U-U4 ‘by the late J. E Sdbigarr long ii-jrjn offositii of the NA ACT, is git - «!• annually to the At■ ,t ■■. Nm;; i deemed to have made “the highest, a* hor’, ni during to-- or- oiing f. j 1 of human rnde.-.-.r ,• It • . awarded, i r vo *r- ~f a w>;; iv.' : -ot l ,v i;vr.-,i prcscnlai op i. ( i.>r. Burn ;w V !i tie on .July 11 u the YAACT’ tO'h anniittl c{>rifi'i') i in ' Am'eies. Calif. The complete j tex' f tin citation. in a ..trife iorr •* .i: •• t, v.'-! • i 1 ! foe ,tt3)iunrnt <>f praee - a n. -.)■•; aciiievement for '' r.oeh the . peojihof --ill nations may ci'-c ' abundant rr. ,k- Achievire'ni of tin; objectiv,- through pairijpik'tfg sod . 1 Ifui negtMUa ‘io'i and ■ fir-i t i: and ores of ancient and bit,- iir>- ,-adal. ii.itiwial and re I i gibus co:-Mr-fs. rcncv's man's faith m bi» ' fell' •■•man. gives use to n'’v.- riope i ! ii- permanent world pence and wnfu im the , oie "f jtiterii.iUniuil p '.c-' w.'ik'-rs £1: !!)•-)!! le-illeet !> ‘■>- ii-s ion. For distinguished _:wA*r .nip in the Mvrda! study hit old in t.islviunint' sections of the lhdU,d ' Natfewi chartci a* Sen Francises. ;Vi i railu-.' -iking efforts as director o the Ur.ited Nation.- i Di-w o-w. *-i-:! oruirinally for his |j: rireles! ennwieution to tne. settle infill of -rtned conflict u, • the 1 middle. East, and iitr rndimng pe(l --i ience, industry, co; rage and sclf !e snßst- in attaining I Hoi goal, the ■ Spingarn Medei, aw a rued annually i ;.i a Negro American for distinguish , eci achievement, i,; here a-'iUi pre | sonteh ip Ralph .1 Bunche. brilliant : -chftlar acting United Nations Jvieo iator in Palestine faithful in'e-rn;. j tional civil servant, and successful (Continued on page 8, this sectmnF I

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