WHITE TO DISCUSS RIGHTS! Future action on the? civil rijrt'U frou;, following lu.-U weckV, ft*■ fevof il > Atir-iin istiation-R'pon;; nrlion a tL ruffe :n Senate Rules which would ha ■ pavo.i Utrt way for ci.actuiort i N't; SATI ItU * V S\ MA'U id L>- SENATE POST ★ ★ * ¥ ¥ ¥ •¥ ¥ * & T*r * * o TYRE AO Y FOR NA ACP MEET 300 DELEGATES EXPECTED HERE TO ATTEND MEET OXfici ■\. • i the R a icli.i j Ist. :h NAACP which is sereine • ost for the 2-da - Southeastern Hf ,; -ri al Lt—titrshig and Trxning Insti tute scheduled for Saturday nd Sunday nn'mie d this v. r* >• that all se«u>'jv nf the •;n'erei.--n ex cept three v. u !l>c held at ‘ > V - Baptist Church The three -o -ions whi'b will be held elsewhere include the Sat urday evening dinner session which is slated to be held ft* she Club Celoaa.de at Cabnmir and Btourd Streets, the Sunday «:-.■■ ■ »>i* se sion which ■■ ill be held Bloodwr-rth Stri •*» YMC’A and the final mass meeting which C -ho ed for Hie Rult M< a v .; Audi torium. More than 300 dc.' R'lieiwi Branch. wiH be in charge of registration Housing for the dvl'wiU- *vbi he arranged through ~ h-usii g >-w tns:tee headed l>y Mi M s ! rMairman of :!. ff• •; :: ■ Cormrii tee. Meals for the delegates n be obtained at toe first Baptist Church, except .( Rocky V«;u ' Robert Carter arsis’ant :p rial counsel. (•-• tod . i be : I'su-i,. ■ (Continued ot page 3- i ■ rvcli'in' N. C. Mutual Head Assails Ebony Magazine Story FOE OF KLAN WAS ONCE KLANSMAN Tallahassee, i“a. (AM’) Gev Kullti Warren was once a hKiabcr of th < Ku Klus Klan ■ but quit the h..- . it order in disgust. Warren, the has dc neunred the KKK and pro poses to outlaw it in Florida, recalled his membership in a statement handed, without ex pi a nation. to newsmen here last week i'he statement said, .Many years ago, after repeat* a re quests by a friend who said \C r ‘iiUnu .‘•knr.C'i o) T/'.ici’lund | i.. - ’xC' . ' hi j; Finrida Sootu ern viilcpio oh: ei v ■ its i-.’th an aub! f( unci', r week celebration. Adiniltins! »h.«; ccgiona! sc! nolf. ’A' !'• f O •>:" V)' M- ''u ’■ *•! J •'<* *’•' •' '• i i *•/ Jl* * - North Car iin.i MutuU t.;*«• 1 ’i"; ~nr<‘ (o, f.'. '■.•eel; 'I - pi; denied 1 lii inane. Mr. Spaukiin;, ais scored ’he nvugazin-: & statements that h* heads ; a 60 million dollar business and lives in ;> $25,000 home as ‘ erron- ! ecus and damaging." H< veaitng that i: >. u.stru Mef’ ; ids lawvcr to demand u. .etra :ior. ; from (he magazine. Mr. Spauldingj raid that ae would be unable to I become a mill! lire on his salary! if he "lived t . be a hundred'’. J ! In discus;- m?, his "$25,000 homo ' i i the Durham businessman said that | ne had paid $6,000 for it and that ] .he had made improvements on it | I eoslinp' ;n the neighbor hipjbd of S- ] j iContinued on page 6- Ist section) ctvil rirhtd program is evpc -'ti d io !>*' di> cussed ity VV.'ilL'r Whip.-, NAAiT o i-ii>nu! -V'.d't.'iaiy xti Hte Uaiuigh IVLmi 'nol Auditor ium S' IK (i tt V. Ml While id sci'filllcd L: : pj>;: K_ .*•!- tljo_ AMBASSADOR TO LIBERIA NAMES! 8? WES, TRUMAN tS/HN' TON tANT) President Truman, this week, sent U the m djlc th;’ r'cnin;! *i',n of FfTwarri I!. Dudley lot .'lie off i' t of tlie first I > andnv ador to Librrij >lr. Dudley is now crying .■ - \nn lean minister to l.ih-fia. His nomination < ambassador fol lows the decision r«- ich fl by (hr guvf * niornts of the ( nib (I s I.iheii i in raise their respective legations to rmSias- Ml' Dudley was horn at South’ Krslen. Va., "id received hi early education in the pul'lii I hoots of Roanoke, Va Ate graduated from Johnson C I Smith college and .V, lohn’s university law ••liro‘ He it attended Ifowaid i'wi> s 1 (n February. u appomteil a'-wiuanl alt. : >.e> general for the >t*|. •»)' N-w j Votk In 1.* I he juii.id Die legal staff «l ’.lit NAAf'P. Dudley was granted leave of absence from the assoc.aiion ill 1945 to serve a , counsel to the guwernor of the Virgin I J ■ tm : . ifi Octoe.«*, he rein ned to the V. S. to take I up his duties as assistant spe cial counsel lor the NAACP. He resigned this post in May, 1948, to become American ' minister to Liberia. jjrw I ... > |i’j!i!;i- mafd nic-'i u:;. . •••tn.uitil.'il lor *> p.ivi. I which will c ! .itna\ !\vo .:->y 1( ishlnr,- hij; and | 1 raining iiv.tinte r.omlt»ct«({ m- fho Sor.it!i • | oast orn Kc.vionp.l ( oni'erenen o!' N A AC!’ j (('ontiruod S, i i.d. m-'-I .n) DR, F, P. GRAHAM NAMED SENATOR BY eev. SCOTT Dr. Frank !' Cmiia-a jna ruleut of the Lo.r-or ,-f N -itb Caro lina and member of the Prv.-ulent': Committee on Civil Rird'.lo. '.'rr-; nanrted to. th-' United Sf.nU ■ Senote ],-t c Tuesdny by Go--. W Kerr frntt to fi’i the unexpired Horn of tr.e i >te Senator J. Melvili*' B ■Ugho O Dr fbahuiia who Is rceogni/etl os one -d the South'.; great liberals was named by Governor tkott in T.. - .1 . rjmht during the O Max Gardner Award t 1 nner at Chapel Hi!!. Although Jji Graham ha lour porter of minority rights, ho hsa con.’-j; tently refus* d to go to ex* trenie.: in the advoear-- of s'pps which in ms own juagen.-rnl 'would jthi-mis-h viol- rt f f.br balm' and !.:f|U'il;t v of educational and yob t.hi epp aition of exu < ruist.. among the ••*n! i Ne,*ro e)cjr.ei.t a In V a n.< nt made f.,d ~g hi, ‘Cvritimied on pag‘- h: mrii-'-u' Tobias, Stassen Speak As UNFC Opens Campaign i J)r Ci ann.ru; li Tobins (iiractc' 1 <■' 1 1" ■ i ’ -St /: !it rid. aon Hi id :• ;>■ .-.sen. Pp siclcnt of the I'l.i. erslty of Pennsylvania, will bo flint n.{ the guest speakers foi the open it:;; meeting of. the <;ixi: iior’.ial United Negro College Fund; | campaign. The announcemet was ado b.v Claijdt A. Barnetf, director of the , Assoc ated Negro Press, who is N - :is anal Vice Chairman. The meet ing will take place at 4 p.m. Tnes ] day Apt il IS, in the Rairsoow Room ;of Rockefeller Center, and will be broadcast over n nation-wide hook* i up. SINGLE .* /Y COPY IOC Xu. \V'•■ ' ■ j. i i f '% . Ei W'- ... jyfiteM- L - ■ 4*T Aft ji tiros mill \!»nc i Stio-.vn Mr, Martha V tj < »u ifj. « iilr.v, of ih G, idO.W'O i )■■■ :o' ■ 'dy ID )■' ol tin c»i ;Uv - c 'll') 1 1. tie : amount ■.c 1 ■ .-G. needed t.> lil! th.' ap s:' U -n in come and 1 e in.; / .<1 or. of, ,n'J nr.-in tain the educa* | turn sl.inuaitis o! the 31 member colleges and universities Inventions to the Fund': nati-e.- |aJ campaign opening have been i-< nt jout by an amki&*.'meats committee J which includes -John D Rod'. Her, Jr., Chairman. Nation 1. <" jeil, Thomas A. Morgan. Chaim./m io£ the Fund’s Board of Directors, jF. D. Patterson. p-eiddent of the j Continued on joe 8 this section B-m 4 •s£?&* ••' .£%: •■ " : "v. ;: „, *. fe>\.. .... vy /- ■ ■■ :r: " . < •■■■■;•: * j : M T - '■= ;v '•<&% • sfe&‘ If I ; >; ' - , -i r -t ;.. : ....,■** .:■ |p> j •*’'" *Kj ; rd v ■Jis*£' : H ■' ■'% ll* • * VFFjiS S P » r 1 A I, I-A Ii;AM l ■ Vr\, hvuu A ■ ent. »hr ivifV• of f M-fl A vo i»t. Vv.h f <»,:<*! v turn?.■:•■*. wlm • r wriiiM 1 ( ,v >»n«i sd .it fiosr ■;» tjoo pOU'PP #1! IL McCfSA i H *i«s.ir MOT IWDfIO nßvt iiu! lluhbi uli FILIBUSTER W. . £i»u 1 \P '•'»!;ji i; ii, 1 :,h<:. t’- CD R. 3 ccr,*' 1 '- National coniniif.tr' 1 oil ait* i>„..-. 'id .’. hir: ■'. hr at 33 A ACT’ fl: • . :>- ■■■• !a : '.v Waiter Whii: he.ro iaot. ws-rk all imun the son.'.fr.r thought ho aw the wcr-T '*at>i n~t -■ nr-ii if." :n ;■ :h- a- r> hhr Al " VVU ’•or !>'.(.♦ just a filer Minority •n. -T that the mate lay a- ;d • tin . Mir . light and adjourn. Upon eisase Whitt hand *3'..Mi tun sec i upon White -vith A• V i * *i Cf *,* ATr/’’* r-, i }-. 4 I Col i tlniKd ‘ on ’ p.ige *8*‘ ihu % cion i: :on 1 cur:or," [it ,:r <■ lender; 01 .Hi -..i;.- of Me and Ironi all ; a' ■ 1" fiiiti.try -.vas virtually ] •.inatioiMu.- tins week in condemn i ■ t;a Scru-ie '‘Compromise” whirl. ..is;. Viren scundod win.* may be rj*’.ith knel! of civil rights !e , '■.latvi!' ii- tin • a'?: ■ ■•it - iii'.Tivft-; f; am border and far ■ ;■ v v rn I.tc Ali icc tin a pop' 1 . 1 i ; termed; a ro-uj'H no j ,;t. 1.; really a v Ktorv 101 the south The IB day talkie.* ! 'lea, ill. Hi e senate majority ■ !‘ ■ Irvin , !/ birjg lip a eh.,:, ••> . • the , rap; rubv »fm < 0 . "f I ha ve halted debate at. any a-' a. of (livni.r.ion by a■ w. ■ h t". : r::. (i nvij u 1 1' • of merr: - ' t • pro ~nt and v■ finp. Under present sen do ruler, tie- ; fa: e j-, jUmi can t'.e halted t. v ■ h ' •>. a third . ' 1 e, but on ,~k trui 'a..' ;11 a n.olisn <0 ei 1 ion rnn : htiltrd Toe .>. a I'.vtial ; < .•» I. it’d:; uv" "o ... : ibis ph.vv: ;: m talking ic .ves thine , just the J' they ,t a Vis (VS oi mkc.ro bkaw.ks Meg. a leader-, i pn .otiUng a v i- j : riciy of polii ! vlevs were oil,: j disr-’iwicd whh action of the !donate ei ih.'.. discussion. William C. Hueslon, prominent u 'Elk official and longtime R.ep;;i>- i lican. said, “i feci like a roan with-.• : j out a parly. ’’ “I felt at sen when I read the recorded vote of so ’ any Ttopub- j : licans, vesting against what 1 con- i' side red necessary legislation to ob-! • tain human lights,’’ Hueston said, i ivlH'ij Ui' ff)U?Ki ' *v \Mi it TO Si NAT? Ur fi ink !’. <. r.th irti president of tin ;e, by (InvfTmi IV, Kirr Scott to College May Buv Old Rex Building n, bt by ft M. . hi. -Ci f,.ib Igh i ‘ ..l i t hr in.a: that .s a '.' Diiive: sify • • cir,. i: I ' dive off'' " T; '.V ike scanty Board r < TTi.sse •neri: approved the s.tie of the lii op( ity a met ' l ii In a M.’.detm.ni M.wriy r.i:,:it lb r;- Ib ' V . I " th.,f the : < bool -. •■ Rni, I e . Inn . to n. vo e'i t.ir.r.fiid, o oifiev. ii.lo ’ " b: * t' : .a- I : i" ' ' " »U '' v. i • nf Hi-" f, ud if 'ii'-"'' '•hi .1 •'; I ic- ■; • • • tin rm t V tii'- : v, *• SCh-aol if.'-' ii:-'' V'-.albi dc-i vn-1 i-.ij lircly upon the adjustment of its progi am. Bocal n.t’mbtr.y of the Board of Trusicts ire: Mr. F. J Ks.-mer. Dr, V. McNeil! Potent Dr. L E. McCauley and M:s? Miny llavw:- Dr. G. O. Bulloch, of Y/te binsß :; D. C is chcirmari of the Shaw iUniversity Board of Trusties, if •: Ik. <:!' tn link srajr- «•« i> vvnit .ihiivc .>Oii i»uml > . it' 1 « »••! sh in In . la'in |ir*n ificJ for ii-'r t" :ri> in uni . :i; of Or hoc • . i iii>m> !■ y K ii l ii•; i ;v. •’til (In ue* v p!M'd term *f ilt-e • ate s'ldloi .1. Melville ih'uit'b !oe Win n vamtiim d i*> Hi seii.it*', !»i (• -iha in v. *H ru;t •er . ; for ti i MiH si\-ycar term, hot v. >ll v tie ,i t-.viv ve.-r .'aiSYi, until R." - iv - i general eleeti: n. S, C.NMCPfSfa 2 COLLESES IB ADMIT ItEBSBES , f.'o!u;,il Hi, ;.j l ANP- 'mV a ; ?.r H .Hr j"! - >(l< v f <: -I ItO'uth If'.,/. > fj A \CV, ... * -l '■>.> iv i, ...e v. • v t.ney ghing -i > do abend ad»iii!;ii:' Mf'a,roes. t.e‘.’.vei I set)!. 1:5 !b’C.’.idfint (H i-i It. 1., i- e of the nk-iiiyga if Cbari-siun and to I'■ wi'-s-.! TTen ry ( Sirns of iViti'.i.ui- col!•'•go for .vo-m v;, Hutton in I he:,o Dt v v aid Uvil Negro 5,1 ude ills ■ Mint - ; vtl Hi at'f-nd both school 1 In ,m.‘ . ; lob .t . ibVv., "d !o ; Use .Chvde&tcn county legfetatwe 1