NAACP PARLEY GEARED TO FUTURE OF SOUTH By DR. J. BUSTEE DAVIS 'President Raleigh CiaiicH XAACP) Vi TuaHy ail ol :he st -si my and panel di-teussioii.": of the X AA'i'P Southeastern Regional eonfei <-i-ce Group's 40-Y ear History is One Os Racial Gain Til • 'forty year lusto: v < " 100 National A- -iat.i- a fat th -\ Vuncement (.1 Copied Pc up! ■ one el service, of constant vp banco and of determined ffo t to do v. .'.at its name anphm, tc iruprevo the lot of the Ncgm m th- United St at: On 1. i.n<: ’’i ■ bit th.lav. loriy yeai:» ago. a group <;i ahi to area .Near.) citizens met. and aypa'led at the injustice-; and Liequalu, tu whah Neg:'.ies ‘. ' .a snbit'C'Sed, iSSUed a call t : natiOfl : eee !,-•. r, v for the nev. al .'■ to !•; ..’it and p iilH’.u liiberty". This marked t s • beginning oi the NAACP. Fd-> th>e. a- .ant pign-Ki tiie m ii-mat ca I i winch v\ an an: we red by Aiin i u.-ii) ■ from ah part; r.t tin country. A DREAM REALIZED Te.. ,!! •a.T, :,f the ortßmai sign , f :’ a 'laid anj w:Wi-mi;l V.d\ of ( li/.-ii-" to fight for equal right;; has pee ;mo a reahtv in a measure fas great: r than ar.'. of the :vt t raid nave flivei ill d. On ;t t«*t Urth ;mnivci sivry, x <; NAACP ; a nation wide rn: iss •>: i ~ni/ a ■■ X mm: • • , Halt .i inn.: a AmeHcJiv: ot e\ ... race. tvcfrJ and color, nurr sentiiia can- oi the m - : t ,v; t forcer c£ I or generatem in sup t . rt ot on u n.r.hta. It- fnrty year icce d e! < ear. pitiOi 11 ; till- N', : ee ■ 'ill' : .... e bidi il - niliciintjy ■a- i»? peers of me ;,e •• dUfim.; die re' ".e.J'f of ! * e . o.tuur Throneh it.: 1600 brni <■ in }5 state-. Di. *: .ot of hum bin m I a- T’ei’i’Ltory eMU aV: the NAA ’P oar: ie; on there:, day st; i; le of tin i-t.L'jO.UO'j •• gioe . i equal jr> 1 iigh.Tr, !v le-gc--- end i«•: p, c ■ Pes i t Am -rican eiti/ensiun THE ANTI LYNCHING DRIVE Striking '>>»M n; tee etas of Nog; o me- t -h*. compared with t -nshti > b>*-ty years at.a it' ideitr aiapnw.Hh the c-ffcctiven ; of the A -turn's it > 'Oitar-i „•< • i - ,-K ! ‘ e i'.an. at 1 t ' • NAACP' :.ustnirn ,i do, i,-. 1 doe! am. Synch;-:;: - . fa n. tin anna, t numb-: -e! deal V- by moo vie ir-nc -l e at-- dea-.t ic.'l.dy redo f: ■ j <.01 iti lin'd turn- to to i last vear. - C’eTiU: aa at ail pee.C T 0 NAACP NATIONS! OFFICERS FOR 'AS ART!ILK it hBIN GAELS Chmetli.'M ol the Bl nil! OR LOUIS T. VVKIGMT V a- 'Alea MRS MAR\ Met.ROD JtKTHCNE iNANNTI. H BUftiiOttGllS GODFREY i.OWEU CABOT vIARR N am i ifT RON HARRY !r DAVIS DOUG 1., AS t- FA! ; 'ONI-.!; Bl'F-.i 1. G (.lAS.IAGHfo REV id!; N A ( = HKG:RFS T C. NIFTTER •REV A (.'LA'.TON POWELL A PHH.U* HANIrOI !-i! REV. JAMES H i-'OBINSON OSWALD < . A!: HI Sr N ViI.i.AHD BISHOP \V J WALLS DR. Aid.AN KNIGHT CHALMERS As- Tn a.- u' Ct DR uVaNNING II TOBIAS Si t i t t a ry WALTER WHITE Ar-istant SuM-ter.) r.dilul The G i-; ROY WILKINS MAhh-iN S JONHS iiu :itive A.v e.n ot spf-t iii! C :i:i: I I TMLFR O; )D MARSH Aid FtOIL i.d L. CARTER. J.iAf N WYNN PERRY FRANKLIN H WILLIAMS KDWARD R. I)t. DLEY - ui .■ nvv> A LKSL'jV S. PEER V Adminirt . in. ■ A* - suit W.i liingti n Ravea'. Gf.OSIER B. CCRR’-NT. Dire.a. ai BrsiTiclKs LF-HOY K CARTER Iti ■-: V Ain DANIEL K. HYfii) A.N NF BROW N Li IE l i !t *>: HAILE ’, A- istnnt Field Seci’t- tu> DONALD JONES, Smiitiweit Re gional SC’crttai-y N W. GRIFFIN. West Coast Hr gional ScrTClai'v LUCILI E BLACK, Mt-mbc-rship .Secretary RUBY HURLEY Y-nnh Serreim-v CLARENCE M. MJ'TCHE)JR . Labor Secretary WALTER J\ OFFUTT. JR Church Shi rt t.ary HEMRY LEE MOON, Director of Public .Relations ; em- . •• $% ''T; TO i J.-iT ( iiTRCTIVKS iu ■ I R Ou-. '.a diiVch); u!' Bi'-d-f. j •, ••-. I-,.--: !.!;■' NaUoriuj A . Ot')aU'mi> ft c; ' ‘if- A ' . mi i!! 11' >; ! ( f { i'm ' i.t . , : u(';r. c oi U'.f An 1?: f 1 r,.i Id *...•? • ’ I’m’ I cl ; : c' evn Rei.: - c.,c! Ooi.fe fm c cl Ihv | FA -• : < c.,. ... ai iU a iU. • s.'fUm Jav. fV I up J { *. ' d ;L ;C 4 : lc:k? ; I ]; . t i... t ?ht; -ikood v Il ■ i Sicri >' A: V 'A- unR-.r : i U . kv.Jt.-rship ol Udvbl i: BvfU, o> - hte t j*' 4 JcM Vt ’ : c ; y p.r Ike Av la - i p v f -c;-'- -e-- imr wk., j : iyUvU!** Hi- (V. ;»:»{)>.>'! j'l {'!}*•! J'i bC*. !;tit; t'-.u ; v jv» tii ivo i«'>.* r»o(i*wO U C :• ” ! . :.t a alia .ah’ i T! ’ form:;: ?. \\t B S . av be I.: K - . n Saturday arid S':Sid;... SEVER FOUNDERS ARE DOW LIVING ! 'il: NAACP .' i . all, ini; i .Men m. Mm Whit . o-.-ingte.n I V . ' I i.i Ca ■ earn V.!;:. I lyaiHt nj th Dei vßm Mi a Ai- i.-t.i,:mt. V/iUinrn L’av I ' (Jan icHi ,way sim-jv.-'i by 51 othtM* l oducH't* f iii)*l it :als. n*'c i’il wu* l . i Os :h 51! ; - -11 id .-:... ’seven svr ’’save ling :n rukiitn-n u, Miss ] Ovmglun and Mr ViL. d Pro'. Derr V. Di \V K 1C Du Lui.r. D-. Hum: a H it. ti eR. v John Hay tier: H arms and Ratiht , Sl.a.ihi n S \V:-.- Serviny the A-muemtion ow r I th.- veart, nv.-ntix’t!? of the 1 i.d Im. i ' ire ’ OT n' ■: ol I H-.'d 1 ; r. 11 ■ ;,- • ntmn out trmding Anmru :e;i.ns, !u:tn Ne.;i > and white. Th" I b'a i ii r. ah , : j■, : , in it.- : inrauj- rrJiip snm,- -,,f the most, ini*>n >;sive naim • n American .fe All n) : 1a- -e ;i;; , ■ I : . i Moorh Irl Shv-v, the l’n.-st jues; ! nent of 1a ■ A. . .hi ,au . ; t-eJSvH’K. toe SprilTgurii b' ilthe ... ! fan 1 !• and Ai l a;r B ; Senate j. thu. Car.per Jane Adda ms, j Chimes Edward Rus.v-11, Mary B. T.’vit fJ:-;> r> Jnhn Hitr.M, Li! !.an IT W..1 i. Chatining H Tobiua. j Klefitl..:' Roust.-ve!*.. A. Philip Harm Id; tot,. Ge'dhey LuwdJ Cabot. ;Phi!in "M ji; ;iv. Rev A. Clayton j Ptnve-i], Sr.. Ohie State Senator : Harry E. Davis. D., Iv.ruir T. j Wright du iir ' Chare-.- F„ Tnn(-V. iJudge Ira W. Jayne. Prof S. !Ka’n.h liar! rv. Waller Retitihe l *. j.ludee Jan ■> Bolin and Bishop i John A Gregg. SAY YOU SAW IT IN [ | THU CAROLINIAN which will e-e heici iii linh-iah this w v(?.k-< nd wni Ik* cose’y identified with pia-bicm which m . *ir' :m I wtil continue to m t-upv attention of the S ml!, 10. many y< ao’ to con:e. m. Uc ■Hi ' wmm - a':- . .’■ . . Jf ; f,: S CD , ' ,p m c '-'V 5 * c. V . • .'. •• U v : v *‘. • v x ' 4 -C;..L; N’...v • -'-s; ' " ‘ - ■ k > D" • : T. ' '/t-MCUa'-'M-. .... . rn ■ ’ :. .CMC,. -> . .^; * I | yUH; ■a; a .m.•’• : .•••;• mtWsSfeYSm’vr.’’SG. 4-i. ~ \ ' 1 . : a ■ ■ ■■■'m : :f. a y " m vaIU h f Pfj| , - - a.:’.. : . - -t f?Cj'Jv -< |«y > |l| & - ■' v ■ ■ : ■: : : IT' - -m ... . :-LA-m ,K yCm-amh .' .. -■>> .-. • • . % .x -..•> >f * <:>C.>-'.-.v.; .- .: .. ■; . ~ 0 :..„ . ' ' ,jmf: ;. ' . | ... "M ’’ v ’'m 'Z* v - m - " . ■ • ■ :.V' v" f;: y c|f.i|| v ' ■fS’4:-. :q - m . a W a; - |■ / ,yv rT ' : xXIm--'U'.. 4 :-- . "iTTTi I! ” - /C ~ ay J- '. ....,, -'a sa A W>, i f ; -•.-- - ; .•. .m;;% • ■ » - * * a y * - mm • a- vy ’ . mS •Y*:t;:aCla a"a; vC a >: -a : ,mvFNyV-\v % 'at wf'< * | ' . , m. , ■x a .ac : .. ..•% Cifl; . m: ,2.,, CS 4 ■ ,A. C V-'*- ' ! %?S :»3|a''’";’' :MS'd r ay •:. >n.G ■*» V *. .«* a- m>.. - am.. _ TO SPEAK Hid V. .L-- - Widu- vi;uie>.:d i-xcn-.aive mmre t;i;• r the N .’ .. : A: >k iai. n NAACP HEAD HAS HELD POST FOR; NEARLY TWO DECADES LAWMAKERS LAUDED FOR JIMCROW BAN New Y,.: a.- Kcvtv gr-itna a Hen a! tile unanimous pasaip ■ ;-v ! .U- C •"!’,( ct;. . ; 1: «;C ai. .- of a bill prohibiting racial s-igrcg-ation in the ..tat* Nu:■ -m l Gua' dv. '■> - W’.liter VV'.m . see:-, u: W a., A a-: Colcrij People. "Otda r das - and indc-.I the Congress of the United States .‘could Ji- pa'.: : a;;i the ex ample el ly. < mne m- :;d m stop ior-ivard.’' th.. NAACP see :etarv yommi nci 1 ( hi.-ter Bowles "tor he, tonh; , . ’ st m 1 in -urgir.,- the* a 1 .i• i■; r. - ■mt mbei's a! Pie Connect cut i. cisiaUU'e •fur airmaunaj; pait> eifi'err;u cr t-> d.-al this r.-’-dy nlm.v ,against r a rim oise: on a.op i j without a -i; nt n.r-; v. L- Gove .'!»<’•!• Fu:V.’,s till I - - I WILKINS TO ADDRESS MIDWEST PARLEY sen TR BEND. Jnd.—An appral jto NAACP rnorruitVY in (he, I civil rights pro r T:tm with ri-nPivori; in :.r effort to c< sel jbitfks toy fallhro of the Senate to i j adopt an >: i'feetlvo ant: iiltbosi. r; : rule will lip jit ode b> Boy WiikioL, ■ NOT SÈE moke Em- .m gregntion ban imnv-d- ; a p • .• eifrettve. ;ttiled as he si«e. id no Lid: 'The action of our' Connecticut. : gislature is pa : ':. ; cuUe iv iu-arlenmg since it cosnc.-.' : i a time when a stubborn griv-.'h e! n ))a:v hye.'ato! ,11 t'.. U. n;m . ..1 the Up;:, i Stales j, Wiiying a violent war against ■a,-. ;Km T ruoan's civil ;u; d ' g-ani. J hope that some ot toe nortnern enutem who arc su;> fxrtinv. the Dixiecrais :u la-s; fight will .he ,m ful v.ilace in our ••. an > Hi: .vc have little w i ..r a n who w.,uld bat gain away the 'ivii sd. of any American mi:,-, t i.,- tx-iitical ad i : w.’-.tllgo *' . assistant' secretary 'of the National i [ Asy.'cir-tion jor the Advat.cement; c f Colored Pc pie. nl ~ .\'l;dv' £ t • f : ■• i. a I training eonfe. core of hise fc.. teetion 3> ’ Those problems, .sha.'jtly pointed up by the past, election and the .subsequent filibuster over Senate rules eh,-mires to open the way for enactment of the civil rights program advocated by President Truman, ■ , jo voting schi doled to be held . .- : the R,heigh Memc.ria! Auditor;'.mi ■ ; : San;;. - alTernoon at 3 p m . vi ar; mo Walter White s;->.TOC..ied Weldon Inhn-on •.'xccnlivv secretary . f die Na i!'■:irii ;ociatii.n tor Itk Atr. , Yr.cut oi C •. a* People. In the .veara which have passed nee, Ins name and effort•: have ‘become «(( closely identified v.-ah the NAACP that to think of one u think of the uthir Veer. prior t being named head 1 ■ l life association, Mr White had 'worked with the organization since thus, whin tv* left hi.' birthplace in Atlanl: itla as-ii a background of racial ....trite anil oppress.on to ae on ement where ''paydays were a ' I problem”, A graduate of Atlanta Univer sity 0916), he has also done post 'laduste v. oi k m econoniJc, arid ' . so( i-.'logy. 11 wait! University in : hr'ill amt Atlanta University in ! 1 i>-53 conferred upon him the hon o:ary degree of Doctor of Laws.; hi 1948 he became the first re- 1 ,eipienl of the Sir James .lea; - | Award by the New don Junior i • Conn.) College. ! A:, in NAACP official ho has in iVi -ligated -It h uchinßs; and tv.« I\ e • : race .tots ami tins v. ritten exten- ; .tiviiv c.ii mob violence in the Ua.-.i- A-d State.;. In 1931, he succeeded James Weldon Johnson os the .As ••■•( ; turn's executive secretary. A- the executive bead of the N. A. C P. hr has served up m 1 j -Many official, semi-official and pn-; •rat rtmMnis&Ums and committee;;! i on various aspects of the race and; (Other problems These ;n.-hided service a-' a con yol'ant at the nrganiXinv r •r.fc-r- ' ‘nee of the (Jnd«l Nation- in Son 1 •Continued on page 8, section If) • climax to the NAACP S o a.,.-: ! cm Regional Confert.-nc, v.-htd’ ! will i.,0 ac,d m Rale f;h i-u NAACP Raps Mayor For Housing Ban Aid Now York lnto; volition bv M.iyo, Martin 11 Kmtv 1-Iy of Chicago to defeat the Carey ro i solution to ban segregation and discrimination in public and .semi ■ public housing in that city was. today -branded bv Waiter Whit:, NAACP .eeretary. as a breach of iuith with ill(‘ p] t ■ of (’]ji ct\g o . To a letter adihv.- d to sir- Mayor, Mr White cites t a- f mer'» testimony that ho intended "to keep faith with the- people of Chicago" and asks "Is theft no in-! ;ail obligation So keep faith • with the Negro eitizi n.v oi you , city who were persuaded to ■ port this program with the under ' .-landing that housing to he da ,v< Mood under it would be on -■ non-discriminatory basis?'' • M ■ White ehuUenftes Konnelly's>tti nipt, to evade -pub responsibility for hou-iny :•> 'be developed with joint public and private ftin-ds. Pointing .-vt the city imposed certain girlations upon tiueh projects, the NAACP official inquires: -Why 'fun ran is not require that. ikk •, housing be mode equally avail aide to citizen • irrerpt'etive of j race, color, creed or national mi yin?" He further challenges the v.< lidiiv of the Mayor’s statement , that imposition of a non-discriin i inatory police would ‘'retard if not romp.’etelv prevent the re ' buildtpg oi Ciiit.if.'.o slums und r are eiostiy linked with the i'utjire, not only of Negro (itiz< ns, of the entire South. Action on tin* part of the suite and i’odt al gov ernment-: as veil as decisions .;)' the courts of the land :• J ". •;/ ;M-d Subi'jv. tfor ivUlntk in u i 1 ip u -Pi i.< •ni , oH*nce rei story '•••■ op-. !K;O id ill >:ectiun 3‘. • t-jis program.'’ The .letter remind.-. I the Mayor that he gave no ao thorny and cited no precedent ! :,,t serious i harriers fho.wn admit one fourth i tfi a ne halt of the region’s res'- dints is even mow so Until tie f iiaeklt - movf j tern com - t': our ci i/eos, they will continue to imp. A-- the pre. j gre-’s of all U cair ciliz.-n.-.. Wen the. Oi 1; i tile Raif igh ‘.Thant h NAACP .-dft • a .t«--.c t!.*•!* '■ e. ■ 1 i !; 1 ut ie- Re- ASSISTANT SECRETARY Ro-. Wilkins NAACP •- f-.t --vrereTaiy .. i;U or ti , po- - i i ' A A ACT’ poUleau-.ii, wt.. 0 bo the pi ...eip.d f.cCake: at teO iv. a i ioii V Midw- v. Re !: tonal C nit l'Pncf which wtb be held during the irn nth e-i April. l! ANQITKT SPEAKER- P, -beet Carter assistant spena! imiv-.e). who .vil! dfsicios civil eight.'. tei’t-- iiiqut. a and legal re arcs.- t. - on • ncr meeting of tbs corderc-nec I which vll be held on s .Itsraey i vc.ilng at 7:30 e rn. durim: the t->. c AACd Soußi-aatern IP, . .1,1 vo t t be held n 1! SEEKS MILLION DOLLAR FUND TO CONTINUE EIGHT ii-. legislative pro a ram. thu ■\ \* C P 'iv' n (‘Std j(ii civil ; right. 1 ’, and other social well are VRislation and jia i'll 1 I p,'i Vi'; st v : UC t.-IV i in 1 such lepislat-'.n T't; -u'-.b: youth program. R ’ b;,s ■-•!..-■! 11;: •i■ j ,n Training young pc- ip'.' t' - ! tidershi.p. In , its cnurch pi •M*r.-tn'i. it nas pro ; rooted thf. cooperat- >n -d' church ;'fireu,ps 1 1n NAACP In n - comm. «n program #- we 'al we!- i 'arc, Intcrrmionqlly, th < Assoc ia • tion bo-, optpo:- d impi.' ini ism in ictci v lurm and wr • rep relented b\ os secretary, Walter White, i as a non gov. to mental adviser to tii;. United Staler delegation to the Parr; srsmn .•! the lbifeted • Nations General Assembly. j I.r its. 4Uth anniversary year, the I NAACP, which has derived its fU • nancial support from memnyr le-hios an f small eonfPhut ions -is TA.kmy a MiHion Dollar Funk: to ! insure the continuance ami cv uonsd'.n - f the program om isien. l-Cbtitinoed or page 8. wetton 3)